Monday, December 30, 2019

Saturday, December 14, 2019

More Advice from Brothers and Sisters.

 Miss Life Lessons
1 month ago
We are visually dynamic ... we are creative and great at everything we do!


Gwen B
1 month ago
The Baba's video was one of the most loving and positive things out there. He was being fair. He was offering wisdom. We should heed it, really. Same for this video as well. The mental trolls are trying to distract, again.

Trojan Pam
@ Just Me

We forget that Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government.. Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super powesr” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons (and It won’t be allowed to have any).

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

If you look at the nations where possession of nuclear weapons is a “problem” for the U.S. or Israel or NATO — they are always NON-WHITE nations.

And that’s why Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from our government so how can we build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

An excerpt from an article entitled:

“Injuries to Okinawa anti-base protesters ‘laughable,’ says U.S. military spokesman” (dated Feb 9, 2015)

NAGO, OKINAWA PREF. – As the Japanese government intensifies its crackdown against demonstrators blocking construction of a new Pentagon base in the Henoko district of Nago city, Okinawa, a senior U.S. Marine Corps spokesman has weighed into the fray by accusing peaceful protesters there of faking their injuries.

On Jan. 22, Capt. Caleb D. Eames, deputy public affairs officer for the Marine Corps Installations Pacific, likened demonstrators to play-acting professional soccer players: “The attempt to appear injured is laughable when you see it in person,” he said.

The contempt the U.S. spokesman has for the Japanese protestors is obvious.

Japan has good reasons to want those bases to leave. They know if or when a nuclear war breaks out between Russia and the U.S. that those military bases in Japan puts the Japanese right in the cross-hairs of the Russian military.

More evidence that racism/white supremacy is a GLOBAL system, not a bunch of prejudiced kooks running around “hating” people. It is a SYSTEM that in no way whatsoever can ever be compared to what so-called “racist” black individuals could even dream of doing.


1 year ago (edited)
Cyn G is more sophisticated than a Sotomayor or a Karazin. She mixes some truths about the evils of white racism plus she adds false generalizations about black people. She shows these generalizations in her Youtube titles. She has titles like Why do black men compare themselves to women, do black women care about their health, or why are black men afraid of white men. We know that these titles only inflame tensions, don't advance constructive solutions, and advance lies since I know tons of black women who love fitness. She always claims that she doesn't mean all black men, but she said that she refers to a majority of black men in such negative terminology. That's a lie since most black men aren't afraid of white people. Black men and Black women are victims of racial oppression. BM and BW are to be treated with dignity and with respect. Also, the slavery revolts, Black Wall Street, and modern movements today document how black people have resisted injustice. We have used action before and we continue to use action now in our quest for black liberation. Also, she has contradictions. She claims to not believe in God, but Cyn G follows astrology and Voodoo. She claims to be for black love , but blames dark skinned black people for colorism, which is a slanderous lie. She claims to not date white men, but admitted that she once was paid money for being a companion to white men without romantic favors involved. There is no way on Earth would I get money from a white woman for companionship period. I love black women. Therefore, it is what is. You will notice that Cyn G will debate the most decrepit character filled & viciously sexist black males instead of very intellectual black people. I a'int Jason Black. I know my stuff from stats to history. Yes, Cyn G is not representative of every Sister as tons of Sisters desire freedom without pessimism and with a love of the total truth. Therefore, keep on doing what you're doing Sister. People know the truth.


African Commoner
1 year ago (edited)
Yesterday Cynthia said Nat Turner didn't fight against White systemic oppression of Black people.

The last caller on her live which she hasn't posted yet for some reason (probably editing it lol) made great points and was being polite and respectful and she claimed the Black Liberation Army was fighting for integration, and that the Black Panthers were originally formed to fight against police brutality and racial harassment thus that wasn't them fighting against systemic oppression . lmfao

heather Washington
1 year ago
Cynthia G is an AGENT. Simple as that. I knew she was an AGENT when she didn't respond to ANY of my posts to her. I don't care about her and want NOTHING to do with her anymore........

1 year ago
I loved how Pam would always get straight to the point. She was never afraid to speak the truth. Whether you were offended or not.


Trojan Pam
Interesitng post.

I think this is a very, very, very important topic because the white supremacists love to pretend that all people do the same things but they never pretend that all people are equal. I have a long response so I’m going to break it up into two or three parts.

