Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Nixak*77*'s views.

Nixak*77*  Comrade Carrot-Blog Vegetarian  8 days ago
You keep throwing-up the human bio-engineered virus canard, as if it's foundational to the Wuhan lab theory- When in fact the theory is based on the fact that there're 2 labs in Wuhan that were KNOWN to be working w bat viruses quite similar to COVID-19... That the out-break first occurred in Wuhan even tho the locale of the bat-caves where the bat carriers of the virus live, are 1000 miles away from Wuhan [so why didn't the outbreak first occur in some-place(s) much closer to the bat-cave source of the virus].... And it's documented that concerns were formally made re potential safety &/or security issues for that / those lab(s)... And it's been documented that such accidents where pathogen escape from bio-labs have occurred multiple Xs in the past.
- What's open to investigation is did an accident in either Wuhan lab occur in late 2019, & if so was the infected / affected person(s) properly sterilized &/or quarantined before leaving the lab to return to Wuhan's public spaces / places??

Nixak*77*  TylerB  8 days ago
In other-words divert the blame for the problem to Xtians & other 'Folks of Faith', to keep attention away from the likelihood that the real blame may well rest w atheist scientific-'experts' in China- Got-It!!
- Such a diversionary blame-game meme serves your atheist ilk well- Got It!!

Nixak*77*  AhoyMatty  10 days ago
You ask 'Is this NOT reasonable?' IMO H_ NO!!

This is what DJ.by13 really thinks about the issue: 'Am I [Dj.by13] supposed to up-end my world because some fools, 2000 years ago, gave up their lives for a religious conviction...'
- Well since dude 'feels' that Yeshua & His original Apostles & followers who founded His movement 2000 yrs ago were just a bunch of illiterate / ignorant FOOLS, then it stands to reason that dude disses ALL Xtians who ever lived [= 2.4 Bn | 1/3 of the world's current population] were / are a bunch of Stupid FOOLS, too... Now think of all the Xtians who've gone down as history makers... Consider that what's now termed as 'modern science', was largely spearheaded by Xtians [& also to some extent Muslims & Jews], & that it didn't even become 'chic' to link science w atheism / agnosticism till after the advent of Darwin, Marx & Freud [FYI: 2/3s of Nobel Prize winning scientists ID as Xtians, nearly 90% as 'Folks of Faith' vs less than 10% ID as atheists & agnostics]. But since atheists 'worship' / put their 'faith' in / 'swear by' 'science' even as Xtians & other 'Folks of Faith' have had such a huge impact in the development of modern science even up to now- Is DJ.by13 & his ilk gonna diss science as a 'Fool's Errand' as it's been dominated by those D_ FOOL Xtians?? Hell NO!!
- Ditto for another issue DJ.by13 & his anti-theistic ilk like to rant on about, the abolition of slavery. Now Dude admits the abolition of slavery movement of the 1700s & 1800s was a good thing, yet it's a historical fact [that's not even debatable] that movement was spearheaded by 'Folks of Faith' who mainly IDed as Xtians. I've challenged DJ.by13 & others of his ilk to name even 1 confirmed atheist who was at the fore-front of / played a major / key role in the abolition of slavery movement of the 1700s & 1800s [I can name several atheists who were perpetrators of slavery even going into the later quarter of the 20th century]- Which he / they could / can NOT name even one such atheist!! Yet per dude's above dismissive assertion, the abolition of slavery movement must have been spear-headed by a bunch of STUPID FOOLS!!

This is the contradictory nature of dismissive over-the-top rhetorical blurbs masquerading as(s) wannabe 'clever reasoning' [NOT!], as DJ.by13, Chris, Tyler, Vaal / Ba'al, et-al are wont to spew-out!!

 Nixak*77*  Marvin  12 days ago
Below Chris gives the game away about what he, Tyler, DJ.by13, Vaal / Ba'al, et-al as well as(s) Neo's [lost in the] Matrix here disingenuous argumentation re any issue linked to Yeshua is really all about... As(s) Chris cites who as his authoritative source? The current 'King' of 'Jesus Mythicism', Rich Carrier!!
- I mean really Neo's [still lost in the damn] Matrix??! With literally hundreds [if not 1000s] of cases on the medical books of patients being pronounced clinically dead [some for several hrs] & then 'spontaneously resurrecting', Matrix as(s) a NON-medical professional & also a NON eye-witness, just disses all of those reported / documented cases so he can assert there's not even 1 case EVER of anyone being effectively dead & then later 'resurrect'.

