Sunday, February 24, 2013

Commentaries in 2013

Phaeton Moderator 1 day ago
Where is Cory Booker?  Bing (from Detroit).  I just think it was a photo op.  Those organizations are subsidized by the government.  So it was a meet and greet for them.  You can put a zillion organizations in a black neighborhood but the big elephant in the room is the HOME.


Knowledge Allah Moderator 1 day ago
Lets be honest, the system is what controls politics, not the person. And the system will dictate the moves of the individual, NOT the individual dictating the system. So with this fact in mind we know that the President will NOT be able to make meaningful changes towards progress within the black community because the system will not allow it. Picture white politicians and clergymen, white business owners and corporate execs giving Black America and our children the same economic, social and political power as them and their children. That would be threatening their own position within society and that no one would willingly do. They will never willingly open the doors for us to be able to compete with them or have the same control as them. Which is why for the past 6 decades unemployment amongst blacks in this country has been double that of whites. Our schools, neighborhoods and resources amongst our communities vs. that of theirs shows and proves the inequality they desire. Black people within this country generate around 1 trillion dollars annually. We already have economic power. But until we realize that power, until we come together and unify ourselves, until we organize and structure ourselves and come up with a real plan as a collective, we won't have anything. If black people want anything in this country the only we to get it is to come together and take it for ourselves. Stop waiting on Obama. That man is under the same capitalist system we all are. And under capitalism there are those who are the capital and those who capitalize off that capital. This country thrives of the prison industrial complex. So it is profitable to keep majorities of Black men within the system. It is profitable to wage war because the active system within this country thrives off of it. Etc. etc. Until we come together and demand change and stop waiting for someone to give it to us... Remember anything someone had to give you can be taken away. Add on. Peace


Not many of us think we're Egyptian. There is evidence that many (if not most) ancient Egyptians prior to foreign conquests were people who today would be called Black, and fifty years ago would have founded themselves subject to De Jure segregation. But this no more gives me a reason to believe that I, most likely a descendant of West Africans, am really Egyptian (or descendant of ancient Egyptians), than the fact that classical Greece was phenotypically white (at least predominantly so) gives the average Euro-American grounds to believe that he's a descendant of Periclean Athenians or Spartans. The "Black" groups in Africa are at least as diverse as the "white" groups in Europe. A Black Egyptian 3300 years ago would have felt more kinship with a white or "mixed" Egyptian than with a Black from Nubia. A "White" or mixed Egyptian would have felt more kinship with an Egyptian who was Black than with white non-Egyptians in Greece or the Near East. Similarly, white skinned Hellenes or Romans would have deemed it ludicrous if you told them they were to be lumped together with Celtic or Germanic people. In a way these debates about the racial character of the ancients, and our possible descent from them, amounts to projecting our modern racial concerns onto to people for whom these concerns would have been laughably absurd. As W.E.B Du Bois wrote in DARKWATER, "The ancient world would have laughed at such a distinction." Perhaps later generations will also find these concerns and obsessions laughable.



Most American Muslims are moderates. Maybe even most Arab Musiims are, but they do have more extremists.
I doubt that they're the majority, but there are far too many of them.

If your source if Foxnews it isn't worth looking at.
Fact the facts: YOu got outvoted, and despite the efforts of reactionaries to suppress the Black and Latin vote. That effort really backfired!



all the so-called "aware" folks on threads like this know that no BM, including President Obama, is in charge.The folks who decide if WIII will happen are all WM. Let's keep it real.

But some are still falling for the OLD CON GAME of racial scapegoating/distraction instead of facing the FACT that your worst enemy looks like the man or woman in the mirror.

