Saturday, December 25, 2021

Social Commentaries



DIY Grandma Farmer

4 months ago

Oh my, did you say the Last Poets? Yes, Yes, Yes!  Original Rappers, from waay back in the day. I'd have to say, The Last Poets taught truth with ease, style, rhyme, and genius!

X: Malcolm's Final Years (




10 years ago


Exactly.....and if Black People unified, the world would see a POWER never seen before.

If only enough of us realized this!






Trojan Pam says:

May 2, 2015 at 9:54 pm

@ Jay

Unfortunately, brother, the only power we have is what we say, think, and do. There are things we do have power over and I have said this over and over again.

We have the power to NOT spend our money where we can’t work and I”m talking about non-essential items. We do have the power not to spend time and money on demeaning entertainment. We do have the power not to drink expensive alcohol, buy expensive designer shoes, and big houses and cars we don’t really need.

We do have the power not to shun a black male or female and go chasing after a white “prize.” We do have the power to turn the TV off and teach our children the JOY of reading (and thinking). We do have the power to not call each other foul names (often, just for “fun”)

And this is where I have a problem with most of the black people I meet, including many who come to my blog.

Now, I might step on a few toes but that’s alright. I’m not getting paid to do this so nobody can fire me.

It’s the PASSIVITY and lack of PARTICIPATION that concerns me.

The same people that complain about our condition are the same ones who won’t, for example, sacrifice ONE MOVIE that demeans black people because, “Well, I want to see it.”

We don’t seem willing (most of us, anyway) to make ONE SINGLE SACRIFICE, no matter how small, to gain our liberation.

There are a lot of things we can do or not do. At the very least, at least we can TRY




Trojan Pam

@ Fan

I agree, and sometimes, I remind myself as well as other black people–

just look around the world, look at the chaos, greed, wars, cruelty, corruption, and the oppression of women all over the planet

it’s clear black people are not the only ones who are damaged.

There are a lot of issues and a lot of mental illness within the black collective but the people who damaged us are far worse off psychologically as can be seen historically in the long bloody trail of victims worldwide

How can a villain be in better mental health than their victims?


Trojan Pam

@ Anne

While I appreciate any attempt at empathy, I also caution black people about putting too much faith in such overtures.

Unfortunately, we are often more impressed by people just because they aren’t black. We’re like the child in the playground that nobody likes and are overly grateful for any crumb of attention, which still does NOTHING for that child’s self-esteem or self-respect because he or she is STILL looking to others to validate them.

I always advocate that black people concern ourselves MORE with what we think of ourselves and each other than what any other ethnic group thinks of it.

We should practice not caring at all and focus on SELF and GROUP VALIDATION, building each other up and insulating ourselves against those who use our collective low self esteem to exploit us

and we see this happen every day by a variety of ethnic groups who have no vested interest in seeing their black cash cows start doing for self.


 Mary Burrell

I am truly sad to learn of the passing of Trojan Pam. She was a great teacher and activist. I loved post when she broke down systemic racism. Rest In Peace and Power Sister.



Sharon53 says:

May 7, 2015 at 7:58 am



Thank you so very much for your comments. You are so right when you say “Our ancestors were never weak and their memories will forever be in our minds and in our hearts.”

They had to be resilient to endure what had to be “hell on earth.” Anybody else would have crumbled under that kind of brutality.

Something came to mind when you said ‘their memories will forever be in our minds and in our hearts.” I once was taking a tour of Ananberg Ruins in St. John, Virgin Island. It’s hard to believe in this beautiful part of the world that a slave plantation existed. And as we were standing in this cane field, the tour guide was giving us the history on it and this intense feeling came over me as if I could feel what our ancestors felt. I had to walk away because it was just that intense. I hear cane fields were worse than cotton fields and I can’t imagine anything worse than working in a cotton field in sweltering heat.

You also stated “…we have to work via working in our communities, supporting black authors (including black enterprises), improving our health, never supporting TV shows or movies that degrade us (in order words, we shouldn’t buy products from anyone who slanders us and we shouldn’t economically fund anyone who is anti-black), and treat each other as human beings.”

Yes indeed, I strive to do that every day. I don’t have a TV and can’t remember the last time I saw a movie. I try to treat others the best I can also.

Something I have been doing for the last 25 years is support at least one black business every week. I get a lot of lip about this. One person pointed out to me that I was wasting my time because all the owners of those businesses will do is go spend their money outside the black community. I replied to him by saying ‘that at the end of the day, I can say I did my part.’ I will not allow someone else’s spending habits to affect where I spend my dollar.



