Saturday, June 21, 2008
Robert Schuller on Freemasonry
by Australian Correspondant Jack Bauer
Robert Schuller came to Brisbane city in Australia on Sunday November 10, 2002 at 2:30pm at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. He was celebrating 25 years of Masonic broadcast in Australia. I ran a BlackOp to see if I can uncover any evidence of his Masonic membership. I waited for him backstage to ask him several questions. I taped the whole conversation secretly and have uploaded it to this page for you to listen. If you have no background information on his Masonic membership and his heritical/unbiblical teachings then go to Robert Schuller 33rd Degree Freemason

Schuller in the middle, white hair. Just missed him before he went onstage

Schuller preaching New Age Masonic Filth

Just after the recording Schuller is seen here leaving the Convention Centre
Jack: Illustrious Brother Robert (Masonic greeting), may I ask you one question?
Some mumbling with both Schuller and his buddy saying they have no time
Jack: Pardon......can I ask on the way?
Schuller: :........right now
Jack: I'm a Freemason and I don't believe that there's anything wrong to be a mason and I
Schuller: Me too
Jack: Pardon
Schuller: I don't either
Jack: You don't either
Schuller: No
Jack: Because your mentor Norman, Norman Vincent Peale was a great Freemason and minister
Schuller: Sure of course he was
Jack: So can I be a Christian and a Freemason
Schuller: Of course you can
This is the view of the biggest individual religious broadcaster in the history of the world broadcasting filth in 180 countries.
He mentioned in his speech that we need to take the focus off eternity (the great commission to evangelise) and to focus on the individual. This is New Age Christianity.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
by Basulto Data Dump
1. BASULTO SETS UP OPERATION "ELIAN." Jose Basulto is the chief organizer of the Miami Cubans who want to block Juan Gonzalez from taking his son back to Cuba. Basulto, the president of Brothers to the Rescue, arrived at the hospital where Elian was brought in from the sea wreck. For mysterious reasons, the INS did not do what it does in every other case--immediately send the child back to its homeland as soon as possible. The INS usually keeps illegal immigrant children in its own custody and has humane facilities to treat and care for children during the several days it may take to arrange to send them home. Instead, the INS released Elian into the custody of his distant Miami relatives. The man behind this unusual INS move--Jose Basulto. The INS officials behind this decision have not provided an explanation.
Basulto now looks back at his visit with Elian with religious fervor. "I've seen 450 cases of these rafters, and I've never seen one like this," said Basulto. "Two days with his feet dangling in the water and no fish bites? No scratches? Nothing? There's no other explanation: This was an act of God." Soon Basulto and other members of the Little Havana community began to call Elian "El Milagro"--the miracle. Basulto circulated the story that a school of dolphins nudged Elian to safety while angels scared off sharks.
Recently Basulto, whose pilot license was revoked by the FAA, after he and his fellow pilots were shot down by Cuba, stated he is preparing a more effective strike against Fidel Castro from within Cuba, "We are preparing plans to work with people inside the island."
On February 24, 1996, the US Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, raged at a "barbaric killing" by an "uncivilized" country, of four US citizens on a "humanitarian mission." Cuba had shot down two planes belonging to the Brothers to the Rescue. Four pilots died. A third plane, piloted by Basulto narrowly escaped. (At the time of the shoot down, Basulto's plane never entered Cuban airspace; he just urged his Brothers to do so.) The Brothers were shot down in international waters. Basulto said they "had not been warned." At that time, the Helms-Burton legislation was stalled. Clinton would not back the bill. However, Basulto stirred the wave of anti-Castro hysteria in Miami. The US forced a resolution through the UN deploring Cuba's role in the incident. On March 5, 1996, the US Senate voted 74 to 22 in favor of a final compromise version of legislation tightening the US embargo on Cuba, punishing other countries that trade with Cuba and allowing Cuban exiles in the US to sue to recover their property from Cuba. On March 6, 1996, US House of Representatives passed the package, known as the Helms-Burton bill. In reaction to these forces, Clinton announced he would sign the Helms-Burton Act.
Several weeks later, evidence was obtained that the "Brothers" were not on a humanitarian mission of pulling refugees out of the ocean. Instead they intended to drop anti-government leaflets over Havana during Carnival celebrations. Twice, in January 1996, they had carried out similar missions and in the previous 18 months had illegally entered Cuban airspace 14 times. Cuba had warned the US that it would stop the Brothers' flights if nothing was done to curtail them. The US only told the Brothers, it would not "be able to interfere" and suggested they not fly below the 24th parallel.
The US had advance knowledge of the Brothers' activities. A Cuban agent, Juan Pablo Roque, had infiltrated the Brothers and was an FBI informant. The FAA which requires pilots keep to a predetermined flight path or lose their license, looked the other way. (Eventually, the FAA did revoke Basulto's pilot's license.)
The Brothers to the Rescue was organized by the Cuban American National Foundation in 1991. CANF was the prime sponsor of the Helms-Burton Act, which Clinton opposed until Cuba shot the planes down and four Brothers died.
The Helms Burton Act provides that foreign businessmen and their families will be denied US visas if they trade with Cuba. Countries will be denied US aid for trading with Cuba and international aid agencies will be pressured into not donating or lending money by the threat of having their US contribution cut off.
But the major portion of the Act is Title III which provides that the Cuban exiles can sue in US courts TO GET BACK THEIR PROPERTY THAT CASTRO TOOK AWAY FROM THEM WHEN CASTRO DEFEATED BATISTA. Click to read the Act.
Since the passage of the Act, President Clinton has suspended Title III repeatedly. On February 1, 2000, President Clinton again suspended Title III for an additional six months.
The State Department Fact Sheet dated January 15, 2000 states: President Clinton has suspended for an additional six months, effective February 1, 2000, the provision of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act that allows U.S. nationals with claims to confiscated property in Cuba to file suit under Title III of the Act. In accordance with the Act, the President certified that a suspension is necessary to the national interest and will expedite a transition to democracy in Cuba. He has reported his determination to the appropriate Congressional committees. In reaching this decision, the President cited important continuing actions by our friends and allies to promote democracy in Cuba.
