ICC Court Is an Instrument of US & EU Racist Imperialism...
Nixakliel - 05/19/2011 - 06:38
The International Criminal Court's [ICC] indictment of Khadaffi & Sons reeks of imperialism & racism. They aren't even trying to appear even-handed. IE: No mention of the Rebels attacks on Black Africans [including Black Libyans] or even dark skinned Asians - including apparently hunting them door-to-door, -nor- that F___K-US NATO [France, UK , US, NATO] are letting African refugees drown & starve to death at sea rather than let them immigrate to EU soil...; Nor that F___K-US NATO illegally [by US & international law & in violation w UN Res 1973] tried to assassinate Khadaffi- MURDERING his 3 GRAND-KIDS & his Son in the process - which was their Immediately Response to Khadaffi making yet another truce offer on April 30 [He's made other such offers - which F___K-US NATO & the AL-CIAeda inspired Rebels keep rejecting]...; Nor that F__K-US NATO are using DU encased warheads which will kill Libyan civilians even if they're not killed out-right as well as contaminate Libyan soil indefinitely [same as in Iraq]... - This ICC indictment is all about putting a veneer of phony 'legality' to [IE: white-washing] F___K-US NATO's assault on Libya - while demonizing Khadaffi. Yet its so-called evidence supporting its charges against him- IS THIN. AND- If the US refuses to sign-up to the jurisdiction of the ICC - why does it have the right to bring a case against anyone to the ICC - unless the ICC is subservient to the US & its allies??!! The ICC hasn't indicted the any of the Bush / Cheney / Bliar / Rumsfeld / NeoCon Gang [not even Yoo or Bibeby] - So it definitely won't indict O-Bomb-em , Billary, Rice-II, Sarkozy, Cameron, etc... The ICC only indicts mainly Africans that the US / EU have demonized & thus is nothing but an instrument of Racist Imperial Power - Thus all African & 3rd World Peoples should consider it as TOTALLY BOGUS!!! So much so that even the ICC's indictment of Sudan's Pres Al-Bashir should now be called into question.
Better late than never for
beverly - 05/19/2011 - 21:47
Better late than never for West to awake from his kool-aid stupor. However, he gets major points off for promoting Obama propaganda from the get go. This man isn't dumb; he knew all along the fraud that Obama was promulgating. Prominent and influential people such as West should have been calling out Obama, making demands on him, and mobilizing voters to do the same.
Is West prepared to totally break free from Obama's spell? It appears this might not be the case if he allowed Ed Schultz to make him look silly. Given the boatload of betrayal and destruction wrought by the administration, West (experienced on the pundit and lecture circuit) had plenty of material to work with and should have had no problem standing up to corporment stenos like windbag Ed Schultz. Perhaps West is lamely straddling the fence - tepid calling out of Obama while looking over his shoulder to make sure his gig as Harvard professor/favorite black ivory tower pundit of poser liberals remains in tact.
Peace All,
We hope this email finds you in revolutionary spirits. Thank you for attending African Liberation Day in the past. We are convinced that African Liberation will only be successfully when all African people engage in struggle to liberate our land and ourselves. We once again ask for your participation in African Liberation Day to help us move one step closer to achieving Pan-Africanism. Sometimes we can become discouraged that our small contribution is not making a dent in the struggle for our liberation. But the A-APRP is here to set the record straight, every ounce of work complete by every African or human that is in the best interests of our mother (Africa) and our people is positively contributing to achieving Pan-Africanism.
In this spirit we invite you out AFRICAN LIBERATION DAY 2011 to once again join us in the fight for our freedom and right to manage our own affairs!! We have several programs that we would like to invite you to and hope that you can attend at least one if not more of these great programs. This year we want to walk away from ALD with a cadre of individuals who are willing to do work for African People. This year’s theme is: AFRICAN LIBERATION DAY LIVES: ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE!!! The Eastern Region and the Canada chapter of the A-APRP are hosting three celebrations we humbly invite you to all three. The logistical information for the programs is below:
African Liberation Day Detroit, Michigan
39th Consecutive African Liberation Day
Starts Friday May 27, 2011 18:00 PM
Ends Saturday May 28, 2011 18:00 PM
Ticket Price $10
Where Cobo Hall 475 Washinton Blvd., Detroit, MI
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Help Build a Militant, Mass Movement to Expose and Smash the Imperialist Assault
on Africa, the African Diaspora, Latin America and the Middle East!
