Once again, well said. The thing is not to pretend that there are no people who are of diffenrent color but to aknowledge it and say that, regardless of the color, we all should be equal in all meaning of that word and we are still not.
Problems do not go away by pretending they do not exists. Seeing them is the first step forward, denying them is a leap backwards.
Regarding Mr King as well as Malcom X they have been misquoted for so long that people do not understand at all what they were all about. They were both true visionaires who wanted to dismantle and wipe out racism totally. King was not loving the american system and X was not hating whites for fun. They both hated the white american system of oppression and both of them did understand that one basic element of that system, corner stone of that system, was social unequality and poverty. That is why they were both killed by that System.
Louis DeCaro Jr.
It’s really quite wrong when whites start promoting that “reverse racism” stuff. If a so-called white man doesn’t understand that being “white” is the norm and standard of everything in this society, and that this translates into real power, then he won’t understand the validity of this blog. Yes, blacks can be racially prejudiced. But racism has a history that whites do not understand because they don’t need to, since the world works for them as if naturally. Whites with extended, meaningful relationships with black people usually come to understand that blacks cannot take everyday things for granted the way whites can. To point this out is not reverse racism or “racist.” It’s reality. In a period when it is no longer fashionable to be outrightly, overtly, and ignorantly racist, the fact is that the majority “white” population have re-tooled their worldview. They don’t need to use the N-word except in private, and instead express their racialism in the political, social, cultural, and religious venues that carefully accommodate the centrality of whites. The point is that whites are always the norm, the regular, the standard human. Everyone else of color, especially blacks, have a racial prefix attached to their lives. When they let slip their racism, here and there, they act scandalized, as if it were an alien influence. But the majority white society is made up of “well-meaning” people who inherently exercise their racial prerogatives by the social circles, churches, politics, and cultural “votes” they cast everyday, as well as how they choose to overlook and deny the manifestations of racism. People don’t even have to be mean to do so, they just perpetuate the racial sensibilities that make them the most comfortable, and then point their fingers at the minority of flagrant, ignorant racists who are still working with the social toolbox of the mid-20th century. Let’s stop this whining about black racism and reverse racism.
@ Abagond,
Deftly written and that test is a good measure although the instincts i had were to go for none of the answers although number 3 might in fact be the truth if i were to really look into the mirror. I guess racism for whites is a one day at a time struggle like alchohol or drug abuse. Own the addiction don’t let the addiction own you, as they say.
@ Louis De Caro Jr.,
Nicely stated. I think ‘reverse racism’ as some of the whites posters would like to shriek about is really a bunk concept altogether. As soon as they surrendar the white systemic supremacy that they have clung to for so long, then we can’t even talk about reverse racism as we know it. That reverse racism conversation is so far from the reality of white global privilege.
TMZ is racist and Chris brown is color struck.
-Miss Jackson
Quote: Originally Posted by Cantaloupe Didn't he make fun of Sandra the blogger about her dark skin color? If he can be racist then why can't others. Him and Lil Wayne are such hypocrites. Its okay for them to be racist and then they turn around and cry when the same thing is done to them.
and they also have a poll asking if "rappers" are inherently violent.
next it will be are black people inherently violent. black folks will sure cut a backdoor for themselves even where none are present
beat me to it. as i said in the other post, when we cosign their discreet racist f_____ just because folks dont like cb, we are complicit in cosigning racism towards all blacks.
I've been reading and watching them for a long time and they have done and said some bogus stuff concerning african americans--bogus. they KNEW they better not say a damn negative thing about Heavy D and certain others. its really relevant on the tv show, the stupid shit they said to Samuel Jackson about race etc... they generalize alot about blacks, we smoke only Newports, eat fried chicken, slavery and watermelon, it goes on and on. I don't mess w/them like I used too cause some of the things are truly offensive to me-I keep it moving.
I think if someone like Denzel said that TMZ is racist then there would have been different responses. I took the whole is Chris Brown inherently violent is them saying are black people inherently violent. But then again, I don't know if they meant b/c of his dad being violent or what. I think TMZ goes in on black people more than white people. I have listened to their show plenty of times and the black people on that show even make some sideways remarks. Do I think Chris is somewhat crazy? Yes but TMZ can go overboard on the black racist comments.
I haven't finished the thread yet, but TMZ is DEFINITELY racist! My hubby and I vowed to never watch the show again during an episode that had a story about both Chris Brown and Charlie Sheen. This was when the whole Charlie Sheen scandal was at it's peak. Anyway, in one segment they talked about CB with such disgust, you could see it on their face, they weren't even trying to hide it. The very next segment they had CS and they were laughing and talking about him with such delight, and how they hope his crappy ass show stays on the air and blah blah blah. TMZ always rubbed me the wrong way but after that mess, I was DONE! And to be honest, it's not just with CB, with any black celeb they find a way to spin the story negatively. And I can't believe that people are in here co signing this how to shoot black people segment. I tell you, if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything!