White supremacy is Racism. Racism is White Supremacy. White people are the ONLY people on the planet who have devised a SYSTEM to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This SYSTEM embraces EVERY aspect of human existence — education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

That is why black and non-white people CANNOT BE RACIST. We do not have a SYSTEM — the power or the institutions– that allows us to mistreat people based on color. Of course, black and non-white people can be PREJUDICED (meaning to pre-judge) someone based on color but that prejudice is limited to what that INDIVIDUAL can do to another INDIVIDUAL.

In fact, most of what black and non-white people do and say is BASED on what they LEARNED under the system of white supremacy – a GLOBAL system that includes India and Japan and their skin color madness. That is NOT ‘internalized racism” because black and non-white people cannot practice “race-ism.”

A more accurate term (in my opinion) for a black person mimicking white racism would be “anti-blackness” or “self-hatred” or “anti-self” but it is NOT racism because we do not have the systems to mistreat other people. Words are important. We should NOT include ourselves as complicit in the practice of race-ism anymore than a concentration camp prisoner who have been brainwashed (gone insane) against his or her fellow prisoners should pretend he or she created the prison or is responsible for its existence. Let the white people responsible for creating and practicing racism TAKE ALL THE BLAME.

Part 2

Race-ism is the practice of mistreating people who are not white based on the man-made concept of “race.”. “Race” did not exist before white supremacy. The so called “people of color” did not call themselves “people of color” before white supremacy. Nor did they call themselves “brown” or “black” or “red” or “yellow.” They called themselves whatever they wanted to call themselves, and those names were based on where and how they lived.

For example, a group of people might call themselves a word that meant ‘people of the river” if they lived near the river. They never based their identity SIMPLY on what color they were and everyone was fine with their color and hair and skin BEFORE WHITE SUPREMACY because everyone pretty much resembled each other.

The only people on the planet who weren’t happy about skin color (including their own) were (and still are) white people. Even Mark Twain wrote an essay basically about how unattractive white skin was compared to the skin color of black people. (google it).

That’s why I believe ENVY is a huge part of the root that formed the tree of white supremacy AND why there is such a desperate NEED on the part of the white collective to feel superior to people who aren’t white.

If you know you’re superior why do you need a SYSTEM of oppression to guarantee it? And why do you need to make other people feel inferior to you if you really believed you would be superior even without the system in place? I think the answer should be obvious.

From everything I have seen and studied I have NEVER found a single SHRED of evidence that anyone has ever created a system of skin color supremacy other than white people. I have found no evidence of “black people” EVER creating a SYSTEM of black skin supremacy, or “brown people” creating a SYSTEM of brown skin supremacy, or “yellow people” creating a SYSTEM of yellow skin supremacy.

Certainly, people have waged war over regional or ethnic or religious differences, but those people NEVER went all over the world and decided to rob, rape, and murder people SOLELY based on the reason than someone looked “different” They have never created SYSTEMS that created the appearance of inferiority.

the ONLY people have done this are white people and the PROOF is a historical FACT.

Native Americans (many of who were BLACK), welcomed the visitors (invaders) and taught them how to survive and taught them a form of government they DID NOT HAVE in England (which they took credit for). When whites went to Africa, the Africans didn’t savagely attack them or rape their women, they welcomed the INVADERS, not knowing that was the worst thing they could have done. The same was true in New Zealand, Australia, Latin America, etc.

If so-called “people of color” had the same mentality and nature as whites, they would have wiped the white invaders out as soon as they stepped foot in a ‘black or brown or yellow’ country.

And there would have never been a system of white supremacy.

Trojan Pam
@ AlanDavis

President Obama is NOT In charge of white people. He is a PUPPET of the white supremacists/bankers/globalists (like all presidents are)

and he is certainly not telling the most powerful whites in the nation what to do. They nominated him, they selected him, they vetted him, and they financed him — which means THEY CONTROL HIM.

and anyone so naive as to think the same people who have the power to put you in a powerful (appearing) position are now taking their marching orders from you,

well, I have a bridge I’d like to sell them.

That’s why President Obama and his wife, First Lady Michelle, are targeted for so much ridicule and racism — because the white people in the government and the media know the REAL DEAL — that he is still a “n**_r” in a white supremacist system and that he has NO REAL POWER TO STOP THEM FROM DOING IT.