At some point, you will have to make a choice: keep practicing racial politics OR deal with the real enemy to survive. It's just that simple


Madraven Reply:

Yeah they called her a cunt. It doesn’t surprise me that they disrespected her like that. They have no respect for older black folks so naturally our children get none. And black people definately need to stay aware as well as vigilant cause the tide is starting to turn back towards the 50′s. Anyone who can’t see that is blind. The word nigger being freely thrown around(gwyneth paltrow, lisa lampanelli, quentin tarantino), our kids devalued(too many examples to list) and movies where black folks only play maids and slaves if they’re in the movie at all(the help, django unchained). Yep it’s the 50′s all over again-peep the game people cause now they aren’t even trying to hide it.


aries |
does she refer to whites as white trash, cr_---r and things of that sort in her comedy, cause that makes it different, but I only read that she used slurs for blacks, gays, Hispanics and Asians, don’t leave out the white race, there r some names for them as well, I saw her on Donald Trump’s Apprentice and she seemed racist on there, I saw her attitude toward Arsenio Hall.


Black Pearl |
I am so sick of that damn word. Lisa Lampanelli ain’t nothing but, white trash.
I was watching Wendy when she went in on Lisa’s use of that disgusting, degrading and dehumanizing word as a form of endearment for her white friend.
For the first time I was really proud of Wendy.


Yada3x |
2nd time viewer, 1st time poster
Had a black celeb posted a photo and said they were “hanging out with their h_-- , s----, or some other offensive slur” they would have been fired from whatever show they were on or gig they had. Don’t believe me ask Isaiah Washington?
What is even more insulting is that she goes even further and tries to insult our intelligence! ‘Ask anybody who reads the urban dictionary it means friend’?? What urban dictionary is she referring to? But I mean they do say “if you ever want to hide something from a black person put it in a book”, so I guess what the word was set to represent historically is a non m_------g factor in the 2Gs. Its a word that can not be put into context by people who aren’t black, thats the bottom line.
Now I usually don’t refer to my friends as my n------- in general conversation. Don’t get me wrong back in the day I did use it as a substitution for a BLACK PERSON WHO IS REFERRING TO THEIR BLACK FRIEND (or friend of any other race, but be careful because that is how they get more comfortable with it), but now its my peeps, my chicas, my boy, or heres one for shock value…my friend. As a word for friend I don’t use it anymore. That would be like me saying “I was bailing down the street”. No, I’m going to say I was walking. Its just played out. Black people are so far ahead when it comes to setting the standard on what is cool, that when others try to do it its usually a fail because we are on to the next. People have been copying us for so long they think the s---- is theirs. But I don’t think that was the case with Lisa, I agree with whomever said she was trying to check the “race temperature”. Well it stay hotter than fish grease and if you don’t believe me ask Al Green!
It could definitely be argued amongst us folks that we give the word too much power, when used outside of our race. But just like we set the standard on cool, we set the standard on forgiving, and black people will continue to check for Lisa just like we continue to check for other people who have said and done worse. So to the person who thought we have more issues plaguing our community, you are trying to treat a disease with a bandaid. Where do you think all of the self destruction came from? If you don’t think removing that word from our vocabulary would have a ten fold effect in a positive direction then you need your ghetto pass revoked. I am not so much of an idealist to say that it would eradicate our problems but words are powerful. This one happens to stir emotions both love, hate, and still worse, self hate. Even if we hear it as term of endearment, we still hear its other meaning. And when we have been conditioned to still believe that someone of another race is the authority and master on all things relating to us, on top of the fact that their use of the word has a negative connotation; it can be said by millions out of love but all it takes is one of us to believe and act on its negative meaning. Thus the creation of so called Black on Black crime (which will always be highest among black people, the same as white on white crime or any other race. I hate when people cite those stats) and everything else you see as a more pressing problem.
And somebody tell Lisa black folks put baby powder under their shirts, not in the middle of their face.
PS. Don’t know who you are Jacky (yes I will google next) but last night my friend told me I have to check out the site. Definitely digging it.


azumanation 2 weeks ago
Also we must bear in mind that a week before the premiering of Django BET & other mainstream broadcasting stations aired Roots/slave documentaries back to back repetitiously for a whole week straight as if they were preparing our minds to be seeded by the movie Django??? remember black people a white director like Quentin Tarantino could never depict the true ugliness of slave history to white America because it would have severely offended it. so in essence the movie was watered down....

cont'd...painfully this was easy to trick so many of them due to the fact that they went to that movie to be entertained. so many of them only could pick up the exoteric meaning of the film. neglecting to see the esoteric meaning of the movie that shot pass their conscious mind & embedded it's self into their subconscious mind. as I stated before their minds have long since been put in a trance induced state when viewing Quentin's movies. yep the Genie is right we are in big trouble!!!!

