Saturday, December 12, 2020

Brother Iyapo Yapa's Refutation of Umar Johnson (and other Topics)


Winnie Mandela?!?!

Umar isn’t worthy of Winnie the POOH!!!

I met Umar over a decade ago and I was very impressed with him.


Not so much.

After listening to his lectures and comments over the years, I have severe issues with the way he speaks TO and ABOUT our people. His Seti rant was particularly troubling. ANYONE and I mean ANYONE who considers themselves to be “Pro Black” or “Conscious” but continues using the “N” word in ANY kind of attack on our people, I basically dismiss anything else they have to say.  To me a person who claims to be “Pro Black”, but still refers to their people as “Ns” is not someone I would consider conscious. 

(I do qualify that by saying that I know many of our people who I DO consider Pro Black who use the “N” word as a turn of phrase, or just as a conversational habit… I don’t particularly care for it… but I’m not talking about them.) 

I mean when one Black person is in a disagreement or in a “beef” with another Black person or they are just TRYING to be insulting and they throw that degrading term at them EXACTLY the way a wyt supremacist would. I have a MAJOR issue with THAT. And Umar is good for that.

And PLEASE don’t doubt that he would consider YOU a c@$n for even doing this video. 

Why? Because here is Umar Johnson’s definition of a c@$n:

C@$n: noun/adjective: Any Black person who does not agree with EVERY WORD that comes out of the mouth of Umar Johnson. Or any Black person who does not stand in 100% agreement and fall in lockstep with all of his Shenanigans.

“Black Women don’t work?!

What in the F does THAT mean?!

Is he talking about my Beautiful Black Wife?

Or my wonderful mother who raised NINE children on her own, in the hood - all but two with bachelor’s masters and MBAs. (Not saying that not having a degree makes a person any less – I’M one of the two out of the nine that does not have a degree, and I do alright I think.)

Or is he referring to ANY number of the Sisters YOU highlighted?

I may just start keeping a book of STUPID, IGNORANT statements! And the statement he made about Black Women not working would likely be page, ONE of CHAPTER ONE… in the FIRST SENTENCE!

I have developed a rule… when I listen to Black speakers talking about the Black community, I now imagine what they are saying in the form of a transcript that, if I just wrote down the WORDS… NOTHING ELSE… and handed the sheet to a Pro Black person to read without them knowing WHERE it came from or WHO said it… if after reading it, they would conclude that a wyt supremacist made the statement(s), then I know not to deal with the speaker.

For ME, Umar falls SQUARELY in that category. 

I have measured several widely known supposed “Pro Black” people (male and female), by that standard, or Black people who presume to “speak for the Black community”, and they do NOT pass that test, and if they are on TheyTube, I have already unsubscribed, and if they are a general speaker or lecturer, I no longer listen to anything they have to say.

I’m TIRED of the misogyny among our men… many of whom have MASSIVE platforms! 

I’m TIRED of it!!!!

MUCH Love, Honor and RESPECT to YOU Sis!


To all the Beautiful Sisters you highlighted – especially MY beloved Black wife!

 -Brother Iyapo Yapa 

_ _ _______


Iyapo Yapa

1 hour ago

One of the things I find the most tragic for our people (globally, but here in the U.S. specifically). 

Our ancestors… before enslavement, lived life on the continent and world wide as just plain people. I’m sure there were good and bad people among us, as things tend to be. But there was not the demonic oppression and highly developed systems of terror that have been visited down upon us and constructed by “you know who”. 

From the time our ancestors were brought here in chains to THIS VERY MOMENT, there has NEVER been a time in America when it was good to be Black. (As a thought experiment, I considered one time that if I had a time machine and could go back to any time period what would it be? (The only stipulation being that it would HAVE to be in America… and HAVE to be after wyt people invaded it.

The answer of course would be that there is NO time that I could go back to and have any kind of peace, safety or security. 

The point I’m making with all of this is about the sorrow I perpetually feel for our people in that I understand our longing and desire to have better… and to have our “piece of the pie”. 

But the sad fact… the heartbreaking fact is that, at least for now, after already having done nothing but suffer, even if, say, by some MIRACLE wyt people (and OUR OWN people for that matter) came to their and our senses and there was a TRUE releasing of our people to just be allowed to go our way in peace and left alone…

We and our children and children’s children will still inherit a world soaked in radiation, with dead oceans and entire species of insects, and animals that are going extinct DAILY (with HUMAN BEINGS being on the list).  From the time of our captivity to now and beyond… we NEVER got OUR piece, and will not have it any time soon.

It is ONLY YAH who can (and will), straighten this whole mess out. In the meantime however… that doesn’t mean we can disregard warnings and even common sense and throw caution to the wind. We must be EVER vigilant and do the best we can with the knowledge we have, and to constantly seek MORE knowledge. 

I have to be honest… for a people who are terrorized, oppressed, attacked and assaulted non-stop… have never had the benefit of a breather from epigenetic memory, and now, even by the BEST of standards have to live on a radioactive ball that we have to take extreme measures to extricate from our bodies… it is just incredibly sad to me.

My ASE’ to our brothers and sisters. This is all so unnecessary.

I have been reading and seeing videos of a lot of R.I.P. for  “Tiny” Lister and to a lesser degree Charlie Pride (I grew up listening to a lot of country among other music, so I immediately recognized the name).  They are both said to have died from complications related to Kobe. 

That narrative has been pushed hard over the weekend, conveniently as the vaccine is rolling out TODAY. 

Hmmmm… two public Black Men (One who will be recognized by newer generations, and one who will be recognized by older generations).  

They are of course saying, “After hearing about these BLACK PEOPLE… you need to run in fear to the clinic as fast as your little legs will carry you and let the CDC shoot some unknown substance into your body so you don’t end up like THEM.”


ANY TIME someone is trying to SCARE me into doing something… ANYTHING… I’m immediately suspicious. Our people need to be running full speed in the other direction! 

I HAVE and AM taking it to heart and taking it VERY seriously, and I alert anyone who will listen!

I enjoy laughing and being entertained as much as the next person (maybe even a little bit more), but as the scriptures say, 

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, 

and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

The important thing is to KNOW WHAT TIME ONE IS IN, and in my humble opinion… now is NOT the time for laughter, seeking entertainment (to excess), and beefing.  It is time to start picking up some BOOKS… and short of that, seeking out someone whom GENUINELY loves and cares for our people, and has DONE the research (referring to YOU – who has done the HARD work… the LEG WORK of compiling the information and making it FEELY AVAILABLE to ANYONE and I mean ANYONE – who wants to know the TRUTH and be WELL) so that we don’t have to reinvent the wheel… and taking to heart what is being said, most of all TAKING ACTION!

THANK YOU for all the information you have put out and continue to put out!

The die off is coming (if it isn’t already here)… and we MUST understand what SEASON we are in!

I’ll shut up now.



-Brother  Iyapo Yapa 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Word of Encouragement to us (who are African Americans. I am obviously an African American)

 Note by Me: I believe in Pan-African unity. I believe in Pan Africanism and celebrating the Black African Diaspora. Africans, Afro Caribbeans, Afro Europeans, etc. are our Brothers and Sisters. Also, I believe in putting respect on African Americans' names. Here is one person's words of inspriation.


