Monday, July 1, 2024

Faith Issues.




8 days ago

 @nonyabiz12  The “branch” isn’t what matters, what matters is the core doctrine:

God sent his Son Jesus to the world, who lived a perfect life and was crucified. He was dead for 3 days and the resurrected

That is “Christianity”

From there other false religions came about, Islam, Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses

Nothing in the Bible, Old or New Testament, has anything to do with paganism, in fact it is the exact opposite



8 days ago

 @nonyabiz12  That is historically inaccurate. Jesus as the Messiah (incarnation as the Son, death and resurrection) is the foundation of Christianity and branches from Judaism.

What you know today as the Catholic religion is NOT the doctrine Jesus taught nor his disciples (we do not pray to Mary, our salvation is through grace not works, we do not believe in purgatory, and much more). 

I pray that you all stop spreading misinformation which just confuses onlookers who really might be seeking the one true Jesus.



11 days ago (edited)

Your video should be titled "Roman Catholicism is Sun Worship", not Christianity, here's why

1. Roman Catholicism isn't Christian, it's a false Christian religion

2. Hexagram is not a Christian symbol, no Christian church has one up so bringing it up is irrelevant

3. The halo is only used by Catholics, which are a false Christian sect

4. Constantine never mixed his religion with "the Word", I assume you mean the Bible as we know it today

5. Constantine has NOTHING to do with the Bible, as proof that he is not anywhere in there

6. Christianity is based off Christians. Christians are followers of Christ and His Word, simple as that. At it's core, there is nothing fundamentally wrong.

Points that I will address

1. Christmas is indeed a pagan holiday and Christians should refrain from celebrating it

2. Roman Catholics consider Sunday the Sabbath, which it isn't, however, 1st century Christians worshipped on Sunday as memorial to Jesus resurrecting on that day, which is a tradition we still carry today. Personally, I think we should still observe a Saturday Sabbath, 4th commandment and all !



8 days ago

 @nonyabiz12  your argument is basically “we should speak original Hebrew because it is the original true language we used to speak to God in” which makes no sense

Real talk we don’t even know how it’s originally spelt or pronounced

Yahshua, Yahushua, Yahoshua, Joshua, Yeshua, but one thing is for certain, demons flee when the name JESUS is spoken



4 days ago

The "powers" of Youtube don't want me getting this information to you. Look up "salvation" in the Strong's Concordance and it is the name of Yehushua/Yeshua/Jesus. First mention is Gen 49:18 "I have waited for thy salvation O LORD". This is the same word given to Mary to name her son.

I listed MANY examples in my original, but I hope this short response will remain.

Sheol is in Job, Isaiah, and the Psalms.



4 days ago

 @MOTWMB  Yes it is! Praise His Holy Name! The entire Bible is about our Lord being the Savior, it is written all through Scripture. 

Also, I saw your comment about demons fleeing and agree with that 100%. Whether it’s pronounced Jesus or not, He knows the hearts and intentions of His flock, the true believers, when we cry out to Him.



2 days ago (edited)

 @LatrellEdwards-kh8zq  My faith is in the Messiah, who fulfilled the prophesy of salvation for all sinners. Actual ancient Hebrews would not even speak His name because it is too holy. So, at this point, it’s just divisive amongst the body of Christ to argue about names. He knows the heart of each and every one of his sheep. May you be blessed



1 day ago (edited)

 @nonyabiz12  you do know that Catholics and Christians dont share the same views right? You do know that we're different religions? So you clumping us together makes no sense. As Christians we don't have images of Mary nor do we pray to anything else other than the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that's it.



19 hours ago (edited)

 @nonyabiz12  1. You continuously misuse the concept of “flesh” in your understanding of Scripture. As well as selectively avoiding Scripture (like in Romans) that speak about Gentiles being sons of God through faith.

2. God continuously tells the Israelites to take in foreigners (GENTILES) before Messiah’s arrival:

“But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you AS ONE BORN AMONG YOU, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:33-34)

You shall have the same rule for the sojourner and for the native, for I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 24:22)

3. We are adopted into the family of God BY FAITH, and by accepting Christ, thus making us all Israelites.

“Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

Know ye therefore that THEY WHICH ARE OF THE FAITH, THE SAME ARE THE CHILDREN of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.” (Galatians 3:6-9)

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the SPIRIT OF ADOPTION, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:15)



10 days ago (edited)

You’ve presented your case against Roman Catholicism, not Christianity. True followers of Christ know Roman Catholicism is a false doctrine due to their veneration of Mary (goddess worship), works based salvation, belief in purgatory, and much more. Christianity should not be lumped into the points made in this video.

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