Django made me realize that a lot of brothers & sisters that claim to be conscious is not conscious at all! their lack of basic Psychoanalysis & Subliminal perception skills rendered them to be sucked into the muck of celluloid oblivion... many of them surprised me that they could not pick up many of the triggers that was hidden all throughout the movie? this is because their minds had been thoroughly conditioned & fried by Quentin Tarantino movies years before they became so called conscious.


Heart of Gold                         
I really dont care who other people date, but as a black woman i am tired of being talked down to by other blacks (mostly women) because i strongly prefer black men.   Is it such a crime that i want a black family like the one i had growing up (newsflash!! i had a mother and a father, both black)? Are other races of women made to feel bad because they have a partner that looks like them?  Maybe we should spend more time coming together and  uplifting one another instead of running away from issues.  And by the way, not every black man thinks or behaves like IceT.  Just like not every man is a drug dealer, rapper, or has a baby mamma.


That is the problem many weren't raised with a Black mother and father, so they don't have any value in raising or being a part of a Black family. The concept is foreign or not that important. They don't have the same experiences or memories. That's why many of them are running scared to other groups instead bettering themselves and the community. And other races see their dysfunction and lack of foundation and want no parts of it.


Ummm tigerlily01 your way off! Every black man is not on drugs or passing out aids. You sound really stupid. My husband is hard working monogamous never been in jail no baby women are allowed to love and want a black man.......



Most black men DO NOT f_----- anything. Ice T, speak for yourself. And while you're at it, grow up! There is nothing worse than an old GERITOL PIMP reminiscing about the early 1970s.


toomuch |
No one should be using the “n” word. It’s disrespectful no matter what color you are. Lisa Limpshit is friends with Lena Dunham who already has problems with people of color. Birds of a feather flock together.

How to detect a fake "conscious" brotha or sista.....they'll not know our history or very little of it. They rarely research or read; they're still under the spell of western culture, fall head first for every war tactic devised against us ( there are many)....for our demise. They do not recognize who our enemies are...will run to this movie and think it's "great". They themselves use "n" in reference to themselves & each other. BOYCOT THIS MOVIE!!

Black Pearl |
People like Lisa Lampanelli and others like her who continuously use the N-word are one of the problem of our race. And for those of you who don’t think that it is a problem, then you are apart of the problem. I feel sorry for you.
I don’t support LL or any of the rappers who use the word. None of my family, friends or associates uses the word. If they use the word, it’s not around me.
White folks know that many of us will talk loud but, do nothing. They know that they can say and do anything they want to us and we will always crawl back to massa.
Quentin Tarantino wasn’t worried about black folk going to see his movie, he said that black folks understood him. I don’t support anybody whether they are black or white that disrespects our race.

and the social ills we have picked up even more than anyone else is a leftover remnant of the destruction from enslavement and present day institutional racism and prejudices which purposely has tried to make black people hate each other more and more and not focus,unite or build with each other to build our people up to the power we once had, which requires for the black man and black woman to have a strong family structure, which strengthens and recycles strong black people as a whole


b3autiphulmokha 1 year ago
we need these positive images of black love!!!


Agreed. Those right wing efforts in Florida and other states to suppress or at least stifle tha Black (and Latin) vote would have been even more extreme were the Voting Rights Act not available to block them. The Right is more or less determined to re-established Jim Crow in new forms.



Actually, there was a brilliant civilization in Mali and Snnghai that was predominanly Muslim. But Muslim invaders from the North, far less civilized than the culture of Songhai (as Vandals and Goths, though Christian, were less advanced than Romans) demolished the society. They demolished libraries and; or stole books (as commodities for sale; they weren't interested in LEARNING). And I think that the Univerasity of Timbuktu scholar Ahmed Baba, was taken captive and his library seized. But West Africans were less fortunate after the fall of Timbuktu than West Europeans after the collapse of Rome. For barely had Songhai collapsed than West Africa was beset by the slave trade. Songhai, had it survived, might have at least stifled and limited the slave trade if not ended it altogether parts of Africa.