The President allowed Title III to enter into force on August 1, 1996, but suspended for six months the provision that would permit American nationals to bring suit against persons trafficking in confiscated properties in Cuba claimed by a U.S. national. He did so in order to work with our friends and allies to develop a multilateral approach to advance democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms in Cuba. The President tasked the Department of State to undertake a new effort to develop international support for democracy and human rights in Cuba. Senior State Department officials met with leaders throughout Europe and Latin America from all sectors -- government, politics, private sector, labor, religion, and human rights -- to forge this new multilateral movement. While there remains substantial disagreement about the best approach to bring democracy to Cuba, all recognize that Cuba must undertake democratic change and respect human rights.
The first company to file under Title III for restitution of property was Freeport McMoRan, for the properties held by its antecedent corporation, Freeport Sulphur. Click to read the connections of Freeport McMoRan to Clay Shaw and the Kennedy assassination. URL:
Basulto has a long history of being a spook for Little Havana and its interests.
Date: 28 FEB 1996 06:35:24 GMT From: Lisa Pease Newgroups:
Subject: Massive US Government Hypocrisy on Cuba
Neither the Government nor the corporate press are giving you the truth about the planes the Cubans downed, and what their leader really represents. Here is some background on Brothers to the Rescue founder, Jose Basulto Leon.
Jose Basulto Leon has had a lifetime of aggravating U.S.-Cuban relations, dating back to his participation in the ill-fated Bay of Pigs Operation. In August 1962 Jose Basulto Leon helped organize a raid on a de luxe Cuban hotel by members of the Cuban exile group DRE (Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil). The DRE opened fire on the hotel from offshore; despite their intentions, no civilians were killed.
(In their book, The Fish Is Red, p. 132, Warren Hinckle and William Turner wrote that "the raid had been carefully planned and approved" by the CIA.)
At least two members of this group (Carlos "Batea" Hernandez and John Koch Gene) were arrested a year later in Louisiana, when the FBI raided an illegal DRE dynamite cache on Lake Pontchartrain. The FBI heard that a Basulto had also been present at the DRE arms cache, but Jose Basulto denied that he had been present. (Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics, 305).
Felix Rodriguez told the Kerry Committee that he met Contra leaders Enrique Bermudez and Adolfo Calero in Miami at Jose Basulto's home (Kerry Hearings, 340-41). He later wrote in his book Shadow Warrior that he and Basulto "have been like brothers" since their training together in Guatemala for the Bay of Pigs. He added that Basulto had "been to contra camps in Central America, helping to dispense humanitarian aid" (p. 109).
Basulto and Felix Rodriguez together appear to have been part of a plan for treating wounded Contras in Miami, worked out under the direction of Oliver North. A note in North's diary reads "22-Jan-85 Medical Support System for wounded FDN [Contras] in Miami-HMO in Miami as oked to help all WIA [wounded in action]... Felix Rodriguez." This HMO was International Medical Centers (IMC), whose head (Cuban-American Miguel Recarey) fled the U.S. after being indicted in what Mother Jones called "the largest HMO Medicare fraud in U.S. history." Jose Basulto told the Wall Street Journal in 1987 that he had attended meetings at IMC with Felix Rodriguez and Adolfo Calero. A former agent of the Department of Health and Human Services told Stephen Pizzo of Mother Jones that Recarey used part of the $30 million a month he received to treat Medicare patients "to set up field hospitals for the contras" (Mother Jones, Sept./Oct. 1992, 31-33).
Most contra aid came from one of three sources: the CIA, Oliver North's illicit operation, or drug-trafficking. The New York Times reported on January 20, 1987, that the DEA in Guatemala "had compiled convincing evidence" that the contra supply operation at Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador, where Felix Rodriguez was in charge, "was smuggling cocaine and marijuana." Celerino Castillo, the DEA Agent who compiled this evidence, later wrote that "Hundreds of flights each week [through Ilopango] delivered cocaine to the buyers and returned with money headed for...Panama....From Panama, the money was wired to a Costa Rican bank account held by the Contras" (Celerino Castillo, Powderburns: Cocaine, Contras, and the Drug War [Oakville, Ont.: Mosaic Press, 1994], 138-39).
Adolfo Calero's brother Mario became part owner of a drug-trafficking airline, Hondu Carib, with one of the pilots flying for the Contras (Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall, Cocaine Politics, 57-58; cf. Celerino Castillo, 175).
Jose Basulto Leon has admitted his role in dropping leaflets over Havana in January 1996 (San Francisco Chronicle, 1/25/96). This imitated the October 1959 leafleting raid of the late Frank Sturgis alias Fiorini, who helped set up the Lake Pontchartrain training camp where Basulto was suspected by the FBI of being present (Scott, Deep Politics, 88-89).
The United States Government has claimed that the two planes accompanying Basulto's were shot down while over international waters. One has to be wary of this claim. The U.S. Government also claimed that the U.S. destroyer Maddox was on "a routine patrol in international waters," when attacked by North Vietnam in the first Tonkin Gulf Incident of 1964. A Congressional investigation subsequently revealed that the Maddox had frequently violated the North Vietnamese twelve-mile limit. There were similar U.S. claims in response to the North Korean capture in 1968 of the spyship Pueblo; and these too dissolved when examined more closely (Peter Dale Scott, War Conspiracy, 52-53, 132-35).
Rodriguez, Felix I. and Weisman, John. Shadow Warrior: The CIA Hero of a Hundred Unknown Battles. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989. 283 pages. "In this autobiography, Rodriguez details his relationship with the CIA and the anti-Castro resistance. After escaping Cuba in 1959 he joined the CIA-backed Brigade 2506. Rodriguez missed the Bay of Pigs, having been with a special squad trained to infiltrate into Cuba. In 1967 the CIA recruited him to head a team to hunt down leftist guerrilla Che Guevara in Bolivia. When Che was captured it was Rodriguez who interrogated him. After his execution he took Che�s Rolex watch as a souvenir (he still wears it today). The book includes a photo of Che with Rodriguez the day he was captured. In 1971 Rodriguez helped train Provincial Reconnaissance Units for Operation Phoenix in Vietnam. During the 1980�s he trained soldiers in El Salvador, and became involved with the Nicaraguan contras, Don Gregg, and vice-president George Bush. -- Wendell Minnick."
