_______________________ _____________________________
You dont need to lower the woman to man up. shaka zulu bowed at the feet of his mother every morning and asked her permission to greet the day, and i think we can both agree that shaka wasnt a b_______. Acknowledging, respecting, encouraging, and cultivating the feminine principle is how you man up. we were given strength so that we can protect their vulnerabilities, they were given vulnerabilities to temper our strength. there isnt a verse in your book that puts women under men in the eyes of God.
thedaoofthewarriorin reply to AAAAkuuuu(Show the comment) 2 weeks ago in playlist More videos from BLACKNEWS101
Martin Luther King was a Liberal Progressive
1.King was Anti-War
2.King supported the Liberal Naacp
3.King supported Liberal Unions
4.King supported Affirmative Action
But today's hillbilly rednecks are trying to claim that MLK was a conservative this is just laughable i don't understand why today's Right Wingers are trying to claim MLK's legacy when White Conservatives hated him when he was alive
Stop getting your information Right Wing Websites we all know King was not a right winger
Today is the 49th anniversary of the famous 1963 March on Washington, a mass demonstration of over a quarter million Americans demanding civil rights, economic justice and an end to racism and oppression. Of course, it was the gathering where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave is eloquent "I have a Dream" speech. It is desirable that we remember that inspiring address which is one of the greatest orations of the 20th Century. But it is also important that we remember that Dr. King's legacy, and that of the Movement he sympbolized and led, is ot reducible simply to those moving words spoken by him before the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. Anyone can recall a few memorable words and prhases. But do we remember the CAUSE? It wa about more than the winning of civil rights, or the rights of citizenship. It was also about th the quest for social and economic justice. It is no coincidence that many placards carried that day by marcher had signs reading "JOBS and FREEDOM." Not only those precious civil liberties denied by the totalitarian racial caste system of the South, but also the concrete freedoms of economic justice and self-determination . Think not that the Dream has been realized while 12 million American children go to be hungry at night, and many millions more die of famine throughout the world. Nor can the dream be realized while war rages and their are fordes within this country trying to roll back rights won by the Movement during the 1960s, including an effort right now to gut the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Yet even beyond basic civil and economic rights, there was more to the vision or goals of the Movement. Ultimately, th aim of the Movement was "the creation of BELOVED COMMUNITY". A cooperative society and community of freedom which affirms the dignity of every man woman and child on earth; a community encowed not only by freedom and justice, but human brotherhood as well. And this will require a "revolution of values" transforming us from a "thing-orient ed" society to a "person-orien ted" society. A revolution of values entialing both social transformation and personal self-transformatio n. It is only when we are committed to such change in oursleves and society that we can meaningfully talk of understanding the "Dream", and the whole cause for which hundreds of thousands of people marched in 1963, for which many gave their lives
J'espere qu'il y'a des grand manifestations du Occupy L'Amerique pendant votre voyage aux Etats-Unis
But on what grounds would he be detained by Homeland Security? it Attai really were a Muslim--at least a Middle Eastern or Black African Muslim-- I can imagine the authorities preventing his entry altogether. Or keeping a close watch on him if he were allowed to enter. Mais il est BLANC, EUROPEEN, et (au moins par la tradition de son famille et pays)Chretian, Catholique. Moreover, he has been to the USA numerous times and has friends, maybe relatives and at least one AA teacher (non-Muslim) in the USA. He as hever been in trouble in the USA, though he got a scare from some brothers in the hood here in Bmore when he strayed into the "wrong" neighborhood. ("Hey white boy? You lost?") As far as I know he has no criminal record. I'm not sure about his political affiliations or if he even has any. But he has been here a number of times since 9/11, and I imagine that the authorities would have noticed by now if he had dangerous affiliations. (Keep in mind that I've met writers, journalists from the French and Italian Communist parties. Foreign Marxist thinkers sometimes appear at meetings of the American Philosophical Assocciation. Maybe authorities longer care since the collapse of Communism. Unless you're a member of Al Quaeda, I doubt that you will get in serious trouble). Would they arrest him for his POLITICAL opinions regarding the Israel/Pelestine issue? I doubt it. Moreover, European public opinion is ot so overwhelingly pro-Israel as is American opinion. On the contrary, there is probably more pro-Palestine sentiment over there. Europeans--among my students and colleagues included--aren't being detained for such opinions. If Attai doesn't involve himself with gruops under govrnment supervision, I doubt that they will even notice him. And they surely will not go searching through Topix to monitor his opinions. Even if they did, he has expressed NUMEROUS times explicit ANTI-JIHADIST sentiments. For what reason would they detain him? Unless they or you know something about him that I don't (and his friends aux-Etats-unis don't know either) And do you REALLY approve of detention without counsel or trial? Weren't we progressives OUTRAGED over these measures when passed by GW & his gang?