I’ll ask you the same question I’ve asked countless whites over the years and have NEVER ONCE received an answer

name one thing that black people — as a group — have stopped white people — as a group from doing that they had a RIGHT to do? For example, denying them the right to work, own a home, live in a certain area, get a just trial, an education, or use any public facility.

(and I’m not talking about people “harming” people. A black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock because he doesn’t like white people but that is NOT racism, that is an INDIVIDUAL acting as an INDIVIDUAL and there is no SYSTEM in place that will support his right to harm you, In fact, he will go to JAIL.

However, white policeman murder black people on a DAILY BASIS and get away with it because there is a SYSTEM in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison SYSTEMS).

So, let’s stop playing word games.


 Trojan Pam
@ resw77

AlanDavis’s response is another pebble on the mountain of evidence that there is nothing black or nonwhite people can say or do to change the racist white mindset, which collectively is a SOCIOPATHIC MINDSET and is genetic in its origins.

If it wasn’t how is this behavior MIMICKED all over the planet wherever whites come into contact with non-whites even before mass communications even existed? How can their behavior be the same no matter where they go if it is NOT a part of their genetics?

By sociopathic, I mean they feel NO REMORSE for their own past AND current history and atrocities AND have no problem benefiting greatly from the exploitation and mistreatment of non white people all over the planet.

It’s not that they don’t know what is happening to nonwhites at the hands of white people — they JUST DON’T CARE.

This is the point I have tried to make over and over with nonwhite people that it is largely a waste of time to try to make white people “feel” or change what they think, say and do. Too many people much more brilliant than myself have tried and FAILED.

Instead, non-whites need to educate ourselves about the SYSTEM OF WHITE SUPREMACY — that people like AlanDavis denies even exists Because that is HOW they keep the system going the same way a criminal mob organization denies that the Mafia even exists even while they’re committing criminal acts.

And when we complain about our mistreatment, they call it “whining”

Much like all SOCIOPATHS do when it comes to their victims.


Kushite Prince
@Trojan Pam
“Certainly, people have waged war over regional or ethnic or religious differences, but those people NEVER went all over the world and decided to rob, rape, and murder people SOLELY based on the reason than someone looked “different” They have never created SYSTEMS that created the appearance of inferiority.

the ONLY people have done this are white people and the PROOF is a historical FACT.

Native Americans (many of who were BLACK), welcomed the visitors (invaders) and taught them how to survive and taught them a form of government they DID NOT HAVE in England (which they took credit for). When whites went to Africa, the Africans didn’t savagely attack them or rape their women, they welcomed the INVADERS, not knowing that was the worst thing they could have done. The same was true in New Zealand, Australia, Latin America, etc.

If so-called “people of color” had the same mentality and nature as whites, they would have wiped the white invaders out as soon as they stepped foot in a ‘black or brown or yellow’ country.

And there would have never been a system of white supremacy.”
!00% Correct! Does anyone disagree with this? I find it very difficult to do so.


Trojan Pam
@ Kushite Prince

when people accuse black people of being “just as racist as whites” they NEVER give any real examples of this “power” that blacks allegedly have over whites.

All they can say is, well, a black person cussed me out and called me a “honk*y!” or some black person (usually one person) said or did something which may or may not have happened because they were white.

If a black criminal robs you on a street corner, they’re not doing it because you’re white, he or she is robbing you because he or she wants your money, phone, etc,

but they call this “black racism”

Even when black people have powerful “titles” they still cater to white people and are still following their orders from their white bosses but as soon as the black person does or says something white people don’t like (like Michelle Obama talking to black girls)

they call this “black racism”

It’s so bad that even black people are calling other black people “racist”

“Oh, so and so said something unflattering about white people so that black person is a racist!”

that’s why it’s important to know the definition of words and how they’re used to confuse and deceive us.