By Timothy





20 hours ago (edited)

It's Sad 😕[but Phunny af😆😂🤣] that the "Attention" we [so-called" Black Americans get.. triggers "other nations (or races) as well as, "other (so-called) Black sub-groups" Caribbean, Afro Latinos etc.🤨


Think about it🤔 whether Good or Bad attention 

•We dominate the News

•We dominate sports (whether local or global)

•We set ALL social standards (modern vernacular, fashion, $wag & etc.)

•We dominate the comment section in NEARLY Every video or subject matter 

•We dominate Music (& Always have)

•We influence nations & groups on HOW to sing

•We influence the world on Dance

•We Sell the Products & Our "stamp of approval" of Products makes other millions & billions of $

•We are "the ones" that ALL Parents warn their children to "stay away from"🤨.."the talk" [this includes Middle Eastern nations, Caucasians, Latinos, Africans, Asians, Pacific islands, Caribbean islands & Any other (so-called) Non-Black or (so-called) Black (but, Not American or indigenous to America) collective]

•We are the MOST influential yet "Hated-On" & we are the recipients of thee Most consistent amount of "slick-talk" or "crunchy-behavior" facts!

Meanwhile,.. the World watches Us like the healthy-strong plant that grows from a crack in the concrete🤔😆...despite the obstacles & disadvantages placed against Us.

It's Attention...that triggers others...

Our Strength is On display..right along with our weaknesses & short comings... Most of Our weaknesses & short comings can be explained or theorized [whether our Fault or the system Against Us or a combination of Both🤓]..

But,.. the Strength is a Mystery to all others watching 😉..and there's a  Specific Beauty on display when Strength Shines...

It triggers people 😎😉

[I speak of "Our Strength & Beauty" from thee Most humble perspective]




Iyapo Yapa

1 hour ago

Sister Ajali, Takata knew their airbags were dangerous and admitted to it.

And five major auto manufactures also knew and continued to use them.

What does that have to do with anything you are talking about in this share?

For some reason, we, collectively tend to listen to the “party line”, we take corporations and a lot of what the government, or governmental organizations say at face value. There are more than enough instances of being directly and blatantly lied to that can be pointed out… (I tend to use the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment as a good example). Or what the Japanese did to their own people at Unit 731 (experiments so horrific that they would rival and surpass many horror movies). And yet these things happened, were originally lied about and covered up.

My point being that (and I have said this many times before), these people, departments and organizations lie to the public AS A PRACTICE, and to believe ANYTHING they say without  thoroughly researching it yourself borders on intellectual malpractice.


As with Takata and some of the car manufacturers using their products, they KNEW people would be… and WERE, hurt, injured, seriously injured, maimed and killed using the air bags, and they lied about it and let it happen anyway until it could no longer be ignored. (These things are calculated at the outset – they will use equations like – “In 2 years, we’ll make 10 billion dollars by the time we get called out on it the people and families of the people who have been injured and/died will sue us and the government will fine us, and we will also have to replace the airbags for a recall… that will cost us maybe 4 billion dollars, tops. So we will have still made 6 billion.” With little to NO concern for the lives they will destroy and snuff out.

These people will not HESITATE to lie and/or obfuscate! 

ALWAYS follow the MONEY! 

Here’s an article titled: Commercial Seaweed Market to Exceed USD $92 Billion by 2025

and “Body and Soul” says Sea Moss is the next “Superfood” we need for 2020

And that’s the way it’s done, and that’s what they do. Follow the MONEY!

What if you had researched it and found that Takata airbags were defective and dangerous and tried to warn people? Would they have said, “You don’t work at Takata or any of the major car manufactures, who would you know? I’m not going to take YOUR word… I’ll trust the people who have a HISTORY of doing underhanded business, they have DEGREES and MONEY… you DON’T.

Therefor, what THEY say carries all the weight – and THAT’S what I trust!



These people lie, lie, LIE for their own reasons and the eradication of Black US is seen as a happy benefit. 

We are dealing with sociopaths who are blinded by greed, motivated by hate and consumed by self-interest, and they have an ENDLESS number of shills who, for fame, status, money or all of the above are happy to feed the “common people” a line, and to pee on our shoes and tell us it’s raining.

It may seem boring at times, or even overwhelming… but we MUST do the research… and research the SOURCES of our research if we are EVER to get to anything that even resembles the TRUTH!

Why are our people transitioning at such early ages?

And as for me (and you KNOW I’m a seafood lover), if it comes out of the ocean, it is not going into my body.

As far as the “What degree do you have?” crowd goes… I am a master cartoonist (even if I do say so myself), I have cartooned professionally for over 40 years. I went to ZERO art schools for cartooning, and actually flunked art in High School… but I DARE anyone to see my work and question my skills as a cartoonist and layout artist. I gained my skills through PRACTICE, RESEARCH and SELF EDUCATION. Neither I nor anyone who sees and in many cases, PAYS for my work discounts what I can do artistically, or in design (as can be seen in the magazine I laid out or website I designed, or video editing… with ZERO, college or vocational training in the field), because I am not “formally trained” in it, nor went to some school for it. I’m not bragging… but seeking to make a POINT. 

And as a side note… the designers of nuclear power facilities have degrees in Architecture, Electrical and Chemical Engineering, as well as physics, radiation and likely some quantum theory… and what good did it do?! They have all that education and degrees, and they are STUPID AS HELL To build things that cause death, destruction and extinction level events.

THESE are the great minds to whom we should look for our information?

That’s okay… I’ll stick with the NJ housewife who has put as many, if not MORE years into research that is solid and seeks to get to the TRUTH of the matter and how it affects Black US.

Much Love, Honor and Respect Sis!


Iyapo Yapa

1 hour ago

@The Radical Sister Thank YOU Sis for ALL YOU DO!

However... I think you might be able to persuade even MORE of our people on THIS subject, if you come to understanding on ANOTHER subject.  If you study deeper, do a bit MORE research and maybe dig into the history of the matter I'm confident you will finally find a truth that you have been denying, but only because you do not yet have ALL the information. I will provide the links after I get them from my archives, but I'll just let you know right now that, after several years of research and the study of three ancient civilizations... in addition to listening to a couple lectures on the subject, given by two of the foremost authorities on ancient Kemet, several scholars have found conclusively BEYOND ANY DOUBT,  that... THE TP GOES OVER!!!!!!!!!!  (Go turn that roll the right way... IMMEDIATELY!) LOL!



 Iyapo Yapa

20 hours ago (edited)

The ease with which our people are moved to the square of pink people is unsettling.

As you and I both preach to our people… violence is NOT the answer… for violence is THEIR square and they try at EVERY turn to get us to step on it using various methods (ie. Stacking bricks on the sidewalk where no construction is going on, ticketing, attacking or killing our people in the streets – and their own homes – for little or nothing, cheating us, taunting us etc…)

However, of late I have given MUCH thought to a square that is uniquely that of pink people, but they have successfully (at least to MY eye), gotten us to not ONLY stand on… but to grudgingly cling to like a vice.


That square is money and materialism. 

It is a complex subject and I won’t try to go TOTALLY into it… but the short hand is this:

Back in the day (at least among OUR people) a man or woman’s status was defined by their wealth of WISDOM, COMPASSION, KNOWLEDGE, CHARACTER, and so on. It was a GREAT honor to learn at the feet of a great teacher of wisdom and knowledge… and HIGHLY sought after to be… and to be surrounded by, people of strong character.