I have no interest in black on white crime stats for two reasons, the main reason is because if we collected the white on black crime stats that stretch as far back as the 1600's that list would be a phenomenal size with many whites escaping justice!
The second reason is because that if you remember correctly whites used to economically stifle the black population living in their countries - barring blacks from taking part in the financial systems and barring them from decent jobs or even living in decent areas or getting a quality education, remember in America blacks only received human status during the 60's.
This forced many blacks to create a culture of crime to survive and feed their children. A culture of crime takes a long time to eradicate, for instance, how long do you think it would take Italy or Russia to wipe out the Mafia?...
Or how long would it take whites to eradicate governmental corruption?
Or what about eradicating white crime?...
Whites can't even get rid of their own crime but yet they want to tell others to stop, what valid reason do whites have for committing crimes, they have never been disadvantaged in their own countries.
When you have gotten rid of corporate crimes, Tax evasion, government corruption and so on, then maybe you can talk to us about our crimes, until then... You have nothing valid to say to me regarding this matter!
Here's how God treats the wicked...
[QUOTE who="Russia's population is dying fast"]
Russia's population decline is accelerating, according to the country's official statistics agency.
According to their calculations, the decline is equivalent to 100 people dying in Russia every hour.[/QUOTE]
The more wicked and evil they get towards others is the faster God is wiping them out, no wonder the Soviet Union collapsed, they should of been more hospitable to others!
Nazi's, lol... They haven't been a threat to anyone since 1945!
-The Revolutionist
Martin Luther King was a Liberal Progressive
1.King was Anti-War
2.King supported the Liberal Naacp
3.King supported Liberal Unions
4.King supported Affirmative Action
But today's hillbilly rednecks are trying to claim that MLK was a conservative this is just laughable i don't understand why today's Right Wingers are trying to claim MLK's legacy when White Conservatives hated him when he was alive
Stop getting your information Right Wing Websites we all know King was not a right winger
SuperBlackWoman1in reply to 7117hpr7117(Show the comment) 2 weeks ago
Today is the 49th anniversary of the famous 1963 March on Washington, a mass demonstration of over a quarter million Americans demanding civil rights, economic justice and an end to racism and oppression. Of course, it was the gathering where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave is eloquent "I have a Dream" speech. It is desirable that we remember that inspiring address which is one of the greatest orations of the 20th Century. But it is also important that we remember that Dr. King's legacy, and that of the Movement he sympbolized and led, is ot reducible simply to those moving words spoken by him before the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. Anyone can recall a few memorable words and prhases. But do we remember the CAUSE? It wa about more than the winning of civil rights, or the rights of citizenship. It was also about th the quest for social and economic justice. It is no coincidence that many placards carried that day by marcher had signs reading "JOBS and FREEDOM." Not only those precious civil liberties denied by the totalitarian racial caste system of the South, but also the concrete freedoms of economic justice and self-determination . Think not that the Dream has been realized while 12 million American children go to be hungry at night, and many millions more die of famine throughout the world. Nor can the dream be realized while war rages and their are fordes within this country trying to roll back rights won by the Movement during the 1960s, including an effort right now to gut the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Yet even beyond basic civil and economic rights, there was more to the vision or goals of the Movement. Ultimately, th aim of the Movement was "the creation of BELOVED COMMUNITY". A cooperative society and community of freedom which affirms the dignity of every man woman and child on earth; a community encowed not only by freedom and justice, but human brotherhood as well. And this will require a "revolution of values" transforming us from a "thing-orient ed" society to a "person-orien ted" society. A revolution of values entialing both social transformation and personal self-transformatio n. It is only when we are committed to such change in oursleves and society that we can meaningfully talk of understanding the "Dream", and the whole cause for which hundreds of thousands of people marched in 1963, for which many gave their lives
