Ronald Reagan, Son of Perdition
"The Great Falling Away Is Complete" - Series
A Fallen Church Mourns a Favored Son:
A Secret Servant of The Great Harlot on Seven Hills;
Who Miraculously Healed the Wound of The Beast;
Saying, 'Peace, Peace' While Preparing Great Horror!
Love of Money Newsletter
Baruch Hersche, Switzerland
(Part of
7th of July 2004 -- 18th of Tammuz? [1]
Baruch Hersche, Switzerland
(Part of
7th of July 2004 -- 18th of Tammuz? [1]
"For ye are as whitened burial monuments, which are truly beautiful outwardly,
But within are filled with bones of the dead, and of impurity.
So outwardly ye appear righteous unto men, but within, full of hypocrisy and iniquity."
- Matthew 23:27-28
What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?
What communion hath light with darkness?
And what concord hath Christ with Satan?
What part hath he that believes with an infidel?
What agreement hath the temple of God with idols?
For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said,
"I will dwell in them, and walk in them;
and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate," saith the Lord,
And touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you"
- II Corinthians 6:14-17
Take a close look around you. Get a pencil and paper and make a list - which news agencies, journalists, publications, ministries and pastors are praising Reagan? Now put your list to the side. Do you know what you have done? You have just documented those who are spiritually deceived, who have believed the Great Delusion, those of The Great Falling Away!
This is a very important article in the Great Falling Away series. I tried to keep it from being a book, but on the other hand, it must be made clear that Reagan fooled the Christians; that he was really a very highly skilled speaker and salesman - i.e. he could fool nearly all the people all the time. People liked him, and therefore turned off their Christian radar, and paid for their foolishness with the end of their country, and as in Germany, 1939, their foolishness and resistance to truth will cost the lives of hundreds of millions both inside the US and around the world. I wrote this, because everyone from TBN to Focus on the Family, Christianity Today to World Net Daily, have swallowed the lie and are the blind leading the blind into the ditch. Ronald Reagan was an incredibly evil man, in bed with incredibly evil friends, chosen from his early adult years for his speaking talent and willingness to do anything for money, including embracing Lucifer and mocking God - the news of which is being completely buried under the disturbing mantra of God and Country - from the usual popular Evangelical and Charismatic and Catholic outlets. I began writing this over one month ago, a couple days after Reagan's death was made public. I became overwhelmed with the blatant lies, spin and propaganda being pumped out universally. Not seeing a single article to help God's people see the truth, and realizing that Reagan had served the Illuminati in a unusually powerful way, at a critical juncture in the Sun Cult's end time plan, I felt strongly that 1) God's Remnant needed some clear truth to counteract the incredible onslaught of lies and spin to hide the deep evil and judgment Reagan brought on America, and 2) Reagan was clearly THE man who brought to conclusion the monumental, historic, and astonishing HEALING OF THE DEADLY WOUND OF THE BEAST!
First, let us establish beyond all doubt that Ronald Reagan did not accept membership certificates from Freemason and Shriner (33 degree) Luciferian organizations by accident or by ignorance. Ronald Wilson Reagan was truly running with the devil.
Sun Cult Son
- Member, Knights of Malta, "Grand Cross of Merit Special Class." Arguably the world's most evil secret society. Officially an elite military organization under Vatican authority, members swear unswerving allegiance to all papal orders unto death. Spiritual descendents of the Catholic Bankers / pagan Knights Templar (banned for satan-worship and homosexuality in 1307 AD and founders of Switzerland), founders of League of Nations, United Nations, and the Freemason Red Cross, and the special ops force for Rothschild's Bank for International Settlements in Basel (where the Reagan-appointed Alan Greenspan KBE, and all other central bankers get their marching orders), and last but not least, founders of the OSS-CIA. That's right, the CIA was founded by the official military intelligence arm of the Vatican!
- Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus is also known as simply Freemasonry for Catholics, now the largest Catholic fraternity in the world (actually Freemasonry is the largest, but I have yet to meet a Freemason who is aware their top leadership answers to the Jesuit General). Founded in 1882, literally in the basement of St. Marys of New Haven, at a time when Catholicism was gaining acceptance in the US. Apparently, Ronald Reagan's father was Catholic and a Knight, based on the following: in an address from the Oval Office via satellite, to the 104th Meeting of the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus, held in Chicago, Ill., on Tuesday, August 5, 1986, Reagan opened with this: "...permit me to extend my greetings to Your Eminence and Your Excellencies. And of course to the leader of the Knights of Columbus, my friend, Supreme Knight Virgil Dechant. I want to tell you that I've had a place in my heart for the Knights of Columbus since I was a boy. You see, my father was a Knight, and he never missed an opportunity to express his pride in the K of C..." Reagan was also keynote speaker, in person, at the 100th anniversary of the Knights of Columbus, taking time out from a busy presidential slate to fly to New Haven.
- Knight of The Most Honorable Order of Bath, and Knight Grand Cross, awarded by Queen Elizabeth II, June 14, 1989, for outstanding service to a foreign agenda. Michael Reagan, who oozes patriotism and praise for his catholic and masonic step-father, strangely ignores his constitutionally banned foreign entanglements and awards, and his employment by the Vatican, a foreign sovereign state which was for over 350 years viewed as the mortal enemy of all states wishing to have freedom of state and religion - as was the throne of England!
- Various Knighthoods, and a closet full of demonic badges and medals: Collar of the Nile from Egypt, Legion of Honor from France, Order of Adolphus of Nassau from Luxembourg, Order of the Netherlands Lion Star, ad infinitum. All Masonic, all known demonic symbols of witchcraft. Disturbing stuff. Especially if you are spiritually in fellowship with God, then the pictures of these dark holy relics is repulsive.
- Yale University - Chubb Fellow. Chubb was founded by a grant from Hendon Chubb, Council on Foreign Relations (an elite group organized to bring America to her knees). Chubb's brother Percy founded Chubb Insurance in 1882, now a US top ten insurance firm. George H. W. Bush still works for Chubb Insurance, occasionally doing promotional tours to CHINA (HW is also known as "Poppy" Bush). Insurance, as you know, is banking without interest, and is connected to the grand fortunes of the 19th century involving the Chinese opium trade, for which the famous Clipper ships were built - Which is the Chubb logo. It seems Chubb and Bush's Russell Trust (Skull & Bones) have kindred roots. Reagan, it soon be seen, grew up in, and was hand-picked by the old Illuminati Opium and banking families. Other Chubb / Yale Fellows of note:
- Reagan's VP George H. W. Bush (father Prescott funded and partnered with Hitler; HW is a member of Luciferian power cult Skull and Bones, CFR, Trilateral Commission (Rockefeller/Kissinger); is one of world's top opium and cocaine kings - hence Nicaragua, Columbia, Mena, Afghanistan, Iraq: see book Compromised: Clinton Bush and the CIA)
- Reagan's Secretary of State Alexander Haig (Knights of Malta; Master's degree from Jesuit Georgetown Univ; honorary law degree from Jesuit's Loyola University (you DO know who the Jesuits are by now, right?), and B'nai B'rith's Ben Gurion Univ - yes, Ben Gurion was a Freemason)
- Israeli PM Shimon Peres (33rd degree Freemason, murderer of Rabin, puppet of French masonry.)
- Israeli PM Mosche Dayan (Freemason)
- Joseph Lieberman (Cabalist)
- Jack Kemp (33rd degree Freemason, Rev Moon partner, covert Council for National Policy, Empower America, Heritage Foundation, Washington Family Council)
- President Harry S. Truman (33rd degree Freemason)
- Jimmy Carter: Masonic Nobel Peace Prize 2002 (given only to socialists); Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations; insisted on using the Masonic Bible from St. John's Lodge in New York City for the oath of office; renounced Southern Baptist membership because they said Jesus defined Biblical interpretation!
- New York Times CHIEF correspondent and Illuminati mouthpiece, R.W. Apple.
- Reagan chose former CIA chief George H. W. Bush as his Vice President. George H. W. Bush is a member of the Luciferian Skull and Bones, and ran the drug trade in Nicaragua from the White House. Remember Mena, Arkansas? Bush is chairman of the OSS society, and works for the Pope, as do all Knights of Malta and all leadership of the Vatican-founded OSS and CIA.
- Knight of Malta William Casey was his 1982 campaign manager. After the election, Reagan appointed him head of the Knights of Malta-controlled CIA.
- Wife Nancy practiced witchcraft in the Whitehouse, using at least 5 (that we know of) different astrologers and soothsayers while in office, organizing every trip, meeting, conference and flight using witchcraft. Special lines were installed at the White House and Camp David solely to practice divination on all decisions, even with foreign heads of state! Monthly witchcraft fees estimated at $3,000 per month. Reagan's mother was Eleanor Roosevelt's best friend, another woman who practiced witchcraft in the White House, which might help explain the next point.
- Reagan's role model was Franklin D. Roosevelt (!) 33rd degree Freemason, Shriner, friend of Stalin (who could have easily gotten broken Russia to do anything he desired in 1945, but instead put half of Europe under Stalin's Communist control, who promptly destroyed millions of lives with camps and poverty and banned Christianity and Bibles... think about this point long and hard - that blood and a spiritually stillborn generation is on FDR's and America's Judgment record, waiting to be paid!), Communist symphathizer (Col. House), WWII instigator, Pearl Harbor planner (documented now by 3 different affadavits), US gold robber, dollar trasher, Wall Street elitist, and orchestrator of US history's biggest government and taxation explosion (before FDR, history's wealthiest nation -- USA -- had no income tax or property tax, and ran debt-free) co-founder of the Knights of Malta's United Nations. Reagan got his political start and training in paganism and God-lessness and built his Communist connections while working for the FDR administration! It should be obvious by now, that Reagan was a groomed stooge of the Jesuits and OSS-CIA, chosen for his exceptional salesmanship and dark spiritual lineage.
- Member, 33rd degree Shriner (Imperial Council of the Shrine), and Scottish Rite Freemason. Certificates and ceremony conferred by the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, ceremony held in the White House on February 11, 1988. Among those in attendence: Raymond F. McMullen, Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia; Francis S. Paul, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction; and Voris King, Imperial Potentate of the A.A.O.N.M.S. (Shrine) of North America. A complete copy of the Certificate is printed at page 67 of the 1988 Grand Lodge D.C. Proceedings - first announced in April, 1988, The New Age Magazine (now called The Scottish Rite Magazine to downplay its spiritual beliefs), published by the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction.[5]
- The abortion President. Responsible for abortion in California. Many Christian's were fooled by his later speech of apology and crocodile tears from Hollywood's former chief of the Actor's Guild. Later, as president, Reagan crushed American Christians' outcry against the ancient Jewish child sacrifice rituals (abortion, Jewish god Moloch), by appointing rabid abortion advocate Sandra Day O'Connor to the highest US court, which later provided to key swing vote to cut off Christians' attempt to overthrow the country-dooming Roe v. Wade in a Supreme Court decision... by ONE vote - Ronald Reagan's appointee. O'Connor is Episcopalian, as are most Masons in US politics (see below).
- Member, Bohemian Grove - an occult group of government, banking, and corporate Illuminati adherents, intent on destroying individual and national sovereignty, committed to the elimination of Christianity from planet earth and bringing all men to kneel before Lucifer.
- Reagan's religion is listed in official government papers as Episcopalian (associated with York Rite Freemasonry), though his father and early associates were all Catholic, and though he later attended a Presbyterian Church in Bel Air. (Associated with Scottish Rite Freemasonry). In reality, Reagan was not religious, despite efforts by numerous NWO agents/authors to sell him and deceive Evangelicals: such as Garry Wills' Reagan's America, and Under God; or Michael Reagan's The City On A Hill; or WorldNetDaily's pushing Mary Beth Brown's Hand of Providence, one of the more blasphemous titles, for a book about the man who ended the spiritual (and physical) sovereignty of the last major country still independent of the Vatican's NWO.
- The Truth about "Episcopalian":
- Nearly all high-ranking US government Freemasons have been Episcopalians, including George Washington and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
- Though a mere 1% of US population, Episcopalians have strangley had a stranglehold on the Supreme Court - by far the number one affiliation. So much for the wonders of "Freedom of Religion" which the 1776 forced on non-Catholic, non-Masonic America. Now America has a crime and incarceration rate 50% higher than the second place country, Communist Russia. Episcopalian Church of America answers to the Queen of England and the Pope. It is properly called the American branch of the Anglican Church of England.
- Many secular statistics agencies do not consider the Episcopalian Church Christian.
- The Episcopalian Church has been the number one political advocate for homosexuality in the US. Just as under Bush -- also Episcopalian -- homosexuality has exploded such as under no other US president - and is now the law of the land. This church wants anarchy and mass perversion to reign in the US.
- "It has been reported that true Freemasonry Lodges were established in the cellars of Episcopalian and Presbyterian Churches." [3]
- Most past Grand Masters of the Pennsylvania Grand Lodge have been Episcopalians.
- Albert Pike, 33 degree Freemason, Rosicrucian, Illuminatus, author of the Masonic Bible Morals and Dogma in 1871 (handed to initiates worldwide for over 100 years), writer of the Scottish Rite system of degrees and properly called father of modern masonry, and worshipper of Lucifer (as his Bible attests), "was, to his death, an Episcopalian Christian", according to 33 degree Freemason Jim Tresner at MIT university.
- Reagan was a close, lifelong friend of 33rd degree Freemason Walt Disney, doing each other many favors over the years during campaigns and passing laws beneficial to Disney. Reagan served as the emcee for the opening day of Disneyland, California. He returned with Illuminatus Art Linkletter for the 35th anniversary.
Have you noticed by now how what Reagan said was almost always the exact opposite of what he did? This is the hallmark of the Jesuits and Masonic politicians.