Pink people… as a GROUP (I don’t mean EVERY SINGLE ONE… but as a COLLECTIVE), lack these attributes (That is not ME talking… it is their own HISTORY that convicts and judges them).


What do you do when you lack INTERNAL or INNATE greatness?

You make it so that your greatness… or sense of worth is based upon something OUTSIDE yourself, and make it something YOU are in control of; and condition and convince others that the measure of greatness is not what is within… but what is WITHOUT the person.

Did you know that diamonds at one time were not considered very valuable?

It’s true. 

Then some pink men got stock in some diamond mines and they created a campaign that made it so that “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”. (Yes… that was part of the conditioning), suddenly when getting engaged a diamond had to be part of it… and the bigger the diamond… the bigger the love. Suddenly newly engaged women were shoving diamonds in the faces of their friends and giggling. This was ALL part of a plan that took something that before have very little value and turn it into something highly sought after and to this day, astronomically expensive.


And now… some women are more concerned with the weight of the ROCK on her finger and less concerned with the weight of the CHARACTER of the man who gave it to her.

Everything… by design… got flipped on its head. The worthless became the valuable, and the valuable became worthless. 

Character used to be EVERYTHING… and just because someone may have had THINGS, that was not necessarily the measure of the man (just look at the past and many of our TRUE LEADERS, and revolutionaries… they had LITTLE money or possessions… but they were considered GIANTS among our people…) but now… not so much.

If a man has enough money or STUFF… THAT is what equals a “good catch”. 

This is what causes some of the men of our community to do underhanded activities that land us in trouble. This is what causes some of our women to get involved with men who are obviously trouble (Black or white), but since they can buy them designer this or that, or fly off for a vacation somewhere or whatever they are considered good catches… morals and character notwithstanding.

How do we insult each other?

Our men are referred to as “Broke “N”s

And our women are accused of “Having bad credit” and so on.

It is of DIRE IMPORTANCE that our Black men start once again, teaching our young Black men and boys that their worth is TRULY about the content of their character! About a solid work ethic… honesty, courage, love for Yah and love for our PEOPLE! A love that will not only encourage them, but DRIVE them to seek out OUR women, and have a DEEP desire to support, provide for and protect them in order to reproduce Black men and Black women who LOOK LIKE THEM and strengthen our communities!

I’m not saying money doesn’t matter and that it doesn’t matter if a man can take care of himself and his family. FAR FROM IT!

It is the DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY of a Black man to be able to take care of himself, his wife and eventually his children if they have any… and if not married… to take financial care of his children. That should go without saying, and in teaching the strong work ethic and strong character, and HONOR and RESPECT for our beautiful Black women… these things will fall in line.

However… this insanity about needing to have a Bentley, or designer this or that, or a McMansion and so on is NOT OUR SQUARE. 

Pink people created this facade because they… lacking morals and character, wisdom and the rest, gained control of financial systems and land and then made THAT the measure of the “worth of a person” and then fooled nearly the entire world into worshipping materialism and seeking it. 

That is why we see corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corporatists and bankers who are some of the most deceitful, dirty, planet killing, murderers (not hyperbole), on the PLANET… but they adorn the covers of fashion and society magazines. We see videos of them at breathtaking vacation destinations, eating at five star restaurants, photos of them in their chauffeur driven limos and stepping onto their private jets… and they are not ONLY NOT shunned… but they are ADMIRED and far to many people (including Black us), seek to BE them… or to be WITH them.

And just as is revealed TIME and TIME and TIME again:

Jeffrey Toobin suspended from the New Yorker for “pleasuring himself” during a Zoom meeting.

Anthony Weiner “sexting” underage girls

Elizabeth Holmes – billionaire – charged with fraud

Bill Clinton/Trump/Binden – You name it.

Jeffery Epstein – we all know the deal.  

You know the list could just go ON and ON.

The point being… pink people (especially pink MEN), use money as “makeup”, they KNOW they have no character and therefor have created and entire ecosystem built upon money and material wealth and we all, to greater or lesser degrees have bought into it. 

I am as sickened by swirling Black MEN as I am by swirling Black women… and quiet as it’s kept… the MAJORITY of PRO BLACK MEN are STRONGLY against it… and I mean TRULY Pro Black men… not the FAKES and hypocrites out here… the REAL ones.

What points of commonality do our people have with them? When one of our men comes home after being beaten and kicked mercilessly by a system that was created specifically for their destruction? If he comes home to a pink woman what is he going to say or discuss? How can she relate to his struggle? How can she present to him a child that LOOKS LIKE HIM?

She CAN’T!

It is for our men and women to work TOGETHER to overcome this mess! 

I don’t find it any better for our men to be with pink women… I find it EQUALLY disgusting and wrong.  That is one of the reasons I once used to try to bring some balance and sense to the Black “manosphere” but now I just stay away from it altogether, because the venom spewed toward and about our women sets me off so much that I have no stomach nor patience for it.


I’ll just close by saying, one of the SADDEST parts of this whole MANUFACTURED “gender war” between Black men and Black women (it’s real for the pink ones… but NOT Black US), is that because of the few hurts a Black woman may have caused a Black man or vice versa… the willingness to turn to a people who HISTORICALLY, over a course of CENTURIES… have completely terrorized our people and CONTINUE to do so, but a few bad experiences from a man or woman of your own people… THAT is unforgivable?  That is almost beyond explanation to me. 

Final word: Also… yes… materially they DO have more, and more control… but that is because they stole, enslaved, brutalized, and cheated for EVERYTHING they have. Is THAT what we want… is THAT what we call “successful” and see as more desirable?

Love, Honor, Respect Mighty Sister!


Friday, September 25, 2020

Trojan Pam's Hidden Gems.

 TrojanPam says:

August 15, 2013 at 10:53 pm

@ ontereus

Yes, I noticed it in his first TV sitcom, “The House of Payne,” that the dark skinned people were uneducated, loud, “ignorant,” and overweight, while the lighter-skinned people acted more intelligent.

I remember when that sitcom first came on, it was a flop. Just as an experiment, I decided to watch an episode with the sound turned off for about three minutes (which is all I could take), and all I saw were black people stomping around, mouths hanging wide open, acting like fools, in the worst minstrel show imitation since the early 1900s.

After the sitcom flopped, the network started running it five times a week, three times a day, and I realized they were going to keep it on the air until black people gave in and started watching it because THAT was the anti-black programming they wanted in our brain computers.

And now, Tyler Perry has two or three sitcoms — ALL of them the worst kind of BUFFOONERY and stereotyping of black people imaginable. And some of us have begun to think acting like a fool is NORMAL behavior for black people.

Think about the name: The House of Payne

The House of Pain? Does being black mean we should be ‘in pain?’

Kind of like “Good Times” TV show with a poor black family who had few “good times.”

check out the lyrics to the theme song of Good Times:



Good Times Theme Song Lyrics


Just lookin’ out of the window.

Watchin’ the asphalt grow.

Thinkin’ how it all looks hand-me-down.

Good Times, yeah, yeah Good Times

Keepin’ your head above water

Makin’ a wave when you can

Temporary lay offs. – Good Times.

Easy credit rip offs. – Good Times.

Scratchin’ and surviving. – Good Times.

Hangin in a chow line – Good Times.

Ain’t we lucky we got ’em – Good Times.

