You need to go underground, i agree though that mainstream mess has no soul. It all about violence, decadence, and greed.
I've noticed that too. It's about time. They sound pretty good. Maybe they're trying to pick up the torch from the old school sounds. I hope they keep it up.If you read the comment section on youtube, you'd see that there are some youngins who'd still appreciate the oldies. Keep the music alive!!!
I love my culture and I love being black, I could not feel completely comfortable dating another race of man, especially if we had nothing in common. And then if that white man doesnt like black men then that would turn me completely off because my family consists of black men and I have the most upper respect for them.
-beautiful black woman
NIJERIA:- Dambe - Gidigbo (Yoruba martial art)- Igba Magba:
' The Igbos believe that "A man is said to be a man only when he has efficiently and effectively handled trying situations" They also believe that a man should fight his aggressors be they human or spiritual, to the best of his ability. It is always a privilege for young men to have the courage to engage in a wrestling match. For one has the opportunity to distinguish themselves and to attain a statues in the community as a star, warrior or a distinguish wrestler. Throughout Igboland wrestling is an important sport. Wresting has been known to be used not just as a sport but for other purposes. At times, disputes are settled with this all-important sport. An extremely popular girl, who has had several approaches from suitors, may find it difficult to choose the one she will marry. What happens in this case, is that; a wrestling competition is arranged for all the suitors and whoever emerges victorious marries the girl. Inter-village wrestling competitions are not uncommon. Each village has its own wrestling ground, which is very soft and well looked after. The wrestlers are grouped according to their records of achievements. All the villagers are informed of any competitions, which usually are in the in the evenings. A ring is made and spectators sit around this ring. The chief, titled men, the boy providing the music and the wrestlers all sit inside the ring.
Boys who have been specially trained provide a brand of music. The wrestlers squat and chat together. The competition is started by the two principal wrestlers from the two villages. Various techniques are employed and a wrestler can easily win the applause of the spectators with his adroit styles. Any competitor that is carried up and if his legs are no longer touching the ground is declared defeated. If it appears that no competitor is defeating the other, the wrestlers are said to be evenly matched. It's declared a draw and another set of wrestlers comes in. Meanwhile, the music provided by the boys' plays an important role on the occasion. It has been once described as heart stirring, capable of giving added strength to the weak. The total successes and failures of each team go to determine the result of the competition. The team that has the greatest number of' successes becomes the winner and the chief presents the prize, which can take any for
-Cap Black
ETHIOPIA:-Donga Stick Fighting:
"The donga, is a male-only, stick sport which takes place from November until February (in between growing seasons). Each competitor carves their own six foot long stick to be used as a weapon with the only protection coming in the form of body paint. The event involves the top men of each village competing one on one, each trying to knock down his opponent. The rules are few and far between the main one being that you may only maim - not kill - your opponent. If an accidental fatality occurs, the killer and his family are banished from the village and all of their property is taken away from them. So what's the point of the donga? Simple ... manhood is proved, quarrels are resolved and honor is defended. When all is said and done however, the real reason for the fights lies elsewhere... "The tournament winner is borne on a platform of fighting sticks to a group of young women, who decide which of them will offer herself in marriage to the champion".