Saturday, May 21, 2011 from 1:30 to 7:00 PM EST
Emergence Community Arts Collective
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All the Black males in my family happen to be great intellectuals. On my moms side and my dads side. So, I just basically proved your theory wrong.
-yourlove_101 (A Sister)
Black people built our own and it was called BLACK WALL STREET. Multi millionaires running our own businesses and poor white people descended upon the residents of BLACK WALL STREET killing 3000 black people. That is the greatest mass murder in all of USA'S history.
-The Relic
No, Tamera is BIRACIAL, and if her dad is white then that explains her choice. If her father was black, and she were black I could understand your annoyance, but women usually go for guys who remind them of their fathers and men for women who remind them of their mothers. This is why black folks need to stop getting so annoyed and using biracials as prime examples of "blacks" chasing non-black people. If this was Sanaa Lathan or Gabriel Union I could understand, but blacks need to stop begging mixed people to love us exclusively when they are NOT exclusively black in the first place.
"Races of men" don't treat women better. Men of QUALITY treat women better.
Qualities of character are not racial.
attai1 wrote:
it's your own opinion and you're entitled too. Though statistically and factually it's not much supported.
- over a 1/3 of the British dream to settle ... in France according to opinion polls
- numerous Brits travel ... in France, buy properties everywhere in ... France (very few French people are buying a house/apartment-flat in the UK)
- a noticeable quantity of Brits are retiring in ... France (or Spain or Malta but they flee rainy Britain as soon as they can)
- thousands of Brits are coming into France for medical reasons due to the poor quality and long delays of the National health service.
- economically Britain has been severely hit in 2008, more than France and the pound sterling lost 20-25% of its value
- everybody can compare what a British student has to pay an what a French one is paying it's close to 1 to 10 in ratio.
i personnally like Britain, though to be honest more Scotland than England or Wales ; however I feel the quality of life is greater in France than in the UK (and I'm not paid by the French department of tourism to write this post).
Hum btw, who made Cannes and the Provence Riviera a magnet for tourists ? Queen Victoria and the British in the XIXth century, we kept dedicated to them "la promenade des Anglais" in Nice.
nb. Being seen as an African American is hardly negative with French Arabs/Blacks : my tutor and I were in an Arab café in Montreuil surrounded with French ethnic minorities and they were asking him all sorts of questions and he was the key attraction of the place :-)(i was there to translate and this was exhausting because everybody wanted to chat with the Black Yankee)
a whiteboi
Angleterre et Les Etats-Unis ont un tradition de pensee politique tres similar. Historically, Le Gauche Americain et Anglais n'etait pas fort comme La France.
Peut-etre vous avaez plus des protections sociales parce que beaucoups de votre ouvieres et intellectuels etais socialiste. La bourgeois faut conceder plus de protections sociales parce que le peuple Francais sont plus militant.
A Paris, j'ai vu votre manifestations contre le racisme pendant les annees 1980s. Il etait plus grand que les manifestations aux-Etats-Unis pendant les annees de Ronald Reagan,
La triste vérité est qu'en France même qu'en États-Unis il y'a des forces dedans le gouvernement qui se mobilisent avec le but de détruire tous les aspects appellés "socialistes". En France ce veut dire le systême social, tous les avances du "demosocialisme". En É-U le but est ce de détruire tous les agences et programmes mis en place pour FDR, LBJ, etc.
Le danger existe en tous les pays démocratiques... la vigilance dont Jefferson parlait est rendu nécéssaire ainsi... par les manipulations des riches, des vrai gouvernants... notres maîtres néo-féodals...
Et pourquoi les russes osent a DSK? Car maintenant ils jouent aussi au capitalisme.
Barros Serrano wrote:
I've had this same discussion with Africans in the USA, who were not naive and well aware that many whites who patronized them were hostile toward and fearful of AAs. There's a historical relationship to overcome; as the USA had enslaved and persecuted AAs, so France had colonized Africans, and so there is all the accumulated conflict, guilt, racism, etc.
Ai, je l'ai dit en anglais.
-Barros Serrano
Yesh, some folk are more perceptive than others. But I guess Essance Magazine just preferred that feel good story told by certain AA sisters in the pages of their mag. Did those ladies not even notice? Had they even HEARD of the National Front which had a 15% representation in the French Parliament. Or were they so wrapped up in their personal lives of global middle class consumerism to notice any injustice of which they were not themselves the target?
