That's Robert C. Smith, not ""Willia ms". Author of CONSERVATIVSM AND RACISM
I sometimes wonder whether the people who continuously start these Black man/Black woman hate threads aren't really white racists pretending to be pissed off black men and women. Or maybe they're white racist negroes. It is clear that they work to promote strife in Black communities. People committed to Black Liberation try to mend our communities and our relationships. They don't start idiotic threads like this one, or thread like "I don't want to marry a Black man" and "I don't want to marry a Black woman." Folk who promote this sort of trash are enemies of the people
Not only in Baltimore, but NATIONALLY, Black men marry Black women overwhelmingly. And that goes for Black men who are light, dark and in between. I can't speak for every specific locality, and where you live may be different from the national norm. Check the US Census data on that. About 89.1 of all married Black men are married to a sister---NATIONWID E.
That I can understand. And here at least I would agree with Noam Chomsky. He argued that while Hillary was a corrupt neoliberal opportunist, Il Duce Don is a Fascist--which is much worse. In that case, hold your nose and vote for Hillary in any state where the Republicans could win. Chomsky was also critical of people who sat out the election in protest. On the other hand, as I belong to a deeply blue state--Trump was BURIED here in Maryland--I decided to vote Green. I'm seeking a left alternative to the two corporate parties. But when it comes down to either Dems or Repugnant parties, I vote Dems