It was only in the 1980s that the late Dr. Manning Marable was dscribing th4 USA as the SECOND most racist nation on earth.(First prize went to South Africa).
White Americans do have a bad image with regards to racism in many peoples eyes but they're noting compared to the Russians in the modern era. I wouldn't think twice about visiting the whitest part of the USA but Russia and Eastern Europe in general is out of the question.
I'm just saying this so you know Europe isn't a race relation heaven many parts are worse than anywhere in the USA. I can't exactly name which countries but I'd say Russia, Poland, Ukraine etc. Then again I know very little about mainland European societies due to language barrier I am more aware with what is happening in the USA than lets say France which is next door.
We are learning more about problems of racism in Europe, especially in light of the economic crisis over there.
Sorry I gave you props when I meant to hit the remote button. Now part of what you say is correct. Slavery was an abomination. Your comments about Africa are shortsighted.
First, how did Africa get in the situaiton that it is? How did the kingdom of the Kongo, once stable and peaceful, become a disaster area? How did the once prosperous lands in the western Sudan--lands where once thrive Mali, Songhai & Timbuktu University---get into the desperate shape they're in now?
You say that the one good thing that came out of slavery is that we're no longer in Africa. I would propose that people STUDY Africn history, for the slave trade is one of the reasons Africa is in the shape it is today.
I would suggest that people acquaint themselves with the works of Walter Rodney, Eric Williams, W.E.B Du bois, Cheik Anta Diop and even Basil Davidson to get some historical perspective.
Perhaps, start with Du Bois' THE WORLD AND AFRICA, move to Eric Williams' CAPITALISM AND SLAVERY, and Walter Rodney's HOW EUROPE UNDERDEVELOPED AFRICA.
Simply peddling media images only promotes confusion.
Of course, you have evidence that Obama's mother was a communist. I take it she ws a member of a communist party or organization, and that she subscribed to the ideas of communism. You have proof of that? Oh, and also a Muslim. Now unless you mean some kind of RELIGIOUS communist (like Thomas More or some of the insurgent peasants during the German Peasant War), I'm wondering how Obama can be BOTH a communist and a Muslim. For it is certainly true that Marxist Leninists are atheists, but also that Muslims are monotheists, of the Abrahamic tradition which includes Judaism and Christianity. "It hass been said that..." WHO said when Mrs. Obama married her second husband "it was noted was noted" on offical documents that Obama was a Muslim. And WHO noted this? What evidence had this alleged person so noting? What offical documents? Not since the era of McCarthyism have we seen so many outlandish speculation. ("I have in my hand the names of 20 known communists in the State Department.....etc , etc., etc) Is there any offical document noted by somebody or another that Obama assassinated Lincoln? LOL! One other thing about this Muslim business. America, whatever her limitations, is a SECULAR REPUBLIC. Frankly, I wouldn't care if Obama REALLY was a Muslim. I want single payer univesal health care. The Obama plan, ss I indicated earlier, is weak but even still better than the NOTHING (or the little bettter than nothing) that we've had so far. I WISH Obama was a socialist---a REAL socialist, rather than your Muslim Communist boogeyman. He might then have fought for a better health care package, and done more than give lip service in support of working people whose economic rights are under attack. There are sometimes when I wish you reactionaries were really right. I wish Allen West was right about all the socialists in the Democratic party. It might make life a lot easier
This is part of the arrogance, the arrogant stupidity of racism and white privilege.
No matter how dumb a white person is, he or she (if a racist) presumes to claim that even a highly inteligent man like Obama is really a "dumb a___." White people who are barely literate, and who are so dumb you'd think some mind altering chemical was put in their drinking water, would assume themselves superior to the most intelligent, articulate and best educated black man or woman on earth.
The more racist the white is, the more stupid.
Anonymous said... @5:09 Yes, there are plenty of colorstruck cultures in the world. I believe it was in Portugal where a man went off on Rihanna - calling her a n____ and everything. The Portuguese crowd also called Lewis Hamilton a n_____. He's a race car driver that dated Nicole Sherzinger from The Pussycat Dolls. He's only half black, which means his skin is light, but apparently, not light enough. Racism is disgusting
Yes, they coddle and all that because our God is loving and forgiving and the sinners are told to pray, go and sin no more..
To bad the flesh is weak

Sinners need more than words of love.
A Terrible Book That Proves Men Are Simple-minded, April 17, 2010 By Mediaman "TVviewer" (USA) - See all my reviews This review is from: Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment (Hardcover) This terribly-written book has Harvey spouting humorless relational philosophy, such as "men are simple creatures." And he proves that point by writing such a simple-minded book that it's a complete waste of time to read it. The book is sexist, stereotyping all men into knuckle-dragging, sports-loving hunters that just need a little sex to keep them happy. The book is addressed to women, telling them to dress better, accept that the guy won't talk much, and give sex more often in order to keep their guy from straying. Most offensive is Harvey's constant references to "the Lord" and Jesus, leading people to believe he upholds spirituality, yet he point blank tells people to have sex after 90 days together and accepts a couple living together without being married. He often mentions going to church--didn't he learn anything there? He also conveniently fails to mention that he has been married three times. The book would lead you to believe he was married once, to a woman he admittedly slept with and cheated on before she threatened to walk out on him. There is also no real mention of his children. A quick check of his bio online will uncover the truth. If you can't trust a guy writing a book about relationships to come clean about his own relationships, then why read the book? There are a couple of valid points, such as the fact that men need respect and loyalty from women. But the lousy writing style and simplistic examples negate any reason to read this book.
