In fact, Sone reminds me of those Europeans who complain that people are always talking about what Hitler did to the Jews, as though the Jews were his only victims.Dr. Savant, there is injustice to all poor(including whites) but she want to claim since it's there it's OK for OTHER form of injustice which is totally unethical.
I was shocked when my Polish(Catholic) co-worker told me that his grand parents were in concentration camp by Hitler. Also, KKK didn't just kill black but also immigrants and Catholics. It just shows the repulsive nature of racist and also WHY we should oppose all racism. If I sit and relax on lynching a black, it's not very far when I get my own turn. Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.
Now, the sone is a classical example of closest racist and backstage cheerleader. You can SPOT them easily by their ASSOCIATION with the racists and cheering them. She doesn't say a word on the racist trolls on this thread who use derogatory words on blacks but ask me to go back. It's just like those women who'll CHEER when men were getting lynched but will ASK other good white people to go back or call them unpatriotic. It's very nice way to SUPPRESS voice of people of color, remember even the Bush used the same philosophy said those who aren't with us are against us. That's how he pulled this country into 2 war fronts. Hypocrite annoy me more than the real racist.
Also, white men went to Asia, Africa, etc for looting and killing. Why didn't she go and ask them to go back if they didn't VALUE the morals of the continents ? Also, why doesn't ask our troops to come out of Iraq which didn't have anything to do with 9/11 ? She'll not have answer but she knows to look at world through her PINK glasses.
Now you know the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, in ANTI-SEMITE AND JEW, noted that the KIND of people who in Europe hated the jews, in Amerioa hated the Blacks. Sartre even went so far as to say that Blacks are become America's pariahs as Jews were in Europe.
And some whites in America argue regarding injustices towards Blacks as some anti-Semitic Europeans do when repression of Jews is mentioned. "Why are you always talking about wrongs done to Blacks?" they query disingenuously. "Don't whites suffer injustices also?" Of course, no one denies the oppression of non-Blacks in America any more than non-Jews in Europe. But everybody is not a DUNCE or a RACIST knows that Blacks in America, like Jews in Europe, are especially singled out for superexploitation and repression exceeding even that of poor whites--sometimes, sadly enough, with the cheerleading support of many poor whites and whites of all other classes as well.
As long as the Demoratic Party was dominated by white right segregationist, and recognized as the party of white supremacy (at least in the South), poor whites clung to the Democratic Party. At least MANY did.
I hear what you're saying, that they feel this way. But is it true? I don't think it is. The programs that the Democrats instituted benefit poor people, whatever their color. So the question is why in the world do the poor whites perceive that the Democrats have treated them unfairly or that they have catered to blacks at their expense?
With the triumph of the Civil Rights movement at the time of "liberal" Democratic administrations, backward poor whites heeded the appeals of the Republican Party with its "southern strategy" and implicit appeals to white resentments and white racism.
Of course, more progressive workiing class and poor whites saw through the charade and didn't take the Republican bait.
I would also like to commend those of your compatriots who protested the death penalty. Two Fridays ago, the BALTIMORE AFRO-AMERICAN NEWSPAPER put on its front page a picture of demonstrators in Paris protesting the then impending execution of Troy Davis. Some of us intend to insure that they will never forget the name of Troy Davis.
yes and the whole trial should have been brought to naught and restarted but ... it's clear in this case, they - the family, the police, the DA, the various appeal courts up to the always blood thirsty Bush US supreme court, politicians - wanted a Black scape goat to pay ... by any means necessary. i've witnessed the incredible nonsense of the family "justice is served" (!) and the stupidity of most reports by the main channels : interviews of the son who had 3 or 6 months when his father was killed ... and no interview of the recanting accusers naturally, no presentation of the facts, no real work of a real journalist. It was so obviously biased in the news reports, and not just Fox news, that you could tell they would prefer kill one, two or three Black innocents rather than confess a mistrial and another police forfeiture and another big failure of the US judiciary.
So they murdered Troy Davis.
I've seen in DC a white worker wearing a t-shirt "I am Troy Davis" and that was a comforting sight but it doesn't change the sad news.
a whiteboi
We will make it like the name of the Protestant whose murder provoked Voltaire to rouse the conscience of your country and Europe, and with the cry "Ecrasez l'Infame!" Or Zola's "J'accuse!"
We will make this execution, and the SYSTEM which allowed it, to live in infamy. Both in America and the world. Ecrasez l'Infame!!!
Death to racism! Prison or exile for the racist!
Both opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, without which i would have the same legal status as pariah as did my father and grandfather.I wasn't even bothered by what was the agenda of tea party as they sound so fanatics.
Ron Paul is a racist and for trying AA kids as young as 13 as ADULT, his son seems more retarded though.
Rand Paul tried to dance around it on MSNBC, but Rachel Maddow exposed and NAILED him. Now he only appears on FoxNews