mrequalizer says:
It is really sad, sad beyond belief …
People not standing up for Trayvon. A very smart, drug free young man, innocently walking home in a gated community.
Other animals are attempting to ignore the 911 calls of Zimmerman following him even went told not to, lies about having a broken nose, criminal background of Zimmerman’s and demand that the he go free to shoot and kill others young blacks, right down to the point that this insane animal can actually stalk his victims in their neighborhood.
Make no mistake, Trayvon DID NOT DESERVE WHAT HE GOT. You, your wife, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your community, etc. are not safe from this dangerous animal preying on innocent citizens!
Beware of his family, friends and those demanding a race war with blacks! They will be the next attackers of black people! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!