Guess who wrote the lyrics? Alan and Marilyn Bergman.

The white supremacists love to make us look foolish almost as much as they love brain-trashing us.


-Trojan Pam.




@ Timothy

I’m glad to hear more black people becoming aware of the propaganda being pumped out by (white) Hollywood and TV, regardless of whether a BLACK FACE is plastered on it. Titles mean NOTHING, white people are ALWAYS calling the shots when it comes to mass media TV and movies.

We almost never see black people kissing, or hugging, or loving each other in hollywood films and TV unless it’s a comedy aka BUFFOONERY. In most TV commercials, dark-skinned black children and women are NONEXISTENT. Black males are usually shown surrounded by white people, laughing and talking and having a great old time, while black females are shown alone.

Now, most of the blacks in TV commercials are those with a white parent. What the white supremacists are doing is trying to PROGRAM US into breeding with them (and breeding ourselves and our beloved blackness OUT OF EXISTENCE), while enriching their DYING GENETICS. They want us to believe (the lie) that breeding with a white person produces a “better black” (someone who doesn’t look “black”).

The disconnect between black people after a few decades of “integration” and “assimilation” is frightening — it is ALL BY DESIGN. We own LESS land today than we did 50 years ago. We have fewer businesses than we had three decades ago.

We produce nothing (there may be a few exceptions) and have become the LARGEST CONSUMER ONLY GROUP on the planet, and the BIGGEST CASH COW for non-white immigrants who just got off the boat.

We have never been more far apart and more apathetic than we are today BUT we can turn this around ONCE we understand the system of white supremacy and change the way we think, speak, and act in response to it.




TrojanPam says:

August 15, 2013 at 11:27 pm


I’m always stunned by the (false) belief that black females are “conspiring” with the white male as though ALL of us — males and females — are not victims of racism.

We are NOT the white man’s confidante. He doesn’t give the black female a share of the white supremacy spoils. We get CRUMBS from the table, just like the black male.

His CO-CONSPIRATOR in a white supremacy system is the WHITE FEMALE — which is why it’s called WHITE SUPREMACY, not “WHITE MALE/BLACK FEMALE SUPREMACY”

(come on now)

Strangely enough, the white female seems to remain UNSCATHED or ACCUSED in these conversations, almost as though she’s an innocent bystander.

That’s why I didn’t put much faith in the FACT that the white females on the Zimmerman jury let him walk — that this would open the eyes of some of our black brothers as to where the white female REALLY STANDS in the white supremacist scheme of things.

The white supremacy system has done an excellent job of pitting us against each other and whispering LIES in our ears about who our real enemies are.

Divide and conquer all the way.

Time is running out, we can’t afford to play these school yard games anymore. We have to get serious about our survival.



 TrojanPam says:

August 16, 2013 at 12:00 am

@ ragheadthefiendlyterrorist

I’ll do my best

Question #1: Why, if black people have such demeaning roles, do the top Hollywood black actors and actresses take them on at all? If you’re right, after all, nothing better can be expected if White Hollywood. So isn’t your ire misdirected? Shouldn’t it be directed at those black actors/actresses who sell out to the racist Hollywood power elite?

MY ANSWER: While I wish they wouldn’t do it, I compare it to people in a prison camp. Some prisoners will do whatever it is they do to get extra favors by betraying and harming other prisoners. That doesn’t mean they are in charge of the prison camp, they are simply trying to make their stay there as comfortable as possible.

It happens for the same reason white people exploit other white people, and for the same reason some of the non-white people in your country conspire behind closed doors with the the white elites and the enemies of your people to get money and positions and favors.

It is HUMAN NATURE, unfortunately, that part in all of that makes us forgo our INTEGRITY to get more STUFF.

Yes, it does irk me to see black people cooperating with the white entertainment elite but given the LACK of real power black people have, I believe the BLAME belongs with those who have the MOST power. If it were not for the white Hollywood elite, there would be no degrading films. And remember this, even when there were a tiny number of black actors/actresses, white people put on BLACKFACE and pretended to be black people.

Bottom line, the problem is: WHITE PEOPLE WHO PRACTICE RACISM

Question #2: What’s stopping black Hollywood directors and producers from making good movies about black people, instead of mindless yammering “comedies” or gangland dramas set in the ‘hood where black people are busy pushing drugs and killing each other?

MY ANSWER: There ARE black filmmakers in the U.S. and Africa, and the Caribbean, who are making good movies about black people. The problem is — just like positive rap music — the WHITE-CONTROLLED STUDIOS, DISTRIBUTORS, RADIO STATIONS, TV NETWORKS, etc, won’t allow it on the air — OR on the TV tube or movie screen.

And it’s the same reason that people from your nation who live in the U.S. are largely invisible and steretyped (probably) on the evening news. I don’t hold them accountable, because I KNOW who has the power — and it’s not a non-white person. I put all the blame on the people with the most power: white people.

Yes, I’m serious about racism in Hollywood and outside of Hollywood, which is why I write a blog and have written four books and try to get the message out as much as possible.

You asked some legitimate questions but in the context of white supremacy, the answer for WHO IS TO BLAME — is the same no matter where you go in the world, anywhere non-white people are being mistreated, bombed, starved, poisoned, disenfranchised, robbed, and raped, and murdered




TrojanPam says:

August 16, 2013 at 2:41 pm

@ Kushite

I agree that there will be great resistance to black people “waking up” to the con games played on our minds by the white supremacy system.

I respect the right of people to disagree with what I’ve written. It’s HOW you disagree that matters. What they must understand is they are expressing an OPINION, which means their comments are no more valid than mine.

I am confident that the EVIDENCE of white supremacy in the VAST MAJORITY of so-called black and white movies produced by Hollywood SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.

I try to follow the LOGIC when during a time of astronomical black unemployment and rising black poverty that suddenly white Hollywood would GLORIFY black people in roles as DOMESTIC SERVANTS, like cleaning women and butlers.

Those who choose to do otherwise (not follow the LOGIC), and/or stick their collective black heads in the sand, can do so. I choose to VIEW my reality through the lens of the white supremacy system, and so far, many, many, many, many, many things I didn’t understand before


I can live with that choice.




TrojanPam says:

August 17, 2013 at 9:09 pm

@ Timothy

I expected that, there is no way the Black Panthers would be portrayed accurately because the powers that be don’t want to encourage that kind of self-empowerment. I had family members that belonged to the Black Panthers and they used to get up early in the morning and cook breakfast for poor children, buying food and supplies with donations.

They were courageous young black males and females and decided they would not lie down like DOGS and get kicked without kicking back. I respect AND admire the party the way it used to be. I don’t know much about that organization today or who runs it OR what their real agenda is




Trojan Pam says:

May 13, 2015 at 5:55 pm

@ Rashnu

I had no idea you were making suggestions so let me repost them here:

Suggestion #1: The affirmation-therapy-through-bonding-over-outgroup-hostility that some non-white people engage in is not a constructive way to minimize conflict between anybody

Suggestion #2: Break the dependent, herd mentality of going along with/engaging in certain activities and ideas with certain people just because of conditioning of the dominant (white) society and social pressure from other people.

Suggestion #3: Seek to minimize conflict and produce the most constructive interactions and results in whatever situation or environment one is in.

Suggestion #4: Stop thinking and acting largely within the confines of white-designed identity/race politics. Avoid “racial shadow-boxing.”