 Trojan Pam

@ Fan

What I have found in my experience the white supremacists are pros at identifying the “wrong” type of blacks — those who actually care about their own people and those people

Case in point, a former best friend of mine studying to be a doctor was asked by the white male in charge of the residents what she wanted to do once she finished her residency at a prestigious hospital. Well, she made the mistake of saying she wanted to come back to the black community to help poor people.

From that point on, she was blackballed, harassed, and they did everything they could to make her drop out. She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown before the torment ended. Today’s she’s a doctor working in the black community but she’ll never get a prestigious appointment anywhere.

The odds that an integrity driven person of any ethnicity getting the power to effect real positive change in today’s corporate and political world is becoming as rare as the do-do bird.

There are many in the psychiatric community who claim the people most likely to rise up the corporate/political ladder today are sociopaths and psychopaths. Based on what I have seen, I say they are absolutely correct.







Say it one more time again... China's 1 child per couple policy definitely slowed its population growth, yet China economic policy over that same time span has resulted in a HUGE increase in its GHG gas emissions. Thus this fact challenges the meme that reduced population [growth] guarantees reduced GHG gas emissions- 'It ain't necessarily so.'




 Nonso Nnaemeka

9 months ago

Malcolm X is the real deal




Trojan Pam

Interesitng post.

I think this is a very, very, very important topic because the white supremacists love to pretend that all people do the same things but they never pretend that all people are equal. I have a long response so I’m going to break it up into two or three parts.

White supremacy is Racism. Racism is White Supremacy. White people are the ONLY people on the planet who have devised a SYSTEM to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This SYSTEM embraces EVERY aspect of human existence — education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

That is why black and non-white people CANNOT BE RACIST. We do not have a SYSTEM — the power or the institutions– that allows us to mistreat people based on color. Of course, black and non-white people can be PREJUDICED (meaning to pre-judge) someone based on color but that prejudice is limited to what that INDIVIDUAL can do to another INDIVIDUAL.

In fact, most of what black and non-white people do and say is BASED on what they LEARNED under the system of white supremacy – a GLOBAL system that includes India and Japan and their skin color madness. That is NOT ‘internalized racism” because black and non-white people cannot practice “race-ism.”

A more accurate term (in my opinion) for a black person mimicking white racism would be “anti-blackness” or “self-hatred” or “anti-self” but it is NOT racism because we do not have the systems to mistreat other people. Words are important. We should NOT include ourselves as complicit in the practice of race-ism anymore than a concentration camp prisoner who have been brainwashed (gone insane) against his or her fellow prisoners should pretend he or she created the prison or is responsible for its existence. Let the white people responsible for creating and practicing racism TAKE ALL THE BLAME.



Marilynn Jones

4 days ago (edited)

Everything is always about " FORCE"  when we Advocate for ourselves. This is why the Police (Bad Ones) operate with impunity--they are the largest gang in America operating under " the Law".


 Charles White

2 days ago

How can it not be a law for members of Congress who support and/or participated insurrection against USA Government to be allowed to be a Member of Congress? Congress needs to pass bill to banned members who support sedition.


Vitin Manuel

2 years ago

Proud to be an Afro Boricua !!!!  Always....



7 months ago

African Americans stand with our brothers and sisters living in Brazil


Bre Bre

6 months ago

I stand with my black brothers and sisters around the world. its crazy how here in America they deny white supremacy. but you see it around the globe.




judo 101

11 months ago

I’m a black Puerto Rican both parents  born on the island! I love ❤️ my blackness 🇵🇷✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿





 Trojan Pam

@ Kushite Prince

when people accuse black people of being “just as racist as whites” they NEVER give any real examples of this “power” that blacks allegedly have over whites.

All they can say is, well, a black person cussed me out and called me a “honk*y!” or some black person (usually one person) said or did something which may or may not have happened because they were white.

If a black criminal robs you on a street corner, they’re not doing it because you’re white, he or she is robbing you because he or she wants your money, phone, etc,

but they call this “black racism”

Even when black people have powerful “titles” they still cater to white people and are still following their orders from their white bosses but as soon as the black person does or says something white people don’t like (like Michelle Obama talking to black girls)

they call this “black racism”

It’s so bad that even black people are calling other black people “racist”

“Oh, so and so said something unflattering about white people so that black person is a racist!”

that’s why it’s important to know the definition of words and how they’re used to confuse and deceive us.