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Monday, June 9, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The NIV and blasphemy

Lucifer, Satan, NIV
(1) Just about everybody knows the word "Lucifer" as another name for Satan. The word "Lucifer" is found one time in the King James Bible.
Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
(2) But what about the NIV? The word "Lucifer" is clean, bald-headed gone and now this creature is identified as the "morning star". Lucifer is the "morning star" in the NIV.How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
(3) So we know that in the NIV the "morning star" is a negative, evil figure. Right? He was fallen from heaven. He was cast down to the earth. Can we find the "morning star" anywhere else in the NIV? Yes! The following passages in the NIV show the "morning star" as Jesus Christ! But the NIV just called the fallen creature of Isaiah 14:12 "morning star". Lucifer AND Jesus are ONE in the NIV! Lord have mercy, Jesus! Help me, Lord.NIV: Revelation 22:16,
"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you [1] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."NIV: 2 Peter 1:19,
And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.NIV: Revelation 2:28--
I will also give him the morning star.
NIV Reader, can you say to the "lord" OUT LOUD,
"Oh, lord, Thank you for giving me the NIV.
It is proper to call Jesus a fallen creature.
Jesus and Lucifer are the same.
Thank you, father."
If you can, the lord and father
you are praying to is--SATAN.
If you cannot say this, you need to
your perverted "bible". Don't even use it to "help" you.
Get a King James Bible so you can have the true word of God.
This is very serious.
On 10/28/99 I received an e-mail in response to this article which may prove instructive to others.
READER: ...It is because of your articles on the King James Bible that I went out and purchased one and now read it at the expense of my NIV bible. Today, however, I decided to look more closely at the accusations made against the NIV. What caused this decision was the article on your site that stated that the NIV called satan, Jesus or vice versa. I thought to myself, "Man! Is the NIV that blatantly blasphemous and people are still reading it"?
...My first observation was that in the center of the King James Bible, where my commentary is, and yes I do have the Authorized King James Version and not the New King James, it said that the word lucifer literally means day star.
MY RESPONSE: [Three] problems: (1) you are looking at a "commentary" not the Bible. You cannot define the Bible by a commentary. (2) Many of the "commentaries" found in the Bibles you buy today come from the same folks who write the new versions and so the commentaries disagree with the Bible text and agree with new versions. (3) Lucifer does NOT mean day star. In fact DAY STAR is another name for Jesus Christ so now you've got a commentary that calls Lucifer Jesus ONE MORE TIME. See II Peter 1:9 [in the King James Bible] to see that the day star is Jesus Christ.
READER: Can't morning star be the same? And even though Jesus is also called the Morning Star, it is in caps as I have written it where morning star refering to satan is in small letters.
MY RESPONSE: Problem--if you had read the article more carefully, you would have seen that the NIV refers to Jesus as the "morning star" in lower case letters also. Go back and look at the article at
READER: To go farther in my study I actually looked up the work lucifer and here is what I found.
lucifer: Middle English (meaning) morning star, fallen rebel archangel, the devilOld English (from Latin) the morning star, from lucifer, light bearing from lue-lux light
MY RESPONSE: Lucifer [supposedly] means "light bearer" [so in this case it seems] they've mixed truth with error. You should NEVER go outside of the Bible to prove something wrong. The Bible stands on its own.
READER: My point from these definitions is: If the KJV commentary defines, literally, that lucifer means day star and that the definition of lucifer found in the dictionary means morning star as well as the devil etc. can't the term lucifer and morning star be used interchangably without it being in error?
MY RESPONSE: Your commentary is in error, not the Bible.
READER: I do understand your concern and it is some what valid. However, anyone who is in Christ knows without a doubt that He is the true Morning Star and the Savior of all who come to HIm. I don't think that in this instance we need fear the NIV version.
MY RESPONSE: The purpose of our section concerning the NIV is not to convince but rather to provide information. Whether folks agree or not is not the point.
[Additional comments by tracy--the reader here says anyone in Christ knows without a doubt that Jesus is the morning star. Is that so? How do they know? Only the Bible can tell you that information. If they have an NIV they can't know for sure. In fact, the NIV only renders confusion...and we know who authors confusion. The evil found in the NIV cannot be glossed over. Yea, in this instance we must reject the NIV if on no other grounds--though there be many.]
Tracy.........having read on your sight that the NIV bible replaced Lucifer with the name morning star inspired me to do some research. I have known of the many many faults in all new bibles other than the old KJV, and we don't have to look hard to find them, this was the icing on the cake. I am and have been for a long time a KJV only man.
When I looked up the name Lucifer in my new edition of Webster's dictionary, the definition of Lucifer was morning star. As we know, Jesus Christ the Lord is the morning star. Knowing by faith and study the KJV is the pure word of God, and does not contradict itself, I knew that this could not be right. Looking in an older (1960's) encyclopedia, Lucifer does not mean morning star, as the dictionary tells us, nor does it mean day star. Lucifer was a name given to the planet Venus, by ancient astromaners in Latin, meaning as you pointed out, light bearer. Venus will sometimes appear as a morning star, however, it is not a star at all, but a planet that reflects the light of the sun. I hope you see the difference here. These folks knew that this was a planet body, rather than an actual star. How well does this fit satan? Very well indeed....because he is now the phony star, not the morning star. So to tell us that Lucifer means morning star is not accurate at all, because it is only half of the truth, which means it is a lie, and satan is the father of liars. We know and should not be surprised that satan will transform himself into an angel of light, but, he most definitly is not an angel of light, just as venus appears as a star, but it has no light of it's own, and is not a star at all. I hope this clarifies this with folks that may believe that Lucifer means morning star. Thank you for your time, in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour...