J'espere qu'il y'a des grand manifestations du Occupy L'Amerique pendant votre voyage aux Etats-Unis
But on what grounds would he be detained by Homeland Security? it Attai really were a Muslim--at least a Middle Eastern or Black African Muslim-- I can imagine the authorities preventing his entry altogether. Or keeping a close watch on him if he were allowed to enter. Mais il est BLANC, EUROPEEN, et (au moins par la tradition de son famille et pays)Chretian, Catholique. Moreover, he has been to the USA numerous times and has friends, maybe relatives and at least one AA teacher (non-Muslim) in the USA. He as hever been in trouble in the USA, though he got a scare from some brothers in the hood here in Bmore when he strayed into the "wrong" neighborhood. ("Hey white boy? You lost?") As far as I know he has no criminal record. I'm not sure about his political affiliations or if he even has any. But he has been here a number of times since 9/11, and I imagine that the authorities would have noticed by now if he had dangerous affiliations. (Keep in mind that I've met writers, journalists from the French and Italian Communist parties. Foreign Marxist thinkers sometimes appear at meetings of the American Philosophical Assocciation. Maybe authorities longer care since the collapse of Communism. Unless you're a member of Al Quaeda, I doubt that you will get in serious trouble). Would they arrest him for his POLITICAL opinions regarding the Israel/Pelestine issue? I doubt it. Moreover, European public opinion is ot so overwhelingly pro-Israel as is American opinion. On the contrary, there is probably more pro-Palestine sentiment over there. Europeans--among my students and colleagues included--aren't being detained for such opinions. If Attai doesn't involve himself with gruops under govrnment supervision, I doubt that they will even notice him. And they surely will not go searching through Topix to monitor his opinions. Even if they did, he has expressed NUMEROUS times explicit ANTI-JIHADIST sentiments. For what reason would they detain him? Unless they or you know something about him that I don't (and his friends aux-Etats-unis don't know either) And do you REALLY approve of detention without counsel or trial? Weren't we progressives OUTRAGED over these measures when passed by GW & his gang?
The Revolutionist wrote:
I have no interest in black on white crime stats for two reasons, the main reason is because if we collected the white on black crime stats that stretch as far back as the 1600's that list would be a phenomenal size with many whites escaping justice!
The second reason is because that if you remember correctly whites used to economically stifle the black population living in their countries - barring blacks from taking part in the financial systems and barring them from decent jobs or even living in decent areas or getting a quality education, remember in America blacks only received human status during the 60's.
This forced many blacks to create a culture of crime to survive and feed their children. A culture of crime takes a long time to eradicate, for instance, how long do you think it would take Italy or Russia to wipe out the Mafia?...
Or how long would it take whites to eradicate governmental corruption?
Or what about eradicating white crime?...
Whites can't even get rid of their own crime but yet they want to tell others to stop, what valid reason do whites have for committing crimes, they have never been disadvantaged in their own countries.
When you have gotten rid of corporate crimes, Tax evasion, government corruption and so on, then maybe you can talk to us about our crimes, until then... You have nothing valid to say to me regarding this matter!
LMBAO, Russian Nazi's.pos wrote:We are not isolated units, we belong to ONE network.
Here's how God treats the wicked...
[QUOTE who="Russia's population is dying fast"]
Russia's population decline is accelerating, according to the country's official statistics agency.
According to their calculations, the decline is equivalent to 100 people dying in Russia every hour.[/QUOTE]
The more wicked and evil they get towards others is the faster God is wiping them out, no wonder the Soviet Union collapsed, they should of been more hospitable to others!
Nazi's, lol... They haven't been a threat to anyone since 1945!
Not forgetting King leopold II of Belgium who was responsible for 10,000,000 deaths in the Congo.Bigsmoke wrote:
European powers even committed genocide in Africa (Herero and Namaqua Genocide) and dragged both world wars into the continent.
