Friday, August 20, 2021

Iyapo Yapo on Defending Black People.


Iyapo Yapa

22 hours ago (edited)

Daedalus (who was an arrogant narcissist himself), the father of Icarus, sternly warned Icarus not to fly close to the sun, but Icarus in his disobedience, arrogance, hubris and frankly, ignorance… did exactly that, and the results were devastating. Icarus flew close to the sun and the wax from which Daedalus constructed the feather and wax wings melted and Icarus fell to his death.

I would imagine that as Icarus began his final descent into the great beyond he blamed his impending demise on his father for the poor construction of the wings, nature, for the weakness of the wax, the birds from which the feathers came for the inferiority of the feathers… EVERYTHING but his OWN CHOICE to dismiss the warning from his father and remain at a safe distance from the sun (while also ignoring the fact that his father – whose wings were made of exactly the same materials and construct - DID NOT suffer his same fate).

As we discussed a few days ago, I am thoroughly convinced that one of the issues with our people and our sanity is based upon our proximity to wyt people. The more wrapped up with them through relationship and marriage etc… the more insane we become (dying our hair blonde, skin bleaching, adopting their mindsets of our inferiority and their superiority, becoming violent for little or no reason, worshipping money and materialism and any number of perversions that were once unique to their people but have to greater or lesser degrees crept in among our number) there is PLENTY of evidence to support this.

The further removed from their influence, the more sane, happy, content and BLACK our people get. (BLACK meaning not just or necessarily skin tone but, unapologetically, without any real thought to it, beautifully, naturally Black as a “state of being”)… far removed from a concept of Blackness as a “color”.  (One of the most pure reactions I ever saw was a video of a wyt man entering a remote African village (I do not recall what country in Africa it was), and he encountered a little girl. She was absolutely terrified of him as she had never seen a wyt person before. Unfortunately, the adult villagers who had had contact with wyt people before forced her to stand near him, touch him, allow him to touch her etc. to prove he was not a monster that was going to eat her. I kept saying to Angela… “NO! Leave that child alone… she’s having the RIGHT reaction!” By the end of the video the child had calmed down, though still insecure around the wyt man. 

My take away is that the child was living JUST FINE without encountering this man… and would have CONTINUED to do so in ALL of her Black sanity, safety and security had he NEVER come into her life. She likely didn’t even realize she was BLACK until that moment… up unto that moment she was just BEING. As we ALL should be. But what has that single action opened the door to for that little girl? Will she meet more wyt people in the future? Will she become at some point desensitized to their existence and presence?  Will she at some point be introduced to their materialism and conditioned to believe she is somehow inferior to them and the more like them she can be, the more “cultured” “civilized” and “acceptable” she will be… if not to herself, then to THEM… wherein the gaining of their acceptance will by proxy make HER acceptable? 

Before meeting that colonizer the little girl was COMPLETELY sane… after that single encounter… her sanity was diminished, perhaps imperceptibly… but who is to say if she never encounters another wyt person in her life, that she will not have repeated nightmares about the trauma of meeting this creatures she feared was going to eat her?

Her safety security and sanity were touched. But because of her distance from wyt people, she can still remain powerfully sane.

To the C. K.s of the world I would submit that the thought process they espouse which blames Black people for everything is about as surface thinking as one can get. NOTHING is more surface than looking at effect without examining the cause.

I have ZERO doubt that these Black men and women have been hurt by other Black people. They have… I have… we ALL have! But our disfunction is a SYMPTOM of what is wrong with us… NOT the disease. If I am getting headaches every day I can take aspirin every day… if I don’t look any deeper than the headache. But if I am being honest and not looking for a “quick fix”, I will dig into WHY I am getting a headache every day, because instinctively I should realize there is nothing natural about having daily headaches. If I find the courage to dig deeper, I might get an answer I feared… but then… at least… I can address the issue and possibly rectify it.

So… it is possible that those who embrace wyt people and wytness, are, through self hate, using wytness as their refuge… as their aspirin (or pink pill), ignoring the fact that the aspirin itself is damaging them with its continued use. It is further possible that the retreat into wytness is done for the same reason that WYT PEOPLE give no deeper thought about the condition of our people. Because once it is examined unpacked, peeled down, deconstructed and laying on the floor before them in pieces… they (swirlers and self-haters) as well as wyt people themselves, will find it is WYT PEOPLE who are at the foundation of Black disfunction, and that Black people as we are, are not just inherently dysfunctional (as with those of our people who have never come in contact with wyt people and live lives of peace and fulfillment).

Oh yes… WE are the ones who are held up as the problem and a plague on the earth… but none of these swirlers EVER ask:  

    • What global wars have Black people started, executed and proliferate?

    • What weapons of mass destruction have Black people engineered?

    • What weapons of mass destruction have Black people deployed?

    • What campaigns of genocide have Black people participated in based solely upon the color of someone’s skin?

    • What treaties or promises have Black people made with other peoples that we have broken as if we never made them? (The U.S. has broken or ignored EVERY treaty ever made with Native Americans… EVERY treaty).

    • What devices of torture have Black people created?

    • What systems of government have Black people created that have as a component the marginalization, and systemic and systematized oppression of another people?

    • What chemical and biological weapons have Black people created and deployed?

    • What counties have Black people invaded, destabilized and/or underdeveloped in order to steal its resources while leaving those who live there destitute?

    • What Black people spread endless propaganda about other races while taunting ours as being “superior”?

    •  What Black people have countries in which people of a “minority” race, out number the prison population of the larger population. ie. 7% Japanese, but Japanese make up 57% of their prison population, or 12% wyt but wyt people make up 60% of their prison population?

    • What Black people turned the planet into a radiological nightmare?

I could LITERALLY go on!

Sure… they do and continue to do all those things and more… but “Black men and women talk bad about me!” or “Cheated on me!” or “Did WHATEVER personal thing to me!” Which admittedly could be something horrendous and even deserving of imprisonment or even death in some cases. There is no denying that.

But is that a reason to turn your back on an ENTIRE people? When the things listed before it are crimes against ALL humanity, animals, nature and the world ITSELF – and CAN be boiled down to, and overwhelmingly attributed to an actual entire race of people – namely wyt people?!

The C,K.s and C.Gs and T.S. and so on of the world, make so much of the destruction that Black people do, while simultaneously extolling the virtues of wyt people having ALL the power, both domestically and globally, while our people are powerless to do anything of note.

So which is it?

Are our people so weak and powerless that we cannot affect the environments in which we live, or are we SO powerful that we have the ability to ruin lives and do untold harm to our own people and everything around us?

You can’t have it BOTH ways?

Don’t blame OUR people? 

It is our PROXIMITY to wyt people by which we can measure our levels of disfunction. The further we are able to separate from them and their “value systems”, the more sane and content we become.

Of THAT I am convinced.

DEEPEST love, honor and respect beloved Sister!

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