Oui, ll'influence des poetes de Negritude. Mais l'ecriture aux DAMNES DE LA TERRE is plus lucide. C'etaot plus populaire aussi pendant les annees 60s parmi les revolutionnaires come Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, etc. Even Dr. King, who describes LES DAMNES DE LA TERRE as "well written", can hardly conceal his admiration for Fanon's call to try to "set afoot the new man." (But, of course, King regrets Fanon's call pour la revolution VIOLENT contra l'imperialisme. Comme dit Dr. King "Revolution, oui! La violence, no".)



You apparently didn't understand my analysis. Revolutionizations of the instruments of production has always been a part of capitalism, more so than in any previous social order. But previously the results were labor saving devices which revolutionized social and economic life. Human labor produced those earlier technologies as well. HUman labor under capitalism has craated the new LABOR REPLACING devices. This portends not simply the change in labor--as in earlier changes from agricultural production by peasant cultivators to industrial production by urban and industrial workers. It carries the prospects of the elimination of labor as such. We've already seen indications of that, and some people foresaw this development as far back as the 1950s &60s when they were talking about automation. As the progress of this revolution under capitalism continues, it may well be the DISAPPEARANCE of labor that we face. Initially, it was unskilled labor that was eliminated. And one of the reasons why Black or Latino laborers face such high unemployment, even before the reat of the nation, is due to the fact that the racial caste system kept them disproportionately locked into that level of the economy. But now the elimination fo labor is moving up the scale, destroying the livelihoods of middle class professional people as well. Actually, the disappearance of labor has a potentially positive side. Under more democratic conditions it could mean greater leisure (the basis of freedom and culture) for ORDINARY people. Such leisure and freedom has historically only been available to the elites. But under capitalism, and elitist class system like all others, the disappaerrance of labor means economic ruin. Moreover, to defend its privileges while ruining the masses the 1% must erode our civil liberties as well. For eventually the people will resist--the global Occupy insurgencies and labor uprisings being perhaps mere a foreshadowing of things to come. Without economic democracy we cannot sustain political democracy. (Civil liberties are increasingly under attack under BOTH Republican and Democratic administrations). Economic ruin and political tyranny--both already under way--spells a future of barbarism


And the only MACEO I know (or know of) is a brother from Bmore's Black Panther Party who had to split for Sweden when the cops nearl killed him, is wife and their baby boy in his crib. A brother, recently deceased named Truxton, told me about this. Truxton (formerly with the Deacons for Defense) tells me that about 2 or 3am, Bmore police pulled up in front of Maceo's house and OPENED FIRE!The place was riddled with bullets. A bullet went through the head board of the baby's crib. Maceo decided to leave the USA and go to Sweden, which was probably the most progressive country in Europe at that time. I don't know if he ever returned or evenif he's still alive. As for Loulou, she seems not to have the high level of social consciousness that I've heard was so common in Scandinavia. Now the few Scandinavians I've met seem to be pretty cool. And I know that Dr. King--on one occasion even Malcolm X---spoke very highly of Scandinavia. But all countries have different kinds of people with diffeent mindsets. Of course, it could some Scandinavians are moving toward the right. After all, Breivak didn't just drop out of the sky.



Are you really from France? Stephane Hessel is VERY well known there, and your posts reeks of the ignorance of somone on the mental level of OhReally. READ INDIGNEZ VOUS! before you express any opinions about it. Either that or expose yourself as a fool. Now just for starters: Hessel was a member of the FRENCH RESISTANCE under Nazi occupation. He also survived and escaped one of the Nazi camps. He joined the Free French forces under De Gaule; and with Eleanor Roosevelt helped to create the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. He was an OPPONENT of colonialism. A Jewish man, he supported both Israel's right to security and Palestinian rights to national sovereignty. He opposed both Arab terrorism and Israeli human rights violations in Gaza and the West Bank--thus adopting a more discriminationg and balanced attitude than one normally finds with people who weight in on this issue. And Hessel non calls for NONVIOLENT resistance to plutocracy and corporate power, resistance to militarism and racism. And he invokes Gandhi, King & Mandela as the voices with the messages of greatest relevance to our times. INDIDNEZ-VOUS! has sold millions of copies worldwide, and became popular within the Occupy Movement. Indeed, it was first brought to my attention by a BLACK student involved with the Occupy Movement. Now kindly INFORM yourself before making judgments on Hessel or others whom you know not, or commenting on books or ideas you've not studied or even read. If you really are a Black person (from Europe, Africa or wherever) then stop writing drivel that is more in keeping with American anti-intellectual pish posh