For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers,
specially they of the circumcision: whose mouths must be stopped,
who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not,
for filthy lucre's sake... They profess that they know God;
but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient,
and unto every good work reprobate.
- Titus 1:10,11,16
Reagan's Staff "Choices": Catholic, Nazi and Darkness
- Helene van Damme. Reagan's "Special Assistant", this lady WAS the Reagan Administration. She put together a list of potential staff for Reagan to "pick", and controlled his appointments. A New York Times reporter once wondered at her proficiency in German, but no major media ever dared to reveal the truth: Helene was formerly secretary to the Nazi German High Command. She had a similar capacity when Reagan was Governor of California. Before working for Reagan, she worked with Reinhard Gehlen, former Nazi head of the German Secret Service (Abwehr). Gehlen worked on top secret US military projects, often in German, using Helene's German translation skills, back when he worked with the Nixon campaign and with Transinternational Computer Investment Corp. (1969). Gehlen and many other elite and blood-drenched Nazis were brought to the US by J. Edgar Hoover. California is still under Nazi leadership til today.
- William P. Clark. Counter-intelligence agent, married to Nazi Werner von Braun's niece, Joan von Braun, and was CFR. Werner was head of the secret US military agency NASA, imported by the OSS-CIA Operation Paperclip as the former head of Hitler's secret military rocket program (and saucers). At one time, Clark was named in a California lawsuit for involvement in the assissination of JFK, along with other Knights of Malta [5] (official intelligence agents of the Vatican). Astonishingly, Reagan appointed Clark to be his National Security Advisor on the National Security Council.
- Peggy Noonan. Reagan "Special Assisstant." What this means is that Peggy Noonan made sure Reagan's speeches and behavior was in line with Vatican policy. As most still don't know, Presidents do NOT write their speeches. It is not allowed. Every White House has a sizable, well-paid and famous team working FULL TIME just scribbling things for the boss to say. Reagan's main speech writer, appointed by Nazi Helene van Damme, was and is a die hard Roman Catholic, obedient by oath to Rome - above Washington. Noonan's articles show up in all the Illuminati and CFR media: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek. She is the unofficial Vatican mouthpiece, who gets to break Vatican spin before anyone else on earth, before Catholic News Service. Remember the phrase and controversy of "It is as it was" on Mel Gibson's Passion? That was Peggy Noonan. She was also nominated for an emmy for her 9-11 coverup special. The CFR loves her. Her latest book is "When Character Was King: A Story of Ronald Reagan".
Dear readers, are you beginning to see just how deceived -- deadly deceived -- American Christians were by Ronald Reagan? In the interest of space, I won't write out his regular White House staff - suffice it to say, they are a Whos Who of Illuminati and Vatican intrigue, from criminal military drug and weapons agent Oliver North to Donald Rumseld, it is just putrid and stinks to high heaven. I hope it brings tears to your eyes, for this man has caused you to lose your country, as you shall soon enough experience. You can never undo or recover what Reagan has given away!
REAGAN: Random Acts of Balial
- In a speech at mid-term, Reagan estimated he would appoint 45 percent of America's federal judges. These Reagan appointments are the very ones which today ban God from public, encourage non-enforcement of current moral law, overturn 400 year-old sodomy and bestiality laws, and ban prayer from school. And worst - which uphold birthing a child from the womb then sucking its brains out -- and often cutting off its still jerking arms and legs -- judges which have overturned state laws against homosexuality and sex with animals. I have read the Bible, and God states many times that He would rather destroy His people than have His name tarnished on the earth. Better that all of America dies, than that this unspeakably horrible sin and abomination continues to exist. America alone, of 200 nations, condones this murder of babies which are born, but whose silent screams are hushed by holding the head inside the birthing canal until enough of the brain is sucked out to render the expression of pain and rage silent. Ronald Reagan is a man with absolutely no fear before the Almighty Judge for shedding blood.
- Reagan bailed out Frank Sinatra, known Communist front man and insider with the powerful Gambino mafia family, helping him get his casino license back. Despite Sinatra's overwhelming ties to organized crime and satanist's such as Sammy Davis, Jr, Reagan awarded Frank Sinatra the prestigious "American Medal of Freedom", for service to... the Vatican? (certainly not to America). See the 2,403 page FBI file on Frank Sinatra at (Notice: most of it is blacked out).
- Agent of the Vatican: Ronald Reagan was the president to officially end US sovereignty by establishing legal US diplomatic relations with the "religious organization" Vatican City / The Holy See (and was continually managed by the late John Cardinal O'Connor's Director of the CIA, William J. Casey, Knight of Malta.)
- Worked for the OSS (later CIA) in WWII. The OSS has to do with psyops, propaganda, intelligence and deception, not defending the U.S., for it was formed by Knights who had taken a blood oath to the Vatican.
- Appointed Donald Rumsfeld as Middle East envoy. (no need to elaborate on this point!)
- Set up US puppet in Iraq, Saddam Hussein. (seen this Reagan appointee in the headlines lately?)
- Set up US hired "general" in the fake Soviet war in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden (remember him? George W. Bush does not, because Osama is not only an appointee of Reagan, but was trained by, and is a business partner of, his own father. Which is why he was keynote speaker at the Vatican funeral - for keeping the coverup going.)
- Appointed his campaign manager, William Casey, as CIA director. (member, Knights of Malta)
- Pentagram on Hollywood Walk of Fame. The star of Venus is Lucifer's medal of honor awarded to those who serve -- in an outstanding and global manner -- the Jewish/Jesuit Hollywood agenda of deceiving the worldwide general public: great actors of deceit in the fields of politics, religion, and entertainment.
- Reagan was president of the Communist-riddled Screen Actors Guild during the U.S. government's investigation of communist activity in Hollywood - obviously a coverup man like Senator Danforth at Waco.
- At one time was called "extremely left-wing activist... too left to run for office."Approved program to build a huge network of concentration camps for citizens, called "Rex-84".
- First president whose daughter posed for Playboy Magazine. [had this occured before the election, Reagan would have lost the presidency. Remember that in 1980, women wearing pants to church was a no-no.]
- Son Ron, Jr, ran away from home because Nancy tried to hit him, as she regularly hit her daughter, Patty. Ron hated his parents so much, he danced on Saturday Night Live in his underwear, and got married without so much as giving them a phone call. Patty hated her parents so much she changed her family name, and became a speaker against her father, the President. This is not to pick apart this family, but to point out that Reagan's house was in major disorder, not a characteristic of a Christian family, but very typical of Masonic and Mormon families, with with I am very familiar. In Luke 6:46 Jesus says, "Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" Masonry and ties with darkness destroy our family and children!
- Appointed outspoken abortionist Sandra Day O'Connor to the Supreme Court, who later provided the winning vote for Roe v. Wade. Justice O'Connor is also an Episcopalian, like Reagan, which Freemasons acknowledge as the birthplace of Freemasonry.
- First president to be divorced and remarried. [This caused bitter debate in 1980 campaign]
- Hand-picked spokesman for the global Illuminati monster corporation GE (military, media, NBC, banking).
- USA went from world's largest creditor to largest debtor during Reagan Administration.
- Reagan promised smaller government, and an end to Carter's huge $74 billion budget deficit, a reduction of federal debt, and balanced budget by 1984. Truth? The opposite. Carter's $74 billion doubled to Reagan's $155 billion in 1988. In 1980 Gross Federal Debt was $909 billion (33pct of GDP), in 1988 is had nearly tripled to $2.601 trillion (52pct of GDP). Said House Speaker Tip O'Neill, after a meeting with Reagan, November 23, 1981, "He knows less about the budget than any president in my lifetime. He can't even carry on a conversation about the budget. It's an absolute and utter disgrace."
- Reagan promised to end Carter's debilitating inflation. Result? Inflation over Reagan's eight years was a crushing 95%, destroying American's wealth (dollar) to the tune of 51.3% - in one president's term! In January, 1981, M3 money supply was $2.023 billion, in January 1989, it was $3.944 billion. Essentially, Ronald Reagan ended the American dream by NOT curbing an exploding money supply, thereby destroying households by forcing a second income. This trashing of the family is par for the first divorced president, the first president to put America under the Vatican, to marry a woman of witchcraft, to have children wildly out of control, who openly mocked their parents in public.
This is a true saying:
"If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work."
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober,
Of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
Not given to wine, not violent, not seeking corrupt money;
...One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?
Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.- 1 Timothy 3:1-6
"If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work."
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober,
Of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
Not given to wine, not violent, not seeking corrupt money;
...One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?
Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.- 1 Timothy 3:1-6
Funeral For A Friend... of Darkness
Ronald Reagan's body was laid "in state" in the exact center of the circle of the United States Capitol. This is highly significant, for throughout history capitol, when spelled with an "o" (not an "a" as in capital), means a temple to Jupiter, a modern version of the temple which stood in ancient Rome, the surrounding area of which was also the center of pagan Roman government, a monument of worship to Jupiter, or satan, the supreme diety of the Greek and Roman pagan empires. On top of this dome, exactly over the casket of Ronald Reagan, stands the goddess of America, Persephone, whose task in mythology is to escort people to the underworld, or hell. She wears a crown of pentagrams, lest anyone doubt exactly who Jesuits and Freemasons had in mind upon her commissioning: known as Venus to Freemasons, and as "Queen of Heaven" and Morning Star to those of the Whore on Seven Hills.
(The demonic being "Queen of Heaven" is cursed by God in the Bible: see Jeremiah 7:17-20. In Jeremiah 44:25-27, God vows to destroy completely those who refuse to renounce honoring and praying to the Queen of Heaven. This is the same Queen of Heaven with which Reagan aligned himself and served. Lucifer means "morning star" or Venus, which is the morning star, sometimes rising before the sun. In pagan Rome, Lucifer and Venus are interchangeable names, which continues until today; see Webster's Dictionary. Lucifer is also the name of the wicked King of Babylon; see Isaiah 14:12, whole chapter. Most people do not know that Venus/Lucifer is eternally and universally connected with the pentagram, since the ancients discovered planet Venus' five-pointed astronomical pattern of alignments with earth and sun.)
- Location: Washington National Cathedral
- Casket laid on the cross of the Knights Templar, or more specifically, the classic sun-worship cross (unrelated to Christianity) of the Crusaders, used by de Bouillon, King of Jerusalem, and later by Jesuit-related orgs. This cross (a word not found in the Greek New Testament!) was used by sinister societies back through at least 1066 AD. In the center of this cross on the WNC floor, is the Vatican and Jesuit symbol IHS (which does not mean what your local bishop tells you). This exact symbol is a logo for the "Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council" (Freemasonry, 30th degree), used by the Vatican, and by Aleister Crowley, perhaps the most famous witch and Luciferian and ritual sex pervert of the last century.
- On the left side of the WNC's interior is a huge throne topped with the pagan Celtic symbol. It is a well-established fact that this cross is pagan and has always been pagan. Those who were taught symbols by their wise Christian parents know without studying this symbol that it is obviously a sun cross of ancient sun worship and ritual sex. But even today, encyclopedias of symbols tell the truth. I am always amazed at the boldness of deceiving church orgs to prominently place this symbol in their sanctuaries; I can only think of two explanations: 1) Lucifer is the essence of arrogance, a pride so great it not only separates oneself from God forever, but separates oneself from caution; and 2) symbols have power: to cause spiritual shadows and to enslave. This is the more likely reason for satanic symbols inside church buildings - to curse those sitting under them, and to whistle a welcome to demonic powers. This symbol is also the chemical symbol of sulfur. Get it? They are mocking Christians, who don't understand their symbols and codes. (more on symbols)
- The church foundation was dedicated by Freemasons (according to documents from District of Columbia Lodges), and outside stands a monument to George Washington, with plaques noting his Freemasonry memberships. Keep in mind, this pagan edifice is named after George Washington, the man, who was an agent of England and the papacy, an Episcopalian and Freemason.
- Also on the exterior are things which give spiritually sensitive people headaches: gargoyles. A national contest for a new gargoyle design ended with the selection of Darth Vader, which is featured high up on the WNC, and on their webpage. You may think that is a joke, but it is not. Darth Vader is an important symbol to the forces of darkness which rule America, as was Star Wars, a movie they ordered and paid for. It is not silly, but just as serious as the oath that Bush took in a casket (after doing some things that I won't repeat here), and the tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers now dead or dying from the Bush family offerings to Lucifer, their phony wars for personal gain and the shedding of innocent (and foolish) young soldiers' blood.
- There is also a ritual sex symbol prominently displayed on a flag inside, related to Venus, the Mother Goddess, in the form of, well, see if you can find it on the WNC virtual tour.
- Casket laid on the cross of the Knights Templar, or more specifically, the classic sun-worship cross (unrelated to Christianity) of the Crusaders, used by de Bouillon, King of Jerusalem, and later by Jesuit-related orgs. This cross (a word not found in the Greek New Testament!) was used by sinister societies back through at least 1066 AD. In the center of this cross on the WNC floor, is the Vatican and Jesuit symbol IHS (which does not mean what your local bishop tells you). This exact symbol is a logo for the "Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council" (Freemasonry, 30th degree), used by the Vatican, and by Aleister Crowley, perhaps the most famous witch and Luciferian and ritual sex pervert of the last century.
- Opening song: Ave Maria, dedication of ceremony to the Brotherhood's Queen of Heaven.
- Officiated by Rev. John Dansforth
- Trilateral Commission (enemy of USA), founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller
- Named US ambassador to the UN by Bush one day after Reagan death
- Appointed by Janet Reno to cover up FBI agents gunning down Branch Davidians fleeing the flames at Waco.
- Shortly after sloppy Waco coverup, Bush floated Danforth's name as potential Presidential running mate.
- Wealthy heir to Ralston Purina fortune
- Former Attorney General of Missouri (Ashcroft state): Congress Finance Committee, Intelligence Committee, Committee on Commerce, Commission on Presidential Debates (!)
