Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Monday, February 1, 2021

Words from the Late Sister Trojan Pam.

 Trojan Pam says:

October 19, 2016 at 3:28 pm

@ Twalk

Posts like yours and the reason I write blogs like this. To help others realize they are not alone in their observations and feelings and to encourage those who don’t see to open their eyes.

The evidence of the WAR AGAINST THE BLACK FAMILY is everywhere. The white mainstream media — which is a very effective tool of white supremacy — is dedicated to turning the black male and black female against each other

that is the major method to conquering our self-esteem and sanity.

Sadly, from what I have seen most blacks either do not care or are so lost and brainwashed they have zero protection against the psychological and spiritual assault being waged against black people.

Please share this post and have that conversation with other black people, in particular, black females because we are COOPERATING with our own degradation and invisibility by supporting TV shows, movies, artists, and sponsors who deliberately degrade us


-Trojan Pam







 Iyapo Yapa

1 year ago

I’m going to do something I almost NEVER do and address this Cyn G business. (I try not to even dignify her foolishness by commenting or talking about it or her, but sometimes, something needs to be said.

Regardless of how you feel about the names I’m about to list… love them or hate them, admire or despise them… that is not the point… understand what I am getting at.

John DuBois - Businessman, civic leader and philanthropist. 

Genghis Khan – Founder of the Mongol Empire.

Homer – Composer of the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Akbar - The successful Moghul emperor of India.

Charlemagne (Charles the Great) - Nicknamed the "Father of Europe" as the founding father of both the French and the German Monarchies.

Isabella Baumfree (Sojourner Truth) – Black abolitionist and women's rights activist.

What do they all have in common?

They were all ILLITERATE! 

Does the fact that none of these people knew how to read speak to their mental, psychological, or intellectual faculties or abilities?

And I guess since the jazz musician Dave Brubeck along with Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder could not read music (the latter two for obvious reasons) their entire musical careers and bodies of work are therefore null and void and without merit?

To say since one has an inability to read and therefore lacks the ability to form coherent or substantial thoughts or conclusions is a non sequitur, as with the list above, there is not necessarily a correlation between literacy and intellectual or even verbal prowess. Furthermore, there are MANY “educated” people who lack the ability to think their way through the most rudimentary of scenarios and come to logical conclusions about them – Cyn G being a prime example of this.  

If she IS college educated, then she will have surely gone through liberal arts, civics, sociology and/or philosophy courses which went over the subjects of LOGICAL FALLACIES, which include but are not limited to:

• Ad Hominem Fallacy

• Strawman Argument

• Appeal to Ignorance (argumentum ad ignorantiam)

• False Dilemma/False Dichotomy

• Slippery Slope Fallacy

• Circular Argument (petition principia), and others (I believe there are at least 15),

So… being “college educated”, she either didn’t pay attention when taking those courses, forgot what she learned in them, or completely remembers and understands them, but simply chooses to ignore them and insults her listeners by giving them what she KNOWS is flawed commentary, for her own benefit. 

At any given time, the arguments she makes falls under one or more of these fallacies and though when spoken what she says SEEMINGLY, makes a KIND of sense on the surface, when picked apart her points are superficial at best and held together with flimsy connections which are easily pulled apart and debunked.  

The tactics she uses are no different than any which have ever been used by anyone who came to power by accessing the anger and distain within themselves and then directing it outward and spraying it like poison to anyone who shares that same internal detestation. In HER case, it is toward Black men, Black relationships and Black love. She creates a straw man argument (typically concerning Black men or Black love), and then appeals to EMOTION to elicit a visceral response from the listener in order to stir dissention and ill will between Black women toward Black men. All of which does NOT benefit the disciple in any positive way (except to give them a target at which to hurl their poisoned darts, or upon whom to focus their angst and feel better IN THE MOMENT for having done so), all the while building HER up, lining her pockets and satisfying the obviously unresolved vitriol which exists within herself toward Black men. 

The fact that so many listen to her and agree is NOT a sign that she is in any way correct… but actually a manifestation of the hurt and brokenness within our community and our willingness to so quickly blame the victim (each other), as opposed to turning in unison to face the TRUE culprit… the SoWS (System of White Supremacy) and the white people who benefit from it, which fuels and perpetuates this manufactured gender war in an effort to destroy our people from within using the time tested strategy of “divide and conquer”. 

The argument she makes about someone “letting” another lead is insubstantial on the face of it. In ANY given situation, in terms of relationships… someone MUST be ALLOWED to lead. A person who leads without the permission of the person or persons led is actually a DICTATOR, and to that degree… within the construct of her (Cyn G’s presentation), she is actually contradicting her own argument. 

Without a leader who is ALLOWED to lead, there would be perpetual fighting and chaos. 

My example if I may:

I am driving with my wife (I like the sound of that), on a day trip. She is in the passenger seat and she is ALLOWING me to control the vehicle. That doesn’t mean I am not ACTUALLY in charge of the vehicle, since I did not singularly wrestle the wheel from her and COMMAND that I am in charge of it unopposed. On the contrary… she is trusting me and ALLOWING me to control and direct the vehicle. That doesn’t mean I don’t have to take her advice about watching out for objects on the road, taking an alternate route, stopping for food or rest breaks and where to stop etc.  It simply means that as I drive, I am presently in charge of the operation and safety of the vehicle and anything (including her input), which gets us safely to our destination is upon MY shoulders and MY responsibility. 

(As a side note: Most people, including my wife, will tell you in a MOMENT that they prefer to be a PASSENGER and LET the driving be up to the other person… that way, all the stress and the majority of the decisions is on THEM - the driver. The passenger can just sit, and relax for the most part, eating, reading, talking on the phone, playing a video game, or whatever… they don’t mind letting the other person LEAD because it takes a LOT of pressure off THEM - the passenger). 

I digress…

She is ALLOWING me to drive by NOT trying to grab the wheel from the passenger side, or reaching her foot over in order to speed up, or hit the breaks and so on, which ultimately would result in a crash. I am NOT the “BOSS” or ruler of her because she made a suggestion about pulling over to get gas, and I decide to go to the next station, it is simply an outward sign that she is in that instance, deferring to my judgment in that situation. 

Within a REAL relationship, though I have control of the vehicle, if she makes a better suggestion, I will listen to it, weigh it and take that advice if it is best for our trip, or if she is hungry or needs to stop for the rest room… as a man who LOVES her… and as the person who is in the leadership position of driving, it is MY position to SUBMIT to the NEEDS of my WIFE and stop, because of LOVE, HONOR and RESPECT.

To be sure… the are many of our men who have not earned that place… but it does not change the fact that, that IS the order of things. It is the place of MEN to TEACH our MEN to be the leaders in our homes, relationships and communities… REAL LEADERS, who understand that TRUE LEADERS are actually SERVANTS to the people who trust us with that position. It is for our MEN to teach that to each other… not a Black man hating, self hating, opportunist who does not even live by the letter of her OWN law… and yes, I’m referring to Cyn G.  She speaks disparagingly about someone (Fantasia), and brings up something in her past to say she has no right to give relationship advice, when she, herself (Cyn G) has very publicly shown PRESENTLY that SHE does not follow the same advice she so forcefully spouts to her disciples. Possibly she should look in a mirror and speak about who has no right to speak on given subjects due to their own in-adherence to the advice they so generously hand to others. 

But still they listen.

I can’t help but think… somewhere, she… Phil and others like them get together at times… and laugh at our gullibility. 

MUCH love, honor and respect my most beloved Sister.