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Thursday, February 24, 2022


 TruthSeeker24's anti-N.W.O. corner: New Political Times in Late February 2022. (

2021 Part 2: The Fight Against Injustice (March 26, 2020-August 11, 2020) | PDF | Kamala Harris | Donald Trump (

Josephine Baker | PDF | Violence (

TruthSeeker24's anti-N.W.O. corner: Thanksgiving 2021: Part 2 (

World War II: 70 Years Later Part 2 | PDF | Normandy Landings | World War II (

Mpilo Mizere

 · June 15, 2017

Science? This is not science but the usual tactic of stealing African history.

Now let's look at the real facts.

This is not the first DNA study of Ancient Egyptian mummies. DNA tests were done on the Amarna mummies 5 years ago but the results weren't often talked about why? Because they clustered closely with modern day Bantus. As a historian you should know that! Why do you act like these results don't exsist?

The latest DNA results are from the third intermediate and late period of Egypt. This is a time when Egypt was ruled by Persians, Assyrians, Romans, Greeks and Nubians YES NUBIANS.

The DNA results are MTDNA which is only passed from mother to daughter.

The claim that “Subsaharan DNA” only came after the Romans is complete nonsense. The Nubians ruled Egypt 700 years before the Romans! And the Egyptians intermarried with Nubians throughout its history.

These mummies are from ONE SITE.

So let's look at your science now. We take MTDNA from mummies from the third intermediate period from one site and now claim that this represents the entire 5000 year old history of Egypt and these results now tells us the DNA of the Old, Middle and New kingdom, ignoring the fact that we have the results for the Amarna period? And you say that's science? Sounds more like racism to me. People can't stand the thought of Africans being involved in Ancient Egypt. Period.

PS RAMSES 3 belonged to the same haplogroup as Nelson Mandela! Lol

Famous people's Y-DNA listed by haplogroup.

Look up E1b1a… even Wikipedia knows this!!

Ramesses III - Wikipedia

Katrina Adams.

 Katrina Adams - Wikipedia

Monday, January 31, 2022

Revolt 426 Research.

 Of course, all of this is a repetition of history, the very same history that lead us to the Civil War after the nation was first De-Industrialized by "Free Trade" and monetarism.

The very same history that lead us to the Great Depression under Andrew Mellon's treasonous reign as Treasury Secretary for 13 years prior to Roosevelt's inauguration, in which he colluded with JP Morgan and the American Legion, a fake libertarian movement designed to bust unions and de-industrialize the nation under free trade agreements....... this legion developed into the American Liberty League , whom attempted to overthrow FDR when he turned on the bankers and decided it was time to prevent a complete economic collapse of the United States.

Isn't so interesting how History repeats itself, and the people never remember how the de-industrialization occurs in the first place... (FREE TRADE and Privatized Currency)

Very good research as usual, Tahoe.

-Revolt 426

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