-The Revolutionist
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I am sick of whites trying to PLAY like we don't know when we are being discriminated against. Because racism is SO embedded in society it occurs daily on some level or other. Because we don't always acknowledge it on the spot does not mean we didn't experience it. What so-called "good" whites beleive is hidden racism is obvious to most of us. Hidden racism is STILL racism.
I like that they felt the need to add"Is Gabrielle a credible person, just because she is an Olympic champion?"
The question should be, is the head of the gym (who more than likely was not present when the incident took place) more credible because he/she is white?
The question should be, is the head of the gym (who more than likely was not present when the incident took place) more credible because he/she is white?
Right....why would she lie about this? It is utterly rediculous how easy they dismiss actual racism. Even in his quote he says: We never were knowingly involved in any type of bullying or racist treatment, like she is accusing Excalibur.” Not KNOWINGLY involved is just like admitting that it could very well be true. But I do agree, she really needs a publicist, do not give out such private details partaining to her personal life and family but stand on her convictions and fair treatment, build a solid reputation with a legacy....and make that money Gabby.
NOT!!! Nice attempt at transferring white behavior. When whites can't defeat the TRUTH, they try to marginalize it by claiming the "universality" of the problem. Even white sociologists have concluded it IS whites who are FOCUSED on race almost to the exclusion of ALL other groups. Their extreme FOCUS on race, and Blacks in particular, is rooted in fear and self-hate. It is a disease they can't seem to come to grips with. Like the sociopaths they are, they really don't want to FACE their genetic situation and is satisfied causing havoc among people of "color" across the globe.
iI believe her I moved to Virginia and been here and there is a certain amount of racism here Im older then Gabby and I know she telling the truth I have experience the racism she is referred to at several jobs here and I could not believe it but I went through it and I knew those people where trying to mistreat me because I was black. Yes I believe her because it was something I also experienced in Virginia.
I cannot understand why you all are saying that Gabby should have not spoken up about this. Yes she should have, I live in Virginia and know all too well about the Racism that still exist here on all levels. If this can save another young girl of color the " Bullying " and humiliation that she suffered at the hands of these individuals then she is right in doing so. No one desrves to be mistreated in any capacity by anyone. I applaud Gabby for taking what she experienced here in Virginia and showing those losers what she was infact made of, regardless of the color of her skin! Now let this be a lesson learned for businesses and Parents alike. Racism is taught, you are not born with it...!!!
I think all the brotha's & sistas from whatever ideology should meet and determine how each can contribute to the upliftment of our people out our conditions. If what u are teaching has no substance or use in liberating our people then it should be thrown out.
Brothers and Sisters this Black Power Sister is dropping some real knowledge I hope the community take her words to HEART!!!!!!!!!! It's time to WISE UP PEACE and BLACK POWER for LIFE
I think all the brotha's & sistas from whatever ideology should meet and determine how each can contribute to the upliftment of our people out our conditions. If what u are teaching has no substance or use in liberating our people then it should be thrown out.
-A Person
Also you as a BM should know, it is HOLLYWEIRD. And it is no coincidence that most BLACKS BOTH bm and bw on these reality T.V. shows "choose" a white mate over ALL the other black mates. Whites are simply running a GAME. Point blank. Those who fall into the trap LOSE.
Wrong! I love Black Men and Black Men only who appreciates a good Black woman like myself. Also, aren't you here to preach Black Men and Black Women doesn't work? That in order for a Black Men to be happy he has to be with white women?? Don't blame all Black women for your choices and for thinking all Black women are the same.
So I take it that you are also part of those black men who lay on front of white women and go with the hype that black men and white women relationships work. I don't care about you or your white woman. See that works both ways...
You have a good day because I have a feeling you are confused and filled with drama, which mean you will try to argue all day trying to a point.
Also you as a BM should know, it is HOLLYWEIRD. And it is no coincidence that most BLACKS BOTH bm and bw on these reality T.V. shows "choose" a white mate over ALL the other black mates. Whites are simply running a GAME. Point blank. Those who fall into the trap LOSE.
Wrong! I love Black Men and Black Men only who appreciates a good Black woman like myself. Also, aren't you here to preach Black Men and Black Women doesn't work? That in order for a Black Men to be happy he has to be with white women?? Don't blame all Black women for your choices and for thinking all Black women are the same.