The Glory of Africa Part 11

 The Glory of Africa Part 11 | PDF | Africa | Ethnicity (


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Words from the Late Sister Trojan Pam.



TrojanPam says:

January 31, 2014 at 3:50 am

@ AJ

I agree that trying to raise healthy children who feel loved and valued is a difficult task for non-white people under the system of white supremacy. This is why it’s so important to share valuable information rather than present “feel good” information.

And that is a major problem, how we avoid unpleasant truths and issues — all while we are still catching hell in the real world. Of course, I understand this need, since I have it, too.

At the same time, I don’t see how we can solve a single problem we have be it economics, education, family, children, etc., without solving the problem of racism.

We can do our best to plan for and raise our children — and the system will derail those efforts — because it’s DESIGNED to do it.

And until we deal with that reality and oppose it with constructive thoughts, speech, and actions, nothing will change.





Trojan Pam says:

April 19, 2017 at 7:08 am

I will be the first to leave a comment by admitting that I am also “guilty” — if that is the right word — for being MORE of a consumer than a producer. I tried many home-based businesses over the years — mail order, photographic business cards, flea market seller, A.L. Williams multi-level marketer of insurance (for which I left a good government job, bragging about not working for anyone else (and a year later I was relieved to find another “good government job.”)

My last “venture” so to speak was writing four counter-racist books which I sell and promote on this blog and to be honest, those types of books don’t sell very well SO I have to keep a job to make ends meet and a roof over my head.

Ah well… .

Over the years, I ran up credit cards for things I didn’t need (and some things I never wore or used). Things I didn’t have the cash to pay for meant I couldn’t afford it, but I ignored that nagging feeling that I was messing up and continued using cards to finance my lifestyle, knowing another paycheck was right around the corner.

A word to the wise and not so wise:

Anything that requires credit because you don’t have the cash to pay for it (other than big purchases like homes and cars) probably means you CAN’T AFFORD IT (and might not NEED it).

I finally got myself down to a small amount of debt but even that amount is like a milestone around my neck. I hate debt now, but I know that a shift in attitude could send me right back to using cards again, but I seriously doubt that will happen because it’s hard to owe so many people money when you hardly have enough for yourself.

Now, some of you may be able to afford a lot of debt due to your income but JUST THINK about how those dollars could be better put to use than buying stuff you don’t need.

II know it’s nice to live in a big pretty house full of nice things with a TV in darn near every room, and carry an overpriced I Phone (that cost Apple less than $20 to make using slave labor), and drive a really nice car, and wear clothes and shoes and carry purses with rich white people’s names on it (who don’t appreciate your business), and sit in nice restaurants feeling all prosperous among people who wonder what you’re doing there (??) and staying in nice hotels (i admit I love a nice hotel room!)

but at the end of the day, who really gives a flying (I won’t say the last word)?

People really don’t care what you wear and drive and live in (they really don’t)

And after you get those two to five seconds of envy you think you’re getting from strangers, nobody’s thinking about you or your car or your clothes or your house except those who are secretly hoping you lose it all.

Are those the people you are busting your butt trying to impress?

Because the need to impress is a sign of self-esteem damage and growing up BLACK will do a number on your self-esteem, making you super self-conscious of the image you present — good or bad — to the world. Totally understandable. I suffer from it, too,

What troubles me most is not JUST how we spend our money (consumers) but that we don’t PRODUCE anything and some of us never think about what a precarious and dangerous position that is.

That makes us a PERMANENTLY DEPENDENT CLASS OF PEOPLE who cannot feed or clothe or supply even our most BASIC NEEDS

and that is NOTHING to be proud of. In fact, it should scare the S out of us

but it doesn’t.

I hope that something Dr. Anderson says will be a spark to thinking differently. I am going to post more videos like his in the hopes that some seeds will be planted

We (and that includes ME) must stop being the planet’s biggest CASH COWS — meaning we are the most exploited and disrespected and disenfranchised consumer class on the PLANET — blacks who live in America.

We can do better. We built BLACK WALL STREET, an economic miracle of the early 20th century with our own movie theaters, homes and businesses (that WE built ) and this happened shortly after 400 years of slavery. We were totally SELF-SUFFICIENT. If you’ve never heard of it, google it.

Now, in 2017, we are trapped in a different kind of SLAVERY, one of mind, body and spirit that is guided by MATERIAL THINGS WE DO NOT PRODUCE.