Stuart greaves
3 months ago
In a system founded on anti black racism, Black self love is defined by the left & right arms of white supremacy as hatred. Remember, White supremacy (using both arms) always takes accepts & promotes both side of any argument.
This strategy along with others keeps the opposition CONFUSED & so DEFUSED.
Remember guys, again, Neely Fuller - 'Until Blacks understand the system of white supremacy, everything you think you know will confuse you"
Do not look to other groups to support your arguments take time to explore your own logic and reasoning (always leaving emotion and prior judgement off the table) as it is more experienced in such acts.
Trust & believe


Kimberly Fraizer
2 months ago (edited)
I detect a lot of jealousy from some in the black sector in Youtube. They are upset because Fantasia leveled up like Ciara did. in spite of, she overcame in spite of. And I'm very happy for her.


TKC tkc
2 months ago
GREAT VIDEO!! We need more constructive discussions like this in the community. Especially in youtube where a lot of content creators have never been married, and yet want to speak negative about marriage. I believe only people who ARE married, are qualified to give a word on marriage. The same way that only a business owner, can give a word on owning a business; or only a homeowner can give a word about owning a home. I will like to see more Black Youtubers who are currently married make videos about how Black men and Black women can build a relationship up, and make a Black marriage work. We need that.


1 week ago
The devil (Zimmerman) is trying to temp Trayvon's family to hurt this agent of darkness. He is not worth it. He is doomed for hell. That's how I deal with agents of darkness I have come across in my life. Vengeance belongs to the most high. Let the wicked continue to be wicked, and let the rightous continue to be rightous. At the end both groups will get their reward.


6 years ago
I have discussed this with other pro black women, the reason why you see BW with WM who are significantly older than them is because many of these WM always had a fetish or desire for BW BUT, in order for them to move up in White society, they must do their due diligence to white supremacy and create a white legacy first.  I'll leave this quote here which perfectly sums up the reasoning....

"These White men do their duty for the race first. They marry White and have White children. Later in life when they are older they get the "hot brown sugar" they always sexually craved in their younger years, but were not established enough to have. This means they still needed the approval of the White community in order to access and take full advantage of White privilege while young and still financially and socially vulnerable.

By the time they marry the Black woman they are at the end of their career or have obtained enough during their career that they can survive without the approval, backing and connections of the larger White community. Basically, the marriage to the Black girl is done just for them and is likely the fulfillment of a long dreamed of fantasy."

If you listened to the whole video, I suspected the black female caller that is separated from the non black physician was significantly younger than him. She did mention that she has to go back to school and pretty much start over. Many of these older WM would never deal with BW in their prime but once they past their prime, they go after much younger BW and waste that BWs prime years. Last example is model Lanisha Cole, she married a really old WM whom of which shes been with for years. She is now divorced because he never wanted Black children and she is now at the end of her prime baby making years.  This phenomenon is pretty insulting to BW and it just shows that PAM was right in her book. IR non blacks are the most racist.


Kimberly Fraizer
1 month ago
I like Florida Evans due to the fact that she had principles and she was a not only strong but she was vulnerable in alot of respects. Good Times was one of my favorite Tv shows that I use to watch with my Mom.


2 months ago
I have to defend my girl, Fantasia, ALSO as a music lover, because I've always said that she brought more SOUL back to the R&B/Soul music that was being made by younger artists (although she's, now, in her 30s)


@ King

who said, “The problem with what TrojanPam is suggesting never seems to work. Try starting a Black business and trying to get Black people to spend their money there just based on a shared “Blackness” with the business owner.”

I agree BUT the reasons this anti-blackness exists is due to our 500 years of anti-black programming UNDER the system of white supremacy.

Do black people believe this animosity toward each other is genetic? That we were born this way? That before white colonization/white religion/and slavery, that we hated our hair and skin and noses and lips?

of course not.

YET we seem to want to gloss over the ORIGINS of our psychological illness and downplay it for what reason I have no idea. How can we change where we’re going when we refuse to understand where we have been?

I’m not obsessed with white people, BUT I realize that this white system dominates every aspect of my life, from the quality of education, the quality of food and life and medical care and city services I receive, the taxes I pay, the salary I get, and whether I get or job or not, etc. e — and that is true for EVERY black person in this country, regardless of income.

There isn’t a single rich black person in this country that got there WITHOUT white people giving them a contract, a salary, or a syndicated TV show (Oprah). Every black business person has to go to white people to get resources, a license, a business loan, a checking account, etc.

And when a “rich” black person displeases them (hello, Wesley Snipes, Aresenio Hall, and Tiger Woods) they will show you WHO is in charge.