- Director, Dow Chemical.
- Board of Directors, MetLife, Inc.
- Board of Directors, Cerner Corp. (medical software company; WORKGROUP ON THE NATIONAL HEALTH INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE; i.e national digital biometric ID database network.)
- Board of Directors, General American Life Insurance Company.
- Partner, Bryan Cave LLP, Top 30 US law firm: real estate development and finance.
- Appointed to cover up Arthur Anderson destruction of Enron files.
- Speakers. Note, all speakers are heavily into occultic groups, abortion, Global Governance, and war.
- Sandra Day O'Connor: Why in the world is Reagan's pro-abortion Supreme Court justice speaking here? Her vote killed a large anti-abortion uprising. She is listed as Episcopalian - the American branch of the throne-directed Anglican Church (headed by a Druid), and intimately tied to Vatican intrigue. Many secular organizations do not list the Episcopal Church as Christian, perhaps due to its reputation as the birthplace of American Freemasonry, and its deep and wide representation in power politics. Episcopalians, though too small to be a factor in US religious structure, dominated US political power, both on the Supreme Court and church organ lists, he most represented group in Supreme Court history.)
- George H. W. Bush: Episcopalian; Luciferian - Skull and Bones (Russell Trust, Yale); Knights of Malta; CIA chief; business partner Bin Laden family; oil empire with House of Saud, associated with JFK assassination; Bohemian Grove; Chairman OSS society;
- George W. Bush: Episcopalian; Luciferian - Skull and Boneskey speaker, mentioned the "1,000" symbolism of the occult in his speech.)
- Rev John Dansforth: see previous comments - a consumate liar and smooth talker.
- Imam Mohammad Magid Ali - director of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (Huh!? Isn't this a funeral for a Christian?)
- Catholic Archbishop of Washington, Theodore Cardinal McCarrick. At the funeral of an agnet of the Vatican, this is expected. The Pope sent a delegate especially for the funeral.
- Greek Orthodox Archbishop Demetrios, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America. Okay, I get it; it is an ecumenical all mushy religions love fest.
- Jewish Rabbi Harold Kushner. Graduate of Columbia University. Member, B'nai B'rith - Jewish Freemasonry. Kushner is a sinister man. He preaches blasphemy and a helpless, limited god whose weakness, failures and limits we must forgive.[6] Some call Kushner an athiest. (Huh!? Isn't this a funeral for a Christian?)
- Bells rang 40 times
- Funeral held on June 11, exactly 33 months after September 11. Reagan was a 33rd degree / Shriner. His body came out of the church as precisely 13:00 hours.
As I was finishing this (4th of July), David Meyer posted his latest Last Trumpet Newsletter, with the first bit of refreshing truth on Ronald Reagan. Praise God there is still one other Christian out there who refuses to bend to the ecumenical, positive-thinking dragon! Pastor Meyer knows and understands the wickedness of the human heart because he was once practicing darkness like Reagan, and he understands the deceit of our arch enemy who appears as Jesus and who plants false churches each day, and who understands that those who don't face the truth daily will end up losing not only their country but their very soul. Of course, you don't need to dabble in witchcraft to understand the enemy - if you love God and do not refuse His instruction, you too will learn to see the truth in yourself and your world around you. I have proven the Bible correct, where it says, "You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free!"
Here is the excerpt about Reagan from the July Last Trumpet Newsletter:
The Death of a World Leader!
In the June, 2004, issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, I wrote the following words: "At the end of April, 2004, we had an eclipse of the moon, which caused it to turn blood red, and this was followed by two comets. According to old Roman occultism, the appearing of a comet means the death of a leader is imminent." I must make a correction regarding the eclipse of the moon, as it actually happened on May 4th, 2004, which is the 33rd day before the death of Ronald Wilson Reagan on June 5th, 2004. In the realm of the occult, comets signify the imminent death of a world leader, and we know that God judges wicked men by bringing the consequences of their own evil devices upon them. That is the very reason why certain occult numbers keep coming up in relation to certain events. In Psalm 7:11-16 we read as follows: "God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. If he turn not, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it ready. He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors. Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate."
Witchcraft cannot function without astrology and numerology, and God sends judgment upon them accordingly! William Shakespeare referred to the comet as being a sign that the death of a world leader was imminent in his work known as Julius Ceasar. In that work, Ceasar's wife was pleading with Ceasar to not go to the capitol, because a comet appeared in the night sky, and she said, "When peasants die there are no comets seen, the heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes." The next day was the Ides of March and Ceasar was assassinated and was soon lying in state at the capitol in Rome. In the case of Ronald Reagan, there were two comets preceding his death. Is the death of another world leader imminent?
Ronald Reagan died on the 5th day of the 6th month and was buried six days later on the 11th day of the 6th month. The Washington Post's headlines for June 10th said, "A Day of Ritual and Remembrance." (26) It was indeed a time of amazing ritual for the departed illuminist. Escorting the Reagan casket was a riderless 13-year-old, solid black horse named Sergeant York. When the casket reached the capitol, it was placed in the rotunda to "lie in state" for exactly 36 hours. We must remember that the word "capitol" is defined by unabridged dictionaries as follows: "The temple of Jupiter at Rome, situated on the S.W. summit of the Capitoline Hill; the building occupied by the United States Congress at Washington." This is more evidence of the powerful occult connection of Rome with Washington, D.C. We must also take note of the lying-in-state for exactly 36 hours. Six times six is 36. When the numbers 1 through 36 inclusive are added together, the total is 666. This period of time also allowed for the sun to cross the meridians and send the rays of their sun-god Baal through the windows in the rotunda to empower the sacred circle, which is built into the marble floor. (27) When the casket was removed and the cameras showed the floor from directly above, you could see the circle clearly and the black monolithic slab that was placed in its center where the casket lay. (28) This is witchcraft of the first magnitude.
The casket was then moved to the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., for the funeral service. The National Cathedral is the sixth largest cathedral in the world, and its tallest spire is 676 feet high. We know that the number of man is six and the number of God is 7. The number 676 indicates man's authority over God. I have been to the National Cathedral and took many pictures there. It is quite a piece of "masonry" in more ways than one. The National Cathedral is famous for its proud display of gargoyles, which are built into the structure everywhere. These are grotesque demonic stone images with snarled faces, pointed ears, and bat-like wings. There are many varieties, and they are so proud of them that the church has a gargoyle shop in the basement, which sells these images of demons for visitors to take home. Needless to say, I didn't buy any. While I was there, the National Cathedral was proudly calling attention to its most recent gargoyle addition, which was cemented into the front, high above the main entrance. It was the image of "Darth Vader" of the Star Wars movies. In those movies, Darth Vader was the "dark side of the force", who, if killed, would come back to life with greater strength. Thus, the image of the dark side of the force presides over the entrance to the National Cathedral. It is also interesting to note that when President Bush spoke at this funeral, he stood in the pulpit and not at the lectern. (29) After the funeral, the Reagan casket was flown to California, where he was buried within a large circle with six walkways like spokes leading to a circular walkway. (30) This is all true to occult form.
At the funeral of Ronald Reagan, a former President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, said he was taking this loss very hard. (31) Ronald Reagan was a Communist in Hollywood during the time of the heavy infiltration of Communism in that movie capital just after World War II ended. Reagan was the President of the Screen Actors' Guild and was commonly known as "Red Ronnie." Much more could be said about his subversive activities, but suffice it to say that it was Ronald Reagan who is directly responsible for bringing de facto Communism to the United States and providing the "Red" Gorbachev with an office in San Francisco, California, at the Presidio. Gorbachev now presides over a conspiratorial operation of the Illuminati known as the "State of the World Forum." I stood at his office and prayed against his activities.
We also know that Ronald Reagan's wife, Nancy, who at the funeral wore a large numeral 6 on each ear as earrings, managed her husband's spiritual affairs while he was in the White House. Astrologers such as Joan Quigley and Joyce Jillson continually advised Reagan's every move. Thus, our country was being run by astrology, which is witchcraft and is condemned in the Word of God! A horoscope was even drawn up for Reagan's oath of office. Nancy Reagan admitted all of this publicly just as the second term of her husband was ending, and they were making preparation to move back to California to a home with the street address of 666 Hillcrest. When certain church groups made a fuss over it in the media, they changed the house number.
On Friday, the 11th day of the 6th month, Federal offices were shut down for the Reagan funeral, which cost American tax payers $423 million. (32) Now plans are underway to put his image on the dime and to place his picture on the ten dollar bill. There are also plans to put Reagan's face on the Mt. Rushmore Memorial. (33)
To read the full newsletter (recommended), click here: "The Time of God's Final Call"
at url:
There are some major omissions here: Edwin Meese and the sinister Heritage Foundation, the Promis software scandal, constitutional disregard, lies and obfuscations, drug war (drug profits, and an addicted wife), Iran-Contra, China, the explosion of secret ops, underground cities, camps (Rex-84), etc, etc. It could fill several volumes. But Christians know that the battle is spiritual, not political.
Ronald Wilson Reagan loved money more than God. He compromised his soul with dark oaths, cursed symbols, consulted witches and demons, and brought darknes and terrible danger on America just so he could ride a good wave. That is how simple it is to harm millions and earn the title fool or Hitler. "Gain the whole world and lose your own soul..." and millions of other souls, and the whole country! How tragic. Reagan did the bidding of the Vatican and its military command, the Knights of Malta and CIA, to create an UNholy alliance, the healing of the wound of the Beast, and ending the Reformation which the ancestors of millions of Americans suffered for and died, including mine (the last beheading in Switzerland at the hand of the pagan Reformed State Church in Switzerland was Hans Landis, in 1614, a direct uncle of mine). Those martyrs died... not for silly things like freedom from taxes, for they were the lowest in the world; not to be free from England, for no one was as free from England as the colonies, and freedom in Christ in so great that the Masonic "liberty" becomes nothing. No, they suffered brutal torture and unbelievably creative ways of death at the hands of Lucifer's Beast, solely for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for following God rather than the pompous horn "which speaks great things and blasphemies" and the whore on seven hills, Reagan's Queen of Heaven.
This funeral was indeed a sad day for me, for I knew who Reagan was, and I know what God says in John's Revelation of Jesus Christ about the Beast. REAGAN ENDED THE GREAT REFORMATION. The Darkest Ages the world has ever seen are now upon us. Soon, we will surrender our Bibles, and our lives, as our forefathers did so long ago, under the orders of Lucifers agents and the "Vicar of Christ."
Those who do not have the light of Christ, will find thick and oppressive darkness to be their lot. For me, it is still the greatest time in history to be alive, a time for the greatest exploits, battle and victory in the history of the world! Will you join us before God closes the door of the ark... before it starts to rain?
1. | [back] Ezekiel 8:12-14 - Then said He unto me, "Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark...? For they say, The LORD seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth." Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD'S house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz. Tammuz is a month on the Hebrew calendar of the nation-state of Israel. Believe it or not, Tammuz is the sun god. America is not alone in her blatant paganism... |
2. | [back] The oldest known usage of the eight-pointed star to represent the sun god is currently on permanent display in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. |
3. | [back] David Allen Rivera,, Freemasonry - Final Warning: A History of the New World Order. |
4. | [back] From the U.S. Office of Management and Budget |
5. | [back] cover, inside cover, and pages 1-2, and inside back cover. Also see 1988 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, pages 66-67; or see 1999 Transactions of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, pages 62-63. |
6. | [back] The religion of "Rabbi" Harold Kushner: "Are you capable of forgiving and loving God even when you have found out that He is not perfect, even when He has let you down and disappointed you by permitting bad luck and sickness and cruelty in His world, and permitting some of those things to happen to you? Can you learn to love and forgive Him despite His you once learned to forgive and love your parents even though they were not as wise, as strong, or as perfect as you needed them to be?" From his famous self-justification book: When Bad Things Happen To Good People - page 148. |
*Links to major news agencies and articles are provided for the record. Such links are usually temporary and may no longer be accurate or available after a period of time. I recommend saving the linked articles together with this one, for later reference.
Printed from:
Crimes: America's Sun Cult Tradition
& Cabala: Stars (& Pentagrams) of Terror
Love of
Money Newsletter
Baruch Hersche, Switzerland
10 May 2004 -- 19 Iyar (day 34 of the Omer)
Baruch Hersche, Switzerland
10 May 2004 -- 19 Iyar (day 34 of the Omer)
“For we
wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places”
- Ephesians 6:11-12
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places”
- Ephesians 6:11-12
“Make the
lie big enough,
and tell it often enough,
and people will believe it”
- Joseph Goebels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda
and tell it often enough,
and people will believe it”
- Joseph Goebels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda
I can no longer be silent on the despicable
enormity of the sin and lies of those who hide the truth behind the facade of a huge
Cabala/Masonic lie called Patriotism.
After seeing the amazing media circus over
prisoner “abuse” on Sun Cult-controlled TV, I felt compelled to make a few
clarifications. (short on time? - jump to summary of why the media is fussing
over “prisoner abuse”) For in these evil days when secret societies
control the money (via the B.I.S. here in Basel), and control the writing and
broadcasting of all major media stories, I have learned a new absolute: headlines
are usually the exact opposite of the truth. For example: the man who
destroyed and polluted more of the earth than any other human being or firm or
even empire in history (often beyond human use for billions of years), and who
built history's most frightening war and death machine (killing untold
thousands of unprotected workers in forced work camps in the process) is
endlessly promoted by the media as the founder(remember this word)
of the Green Cross! Not only this, but he received a Nobel PEACE Prize.
His name? Gorbachev.
Once you are set free from Marx's 10th plank[3] of the 1848 Communist Manifesto (i.e. government-schools),
such blatant 180° lies can be seen every single day in the
media, and one soon realizes that the media existssolely as a
propaganda tool, to cover and obfuscate the sins, terror, and plans of Masonry
and Cabala and the Vatican. (Everything is becoming infinitely clearer
since I stopped reading the papers and watching TV news; it sets you free from
news you cannot choose or control.)