IT IS TIME TO CHANGE OUR FOCUS from being CONSUMERS to PRODUCERS and to find a way to circulate our dollars among our own communities — which means black business people MUST LEARN HOW TO BE better business people who respect their customers and offer great service and products.

The same way some of us do for the white businesses we work for.

as my post is long enough, I’ll leave it at that


Monday, October 18, 2021

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Friday, August 20, 2021

Iyapo Yapo on Defending Black People.


Iyapo Yapa

22 hours ago (edited)

Daedalus (who was an arrogant narcissist himself), the father of Icarus, sternly warned Icarus not to fly close to the sun, but Icarus in his disobedience, arrogance, hubris and frankly, ignorance… did exactly that, and the results were devastating. Icarus flew close to the sun and the wax from which Daedalus constructed the feather and wax wings melted and Icarus fell to his death.

I would imagine that as Icarus began his final descent into the great beyond he blamed his impending demise on his father for the poor construction of the wings, nature, for the weakness of the wax, the birds from which the feathers came for the inferiority of the feathers… EVERYTHING but his OWN CHOICE to dismiss the warning from his father and remain at a safe distance from the sun (while also ignoring the fact that his father – whose wings were made of exactly the same materials and construct - DID NOT suffer his same fate).

As we discussed a few days ago, I am thoroughly convinced that one of the issues with our people and our sanity is based upon our proximity to wyt people. The more wrapped up with them through relationship and marriage etc… the more insane we become (dying our hair blonde, skin bleaching, adopting their mindsets of our inferiority and their superiority, becoming violent for little or no reason, worshipping money and materialism and any number of perversions that were once unique to their people but have to greater or lesser degrees crept in among our number) there is PLENTY of evidence to support this.

The further removed from their influence, the more sane, happy, content and BLACK our people get. (BLACK meaning not just or necessarily skin tone but, unapologetically, without any real thought to it, beautifully, naturally Black as a “state of being”)… far removed from a concept of Blackness as a “color”.  (One of the most pure reactions I ever saw was a video of a wyt man entering a remote African village (I do not recall what country in Africa it was), and he encountered a little girl. She was absolutely terrified of him as she had never seen a wyt person before. Unfortunately, the adult villagers who had had contact with wyt people before forced her to stand near him, touch him, allow him to touch her etc. to prove he was not a monster that was going to eat her. I kept saying to Angela… “NO! Leave that child alone… she’s having the RIGHT reaction!” By the end of the video the child had calmed down, though still insecure around the wyt man. 

My take away is that the child was living JUST FINE without encountering this man… and would have CONTINUED to do so in ALL of her Black sanity, safety and security had he NEVER come into her life. She likely didn’t even realize she was BLACK until that moment… up unto that moment she was just BEING. As we ALL should be. But what has that single action opened the door to for that little girl? Will she meet more wyt people in the future? Will she become at some point desensitized to their existence and presence?  Will she at some point be introduced to their materialism and conditioned to believe she is somehow inferior to them and the more like them she can be, the more “cultured” “civilized” and “acceptable” she will be… if not to herself, then to THEM… wherein the gaining of their acceptance will by proxy make HER acceptable? 

Before meeting that colonizer the little girl was COMPLETELY sane… after that single encounter… her sanity was diminished, perhaps imperceptibly… but who is to say if she never encounters another wyt person in her life, that she will not have repeated nightmares about the trauma of meeting this creatures she feared was going to eat her?

Her safety security and sanity were touched. But because of her distance from wyt people, she can still remain powerfully sane.

To the C. K.s of the world I would submit that the thought process they espouse which blames Black people for everything is about as surface thinking as one can get. NOTHING is more surface than looking at effect without examining the cause.

I have ZERO doubt that these Black men and women have been hurt by other Black people. They have… I have… we ALL have! But our disfunction is a SYMPTOM of what is wrong with us… NOT the disease. If I am getting headaches every day I can take aspirin every day… if I don’t look any deeper than the headache. But if I am being honest and not looking for a “quick fix”, I will dig into WHY I am getting a headache every day, because instinctively I should realize there is nothing natural about having daily headaches. If I find the courage to dig deeper, I might get an answer I feared… but then… at least… I can address the issue and possibly rectify it.