- Dula Meketa - Re Efi Areh Ehsee
GAMBIA:- Borreh
"Grappling art of the Mandinga tribe, it consists of knees, head butts, kicks and holds to break the neck, leg, collar bone and arm"
- Maratabeen
NIJERIA:- Dambe - Gidigbo (Yoruba martial art)- Igba Magba:
' The Igbos believe that "A man is said to be a man only when he has efficiently and effectively handled trying situations" They also believe that a man should fight his aggressors be they human or spiritual, to the best of his ability. It is always a privilege for young men to have the courage to engage in a wrestling match. For one has the opportunity to distinguish themselves and to attain a statues in the community as a star, warrior or a distinguish wrestler. Throughout Igboland wrestling is an important sport. Wresting has been known to be used not just as a sport but for other purposes. At times, disputes are settled with this all-important sport. An extremely popular girl, who has had several approaches from suitors, may find it difficult to choose the one she will marry. What happens in this case, is that; a wrestling competition is arranged for all the suitors and whoever emerges victorious marries the girl. Inter-village wrestling competitions are not uncommon. Each village has its own wrestling ground, which is very soft and well looked after. The wrestlers are grouped according to their records of achievements. All the villagers are informed of any competitions, which usually are in the in the evenings. A ring is made and spectators sit around this ring. The chief, titled men, the boy providing the music and the wrestlers all sit inside the ring. Boys who have been specially trained provide a brand of music. The wrestlers squat and chat together. The competition is started by the two principal wrestlers from the two villages. Various techniques are employed and a wrestler can easily win the applause of the spectators with his adroit styles. Any competitor that is carried up and if his legs are no longer touching the ground is declared defeated. If it appears that no competitor is defeating the other, the wrestlers are said to be evenly matched. It's declared a draw and another set of wrestlers comes in. Meanwhile, the music provided by the boys' plays an important role on the occasion. It has been once described as heart stirring, capable of giving added strength to the weak. The total successes and failures of each team go to determine the result of the competition. The team that has the greatest number of' successes becomes the winner and the chief presents the prize, which can take any form.
-Capricorn Black
Every black man and woman should go to Crammasters
page and read every Blog posted there! This Blog is being reposted here because
it is still relevant to our situation and circumstance--regardless of the fact
that we have a black President in the White House. Understand
this, if we do not WAKE UP as a race of people, we are
going to eventually lose the battle as well as the
============================== =======
With 70% of BW being single parents, and 45% that will never marry, BW should be UP IN ARMS about all the defecting, interracial-dating BM, especially since MOST are leaving behind the black children they had with BW. I PERSONALLY know several BM who fit this description.
No other (sane) race of people, facing the problems that black folks currently face, would think it was acceptable to divide and conquer themselves, especially when faced by a powerful enemy that is literally stripping away EVERY so-called economic and employment gain that blacks have made over the last 40 years.
Nor would a sane (or self-respecting) male put the female of his oppressor on a pedestal OR put his precious time, money, love, and energy toward ENRICHING his own enemies instead of taking care of his OWN black women and children.
And for those who are confused about who this enemy is -- it's time to pick up a book and READ ABOUT YOUR HISTORY -- both past and present.
There are all kinds of indications that blacks are under severe systematic attack on every level, and we better start taking this SERIOUSLY..With the ECONOMY literally deconstructing right in front of our faces, with a black unemployment rate of OVER 26% and rising, with over ONE MILLION black people rotting in prisons, making one dollar a day for the prison industrial complex, with BM being the MOST LIKELY to be unemployed regardless of education, with the Jena Six, Katrina, and Sean Bell-type shootings on the rise, with the increase of white extremists groups who are arming up and doing WEAPONS TRAINING after the election of the "first black" prez (who doesn't address a SINGLE BLACK ISSUE);
Hell, the list is too long for this thread, and too damn long for a sane black person to ignore... and that is the problem, some of us are literally insane... I got to be blunt about this.. In light of the plight of black folks today, there are too many black folks who think coming together as a race is NOT a necessity even as they lose ground, jobs, homes, and their minds...
It is what I believe is the TOTAL psychological assimilation (destruction) of the black mind, to the point where some black folk have become so subtly INSANE that we see the world and ourselves and each other through "white eyes"
In other words, they think like white folks, are white-identified, and somehow, actually believe that they will be treated like white folks when the deal goes down.
Even as we (black folk) LOSE all the economic and employment gains that took our ANCESTORS over FORTY YEARS to accumulate.
We dismiss the rising racism as just "those ignorant white folks" instead of seeing it for what it is: SYSTEMATIC RACISM.
we skip along, all hugged up with white Mary and Bobby and think our romantic choices make us better (and safer) than being with other black folks.
And we don't understand that the efforts of the white media/system to divide and conquer the BM and BW have been SUCCESSFUL, we don't see the mental trick bag of a BM (like bluebeam) who makes ugly and contemptuous comments about the women of his race are part of the problem, forgetting that his mother, sisters, and daughters (if he has any) are BLACK FEMALES.
And in their ignorance, BM like this forget that the MAIN reason so many BW do not like the hair on their heads is because WE BM are always rewarding, loving, and praising white and white-looking females who have straight or long hair on their heads.
It is a FACT that all this integration and interracial dating/breeding/and marrying has made us WEAKER not STRONGER as a people
It is also a FACT that this was all by design, that the white media pushed this concept on us by rewarding those celebrities who do it, by making movies and TV shows that push the notion that IR [interracial] is a better alternative than LOVING EACH OTHER.
And we still don't see the mind game, the trick, the trap and the plan to destroy our race, but I guarantee you, in the coming days, we will completely understand once the consequences hit home....
With 70% of BW being single parents, and 45% that will never marry, BW should be UP IN ARMS about all the defecting, interracial-dating BM, especially since MOST are leaving behind the black children they had with BW. I PERSONALLY know several BM who fit this description.
No other (sane) race of people, facing the problems that black folks currently face, would think it was acceptable to divide and conquer themselves, especially when faced by a powerful enemy that is literally stripping away EVERY so-called economic and employment gain that blacks have made over the last 40 years.
Nor would a sane (or self-respecting) male put the female of his oppressor on a pedestal OR put his precious time, money, love, and energy toward ENRICHING his own enemies instead of taking care of his OWN black women and children.
And for those who are confused about who this enemy is -- it's time to pick up a book and READ ABOUT YOUR HISTORY -- both past and present.
There are all kinds of indications that blacks are under severe systematic attack on every level, and we better start taking this SERIOUSLY..With the ECONOMY literally deconstructing right in front of our faces, with a black unemployment rate of OVER 26% and rising, with over ONE MILLION black people rotting in prisons, making one dollar a day for the prison industrial complex, with BM being the MOST LIKELY to be unemployed regardless of education, with the Jena Six, Katrina, and Sean Bell-type shootings on the rise, with the increase of white extremists groups who are arming up and doing WEAPONS TRAINING after the election of the "first black" prez (who doesn't address a SINGLE BLACK ISSUE);
Hell, the list is too long for this thread, and too damn long for a sane black person to ignore... and that is the problem, some of us are literally insane... I got to be blunt about this.. In light of the plight of black folks today, there are too many black folks who think coming together as a race is NOT a necessity even as they lose ground, jobs, homes, and their minds...
It is what I believe is the TOTAL psychological assimilation (destruction) of the black mind, to the point where some black folk have become so subtly INSANE that we see the world and ourselves and each other through "white eyes"
In other words, they think like white folks, are white-identified, and somehow, actually believe that they will be treated like white folks when the deal goes down.
Even as we (black folk) LOSE all the economic and employment gains that took our ANCESTORS over FORTY YEARS to accumulate.
We dismiss the rising racism as just "those ignorant white folks" instead of seeing it for what it is: SYSTEMATIC RACISM.
we skip along, all hugged up with white Mary and Bobby and think our romantic choices make us better (and safer) than being with other black folks.
And we don't understand that the efforts of the white media/system to divide and conquer the BM and BW have been SUCCESSFUL, we don't see the mental trick bag of a BM (like bluebeam) who makes ugly and contemptuous comments about the women of his race are part of the problem, forgetting that his mother, sisters, and daughters (if he has any) are BLACK FEMALES.
And in their ignorance, BM like this forget that the MAIN reason so many BW do not like the hair on their heads is because WE BM are always rewarding, loving, and praising white and white-looking females who have straight or long hair on their heads.