Dear Sirs,
Praise Jesus for your faithfulness in putting together your website.
I was reading your article on the NIV swapping places with Satan in Isaiah 14:12. I have been aware of this for a few years and was glad to see you cover it. But are you aware that the NIV does it again in the New Testement as well?
In the KJV Jesus identifies himself as the cornerstone. However, the NIV changes it to CAPSTONE. The capstone is the top of the pyramid - not the cornerstone in which the foundation is layed. In the New Age movement, the capstone - the Mercaba, the top of the pyramid, is the source where they channel Nimrod, the all seeing eye - into their third eye. The capstone is the symbol of Nimrod in many cults and in FreeMasonry which is thier god... a false god - satan. The NIV again trades places with Jesus and satan - albeit ever so subtly.
- In Christ
-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, March 01, 2002 12:30 PM
Subject: To Tracy - Error on Web Site
>I have found an error on a reader's comments to yoursite that you have
>The reader said:
>Re: NIV - Jesus is satan...again...
>Dear Sirs,
>Praise Jesus for your faithfulness in putting togetheryour website.
>I was reading your article on the NIV swapping placeswith Satan in Isaiah
>14:12. I have been aware of this for a few years andwas glad to see you
>cover it. But are you aware that the NIV does it againin the New Testement
>as well?
>In the KJV Jesus identifies himself as the cornerstone.However, the NIV
>changes it to CAPSTONE. The capstone is the top ofthe pyramid - not the
>cornerstone in which the foundation is layed. Inthe New Age movement, the
>capstone - the Mercaba, the top of the pyramid, isthe source where they
>channel Nimrod, the all seeing eye - into their thirdeye. The capstone is
>the symbol of Nimrod in many cults and in FreeMasonrywhich is thier god...
>a false god - satan. The NIV again trades places withJesus and satan -
>albeit ever so subtly.
>- In Christ
>Nowhere could I find this to be true. I looked up allthe verses that I
>could find (using the Online Bible) in the NIV to find"capstone" in
>of cornerstone. I found no reference to this. For one,the reader spelled
>cornerstone as one word. In the KJV it is two words.And second, they also
>misspelled "Testament" and "their". Minor I know, butI question where they
>are coming from.
>Corner Stone:
>Job 38:6* Whereupon are the foundations thereoffastened? or who laid the
>corner stone thereof;
>Isa 28:16* Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold,I lay in Zion for a
>foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure
>foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
>Eph 2:20* And are built upon the foundation of theapostles and prophets,
>Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
>1Pe 2:6* Wherefore also it is contained in thescripture, Behold, I lay in
>Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and hethat believeth on him
>shall not be confounded.
>Look up these verses in the NIV and they all say"Corner Stone".
>If I'm in error, please show me or otherwise itwould be best to remove
>error from your site. It's not a point of contention,but it's important to
>have the truth available and not have false viewsbeing pontificated by
>children that don't understand. If it is there, besure that I will run it
>up the flagpole of the KJV to find that it is so.That is the base of
>Take care, DMy response:
Dear Friend:
I don't know where you got your information but when Ilooked it up on line
there were loads of "capstone" entries in the NIV.In fact, I have a
hardcopy NIV for research purposes and also foundcapstone. The article
remains as is.
This is what I found in one online Bible. "Cornerstone"is in brackets [ ]
on some of them but in the NIV cornerstone is not inthe text it is in the
Psalm 118:22
The stone the builders rejected has become thecapstone;
(Whole Chapter: Psalm 118 In context: Psalm 118:21-23)
Zechariah 4:7
"What [ Or Who] are you, O mighty mountain? BeforeZerubbabel you will
become level ground. Then he will bring out thecapstone
to shouts of `God bless it! God bless it!'"
(Whole Chapter: Zechariah 4 In context: Zechariah 4:6-8)
Matthew 21:42
Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in theScriptures: "`The stone the
builders rejected has become the capstone [ Or
cornerstone] ; the Lord has done this, and it ismarvelous in our eyes'
Psalm 118:22,23] ?
(Whole Chapter: Matthew 21 In context: Matthew 21:41-43)
Mark 12:10
Haven't you read this scripture: "`The stone thebuilders rejected has
become the capstone [ Or cornerstone] ;
(Whole Chapter: Mark 12 In context: Mark 12:9-11)
Luke 20:17
Jesus looked directly at them and asked, "Then whatis the meaning of that
which is written: "`The stone the builders rejectedhas
become the capstone [ Or cornerstone] ' [ Psalm 118:22] ?
(Whole Chapter: Luke 20 In context: Luke 20:16-18)
Acts 4:11
He is "`the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone. [ Or
cornerstone] ' [ Psalm 118:22]
(Whole Chapter: Acts 4 In context: Acts 4:10-12)
1 Peter 2:7
Now to you who believe, this stone is precious.But tothose who do not
believe, "The stone the builders rejected has become the
capstone, [ Or cornerstone] " [ Psalm 118:22]
(Whole Chapter: 1 Peter 2 In context: 1 Peter 2:6-8)
for Jesus' sake,
...I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say untothem,
Thus saith the Lord GOD. And thou, son of man, be notafraid of them,
neither be afraid of their words, though briers andthorns be with thee,
and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraidof their words,
nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be arebellious house.
Ezekiel 2:4, 6
Eternal Life Hell is Real The Gospel According to John
My Testimony Why I Read the Authorized KJV Bible
The Hymnal Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ
Epistle Dedicatory to the Authorized King James of 1611
Jesus Christ is the Only Way to GodHome
NIV, Satan, Lucifer
Evidence for the Life of the Unborn
An innocent unborn child is brutally murdered every 22 seconds in the United States
In 1981 (April 23-24) a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee held hearings
on the very question before us here: When does human life begin?
Appearing to speak on behalf of the scientific community was a group
of internationally-known geneticists and biologists who had the same
story to tell, namely, that human life begins at conception - and
they told their story with a profound absence of opposing testimony.
