Anti Trump Riots Spread.
Trump clearly is a racist and has SHOWN this by racist demonizing of racial minorities. And that'sot his only flaw. Also, it is a myth that people were commonly regarded as racist for disagreeing with Obama. It depended on whether opposition to Obama was based on racism. A lot of ANTI-RACIST people had sharp differences with Barack Obama. On the other hand, Trump is appointing racists to posts in is cabinet. And his racist campaign has energized racists all over America. There have been a rash of racist incidents against Latinos, Blacks and Muslims (who are often racialized even though Islam is a religion). Your analogy doesn't work. Or is at least isn't plausible to honest and rational people in touch with the real world. (Thursday | post #418)
Anti Trump Riots Spread.
Only problem is that my statements are factually correct. White supremacists and Nazis are not galvanizing behind Trump for no reason. And his appointment of white supremacist inclined Bannon is no coincidence. The facts are as I stated them. Of course, you operate by a different "logic": "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the facts". Typical right wing obtuseness. (Tuesday Nov 15 | post #364)
Anti Trump Riots Spread.
Obama was not a Fascist and racist hatemonger. Trump is, and has a long record of racist bigotry and misogynist disdain for women. Actually, Trump has dumb white people by the nose. He's playing your dumb a_______ and you're too retarded to know it. You voted for a billionaire fascist who will enslave you, though you are mentally at least half enslaved already And by the way, there are PROTESTS all over the country, not riots all over the country. If Trump tries to shove his white supremacist and fascist agenda down our throats there may very well be riots, or perhaps IRA style guerilla warfare. (Tuesday Nov 15 | post #363)
Anti Trump Riots Spread.
Actually, it's people on the right who have lost their minds. The xenophobia, racism and misogyny spewed by Trump and his supporters is insanity. And all the white supremacist and alt-rights kooks are not exactly exemplars of sanity and reason. (Tuesday Nov 15 | post #360)
Anti Trump Riots Spread.
What makes you think they're Clinton advocates? Some were for Bernie Sanders and even Jill Stein. I know for a fact that some protestors I saw here in Baltimore I met at Jill Stein events (Tuesday Nov 15 | post #359)
Anti Trump Riots Spread.
And the fits of the Tea Party during the Obama administration? Did those right wingers have jobs? Oh, and some of them even showed up in demonstrations with guns. Regardless of what you believe, the anti-Trump protests were mainly peaceful even though things got out of hand in Oregon. Now is the time to oppose Trumpist fascism and racism, and that's what they're doing. (Tuesday Nov 15 | post #358)
Is America now the new Fourth Reich?
If Il Duce Don Trump isn't a Fascist already, he's leading in that direction. As an AA man I do find this alarming, and must prepare for self-defense (Tuesday Nov 15 | post #36)
Anti Trump Riots Spread.
There are mass protests in the country, mostly peace, against fascist President-elect Il Duce Don Trump and what stands for. These are not "anti-Trump riots" as the title of this thread dishonestly says. (Tuesday Nov 15 | post #353)
Trump does seem to be worse than GW. Bush seem to me to be simpleminded, not mean spirited. An incompetent conservative. Trump strikes me as being mean spirited and fascistic. (Tuesday Nov 15 | post #63)
Are white liberals truly friends of black people?
Your comment suggest you've not studied the women's movement very well if this is your interpretation. The women's movement like every other liberation movement sprung up from within the aggrieved community. (Monday Nov 14 | post #562)
It turns out that 90% of Blacks voted for Hillary, even if they had to hold their noses to oppose that fascist buffoon Il Duce Don Trump. (Hillary the pits, but most inferred that Trump's even worse). About two thirds of Latinos voted for Hillary. And Clinton actually won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college. Mainly voters had two bad choices, and they took again what they thought to be the lesser evil (Monday Nov 14 | post #57)
Who Will They Blame When Clinton Wins?
Keep in mind the election isn't over yet (Tuesday Nov 8 | post #28)
Are white liberals truly friends of black people?
A What Jan overlooks is that Malcolm X also regarded conservatives and right wingers as the enemy. He even pondered forming a Black guerilla unit to deal with the extreme right who were lynching us, and bombing our homes and churches. When asked whether ANY white man would be allowed in his Organization of Afro-American Unity, he suggested John Brown if any like him are around. But John Brown was a REVOLUTIONARY. Not a liberal or conservative. REVOLUTIONARY. If you want to tell a story be sure to tell it fully. (Tuesday Nov 1 | post #266)
49er QB Colin Kaepernick is WAKING UP
What makes you a fool as well as a bigot is that you are not even aware of the numerous critiques o those stats which you think to be inscrutable facts. But you never were much good at thinking, were you? Strange that when you racists look up these "facts" and stats you seem never to notice critiques which indicate that the data is highly questionable. You mainly cherry pick facts or alleged facts which reinforce your racist prejudices. Better "political correctness" than political stupidity (Tuesday Nov 1 | post #387)
Friday, November 18, 2016
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