Le peuple Francais--les noirs, blancs Arabs, etc---etait tres amical quand j'ai visite votre pays. En effet, ils etait qauelquefois PLUS amical avec nous Americains Noir que avec notre compatriots blancs.
Many American blacks are actually surprised at this. Our media (and some former visitors to your country) tell us that the French are so vehemently anti-American and generally unfriendly.
While I did see some of that it didn't seem to be widespread. What surprise many of nous Americains noir etait les francais etait tres amical avec nous.
Of course, some older black people like those who visited France before the end of the Civil Rights Movement here --including my uncle Oscar who fought at Normandy---they virtually saw France as a paradise.(I think of Richard Wright---as Simone de Beauvoir mentions in "Amerique Jour en Jour"--introducing his famous French writer friend to Adam Clayton Powell's church in Harlem, saying something like "This is my friend Simone de beauvoir from Paris, France---a beautiful country with NO JIM CROW, no Lynch mobs, NO KKK..."etc.)
Some Afro-Americans were shocked when I told them about Le Front National de Jean-Marie le Pen. Some were saddened. But I also gave them the encouraging news that there were also sizeable anti-racist movements over there, including some group called SOS.
Other Afro-Americans, whose general attitude towards whites are less than flattering, would say "Well what did you expect from whites over there? Hell, the c____s over here come from over THERE? Did you think they'd be any better over in Europe? Don'tyou know what those bastards did to Africa?"
Suffice it to say that I am aware of French (and European) racism and antiracism, imperialism and anti-imperialism. For the most part, my stays during various trips to France were pleasant. But I was aware that many North Africans didn't find the situation quite so pleasant as I did.
Savant wrote:
Is this a recent experience? Most sisters from the USA whom I spoke to in France (or who have been to France) seems to think that that attitude of the French were actually quite friendly.
But my impression was also that we Blacks from the USA were not treated as poorly as Francophone Blacks. In fact, I have had personal experiences with the differences.
A man in a bistro near St Michel who was cordial and respectful to myself and this Black teacher from Harlem, but who was about to chase away the Francophone African guy who stopped to speak to us.(We threatened to leave, never return, and tell every American we met about the patron's behavior before he would get off the back of the African brother).
In fact, I thought some African-Americans---who often admit not feeling the burden of race in France nearly as much as we do at home--develop perhaps naive ideas about France.
On my return from Paris in 1987, some Black American women in an article published in ESSENCE magazine talked how great things were in Paris. I then wrote a letter to ESSENCE explaining that just as one finds that Blacks over HERE are often better treated than are we African-Americans (Africans were exempted from Jim Crow restrictions even before the victories of our Civil Rights movement), We often find ourselves better treated in France than are Francophone Blacks.
One correction. I'm not a woman, but an AA man. Well, I just don't know whether France is more or less friendly than UK for Black Americans generally and Black women in particular.
I know that historically, especially during the days of Jim Crow, many American Blacks saw Europe (especially France) as more enlightened in matters of race than our own country. And our intellectuals and artists, like many white intellectuals and artists, saw Europe as more welcoming and tolerant of art and intellectual values than the USA.
However, England and France haven't always had a LARGE Black population---except in their colonies, where racism was commonly quite explicit.
Perhaps as Black and other Third World peoples increase in proportion, Western Europe is proving to be less tolerant than previously thought.
Even Africans in America during the 1950s & 60s would have found themselves better treated than we African-Americans. I've tried to indicate to fellow American Blacks that our relatively "enlightened" treatment in Europe may be a European expression of the same hypocrisies with which we are so familiar here in Yankeedom.
know Obama is NOT a capitalist, but he BELIEVES in capitalism. Obama has no ownership (as far as I know) of any reserves of capital, of "means of production." In fact, most conservatives are not capitalists either. Most are foolish people who believe in a system that exploits and oppresses them.
Obama's problem is not ignorance in any general sense. He is HIGHLY INTELLIGENT, very gifted, and one of the best educated men ever to occupy the office of presidency. But alas, that does change the fact that he's a centrist or liberal corporativist, while you are a right wing or conservative corporativist. Just by being pro-corporate you are (even if unwittingly) allied witha class elitist agenda.
And BOTH political parties are corporate parties, parties subservient to corporate interests. It's just that the Republicans don't have a constituency such as the working class, oppressed racial minorities or non-conservative women they have to answer to.