Sincerely — and I’m not being sarcastic — other than #3 (which I have listed in my blogs and all four of my books and have credited to Mr. Neely Fuller — I have NO idea how anyone is supposed to follow your suggestions.

For example, #4, in which you use the term “shadow-boxing” which again is credited to Mr. Fuller, how is one to “stop thinking and acting largely within the confines of white-designed identity/race politics” within a white supremacy system?

Instead of telling us what we shouldn’t do, can you rephrase it in terms of what we SHOULD do? If you can state your suggestions more clearly so that anyone can understand it, that would be appreciated.

ALSO, please give your solutions/suggestions for how black people can end police brutality

As far as “name-calling” — your comment — “There’s not much of any opinion going on in this thread” — is the closest thing to name-calling I have read on this thread.

Thankfully, most who come here would disagree with you and in fact have found valuable information within this post and on this blog.

However, if you don’t find this blog to your liking there are millions of other blogs to choose from and I wish you well.





Monday, September 21, 2020

Words from Iyapo Yapa


Iyapo Yapa

2 hours ago

Part I

I tend to ignore Cyn G. I no longer visit her channel, so I have NO IDEA what she says anymore outside what I hear from you or others. Same thing for the Tommys of the world, and I seldom will give much attention to what they say even when others comment about them, but I will comment this time for all the good it will do.

I don’t address her non-sense directly because frankly I don’t feel she can be taken seriously on ANY level, but it is evident that a lot of our people listen to her. Unfortunately, this is the sad state our people have been brought to.

You and I are basically within the same age range… though I’m still way older than you I’m sure, but I remember the time of the slide rule, musical groups like Earth Wind and Fire, intellectuals and activists like Malcolm X and James Baldwin, Dr. King and so on. The reason I mention everything from slide rules, to entertainers to intellectuals and beyond is that we now live in a microwave, throw away age.

We no longer have voices and talent like those I just mentioned (with VERY few exceptions). What we have now are calculators to replace pencil and paper and rulers, irradiated processed poison that has replaced home cooking that was prepared with love and attention. Musical groups that used to take up entire stages with drummers, guitar players, huge brass and string sections and men and women who could perform vocal acrobatics (WITHOUT AUTOTUNE), that could bring you to your feet… and intellectuals and activists who… from the podium, to the streets, to prison cells, (and whether we agreed with them or not) they would lay out the causes and plight of our people in well thought out, researched and logical arguments, and have substantive discussions that were for the EMPOWERMENT of our people. 

We are now confronted with an entire generation that, predominantly due to the public fool system, main stream media and now social media, no longer knows how to THINK. We seek to be TOLD what to think and shun ANY information that is contrary to our LIMITED world view. EMOTIONAL REACTIONS trump REAL FACTS and LOGIC almost EVERY TIME! Never before have people (most importantly OUR people… as frankly I couldn’t care LESS what wyt people think), become living examples of the phrase, “Shut up and stop trying to confuse me with the FACTS!”

Now we have  loose cannons like Cyn G, Tommy and their ilk running around AMUCK throughout our community using SEVERLY flawed logic, NUMEROUS logical fallacies, and non-stop HYPERBOLY and ANECDOTAL CASES and Wikipedia and “Worldstar Hip Hop” to serve as “proof” of their assertions without the power of intellect behind their claims.  Were their flawed arguments made physical and laid end to end they would reach past Pluto and into the Kuiper Belt.

Were one to take a moment to examine the issue logically they would see that for EVERY case Cyn G presents of a negative “dusty Black man” Tommy could produce a negative “ratchet Black woman” and vice versa and on and on, and on and on… point being, in the end… they cancel each other out ALONG with their own arguments.

But I guess thinking in that way, and thinking it through would be too much like, right. It’s more important to some, obviously to let their EMOTIONS and bent rule the day instead of the facts and TRUTH that BOTH of them and their kind are WRONG and supporting the SoWS. 

THESE are now the voices considered to be the “intellectuals” or “leaders” within our ranks. And they can SAY they are not “leaders” all they want… but the fact is, if you are influencing large numbers of people you ARE for better or worse, like it or not… a LEADER, and what you say and do MATTERS.  Therefore, to recklessly seek to tear entire groups apart because of one’s OWN personal hurt and pain, and to become “popular” and benefit financially is especially egregious. They say they are not “leaders” so that they can put themselves in the PLACE of leadership via their rhetoric and enjoy the PERKS of leadership, but be divorced from the RESPOSIBILTY of leadership.

As a side note:

The fact that Cyn G started out railing about the SoWS, then changed to “But the condition of our people is the fault of the Black man” to “I’m not talking about ALL Black men” to “I just mean MOST Black men”, finally landing at “99.9% of Black men” – which is to say virtually ALL”, finally gets her to where she actually WAS when she STARTED… but she just needed to GROOM her audience using the “Frog in the pot of room temperature water” method. Slowly turning up the heat little by little… until her audience finally has been cooked, and those who remained don’t even realize she has stuck the fork in because they’re DONE. (Many of us frogs… like me… could tell when the temperature went up a few degrees and hopped the hell out… QUICKLY). 

They DO NOT speak to the INTELLECT of their listeners… they speak to their EMOTIONS – and I believe they KNOW it. It is well established in the world of advertising that people do not purchase based upon logical decisions, but purely based upon emotions. The entire world of advertising and conditioning are LITERALLY built upon that premise. If you even look at the Presidential election… little to no attention is given to actual POLICY or governance… it is ALL about how you feel EMOTIONALLY about this candidate or that one, because they know if they appealed to the LOGIC of voters, very quickly they would see the whole thing is a SHAM!  Same with these Black TheyTube anti-Black woman/man GRIFTERS out here.

Same for “corona”, if you pay very close attention, it is ALL FEAR BASED… emotional… very LITTLE science and logic. We need to wear masks and stay six feet apart… but originally, they had to stick a swab ALL THE WAY up into the sinus cavity to check for it? Huh? But it can be spread by standing too close to someone? B-B-But, to test for it you need to stick something ALL THE WAY up into my sinus cavity? Why can’t I just BREATHE on the thing, or COUGH on it if it’s THAT easily spread? Uhhhhh… I digress,  (thought I would just throw that in). 

One of the greatest ironies to me is that those who stand so strongly against their own people (the “Black men ain’t S_ t, and Black women ain’t S _t camps), is that they are DIRECT products of the group they worship. Ergo: As Malcolm X so correctly posed: WHO MADE YOU HATE YOURSELF? They of course would argue that they DON’T hate themselves because they LOVE themselves and Black people of their same gender. I submit however, that it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE as a Black man to hate and or debase Black women as a demographic and not on some level hate YOURSELF, or to, as a Black woman, hate and/or debase Black men as a demographic and not on some level hate YOURSELF… because, like it or not they ARE you, and YOU are THEM… no matter HOW much they try to deny it.

The DEEPEST and most hideous irony is that the very audience she claims to be trying to “help”, the Black woman, is actually… very consciously on her part, the Black woman who are being used and abused… BY HER. She KNOWS she is speaking to emotionally distraught and damaged Black woman who have in fact, been hurt, abused, and/or victimized by Black men. Even to those who HAVEN’T, the appeal is THEN toward… “Who is in control and has the most to offer?” as if THAT should be the measure of everything… in MATERIAL terms. (By the way, I think we know that Black men in the “manosphere” use that same warped reasoning).

So… there is a playground, and the Black boys, who are for the most part, pretty upstanding and seeking to mind their own business are eating their lunches and sharing with the Black girls. Eventually there is a group of wyt bullies who show up on the playground. They steal ALL the Black boys lunches because THEY have GUNS and the Black boys don’t. The wyt boys show that they have NO qualms about using the weapon to murder the unarmed boys. So they are sitting there with all their stolen lunches. The Black boys go revolt and some are killed, others go to the school board and tell them what happened and that they need a remedy through the school which is supposed to serve ALL the students, and not ONLY will the school system NOT help the Black boys who have been victimized, but they reinforce the side of the bullies and provide them with MORE weapons. And why do they use weapons and have the power of the entire school system behind them? Because they (the bullies), KNOW that were the field ever TRULY leveled, they would not be able to beat the Black boys or take their lunches, so they see to it that everything is skewed in their favor. They ALSO make it so that the focus becomes the FOOD and not THEM. Because they KNOW they are not up to standards… so it is the FOOD they concentrate on over character or worth or anything else… they create a system where the FOOD is the standard by which all things are measured… THAT is the only system in which they can survive and thrive because THAT is the system they can… with the help of the school board… control.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

More Facts on My Kinfolks,the%20Nansemond%20County%20%28now%20Suffolk%29%20Public%20School%20system.,Riverside%20Regional%20Medical%20Center%20in%20Newport%20News%2C%20Va.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Nixak*77*'s views.

Nixak*77*  Comrade Carrot-Blog Vegetarian  8 days ago
You keep throwing-up the human bio-engineered virus canard, as if it's foundational to the Wuhan lab theory- When in fact the theory is based on the fact that there're 2 labs in Wuhan that were KNOWN to be working w bat viruses quite similar to COVID-19... That the out-break first occurred in Wuhan even tho the locale of the bat-caves where the bat carriers of the virus live, are 1000 miles away from Wuhan [so why didn't the outbreak first occur in some-place(s) much closer to the bat-cave source of the virus].... And it's documented that concerns were formally made re potential safety &/or security issues for that / those lab(s)... And it's been documented that such accidents where pathogen escape from bio-labs have occurred multiple Xs in the past.
- What's open to investigation is did an accident in either Wuhan lab occur in late 2019, & if so was the infected / affected person(s) properly sterilized &/or quarantined before leaving the lab to return to Wuhan's public spaces / places??

Nixak*77*  TylerB  8 days ago
In other-words divert the blame for the problem to Xtians & other 'Folks of Faith', to keep attention away from the likelihood that the real blame may well rest w atheist scientific-'experts' in China- Got-It!!
- Such a diversionary blame-game meme serves your atheist ilk well- Got It!!

Nixak*77*  AhoyMatty  10 days ago
You ask 'Is this NOT reasonable?' IMO H_ NO!!

This is what DJ.by13 really thinks about the issue: 'Am I [Dj.by13] supposed to up-end my world because some fools, 2000 years ago, gave up their lives for a religious conviction...'
- Well since dude 'feels' that Yeshua & His original Apostles & followers who founded His movement 2000 yrs ago were just a bunch of illiterate / ignorant FOOLS, then it stands to reason that dude disses ALL Xtians who ever lived [= 2.4 Bn | 1/3 of the world's current population] were / are a bunch of Stupid FOOLS, too... Now think of all the Xtians who've gone down as history makers... Consider that what's now termed as 'modern science', was largely spearheaded by Xtians [& also to some extent Muslims & Jews], & that it didn't even become 'chic' to link science w atheism / agnosticism till after the advent of Darwin, Marx & Freud [FYI: 2/3s of Nobel Prize winning scientists ID as Xtians, nearly 90% as 'Folks of Faith' vs less than 10% ID as atheists & agnostics]. But since atheists 'worship' / put their 'faith' in / 'swear by' 'science' even as Xtians & other 'Folks of Faith' have had such a huge impact in the development of modern science even up to now- Is DJ.by13 & his ilk gonna diss science as a 'Fool's Errand' as it's been dominated by those D_ FOOL Xtians?? Hell NO!!
- Ditto for another issue DJ.by13 & his anti-theistic ilk like to rant on about, the abolition of slavery. Now Dude admits the abolition of slavery movement of the 1700s & 1800s was a good thing, yet it's a historical fact [that's not even debatable] that movement was spearheaded by 'Folks of Faith' who mainly IDed as Xtians. I've challenged DJ.by13 & others of his ilk to name even 1 confirmed atheist who was at the fore-front of / played a major / key role in the abolition of slavery movement of the 1700s & 1800s [I can name several atheists who were perpetrators of slavery even going into the later quarter of the 20th century]- Which he / they could / can NOT name even one such atheist!! Yet per dude's above dismissive assertion, the abolition of slavery movement must have been spear-headed by a bunch of STUPID FOOLS!!

This is the contradictory nature of dismissive over-the-top rhetorical blurbs masquerading as(s) wannabe 'clever reasoning' [NOT!], as DJ.by13, Chris, Tyler, Vaal / Ba'al, et-al are wont to spew-out!!

 Nixak*77*  Marvin  12 days ago
Below Chris gives the game away about what he, Tyler, DJ.by13, Vaal / Ba'al, et-al as well as(s) Neo's [lost in the] Matrix here disingenuous argumentation re any issue linked to Yeshua is really all about... As(s) Chris cites who as his authoritative source? The current 'King' of 'Jesus Mythicism', Rich Carrier!!
- I mean really Neo's [still lost in the damn] Matrix??! With literally hundreds [if not 1000s] of cases on the medical books of patients being pronounced clinically dead [some for several hrs] & then 'spontaneously resurrecting', Matrix as(s) a NON-medical professional & also a NON eye-witness, just disses all of those reported / documented cases so he can assert there's not even 1 case EVER of anyone being effectively dead & then later 'resurrect'.

Nixak*77*  AhoyMatty  13 days ago
Thus far DJ.by13's whole argumentation re this topic is totally disingenuous!! Above dude tries to deny / diss the well established fact that in 64 ACE in the wake of the Great-Fire in Rome, Roman Emperor Nero specifically targeted / scapegoated 'Xtians' as a group & falsely blamed them for the fire, as a hideously ruthless distraction from the fact that many / most Romans at the time suspected Nero was the real culprit / 'fire-starter'. DJ.by13 tries to claim we don't know why Xtians 'died' [actually were persecuted & killed] at this time in Rome because per dude 'Everybody died.'
- IMO such an assertion on DJ.by13's part cuts real close to just out-right LYING, cause IMO dude can't be that d_ ignorant re the facts of the matter!!

Nixak*77*  dandbj13  13 days ago
Your speciously disingenuous assertion: 'We know almost nothing of the circumstances of any Christian murders or imprisonments...'

From the BBC Article Christianity & the Roman Empire, by Dr Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe: Prof of Roman History at King's College, London [see @ ] Key Excerpts: } Christians were first, and horribly, targeted for persecution as a group by the emperor Nero in 64 AD. A colossal fire broke out at Rome, and destroyed much of the city. Rumours abounded that Nero himself was responsible for the fire. He certainly took advantage of the resulting devastation of the city, building a lavish private palace on part of the site of the fire... - Perhaps to divert attention from the rumours, Nero ordered that Christians should be rounded up and killed. Some were torn apart by dogs, others burnt alive as human torches.
- Why were Christians persecuted?... The pagan Romans were probably most suspicious of the Christian refusal to sacrifice to the Roman gods. This was an insult to the gods and potentially endangered the empire which they deigned to protect. Furthermore, the Christian refusal to offer sacrifices to the emperor, a semi-divine monarch, had the whiff of both sacrilege and treason about it. - Thus the classic test of a Christian’s faith was to force him or her, on pain of death, to swear by the emperor and offer incense to his images, or to sacrifice to the gods.
- In the mid-second-century account of the martyrdom of Polycarp, officials begged Polycarp to say ‘Caesar is Lord’, and to offer incense, to save his life. He refused. Later, in the arena, he was asked by the governor to swear an oath by the ‘luck of Caesar’. He refused, and although he was apparently eager to meet his death, beast-fighting had been declared closed for the day and so he was burnt alive instead... {

And Roman historian Tacitus on Yeshua's crucifixion upon orders of Pontius Pilate & Nero's persecution of Yeshua's followers at Rome: } 'But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report / that 'rumor', Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most 'mischievous superstition' [= their belief], thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the 'evil', but even in Rome,... Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind' [= pagan Romans]. { - The exact cause of the fire remains uncertain, but much of the population of Rome suspected that Emperor Nero had started the fire himself. So to divert attention from himself, Nero accused the Christians of starting the fire and persecuted them, making this the first documented confrontation between Christians and the authorities in Rome.... Tacitus clearly suggest that Nero used the Christians as [convenient] scapegoats...

So to try to deny that Yeshua's followers / His movement were specifically targeted & persecuted by state authorities both in Judea & in Rome, is to just try to disingenuously deny / diss well establish historical-facts!!

Nixak*77*  David_R  14 days ago
Revelations begins by naming Yokhanon- Servant of Yeshua / the Lord as its author & then restates his name 2 other Xs in its beginning verses. So what kind of hotly contested debate could early church fathers have had about that?? Especially since my Scofield 1945 Ed. clearly names the Apostle Yokhanon as the author of the Book of Revelations. Uhm Dude, Scofield was a top biblical scholar & 1945 is in the mid 20th century, not the 19th century- Duhh!!

From Wikipedia } The author names himself as "John" in the text, but his precise identity remains a point of academic debate. Second-century Christian writers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Melito (the bishop of Sardis), Clement of Alexandria, and the author of the Muratorian fragment all identify John the Apostle as the "John" of Revelation. However 'modern scholars' generally take a different view, with 'many' [FYI: 'many' don't necessarily mean most] considering that nothing can be known about the author except that he was a Christian prophet... {
- So it's really just many modern 20th & 21st century 'secularized' NT 'scholars' who now doubt that 'Revelations' was written by the Apostle Yokhanon, yet apparently most key early church fathers were sure he was indeed the author!!

Nixak*77*  Sarah  a month ago
So Sorry-Her I state the plain fact that the current COVID-19 outbreak started in Communist China which is the most 'secular-atheistic country in the world, & also the simple fact that thus far Africa has the least confirmed cases of COVID-19 per population in the World- Yet you respond w a d_ hissy-fit racially-tinged stereotyped tirade vs Africa & then ironically blurt out how sparsely populated Africa is compared to NYC, which is truly ironic since most of your secular {in}'humanist ilk [ala Tyler] generally rant & rave about how 'over-populated' Africa allegedly is because [per Tyler] Africans so-called 'breed' too much- WOW!!!

Nixak*77*  Marvin  a month ago
Hugh Ross gave the best explanation I've heard as to why viruses exist, they actually serve a key purpose. See Viruses and God’s Good Designs @ - Some Key Excerpts: } Life-forms on Earth larger and more complex than microbes would be impossible without an abundance of viruses. Without viruses, bacteria would multiply and, within a relatively short time period, occupy every niche and cranny on Earth’s surface. The planet would become a giant bacterial slime ball. Those sextillions of bacteria would consume all the resources essential for life and die. - Viruses keep Earth’s bacterial population in check. They break up and kill bacteria at the just-right rates and in the just-right locations so as to maintain a population and diversity of bacteria that is optimal for both the bacteria and for all the other life-forms. It is important to note that all multicellular life depends on bacteria being present at the optimal population level and optimal diversity. We wouldn’t be here without viruses!
- A high human population and advanced global civilization would not be possible without Earth’s water cycle providing copious amounts of precipitation all over the continental landmasses. All the precipitation components (rain, mist, snow, hail, and sleet), however, require microscopic seeds (or nuclei) to form. In most environments, the most important seeds for precipitation are viruses and bacterial fragments resulting from viral attacks. Wind carries these “seeds” into the atmosphere where ice crystals form around them. Liquid water clumps onto the ice crystals, making them progressively larger. These augmented ice crystals turn into rain, snow, or other forms of precipitation and fall to the ground.
- But- As with any good thing in nature, there are potential downsides re viruses, which can be made a lot worse by human neglect, abuse, and sin. { - Note: I like most folk HATE flies, yet I know flies are needed to eat-up & get rid of excrement & dead rotting organic material- That's their job & purpose.

Nixak*77*  Jim  2 months ago
Uhm Jim, the oldest written classic work of the western Greco-Roman world, the Iliad & Odyssey circa 600 - 700 BCE. The oldest written classic of the ancient Hebraic world the 5 Books of Moses aka the Torah written circa 1250 - 1450 BCE. And in the mesopotamia there's the Epic of Gilgamesh written circa 1300 - 1600 BCE.

} The history of alphabetic writing goes back to the consonantal writing system used for Semitic languages in the Levant in the 2nd millennium BCE. Most or nearly all alphabetic scripts used throughout the world today ultimately go back to this Semitic proto-alphabet. Its first origins can be traced back to a Proto-Sinaitic script developed in Ancient Egypt to represent the language of Semitic-speaking workers and slaves in Egypt. This script was partly influenced by the older Egyptian hieratic, a cursive script related to Egyptian hieroglyphs.
- Mainly through Phoenician, Hebrew and later Aramaic, three closely related members of the Semitic family of scripts that were in use during the early first millennium BCE, the Semitic alphabet became the ancestor of multiple writing systems across the Middle East, Europe, northern Africa and South Asia.
- The Greek's alphabet was adapted from the Phoenician / ancient Hebraic [aleph-beht]. Latin, the most widely used alphabet today, was in turn derived from Greek. {

The point: writing in the Levant / Israel-Palestine pre-dates Greek by at-least over +500 yrs or more, such that the Greek actually 'borrowed' their writing system from Israel-Palestine / Phoenicia [from which we get the word 'phoenics'], & Latin writing was subsequently derived from ancient Greek several centuries after that.
- So to just assume that because most common Romans & ancient Italian folk were illiterate, that means that nearly all ancient Judeans had to also be illiterate in their own native Hebrew / Aramaic [Greek & Latin is another matter], especially when the tradition of writing in Israel-Palestine [let alone ancient Mesopotamia & Egypt] predates that for Greek & Latin by 500 - 1000 yrs, is IMO speciously myopic.

Nixak*77*  Peter  2 months ago
Apparently in the Gospels you ain't read the part where Yeshua cites Moses & the 'Law of Moses'. And apparently you ain't read about Yeshua on the Mt of Transfiguration.