In military intelligence, one of the main tasks
is reading the enemy's media. Intelligence specialists
are taught to read the headlines with the knowledge that the enemy is saying
the opposite of what they officially print. This goes back to the
beginning of newspapers, which should tell you how long Media has been a mouth
piece of secret societies and Cabalist bankers. Today's propaganda is far
more advanced and effective than ever before, to the point where most in the
West -- especially those in America -- don't even suspect that there is a vast
world-wide Office of Propaganda, run by modern Goebbels, with headquarters in
Washington, London, Vatican, Jerusalem (i.e. New York), Moscow and
Bejing. I would estimate the propaganda machine in the US alone to employ
close to 100,000 people. These people monitor newspapers of the enemy
(such as those who dare to speak the truth), run massive high-speed computers
and satellite links to automatically tap, sort and database all voice and
electronic communication (internet and satellite), and have thousands of agents
who are pastors of churches, youth ministers, school book publishers, and who
run conspiracy sites (such as Rumor Mill News or Jeff Rense), or who sit all
day in front of computers writing subtle lies as “Christian forum” moderators
and members. They are easy to pick out, for they can pop out a
well-researched article on a few minutes notice. They also denigrate
Jesus Christ, or talk about their spiritual visions, none of which match what
the Holy Spirit is saying.
Baphomet and the Pentagram, god & symbol
of Masonry
Persephone, goddess of hell, Pentagram Queen,
Guardian of US gov
Ancient star of witchcraft and the goddess...
on a Jewish Syagogue,
Capernaum, Israel, circa 150 A.D. |
Modern star of witchcraft, as sold by
“America's online bookstore”
Star of the goddess, Venus, of ritual sex,
morning star of war
Cabala's Bolshevik star of war, terrorism
& camps
Freemasonry's star of war, terrorism and camps
Star of terrorists, and warmongers,
in Arabia |
Star of terrorists, and warmongers,
in Asia (with the 3 colors of Masonry) |
![]() |
Star of terrorists, and warmongers,
in Europe |
![]() |
Star of terrrists, and warmongers,
in America - INVERTED! |
Star of
Moloch (human sacrifice), & the star of terror - Jewish Institute for
“National Security” 6+5=11
See more
Sun Cult symbols |
I am absolutely sure that the explosion in US
government staff, since Bush created an office of propaganda and a huge
surveillance network, is due to just such people. As with Hitler's
successful pattern, it is imperative that the secret societies (such as Skull
and Bones, Opus Dei) plant new churches, and support media and entertainment
which 1) creates a nationally unified religious atmosphere, at least in an
ecumenical sense, and 2) that this network of churches will not question the
national government, especially while it sets up its camps, controls,
surveillance, and begins persecuting certain enemies such as people who seek
truth and a relationship with the Sun Cult's ultimate and most hated rival,
Jesus Christ. I see this happening very clearly with pastors such as
Rick Warren.
I am convinced that many, many, many new
churches are planted by secret societies, both privately and as operations of
the US government, whose pastors are hand-picked and trained in modern
brainwashing techniques, or themselves being mind-controlled by intense
training and religious emotion. A major confirmation of this was seen by
the marketing of Opus Dei's film “The Passion of the Christ”, which was made by
a new, sinister mind control and advanced propaganda organization within the
Vatican, and promoted by an all-too-obvious media game between Judaism's Cabala
and their Hegelian brotherhood at Il Gesu, Rome. The primary promoter of
this film to the New American Church was “pastor” Rick Warren. I
haven't studied this man that long, but several items prove him to be an agent
of the Sun Cult; 1) involvement with Opus Dei in promoting the
film; 2) advanced handling of crowd control techniques at his booming
church using music, 3) most blatant butchering of the Bible I have ever seen
(some verses he quotes literally have no words in common with the original
texts), until he can warp all minds from many different
religious persuasions into one group; and 4) he has, in
an incredibly short period of time, “trained” tens of thousands of pastors
worldwide, in a slick, very un-Christian system called Purpose-Driven
Churches. A short review of his material makes it clear to a
practiced eye that this material is not from Rick Warren, just as The
Passion was not from Mel Gibson. In other words, it appears he
has struck an agreement with either the Vatican (as did Benny Hinn [9]) or the CIA or some similar agency, to be
their ambassador or agent to a certain target segment of society, in return for
“success”, California style (i.e. money and comfort and fame).
With that in mind, let's analyze today's big
propaganda circus, the so-called “war crimes” of US and UK soldiers!
Crimes” Propaganda
First, take the headline “war crime”.
Since we know that titles are carefully chosen to mislead (for most don't
read beyond the title and opening paragraph), what is the big lie
Marx's communist invention -- government schools -- has been successful in the
United States beyond his wildest dreams. It is now clear that government
schools (10th plank of the Communist Manifesto[3]) are more effective in controlling populations
(i.e. not rising up against corrupt government) than guns and revolutions.
That America, whose history is one of absolute and total mistrust of any
government outside of God and His Church, has become more docile and
“patriotic” (key word: brainwashed) than Russia ever was, is itself proof of
this success.
If you are not known for reading history books
every weekend, then it is understandable, but not excusable, to be ignorant of
the horrible extent of America's war crimes over the past three
generations. Actually, the farther back one travels, the greater the
atrocities. So much so that the recent photographs coming out of Iraq are
really not news, except for analysis as to why the Cabala-controlled media is
trying to make it news...
The prisoner photographs remind me of things
that happen upon initiation into Masonic fraternities such as John Ashcroft's
Sigma Tau Gamma, or Bush's Skull-and-Bones. Many of these require lewd or
dangerous acts as initiation rites, and often nudity, such as Bush performed
while laying nude in a coffin and speaking an oath. The nudity, coffin
(fascination with evil and death), and blood oaths are typical of many Greek
(i.e. Masonry) college fraternities. Most of you have heard how sometimes these
antics end in the death of the initiant.
Depravity of Modern Man (& the Media)
It is a striking sign of the twisted evil of American
media -- and the “societies” (cavemen?) which control big media -- when
survivors of a life-and-death gun-battle, who are merely releasing tension and
hate by hassling prisoners, are endlessly vilified. But when those same
soldiers send a bullet through a civilian's head and it explodes like a
watermelon, it is not considered wrong, or even news. And when those same
soldiers fire new high-tech energy horror weapons which melt flesh and steel
but leave clothing intact, and then are hidden away in Germany or hotels around
DC as they die from the after-effects, it is not considered news, but part of
“war.” In other words, the masses who attended government schools
think that horrible murder is fine, as long as it is not in their neighborhood,
but in a sovereign state far away. What all government schools teach,
world-wide (not just in Russia, China and America), is that when you hear the
keywords “war” or “defense”, you can relax, and go back to your evening
devotions - which for the majority in America is either a TV show made by
Cabala about witchcraft or Ozzy Ozborne, or playing the American family's
best-selling game, Lucifer's Oija Board, which has in recent years passed
Monopoly. The whole Iraq / Afghanistan operation stinks to high heaven,
and ranks with the most despicable evil in the anals of human
history. It is no wonder that near total media censorship is in place,
the likes of which Americans have never seen. To speak the truth,
Rumsfeld, Bush and their ilk fear the light of the camera more than the awesome
wrath of an all-powerful and perfectly righteous Judge, whom they shall soon
In other words, the actions of US soldiers
handling prisioners in Iraq is fitting behavior and perfectly normal for
killing machines who probably were shot at with intent to kill, by these very
men in front of them. In addition, their behavior is consistent with a
sworn subservient to a fraternity called the Pentagon (five pointed star), run
by secret societies such as the CFR, Cabala, and Illuminati witchcraft.
Especially when those soldiers have gone through the initiation rites of the
cult of the US “standing army,” the surrender of will in an intense
mind-control program called boot camp, and the forsaking of all God-directed
conscience by the swearing of an oath to: a Commander-in-Chief, who is
himself of the sinister secret society, Russell Trust, or, Skull-and-Bones,
which describes their fascination with death and human sacrifice.
To paraphrase a popular corporate management
principle: “Sin runs downhill.” The Bible calls this a “principality” - a
spiritual force or being which decends upon an organization,
permeates it, and acts as a curse or blessing, to influence member actions
without their cognizant approval. The nature of the organization, and its
spiritual entity is determined by the spiritual allegiance of its
founders. The founder of the illegal and always evil “standing army” of
the US was Freemasonry, financed by Cabala - unfortunately a fact long-since
removed from children's education (as well as any mention of the Anti-Masonry
political party founded by President John Quincy Adams, who was extremely
concerned that the early presidents were promoting this evil cult.)
Bush Hand
Signal Shows Us The Principality of America
To apply this Biblical, infallible principle to
the US military, notice the hand signal which Bush is flashing in the picture
above (there are many such photos of Bush, I have four). This indicates
not only his god, but the god of America, as he is
the holder of the office of Chief Executive; and indicates the god of the military,
as he is at the top of the military chain of command. Please note: if you
claim to be a Christian, and you can't discern the spirits of the principality
of the White House or the US military (i.e. you do not belong to God, cannot
hear His Voice), and you don't know who Bush really is, then
here is a tip to save you a lashing (or worse) on Judgment Day: this is
the sign of “the horned one,” or Baphomet, or “Jah-Bul-On.” In
Freemasonry's bible, Morals and Dogma -- written by America's
most brutal military general in history, Albert Pike -- this sign means Lucifer. It should not surprise you that
this sign was introduced to millions of American teenagers by satanist Ozzy
Ozborne many years ago; nor should it be a surprise that Bush's favorite
“musician” is Ozzy Ozborne, or that Ozzy was a guest of honor at a White House
private dinner with America's Chief Executive, or that afterwards Ozzy suddenly
got his own TV series. Bush is a Luciferian, as are all who take the
Skull and Bones oath, and they rejoice to see witchcraft spread across
In a word, if you want to change the behavior of
America's soldiers, you must change the Commander-in-Chief. If citizens
elect such a President by free will, it is the same as if each citizen takes an
oath to the spiritual being or principality of the elected person.
Democracy is an extremely fast way to self-condemnation. I am convinced
that one of the reasons for the astonishing blindness and closing American
Christian mind is that many “Christians” voted for Bush. That is part of
the deception God has sent them, to condemn those who say they are Christians,
but refuse to hand over the reigns and decision-making in their lives.
This is such a horrible situation that it keeps me very humble, lest the same
lies become my own truth. God has now backed unrepentent America in a
corner... whoever they vote for in the coming “election” will condemn them and
bring them destruction of both soul and country. If you want to stop the
witchcraft, pornography, funny-families, and general collapse and mockery of
God (and the rapidly imploding financial system and physical collapse of the
USA), then you are between a rock and hard place, (between a Luciferian posing
as born-again and a Cabalist-Luciferian). For that is your only choice
for president in 2004. In other words, America, you have squandered your
inheritance, and God is showing you clearly that you are in Lucifer's hand, and
will soon be begging to eat the food of the swine.
America has become a place of “religious
tolerance” (meaning pantheism and witchcraft), and is about to reap the
Military Note For Government-Schooled Readers
What is a soldier? A few words of truth
are in order:
1. soldiers
are, and always have been, murder machines, trained to hate and to kill on
command, without conscience, or thought of the sanctity of life - either their
own or the enemy's. If you didn't know this, you haven't done boot camp,
or haven't studied the art of war. There is a reason why the military
targets those under 24: they are generally too inexperienced to be smart, too
fresh out of propaganda training (high school) to know about government fraud
and that soldiers are pawns in fake banker wars. They are too young to
fear God, or to challenge the status quo;
2. boot camp
involves an oath to someone other than God (clue: the pentagram);
3. enlisted
soldiers are the property of the government (i.e. the Federal
Reserve), and legally surrender Constitutional, human and legal rights,
including self-will and conscience; and immerses highly vulnerable and
inexperienced youth in the most advanced and intense mind control
4. humiliating,
implanted chips (willingly or secretly), injections of a secret and mistrusted
concoction, exhaustion and sleep deprivation are all classic mind-control tools
to enhance manipulation;
5. patriotism is
the biggest propaganda tool in the Cabalic / Masonic / Jesuit (i.e. Sun Cult)
handbook of world domination, a religion which mysteriously surfaced at the
same point in history as national flags, national anthems, Rothschild,
Rockefeller, Russell, paper money, and Napoleon. Before this, a military
consisted of either local farmers, or paid mercenaries from various countries,
or slaves and convicts.
When I began to traverse the world, I was amazed
to learn that as little as 150 years ago, most nations had no standing
military, no flag, no anthem, no capital, no ambassador, and rarely even a real
border. Switzerland, for example, existed 500 years without a national
flag or military, until it was overrun by an Illuminatus named Napoleon, who
forced it to be multi-cultural (previously only German), rewrote its
constitution, gave it a flag and called it the Helvetic Confederacy, after a
French Masonic goddess. The entire Middle East never had borders, or a nation,
but was organized after the Biblical model of familes. In other words
“patriotism” and “national pride” and “flag day” are straight from the Jesuit
Office of Propaganda, to make you easy as pie to control, so you will give
money and shed blood for the corporations such as the Federal Reserve, who
create every war for profit, and take your children and
sacrifice them to their god, whose symbol is the five-pointed star seen on
every war machine worldwide, so their own highly-trained children are not
dirtied or their dynasty put at risk.
