Anti-communist extremism is not prudence, but extremism and bigotry. We have the First Amendment which says that Americans have the right to the freedom of speech, the right to assemble, and the right to protest. We have the right to the freedom of association that means that people can be Communists, capitalists, socialists, etc. if he or she desires. That freedom also dictates that people have the right to agree or disagree with Communism. Leftists? Leftists are people who brought you the Clean Air Act, Medicare, Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, environmental regulations, and other blessings that you take for granted. Dr. King was a progressive along with other heroes like Claudia Jones, Hosea Williams, and Gloria Richardson. Leftists include many heroic people. Also, Gus Hall (who I don't agree on some issues) was a Communist so he would say something like that. Mao talked about the Black Panthers (and many Black Panthers cited Mao in their literature), but the Black Panthers never murdered millions of people. The Black Panthers confronted police brutality including racism. Fred Hampton (who was a Black Panther member) was a socialist and stood up against injustice too. I have no naivete on history. Hampton never killed anyone, he protested, and he brought people together. He was murdered by the Chicago police in a brutal fashion back in December of 1969. Fred Hampton was a hero. You have no nuisance view of history.
Like I have mentioned before, Dr. King disagreed with Sovet-style Communism in his 1967 interview with Merv Griffin, in his 1967 speech to the SCLC, and in his last book Where do We go From Here. He did praise democratic socialism (where there would be a reconciliation among individualism and collectivism) which I have no issues with.
Everything isn't monolithic. There are nuisances in history. Also, many socialists like protesters, workers, and activists not only opposed racism and opposed imperialism. They stood up for human justice too. There is nothing wrong with being against imperialism too. Many people like you ignore or minimize police brutality, racism, and other evils in order to promote a narrative that we must only be capitalists (when you ignore on purpose about how many not all capitalists were involved in the slave trade, brutal European imperialism, economic oppression, various monopolies during the Gilded Age, etc. that resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent human beings worldwide spanning centuries) in order for us to be freedom lovers. That day is over. Racism should be eliminated and white terrorism should be gone.
-By Timothy
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
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