So… it is possible that those who embrace wyt people and wytness, are, through self hate, using wytness as their refuge… as their aspirin (or pink pill), ignoring the fact that the aspirin itself is damaging them with its continued use. It is further possible that the retreat into wytness is done for the same reason that WYT PEOPLE give no deeper thought about the condition of our people. Because once it is examined unpacked, peeled down, deconstructed and laying on the floor before them in pieces… they (swirlers and self-haters) as well as wyt people themselves, will find it is WYT PEOPLE who are at the foundation of Black disfunction, and that Black people as we are, are not just inherently dysfunctional (as with those of our people who have never come in contact with wyt people and live lives of peace and fulfillment).

Oh yes… WE are the ones who are held up as the problem and a plague on the earth… but none of these swirlers EVER ask:  

    • What global wars have Black people started, executed and proliferate?

    • What weapons of mass destruction have Black people engineered?

    • What weapons of mass destruction have Black people deployed?

    • What campaigns of genocide have Black people participated in based solely upon the color of someone’s skin?

    • What treaties or promises have Black people made with other peoples that we have broken as if we never made them? (The U.S. has broken or ignored EVERY treaty ever made with Native Americans… EVERY treaty).

    • What devices of torture have Black people created?

    • What systems of government have Black people created that have as a component the marginalization, and systemic and systematized oppression of another people?

    • What chemical and biological weapons have Black people created and deployed?

    • What counties have Black people invaded, destabilized and/or underdeveloped in order to steal its resources while leaving those who live there destitute?

    • What Black people spread endless propaganda about other races while taunting ours as being “superior”?

    •  What Black people have countries in which people of a “minority” race, out number the prison population of the larger population. ie. 7% Japanese, but Japanese make up 57% of their prison population, or 12% wyt but wyt people make up 60% of their prison population?

    • What Black people turned the planet into a radiological nightmare?

I could LITERALLY go on!

Sure… they do and continue to do all those things and more… but “Black men and women talk bad about me!” or “Cheated on me!” or “Did WHATEVER personal thing to me!” Which admittedly could be something horrendous and even deserving of imprisonment or even death in some cases. There is no denying that.

But is that a reason to turn your back on an ENTIRE people? When the things listed before it are crimes against ALL humanity, animals, nature and the world ITSELF – and CAN be boiled down to, and overwhelmingly attributed to an actual entire race of people – namely wyt people?!

The C,K.s and C.Gs and T.S. and so on of the world, make so much of the destruction that Black people do, while simultaneously extolling the virtues of wyt people having ALL the power, both domestically and globally, while our people are powerless to do anything of note.

So which is it?

Are our people so weak and powerless that we cannot affect the environments in which we live, or are we SO powerful that we have the ability to ruin lives and do untold harm to our own people and everything around us?

You can’t have it BOTH ways?

Don’t blame OUR people? 

It is our PROXIMITY to wyt people by which we can measure our levels of disfunction. The further we are able to separate from them and their “value systems”, the more sane and content we become.

Of THAT I am convinced.

DEEPEST love, honor and respect beloved Sister!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Statistics that Defend the Dignity of Black Human Life.



1. Black women are among the most educated women in America


2. Black fathers in America are more likely to be in the lives of children than fathers of other ethnic groups


3. The majority of black people who are married or dating, marry or date each other

4. Myths about Black people and Health Exposed


5. The myth of single mothers collectively ruining the black family,-Beliefs-and-Perceptions-Regarding-Single-Parent-Families&id=3170160


6. Abortion rates decline in the black community.


7. The necessity to End Poverty in America


8. The ADOS Movement Refuted


9. There are tons of black women and black men who are inventors (past and present)


10. Black people Have always Build in our own Communities


11. Tons of Black Men do Defend Black Women


12. Tons of Black Women do Defend Black Men


Thursday, June 24, 2021

Women 100m Hurdles Finals | U.S Track & Field Olympic Team Trials June 2...

Iyapo Yapa on Lenon Honor.


Iyapo Yapa

15 hours ago (edited)

I used to listen to Lenon Honor at one time, but after his channel turned into “The Weekly Bash Umar” channel, I have since stopped. (Do I believe Umar is a charlatan? Yes. But hearing about his exploits every week is in my opinion unproductive… I’ve got the concept, I don’t need to hear any more of it. I also find dragging him and making jokes about him equally unproductive. I’m about liberation and separation for our people – and as I’m constantly saying about anyone… be it Umar, Oprah, or any “celebrity” – “Okay, we have spent an hour, or however long TOTALLY dragging them. Are we no longer within this SoWS? Has it changed ANYTHING for our people and our condition within this construct?” 

Also when Christelyn Karazin was on his live stream commenting, and she was in 100% agreement with him as he spoke about Black men and gave him a generous super chat then invited him onto her platform… that was about all I needed to see. I’m like this… there are certain people, or groups who, if they are standing in agreement with me and saying how right I am, then I automatically know that I’m on the wrong side of whatever I’m talking about and need to DEEPLY rethink my position. That is one of my rules of thumb. ie. If say… Tucker Carlson talked about how GREAT my views are and how right I am… then I would AUTOMATICALLY know there’s something wrong with my perspective and I need to reexamine it!

Yes… users, charlatans, and the like need to be called out, but at some point… we must GET the point, because beyond that point it becomes oppression porn, or gossip and so on. Really… for example, who CARES what Candace Owens has to say about Juneteenth (a holiday I personally don’t celebrate for several reasons), but my point is that somewhere along the line we start activating the “Streisand Effect (The Streisand effect is a social phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of further publicizing that information, often via the Internet.) And instead of sucking all the air out of the room so that the flame dies… gasoline is added to it and it becomes more well known because we won’t stop talking about it (or them). 

Finally… another red flag for me is when ANY Black person is constantly starting their sentences with “The problem with Black people is…” or “What’s wrong with Black people is…” or “Black people need to…” Because in my opinion those who speak that way have a few things going on at once. One is that EVERYBODY who speaks disparagingly about our people are talking about ALL of our people, but somehow… some individual Black people think they are talking about OTHER Black people… THOSE Black people. In their mind they are thinking, I’m not like THEM. I’m not one of THOSE Black people. All the while not realizing that they are inwardly dealing with issues of self hate either consciously or subconsciously, though they will deny it with their last breath.

The second is that when “The problem with Black people… “ statements are made they are almost always made without context. Not taking into account a system that was not only created to keep us down, but actually NEEDS our people at the bottom of it so that it can run. They do not factor in epigenetic memory, generational oppression, and the behavior of natural people when forced into an unnatural environment and conditions.

The third is that there is almost NEVER an examination of the absolute TERROR and destruction yt people have reigned down upon not only our people, but the very planet ITSELF! No examination of THAT what-so-ever… when our actions within this construct are like fire crackers… theirs are ATOMIC BOMBS…  LITERALLY. 

So… I don’t listen to him (Umar either anymore), and your commentary is spot on as usual. And I agree with Chris Miller when he says that, (and I’m paraphrasing here), the Umar bashers need to use that same energy to address our oppressor and the SoWS.

Love, Honor and Respect to you and your Might Black Family… ALWAYS!


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

More on My Family Tree.


Iyapo Yapa's Words


Iyapo Yapa

9 hours ago



The concept of a “High Value” man or woman is a misnomer in the first place.


I did a quick experiment with Angela one day. I went to her and asked her how much Jeff Bezos is worth. She said, “Such and such billion” (which was accurate), but I made my REAL point to her after she said that... because we often talk about language. My point to her was that even in the terminology we use, when speaking of a person in terms of “VALUE” our minds are immediately trained to think in terms of MONEY and MATERIALISM. 


I submitted that Jeff Bezos is nearly WORTHLESS, because he is adding no value to society and on the contrary is causing great HARM. 


The VALUE of a person is actually measured by their CHARACTER, INTELLECT and what they do to move not only themselves forward (on a level of living the most constructive life possible), 


The entire concept of materialism is grounded in yt people’s INABILITY to compete with our people in nearly every arena (with the exception of death, misery and destruction). Even if one DOES manage to earn six figures or what have you, the fact still remains that the pursuit of wealth and materialism puts us DIRECTLY on THEIR square. As I have said before... when you lack character, creativity, imagination, and basic humanity SOMETHING has to be done to give that person a sense of worth. That something became MONEY and MATERIALISM. They (yt people), spent centuries crafting that particular house of cards which includes opulence, etiquette, and false “sincerity” (the Southern Belle and Southern ‘Gentleman’ who owned enslaved Africans and worked, beat and raped them without mercy, while simultaneously separating husbands and wives, parents and children and so on - but they were experts in etiquette as were their brutal, barbaric counterparts in Europe).


Money and materialism is the ONLY thing they could use to give them the illusion of being “civilized” while remaining blood thirsty barbarians. At the same time, they fooled the rest of the world into believing that money and material wealth is what determines a person’s “value”, so they made sure that our people especially were cut off from any ability to gain wealth on a major scale so that when people look at us they don’t see the talent, the compassion, the humanity, the genius, the resourcefulness, the love, the intellect, or the beauty... all the world sees is that overall, as a people, we’re broke... and therefore... based upon what they (and WE), have been brainwashed into believing... we have NO “value” and they are “high value” TOTALLY based upon money and materialism.


