Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Savant's Words
That's Robert C. Smith, not ""Willia ms". Author of CONSERVATIVSM AND RACISM
I sometimes wonder whether the people who continuously start these Black man/Black woman hate threads aren't really white racists pretending to be pissed off black men and women. Or maybe they're white racist negroes. It is clear that they work to promote strife in Black communities. People committed to Black Liberation try to mend our communities and our relationships. They don't start idiotic threads like this one, or thread like "I don't want to marry a Black man" and "I don't want to marry a Black woman." Folk who promote this sort of trash are enemies of the people
Not only in Baltimore, but NATIONALLY, Black men marry Black women overwhelmingly. And that goes for Black men who are light, dark and in between. I can't speak for every specific locality, and where you live may be different from the national norm. Check the US Census data on that. About 89.1 of all married Black men are married to a sister---NATIONWID E.
That I can understand. And here at least I would agree with Noam Chomsky. He argued that while Hillary was a corrupt neoliberal opportunist, Il Duce Don is a Fascist--which is much worse. In that case, hold your nose and vote for Hillary in any state where the Republicans could win. Chomsky was also critical of people who sat out the election in protest. On the other hand, as I belong to a deeply blue state--Trump was BURIED here in Maryland--I decided to vote Green. I'm seeking a left alternative to the two corporate parties. But when it comes down to either Dems or Repugnant parties, I vote Dems
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Black History Heroes
Bessie Stringfield (1911-1993)
Elizabeth T. Greenfield (1824-1896)
Althea Gibson (1927-2003)
Floryence Kennedy (1916-2000)
Queen Nanny of the Marrons (1686-1733)
Dr. Matilda Evans (1872-1935)
Mamie Johnson (1935-Present)
Jane Matilda Bolin (1908-2007)
Mary Seacole (1805-1881)
Frances E.W. Harper (1825-1911)
Dr. Jane Cooke Wright (1919-2013)
Zelda Wynn Valdes (1905-2001)
Eugene Ballard (1895-1961)
Violet Palmer (1964-Present)
Esther Jones (?-1934)
Mary Ann Shadd Cary (1823-1893)
Lucy Hicks Anderson (1886-1954)
Willa Beatrice Brown (1906-1992)
Anna Arnold Hedgeman (1899-1990)
Pauli Murray (1910-1985)
Dr. Alexa Irene Canady (1950-Present)
Sanite Belair (1785-1805)
Sister Rosetta Sharpe (1915-1973)
Maria Stewart (1803-1879)
Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806)
Miles Davis (1926-1991)
Josephine Baker (1906-1975)
Lewis Howard Latimer (1848-1928)
Bessie Coleman (1892-1926)
James Baldwin (1924-1987)
Bill Pickett (1870-1932)
Edmonia Lewis (1844-1907)
Viola Desmond (1914-1965)
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Savant's Words
The Left is not the ones trying to build walls rather than bridges. They're not the primary sources of xenophobia and racism. They're not the ones who are most intransigent in misogynist bigotry either. And there is far more anti-intellectuali sm, outright contempt for reason among the rightists than anyone else
About 68% of Hispanics voted for Hillary. About 90% of Blacks did likewise. And a large number of whites also didn't vote. Were those non-voting whites really voting for Hillary or Il Duce Don Trump?
Does this person mean that the top 20% of the richest people are white? True. Indeed the top 2% are probably white. The 1% is almost certainly 99% white. And those predatory fools are also the ones who nearly destroyed the economy that enriches them at the expense of the rest of us. They nearly plunged the country into a 1930's scale depression a mere ten years ago. Moreover, only a fool thinks that wealth is proof of intelligence or wisdom. And that's even aside from issues of race.
You're asking Savant this, who is a black intellectual?
My AA linguistics professor was an intellectual.
My AA medical anthropology professor was an intellectual.
My AA social geography professor was an intellectual.
My fellow grad student friend from Liberia was an intellectual.
My fellow grad student friend from Nigeria was an intellectual.
My Kenyan and Ugandan college friends in Missouri were intellectuals.
Working in the Democratic campaign in 2016 one of the people I met was an AA administrator in a local school district, and an intellectual.
There's an institution around here named for AA Carter Woodson, an intellectual.
Blacks aren't intellectuals? Cracka please!
I've done research on Dr. King and KNOW that he did preach Black independence. Even in his first book, STRIDE TOWARD FREEDOM you can find it. And even more so in his last book called WHERE DO WE GO NOW, CHAOS OF COMMUNITY? Perhaps, you need to get better educated on the topics concerning which you post. If this place were so nutty, I'd might even share a book and articles I've done on Dr. King. Your understanding seems not to go beyond the narrow limits of what one can find in silly TV programs. In fact, you could even get a clearer picture of King if you listened to enough of his speeches on YouTube. (I know how unpopular reading and study are among most Topix people).
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