America has never once in
her history used a standing military to defend any American lives or vital
interests. Never. (I won't talk here
about the “Revolution”, because I have learned that people who attend
government schools -- Federal Reserve corporation schools -- are so severely
brainwashed that they cannot process such information in less than a
multi-hour, detailed presentation. One of the most astonishing things in
my life is to see veins bulge on people's necks as they argue over a subject that
they haven't questioned or seriously studied for one hour since the 4th
grade. My respect for Karl Marx's government school program's
ability to produce government-loyal, totally brainwashed citizens just grows
and grows. Wall Street-trained Dr. Marx was one smart Cabalist. A
man who knew the plan just as well as Napoleon, and Hitler, and Bush, and Mel
Gibson. Mind control is an astonishing field[5], and few there be that are free from it -
although this is what Jesus meant when he said “You shall be free
indeed.” One reason for the constant attacks on areas of the world with
Christians over the decades, is that Christians alone are freed from patriotism
and mind-control, by giving up control of their minds and wills to a the only
Perfect Being. Man by himself cannot throw off these chains, though many
try. Of the thousands of conspiracy researchers who go off track, the
common denominator is that they are either New Age (consult with angels rather
than God), or humanist, in which case they subconsciously block the truth about
the powerful religion of ALL world rulers, and the millennia-old fight against
their superiors in spiritual power, those who walk and talk with God Himself,
as the Bible explains. It is this walk that opens ones eyes to the
slavery and lies offered by the State, which founded the CIA and LSD in its
quest to construct the perfect, conscienceless, murder machine. I believe
that they have discovered how to create this perfect being, but this is not the
place for such a discussion. Only God can free us from Bush and
Greenspan's Bank and War Cabal, free from being used, abused, robbed, and
killed for the Jesuit Mary, Venus, the Queen of Heaven, or Lucifer and his Love
of Money Illuminists. The more you look at the Sun Cult's secret plans
and propaganda - the better God's plan looks!
All of which is exactly why the
US Constitution banned a standing army in favor of strong-willed, moral,
independent, proud, on-call militias: to prevent the ancient evil secret societies
from taking young men and brainwashing them to blindly murder and bleed for a
very few wealthy families who quarrel over things like the Russell Trust opium
trade, tea, energy, and oil... or to control a worldwide dictatorship.
Excerpt From US Judeo/Masonic War-Crimes Past:
“Harry Dexter White, Frank Coe and Harry Glasser formed a
committee at the United States Treasury Department in Washington, D.C. which
set in motion the plan to carry out the Morgenthau [Cabala] scheme [as
presented to Luciferian FDR]. JCS 1067 (Joint Chiefs of Staff memo) was
drafted in 1945 and sent to General Eisenhower, who was to become ‘THE
BUTCHER OF GERMANY.’ JCS 1067 directed Eisenhower to abolish the
central government of Germany, the Nazi party, the Wehrmacht (army), to close
schools, universities, radio stations, newspapers and to prevent American
soldiers from speaking to Germans, except when giving them orders.
“On April 21, 1945 a SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force) message was sent to General Marshall in Washington, D.C. from General Eisenhower. Eisenhower stated that the prison compounds, which were being built in liberated territories in Germany [after WWII ended!] by the U.S. Army would provide no shelter or other comforts. In clearer text the goal was there were to be no buildings, no running water and no sewage system. The camps were open fields surrounded by barbed wire, searchlights, guard towers and machine guns. The former German soldiers did not even have tents to sleep in during the cold winter which would follow. “No Red Cross officials were allowed into these American military death camps, and the United States broke every rule of the Geneva Convention, which they had signed as a nation. The horror in these camps cannot be described - they were just as bad as the former SS camps. These camps not only contained former German soldiers, but also civilians from children to older people. Hunger, thirst and sickness plagued the inmates in these camps. Cholera and dysentery took its death toll, and it was well into 1946 when the survivors were able to leave and return to the ruins of the German land. A total of almost four million German soldiers were held in these camps of Western Germany without shelter and very little food or water. According to American official Army records, 750,000 Germans died in these camps. The Army records show them as ‘OTHER LOSSES.’ This should be compared to the report by the American Red Cross, which in 1945, stated that 99 percent of the American prisoners of war in Germany had survived and were on their way home. OPERATION KEELHAUL “This is another dark chapter in United States history. During this war, close to one million Russians, Ukrainians and other Eastern Europeans had joined the Germans in fighting Stalin and Communism. Together with millions of refugees spilling over into Western Europe at the end of the war they had great hopes as they surrendered to the Americans and the British. But what they did not know was that Roosevelt and Churchill had promised Stalin military force would be used to hand them back to the Soviets. American Gl's and British Tommies (soldiers) were used to shoot, club and force them into railroad cars, which carried them to their death or a Gulag in Siberia. Included in this group were former Russian prisoners of war, who did not want to return to the Soviet Union. The reason for this was that all returned Russian POW's were arrested as soon as they were back on Russian soil and deported to slave camps. Stalin did not trust them; they had seen the West and would tell their families and friends how well people lived in the West. “The death toll in these camps and in other parts of Germany, which the U.S. Army controlled, would have been much higher if the Rothschild group in Washington, D.C. had not been double crossed by Joseph Stalin in 1946. As Eisenhower was carrying out the Morgenthau plan, which would have reduced the German population by approximately 50 percent in another year, the Soviets saw a chance to take all of Germany. At a meeting in Paris of June 1946 Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov declared it ridiculous to try and destroy Germany. Instead he called for a strong, centralized Reich with the Ruhr and Saar areas attached, specifically asked for higher steel and coal production levels than those upon which Russia had previously agreed. Molotov demanded that the Reich must be permitted more steel, greater industry and foreign trade. “At the same time the Russians received former German officers and soldiers into the Red Army after they had converted to communism. They were given salaries (small, but large in comparison to the slave laborers in France and England) and housing. Germans began to look to the Soviet Union for salvation and were willing to accept communism for bread and butter. “The British, French and American governments panicked, and their German policies of death and destruction were to be abolished very quickly. Suddenly the Americans began speaking to the Germans and as fast as possible all stops were pulled out to convince the Germans that living in the Western zones-better times would come. The Cold War had begun...”[2] |
Cabala, Vatican & Masonry Push Petty “War-Crimes”...
To Hide Their REAL Crimes, Past & Present
There are thousands of other horrors of the Judeo/Masonic
“standing military”, that have been completely removed from public view.
For example, read the book “The Night Hamburg Died” to see a real Judeo/Masonic
war crime.
For days afterward the
streets of Hamburg are covered with corpses by the thousands. The bodies
alone are savage testimony to the furious destruction the city has
suffered. There are mothers with their
children, youths, elderly men and women, and many of these are hardly
recognizable as human creatures who walked and acted with dignity and purpose. They
are burned and charred, and some are little more than ghostly shrivelled
lumps... In many of the shelters the number of dead can only be
estimated. The sight is grisly beyond all imagination. The bodies
have melted in with the general debris - these are the shelters in which glass,
steel, and other objects have melted, and the brick has become a soft and fine
ash... dozens of shelters are opened successfully, but the work crews are
forced to run for their lives. The air trapped within the shelters is so
hot that when the doors are opened the influx of oxygen causes the entire
shelter to burst into flames... And there are shelters in which clear evidence
is found of insane panic, of people who clawed at walls and flung their bodies
headlong at stone barriers to escape when the heat became too great and pain
stripped them of their reason... Bodies were frequently found lying in a thick,
greasy black mass, which was without a doubt melted fat tissue. The fat
coagulated on the floors as the temperature decreased.
The head hair as a rule was
unchanged or only slightly singed... All were shrunken so that the clothes
appeared to be too large... Sleeves and trouser legs were frequently burned off
and wth them the limbs were burned to the bones... Many basements contained
only bits of ashes and in these cases the number of casualties could only be
estimated... the British bombs included the 30-pound missile of which the
incediary contents were phosphorus. The British employed phosphorus
because of its demonstrated ability to depress the morale of the Germans... Phosphorus
sticks grimly to any surface it touches - metal, wood, concrete, clothing, or
human flesh... the phosphorus will cling to it for good and will continue to
burn itself out unless it is permanently denied access to oxygen... When the
phosphorus fell against a person's hair, that individual was doomed.
There was no chance to cut off the hair, and the chemical globs blazed
fiercely, setting aflame the entire head and burning against the skin
itself. These terrified and pain-wracked human beings were seen to leap
about in a frenzy, or to dash their heads against the ground in a blind panic -
anything to douse the flames... those who fell by the wayside, writhing in
agony as the flames burned down into their skulls, were simply left to their
Above all there is the
pestilential stench of decaying corpses, the sickening sweetish smell of
roasted human flesh. It is a smell to drive men out of their minds, to
chip away at the thin edge of their remaining sanity.
Perhaps the solution to the
total absence of any reference in official German documents [about the brutal,
horrible phosphorus Hamburg attacks] is explained in the story told to me by a
U.S. Army officer, who learned that portions of the documents on the after-effects
of the Hamburg attacks were ordered to be destroyed, and all references to the
surviving victims of phosphorus bombs stricken forever from the records.
These were deliberate,
carefully planned scenes from hell, AGAINST NEARLY 100% BABIES, CHILDREN, YOUNG
Because this is censored from American history
books, it will be repeated... in America. I promise.
For they
have sown the wind,
[America] shall reap the whirlwind:
it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no food:
if it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
- Hosea 8:7
[America] shall reap the whirlwind:
it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no food:
if it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
- Hosea 8:7
I find it appalling that this history is
censored from US and UK classrooms, and banned on internet “truth forums” on
the internet, because such forums are run by either the secret societies and CIA
plants, or they are themselves victims of mind-control, using Masonry's
old tired key propaganda lines such as “patriotism” and “honoring the dead.”
There is a place for honoring the dead, when they died in service to a loving
God, seeking to save the tormented souls fallen victim to the unfathomable
horror of the Wall Street Cabal, most of whom sat in plush leather chairs and
pin-striped suits while controlling all that death in WWII. Please excuse
me for offending you with the Truth, but there is no honor in
dying for filthy Luciferian organizations whose intent is brutaliy,
human sacrifice, domination, surveillance, dictatorship and communism. If
you allowed your son or daughter to shed their blood for these dark agencies,
then you are one of the fools who are responsible for the death of your child
and for breaking my heart as you allow simple brainwashing to turn this world
into a living hell. You who wave your Masonic flag with its ancient
Luciferian pentagrams of terror, tyranny and bloodshed, you are the one who
makes it all possible. Surely, you haven't a clue who the Prince of this
world is, or who the righteous and loving God is, or HIS perfect plans -- which
you reject -- for those who love Him and give their lives for LIFE and NOT for
DEATH and mayhem, rape and pillage, for those whose Love of Money is greater
than love of God. The purpose for the “War-Crimes” coverage by Cabala and
their media outlets and peace agencies (UN, NGOs, et al), is that they
themselves are involved in immense bloodshed and atrocities against civilians
around the world (including in Iraq) and are planning unfathomable bloodshed
for the entire world in the very near future. For example, recently a
city in the Balkans was destroyed by terrorists, as forces of the UN and NATO
watched with approval.[4] What is really going on
in Iraq is unprintable, and has nothing to do with innocent young teenagers
playing games with men who very recently tried to blow their captors heads
off. Don't you see, folks? The Sun Cult must:
- “Wag the Dog”: i.e. distract from very heavy
and serious events that are now unravelling in the sun, the stars, and the
earth, and distract from an ever-more-obvious NASA obfuscation
- Get rid of a few people in the Bush administration who are
too arrogant to fit The Plan. This is done, ironically, by showing silly
photographs, which may or may not be real, and which are most certainly
not war crimes. Were they sent by a soldier directly to the
newspapers? O, for heaven's sake folks, this is such an obvious Op,
it seems they are getting a bit sloppy
- Hide the real war crimes from the public: serious,
ongoing destruction of Iraqi life and crimes against civilians, by the Sun
Cult themselves.
- Pretend world government gives a hoot about human life, a lie on par
with the world's worst polluter, and nuclear weapons salesman Gorbachev,
who founded the Green Cross (hahahaha!)
- Hide human sacrifice and unspeakable sins, with
propaganda of silly razings and games, and kicking out journalists from
the country (made possible by the US series of terror bombings)
- Condemn
the few, the ignorant, the brainwashed, to legitimize the remaining forces
as good.
- Hide WWIII (which has already begun) as long
as possible, especially the fact that Russia, America and China are the
only three powers in Iraq.
- Make the world hate the US, in preparation for the invasion
and destruction of the USA, which is being organized by God
Himself, to restore His Holy Name, which America has made a stench in the
world. America-hating Bush must get as many troops as possible off of
American soil, wo when his friends in Russia and China invade the US, they
will find the burning, rape and torture an easy task.
- Hide the imploding US and world financial system, which over the
past two weeks has probably entered its countdown to irrevocable death
which I have awaited for several years with baited breath. It has been
an amazing vigil, and appears to be nearing its end. Everything I
have warned about from 5 years ago is now being written about by
mainstream, independent analysts such as 90-year old Richard Russell, and
many others. This is a sign that the time is now. These men
always save their skin by warning too late for the masses, and only in
expensive private newsletters. This is definitely unpatriotic
behavior, patriotic meaning a love for your neighbor above that of bankers
and government. (Several wrote that last week's markets were
horrible, the worst since 9-11, and issued severe crash warnings.)
Shortly, the Cabala plan to collapse all paper money, banks, and dispose
of their temporary front agencies -- the central banks -- will be put in
high gear. Central banks have ruined several large world countries'
economies, as planned, and the next few weeks will tell if they are ready
now to pull the plug. I think the plug will be pulled this year yet,
and that means ever greater distractions (terrorist acts against America
and Europe, induced earthquakes, leader assassinations, etc.) I
suspect that the massive gold and silver plunge the past 2 weeks is
orchestrated to prevent people from doing what they should, just as time
runs out. One thing the lying gold traders, salesmen, and analysts
have refused to speak out, is that the gold market is so small, and the
manipulators and derivatives so big, that they can keep gold down forever.