Dr. Micheline M. Mathews-Roth, Harvard medical School, gave
confirming testimony, supported by references from over 20 embryology
and other medical textbooks that human life began at conception.
"Father of Modern Genetics" Dr. Jerome Lejeune told the lawmakers:
"To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new
human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion
... it is plain experimental evidence."
Dr. Hymie Gordon, Chairman, Department of Genetics at the Mayo Clinic
added: "By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is
present from the moment of conception."
Dr. McCarthy de Mere, medical doctor and law professor, University
of Tennessee, testified: "The exact moment of the beginning of
personhood and of the human body is at the moment of conception."
Dr. Alfred Bongiovanni, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
concluded, "I am no more prepared to say that these early stages
represent an incomplete human being than I would be to say that the
child prior to the dramatic effects of puberty ... is not a
human being."
Dr. Richard V. Jaynes: "To say that the beginning of human life cannot
be determined scientifically is utterly ridiculous."
Dr. Landrum Shettles, sometimes called the "Father of In Vitro
Fertilization" notes, "Conception confers life and makes that life one
of a kind." And on the Supreme Court ruling _Roe v. Wade_, "To deny a
truth [about when life begins] should not be made a basis for
legalizing abortion."
Professor Eugene Diamond: "...either the justices were fed a backwoods
biology or they were pretending ignorance about a scientific certainty."
". . .when life begins - is no longer a question for theological or
philosophical dispute. . .it is an established fact. . .that all life,
including human life, begins at the moment of conception." (Dr. Hymie Gordon,
professor of Medical Genetics, Mayo Clinic; quoted by Public Affairs Council
pamphlet "The Abortion Choice," POB 98292 Tacoma, WA 98498)
"When Hitler determined to exterminate the Jews, some German humanists
objected on the basis of the sanctity of life and of natural justice, Hitler
simply defined the Jews as less than fully human, and his critics were
anesthetized. If the Jews were not human, then they did not have human
rights. What a simple solution to an otherwise perplexing problem! The
arument for rights...becomes capricious and merely a matter of definition of
terms by whoever has the power to make his definition stick...When abortion
opponents object that in doing so they destroy other persons - unborn
children - and deprive them of all their rights, the prochoice party simply
resorts to having the competent power - the Supreme Court - declare that
unborn children are not persons and hence have no rights to interfere with a
woman's freedom of choice." (JW Whitehead, The Second American Revolution,
pp. 118, 1982, David C. Cook Publishing Co)
"I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such
counsel; furthermore, I will not give to a woman an instrument to produce
abortion." (ancient Hippocratic Oath)
"I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of
conception." (Hippocratic Oath, revised September, 1948, Declaration of
Geneva) (These words were simply deleted from the oath in the 1960's by the
Univ. of Pittsburgh and University of Toronto School of Medicine.)
In 1994 Kawana Michele Ashley, a Florida woman, shot herself in the womb as
an abortion method. It worked. The infant survived 15 days after an emergency
Caesarian section. Ashley was unable to pay for an abortion, which was legal,
but because the infant died, she was charged 9-7-94 with manslaughter and
3rd-degree murder.
SPRINGFIELD, IL--A study by the Eliot Institute for Social Sciences Research
found that 28% of women who regretted having an abortion had attempted
suicide. About 65% acknowledged denying negative feelings for about 5 years,
20% reported nervous breakdowns. The subjects had abortions an average 10.6
years before the survey. (NIR 11/28/94) AOL
WASHINGTON, DC--No abortions have been performed in any military hospitals in
the 18 months since President Clinton ordered military physicians to perform
abortions. Every military doctor has used the conscience clause to refuse
abortions. (LIC 11/94) AOL
1. Abortionist Beverly McMillan on why she stopped doing abortions: "It got
to where I couldn't stand to see the little bodies anymore." 1.
Ex-abortionist Mary Meechan, "The Ex-
abortionists- They Have Confronted Reality" Washington Post April 1988 A21
2. Abortion clinic nurse: "We do abortions here. That is all we do. There
are weary, grim moments when I think I cannot bear another basin of bloody
remains, or utter another kind phrase of reassurance. So I leave the
procedure room in the back and reach for a new chart....I prepare myself for
another basin, another brief and chafing loss." 2. Sallie Tisdale "We do
Abortions Here" Harper Magazine Oct. 1987 p66
3. Another worker in the same clinic: "We all wish it [the fetus] were
formless, but its not. And its painful. There is a lot of emotional pain."
2. Sallie Tisdale "We do Abortions Here" Harper Magazine Oct. 1987 p66
4. "Arms, legs, chests come out in the forceps. It's not a sight for
everyone." -Abortionist Dr. William Thompson, Quoted in "Is the Fetus Human"
which includes interviews
with abortionists and women who have had abortions.
5. "Every woman has these same two questions: First, "Is it a baby?" "No,"
the counselor assures her. "it is a product of conception(or blood clot or
piece of tissue)" Even though these counselors see 6 week babies daily, less
than an inch long, with arms, legs, and eyes that are closed like newborn
puppies, they lie to the women. How many women would actually have an
abortion if they told them the truth?" -Carol Everett, former owner of two
abortion clinics and director of four, "A Walk Through an Abortion Clinic"
All About
Issues Magazine Aug-Sept. 1991, p17
6. "Is adolescent pregnancy a disease? We have laws regarding other
epidemics. We have mandatory immunizations, but we have no law prohibiting
motherhood before the age of 14 in our supposedly civilized society. We
ought to mandate against continuing pregnancy in the very young, say, those
less than 14 years." --Minnesota abortionist Jane Hodgeson, National Abortion
Federation Conference at Washington D.C> on May 28, 1980
7. "They [the fetuses] were next to the garbage cans in paper buckets,
like the take home chicken kind. I looked inside the bucket in front of me.
There was a small, naked person in there, floating in bloody liquid."
