all the so-called "aware" folks on threads like this know that no BM, including President Obama, is in charge.The folks who decide if WIII will happen are all WM. Let's keep it real.
But some are still falling for the OLD CON GAME of racial scapegoating/distraction instead of facing the FACT that your worst enemy looks like the man or woman in the mirror.
At some point, you will have to make a choice: keep practicing racial politics OR deal with the real enemy to survive. It's just that simple.
With 70% of BW being single parents, and 45% that will never marry, BW should be UP IN ARMS about all the defecting, interracial-dating BM, especially since MOST are leaving behind the black children they had with BW. I PERSONALLY know several BM who fit this description.
No other (sane) race of people, facing the problems that black folks currently face, would think it was acceptable to divide and conquer themselves, especially when faced by a powerful enemy that is literally stripping away EVERY so-called economic and employment gain that blacks have made over the last 40 years.
Nor would a sane (or self-respecting) male put the female of his oppressor on a pedestal OR put his precious time, money, love, and energy toward ENRICHING his own enemies instead of taking care of his OWN black women and children.
And for those who are confused about who this enemy is -- it's time to pick up a book and READ ABOUT YOUR HISTORY -- both past and present.
There are all kinds of indications that blacks are under severe systematic attack on every level, and we better start taking this SERIOUSLY..With the ECONOMY literally deconstructing right in front of our faces, with a black unemployment rate of OVER 26% and rising, with over ONE MILLION black people rotting in prisons, making one dollar a day for the prison industrial complex, with BM being the MOST LIKELY to be unemployed regardless of education, with the Jena Six, Katrina, and Sean Bell-type shootings on the rise, with the increase of white extremists groups who are arming up and doing WEAPONS TRAINING after the election of the "first black" prez (who doesn't address a SINGLE BLACK ISSUE);
Hell, the list is too long for this thread, and too damn long for a sane black person to ignore... and that is the problem, some of us are literally insane... I got to be blunt about this.. In light of the plight of black folks today, there are too many black folks who think coming together as a race is NOT a necessity even as they lose ground, jobs, homes, and their minds...
It is what I believe is the TOTAL psychological assimilation (destruction) of the black mind, to the point where some black folk have become so subtly INSANE that we see the world and ourselves and each other through "white eyes"
In other words, they think like white folks, are white-identified, and somehow, actually believe that they will be treated like white folks when the deal goes down.
Even as we (black folk) LOSE all the economic and employment gains that took our ANCESTORS over FORTY YEARS to accumulate.
We dismiss the rising racism as just "those ignorant white folks" instead of seeing it for what it is: SYSTEMATIC RACISM.
we skip along, all hugged up with white Mary and Bobby and think our romantic choices make us better (and safer) than being with other black folks.
And we don't understand that the efforts of the white media/system to divide and conquer the BM and BW have been SUCCESSFUL, we don't see the mental trick bag of a BM (like bluebeam) who makes ugly and contemptuous comments about the women of his race are part of the problem, forgetting that his mother, sisters, and daughters (if he has any) are BLACK FEMALES.
And in their ignorance, BM like this forget that the MAIN reason so many BW do not like the hair on their heads is because WE BM are always rewarding, loving, and praising white and white-looking females who have straight or long hair on their heads.
It is a FACT that all this integration and interracial dating/breeding/and marrying has made us WEAKER not STRONGER as a people
It is also a FACT that this was all by design, that the white media pushed this concept on us by rewarding those celebrities who do it, by making movies and TV shows that push the notion that IR [interracial] is a better alternative than LOVING EACH OTHER.
And we still don't see the mind game, the trick, the trap and the plan to destroy our race, but I guarantee you, in the coming days, we will completely understand once the consequences hit home....
With 70% of BW being single parents, and 45% that will never marry, BW should be UP IN ARMS about all the defecting, interracial-dating BM, especially since MOST are leaving behind the black children they had with BW. I PERSONALLY know several BM who fit this description.
No other (sane) race of people, facing the problems that black folks currently face, would think it was acceptable to divide and conquer themselves, especially when faced by a powerful enemy that is literally stripping away EVERY so-called economic and employment gain that blacks have made over the last 40 years.
Nor would a sane (or self-respecting) male put the female of his oppressor on a pedestal OR put his precious time, money, love, and energy toward ENRICHING his own enemies instead of taking care of his OWN black women and children.
And for those who are confused about who this enemy is -- it's time to pick up a book and READ ABOUT YOUR HISTORY -- both past and present.
There are all kinds of indications that blacks are under severe systematic attack on every level, and we better start taking this SERIOUSLY..With the ECONOMY literally deconstructing right in front of our faces, with a black unemployment rate of OVER 26% and rising, with over ONE MILLION black people rotting in prisons, making one dollar a day for the prison industrial complex, with BM being the MOST LIKELY to be unemployed regardless of education, with the Jena Six, Katrina, and Sean Bell-type shootings on the rise, with the increase of white extremists groups who are arming up and doing WEAPONS TRAINING after the election of the "first black" prez (who doesn't address a SINGLE BLACK ISSUE);
Hell, the list is too long for this thread, and too damn long for a sane black person to ignore... and that is the problem, some of us are literally insane... I got to be blunt about this.. In light of the plight of black folks today, there are too many black folks who think coming together as a race is NOT a necessity even as they lose ground, jobs, homes, and their minds...