Dear American Patriots, you
will answer to God for feeling a tinge of pride over your military's actions in
Iraq. Many of you will not only pay with your souls, but shortly wth your
lives. The American horror in Vietnam of thousands of maimed and deformed
innocent families, women and children, has now been multiplied 100-fold into
the most horrible campaign in the history of the world! Iraq has now been
maimed, raped, blown up, and then sprayed with a horrible slow-motion poison
called Depleted Uranium (DU), infinitely worse than John Kerry's deformed
babies of Agent Orange and his admission to cutting off prisoners ears.
DU dust will gradually increase disease over a period of months and years until
most of Iraq is a massive, writhing bowl of pain and suffering and deformity...
forever, because DU has a “half-life” of 4,500,000,000 years, and those who
survive and have children will also be deformed, and have freakish and deadly
ailments. Those Patriots who mocked God by “serving country” (Luciferian
Bush) rather than God, will also now be permanent outcasts of society, for
their poisoning will kill them slowly, and be spread to their family and
children. Since most of these Patriots are very foolish, (having shut off
their conscience so that Lucifer, Bush and Rumsfeld can have their way with
them) and young, they will return home and have children... of horror.
God is just, and God will now begin to judge evil America directly,
incessantly, for America is committing the ultimate Israeli sin: to destroy the
Holy Name and Honor of God on the earth, by committing the most horrible
atrocities in the history of the world, in the name of God.
Yesterday I saw Rod Parsley stomping back and
forth across his church's new, multi-hundred thousand dollar stage, on
international “Christian” TV, with an American flag in his hand, praising
off-color comments from a God-mocking senator. “Pastor” Rod, may God have
mercy on your soul! Your time of mocking God is drawing rapidly to a
I recently read a vision about America which
involved over 180,000,000 American deaths in a short period of time. As a
lover of justice, I would say that would be unusually merciful treatment for a
nation which has killed 60 million of its own babies, and several hundred
million foreign babies, and several hundred million poor men, women and
children in other lands over the last 200 years; an America which is now
world famous for sexual perverts in Catholic robes who rape and molest innocent
children by the tens of thousands, world famous for Patriots who rape, molest,
and torture innocent families around the globe, which is now the sexual
perversion capital (witchcraft) of the world. The question is, will the
180 million Americans die this year or next? One thing is clear, however:
America is most definitely NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION, but among the darkest and
filthiest and most evil nations in recorded human history.
Is An Old Masonic Lie...
- ...To
provide living military fodder for Cabala and Masonry's pursuit of money
and world control,
- ...To manipulate and control Godless,
confused, New Age masses, as the Patriot Act explains in great
- Patriotism
is a lie that was born with the rise of Rothschild and Freemasonry around the
Napoleonic period. Before this time, there were NO
The entire Middle East recently consisted of
FAMILIES, not nations or flags or borders. These artificially created
items -- flags, songs, and militaries -- are vital to control the minds and
allegiances of the general public, and have proven wildly successful in
censoring news which would otherwise turn the public against the greatest
control and tyranny the world has ever faced.
The most guilty populace in the world is the
Americans, who claim on their money to follow God (a God clearly opposed to ALL
worldly nations, especially the satanic doctrine and state of the Sanhedrin,
and Bush-style Luciferian secret societies. A God who said “I hate war” -
clearly God is not the God of the Vatican, the state of Israel, or of
Islam), and who say free speech reigns, in the “land of the free, home of
the brave!” As I have travelled the world, it has become clear to me that
America has one of the most censored, controlled media on this planet... and
least questioned by the public. In Russia, they know the papers are
controlled by The Bank and the government (Communist Party); they know the
elections are rigged. So they have a greater element of truth in society
in Russia than America. This is not to praise the failed mess of Russian
communism, for the Bible condemns Russia's system of abuse and theft and
brutality - but I am saying that America is less honest and
stooping lower than even Russia. It is hard to put into words how
pathetically brainwashed the US public is.
Patriotism is a lie from the enemies of freedom! Patriotism
is a lie from bankers who want to make your sons and daughters bleed like pigs
in a slaughter-house for the sake of their bank accounts and to increase their
control over you and your neighbors until you sink into the mire of
irreversible slavery! Use your heads people!
God warned Israel thousands of years ago that if they had a government with
power over the people, exactly these things would happen.[6] However, Judaism has always rejected
rule by God in favor of tyranny by man, choosing to pervert God's gift of
Himself, Life, Freedom, and Love for neighbors... into love for themselves and
hate for their neighbors, rejecting God Himself and keeping the world
from finding God, rejecting Life in exchange for giving and receiving a sword
in perpetuity, and exchanging God's fabulous promise of blessing for wicked
USURY alternating with poverty and ruin. It appears Americans have also
chosen the path of patriotism versus the way of freedom.
Words, when spread by secret societies, always
mean the opposite! Freedom can only exist when God is the government; any
group of peace-lovers who want a system of prosperity and freedom, and who
reject God as Master of their lives and communities, will sooner or later reap
horror, death and poverty. There is no alternative system.
America's “wonder document” -- the Constitution of the United States -- has
long been a document of blasphemy, for in the mind of the patriot, it has been
placed higher than the Bible as the cornerstone of government. As
everyone can see, the Wonder Document is as valuable as the dollar bill, when
the Bible is not the core curriculum of every school, especially of
universities. Harvard and Yale used to require prospective teenagers to
translate significant portions of the Bible in the original languages. When
that practice stopped, Harvard and Yale became the stomping grounds of Lucifer,
Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Skull and Bones. A monarchy which honors God is
vastly superior to America in her current pagan state and her Wonder
Document. America's Constitution is the classic poison pill, for within
it are the very seeds of American destruction: namely, freedom of
religion, otherwise known as WELCOMING THE WORLD'S DEMONS TO SHARE IN
I have often seen people use patriotic type pen
names on internet forums, but their comments prove them to be haters of God,
and adherents to a New Age, angel-following cult. You cannot live in
peace and freedom and tolerate New Age, or Cabala, or Popery, or any other
God-hating “religion”. If you wish to prove me wrong, your time is
running out! America is rapidly collapsing, both morally, financially,
spiritually, and militarily... there may only be months left for her to
live. Debt is exploding, incomes falling, and its moral failures and
corruption are now exposed to the world. This is what happens, dear New
Agers and witches, and positive-thinkink, purpose-driven Christians, when God
is mocked, and you live in sin and do as you please. Do you really want
chaos, poverty, collapse, unemployment, terror, invasion, and nukes? I
doubt it. But the lies of the serpent and the “goddess” and your
money-loving pastor are so attractive, that you cannot resist. Only the
God of the Bible, out of all the world's myriad of religions, offers perfect
peace - love instead of hatred, surrender instead of self, giving to help
instead of overrunning with guns and stealing WHAT IS NOT YOURS TO TAKE.
This is the only religion without any shortcuts to power. You must pay
the price of surrendering your life, or you don't get any power. Every
other religion offers power or allows you to keep your self-worship, your
career, your home-improvement, your lust for advancement, your desire for
revenge, your defense of yourself... except BIBLICAL Christianity. Only
the God of Abraham, which Judaism and the State of Israel rejects, can
save you from the easy trip to power which feels right, but leads to despair
and destruction.
There will always be constant war and erosion of
freedom, as long as there exists an agency of “defense” and a government of
peace (UN). Defense always mean offense and protection of the Sun
Cult. Masonry's “Liberty” means freedom from God, and includes the
spreading net of surveillance and manipulation. “Fraternity” means the Sun Cult
rules, and you are the subject. Égalité means socialism's gradual
removal of all property through taxation, inheritance taxes, gas taxes, car
taxes, licenses and permits, inspections and smog controls, until everyone is
in debt to The Bank, everyone rents or mortgages from The Bank, and Bank
representatives have set up offices in every community on earth to monitor
every human being's compliance.
Planet X
and the Bible Proof
(the Book which makes Nostradamus into a fool and false prophet)
(the Book which makes Nostradamus into a fool and false prophet)
Inspections, codes, protection of certain old
buildings, emissions monitoring, and global warming (or global cooling,
depending where you live) are all huge frauds, pushed by Bank puppets, and
protested universally by tens of thousands of non-government scientists as
bogus science.[7] All of which is merely a sophisticated
method of surveillance, using the fraudulent reasons of “safety”,
“accessibility” and the “climate disaster”, none of which the government or
Judaic/Masonry give a hoot about. Good grief, there is a body hurtling
toward this planet, which your government and NASA know about, and have known
about for many decades. Its effects have already been observed on farther
out planets as it moves in. If you want to know what kind of havoc a
“flyby” has caused in the past, look at some old 1960s photos of Mars (which
NASA now hides from the public), which show beyond a shadow of a doubt volcanic
islands which were very recently standing in an ocean.
Less than 3,000 years ago, judging by current erosion rates, something flew
past Mars and sucked its atmosphere away, allowing the full power of a very
destructive sun to destroy its oceans and fry any life, if there was any.
(NASA knows this, but since it was founded by several hundred Nazi scientists
(Operation Paperclip) and a Satan worshipper named Jack Parsons[11], for the purpose of controlling the world, it
is not about to start acting scientific, and relay its findings to the public,
especially if those findings expose their Masonic “billions of years” frauds of
the Freemason family Darwin). People so easily forget that NASA is agovernment agency,
founded for secret “defense” purposes. The word “NASA” is Hebrew for
“lift up” or “exalt oneself” - showing a Jewish occultic foundation. The
real purpose of NASA is best described by their logo, which used to be an “A” inside a
circle -- meaning anarchy -- but which was changed after the Apollo (sun god)
missions to an “A” outside a circle -- meaning blood
sacrifice. I would guess that less than 1% of the “science” of NASA ever
is released to other scientists or the public; there are fantastic telescopes
with a mirror as large as a house from which not a single photograph has seen
the light of day. This is one sick, black op baby.
This planet will let loose decimating
earthquakes and volcanic ash worldwide, and possibly the tail will spread
chemical death across much of the globe. It will flip the earth around,
jerk tectonic plates in meters per second, blow the protective atmosphere
apart, allow fry-quality UV and X-ray penetrations, and kill most animal, human
and plant life. All of the hot air from Communist and warmonger Gorbachev
about the climate disaster is intended to mislead people into allowing stealth
citizen-monitoring programs, to get everyone set up for bugging your car during
“inspections”, making tours of your house and noting books on your shelves and
installing snoop devices (a typical job nowadays for telephone “repairmen”)
while something horrible is happening to the sun due to a huge foreign body
gliding through our universe, right on time, as the Bible predicted, and as the
“ancients” recorded the last time it came. But the timing of “Planet X”
(a NASA term) is pressuring the Cabal. They know chaos is coming which is
beyond their control, and which may indeed kill most of them, even in their
underground cities (which I suspect is the real reason for the
exploding Bush emergency war expenditures and Homeland Security and FEMA and
NASA budgets, which after hundreds of billions in deficit spending show no new
equipment or benefit to the public. Those unfathomable sums are going
somewhere, folks. They are not going to bank accounts, for banking is
about to be shut down. One reason for the delay of the financial crash
may be to allow some last minute preparation, with paper money and the
productive resources of factories which will not be there after the
Here is the Bible's
explicit description of Planet X[8], which no demonic “remote viewer” dare to
speak. Everything listed here could easily be caused by just one flyby of
a large planet within a million miles away:
- earth
flipped upside down, people scattered
- will
affect both usurer and borrower, the rich will be equally decimated with
the poor
- angel
will pour a plague on the sun, it will burn so hot that men will curse it,
it will scorch and burn humanity, with few men surviving
- the
atmosphere will collapse, and “roll up like a scroll”, deluging the earth
with water, eliminating birds
- foundations,
tectonic plates of the earth will shake, and be moved “exceedingly” - the
earth will reel back and forth like a drunk
- greatest
earthquake in human history, islands “flee away”, mountains “not found”,
every mountain and island moved from its place
- the
moon will be “confused”
- cities
broken down, and abandoned
- rivers
suddenly gone (evaporated, or earthquake related?)
- massive
worldwide meteor shower (which would describe the tail of a passing planet
or comet sweeping through earth's atmosphere)
- sun
blackened, moon red, sky darkened
- people
hide in caves, curse God, (universal belief that the destruction of the
planet is from God as judgment)
Shortly, these things will come to pass.
Maybe in a few months, maybe in 2 or 3 years. Planet X's effects are
already on the radar screen, with a great increase in 6+ earthquakes, a bulge
in the Oregon earth crust measureable from satellite, a Yellowstone underwater
dome making headlines (and causing coverups), USGS frequently delaying or
deleting seismograph reports, NASA is shutting down the sun cameras more
frequently, WWIII is cranking up, and most economists now expect the implosion
of the US financial system. Things will not be delayed any longer, of
this I am confident. What an exciting time to be alive! Wouldn't
everyone in history choose exactly this time and this generation to be alive if
asked? I guess those who do not know God might find some of this
unsettling, especially pagan Christians who have the false Jesus of Tim LaHaye
and Hal Lindsey, the Jesus of Mel Gibson and the Jesuits - who cannot be
accessed except through the Queen of Heaven.