--Clinic worker Susan Lindstrom, M.S.W., Dr. Magda Denes "Performing
Abortions" Commentary, Oct 1976 pp35, 37
8. "You have to become a bit schizophrenic. In one room yoiu encourage the
patient that the slight irregularity of the hetal heart is not important-
that she is going to have a fine, healthy baby. Then in the next room, you
assure another woman, on whom you just did a saline abortion, that its good
that the heart is already irregular....she has nothing to worry about. She
is NOT going to have a live baby...... Somebody has to do it. Unfortunately,
we are the executioners in this instance." --Abortionist Dr. John Szenes, in
Dr. Magda Denes "Performing Abortions" Commentary, Oct 1976 pp35, 37
9. "The first time I felt like a murderer, but I did it again and again,
and now, 20 years later, I am facing what happened to me as a doctor and as a
human being. Sure, I got hard. Sure, the money was important. And oh, it
was an easy thing, once I had taken the step- to see these women as animals
and these babies as just tissue...." --abortionist (name withheld), quoted
(from radio) by John Rice, D.D. in "Abortion" litt.d., Murfreesboro, TN Sword
of the Lord Publishers, p 31
10. "I hate Christians because I know they are forgiven, and I know God
will never forgive me for what I do." --abortionist, (name withheld), Women
Exploited: the Other Victims of Abortion. Paula Erwin, ed. 1972 New York, p
11. "From a strict medical viewpoint, every pregnancy should be aborted."
--Abortionist Lisa Fortier, 1980 National Convention of the National Abortion
Federation. Quoted
in Andrew SCholberg, "The Abortionists and Planned Parenthood: Familiar
Bedfellows" International Review of Family Planning, Winter 1980 p 308
12. "I have never known a woman who, when her baby was born, was not
overjoyed I had not killed it." --British abortionist Aleck Bourne, Quoted by
James Wilkerson "A Doctor Speaks" London [England] Express, Jan 25, 1967
13. "A medically necessary abortion is any abortion a woman asks for."
--Minnesota abortionist Jane Hodgeson, quoted in "Human Life International
Report" No. 83 Aug 1991 p 6-7
14. "Oh no, I've done 13 year olds before. When they're ten, maybe I'll
notice." --Abortionist Alen J. Kline, on whether he noticed Dawn Ravenell's
age while performing the abortion that killed her. (This one appeared in
papers throughout the country).
15. "When discussing a sonogram, you are supposed to tell the client that
it is a measurement as far as the pregnancy is concerned but not a measure of
the fetal head or anything like that." --Mrs. Rosemary Petruso, recounting
her training on how to be an abortion counselor. She was told to withhold
information and to give even less information to teenagers than to adults.
Her story was in the St. Louis Review, Women Exploited, p 60
16. "The 54% of black children born to unwed mothers are not productive
members of society. Teenagers never make good mothers....single mothers have
bad children." --Nancy White, representative of NARAL quoted in "The American
Feminist", Summer 1994, p 14
17. "There was not one [abortion doctor] who, at some point in the
questioning, did not say, "This is murder." --Pro-choice author Magda Denes
on her two years of research and interviewing of abortion clinic personnel
for her book "In Neccessity and Sorrow: Life and Death Inside and Abortion
Clinic," quoted by S.J. Powell "Abortion: the Silent Holecaust"
18. "We know that its killing. But the state permits killing under
certain circumstances." --Dr. Neville Sender, abortion clinic founder, quoted
by Pro-choice author Magda Denes on her two years of research and
interviewing of abortion clinic personel for her book "In Neccessity and
Sorrow: Life and Death Inside and Abortion Clinic," quoted by S.J. Powell
"Abortion: the Silent Holecaust"
19. "You know that there is something alive in there that you are killing."
--Abortionist quoted by Pro-choice author Magda Denes on her two years of
research and interviewing of aboriton clinic personel for her book "In
Neccessity and Sorrow: Life and Death Inside and Abortion Clinic," quoted by
S.J. Powell "Abortion: the Silent Holecaust"
20. "Abortion is the taking of a life." --Pro-abortionist and former
Planned Parenthood president Mary Calderone, American Journal of Public
Health vol 50 no. 71960
Abortion Kills: Dr. David Reardon, Director of the Elliot Institute for Social Sciences,
discovered abortion is four times deadlier than childbirth based on a study of
statistical information from Finland's National Research and Development Center for
Welfare and Health.
Sterility: 3 to 5 percent of women are left sterile by abortion.
Mortality Rates: Dr. Reardon showed that women who had an abortion were 252 percent
more likely to die within the following year than women who carried to term.
Abortion Breast Cancer Link: A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology &
Community Health found 30 percent increased risk for breast cancer for women
who had one or more induced abortions.
"Abortion was supposed to reduce teen pregnancy. But the unmarried teen
pregnancy rate has risen from 49.4 per thousand in 1972 (Roe vs. Wade instituted)
to 99.2 per thousand in 1990.
One study of 46,500
school-age mothers found that two-thirds of the girls were impregnated by
adult fathers with a median age of 22. These are men who prey on young
girls and then try to hide their crimes with abortion.
Child abuse rates were to drop due to the elimination of unwanted
children. But the figures show a 331 percent increase in child abuse in
two decades. Sanctioning and even encouraging parents to kill their
offspring has clearly devalued children born or unborn.
We were told abortion would "empower" women and let them make their own
choices. But research has shown that 80 percent of women are pressured by
their husbands or boyfriends or by their parents to abort their baby. Is
this empowerment?
Late-term fetuses are being dissected and
their parts sold for huge profits. Only 2 percent of these late-term
fetuses have any abnormalities. They range in age from 16 weeks to 30
weeks. Sometimes the babies are born alive, and the doctor must break
their neck or beat them to death. Is this acceptable?"
Source: St. Louis Post Dispatch, 1/22/00
Legalized Abortion Harms Women and Children
by Ellie Dillon
HAARP by Robert Howard
Showing the crossed beams of the circularly polarized antennas.
What Is HAARP?
HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is to be a major Arctic facility for upper atmospheric and solar-terrestrial research. HAARP is being built on a DoD-owned site near Gakona, Alaska. Principal instruments include a high power, high-frequency (HF) phased array radio transmitter (known as the Ionospheric Research Instrument, or IRI), used to stimulate small, well-defined volumes of ionosphere, and an ultra-high frequency (UHF) incoherent scatter radar (ISR), used to measure electron densities, electron and ion temperatures, and Doppler velocities in the stimulated region and in the natural ionosphere. To further the scientific capabilities and usefulness of the IRI and ISR, HAARP is supporting the design and installation of the latest in modern geophysical research instruments, including an HF ionosonde, ELF and VLF receivers, magnetometers, riometers, a LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) and optical and infrared spectrometers and cameras which will be used to observe the complex natural variations of Alaska's ionosphere as well as to detect artificial effects produced by the IRI.
HAARP BOILS THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE - HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an 'ionospheric heater'. (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between about 40 to 600 miles above Earth's surface.) Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope: antennas send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radio wave beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto Earth and penetrate everything-living and dead. HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to improve communications for our own good. However, other US military documents put it more clearly: HAARP aims to learn how to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes". HAARP: VANDALISM IN THE SKY?
I have been assured, by everyone from Ph.D.s to poets, that HAARP is: 1. An ionospheric heater 2. A research tool 3. A military test bed 4. A tax-subsidized boondoggle 5. A directed-energy weapon 6. A communication system for submarines 7. A source of field-aligned ionospheric VHF reflectors 8. A way to improve satellite links 9. A planetary x-ray machine 10. A plot to depopulate the Third World 11. A means of creating power blackouts at will 12. Electronic warfare 13. Tesla's wireless power transmission 14. Tesla's secret death ray 15. Searching for space aliens 16. Killing space aliens 17. Killing off the militias 18. Keeping them awake at night (through RF head rectification) 19. Enforcing the New World Order 20. Creating nuclear-scale explosions 21. Weather modification 22. CIA mind control 23. Brain wave modification 24. The end of HF radio 25. The end of wildlife in Alaska 26. The end of atmospheric ozone 27. The end of the human race 28. The end of Earth itself. Now, this is pretty good for one transmitter. I think the last experimental radio that attracted this kind of attention was built by Marconi. What's Up With HAARP?
HAARP: WEATHER, POPULATION, MIND CONTROL And the Educational-Research Complex
HAARP: THE MYSTERIOUS 3.39 MHz SIGNAL BroJon Catches the Culprits !!
Tesla's True Wireless and HAARP Everything You Know is Wrong
HAARP Transmitter Now Running at Full Power
Space-Based Weather Control -The "Thunderstorm Solar Power Satellite"
HAARP - The Instrument of Destruction "Irresponsible acts of global vandalism."
HAARP - New World Order Mind Control and Weather Warfare Weapon
![]() | Angels Don't Play This HAARP Angels Don't Play This HAARP : Advances in Tesla Technology by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning is a book gaining wide publicity throughout the United States having been featured on hundreds of radio programs, news reports and television programs. This book was named one of the most important books of 1996 by Project Censored : The News that Didn't Make the News. The book is the subject of talk radio programs six to twelve times a month on both national and regional programs. The book is in its third english printing since being released in September, 1995. Translations were released in Japan and Germany in 1996. The U.S. Military's first target is the electrojet: a river of electricity that flows thousands of miles through the sky and down into the polar icecap. The electrojet will become a vibrating artificial antenna for sending electromagnetic radiation raining down on the earth. The U.S. military can then "X-ray" the earth and talk to submarines. But there's much more they can do with HAARP. This book reveals surprises from secret meetings.
Forerunners of the Protestants Reformation.
Albigenses or Carthari. In Southern France, Northern Spain and Northern Italy. Preached against the Immoralities of the Priesthood, Pilgrimates, Worship of Saints and Images; Completely rejected the clergy and its claims; Criticized church conditions; Opposed the claims of the Church of Rome; Made use of the scriptures; Lived self denying lives and had a great zeal for moral Purity. By 1167 they embraced possibly a majority of the population of South France by 1200 very numerous in North Italy. In 1208 a crusade was ordered by Pope Innocent III; a bloody war of Extermination followed; scarcely parallel in history; town after town was put to the sword and inhabitants murdered without distinction of Age or Sex; in 1229 Inquisition was established and within the 100 year war, the Albigenses were almost rooted out.
Waldenses. Southern of France and Northern Italy. Similar to Albigenses, Waldo, a rich merchant of Lyons, South France 1176, gave his property to the poor and went about preaching; opposed clerical usurpation and Profligacy; denied the exclusive right of the clergy to teach the Gospel; Rejected Masses, Prayers for the dead and Purgatory; taught the Bible as the sole rule of Belief and Life; their preaching kindled a great desire among the people to READ the Bible. They were gradually repressed by the Inquisition except in the Alpine Valleys southwest of Turin, where they are still found, the only medieval sect still surviving, and a story of heroic endurance of persecutions.
According to Fox's book of Martyrs chapter IV (You can find this book and chapter on the Internet: http://www.tcsn.kcondron/kjcfox4.htm. Edited by William B.)
Persecution of the Waldenses in France
The principal among these Berengarius who, about the year [1000], boldly preached the Gospels truths, according to their primitive Purity. Many from conviction, assented to his doctrine, and were, on that account called Berengarians. To Berengarius succeeded Peer Bruis, who preached at Toulouse, under the protection of an earl, named Hildephonsus. By the year [1140], the number of the reformed was very great, and the probability of its increasing alarmed the Pope, who wrote to several Princes to banish them from their dominions, and Employed many learned men to write against their Doctrines.
In A.D 1147, because of Henry of Toulouse, deemed their most Eminent preacher, they were called Hericans, and as they would NOT admit of any proofs relative to religion, but what could be deduced from the Scriptures themselves, the popish party gave them the name of Apostolics. At length, Peter Waldo, or Valdo, a native of Lyons, Eminent for his piety and learning, became a stenos opposer of popery, and from him the reformed, at that time, received the appellation of Waldenses of Waldoys.
Pope Alexander III being informed by the bishop of Lyons of these transactions, excommunicated Waldo and his adherents, and commanded the bishop to exterminated them, if possible, from the Face of the earth; hence began the Papal persecutions against the Waldenses.
