Tuesday, July 1, 2014

More Wisdom on Defending our People


Note by me: T.S. stands for the self hater Tommy Sotomayor.

 Isadshi Koseshi:

I'd like to also add that I agree with Lashid4u. One thing Black folks DON'T realize? As long as there are T.S's....there will be NO collective progress, growth or unity amongst Blacks. Many think ignoring this elephant in the room is possible; when the room is full of the stench and piles of dung now. His agenda IS influencing MANY; which as a result, deters collective growth, empowerment, unity, ect.....which IS the desired result. It is also evident that Blacks have no value or respect for each other or themselves if we are to ignore him. Which is also evident that Blacks ALLOW ANYTHING and EVERYTHING done to them....due to the lack of value for Black life. Those whom you respect , you will defend.

No group of people would allow anyone to speak with such homicidal hatred and condone it, like so many,.....towards their own but Blacks.....and publicly, I might add. It's genocide, not a man with an opinion.

Most nations aren't launching satellites. That's primarily the privilege of the wealthier nations.. As for the wasting of precious resources in the purchase and sale of arms, probably the USA excels all other nations. We have millions of homeless and hungry people in the world's richest nation. Yet men quarrel over a minute increase in a miserable minimum wage while zealously expanding subsidies for our growing arsenal of destruction while our military forces, far exceeding the legions of ancient Rome, span the globe as a kind of global police. We fail to grasp a simple lesson that Dr. King tried in vain to get America too see: A nation that spends more on military production than on the uplift of its citizens is a nation facing spiritual and social death. Militarism and plutocracy destroyed the Roman republic, and may very well destroy the American republic as well.




1 day ago Wowwww ...That ..is ...crazy ...smh ...They've been really playing bad-ass through the internet, thinking they can cyber-bully people ...smh ...but deep down, I KNOW that you're right, in saying that I should not give him focus ...However, I believe that he has gotten quite big (or BIG ENOUGH), where he needs to be taken out, now, because it's getting dangerous, like, when I see young, former college friends posting his videos in facebook, influencing other young men (and women)....


Isadshi Koseshi:

What I find disturbing is how people DON'T realize that T.S. IS supported by Google/Youtube. Period. EVERYTHING he says IS against Youtube policy. EVERYTHING. This IS NOT a "man" with just an opinion. He has a planned agenda for the sole purpose of destroying Blacks thru divisive and degradation PROPAGANDA which he follows through from his handlers. Period. No one could speak as he does without getting strikes and their channels shut down, suspended or banned from Youtube. He's an agent. Period. He's contrary. On one hand he says boycott Black women, get with White females, then degrades Black males and warns White females of their "criminal intent". The ig-nant negros follow through with much support. Many don't get it; his language IS White supremacy rhetoric (n___, be___, ect.). He's coached as to what to say. Including his advocacy for IRR with Whites; which White supremacist condone and accept, due to the fact that they KNOW it's a depopulation method and further weakens the Black man...and seals the disunity between Blacks.




The vast majority of Black Americans--male and female--are WORKING CLASS folk, not thugs or welfare queens. As for education, most WHITES are woefully uneducated--and collectively among the least literate people in the Western World. If you are blinded to these realities by the dazzling deceptions of the white corporate media, or simply so mentally colonized as to be enamored of whiteness still in the 21st Century, then I do hope that you find your white lover, drive off into the suburban white sunset and get permanently lost. I've really about had it with you ankle biting buffoons regardless of whether you're from the Americas, Africa, Asia or Neptune. You've nothing to offer but the poisons of your prejudices.



I think the issue is more political. When I first became involved with the anti-apartheid movement, I don't believe I personally knew a single South African, though I had friends and classmates from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana and a couple of other Anglophone African countries. I met South Africans, many of whom had fled the fascistic white dictatorship in their country, in the course of my involvement in the struggle. Some of them became personal friends and one, a pretty S. African girl named Mercy, became for awhile even a romantic interest. But what got me involved in solidarity work in support of the ANC and PAC was political. As a Black man and revolutionary, I had a moral duty to do whatever I could to promote the liberation of Black people everywhere, be it in the USA or Africa.....But in the process I did make friends with some Africans. Not all of them, of course. Some of them I personally didn't like. Some of us African-Americans I personally don't. But I don't have to personally like or dislike every African-American to be committed to the struggle our people here. One can LOVE Black people everywhere without liking them all. And one can commit oneself to the liberation of our people out of a sense of love and duty -Savant 

 Has anyone noticed that Assdurratin's positions here are identical with those promoted by far right wing racists. Those Voter ID laws are actually more like the poll taxes and other measures which politically disfranchised our ancestors after Reconstruction. It is no coincidence that most people blocked from voting by the new voting restrictions are Black and (increasingly) Hispanic citizens. Also notice Assdurratin's RHETORIC: "Obama the MARXIST." Only a philosophically and politically illiterate simpleton could think that Obama is a Marxist after reading Obama's writings and speeches. But then again, only a political or philosophical illiterate could read Nkrumah and not see that he was a Marxist, though Assdurratin (who claims he's an Nkrumahist) vehemently denies Nkrumah's Marxism. What a phony he is: an a___ kissing Uncle tom reactionary pretending to be a follower of a left revolutionary African statesman. And now he's defending measures by his right wing white masters to disfranchise us again, a ,mere 50 years the Civil Rights Act, and 49 years after the Voting Rights Act of 1965. "Traitor go to h____!" -Savant


Most nations aren't launching satellites. That's primarily the privilege of the wealthier nations.. As for the wasting of precious resources in the purchase and sale of arms, probably the USA excels all other nations. We have millions of homeless and hungry people in the world's richest nation. Yet men quarrel over a minute increase in a miserable minimum wage while zealously expanding subsidies for our growing arsenal of destruction while our military forces, far exceeding the legions of ancient Rome, span the globe as a kind of global police. We fail to grasp a simple lesson that Dr. King tried in vain to get America too see: A nation that spends more on military production than on the uplift of its citizens is a nation facing spiritual and social death. Militarism and plutocracy destroyed the Roman republic, and may very well destroy the American republic as well. -Savant


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