Thursday, June 25, 2015

Savant on Politics

It's time to END racism, exploitation and oppression instead of trying to pretend such do not exist. Again, it is no only the perceptions of the majority of Africans Americans, the AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, UN COMMISION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, ACLU, innumerable scholarly critiques, and also the perceptions of more CONSCIOUS and INTELLIGENT of non-Black communities which support my view rather than that of "who smell it." I hope you don't try to tell the families of those massacred by one of your racist kindred to "get over it." I WARN not to even TRY to talk that crap to the angry and dispossessed Black masses in East or West Baltimore. You need to get out of your white cocoon of self-delusion, which you apparently share with certain delusional bourgeois Negroes like freddy, and get back in touch with reality---or be destroyed by it. P.S. What Obama has "proved" is that the system is the system even when you change the color of the package. That system must be changed, maybe overthrown. A blade in the throat of oppression!



By the way, it's too bad you won't get to visit the USA again for awhile. You might get to meet some of our homegrown revolutionaries--a nd philosophers. I will mention one interesting event you missed, but I will mention it privately. Also, I've always thought it was interesting that your AA tutor over here never introduced you to an AA church. A number of these churches are now brimming over. Political opportunist Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who denounced our kids but not cops as criminals, has publicly threatened Rev. Jamal Bryant for leading NONVIOLENT demonstrations in Baltimore. Now she (like Obama) was claiming that the nonviolent protests were ok with her, only the riots were a problem. Actually, the powers-that-be want to SILENCE us and reduce people to passivity. I mentioned before that the fascist pig cops arrested Kevin Moore, the young brother, whose filming of Freddie Gray's arrest helped spark our insurgency. He was charged with TERRORISM and inciting to riot! The white ruling class aided by their puppet black bourgeois political collaborators are out to neutralize us, to crush our budding movement. We will not yield!!!! I've never been more proud to be a citizen of Black Baltimore



Il faut lire LES DAMNES DE LA TERRE by Frantz Fanon. Much of his analysis has a parallel with the situation of Black America. Our black bourgeoisie here is, like the native bourgeois Fanon critiques, mere junior partners of capitalism. Not surprising the Negro mayor is more upset about looted stores than she ever was about the LOOTED LIVES of my people. What's interesting is that her dad, Pete Rawlings was (or so I hear) a HELL RAISER back in the 1960s & 70s. But the black bourgeoisie, as a class, no longer needs the black masses. In the past they NEEDED the masses; they needed MILLIONS of people to break through the Jim Crow barriers. They couldn't challenge the white power structure by themselves. Today, they (like the neocolonial elites in Africa and elsewhere) have an interest in reducing the people to passivity. Many of them would have seen Jamal Bryant as a godsend in the past. Now, the masses are in the way, and men like Rev. Jamal Bryant are seen as threats. The Black liberation movement and its allies must rethink all that we thought we knew about the so-called leaders, be they "liberals " such as Obama and Mayor Rawlings, or open reactionaries like Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice.



It's time to END racism, exploitation and oppression instead of trying to pretend such do not exist. Again, it is no only the perceptions of the majority of Africans Americans, the AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, UN COMMISION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, ACLU, innumerable scholarly critiques, and also the perceptions of more CONSCIOUS and INTELLIGENT of non-Black communities which support my view rather than that of "who smell it." I hope you don't try to tell the families of those massacred by one of your racist kindred to "get over it." I WARN not to even TRY to talk that crap to the angry and dispossessed Black masses in East or West Baltimore. You need to get out of your white cocoon of self-delusion, which you apparently share with certain delusional bourgeois Negroes like freddy, and get back in touch with reality---or be destroyed by it. P.S. What Obama has "proved" is that the system is the system even when you change the color of the package. That system must be changed, maybe overthrown. A blade in the throat of oppression!