So I take it that you are also part of those black men who lay on front of white women and go with the hype that black men and white women relationships work. I don't care about you or your white woman. See that works both ways...
You have a good day because I have a feeling you are confused and filled with drama, which mean you will try to argue all day trying to a point.
I love being pro black and this AA forum was created to discuss black on black relationships if you guys dont like it the door is to your left.
Black men and black women get your s___ together please! Love who you are and where you came from. Being black is beautiful! Stop avoiding black people in public and start socializing more with other blacks. Start understanding that you can find a black soulmate they are out there. Turn off the d___ tv and dont let your kids watch tv unless its educational. The standard of Americas beauty is false! Wake up people!
-beautiful black woman
Watch i post this; and no one will pay any darn attention...
*on another episode of Topix AA Forum, i posted this*
According to Dr. Ivory Achebe Toldson and Bryant T. Marks of Howard and Morehouse Universities respectively they analyzed U.S. Census data in 2011 and found that:
88% of black men who have a personal income of 100,000 or more have black wives
73% of black professional male athletes have black women for wives
85% of black men who hold college and professional degrees (medicine, law, engineering) have black wives
92% of black men with high school diplomas have--you guessed it--black wives...
Generally speaking, they found no matter a black man's educational background or earnings 88% seem to prefer black women for wives...
But hey! Who are these two brainy, doctorate holding black men who have black wives themselves telling black people to quit spreading lies about other black folks?
2 hours ago
Black men and black women get your s___ together please! Love who you are and where you came from. Being black is beautiful! Stop avoiding black people in public and start socializing more with other blacks. Start understanding that you can find a black soulmate they are out there. Turn off the d___ tv and dont let your kids watch tv unless its educational. The standard of Americas beauty is false! Wake up people!
-beautiful black woman
Paul H.
I do not understand for the life of me why this debate is taking place
among black people with all of our OBVIOUS skin color issues (remember
the 'paper bag test?'), and just the phrase "good hair" speaks VOLUMES
about our issues regarding the man or woman in the mirror.
many of you can HONESTLY say your views on beauty are not colored by
white supremacy beauty standards? I cannot believe the amount of denial
on this thread. No wonder we can't solve the problem, let alone help our
children deal with their manufactured inferiority complexes.
Five more words -- and then I'm DONE.
among black people with all of our OBVIOUS skin color issues (remember
the 'paper bag test?'), and just the phrase "good hair" speaks VOLUMES
about our issues regarding the man or woman in the mirror.
many of you can HONESTLY say your views on beauty are not colored by
white supremacy beauty standards? I cannot believe the amount of denial
on this thread. No wonder we can't solve the problem, let alone help our
children deal with their manufactured inferiority complexes.
Five more words -- and then I'm DONE.
Paul H.
Absolutely disagree. We live in a white supremacy society that has ALWAYS uplifted white beauty standards and degraded black beauty, from hair, to skin, to eye color and features.
Of course this young black female can't help but be brainwashed against her own natural black beauty. She NEVER sees her reflection on the TV screen. If a black female is dark, she is immediately cast as unattractive and undesirable
and it is time for us -- black men -- to flip that script and start uplifting our OWN brown and dark skinned women and girls.
____________Of course this young black female can't help but be brainwashed against her own natural black beauty. She NEVER sees her reflection on the TV screen. If a black female is dark, she is immediately cast as unattractive and undesirable
and it is time for us -- black men -- to flip that script and start uplifting our OWN brown and dark skinned women and girls.
Paul H.
@ Blackfootlion
It's hard to believe that some black people don't get this, that this is about BRAINWASHING and BRAIN-TRASHING of non-white people by a racist and white supremacist society. It's the same DISEASE that causes an Asian female to have eye surgery or a person from India to use skin-bleaching cream.
There is nothing normal or natural about disliking the image in our mirrors, that has to be TAUGHT. No one thinks their hair or skin is ugly, or that a different eye color is prettier until they are TAUGHT.