Nixak*77*  AhoyMatty  13 days ago
Thus far DJ.by13's whole argumentation re this topic is totally disingenuous!! Above dude tries to deny / diss the well established fact that in 64 ACE in the wake of the Great-Fire in Rome, Roman Emperor Nero specifically targeted / scapegoated 'Xtians' as a group & falsely blamed them for the fire, as a hideously ruthless distraction from the fact that many / most Romans at the time suspected Nero was the real culprit / 'fire-starter'. DJ.by13 tries to claim we don't know why Xtians 'died' [actually were persecuted & killed] at this time in Rome because per dude 'Everybody died.'
- IMO such an assertion on DJ.by13's part cuts real close to just out-right LYING, cause IMO dude can't be that d_ ignorant re the facts of the matter!!

Nixak*77*  dandbj13  13 days ago
Your speciously disingenuous assertion: 'We know almost nothing of the circumstances of any Christian murders or imprisonments...'

From the BBC Article Christianity & the Roman Empire, by Dr Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe: Prof of Roman History at King's College, London [see @ www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancie... ] Key Excerpts: } Christians were first, and horribly, targeted for persecution as a group by the emperor Nero in 64 AD. A colossal fire broke out at Rome, and destroyed much of the city. Rumours abounded that Nero himself was responsible for the fire. He certainly took advantage of the resulting devastation of the city, building a lavish private palace on part of the site of the fire... - Perhaps to divert attention from the rumours, Nero ordered that Christians should be rounded up and killed. Some were torn apart by dogs, others burnt alive as human torches.
- Why were Christians persecuted?... The pagan Romans were probably most suspicious of the Christian refusal to sacrifice to the Roman gods. This was an insult to the gods and potentially endangered the empire which they deigned to protect. Furthermore, the Christian refusal to offer sacrifices to the emperor, a semi-divine monarch, had the whiff of both sacrilege and treason about it. - Thus the classic test of a Christian’s faith was to force him or her, on pain of death, to swear by the emperor and offer incense to his images, or to sacrifice to the gods.
- In the mid-second-century account of the martyrdom of Polycarp, officials begged Polycarp to say ‘Caesar is Lord’, and to offer incense, to save his life. He refused. Later, in the arena, he was asked by the governor to swear an oath by the ‘luck of Caesar’. He refused, and although he was apparently eager to meet his death, beast-fighting had been declared closed for the day and so he was burnt alive instead... {

And Roman historian Tacitus on Yeshua's crucifixion upon orders of Pontius Pilate & Nero's persecution of Yeshua's followers at Rome: } 'But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report / that 'rumor', Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most 'mischievous superstition' [= their belief], thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the 'evil', but even in Rome,... Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind' [= pagan Romans]. { - The exact cause of the fire remains uncertain, but much of the population of Rome suspected that Emperor Nero had started the fire himself. So to divert attention from himself, Nero accused the Christians of starting the fire and persecuted them, making this the first documented confrontation between Christians and the authorities in Rome.... Tacitus clearly suggest that Nero used the Christians as [convenient] scapegoats...

So to try to deny that Yeshua's followers / His movement were specifically targeted & persecuted by state authorities both in Judea & in Rome, is to just try to disingenuously deny / diss well establish historical-facts!!

Nixak*77*  David_R  14 days ago
Revelations begins by naming Yokhanon- Servant of Yeshua / the Lord as its author & then restates his name 2 other Xs in its beginning verses. So what kind of hotly contested debate could early church fathers have had about that?? Especially since my Scofield 1945 Ed. clearly names the Apostle Yokhanon as the author of the Book of Revelations. Uhm Dude, Scofield was a top biblical scholar & 1945 is in the mid 20th century, not the 19th century- Duhh!!

From Wikipedia } The author names himself as "John" in the text, but his precise identity remains a point of academic debate. Second-century Christian writers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Melito (the bishop of Sardis), Clement of Alexandria, and the author of the Muratorian fragment all identify John the Apostle as the "John" of Revelation. However 'modern scholars' generally take a different view, with 'many' [FYI: 'many' don't necessarily mean most] considering that nothing can be known about the author except that he was a Christian prophet... {
- So it's really just many modern 20th & 21st century 'secularized' NT 'scholars' who now doubt that 'Revelations' was written by the Apostle Yokhanon, yet apparently most key early church fathers were sure he was indeed the author!!

Nixak*77*  Sarah  a month ago
So Sorry-Her I state the plain fact that the current COVID-19 outbreak started in Communist China which is the most 'secular-atheistic country in the world, & also the simple fact that thus far Africa has the least confirmed cases of COVID-19 per population in the World- Yet you respond w a d_ hissy-fit racially-tinged stereotyped tirade vs Africa & then ironically blurt out how sparsely populated Africa is compared to NYC, which is truly ironic since most of your secular {in}'humanist ilk [ala Tyler] generally rant & rave about how 'over-populated' Africa allegedly is because [per Tyler] Africans so-called 'breed' too much- WOW!!!

