Friday, February 19, 2016

Savant's new words in 2016

By the way, Nick Mosby is running for mayor-making use of the political capital gained this past April by his wife Marilyn--which she decided to prosecute the six cops in whose custody Freddie Gray died. Marilyn Mosby, the DA, was speaking on our campus today. However, I couldn't go because Eddie Conway is coming next week, and that would be twice our class would be missed. Marshall Eddie Conway has decided to focus his activist work in Sandtown ghetto of West Baltimore where Freddie Gray lived and died. Regarding De Ray, the BLM person running for mayor, I believe the last time (or one of he last times) I saw him was during the summer at a showing of the film BLACK PANTHERS: VANGUARD OF THE REVOLUTION. The showing had to be interrupted because their were threats against the theatre, including a threat to kill members of the Black Lives Matters group (De Ray being one of them). My return to regular class activities has, naturally, reduced the amount of time I can spend at meetings and rallies, but will do so when I can...especially on weekends. Some stuff is happening at Red Emmas Café/Bookstore (an Anarchist collective) this weekend. Perhaps, if in Bmore, I can introduce you to some of that collective. I wanted to introduce Attai to some of our homegrown revolutionaries, but I think he was heading out of Bmore and didn't have time. But RED EMMAS is becoming a happening spot in terms of activism--multirac ial as well as Black or Latino activism. And, of course, they're within the radar of the FBI and ex-left reactionaries like David Horowitz.



Ah, brother De Ray McKesson. He filed recently for the mayoral race in Bmore. Well...hmmm from the left many are skeptical that this is a good move. They don't want the Black Li ves Matter movement to get too tangled up with the Establishment, with the Democratic Party machine. (Obviously, the Republicans are not even given a first thought, let alone a second). The Right (especially in the police establishment) regards DeRay simply calls him a cop hater, aiding and abetting criminality and terrorism. (We protestors, though nonviolent, have been accused of aiding terrorism and criminality because of our protests of police terrorism. You know how white racists accused YOU of being racist when you call them out for their racism. Cops terrorize us, and denounce us as terrorists--or aiding and abetting such--when we protest THEIR terrorism). Police are actually accusing DeRay McKesson if having provoked the April uprising in Bmore (his home town) and in other cities across the nation Moderates are saying that De Ray's move is a good thing because even if BLM raised awareness, and continues to do so, actually accomplishment of change (say the moderates) do require working within the political system and the law. My feelings are mixed because I don't want to see this mainly youth movement co-opted by the Democratic Party establishment, the "liberal " corporativists. But such a campaign may force a leftward shift on the part of politicians in the system, as Bernie seems to be doing with Clinton. DeRay is right that we won't get any great transformation by simply following the traditional political paths. One thing you can be sure of: Whoever runs in Baltimore MUST address these issues of racism, police brutality and economic deprivation or be rejected by the community. There's a lot of anger pent up in the community here; and some of it is against the Negro political class, not just the cops and the racists.



 Beaucoups des Noirs Americains observe la meme chose quand ils voyage a votre pays: par exemples Richard Wright, W.E.B Du Bois, mon Oncle Oscar (un soldat Americain a Normandie) et moi, Savant. (Quand j'etais un enfant, mon Oncle Oscar m' a dit : "Well those white folks in France are just a different group. Crackers over here make you have to look over your shoulder every other minute, cause you don't know what they up to. But in France I could just cool it, be myself sometimes, not always looking over my shoulder. Do you know, Savant, that in the years that I was in Paris after Normandy I was NEVER stopped by a French cop even one time for any reason? Not even one time did anybody say I can't eat here, or use this bathroom, be walking in this or that neighborhood or be seen in the company of a woman of the Caucasian persuasion." ) I got to see what he meant, what Ta observed when I finally visited France as a adult. In L'Amerique jour le jour, Simone de Beauvoir mentioned being introduced to members of a Black church in Harlem during the 19440's: "In her country there's no segregation, no KKK, no cops on your back." C'est vrai...main j'observait les problemes raciaux des Noirs francophone et les peuples Nord Africains. That did upset me even if it wasn't directed at me. Ta Nehisi Coates est un fils de Paul Coates, un chef des Panthers Noirs de Baltimore pendant les annees 1960s et (early) 70s. Peut-etre vous lisez aussi MARSHALL LAW:: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF A BALTIMORE BLACK PANTHER, par Marshall Eddie Conway. Mr. Conway visitera a mon university le prochain semain.


I've seen Latinos who support right wing Republicans despite their anti-Latin racism (including one Latin Republican presidential hopeful). I've seen a couple of Blacks wave Confederate flags. AndI've no doubt that you could even have found European Jews who collaborated with Nazis. Such persons are commonly known among THEIR OWN PEOPLE (and not just them) as fools ...or traitors



 But there is no longer a left, at least not a Communist left, for anyone to fight. Hence the political spectrum has moved so far to the right that even "liberals " are seen as leftists. In the past, it was mainly the extreme right which saw liberals as leftists.  ]


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