It is a FACT that all this integration and interracial dating/breeding/and marrying has made us WEAKER not STRONGER as a people
It is also a FACT that this was all by design, that the white media pushed this concept on us by rewarding those celebrities who do it, by making movies and TV shows that push the notion that IR [interracial] is a better alternative than LOVING EACH OTHER.
And we still don't see the mind game, the trick, the trap and the plan to destroy our race, but I guarantee you, in the coming days, we will completely understand once the consequences hit home....
IMO Modern Era of Twisted Identity Poly-Tricks Began When-
Nixakliel - 12/05/2012 - 22:43
George Bush Sr picked Uncle Judge Thomas to replace
Thurgood Marshall on the SCOTUS Court. This cleverly cynical pick put Blacks in
a 'dilema' whether to openly criticize Thomas, who was not just a Black GOPer,
but a hardcore corp Repug type {house}Negro
& liar [yes he lied about some of that stuff that came up
vs Anita Hill]. Even Min Farrakhan said things that backed Uncle Judge Thomas as
a 'Black' man. IMO the only reason Blacks aren't more hyped up on Thomas is
because he's so oviously & blatantly a hard-core Repug who backs every
ruling that attacks pro-Black & Brown policies [FYI: Thomas voted FOR Bush
Jr's hi-jacking of the 2000 election].
The issue of blind racial identity 'loyalty' emerged
again in the OJ case. I witnessed too many Blacks who 'assumed' OJ's innocence,
not based on evidence & logic, but as a knee-jerk reaction to
whites' presumption of OJ's guilt [note I agreed w the verdict &
now also think he was innocent- some 15 yrs hence
based on evidence]. And for what? What had OJ [& MJ
too] done to curry such unwaivering support from Blacks as a so-called
'Black role-model'??? - Just beause he was a famous ex-football player
who became Avis' pitchman? Here's a guy who left his Black wife [who was also
his hi-school sweet-heart] in a time of true need & family tragedy- for a
17yr old Nicole Brown- that's really supposed to be an example of a
true 'Black role-model'???
IMO When the {white} power elites saw that Blacks
tended to have unquestioning 'loyalty' to Black faces in hi-places- coupled w
Blacks' unshakable loyalty to the Dimo-crap party, even for a slick-talking
southern Dim whose nickname was 'Bubba', they combined those 2 tendencies to
come up w Obama, Holder & Ms Rice(s).
Min Farrakhan's [& Amiri Baraka's] dilema reflects Black Folks' dilema RE
Obama & Rice. Farrakhan was an early supporter of the 'Obama
Candidate' in 2008 [FYI: Farrakhan's & Jesse's homes are in the same
area of Chicago- where Obama moved to]- even as Obama publicly made at point of
renouncing his support. Farrakhan in fact was an unswerving hyper of Obama until
O-bomber & Rice [& Hitlery / Killary] unleashed hell on Libya last yr-
resulting in the slaughtering of Khadaffi- who was a long-time friend / ally of
Farrakhan & the NOI. So Farrakhan denounces Hitlery / Killary & the
NeoCONs- but did he directly denounce O-Bomber & Sue Rice??? Me Thinks NOT!
Yet Farrakhan [& Baraka] knows far more about African Affairs than the
average Black person, who is focussed so much on day-to-day survival [&/or
'American Idol', basketball & football] than on the US' backed
attrocities, in Africa & beyond, on Obama's & Sue Rice's watch. ________________
Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted January 13, 2011
Male, Age Private, Hazel Crest, IL
Posted Yesterday
@ Maxwell1982
Do you also OPPOSE racism when someone white is practicing it?
If your only interest in BW is purely physical then it AND you are no different than the long, long, long list of white males throughout the centuries who have enjoyed black flesh but are UNWILLING to oppose or give up the benefits of white privilege (racism) while doing so...
I would greatly advise sisters to keep comments like Maxwell's in a HISTORICAL perspective, because it may NOT be the compliment you think it is....
Do you also OPPOSE racism when someone white is practicing it?
