Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Word of Encouragement to us (who are African Americans. I am obviously an African American)

 Note by Me: I believe in Pan-African unity. I believe in Pan Africanism and celebrating the Black African Diaspora. Africans, Afro Caribbeans, Afro Europeans, etc. are our Brothers and Sisters. Also, I believe in putting respect on African Americans' names. Here is one person's words of inspriation.


By Timothy





20 hours ago (edited)

It's Sad 😕[but Phunny af😆😂🤣] that the "Attention" we [so-called" Black Americans get.. triggers "other nations (or races) as well as, "other (so-called) Black sub-groups" Caribbean, Afro Latinos etc.🤨


Think about it🤔 whether Good or Bad attention 

•We dominate the News

•We dominate sports (whether local or global)

•We set ALL social standards (modern vernacular, fashion, $wag & etc.)

•We dominate the comment section in NEARLY Every video or subject matter 

•We dominate Music (& Always have)

•We influence nations & groups on HOW to sing

•We influence the world on Dance

•We Sell the Products & Our "stamp of approval" of Products makes other millions & billions of $

•We are "the ones" that ALL Parents warn their children to "stay away from"🤨.."the talk" [this includes Middle Eastern nations, Caucasians, Latinos, Africans, Asians, Pacific islands, Caribbean islands & Any other (so-called) Non-Black or (so-called) Black (but, Not American or indigenous to America) collective]

•We are the MOST influential yet "Hated-On" & we are the recipients of thee Most consistent amount of "slick-talk" or "crunchy-behavior" facts!

Meanwhile,.. the World watches Us like the healthy-strong plant that grows from a crack in the concrete🤔😆...despite the obstacles & disadvantages placed against Us.

It's Attention...that triggers others...

Our Strength is On display..right along with our weaknesses & short comings... Most of Our weaknesses & short comings can be explained or theorized [whether our Fault or the system Against Us or a combination of Both🤓]..

But,.. the Strength is a Mystery to all others watching 😉..and there's a  Specific Beauty on display when Strength Shines...

It triggers people 😎😉

[I speak of "Our Strength & Beauty" from thee Most humble perspective]




Iyapo Yapa

1 hour ago

Sister Ajali, Takata knew their airbags were dangerous and admitted to it.

And five major auto manufactures also knew and continued to use them.

What does that have to do with anything you are talking about in this share?

For some reason, we, collectively tend to listen to the “party line”, we take corporations and a lot of what the government, or governmental organizations say at face value. There are more than enough instances of being directly and blatantly lied to that can be pointed out… (I tend to use the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment as a good example). Or what the Japanese did to their own people at Unit 731 (experiments so horrific that they would rival and surpass many horror movies). And yet these things happened, were originally lied about and covered up.

My point being that (and I have said this many times before), these people, departments and organizations lie to the public AS A PRACTICE, and to believe ANYTHING they say without  thoroughly researching it yourself borders on intellectual malpractice.


As with Takata and some of the car manufacturers using their products, they KNEW people would be… and WERE, hurt, injured, seriously injured, maimed and killed using the air bags, and they lied about it and let it happen anyway until it could no longer be ignored. (These things are calculated at the outset – they will use equations like – “In 2 years, we’ll make 10 billion dollars by the time we get called out on it the people and families of the people who have been injured and/died will sue us and the government will fine us, and we will also have to replace the airbags for a recall… that will cost us maybe 4 billion dollars, tops. So we will have still made 6 billion.” With little to NO concern for the lives they will destroy and snuff out.

These people will not HESITATE to lie and/or obfuscate! 

ALWAYS follow the MONEY! 

Here’s an article titled: Commercial Seaweed Market to Exceed USD $92 Billion by 2025

and “Body and Soul” says Sea Moss is the next “Superfood” we need for 2020

And that’s the way it’s done, and that’s what they do. Follow the MONEY!

What if you had researched it and found that Takata airbags were defective and dangerous and tried to warn people? Would they have said, “You don’t work at Takata or any of the major car manufactures, who would you know? I’m not going to take YOUR word… I’ll trust the people who have a HISTORY of doing underhanded business, they have DEGREES and MONEY… you DON’T.

Therefor, what THEY say carries all the weight – and THAT’S what I trust!



These people lie, lie, LIE for their own reasons and the eradication of Black US is seen as a happy benefit. 

We are dealing with sociopaths who are blinded by greed, motivated by hate and consumed by self-interest, and they have an ENDLESS number of shills who, for fame, status, money or all of the above are happy to feed the “common people” a line, and to pee on our shoes and tell us it’s raining.