Because the Democrats do have such a constituency, but are still a corporate party they have to at least pretend to be the party o the people, to support "main street" against the predations of Wall Street.
Hence, Barack Obama went so far as to say that the Chicago Windows and Doors workers (who took over the plant when employers tried to fire them without notice or severance pay) were RIGHT.
But once in office, Obama compromised away the full bodied universal health care program that he said he favored BEFORE he was elected. Before he was elected he told rallies of workers that he'd actually JOIN THEIR PICKET LINES if their rights to collective bargaining was attacked. Well unless I missed it, Obama has yet to even SPEAK on behalf of the workers whose collective bargaining rights have been attacked.
Until the mass of the American people break with CORPORATE politics and create some alternatives, we're going to continue getting screwed.
Malcolm X once said that the Right were like wolves, and liberals like foxes. The wolf was more or less OPENLY hostile to civil rights during the 1960s, while the smiling liberal fox pretended to be a friend.
But one had to struggle against the fox as well as the wolf if one didn't want to be eaten alive.
Malcolm's observations are plausible not only regarding racial justice, but regarding economic issues and economic justice as well.
It's time to break the back of corporate power! A blade in the throat of oppression!
The men who pulled the trigger on Malcolm X were Black. I don't think that's ever been in serious doubt.
There has been some question of FBI involvement. My research on that is not deep enough for me to form an strong opinion on that issue.
But given the activities of COINTELPRO at that time, FBI involvement is not implausible on the face of it.
And I've seen some FBI documents (probably released under authority of the Freedom of Information Act) which makes it clear that there were Cointelpro activities against Malcolm.
Of course, one tactic of the FBI at that time was to foment internal conflict within the Movement, and to widen any conflict which may already have existed.
I should not be surprised if the FBI were not provoking or at least intensifying tensions between Malcolm X and thosel loyal to Elijah Muhammad, and doing to to the point where an assassination was made more likely than it might have otherwise been.
By the way, it seems to be a matter of record that at least one of Malcolm X's security persons was an FBI plant. I think his last name was Roberts. However, he was black.
In fact, it would have been extremely difficult for a white person to kill Malcolm X.
A white assassin would have stood out like a sore thumb in the middle of Harlem where the assassination took place.
A white person killing Martin King would have been much easier, and did in fact happen.
Short of something like a murderous police raid on Malcolm's home such as was conducted by Chicago police (under FBI authority) against Fred Hampton in 1969, the only way that a white could have killed Malcolm in Harlen would have been to use some twisted black person to do the dirty deed.
A cooperative society, based on voluntary mutual associations. And yes, direct democracy---at least to the extent that this is possible. We may need to revisit communes, cooperatives, democratic councils.
At any rate the old society based on the gospel of work and money has become like a vampire, a walking cadaver. It has no life.
Either we shall have a democratic, cooperative society or barbarism.
Conscience Sister wrote:
Some are always posting simple minded nonsense about others involved in stupid behavior, yet never hear a word out of them when their own are involved in stupid / criminal behavior, no wonder they're looked at as stupid / ignorant.
Negative behavior has no race / religion, it crosses all boundaries. Again thank you for your comments.
-RC the Bx
if you would have ever heard malcolm speak, if u would have ever paid attention to what he preached you would know that he was not advocating anger and hatred towards the whites.insted he told his people that if the government could not protect them from the brutality and massacre that others where committing on them they should arm themselves for protection. read the cointelpro papers and it will give you an idea why most people have a wrong image of the great malcolm x. learn some history before u spew your ignorance online. what would you do if YOUR people where being hanged,killed,oppressed,humili ated just because of their skin color?
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God bless Jill Scott. I love all my sisters and my people. I just wish we had more faith in each other. We give up so easily because we have a bad experience or someone did us wrong. Love isnt always magical and easy. Often its about commitment and hard work. We have to realise that this special thing isnt readily available that we can just be with someone and just have it. We have to love ourselves and understand what/who we want to be for that special someone. Also we have to be patient and observe potential mates. In this cheap world something so special is not gonna be just around the corner. It will be a journey.
Kennyinbmore wrote:
Angela Bassett. Pure acting skills and doesn't just take any role to pad her bank account. She takes the right roles
Yes, Angela Bassett is a really classy sister, a sort of younger version of Cicely Tyson..Liked her in PANTHER, MALCOLM X, BOYS IN THE HOOD, WAITING TO EXHALE.
Dr. King on Black Power: