Monday, April 21, 2014

Words from People

By the way, most of the have nots already have jobs. So the usual right wing refrain "get a job" is either naïve or disingenuous. As for those of the poor who do not have work, that is the fault of the system which creates unemployment.


In fact, it's the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by a mainly Republican Supine Court, and the new exclusive voting requirements issued in virtually all the Republican controlled "red states", that is setting us back to a Jim Crow era. And as Michelle Alexander points out in THE NEW JIM CROW, a central part of the current evil is the prison industrial complex, fueled by the "war on drug" initially started under the Reagan administration..


Actually, there has been a redistribution of wealth from the common people whose work produced it, to the parasitical corporate elite who expropriate it. THAT is theft. The fact of the matter is that people are working more and harder than they did forty or fifty years ago, but are relatively POORER than they were forty or fifty years ago. Moreover, the great divide between the haves and have-nots is greater than before. And that divide continues to increase. Theft has already taken place. And the thieves are the plutocratic 1%. Wealth must be restored to the common people who created it.



It's possible. But we must BUILD unity between African-Americans, Africans and Caribbeans. We can't expect it t just happen spontaneously. And it must be based on a common struggle and love for one's people.



It's not yet certain whether Hillary will even run. Probably she could beat Mitt Romney if she ran and he was her opponent.....unless the voter suppression acts passed by Republicans in red states prevents (or greatly reduces) the voting of people who usually vote Democrat. That's a distinct possibility. In case people have forgotten, the Supreme Court this past summer virtually gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Or rather they gutted the enforcement provisions,which amounts to about the same thing. Like Frantz Fanon, CLR James was vastly superior as a thinker to brother Kwame Nkrumah. Nkrumah was very perceptive, but James was also profound. CLR James, by the way, was Anglophone, not Francophone. And historically, Anglophone intellectuals (insofar as they were uncritically immersed in Eurocentric culture) tended to feel superior to Africans. Even Garvey showed such tendencies. Psychological effects of cultural imperialism.


 Actually, unemployment is a minority phenomenon in the Black community, though higher than in the white community. Most Black and white men are WORKING CLASS guys, not professionals. I grew up in the ghettoes of east Baltimore, and I've observed that even among the poor you generally have working class brother with low income jobs--not hustlers, pimps, etc. Th4 media is different from real life. The bottom line is that the great majority of Black men who marry out are themselves MIDDLE CLASS brothers with a college education. And so are thier non-Black wives. That's wht the EVIDENCE shows. Let me know if i can make that any clearer. Or I can just suplluy you with some bibliographic information. But it won't come from the blogs, Youtube clips, or dating site info that you and folk like T-BOS normally mistake reliable information or "research. "



In fact, Frant Fanon helped train soldier of Algeria's FLN. And as a THINKER he was far superior to Nkrumah, Nasser, Quaddafi or Ben Bella. Sorry, punk. But you understand NOTHING. But your own right wing drivel ably refute your claim to be a follower of Nkrumah or any other revolutionary African thinker or leader. You're more like Mobutu or Chief Buthelezi. It's common knowledge that Fanon, who fught with the Free French forces against the Nazis, later help train Algerian fighters resisting French colonialism. Mobutu was a traitor, a CIA agent who helped undermine Patrice Lumumba. It is as a traitor that I think you and he are kindred. I' not surprise that you admire him. Yes, he was well paid for his betrayal. You simply sold out cheap.



738493093782 years ago:

Great video thanks. Democratic Socialism all the way! Libertarianism= Every man for himself. I got mine and to hell with you. A me society instead of a we society. Democratic Socialism= A we society. Yes we ARE our brother's keeper. Security and dignity in post retirement years instead of living in cardboard box. etc. etc.


VampiressOnDaProwlq3 years agoin reply to Paul Doty:

@flameworker76 Reichsminister of Finance, Hajmar Schacht restored Gold Standard in 1934, after Conservatives under Hindenberg & SDP Socialists abandoned Gold Standard, 1920's. Hitler wanted Gold Standard to continue but lack of bank gold deposit, lack of money circulation, lack of foreign currency supplies created banking crisis, bank runs & lack of credit & Schacht wanted to partly abandon Gold Standard. so Hitler fired him, 1942. why Nazis constantly seized currency & gold from foreign banks.


VampiressOnDaProwlq3 years agoin reply to chewbaca1989:

@chewbaca1989 a banking oligarch is real. but is it not run by Rothschilds, Green Shields, Red Shields, "Khazars", fake Jews of fictional "Synagogue of Satan", Illuminati, Free-Masons or otherwise International Jews, as Hitler claimed and you Libertarian -Nationalist Social Darwinist- Survival of the Fittest Fascists claim. it's run by wealthy Conservative Free Marketeer English-Nordic-Germanic-blooded Prussian gentile (non-Jew) Predatory bankers who are paranoid against Socialism like you.


VampiressOnDaProwlq3 years agoin reply to joeyzaza3535:

@joeyzaza3535 Nazis hated immigrants too. if you werent born in Germany, you didnt count as human. if you had illness & couldnt work as a Free Market producer, you were a "weakling inferior parasite". Nazis hated Social Justice & despised any Welfare for "weaklings". they didnt allow "lazy" to eat! they'd starve, die off & no longer drain wealth from the Strong Healthy Free Market producers. your Nationalist traditional Conservative cultural ways & Social Darwinist racist sentiment is ripe.


KataVideo3 years agoin reply to chewbaca1989

@chewbaca1989 as far as the other bail outs, they were handled wrong. no bail out should have been issued without a return to the stricter, common-sense regulation that grew out of the LAST time corporate power grew too great and strangled the life out of the economy, the great depression. The only ways to get back to normal is to restore the manufacturing base, and only government can make the initial investments needed to do that. record wall street profits are not being reinvested.'


KataVideo3 years agoin reply to chewbaca1989:

@chewbaca1989 it's very simple: ronpaul wants more and more and more deregulation and more tax breaks for the wealthiest. well, we've seen the proof, several times now. it NEVER EVER "trickles down". no regulation as ronpaul wants will result in greater corporate control, an unaccountable beast that will not reinvest in America, will not give a damn about your liberties nor workplace rights and safety, and WILL use credit agencies and private security to monitor you and your behavior.


KataVideo3 years agoin reply to chewbaca1989:

@chewbaca1989 it's dishonest, off-putting and churlish to twist sentences so you don't have to face the main issue. of course corporations already have too much power. however, the auto bailout worked, saving 100s of thousands of jobs. keeping that heavy manufacturing capability intact was the right thing to do for national security. and the "Obama messiah" thing is purely a conservatard fantasy. no Democrat nor Liberal EVER called him a "messiah". that was rush limbaugh.


KataVideo3 years agoin reply to chewbaca1989

@chewbaca1989 the rich have gotten some of the things that ronpaul would give them in wheel barrows, tax cuts and deregulation. tax cuts and deregulation have been happening steadily since the 1980s. they were supposed to "free" the economy. well? 30 years or tax cuts an deregulation, and where the F____ are the jobs? the "producers", the "galts" (vomit) have what they wanted. and they did NOT reinvest it in America. they kept it. they kept it ALL. regulate and tax them, and reinvest.


FoxMulderXFOxx3 years agoin reply to Brandon Ramzel:

@brandonofthedead conditions in Red China weren't that good before Capitalist reforms either. but that was more related to that it's a Right-wing Totalitarian dictatorship that oppresses essential human rights and necessities to live free, far more than had anything to do with Socialist economics. but its Socialist economics were not implemented in a Democratic enough way either, similar Soviet failures by Stalin.


VampiressOnDaProwlq3 years agoin reply to Paul Doty

@flameworker76 Nazis didnt have central bank nor Federal Reserve. President Hindenberg had central bank (Deutsche Banke) & Federal Reserve (Nationalische Banke) 1920's. SDP Socialists nationalized it, 1927-33. but when Nazis took over, they abolished central bank & Federal Reserve as Jewish conspiracy. Nazi Germany restored the Gold Standard & had four-bank fragmented multi-capital system, privatized networked firms. Deutsche Banke, Bundes Banke, Dresdner Banke, Schiff Banke & smaller banks.


VampiressOnDaProwlq3 years agoin reply to joeyzaza3535

@joeyzaza3535 does not matter to be American or not. objective independent observer is better. American or not, i see patterns. we, like any Europeans look at Tea Party Nationalists & see identical patterns of Germany 1920's-1930's, revealing American version of Germany, emerging now. we know very well the characteristics because we suffered it already. America has not yet. Nazis despised Socialists too & hated the SDP "Deutsch Socialische Parteid". Nazis called Socialists pigs (swine) too!


VampiressOnDaProwlq3 years agoin reply to chewbaca1989

@chewbaca1989 you're like an unruly 3rd grader & i, your teacher, trying to teach but you look at shiny objects or play your Xbox. mandate that business pay insurance, lowers rates. majority of Public Healthcare is arranged so the higher numbers people who pay into it, the more capital to spread around, lower rates, better the quality because no admin costs, far more spent on service & high quality! businesses dont have to provide Health insurance! it's Public. saves business tons of capital!

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