Nixak*77*  Marvin  a month ago
Hugh Ross gave the best explanation I've heard as to why viruses exist, they actually serve a key purpose. See Viruses and God’s Good Designs @ https://reasons.org/explore... - Some Key Excerpts: } Life-forms on Earth larger and more complex than microbes would be impossible without an abundance of viruses. Without viruses, bacteria would multiply and, within a relatively short time period, occupy every niche and cranny on Earth’s surface. The planet would become a giant bacterial slime ball. Those sextillions of bacteria would consume all the resources essential for life and die. - Viruses keep Earth’s bacterial population in check. They break up and kill bacteria at the just-right rates and in the just-right locations so as to maintain a population and diversity of bacteria that is optimal for both the bacteria and for all the other life-forms. It is important to note that all multicellular life depends on bacteria being present at the optimal population level and optimal diversity. We wouldn’t be here without viruses!
- A high human population and advanced global civilization would not be possible without Earth’s water cycle providing copious amounts of precipitation all over the continental landmasses. All the precipitation components (rain, mist, snow, hail, and sleet), however, require microscopic seeds (or nuclei) to form. In most environments, the most important seeds for precipitation are viruses and bacterial fragments resulting from viral attacks. Wind carries these “seeds” into the atmosphere where ice crystals form around them. Liquid water clumps onto the ice crystals, making them progressively larger. These augmented ice crystals turn into rain, snow, or other forms of precipitation and fall to the ground.
- But- As with any good thing in nature, there are potential downsides re viruses, which can be made a lot worse by human neglect, abuse, and sin. { - Note: I like most folk HATE flies, yet I know flies are needed to eat-up & get rid of excrement & dead rotting organic material- That's their job & purpose.

Nixak*77*  Jim  2 months ago
Uhm Jim, the oldest written classic work of the western Greco-Roman world, the Iliad & Odyssey circa 600 - 700 BCE. The oldest written classic of the ancient Hebraic world the 5 Books of Moses aka the Torah written circa 1250 - 1450 BCE. And in the mesopotamia there's the Epic of Gilgamesh written circa 1300 - 1600 BCE.

} The history of alphabetic writing goes back to the consonantal writing system used for Semitic languages in the Levant in the 2nd millennium BCE. Most or nearly all alphabetic scripts used throughout the world today ultimately go back to this Semitic proto-alphabet. Its first origins can be traced back to a Proto-Sinaitic script developed in Ancient Egypt to represent the language of Semitic-speaking workers and slaves in Egypt. This script was partly influenced by the older Egyptian hieratic, a cursive script related to Egyptian hieroglyphs.
- Mainly through Phoenician, Hebrew and later Aramaic, three closely related members of the Semitic family of scripts that were in use during the early first millennium BCE, the Semitic alphabet became the ancestor of multiple writing systems across the Middle East, Europe, northern Africa and South Asia.
- The Greek's alphabet was adapted from the Phoenician / ancient Hebraic [aleph-beht]. Latin, the most widely used alphabet today, was in turn derived from Greek. {

The point: writing in the Levant / Israel-Palestine pre-dates Greek by at-least over +500 yrs or more, such that the Greek actually 'borrowed' their writing system from Israel-Palestine / Phoenicia [from which we get the word 'phoenics'], & Latin writing was subsequently derived from ancient Greek several centuries after that.
- So to just assume that because most common Romans & ancient Italian folk were illiterate, that means that nearly all ancient Judeans had to also be illiterate in their own native Hebrew / Aramaic [Greek & Latin is another matter], especially when the tradition of writing in Israel-Palestine [let alone ancient Mesopotamia & Egypt] predates that for Greek & Latin by 500 - 1000 yrs, is IMO speciously myopic.

Nixak*77*  Peter  2 months ago
Apparently in the Gospels you ain't read the part where Yeshua cites Moses & the 'Law of Moses'. And apparently you ain't read about Yeshua on the Mt of Transfiguration.

Apparently you don't know that at the 'Last-Supper' Yeshua & His Apostles were celebrating the Passover Feast- Duhh!! The very same Passover that you wanna try to just diss now- WOW!!