It may seem boring at times, or even overwhelming… but we MUST do the research… and research the SOURCES of our research if we are EVER to get to anything that even resembles the TRUTH!

Why are our people transitioning at such early ages?

And as for me (and you KNOW I’m a seafood lover), if it comes out of the ocean, it is not going into my body.

As far as the “What degree do you have?” crowd goes… I am a master cartoonist (even if I do say so myself), I have cartooned professionally for over 40 years. I went to ZERO art schools for cartooning, and actually flunked art in High School… but I DARE anyone to see my work and question my skills as a cartoonist and layout artist. I gained my skills through PRACTICE, RESEARCH and SELF EDUCATION. Neither I nor anyone who sees and in many cases, PAYS for my work discounts what I can do artistically, or in design (as can be seen in the magazine I laid out or website I designed, or video editing… with ZERO, college or vocational training in the field), because I am not “formally trained” in it, nor went to some school for it. I’m not bragging… but seeking to make a POINT. 

And as a side note… the designers of nuclear power facilities have degrees in Architecture, Electrical and Chemical Engineering, as well as physics, radiation and likely some quantum theory… and what good did it do?! They have all that education and degrees, and they are STUPID AS HELL To build things that cause death, destruction and extinction level events.

THESE are the great minds to whom we should look for our information?

That’s okay… I’ll stick with the NJ housewife who has put as many, if not MORE years into research that is solid and seeks to get to the TRUTH of the matter and how it affects Black US.

Much Love, Honor and Respect Sis!


Iyapo Yapa

1 hour ago

@The Radical Sister Thank YOU Sis for ALL YOU DO!

However... I think you might be able to persuade even MORE of our people on THIS subject, if you come to understanding on ANOTHER subject.  If you study deeper, do a bit MORE research and maybe dig into the history of the matter I'm confident you will finally find a truth that you have been denying, but only because you do not yet have ALL the information. I will provide the links after I get them from my archives, but I'll just let you know right now that, after several years of research and the study of three ancient civilizations... in addition to listening to a couple lectures on the subject, given by two of the foremost authorities on ancient Kemet, several scholars have found conclusively BEYOND ANY DOUBT,  that... THE TP GOES OVER!!!!!!!!!!  (Go turn that roll the right way... IMMEDIATELY!) LOL!



 Iyapo Yapa

20 hours ago (edited)

The ease with which our people are moved to the square of pink people is unsettling.

As you and I both preach to our people… violence is NOT the answer… for violence is THEIR square and they try at EVERY turn to get us to step on it using various methods (ie. Stacking bricks on the sidewalk where no construction is going on, ticketing, attacking or killing our people in the streets – and their own homes – for little or nothing, cheating us, taunting us etc…)

However, of late I have given MUCH thought to a square that is uniquely that of pink people, but they have successfully (at least to MY eye), gotten us to not ONLY stand on… but to grudgingly cling to like a vice.


That square is money and materialism. 

It is a complex subject and I won’t try to go TOTALLY into it… but the short hand is this:

Back in the day (at least among OUR people) a man or woman’s status was defined by their wealth of WISDOM, COMPASSION, KNOWLEDGE, CHARACTER, and so on. It was a GREAT honor to learn at the feet of a great teacher of wisdom and knowledge… and HIGHLY sought after to be… and to be surrounded by, people of strong character.

Pink people… as a GROUP (I don’t mean EVERY SINGLE ONE… but as a COLLECTIVE), lack these attributes (That is not ME talking… it is their own HISTORY that convicts and judges them).


What do you do when you lack INTERNAL or INNATE greatness?

You make it so that your greatness… or sense of worth is based upon something OUTSIDE yourself, and make it something YOU are in control of; and condition and convince others that the measure of greatness is not what is within… but what is WITHOUT the person.

Did you know that diamonds at one time were not considered very valuable?

It’s true. 

Then some pink men got stock in some diamond mines and they created a campaign that made it so that “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”. (Yes… that was part of the conditioning), suddenly when getting engaged a diamond had to be part of it… and the bigger the diamond… the bigger the love. Suddenly newly engaged women were shoving diamonds in the faces of their friends and giggling. This was ALL part of a plan that took something that before have very little value and turn it into something highly sought after and to this day, astronomically expensive.


And now… some women are more concerned with the weight of the ROCK on her finger and less concerned with the weight of the CHARACTER of the man who gave it to her.

Everything… by design… got flipped on its head. The worthless became the valuable, and the valuable became worthless. 