The Pope, finding that these cruel means had not the intended effect, sent several learned monks to preach among the Waldenses, and to endeavor to Argue them out of their Opinions. Among these monks was one Dominic, who appeared extremely zealous in the cause of popery. This Dominic instituted an order, which, from him called the order of Dominican friars; and the members of this order have ever since been the principle Inquisition in various Inquisition in the world. The power of the Inquisition was Unlimited; they proceed against whom they pleased, without any consideration of age, sex or rank.
If a man on his deathbed was accused of being a follower of Waldo, his estates were confiscated, and to heir to them defrauded of his inheritance; and some were sent to Holy Land, while the Dominicans took possession of their houses and properties, and when the owners returned, would often pretend not to know them. These persecutions were continued for several centuries under different Popes and other great dignitaries of the Catholic Church.
In the year 1524, at a town in France, called Melden, one John Clark set up a bill on the church door where he called the Pope Antichrist. For this offence he was repeatedly whipped, and then branded on the forehead. Going afterward to Mentz, in Lorraine, he demolished some images, for which he had his right hand and nose cut off, and his arms breast torn with pincers. He sustained these cruelties with amazing fortitude, and was even sufficiently cool to sing the 115 Psalm, which expressly forbids idolatry; after which he was thrown into the fire, and burned to ashes. Many persons of the reformed persuasion were, about this time, beaten, racked, scourged, and burnt to death, in several parts of France.
Francis Bribard, secretary to Cardinal de Pellay, for speaking a favor of the reformed, had his tongue cut out, and was then burnt in 1545.
A.D. 1545 James Cobard, a schoolmaster of St. Michael, was burnt, for saying "That Mass was Useless and Absurd." And about the same time, 14 were burnt at Malda, their wives being compelled to stand and watch the execution.
Enter the Jesuits.
Rome's answered to the Lutheran Succession: The Inquisition under the leadership of the Jesuits, an order founded by Ignatius Loyola, a Spaniard, on the principle of Absolute and Unconditional Obedience to the Pope, having its object the Recovery of territory lost to Protestants and Mohammedans, and the Conquest of the entire Heathen World for the Roman Catholic Church. Their supreme aim, the Destruction of Heresy, that is, thinking anything different from what the Pope SAID and THINK; for the accomplishment of which Anything was Justifiable, Deception, Immorality, Vice, even Murder. Their motto, "For the Greater Glory of God." In France they were responsible for St. Bartholomew's Massacre, Persecution of the Huguenots, the French Revolution. In Spain, Netherlands, South Germany, Bohemia, Poland and other countries, they led in the Massacre of Untold Multitudes. By these methods they stopped the Reformation in Southern Europe, and virtually saved the Papacy from Ruin.
In [1563] The Catholic Church added that all Marriages need "Counsel of Trent." This custom dated back to [800] when the people had the custom of being married, then go to the priest to ask and pay for him to bless the Marriage.
Modern Popes.
Clement XI [1700-21] declared that Kings Reign Only with His sanction; issued a Bull against Bible Reading.
Leo XIII [1821-29], condemned All Religious Freedom, Tolerance, Bible Societies and Bible Translations, and declared "Everyone separated from the Roman Catholic Church, however Unblameable in other respects, has NO Part in Eternal Life."
Pius IX [1846-78], lost the Papal States; decreed Papal Infallibility; proclaimed the Right to Suppress Heresy by Force; Condemned Separation of Church and State; Commanded Catholics to Obey the Head of the Church rather than Civil Rulers; Denounced Liberty of Conscience, Liberty of Worship, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press; Decreed the Immaculate Conception and DEITY of Mary; condemned Bible Societies, declared that Protestantism is "No Form of the Christians Religion" and that "Every dogma of the Roman Catholic Church has been dictated by Christ through His Vice-regents on earth."
Papal Infallibility.
The Idea that the Pope is Infallible found no expression in Christian literature for 600 years. It arose with the appearance of the False Decretals, and grew with Papal assertion in the Crusades and conflicts of Popes and Emperors. Many Popes from Innocent III [1198-1216], onward, advocated it. But the Councils of Pisa [1409], Constance and Basel expressed decreed that Popes are subject to Councils.
Pius IX [1854], "Of his own Sovereign Authority, and without the cooperation of a Council," proclaimed the Doctrine of Immaculate Conception of Mary. Its reception emboldened him to call the Vatican Council [1870], for the express purpose of having Himself declared Infallible, which, under skillful manipulation, they did. The decreed read that it is "divinely revealed" that the Pope, when he speaks "Ex Cathedra," is "Possessed of Infallibility in defining doctrines of faith and morals," and that "Such definition is irreformable." So, the Pope now claims Infallibility, because the Vatican Council, at his bidding, so voted. The Eastern Church (Greek Orthodox) considered this Papacy's crowning BLASPHEMY!
You might find some interesting books to read more on the Roman Catholic Church history to the present day: 1. A City on Seven Hills by Dave Hunt. 2. A woman Rides the Beasts (chapter 6) by Dave Hunt. 3. The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days. By Dave Hunt. P.O. Box 7019 Bend, Oregon 97708
Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Knox got together in Switzerland to try to work out a way to reform the Church but they could NOT agree with each other.
John Calvin, a Frenchman became the leader of the Huguenots and Puritans.
John Knox, a Scotch was appointed by Queen Elizabeth to start the Presbyterian Church in [1560]. They broke away from the Catholic Church to try having something more like it should be the Way of Jesus. They broke away from the Catholic Church bodily BUT NOT in spirit. They started their church with the same paraphernalia the Catholic had in the infant stage. Church buildings, Property, Names, Robes, Ceremony, Traditions. They should have gone back to Christ's teachings, but they ONLY went back to where the Catholic Church started in the beginning, and followed most of their customs.
In 1985 the number of the Protestants Christians Denominations Surpassed 22,OOO with an average of 5 new ones organized each week according to U.S News magazine in 3/4/91.