And even in the context of our people... just as you and Brother Z correctly said... if we are looking at each other through the oppressor’s lens and considering money and materialism to determine the value of a man or woman, then we (or at least those of us who are chasing that carrot), are caught up in a PURE FANTASY!


Love, Honor and Respect to both of you!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

New Pieces of Information



Track and Field 


The 2018 Winter Olympics


The Haitian Revolution


The Mysteries of Life Part 1:


The Reformation


Dr. King


Virginia's Story Parts 3-5:




 R&B Part 1: Predecessors and Early R&B:


Modern Black Heroes:




Serena Williams


The Memphis Sanitation Strike:


The Legacy of Barack Obama:


Hair Part 2 (Its Components):


The History of R&B Part 5 (The 1990's):


The Glory of Africa Part 10:


Virginia's Story Parts 3 to 5:

The 2010's


Dorothy Dandridge


Lorraine Hansbery:


Health Information Part 7:

 The History of R&B Part 4: The 1980's:


Hair Part 3: The Culture of Hair;

The Mysteries of Life Part 4:


The History of Hip Hop Part 4:


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Monday, February 1, 2021

Words from the Late Sister Trojan Pam.

 Trojan Pam says:

October 19, 2016 at 3:28 pm

@ Twalk

Posts like yours and the reason I write blogs like this. To help others realize they are not alone in their observations and feelings and to encourage those who don’t see to open their eyes.

The evidence of the WAR AGAINST THE BLACK FAMILY is everywhere. The white mainstream media — which is a very effective tool of white supremacy — is dedicated to turning the black male and black female against each other

that is the major method to conquering our self-esteem and sanity.

Sadly, from what I have seen most blacks either do not care or are so lost and brainwashed they have zero protection against the psychological and spiritual assault being waged against black people.

Please share this post and have that conversation with other black people, in particular, black females because we are COOPERATING with our own degradation and invisibility by supporting TV shows, movies, artists, and sponsors who deliberately degrade us


-Trojan Pam


 Iyapo Yapa

1 year ago

I’m going to do something I almost NEVER do and address this Cyn G business. (I try not to even dignify her foolishness by commenting or talking about it or her, but sometimes, something needs to be said.

Regardless of how you feel about the names I’m about to list… love them or hate them, admire or despise them… that is not the point… understand what I am getting at.

John DuBois - Businessman, civic leader and philanthropist. 

Genghis Khan – Founder of the Mongol Empire.

Homer – Composer of the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Akbar - The successful Moghul emperor of India.

Charlemagne (Charles the Great) - Nicknamed the "Father of Europe" as the founding father of both the French and the German Monarchies.

Isabella Baumfree (Sojourner Truth) – Black abolitionist and women's rights activist.

What do they all have in common?

They were all ILLITERATE! 

Does the fact that none of these people knew how to read speak to their mental, psychological, or intellectual faculties or abilities?

And I guess since the jazz musician Dave Brubeck along with Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder could not read music (the latter two for obvious reasons) their entire musical careers and bodies of work are therefore null and void and without merit?

To say since one has an inability to read and therefore lacks the ability to form coherent or substantial thoughts or conclusions is a non sequitur, as with the list above, there is not necessarily a correlation between literacy and intellectual or even verbal prowess. Furthermore, there are MANY “educated” people who lack the ability to think their way through the most rudimentary of scenarios and come to logical conclusions about them – Cyn G being a prime example of this.  

If she IS college educated, then she will have surely gone through liberal arts, civics, sociology and/or philosophy courses which went over the subjects of LOGICAL FALLACIES, which include but are not limited to:

• Ad Hominem Fallacy

• Strawman Argument

• Appeal to Ignorance (argumentum ad ignorantiam)

• False Dilemma/False Dichotomy

• Slippery Slope Fallacy

• Circular Argument (petition principia), and others (I believe there are at least 15),

So… being “college educated”, she either didn’t pay attention when taking those courses, forgot what she learned in them, or completely remembers and understands them, but simply chooses to ignore them and insults her listeners by giving them what she KNOWS is flawed commentary, for her own benefit. 

At any given time, the arguments she makes falls under one or more of these fallacies and though when spoken what she says SEEMINGLY, makes a KIND of sense on the surface, when picked apart her points are superficial at best and held together with flimsy connections which are easily pulled apart and debunked.  