That’s why I say and will continue to say that UNTIL we understand the system of white supremacy, and how it works, we won’t find any solutions.

Somehow, we better wrap our black heads around this anti-blackness problem and find a way to get along and support each other

because a real economic change is coming


@ Ebonymonroe

I have observed the ramping up of the white supremacist media pitting black males against females over the last ten years. If you look at the movies and TV shows and even TV commercials, there is a consistent image of the mean and untrustworthy black female (h*o) picking on and putting down black males.

In contrast, there a TON of images of white females befriending and loving and laughing with black males

and this reminds me of the tactic used by the government in the 1960s, something called the Moynihan report, that blamed black females for “emasculating” black males

and unfortunately, some males fell for it.

What is happening — I think — is the white supremacy system is using black females as a SCAPEGOAT to redirect black male frustration and rage caused by unemployment, incarceration, police brutality aka RACISM to US, instead of to the white people responsible for the black man’s oppression.

and unfortunately, some are STILL falling for this OLD TRICK.

because it is a SAFER ALTERNATIVE to blame black females instead of confronting white people and dealing with the scary consequences.

It is sad that some males think black females have all this “power” to oppress them (?)

but some people will have to learn who their REAL ENEMIES are the HARD WAY


@ all black males

If I may add one more thing (and please forgive me for posting so much but some of Abagond’s topics really hit HOME with me)

Please, please consider what I’m about to say;

Black females are the MOTHERS of the next black generation and if they are constantly and relentlessly DEGRADED they cannot properly raise OR civilize their black children.

For a woman to be ABLE to CIVILIZE her children, she must be treated in a CIVIL MANNER. So, the way that black male REFER to black females is SUPER IMPORTANT in how the black female SEES herself and HOW civilized she behaves and what kind of MOTHER she will become.

That’s why the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (and Muhammed Ali) spoke about this so often. Because he was a black man who came out of the most brutal racist era and he knew what the dangers were of degrading your OWN women.

There is NO WAY black people can civilize our black girls who will one day become black WOMEN when they see black males calling them foul names and/or degrading them

and most of the black females today under the age of 40 have grown up hearing the LANGUAGE of rappers about black females and have SEEN the imagery of so many famous black males choosing anything but a black or black-looking female

(and I don’t mention white people in this because they have ALWAYS degraded us AND if black people DEFENDED each other, I personally could care LESS what white people said)

One last thing to consider:

These degraded black MOTHERS are raising the NEXT GENERATION OF BLACK BOYS and if YOU teach them to HATE black males because they believe you are DEGRADING them instead of protecting and DEFENDING them

these DEGRADED black females may ONE DAY take out their HURT FEELINGS on their BLACK SONS

(Unfortunately, I have SEEN this happen)

Hurt people hurt people.


@ Mstoogood4yall

That is a trick white supremacists have successfully used on the american negro from day one. Pitting field against house slave. Black males against black females. And we still haven’t seen the trick they used, I think, because we don’t want to see it because once we stop blaming each other, we’d have to confront our real enemies and do something about it.

and that SCARES US TO DEATH, especially the black male because he knows from experience that racist white man and racist white woman will put a hurting on a black male.

Daniel Moynihan, a white Senator in the 60s (I think) came out with a “report” that said the black female ’emasculated’ the black male — putting ALL the blame on the black female for the black male’s “condition” during segregation (????)

and many black males have been riding that TRAIN TO NOWHERE ever since. Holding black females accountable for what white people are doing to them (???) and saying we “conspired” with white females against them in the racist white woman’s liberation movement. I never met a single black female who called herself a “feminist,” — like you said, most were too busy trying to hold down the home front, working a job, cooking, cleaning, AND raising the children.

YET these same “revolutionary” black males who were accusing black females of everything under the sun, never called out the the white female for being a racist

because they were too busy sexing and marrying her to accuse her of anything and I see some are still doing that 30 years later and all I can think is — What kind of utter madness is that?

Over the years, I have heard some absolutely insane things come of black males’ mouths, like, “The only free people in america are the white man and the black woman” and “the white female is just as oppressed as black people”

and that used to TICK ME OFF to no end, black males showing MORE empathy for white females than for the females who RAISED and LOVED and EDUCATED THEM

And I would always challenge that MADNESS because the last time I looked i was still a n**ger and was still being mistreated, stereotyped and sexually and economically exploited and I D sure wasn’t “FREER” than the white female (!)