Apparently you don't know that at the 'Last-Supper' Yeshua & His Apostles were celebrating the Passover Feast- Duhh!! The very same Passover that you wanna try to just diss now- WOW!!

Nixak*77*  Anthony66  2 months ago
From WSWS' web-site: Atheism in the Service of Political Reaction: A Comment on author Sam Harris, April 16, 2007 [@ ]: } While [Rich] Dawkins is an opponent of the war in Iraq, [Sam] Harris is a staunch defender of the actions of American imperialism. Indeed, Harris’ entire work appears largely devoted to constructing an atheist’s justification for the outrageous actions of the American government in the Middle East and Central Asia...
- The implications are clear: it is the Islamic faith that is responsible for terrorism. Throughout his [2004] book [The End of Faith: Terror, and the Future of Reason, Aug 2004], Sam Harris [disingenuously] conflates Islam and “the Muslim World” with terror. But, of course, if it is the “Muslim world” that is responsible for terrorism, repressive actions against this “Muslim world” are justified.
- Thus we have Harris’ extraordinary declaration that in dealing with religious extremism, it may be necessary to employ military force, even extermination. He states on pages 52-53: “Some propositions are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people just for believing them. This may seem an extraordinary claim, but it merely enunciates an ordinary fact about the world in which we live.”
- Harris goes on to use this statement as a justification for US military aggression [in Iraq]: “There is, in fact, no talking to some people. If they cannot be captured, and they often cannot, otherwise tolerant people may be justified in killing them in self-defense. That is what the United States attempted in Afghanistan, and it is what we and other Western powers are bound to attempt, at an even greater cost to ourselves and innocents abroad, elsewhere in the Muslim world [IE: Iraq]. We will continue to spill blood in what is, at bottom, a war of ideas.”...
- Harris’ book is filled with various attempts to defend the most horrific aspects of US policy—from the war in Iraq to the policy of torture... {

Sam Harris also 'suggested' that racial profiling of Muslims and judicial torture of terrorists may be ethical in what he calls “our war on terror”. At its extreme, he contends that “Muslims pose a special problem for nuclear deterrence” because theologically they don’t fear death. He reasons they are immune to the usual logic of Mutually Assured Destruction [aka MAD]. Therefore, if an Islamist government [ala Iran] acquired nuclear weapons, then “a nuclear first strike of our own” may be “the only course of action available to us”.
- DJ.by13 is always ranting about 'BSC', but that's some real-deal Trump style 'BSC' [&/or even 'Dr StrangeLovishness']- Yet DJ.by13's got jack to say about it, cause it's from his quotable New Atheist 'guru' Sam Harris!!

From the Gray-Zone: Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz combine the worst of both worlds: the anti-Muslim, anti-refugee views of the far right with the pro-war, imperialist stance of the liberal centrists. July 12, 2017 [@ ]: } Sam Harris’ life goal is ostensibly to defeat Islamist extremism; it is the focus of his constant diatribes. Yet he is strangely also an advocate for the very wars of regime change that have fueled the rise of Salafi-jihadist groups, from al-Qaeda to ISIS.
- This hypocritical approach suggests Harris has yet to wake up to the impact of the militaristic policies he proposes.
- Harris admitted that he did not oppose the Iraq War [= he effectively supported it - see below] . He also noted that, during the 2016 presidential campaign, he was comfortable with Hillary Clinton’s hyper-hawkish policies,...
- Both [Harris & Nawaz] lamented that the U.S. did not militarily intervene enough in Syria. Harris mourned that “the red line in Syria was just a bluff.”
- The two combined the worst of both worlds: the racist, anti-Muslim, anti-refugee views of the far right, along with the pro-war, interventionist, militaristic stance of the liberal centrists. - While ignoring the the root causes of Islamist extremism — Western imperialism, wars of regime change and military intervention — Harris and Nawaz boldly proposed policies that would actively exacerbate it, destroying the grayzone from both ends: threatening acceptance of Muslims in Western societies while simultaneously dropping more bombs on Muslims in their homelands. {

Nixak*77*  BTS  2 months ago
It's generally asserted the average life-span 2000 yrs ago was maybe just 35 - 40 yrs old, but in-fact we KNOW many historical figures lived well past 60 or even 70 yrs old- IE: Pharaoh Ramesses the Great lived to be 90 yrs old / Plato: 80 yrs old / Augustus Caesar: 75 yrs & his successor Tiberias: 77 yrs / Roman senator-historian Tacitus: 64 yrs / Josephus: 63 / legendary Carthaginian Gen Hannibal: 64 yrs [FYI: he would have lived longer but committed suicide in lieu of being captured by the Romans] / Archimedes: 75 yrs [killed in the Roman siege of Syracuse] /  Muhammed: 62 yrs & his wife Aisha: 64 yrs, etc...

Nixak*77*  Anthony66  2 months ago
Up Date: I just down-voted DJ.by13 for citing Sam Harris as(s) his go-to authority to chide Folks' of Faith for allegedly being so-called 'apologists' for alleged Biblical 'genocide'... Sam Harris of all people, the very same Sam [damn] Harris [along w his close-chum the late Chris Hitchens] who were loud enthusiastic cheer-leaders for a modern-day genocide aka Bush-Cheney-Bliar's Iraq Attack Pt-2, based on LIES!! What HYPOCRISY!!
- That's why I won't stand for any 'moral-lecturing' [which DJ.by13 & his lik deny there's even a such thing as objective moral-truth(s] by the likes of DJ.by13- PERIOD!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

An Important Point

Nixak says:
October 30, 2017 at 12:07 pm
IMO KRS-1 of all people should have definitely known better than to diss a Black elder sister & vet of the freedom movement, without hearing her out & carefully considering what she was actually saying / warning us about. One might say ditto for Tupac, re M&M who even cares what that white usurper thinks.

So sister Tucker warned us back in the early 90s where this gangsta rap biz would take us [over the D___ Cliff], KRS-1 of all people should have seen the ‘play’, that the corp music biz deliberately HYPED gangsta rap over more positive forms of rap & hip-hop- as KRS-1 himself is known for.

Well KRS-1 to his credit was cautious about drinking the Obamalaid that many of his contemporaries fell for back in 2008. As far as Dr Mike Dyson is concerned, this dude has been off so many times , dude is quite apt at saying a lot of words tot say NOT much of anything [or even worse to say the wrong d___ thing].

The things that are destroying Black [& brown] youth are: Guns, drugs & alcohol, & gangsta-rap. I don’t know of even one Black gun & ammo retailer in the US, & I’m sure there’s NO Black owned gun & ammo wholesaler &/or maker in the US. Likewise neither coke, crack, heroin NOR even much weed is grown in the ‘Hood’- Ditto for alcohol. All this CRAP is being DUMPED in the ‘hood’ by mainly outside forces, w known ill effects. The only thing that can be said to originate in the Hood is rap & Hip-hop including Gangsta rap. But it ain’t the ‘hood’ that controls what Black youth are exposed to via popular media- which is under the total control of again outside forces [aka the Corp music & stupitainment Biz].

So how could so many [apparently mainly men I might add] who should have seen this Ole Okee-Doke, gang-up on & diss a elder sister & vet of our freedom-rights struggle -&- Thus effectively [if unwittingly] do the bidding of outside corp forces in the music & stupitainment industry??!