The tactics she uses are no different than any which have ever been used by anyone who came to power by accessing the anger and distain within themselves and then directing it outward and spraying it like poison to anyone who shares that same internal detestation. In HER case, it is toward Black men, Black relationships and Black love. She creates a straw man argument (typically concerning Black men or Black love), and then appeals to EMOTION to elicit a visceral response from the listener in order to stir dissention and ill will between Black women toward Black men. All of which does NOT benefit the disciple in any positive way (except to give them a target at which to hurl their poisoned darts, or upon whom to focus their angst and feel better IN THE MOMENT for having done so), all the while building HER up, lining her pockets and satisfying the obviously unresolved vitriol which exists within herself toward Black men. 

The fact that so many listen to her and agree is NOT a sign that she is in any way correct… but actually a manifestation of the hurt and brokenness within our community and our willingness to so quickly blame the victim (each other), as opposed to turning in unison to face the TRUE culprit… the SoWS (System of White Supremacy) and the white people who benefit from it, which fuels and perpetuates this manufactured gender war in an effort to destroy our people from within using the time tested strategy of “divide and conquer”. 

The argument she makes about someone “letting” another lead is insubstantial on the face of it. In ANY given situation, in terms of relationships… someone MUST be ALLOWED to lead. A person who leads without the permission of the person or persons led is actually a DICTATOR, and to that degree… within the construct of her (Cyn G’s presentation), she is actually contradicting her own argument. 

Without a leader who is ALLOWED to lead, there would be perpetual fighting and chaos. 

My example if I may:

I am driving with my wife (I like the sound of that), on a day trip. She is in the passenger seat and she is ALLOWING me to control the vehicle. That doesn’t mean I am not ACTUALLY in charge of the vehicle, since I did not singularly wrestle the wheel from her and COMMAND that I am in charge of it unopposed. On the contrary… she is trusting me and ALLOWING me to control and direct the vehicle. That doesn’t mean I don’t have to take her advice about watching out for objects on the road, taking an alternate route, stopping for food or rest breaks and where to stop etc.  It simply means that as I drive, I am presently in charge of the operation and safety of the vehicle and anything (including her input), which gets us safely to our destination is upon MY shoulders and MY responsibility. 

(As a side note: Most people, including my wife, will tell you in a MOMENT that they prefer to be a PASSENGER and LET the driving be up to the other person… that way, all the stress and the majority of the decisions is on THEM - the driver. The passenger can just sit, and relax for the most part, eating, reading, talking on the phone, playing a video game, or whatever… they don’t mind letting the other person LEAD because it takes a LOT of pressure off THEM - the passenger). 

I digress…

She is ALLOWING me to drive by NOT trying to grab the wheel from the passenger side, or reaching her foot over in order to speed up, or hit the breaks and so on, which ultimately would result in a crash. I am NOT the “BOSS” or ruler of her because she made a suggestion about pulling over to get gas, and I decide to go to the next station, it is simply an outward sign that she is in that instance, deferring to my judgment in that situation. 

Within a REAL relationship, though I have control of the vehicle, if she makes a better suggestion, I will listen to it, weigh it and take that advice if it is best for our trip, or if she is hungry or needs to stop for the rest room… as a man who LOVES her… and as the person who is in the leadership position of driving, it is MY position to SUBMIT to the NEEDS of my WIFE and stop, because of LOVE, HONOR and RESPECT.

To be sure… the are many of our men who have not earned that place… but it does not change the fact that, that IS the order of things. It is the place of MEN to TEACH our MEN to be the leaders in our homes, relationships and communities… REAL LEADERS, who understand that TRUE LEADERS are actually SERVANTS to the people who trust us with that position. It is for our MEN to teach that to each other… not a Black man hating, self hating, opportunist who does not even live by the letter of her OWN law… and yes, I’m referring to Cyn G.  She speaks disparagingly about someone (Fantasia), and brings up something in her past to say she has no right to give relationship advice, when she, herself (Cyn G) has very publicly shown PRESENTLY that SHE does not follow the same advice she so forcefully spouts to her disciples. Possibly she should look in a mirror and speak about who has no right to speak on given subjects due to their own in-adherence to the advice they so generously hand to others. 

But still they listen.

I can’t help but think… somewhere, she… Phil and others like them get together at times… and laugh at our gullibility. 

MUCH love, honor and respect my most beloved Sister.