Then I began to understand WHY so many black males had bought into the LIE:

to make themselves feel better about being oppressed and to hide from their OWN FEAR of challenging their white oppression

Just blame ME — a black female.

Black males like Sotomayor and his “supporters” are like watching a black male in a sinking boat who is just minutes away from drowning, and his only response is trying to hold the head of the black female under the water to make sure she drowns first instead of trying to plug the holes in his own boat then pulling her into the boat to help him plug up the holes

That to me is the best description of the MENTAL ILLNESS that plagues many black males in america today.


Shanequa says:
December 6, 2016 at 12:07 am
@ Timothy

Fidel Castro to Gaddafi were no different from any other racist Non BLACK Africans who disrespect & use BLACK Africans for their own benefits. “TO ALL BLACK AFRICAN PEOPLE WE HAVE NO FRIENDS.” Our people are brainwash & suffer from low self esteem to even allow Non Black African people to manipulate us.

Here is a nice link of the arab king of Africa Gaddafi.

“We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,” Col Gaddafi said in Rome.

Colonel Gaddafi of Libya has continued in this tradition albeit masquerading as a Pan-Africanist amid his relentless attempts to Arabize Africa since the early 70s.

Gaddafi has brutally deported thousands of Africans.

During his Rome visit, Gaddafi asked the EU for 5 billion Euros to block Black Africans from Invading Europe and turning the continent into “another Africa”, which for him is a continent of starving and ignorant black barbarians.


A Story from a Brother:

Story time:
               I remembered one night I went to a lounge and saw 3 women and sat by them. One of the women who caught my attention was a beautiful sister. She didn't give me any opening when I tried to speak to her at first. But then after a while she loosen up a little and we made light conversation. Amongst the women was a white one, she knew I was trying to get with the sister then suddenly she put on the minstrel show, and started rapping along with the hip-hop song  going on in the background trying to impressed me. I got annoyed and  ignored her more. And when I tried to maintain a conversation with the sister, she went on full-cock blocking mode and straight up clowning.

So I pointed to a white guy and told her to go talk to him. She gave me a whole run down how she never dated white guys. After a while I just ignored her completely and she just could not take it anymore. She just straight up call me the N. word in front of everybody, no rhyme no reason. She caught herself put her hand against her mouth. Then she started crying saying how it was unfair the way i acted toward her, blah blah blah!
So I got up and warned to the black sisters about these phony white women acting black. I just paid up and left.

BUT What I learned that night also helped me to understand the audacity of many of these white women --- this idea that they feel as though they have a have a limitless access to the many black bodies of black men to do as please.  And also an endless supply of white men, and black men upon whom they classified different objectives: white men for procreation. Black men the sexual pet to have around when she is bored.
These white women do feel that black women should wait for them to get Lion share when it comes black men then then the sisters get broken ones(the gangster types) to start the vicious cycle of broken black families. Hence the welfare system.

These white women know how to dull a black men psyche especially if he is weak beta male and reduced him to a zombified shell. These snow rabbits are not as feminine as people may like you to be believe.  They know how to use the system to pray on these black men innate fear once they get them behind closed doors.

But something about the sister(not pandering) just stating the obvious truth: the attitude and the sassiness in a more fun positive way of her female demeanour is something white women can never duplicate. As well as the goodly nature in both lower and the higher chamber of a black women psyche can not be said for other race of Women. A black man is 1000x way more safer with BLACK FEMALE by his side than other type of women as is my personal experience. They have to tried to aligned some of these qualities with Latina women but I have not found that to be the case..instead I have a few Cardi B like actors caricaturing the black females ways to attract black men.



@ sondis and solesearch

It is the ATTEMPTED SEXISM of some black males who are ATTEMPTING to imitate white male sexism against white females.

I say “ATTEMPTED” because practicing sexism requires POWER and black males collectively do not have POWER in a white supremacy system

They can’t stop black females or anyone else from living, working or playing where they choose to live, work or play


most black females are DOING BETTER than black males when it comes to education and economics

and that is where a lot of this resentment (even hatred) comes from, that the black male has been TAUGHT by example, that a man is supposed to be “above” his woman and the black male has never experienced that due to the white supremacy system

so due to his FEAR of confronting his true oppressors (racist white man and racist white woman) he takes the EASY way out by trying to oppress (control and degrade and belittle) the ONLY PERSON IN AMERICA that he thinks he can control, oppress, and degrade without suffering the WRATH of white supremacy system

the black female

The black male starting with slavery has neve been able to fully function as a man and had to watch the white male rape and abuse and degrade his women and children

and so to salvage his self-esteem and his sanity he decided they weren’t worth protecting or saving. I give this story in the book, “Black Love Is A Revolutionary Act”

and so we are still acting out our SLAVE OPPRESSION some 150 years later, this POISONOUS DYNAMIC of SELF-GENOCIDE on both a psychological and economic and sexual level.

as far as Sotomayor having some “valid” things to say, hell, a white racist can say some “valid” things about black people, and black females could say a hell of a lot of “valid” things about black males

but that is beside the point. The real issue — to me — is do black people want to survive what is coming? Do black people see the need to overcome our manufactured “personal” differences — because NONE OF US are free from defects

It is ridiculous to me for ANYONE to justify the VERBAL DUNG that the Tommy Sotomayors spew into the air just because they have met some black females they “didn’t like’

So what? I’ve met some black males I didn’t like but that would be NO excuse for me to spew filth all over the Internet about ALL black males and the black males who are “kinda” defending Sotomayor, I GUARANTEE you would NOT be defending me

It is SO absurd to me that any black male in america would waste precious time and energy bashing black females when it is white people who are putting him out of work and putting him into prison, and who control a system that would allow white cops to pump 100 bullets into unarmed black males and females while allowing Zimmerman to walk free after murdering Trayvon Martin with a 9mm

and any black male who thinks I’m the biggest problem he has…



Anthony Williams
1 month ago
You are absolutely correct my Sister! There is no limit to our creativity. Whether it’s painting, music, writing, athleticism, oratory, the culinary arts, mechanics, etc. The list goes on and on and on. It is all a part of the the wonder and glory of us Black people. We just have to embrace ourselves to our fullest.


Kushite prince1
1 month ago
T.I. is just an actor playing a role. They’re trying to make him into some type of Malcolm X wannabe.  He’s fooling the masses of brain dead zombies.  Gloria is a known demon. She can never be trusted at all. They all play different parts for the world stage. And people who aren’t awake will fall for this nonsense.  It’s all designed to distract and divide everyone. It keeps us fighting over race,class,liberal,conservative etc. When the reality is that all these rappers,singers and politicians are on the same side.  They worship the beast. And they’re leading us all to the slaughter.  You can’t trust anyone on television that’s given a platform to speak.  You must sell your soul to become famous. Take whatever they say with a grain of salt.  They’re all soulless demons.


7 years ago
Factor in that the playing field was not level from the beginning.


8 years ago
@ all who read this

l started to delete Fairway61's comment then i thought, no let it stand so black folk can see what kind of white mentality\ we are dealing with. He can't deal with the facts, which is typical, even though these aren't MY facts, they come from reliable sources, which I give for anyone to check out. See, most whites don't want us to know what is happening to us because they are TERRIFIED that we might get off our a___ and do something about it as a UNIFIED GROUP.


1 day ago
Smh...this radioactivity apocalypse is extremely upsetting and worrisome for me!

But, I appreciate AND value all of this useful helpful life saving information.

The sad fact and reality is, is that it's getting more and MORE difficult to survive on this planet.

Every day there's seemingly another hurdle to jump through and another roadblock set up against us to kill us all off!

I don't want to start panicking, but it would be logical and understandable if I did...🤷🏽‍♀️

I will admit that Im worried...and VERY much so.

I've even changed my diet to foods that are alkalizing and non inflammatory...ONLY.

Fresh foods, as organic as possible are key and essential.

I am in a constant daily battle to stay alive and to inform others who I love and care about of this deadly energy that has us all in a death grip!


I'll keep trying and doing my best to avoid it....that's all I really can do at this critical point in time.

Thank you Sister Ajali.❤..great GREAT invaluable information, advice and thoughts..🔥

☺️🤭...and yeah, 😂😂..
I'm the one (at the time) who suggested FRYING the avocado...😂😖🤭
Of which I NO longer do..that or anything else is fried in my house..👏🏾