The Bible clearly says that those who hear His
Voice and OBEY, and watch anxiously for Him, will be caught up
at the same time as the earth is destroyed. “As in the days of Noah...” -
which means, the door to the Ark (surrender to and restored fellowship with
Christ) will one day soon be closed, and those who are not in at that point will
lose their life and their soul, forever. The percent who get
in the “Ark” now are surely as miniscule now as in Noah's day... then only 8
persons of the known world. For example, there may only several thousand
Christians in the US at this point. The purpose of these newlsetters is
to wake people up to the lie of Cabala, the lie of Freemasonry, the lie of
America's false churches, the lies of Hal Lindsey, the Catholic Church and
Judaism, all of which reject Jesus as Lord, and substitute Him with other,
lowly spirit beings such as “Mary”, which is not Mary at all, as Illuminated
witchcraft already knows. Everyone who has not already fully surrendered
their worthless, selfish lives to the pure God of love, life and true freedom,
still has time if you are reading this (I hope). But that time will run
out for millions over the next months, for there is no rapture found in the
Bible, except when the door is shut, when the earth is destroyed. The
entire purpose of the rapture lie (planted by Masons and CIA plants in the
church over the last few decades) is to put you to sleep. But those who
do not watch, will be left outside the Ark.
vs Fear and Trembling
The Biblical model for patriotism is to give to
Caesar what is Caesar's (taxes) and give to God what is God's (our hearts, will
and lives). The Biblical model of nationalism is to long with all our
heart, soul and mind to leave this world to be where Jesus is, in His Temple
(which will never again be on this earth - although Masonry and Cabala will
build one for Lucifer, and to deceive selfish Christians and Jews into
believing that the power in that temple is the Messiah, which the Bible
absolutely warns us will NOT be Christ, for when Christ comes, so does
Judgment, life and death, “as in the days of Noah”). A nationalist
Christian has absolutely no identity with the place he or she was born, for
that place was not selected, and is temporary. Nationalist Christians,
though obedient to a “foreign power” (but not the little horn of Rome!), blanket
their place of residence with prayer, with honesty, integrity, and salt in the
face - i.e. convicting their neighbors of sin.
liberty is, there is my country.”
- Algernon Sidney, Member, English Parliament
- Algernon Sidney, Member, English Parliament
Back when I was fresh out of high school, the
highlight of my life was not Saturnday Night Live, the Beatles, wine, women and
weekends, but Bible study with a small group of my friends. Our goal was
truth and the meaning of life. It didn't take us long to find God, and
some shocking, absolute rules of life: such as, Reaping
What You Sow. One of the motivating factors in obeying God's leading
to leave the United States a few years ago, was that we had our eyes opened to
see just exactly what America was sowing and had sown. We could “smell” the
evil around us, we saw the surveillance trucks outside our house, the new camps
along the railroads in the desert, the deep corruption and lies of Masonry,
Cabala, and popery in the US congress and even local police... not to mention
studying history for myself, which showed the opposite of what I
had learned, even in a Christian school: America has sown such horror,
spiritual wickedness, theft and poverty, brutality, murder and death, lies,
pornography, and a false Jesus, that we felt God saying to us, “come
out of her, that you don't participate in her soon coming judgments!”[10] It is time for real patriots
to call a halt to the bloodshed and horror -- which is being piled up for God
to pay back on America -- and for Americans to once again put God ahead of
country, life ahead of murder, repentence ahead of self-determination, the
Bible ahead of the crooked Judaic courts, integrity ahead of self, obedience to
One Who is perfect Love ahead of obedience to those who are members of
murderous Luciferian societies!
We are only here on this earth to help others
find the only nation worthy of patriotism, the only nation not run by Lucifer
(and his sex and money perverts in secret societies, Catholic Church, Masonry
and Cabala), the only source of peace, the only place without hate, the only
place of hope. Humanism, and Patriotism, those old Masonic propagandas,
can never achieve anything but war and poverty, and slavery to The Bank,
because they are devoid of power. The Illuminati wields a spiritual power
beyond all humanity together. But there is a power far greater than New
Age - that of Christ, the one who condemns and easily trumps the evil but weak
power of the knights and those who love the name “rabbi”. If the Holy
Spirit is not in your temple, then you need to find out why the Sun Cult is
spreading all these lies. Time is running out for lukewarm Christians,
those who dabble with other spirits, and those who are making their own
decisions each day, just putting off decision-making until after they have
“lived” and have time for it. But there is not that much time left!
Don't delay.
Who are
the liars on this earth?
You shall
not be called 'Rabbi',
for One is your Teacher, the Christ,
and you are all brethren.
Do not call anyone on earth Father,
for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
And do not be called masters or guides,
for One is your Teacher, the Christ.
- Matthew 23:8
for One is your Teacher, the Christ,
and you are all brethren.
Do not call anyone on earth Father,
for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
And do not be called masters or guides,
for One is your Teacher, the Christ.
- Matthew 23:8
[back] 666 oder: Wer ist George Walker
Bush, Magazin2000plus, Nr. 183 / Extra edition: Globalisierung
und Weltherrschaft,” Mai 2003, page 115: “Das ‘Tier’ aus der
Johannesoffenbarung, dessen Zahl die 666 ist, der Antichrist: Er gilt als
Vorbote des Jüngsten Gerichts...”
[back] On The Road To Armageddon, by
Christian mind-control and cult researcher John S. Torell. Please read
the full article if you
have never personally researched the tragic Judeo/Masonic Banker war called
World War II.
[back] Karl Marx, The Communist
Manifesto, edited by Frederic L. Bender, ISBN 0-393-95616-4, W W
Norton and Company, Inc., New York, 1988. The Communist Manifesto
pamphlet by Jewish Marx (Wall Street trained, just as were the Jewish
Bolshevik special ops many years later) first went to press in 1848.
[back] Why French Troops Stood by as
Albanians Burned a Serbian Village to the Ground, by Jared Israel, TENC,
[back] Mind
Controllers, by Dr. Armen Victorian, Lewis International, Inc.,
Miami, Florida, USA, 2000, ISBN 0-9666771-9-6. This is an excellent
introduction to the secret and disturbing field of government mind control
programs, by the man who has probably the world's largest collection of
documents obtained by persistant Freedom of Information Act filings. It
covers the entire field in layman's terms, from 33rd degree Freemason
Franklin D. Roosevelt's establishment of the OSS in 1942, to the CIA and US
Army LSD experiments in the mid-1950s, to the Delgado electronic implant
(Stimoceiver) successes around 1959-60, to neural, bio-organic implants a few
years later. This illustrates perfectly how the government is still 40
years ahead of the market, for almost exactly forty years later, the FDA
approved a brain implant by a commercial company (March, 2004)!
I Samuel 8:4-22; I Samuel 12:12. Proof that a nation state is not
God's plan, for all states are under the authority of Lucifer, the serpent or
dragon, since man transferred the earth's spiritual authority from God to the
fallen angel of New Age, that serpent of Cabala, god of Albert Pike's
Freemasonry, and of the Jewish Cabalist treasurer, Ignatius Loyola of Basque.
[back] The
Anti Global Warming Petition Project, Oregon, at,
with about 17,000 scientists' signatures (climotologists, atmospheric
specialists, i.e. no imposters such as polluter/politician/gulag and nuclear
waste king Gorbachev of Green Cross)
Isaiah 24:1-23; Jeremiah 4:19-5:5; Revelation 6:12-17; Revelation 16:8-21
[back] “[Ron] Hause is traveling around
with BENNY HINN, who has openly stated that he has visited the Pope on at
least three occasions (private audiences) and that the
Pope asked Benny to be his ambassador to the Pentecostal movement in the
world.” (The Dove, Autumn/Winter 1995) John S. Torell,
[back] Revelation 18:4 - And I heard
another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you
share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues and calamity.
[back] See book: Sex and Rockets; The
Occult World of Jack Parsons. By John Carter, Feral House,
Venice, California, 1999. ISBN 0-922915-56-3.
*Links to major news agencies and articles are
provided for the record. Such links are usually temporary and may no longer be
accurate or available after a period of time. I recommend saving the
linked articles together with this one, for later reference.
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Gibson's Passion for the Queen of Heaven
Proof The “Great Falling Away” Is Complete
“The Passion of the Christ” - A Sophisticated Sun Cult / Opus Dei
Mind Programming Operation, Marking Christians For A False Christ (Abridged Version)
Mind Programming Operation, Marking Christians For A False Christ (Abridged Version)
Thousands, if not
millions of young people have been introduced to hard-core pornography through
this “Jesus” film, and had sinister things implanted in their minds. Yet
thousands of pastors and ministries have called this film the “most inspired film”
in their lifetimes. If you think those two sentences are opposites,
you are correct. Something is seriously wrong here. This paper will show,
sadly, that the thousands of pastors who praised The Passion are
apparently not of the Biblical Christ, but of an angel of Light, showing that
the Great Falling Awayprophesied in the Bible 2,000 years ago has
been completed. As you shall shortly see, this film was made by men and
women in high level Illuminati witchcraft, targeting Christians...
and that those who watched it, and the ministries who promoted it have been
deceived, now permanently marked “in their foreheads”, i.e. their
minds. The Passion proves how the “Mark of the Beast”
will capture all of Christianity without force. There are many whom the Holy
Spirit warned not to see this film, but this was a very tiny group
indeed. This film exposed many ministers “of God”, proving they cannot or
do not listen to God's Voice, for after reading this, it will be clear that the
God of the Bible did not have anything to do with this sinister film.
This film is raw
blasphemy, an extremely sophisticated, hi-tech psy-op by the world's premier
mind-control occultists, Opus Dei, The Society of Jesus (which is a
military special Ops corp), and Jewish Cabala, to set the stage for
antichrist's final world religion, and to destroy the last vestige of true
Christianity, using porn and lesbian stars, hidden soundtracks, and witchcraft.
After reading this, you will agree, that 99% of churches and Christian
ministries who praised this film are either cognizant or unconscious agents of
Lucifer, as the Bible says, “God shall send them strong delusion, that
they should believe a lie; that they all might be damned who held not to
the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” This paper will
describe how Christians who watch this film are damned by God, and how THE
GREAT FALLING AWAY, comprising more than 99% of born-again Christians, is
But I fear, that by some
means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your mindsshould be corrupted... For if he that comes preaches another Jesus.. or if you receive another spirit... or another gospel... you just might go along
with him. ... For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming
themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no wonder, forSatan also transforms himself into an angel of
light. So it is no great
surprise if his ministers also are transformed as ministers of righteousness. -
II Corinthians 11
Kids lining
up for their MARK - thanks, Pastors!
Euro Queen of Porn
lesbian porn star
Gerini: porn
Caviezel sex
scene with Jennifer Lopez
worship: Queen of Heaven, Medjugorje, Bosnia
Eye of Horus or Lucifer - source of Passionscript, NOT N.T.!
Left Hand (Gibson) grips THE NAIL (Lucifer) to defeat
Icon Productions:
“Left Eye” is Lucifer
i.e. Queen of Heaven (or Horus)
Pagan Ash cross
on opening day;
Mark of Cain;
Pornography for
young Passion fans
Note #1: Ritual sex and
blood during worship are the hallmarks of Masons, Bush's Skull and Bones,
Jewish Cabala (see the Old Testament for details), Illuminism, Paganism,
Witchcraft, Knights, and the Jesuits, who took over the Vatican at least as
early as 1621 (collectively,The Sun Cult). Lucifer, who
understands the rules of God better than anyone, perverted the Biblical beauty
of these -- sexuality and blood -- into something despicable and horrible, and
since the garden of Eden has required the shedding of human blood and ritual
sex when his agents worship him or desire power. This is why his
Hollywood agents, especially Jewish Cabalists, are pushing violence and
perverted sex - Mel Gibson is no exception. Note #2: Pornography, per
Webster, is “the depiction of erotic behavior -- in writing or in pictures --
intended to cause sexual excitement.” Mel Gibson has an eye for
Monica Bellucci - Europe's Italian porn star numero uno, chosen for the beautiful story of righteous Mary Magdelene.
She recently played Persephone, Greek goddess of hell, the Queen of America
(the statue on top of the US Capitol). In a film previous to The
Passion, Monica starred in Irreversible, containing the sickest
mix of blood, brutality and perversion ever presented to mainstream film; so
perverse that hardened, non-Christian film critics walked out in droves in
disgust, worldwide. Director Gasper Noe is proud to be “king of the New
Pornography” (brutal sex / arousing brutality), and says his goal was such extreme
violence and sex that viewers would be physically sick. He used
stroboscopic sequences and subliminal infrasound that assaults the brain and
wrenches the stomach, old Cold War psy-ops technology. Noe glowed
describing a screening he saw in Canne, France, where people around him passed
out, vomited - 250 walked out during a nude, 10-minute, brutal Bellucci rape,
and a long, insane smashing of a man's head until his brains spewed across the
floor of a gay bar, while naked men cheered. Some required medical attention.
Porn star Monica and husband also perform intimate intercourse, in full frontal
nudity, like a peep show in Thailand, shocking pro film critics, to which their
reviews attest. Monica herself says her performance in this film is “disturbing.” Millions of Christian young people have now
been exposed to hard-core porn by their new movie stars, as an Internet search of “Monica Bellucci” turns
up over 100,000 porn sites. Did chain-smoking Gibson & his
Jesuits choose the God-mocking whore of Europe Intentionally? My research
says yes.
Rosalinda Celentano - Italian lesbian porn star, chosen by Mel, his Vatican team, and Jewish Cabalist Casting
Director Shaila Rubin (who was only the second person known to have received an
advance Passion script), to play a bisexual satan.
Rosalinda -- chosen by the guidance of the “holy” spirit -- stars mostly in
lesbian films. Recently she starred in a sodomy film so despicable that
it could only be shown in the US in select gay venues, such as Palm Springs International
Film Festival and Los Angeles Outfest. The English title was Diary
Of A Male Porn Star. A Desert Sun reviewer said it
“unapologetically celebrates the joy of [gay] sex, the glories of Italian men
and the diversity of family.” In an earlier film, Le Donne Non
Vogliono Piu, Rosalinda plays a lesbian who decides to allow a man in
her sex group as a sperm producer, as all wanted a baby. “Holy Spirit”
material? Or just normal Catholic fare al la Boston and
the mess Luther discovered in Rome? In any case, an Internet search again
pulls up thousands of porn and gay sex sites.