The system of economic (as well as racial) inequality is imperiling more and more people, even educated people who were relatively secure one or two generatons ago. I'm a homeowner, or rather I'm paying a mortgage. But the real difference between me and most of the folk with whom I grew up in East Baltimore, is that they're ONE paycheck from homelessness and destitution while I'm probably two or three paychecks away. And the difference between me and many of my fellow academicians or educated professionals, is that I'm AWARE of this fact while too many of them are hiding from it.



Contemporary capitalism IS corporate. It is certainly no longer (if indeed it ever was) some community of freeholders envisioned by Jefferson.



holycrap wrote:

The last man standing is the total opposite of capitalism. Capitalism needs people. People are the most valuable resource in capitalism.
Those who believe they are following capitalism using the last man standing model are the ones ruining capitalism.
People have long had the status of commodities under capitalism. But before the electronic revolution within capitalism people were at least still needed for labor. Previously, technological revolutions within capitalism served to create labor saving devices which enhanced the productivity of labor while requiring less labor to create more and more wealth.
But somewhere along the way, with the electronic revolution, capitalist technological revolutions moved from creating labor saving devices to creating LABOR REPLACING devices. Now a robot can probabably produce more cars than could a thousant auto workers in the 1960s or 70s. They've even got robots that can do hip replacement surgery. That why you hear about "jobless" economic recoveries after a slump. In the 1960s a recovery meant greater employment. But as it has becoe increasingly possible to create wealth without labor, and by means of the very technology created by labor, the worker is becoming obsolete.
Now the market is not concerned about the inherent worth of the human being, or the "sacredness of the human personality," of which Dr. King and other Christian humanists spoke. Labor and the laborer is of value only if he can expand production and profit. Otherwise he (or she) is, from a capitalistic standpoint, without any value. Things take priority over person.
Why feed or pay the laborer when you can create wealth without him or her?
Our quest for the righ to be human, to live with dignity as human beings, increasingly puts us at odds with capitalism.
Civilized life can no longer be sustained on a capitalistic foundation. WE must create a new more cooperative society with democatic governance of technology and wealth centered in human communities.
Otherwise our future will be a nightmare. The struggle is now a fight between civilization an barbarism. Capitalism is the path toward barbarism,


@MegaMalik30 I have to tell the truth, When Dr Umar Abdullah Johnson speaks I just get energized and ready to assist this Brother in doing what he gotta do or we gotta do as a people. Oh Im excited about this brother here fam. I see something!

-A Person


MegaMalik30 1 year ago
There's nothing wrong with you all labeling it black love and marriage, and making that the staple point for exactly that....we as a people have to be able to have something for ourselves without being targeted for assimilation ....the divide between black men and black woman has come to be due to the social set up of this land, and the assimilational tactics of amerikkka in the first place.....


The sky is not falling, and nobody stole the election from Romney--, as Republicans arguably stole the 2000 election with their shennanigans in Florida, and TRIED to steal ther 2013 election by attempting to suppress or stifle the Black and Latin vote.
By the way, I've read that nearly half of Republican voters believe that the 2013 election was stolen by ACORN. But thanks to the McCarthyistic campaign against ACORN it has not existed since 2010. And I can assure you that the GHOSTS of ACORN didn't steal the election either.
America is changing. It the fault of the Right if it is out of touch.
Now you try to make a LAUHABLE personal insult. But every INTELLIGENT and EDUCATED poster in AA Forum KNOWS that Savant is very well educated. Far more so that you. You may wish to take your childish insults elsewhere.
Again, Romney LOST the election. Nobody stole it from him. No Communist or Muslim conspirators were involved either, little boy. LOL!950



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