Nixak*77*  Anthony66  2 months ago
From WSWS' web-site: Atheism in the Service of Political Reaction: A Comment on author Sam Harris, April 16, 2007 [@ www.wsws.org/en/articles/20... ]: } While [Rich] Dawkins is an opponent of the war in Iraq, [Sam] Harris is a staunch defender of the actions of American imperialism. Indeed, Harris’ entire work appears largely devoted to constructing an atheist’s justification for the outrageous actions of the American government in the Middle East and Central Asia...
- The implications are clear: it is the Islamic faith that is responsible for terrorism. Throughout his [2004] book [The End of Faith: Terror, and the Future of Reason, Aug 2004], Sam Harris [disingenuously] conflates Islam and “the Muslim World” with terror. But, of course, if it is the “Muslim world” that is responsible for terrorism, repressive actions against this “Muslim world” are justified.
- Thus we have Harris’ extraordinary declaration that in dealing with religious extremism, it may be necessary to employ military force, even extermination. He states on pages 52-53: “Some propositions are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people just for believing them. This may seem an extraordinary claim, but it merely enunciates an ordinary fact about the world in which we live.”
- Harris goes on to use this statement as a justification for US military aggression [in Iraq]: “There is, in fact, no talking to some people. If they cannot be captured, and they often cannot, otherwise tolerant people may be justified in killing them in self-defense. That is what the United States attempted in Afghanistan, and it is what we and other Western powers are bound to attempt, at an even greater cost to ourselves and innocents abroad, elsewhere in the Muslim world [IE: Iraq]. We will continue to spill blood in what is, at bottom, a war of ideas.”...
- Harris’ book is filled with various attempts to defend the most horrific aspects of US policy—from the war in Iraq to the policy of torture... {

Sam Harris also 'suggested' that racial profiling of Muslims and judicial torture of terrorists may be ethical in what he calls “our war on terror”. At its extreme, he contends that “Muslims pose a special problem for nuclear deterrence” because theologically they don’t fear death. He reasons they are immune to the usual logic of Mutually Assured Destruction [aka MAD]. Therefore, if an Islamist government [ala Iran] acquired nuclear weapons, then “a nuclear first strike of our own” may be “the only course of action available to us”.
- DJ.by13 is always ranting about 'BSC', but that's some real-deal Trump style 'BSC' [&/or even 'Dr StrangeLovishness']- Yet DJ.by13's got jack to say about it, cause it's from his quotable New Atheist 'guru' Sam Harris!!

From the Gray-Zone: Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz combine the worst of both worlds: the anti-Muslim, anti-refugee views of the far right with the pro-war, imperialist stance of the liberal centrists. July 12, 2017 [@ https://thegrayzone.com/201... ]: } Sam Harris’ life goal is ostensibly to defeat Islamist extremism; it is the focus of his constant diatribes. Yet he is strangely also an advocate for the very wars of regime change that have fueled the rise of Salafi-jihadist groups, from al-Qaeda to ISIS.
- This hypocritical approach suggests Harris has yet to wake up to the impact of the militaristic policies he proposes.
- Harris admitted that he did not oppose the Iraq War [= he effectively supported it - see below] . He also noted that, during the 2016 presidential campaign, he was comfortable with Hillary Clinton’s hyper-hawkish policies,...
- Both [Harris & Nawaz] lamented that the U.S. did not militarily intervene enough in Syria. Harris mourned that “the red line in Syria was just a bluff.”
- The two combined the worst of both worlds: the racist, anti-Muslim, anti-refugee views of the far right, along with the pro-war, interventionist, militaristic stance of the liberal centrists. - While ignoring the the root causes of Islamist extremism — Western imperialism, wars of regime change and military intervention — Harris and Nawaz boldly proposed policies that would actively exacerbate it, destroying the grayzone from both ends: threatening acceptance of Muslims in Western societies while simultaneously dropping more bombs on Muslims in their homelands. {

Nixak*77*  BTS  2 months ago
It's generally asserted the average life-span 2000 yrs ago was maybe just 35 - 40 yrs old, but in-fact we KNOW many historical figures lived well past 60 or even 70 yrs old- IE: Pharaoh Ramesses the Great lived to be 90 yrs old / Plato: 80 yrs old / Augustus Caesar: 75 yrs & his successor Tiberias: 77 yrs / Roman senator-historian Tacitus: 64 yrs / Josephus: 63 / legendary Carthaginian Gen Hannibal: 64 yrs [FYI: he would have lived longer but committed suicide in lieu of being captured by the Romans] / Archimedes: 75 yrs [killed in the Roman siege of Syracuse] /  Muhammed: 62 yrs & his wife Aisha: 64 yrs, etc...

Nixak*77*  Anthony66  2 months ago
Up Date: I just down-voted DJ.by13 for citing Sam Harris as(s) his go-to authority to chide Folks' of Faith for allegedly being so-called 'apologists' for alleged Biblical 'genocide'... Sam Harris of all people, the very same Sam [damn] Harris [along w his close-chum the late Chris Hitchens] who were loud enthusiastic cheer-leaders for a modern-day genocide aka Bush-Cheney-Bliar's Iraq Attack Pt-2, based on LIES!! What HYPOCRISY!!
- That's why I won't stand for any 'moral-lecturing' [which DJ.by13 & his lik deny there's even a such thing as objective moral-truth(s] by the likes of DJ.by13- PERIOD!!

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