How does this happen? By the media, books, movies, parents, peers, and other CONFUSED and self-hating people. The irony is while black folks and other non-white folks are breaking their necks (and the bank) trying to look more "white,"
white people are lining up outside the plastic surgeon's office because of their own self-hatred and self-esteem issues. And we're all walking around like this is normal behavior, to be imitating people who do not like the way they look themselves -- if they did they would have to make other non-white folks think they are inferior.
A sad, sick society -- and we need to do a better job on our own heads, embrace our own value and beauty AND make sure our black children are not subjected to the same BRAIN-TRASHING that all of us endured (especially those who think Beyonce is a natural beauty).
It's hard to believe that some black people don't get this, that this is about BRAINWASHING and BRAIN-TRASHING of non-white people by a racist and white supremacist society. It's the same DISEASE that causes an Asian female to have eye surgery or a person from India to use skin-bleaching cream.
There is nothing normal or natural about disliking the image in our mirrors, that has to be TAUGHT. No one thinks their hair or skin is ugly, or that a different eye color is prettier until they are TAUGHT.
How does this happen? By the media, books, movies, parents, peers, and other CONFUSED and self-hating people. The irony is while black folks and other non-white folks are breaking their necks (and the bank) trying to look more "white,"
white people are lining up outside the plastic surgeon's office because of their own self-hatred and self-esteem issues. And we're all walking around like this is normal behavior, to be imitating people who do not like the way they look themselves -- if they did they would have to make other non-white folks think they are inferior.
A sad, sick society -- and we need to do a better job on our own heads, embrace our own value and beauty AND make sure our black children are not subjected to the same BRAIN-TRASHING that all of us endured (especially those who think Beyonce is a natural beauty).
Paul H.
There is a HUGE difference between enhancing what Mother Nature gave you AND attempting to imitate what you believe is a superior race.
Make-up, hairstyles, jewelry, and clothing are things males and females use to enhance and attract the opposite sex
That is NOT the same as chemically bleaching one's skin and frying one's hair (because one believes one's own hair is inferior)
Anymore than a white female starving herself to be thin is the same as changing from a flip hairstyle into a ponytail.
One is a sign of taste and creativity
the other is a sign of self-esteem issues
and I believe most of the folks on this thread know (or should know) the difference between "fashion" and "self-hatred." What black people do to our bodies and what we value in terms of skin color and hair texture and eye color is AN IMITATION of what white people taught us was superior.
The white beauty standard is a MADE UP STANDARD that did not exist prior to slavery, European colonization/imperialism and mass media.
In fact, when Africans first laid eyes on Europeans, they thought they were hideous. If you want a reference, just ask.
Make-up, hairstyles, jewelry, and clothing are things males and females use to enhance and attract the opposite sex
That is NOT the same as chemically bleaching one's skin and frying one's hair (because one believes one's own hair is inferior)
Anymore than a white female starving herself to be thin is the same as changing from a flip hairstyle into a ponytail.
One is a sign of taste and creativity
the other is a sign of self-esteem issues
and I believe most of the folks on this thread know (or should know) the difference between "fashion" and "self-hatred." What black people do to our bodies and what we value in terms of skin color and hair texture and eye color is AN IMITATION of what white people taught us was superior.
The white beauty standard is a MADE UP STANDARD that did not exist prior to slavery, European colonization/imperialism and mass media.
In fact, when Africans first laid eyes on Europeans, they thought they were hideous. If you want a reference, just ask.
Mr. Paul, I consider your points very valid and insightful yet I think there may be room for further reflecting. I am well aware of the power of the media and its extraordinary impact on the shaping of our psyches. I too am familiar with the power brokers and the often dominated homogenized European "created standard of beauty." I am African-American and live in the very culturally diverse state of Hawaii. I have seen locally and abroad people who have endangered themselves to attain this elusive "beauty standard." However, deciphering between "enhancing what Mother Nature gave you AND attempting to imitate what you believe is a superior race," may not be as easy as you passionately state. Please reflect with me - let's go back in history - it is believed that wearing lipstick was used to mirror the labia engorgement secondary to sexual excitement, hence the initial red color. The wearing of lipstick was initially taboo among "decent" women. Now it is considered a common form of "enhancing what mother nature gave us." Perhaps if technology permitted in the past, people would have altered their eye color and it wouldn't be as linked to "self-hatred" as some would now argue.