If your only interest in BW is purely physical then it AND you are no different than the long, long, long list of white males throughout the centuries who have enjoyed black flesh but are UNWILLING to oppose or give up the benefits of white privilege (racism) while doing so...
I would greatly advise sisters to keep comments like Maxwell's in a HISTORICAL perspective, because it may NOT be the compliment you think it is....
two questions for all the BM on this thread
who are reading this:
If today, something happened, you got sick, got arrested, got in a jam, got beaten up by the police, or falsely accused of a crime....
who would YOU call first?
would it be your (black) momma?
Your black sister, cousin, auntie, female friend?
What organization would you hope would come to your aid if you were unjustly accused or beaten?
would it be a black organization?
a white organization?
a Hispanic organization?
an Asian Organization?
if you're not sure of the answer think back about a year or so, when the Jena Six hit the news about those 6 teenage black boys facing felonies for a simple schoolyard fight in Jena, Louisiana, and who started the movement to save the Jena Six (a college age young black female)
and who rode those buses for hours, dropping school and work commitments to stand up for six black male STRANGERS, the MAJORITY OF FOLKS WHO RODE THAT BUS WERE BLACK FEMALES there were NO Asian females, NO Hispanic females and maybe a few white females those who do not appreciate what they have will LOSE what they need the most\when they NEED it the most..
Edward Lee McDaniel
10 hours ago
If today, something happened, you got sick, got arrested, got in a jam, got beaten up by the police, or falsely accused of a crime....
who would YOU call first?
would it be your (black) momma?
Your black sister, cousin, auntie, female friend?
What organization would you hope would come to your aid if you were unjustly accused or beaten?
would it be a black organization?
a white organization?
a Hispanic organization?
an Asian Organization?
if you're not sure of the answer think back about a year or so, when the Jena Six hit the news about those 6 teenage black boys facing felonies for a simple schoolyard fight in Jena, Louisiana, and who started the movement to save the Jena Six (a college age young black female)
and who rode those buses for hours, dropping school and work commitments to stand up for six black male STRANGERS, the MAJORITY OF FOLKS WHO RODE THAT BUS WERE BLACK FEMALES there were NO Asian females, NO Hispanic females and maybe a few white females those who do not appreciate what they have will LOSE what they need the most\when they NEED it the most..
Edward Lee McDaniel

There were so many Afro-French people in Paris when I visited there that I sometimes thought I was in New York City.
What a trollesque redneck silly post.
There are plenty of Afro Europeans and their number is growing up nicely every year.
Get ready for a much Blacker European Union at the end of this century which is by the way a normal trend with the growth of African population on one hand and the ageing, declining white Europeans on the other hand.
In the past 10 years, the social ascent of these Afro Europeans is very visible : today the French Attorney general is a Black woman.
a whiteboi
The world is changing.
Hey You!
I thought you would. Seems our ears are connected to the same sound. No problem getting back sooner.
Yeah, we know the good stuff.:)
right, right
whites have used IR sex for HUNDREDS of years to destroy non-white nations in Africa, Latin America, North America, Canada, Fugi Islands, Australia, and Hawaiians, and the out come is ALWAYS oppression and confusion for non-whites...every single time.
because they use those mulattos as the buffer between blacks and whites,
and they use confused, self-hating blacks as an additional buffer, to do the close dirty work that whites can't do without exposing themselves as outright racist
whites in power are doing the same thing to the descendants of former slaves, dividing and conquering us, creating gender wars, planting false info about BM and BW, promoting IR sex, and trying to use our genetics to enrich their DYING genetics.
and the most perverted thing of all is their sexual obsession the racist white male and female have with black people. Someone once said if black people collectively refused to have ANY IR sex with whites, they would try to kill all of us, that's how serious IR sex is for them
the idea that their slaves (yes, we are still their slaves) rebelling against them is intolerable and extremely threatening..
otherwise, it doesn't make sense to want sex from a race you claim to despise...