Note by Me: I don't believe that non-blacks are subhumans (all people deserve equality, respect, and dignity), but we as black people are the original people on this Earth.
-By Timothy
DaisyDooks said... @SoHo - Genetically, Isabella IS a Caucasian. No matter where she is born, she will STILL be a Caucasian. Isabella is a WHITE Brazilian---not a BLACK Brazilian. Since BLACK humans ARE the indigenous on EVERY continent and island, native Brazilians are BLACK. An AUTHENTIC Arab is BLACK AFRAKAN---period. Anglo-Arabs are Caucasian---and impostors. They are Turks, Persians, Aryans, Hindi. No BLACK human should EVER be jealous of the straight-haired ANIMAL-grafted Neanderthal-Primate-Caucasian A-B-AB blood type species. We, AfRAkans, are O-Bloods--the original HUMAN blood type. I am Black and unapologetically AfRAkan. AfRAkans have a saying, "The only humans are BLACK---everyone else is an EXTRACTION!"
You'd be a d___ hypocrite to say the least!
Of course you can't be both. A genuine pro-black person would keep preservation of the black family at heart, not undermining it, which ultimately becomes a factor when having children with nonblacks, as that further contributes to the intra-racial disunity in the community.
Wrapping themselves in the pro-black flag is a convenient cover for dating and mating proclivities that contradicts the ideology in a hilariously laughable way, but to black peoples' credit rarely are these charlatans taken seriously, despite their cunning efforts.
I disagree with your assessment of the ideology.
"Much of that ideology is based around the seperation and "purity" of races."
That’s way too easy, and conflated with supremacy doctrine which we know who the architects and practitioners are to date. Pro-black ideology promotes self sufficiency without apology, nor outside interference. The tangible symbol is an intact, successful black family unit.
Collective identity would be compromised by outsiders. Cultural or otherwise.
"Much of that ideology is based around the seperation and "purity" of races."
That’s way too easy, and conflated with supremacy doctrine which we know who the architects and practitioners are to date. Pro-black ideology promotes self sufficiency without apology, nor outside interference. The tangible symbol is an intact, successful black family unit.
Collective identity would be compromised by outsiders. Cultural or otherwise.
I'm thinking if the person wants to be with you, they want to be with YOU. You go changing and toning things down, you won't be YOU, that'll be somebody else when, if he wanted somebody else, then he would have gotten with somebody else.
I support give him what he wants and what he thought he picked -- the real you. Besides, that's what men fall in love with -- it's not your hair, your complexion or the shape of your a___ -- they like those things but when they fall in love, they fall in love with YOU.
I support give him what he wants and what he thought he picked -- the real you. Besides, that's what men fall in love with -- it's not your hair, your complexion or the shape of your a___ -- they like those things but when they fall in love, they fall in love with YOU.
-A Person
alot of blks tone down their ethnocentricity for whites when dating. they act in a way that they think whites would like.
-A Person
No, I would never change myself to date someone no matter what their race was.
I am who I am, I like what I like. If you can't deal with it, find someone who fits into your framework, and I will find someone who will accept me. I'm sure that people tone down their ethnocentricity in some IR relationships, but I'm sure that's not the case for all IR relationships. I think it depends on the people involved. |
alot of blks tone down their ethnocentricity for whites when dating. they act in a way that they think whites would like.
-A Person
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Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL Posted June 29, 2010 @ bush2win
missed your presence, brotha and I think most BM (if we were honest about it) would ask the same question: where would WE be without our black women, black mothers, sisters, grandmothers, wives, friends, and lovers?
where would the Jena Six young BM be if it were not for the young college sister who started the movement to go down to LA for six black boys she'd never met? didn't see no Hispanic or Asian OR white female organizations or co-eds down there, brotha... I'm a broken record, but hell, if that's what it TAKES, that's what i will do some folk think by ACKNOWLEDGING the importance of BW in our lives, we are saying they are perfect. One thing has nothing to do with the other. do we not honor our mothers, and in doing so, does that mean our mothers were perfect people?
Again, showing appreciation and love does NOT mean we lose anything in the process but AS MEN, we actually get stronger and more confident in ourselves. why do we think the WM praises and uplifts the white female PUBLICLY? because SHE is a reflection of HIM and by raising her VALUE, he automatically raises HIS VALUE.... simple math and physics.... and before I get on a roll, I'll stop here...lol