Character used to be EVERYTHING… and just because someone may have had THINGS, that was not necessarily the measure of the man (just look at the past and many of our TRUE LEADERS, and revolutionaries… they had LITTLE money or possessions… but they were considered GIANTS among our people…) but now… not so much.

If a man has enough money or STUFF… THAT is what equals a “good catch”. 

This is what causes some of the men of our community to do underhanded activities that land us in trouble. This is what causes some of our women to get involved with men who are obviously trouble (Black or white), but since they can buy them designer this or that, or fly off for a vacation somewhere or whatever they are considered good catches… morals and character notwithstanding.

How do we insult each other?

Our men are referred to as “Broke “N”s

And our women are accused of “Having bad credit” and so on.

It is of DIRE IMPORTANCE that our Black men start once again, teaching our young Black men and boys that their worth is TRULY about the content of their character! About a solid work ethic… honesty, courage, love for Yah and love for our PEOPLE! A love that will not only encourage them, but DRIVE them to seek out OUR women, and have a DEEP desire to support, provide for and protect them in order to reproduce Black men and Black women who LOOK LIKE THEM and strengthen our communities!

I’m not saying money doesn’t matter and that it doesn’t matter if a man can take care of himself and his family. FAR FROM IT!

It is the DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY of a Black man to be able to take care of himself, his wife and eventually his children if they have any… and if not married… to take financial care of his children. That should go without saying, and in teaching the strong work ethic and strong character, and HONOR and RESPECT for our beautiful Black women… these things will fall in line.

However… this insanity about needing to have a Bentley, or designer this or that, or a McMansion and so on is NOT OUR SQUARE. 

Pink people created this facade because they… lacking morals and character, wisdom and the rest, gained control of financial systems and land and then made THAT the measure of the “worth of a person” and then fooled nearly the entire world into worshipping materialism and seeking it. 

That is why we see corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corporatists and bankers who are some of the most deceitful, dirty, planet killing, murderers (not hyperbole), on the PLANET… but they adorn the covers of fashion and society magazines. We see videos of them at breathtaking vacation destinations, eating at five star restaurants, photos of them in their chauffeur driven limos and stepping onto their private jets… and they are not ONLY NOT shunned… but they are ADMIRED and far to many people (including Black us), seek to BE them… or to be WITH them.

And just as is revealed TIME and TIME and TIME again:

Jeffrey Toobin suspended from the New Yorker for “pleasuring himself” during a Zoom meeting.

Anthony Weiner “sexting” underage girls

Elizabeth Holmes – billionaire – charged with fraud

Bill Clinton/Trump/Binden – You name it.

Jeffery Epstein – we all know the deal.  

You know the list could just go ON and ON.

The point being… pink people (especially pink MEN), use money as “makeup”, they KNOW they have no character and therefor have created and entire ecosystem built upon money and material wealth and we all, to greater or lesser degrees have bought into it. 

I am as sickened by swirling Black MEN as I am by swirling Black women… and quiet as it’s kept… the MAJORITY of PRO BLACK MEN are STRONGLY against it… and I mean TRULY Pro Black men… not the FAKES and hypocrites out here… the REAL ones.

What points of commonality do our people have with them? When one of our men comes home after being beaten and kicked mercilessly by a system that was created specifically for their destruction? If he comes home to a pink woman what is he going to say or discuss? How can she relate to his struggle? How can she present to him a child that LOOKS LIKE HIM?

She CAN’T!

It is for our men and women to work TOGETHER to overcome this mess! 

I don’t find it any better for our men to be with pink women… I find it EQUALLY disgusting and wrong.  That is one of the reasons I once used to try to bring some balance and sense to the Black “manosphere” but now I just stay away from it altogether, because the venom spewed toward and about our women sets me off so much that I have no stomach nor patience for it.


I’ll just close by saying, one of the SADDEST parts of this whole MANUFACTURED “gender war” between Black men and Black women (it’s real for the pink ones… but NOT Black US), is that because of the few hurts a Black woman may have caused a Black man or vice versa… the willingness to turn to a people who HISTORICALLY, over a course of CENTURIES… have completely terrorized our people and CONTINUE to do so, but a few bad experiences from a man or woman of your own people… THAT is unforgivable?  That is almost beyond explanation to me. 

Final word: Also… yes… materially they DO have more, and more control… but that is because they stole, enslaved, brutalized, and cheated for EVERYTHING they have. Is THAT what we want… is THAT what we call “successful” and see as more desirable?

Love, Honor, Respect Mighty Sister!