Who gets to decide what is self-enhancement and self-disdain based upon where on the face a color alteration has occurred...is it the length of time a product has been exposed to mankind? The blush on the cheek was also meant to reflect "sexual arousal" and thus attraction - is it too, repulsive and a sign of self-hatred?
Years ago when I was confronted with emulating Caucasians because I straightened my hair, I vehemently denied this because I was truly comfortable in my skin. I justified altering my hair due to making it more manageable. After reflecting more, I recognized that I was a product of my environment and did what was culturally sanctioned. I realized that my tradition was in great measure born out of an attempt to identify with the standard bearer. While I recognized this, I knew I fully loved myself. Nonetheless, I made a conscious decision to go natural. It has been well over 11 years since I have sported my natural hair but my LOVE for myself was never less and can't be any greater, thanks to my Maker. Now having said all of that, we are a society obsessed with perfection and all too often we wrestle with self-esteem issues and become prisoners to the ever elusive profit driven creators of "perfection."
By the way, I am also not naive to why certain standards were created nor am I blind to its shift (i.e. "luscious lips")
Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Who gets to decide what is self-enhancement and self-disdain based upon where on the face a color alteration has occurred...is it the length of time a product has been exposed to mankind? The blush on the cheek was also meant to reflect "sexual arousal" and thus attraction - is it too, repulsive and a sign of self-hatred?
Years ago when I was confronted with emulating Caucasians because I straightened my hair, I vehemently denied this because I was truly comfortable in my skin. I justified altering my hair due to making it more manageable. After reflecting more, I recognized that I was a product of my environment and did what was culturally sanctioned. I realized that my tradition was in great measure born out of an attempt to identify with the standard bearer. While I recognized this, I knew I fully loved myself. Nonetheless, I made a conscious decision to go natural. It has been well over 11 years since I have sported my natural hair but my LOVE for myself was never less and can't be any greater, thanks to my Maker. Now having said all of that, we are a society obsessed with perfection and all too often we wrestle with self-esteem issues and become prisoners to the ever elusive profit driven creators of "perfection."
By the way, I am also not naive to why certain standards were created nor am I blind to its shift (i.e. "luscious lips")
Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Watch i post this; and no one will pay any darn attention...
*on another episode of Topix AA Forum, i posted this*
According to Dr. Ivory Achebe Toldson and Bryant T. Marks of Howard and Morehouse Universities respectively they analyzed U.S. Census data in 2011 and found that:
88% of black men who have a personal income of 100,000 or more have black wives
73% of black professional male athletes have black women for wives
85% of black men who hold college and professional degrees (medicine, law, engineering) have black wives
92% of black men with high school diplomas have--you guessed it--black wives...
Generally speaking, they found no matter a black man's educational background or earnings 88% seem to prefer black women for wives...
But hey! Who are these two brainy, doctorate holding black men who have black wives themselves telling black people to quit spreading lies about other black folks?

You can play a fool once, you can play a fool twice but if you play the fool the third time you like the play the role.......that my view about the token rappers today including Kanye which is a shame for if used his God light could have saved Hip-Hop( one uses words to uplift) from becoming Hip-Pop( PUTTING ON WAX whatever the industry plantation master tell you to do at the detriment of your own community) :(
That's an old lie. Black Love is still alive. When I look at black love, it's found in the bountiful black babies being born inside of hospitals and even via midwives throughout the world. It's found in my family with parents married for almost 40 years. It's found in the sacrifices and the powerful strides made by brothers and sisters working together during struggle. Black Love persisted during the era of B.C., during the Maafa, during the Civil War, during Reconstruction, during the Civil Rights Movement, and it definitely persists unrelentlessly today. Black Love is passionate and it is beautiful. So, black love is never dead before arrival. It's expressed in romance, children, love in general, and a multipilicity of other parameters of the human experience. Growing black love is a real goal of any real person. Apathy and pessessism aren't in my heart, but the inspiration to promote righteousness is present in my soul. Black Love will continue after you pass away and in the end, it will still continue to exist forever more.fair_guy wrote:
Who is black love still alive for? Be specific.
For me, it seems DBA, dead before arrival...
-By Timothy