Claudia Gerini - chosen by The Sun Cult to play Pontius
Pilate's wife, is, you guessed it, anItalian porn star, with lesbian and gay film credits. In her film La
Vespa E La Regina (When Gods Meet), she plays a musician in a lesbian,
4-letter-word rock band. She meets a gay man, and they decide to try sex
with each other to fulfill a dying grandmother's wish. Again, young
viewers of The Passion who seek a fan club on the Internet
will be immersed in porn and perversion. So far, we have proven that this
“inspired” film and “witnessing opportunity of a lifetime” contains a more
perverse and pornographic cast than any mainstream movie in American history,
bar none. Next, we look at the Witchcraft and satanic symbols chosen by
the Sun Cult directors.
Witchcraft and Satanism
James Caviezel - practician of witchcraft, chosen by
Cabala, Vatican and Gibson to play a blasphemous Jesus in Passion. Caviezel
has gotten wealthy accepting money from Jesuit, Cabalistic Hollywood, based in
“Los Angeles” (which means the “Hail Mary” part of the Rosary). In
return, he obeyed his “spirit guide” -- the Queen of Heaven -- and portrayed
passionate lust and fornication on camera, opposite semi- or fully-nude
Hollywood sex divas Jennifer Lopez, Ashley Judd, and Dagmara Dominczyk.
Caviezel admits worshipping, praying, bowing to and obeying an angelic being
which is NOT Jesus. For those who don't read the Bible, God calls this
witchcraft in no uncertain terms. Jim visits Medjugorje in Bosnia often
to kneel before a statue of the Queen of Heaven, whom he “invited into his
life” before being chosen for Passion. “The catharsis for
me to play this role was through Medjugorje, through Gospa. In preparation, I
used all that Medjugorje taught me.” Oh.
This un-holy spirit
“called” Jim to acting while in a theater watching Ghost, which
portrays witches (mediums) helping evil people, dead and alive, to obtain
heaven, bypassing Jesus. The real Jesus said, “No man
comes to the Father, but by me.” This is the eternal test of
witchcraft. Caviezel, the “holy” spirit's choice?
Mel Gibson based “the most accurate Jesus film ever”
on a pagan mystic (i.e. someone who prefers to listen to a spirit-being other
than Jesus, forbidden as witchcraft throughout the Bible) named Anne Catherine
Emmerich. He carried numerous “holy” relics with him, including a patch
of Emmerich's clothing. Mel presents himself as a recovering alcoholic
whose newfound righteousness moves him to condemn the Vatican as pagan, which
he and his father believe has been ruled by Freemason popes since heretic-pope
John XXIII (Roncalli) in 1958 -- Vatican II -- through John Paul II.
(Freemasonry confirmed by Vatican insiders: Piers Compton, Malachi Martin,
etc. From Masonry's bible, Morals & Dogma, it is
proven that Lucifer is god of the Lodge. In Latin, Lucifer and
Venus, the morning star, are interchangeable.) Yet now the discerning
among you have caught Mel Gibson in a lie. For by his own admission (EWTN
interview), the movie set was swarming with Jesuits. The asst. producer
was baptized personally by Pope John Paul II, and is Opus Dei, a demonic
youth-recruiting brainwashing cult with thousands of complaints from
brokenhearted parents in the US and worldwide. His father is top brass in
Opus Dei and the Pope's right-hand man. The film's dialogue was written
by a mocking Jesuit named William Fulco, a professor of ancient Mediterranean
studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and a graduate of
occultic Yale. Believe me, the text which Americans cannot understand is
replete with 4-letter words, deliberately false translations and mockery.
Make no mistake! Mel made this film under the full authority of the Secret
Military Op known as the Society of Jesus, infamous for centuries for
controlling the governments of the world, and for their demonic philosophy, “be
all things to all men” in order to rule and control all men, adopting pagan
gods in order to prevent the spread of Christianity in foreign lands... which
got them banned by the Vatican and all European nations by 1773... and which Pope
was immediately murdered. Mel himself has Jesuit certification from
Loyola Marymount. Mel is a cognizant tool of Lucifer, to help the SJ
fulfill its 450-year old plan to destroy American Christianity, and after a
horrific Holocaust redux which will make the first one fade in importance, and
thereafter rule the world by Luciferian Communism. All Masonic orders,
including Bush's Yale Skull and Bones, are under the Jesuits (or Jewish Cabala,
whichever name you prefer), and all their efforts are engaged to this goal.
Secret Signs of Lucifer
Gibson & friends
created a new national jewelry fad, THE NAIL. As Jesuits,
Mormons, Masons, Jewish Cabalists and Satanists know, “The Nail” is a
not-so-secret code name for Satan, the Hebrew letter "V", pronounced “vav.”
Lucifer is stating this film is his, and that through it he is conquering
the Body of Christ (a correct assessment, as the Bible prophesied
2,000 years ago). Hundreds of thousands of “Christians” now wear the
mark of Lucifer not only permanently in their foreheads, but around their
necks. Amazing, isn't it? This film delights in the brutal,
systematic murder and death of Christ, as do all who display the “broken cross”
with a mutilated Christ figure on it. Ex Illuminati witches and priests
can tell you what a cross with that body on it really means.
Gibson insisted on personally driving THE NAIL (Lucifer) into the hand (power)
of Christ. When asked in a TV interview if that was his hand, he affirmed
it, emphasizing, “Yes, that is my LEFT HAND. In
Cabala and Illuminism, “Left Hand” is another term for Lucifer. This was
also a coy satanic reference toThe Left Hand Path, associated with
the Church of Satan, and also meaning “religions which advocate more than
one god.“ (Wikipedia). In high-level occultism, the LEFT EYE means Lucifer
(Blavatsky, et al), and represents the emotional door to the brain. Through most of the film, “Jesus” uses only the left eye,
and the film producer, Mel Gibson's Icon Productions, uses the left eye of an
icon of the Queen of Heaven.
“For I am going to raise up a shepherd over the
land who will not care for the lost, or seek the young, or heal the injured, or
feed the healthy, but will eat the meat of the choice sheep, tearing off their
hoofs. Woe to the icon shepherd that leaves the flock! The sword
shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall completely wither,
and his right eye shall be
utterly darkened.” - Zechariah 11:17
(Icon Productions does
not produce Christian films.) The movie was released on ancient pagan
“Ash Wednesday,” a pagan holiday pre-dating Jesus, beginning an ancient 40-day
fast leading up to sexual human sacrifice rituals, and having absolutely
nothing to do with Christianity or the Bible, again proving occultism of Gibson
and this film. Many people walked out of Ash services into Mel's satanic
film, wearing the Mark of Cain (or Nimrod, Sun god, Suncross) on their foreheads, a suncross with 4 equal arms. Doesn't this
break your heart, dear reader?
“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away
comes first... The coming of the
lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and
lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish,because they did not receive the love
of the truth, that they might be
saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not
believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” - 2nd Thessalonians
Through this film, we
have seen how thousands of pastors, evangelists and ministries, and millions of
professing Christians, have completely failed to heed God's Voice, proving also
that they cannot discern the spirits, and that they are false prophets, blind
leaders of the blind. This is why this film is so important. You have seen here, that most who
use the name Christian are not Christian at all, for Jesus said, “My sheep hear
my Voice.” You have seen
firsthand that pastors and ministries are following Lucifer, who appears as
Jesus, i.e. as an angel of light, yet they all believe they are ministers and
missionaries for God, with a correct
understanding of the Gospel and the Bible. Yet they are liars. This
is a heavy and very depressing truth, but a very valuable lesson for those who
love God more than themselves.
In closing, there is one
more thing to know: that in the very severe hardship and horror about to
come over America and the world (starting this year with a financial
catastrophe), you must separate yourselves from these false churches and
ministries. If a missionary or pastor could not discern the very obvious
fact that this film was from Lucifer, how will they lead you through the
incredible deceptions coming in the next couple years? Never in history
has it been more important to “come out of Egypt, that you not partake in her
curses.” If you do not separate yourselves from these false Christians,
you will come under the severe judgment and death (physical and spiritual)
which God is ready to unleash on this blaphemous church. These are the
pastors and evangelists, who have preached the Freemasonry message of Billy
Graham, that we must “just invite Jesus into our lives” but who cannot disern
spirits, or sin, or the enemy, and who do not teach the second part of
salvation, which is the complete, full, unconditional surrender of our will,
our dreams, our daily decisions to God. There are those who say,
“If they are preaching Jesus, then it is okay.” This is a lie of Lucifer
GOSPELS. The Jesus presented in The Passion will send
many to hell through a false gospel! Wake up, people! - don't
you see what Lucifer is doing through America? Lucifer's main job is
building churches, not witch covens! Don't you know what the obelisk and
temple of Jupiter in Washington, D.C. mean?! Don't you know that George
Bush and Ashcroft are Luciferians dedicated to the destruction of the last
remnant of true Christianity? Every American Evangelical and Charismatic
leader whose name is known is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and in bed with
Lucifer! I have a library full of evidence, but here, with this film, God
is bypassing the books so that all the world can see that the American
Christianity is a lie, and worse - it works for Lucifer. Be very
careful... most pastors and evangelists are very stubborn, determined people --
they tend to do things because they want to, because they have a vision, and
the ability and will to make it happen... NOT because God
asked them to, and NOT because each day they hear specific instructions.
These people are not humble before God, or before man. They say a prayer
each morning, then go out and follow the leading of their own corrupt
heart. God has sent false spirits to teach them... STAY AWAY
FROM THESE MEN AND WOMEN OF STRONG WILL, for their way is not God's way!
You have been given the Holy Spirit, so you can hear for yourself!
Stop back weekly for
much more research material to be posted about the witchcraft and Illuminism
of The Passion, including a summary of the 150-year falling away,
links exposing the “Christian” ministries which promoted this mind-control
project, details of the End Game of Lucifer and the many symbols and events he
has already programmed into the false American Christian Church.
- Baruch Hersche,
Switzerland, April 6, 2004
NOTE: (3.Mar.2004) This page was blocked for a few days through a
worldwide rerouting of the path URL - so that links from Google, Cutting Edge,
Dr. Henry Makow and others were rendered useless, and I apologize to those who
have tried to read it recently. Apparently the appearance on the front page of Cutting Edge caught
the eye of someone at the Jesuit / Cabala Beast HQ, and I would guess it was
blocked for about 1 week, just as thousands were trying to read it.
Fortunately, many thousands read it first - and can now read it again. If the
SUN CULT loved the introduction, they will certainly love parts 2, 3 and 4.
This blocking was not done on my server, which is run by a friend, and could
only have been done from the very top of the world's network of 13 Internet
hubs, who control domain routing and such, which are run by Cabala and the orgs
mentioned in this article. This is actually great news, for if the
antichrist does not block something, then it is sufficiently blasé and full of
error (does not expose antichrist) to get the enemy's stamp of approval. Don't
forget, Lucifer poses as an angel of light, and his highest intelligence is
used to build false churches and seminaries and to train pastors in darkness or
at least intellectual sermons, devoid of power, for his power is greater than
the intellectual power of the whole world, but cannot stop just one man filled
with the raw power of God.
There are only two
things which bother the Sun Cult: 1) shining the light on their hidden plans to destroy
powerful Christianity with a fake Christianity; and 2) teaching people to dig
out pride and paganism, and how to tear down strongholds in the Spirit. These
are the only weapons which destroy the Sun Cult (antichrist). The Sun Cult
laughs at evangelists who teach “just accept Jesus”, for Christianity without
power (miracles, and tearing down principalities) cannot touch the Illuminati,
who are not humanists but very “advanced” in the very considerable power of
Lucifer. Lucifer can very easily overcome Christians who “just believe” and who
“accept Jesus”, for this teaching is from he himself, and his many agents
inside the Church. If you do not know how to tear down strongholds, and don't
understand how the enemy works and how to discern which groups are working
for him, then you are the best friend of the Sun Cult and are yourself
antichrist, for the antichrist is not one man, but a spirit and very clever
Please feel free to copy
and post this article in its entirety, to the glory of God, and in the war
against Satan. There is no copyright on my material, for none of it originated
with me, as the Latin word "inspirio" makes clear. At this point in
my walk, I belief it is wrong for me to charge for the truth; truth without
which Christians are perishing. Every time I see a broadcast or website asking
for money or selling subscriptions, I also find doctrines and news which leads
people astray. There is something key here about money and the Gospel, which
goes back to the RAGE of The Christ, against Pharisees, Sanhedrin, Scribes, and
blasphemous money-making in the temple area. If you guessed that Cabala is
behind Catholic Indulgences, you are getting warmer. Obviously, the truth
herein has touched a secret, dark, pride-drenched nerve. There are no secrets
with God, and no secret societies of whom God approves, for all who love God
love the light, and gain power by exposing themselves to the light. Those
who love secrets and engage in secret activities are of the darkness of prince
of this world, building up a retirement account of awesome vengeance and wrath
before the courts of their Maker, the God of Abraham, whose presence results in
the humility and servitude... and POWER of Moses. If my sense is correct, this
Film is like the last call by Noah before the door swings shut on the ark,
Mercy is ended, and all hell breaks loose on the earth, and God's wrath on the
Illuminati and the destruction of their plans. A tiny group will survive until
near the end of the horror God will unleash on earth starting this year, not
because they beat God, but God will use them to purify His people, whose
wayward path has been exposed by this evil film - and then the surviving
Cabalists will find out just what the wrath of God really is, for it will not
be administered by man, but God Himself... forever. Suddenly, those who creep
in darkness, behind curtains and puppet strings and secrecy, will find out that
the serpent not only lied to Eve, but he lied to them as well! What a
horrible ending! The door is swinging shut... Are you in the ark?
Or in the Dark? Praise Yahweh, that vengeance is not mine, but belongs to the
Holy King of the universe, who has crushed the Queen of Heaven and the head of
Cabala's serpent!
And have no fellowship
with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things
which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the
light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: “Awake,
you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.” See
then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time,
because the days are evil.
- Ephesians 5:11-16
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