Tuesday, May 19, 2020

An Important Point





Nixak says:
October 30, 2017 at 12:07 pm
IMO KRS-1 of all people should have definitely known better than to diss a Black elder sister & vet of the freedom movement, without hearing her out & carefully considering what she was actually saying / warning us about. One might say ditto for Tupac, re M&M who even cares what that white usurper thinks.

So sister Tucker warned us back in the early 90s where this gangsta rap biz would take us [over the D___ Cliff], KRS-1 of all people should have seen the ‘play’, that the corp music biz deliberately HYPED gangsta rap over more positive forms of rap & hip-hop- as KRS-1 himself is known for.

Well KRS-1 to his credit was cautious about drinking the Obamalaid that many of his contemporaries fell for back in 2008. As far as Dr Mike Dyson is concerned, this dude has been off so many times , dude is quite apt at saying a lot of words tot say NOT much of anything [or even worse to say the wrong d___ thing].

The things that are destroying Black [& brown] youth are: Guns, drugs & alcohol, & gangsta-rap. I don’t know of even one Black gun & ammo retailer in the US, & I’m sure there’s NO Black owned gun & ammo wholesaler &/or maker in the US. Likewise neither coke, crack, heroin NOR even much weed is grown in the ‘Hood’- Ditto for alcohol. All this CRAP is being DUMPED in the ‘hood’ by mainly outside forces, w known ill effects. The only thing that can be said to originate in the Hood is rap & Hip-hop including Gangsta rap. But it ain’t the ‘hood’ that controls what Black youth are exposed to via popular media- which is under the total control of again outside forces [aka the Corp music & stupitainment Biz].

So how could so many [apparently mainly men I might add] who should have seen this Ole Okee-Doke, gang-up on & diss a elder sister & vet of our freedom-rights struggle -&- Thus effectively [if unwittingly] do the bidding of outside corp forces in the music & stupitainment industry??!

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