It is what I believe is the TOTAL psychological assimilation (destruction) of the black mind, to the point where some black folk have become so subtly INSANE that we see the world and ourselves and each other through "white eyes"
In other words, they think like white folks, are white-identified, and somehow, actually believe that they will be treated like white folks when the deal goes down.
Even as we (black folk) LOSE all the economic and employment gains that took our ANCESTORS over FORTY YEARS to accumulate.
We dismiss the rising racism as just "those ignorant white folks" instead of seeing it for what it is: SYSTEMATIC RACISM.
we skip along, all hugged up with white Mary and Bobby and think our romantic choices make us better (and safer) than being with other black folks.
And we don't understand that the efforts of the white media/system to divide and conquer the BM and BW have been SUCCESSFUL, we don't see the mental trick bag of a BM (like bluebeam) who makes ugly and contemptuous comments about the women of his race are part of the problem, forgetting that his mother, sisters, and daughters (if he has any) are BLACK FEMALES.
And in their ignorance, BM like this forget that the MAIN reason so many BW do not like the hair on their heads is because WE BM are always rewarding, loving, and praising white and white-looking females who have straight or long hair on their heads.
It is a FACT that all this integration and interracial dating/breeding/and marrying has made us WEAKER not STRONGER as a people
It is also a FACT that this was all by design, that the white media pushed this concept on us by rewarding those celebrities who do it, by making movies and TV shows that push the notion that IR [interracial] is a better alternative than LOVING EACH OTHER.
And we still don't see the mind game, the trick, the trap and the plan to destroy our race, but I guarantee you, in the coming days, we will completely understand once the consequences hit home....
Do you also OPPOSE racism when someone white is practicing it?
If your only interest in BW is purely physical then it AND you are no different than the long, long, long list of white males throughout the centuries who have enjoyed black flesh but are UNWILLING to oppose or give up the benefits of white privilege (racism) while doing so...
I would greatly advise sisters to keep comments like Maxwell's in a HISTORICAL perspective, because it may NOT be the compliment you think it is....
two questions
for all the BM on this thread who are reading this:
If today, something happened, you got sick, got arrested, got in a jam, got beaten up by the police, or falsely accused of a crime....
who would YOU call first?
would it be your (black) momma?
Your black sister, cousin, auntie, female friend?
What organization would you hope would come to your aid if you were unjustly accused or beaten?
would it be a black organization?
a white organization?
a Hispanic organization?
an Asian Organization?
if you're not sure of the answer think back about a year or so, when the Jena Six hit the news about those 6 teenage black boys facing felonies for a simple schoolyard fight in Jena, Louisiana, and who started the movement to save the Jena Six (a college age young black female)
and who rode those buses for hours, dropping school and work commitments to stand up for six black male STRANGERS, the MAJORITY OF FOLKS WHO RODE THAT BUS WERE BLACK FEMALES there were NO Asian females, NO Hispanic females and maybe a few white females those who do not appreciate what they have will LOSE what they need the most\when they NEED it the most..
If today, something happened, you got sick, got arrested, got in a jam, got beaten up by the police, or falsely accused of a crime....
who would YOU call first?
would it be your (black) momma?
Your black sister, cousin, auntie, female friend?
What organization would you hope would come to your aid if you were unjustly accused or beaten?
would it be a black organization?
a white organization?
a Hispanic organization?
an Asian Organization?
if you're not sure of the answer think back about a year or so, when the Jena Six hit the news about those 6 teenage black boys facing felonies for a simple schoolyard fight in Jena, Louisiana, and who started the movement to save the Jena Six (a college age young black female)
and who rode those buses for hours, dropping school and work commitments to stand up for six black male STRANGERS, the MAJORITY OF FOLKS WHO RODE THAT BUS WERE BLACK FEMALES there were NO Asian females, NO Hispanic females and maybe a few white females those who do not appreciate what they have will LOSE what they need the most\when they NEED it the most..




tracy smith

Keith1818... Makes me wanna Holler..
Enlightened Cynic - 04/30/2013 - 15:53
Keith, even you can lead it. It doesn't matter who and I think you are as qualified as anyone. I am sitting in the local arena when it goes down, be it Cobo in the "D" or the "Omni" in ATL or the local auditorium in middle America.
I feel as impotent as anyone White, Black, Brown, Red or Purple given the present set of circumstances.
But I believe this in my heart (and I don't have a FB page) that in this EPOCH OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND VISUAL MESSAGING the visual imagery/sight of NONVOTERS-- "let's call ourselves the US REFUSNIKS if you will-- gathering in one place on the eve of a national election TO SHOW THE WORLD, we are mad as hell and we ain't taking it no more, MAY be revolutionary. And MAY put some skid's on the US's PHONY moral authority, which is rooted in the LIE of participatory democracy as well as the lie of HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION, the second based on the aforementioned PREDICATE LIE of the former.
John F. Kennedy shunned MLK for 2 reasons (and perhaps several others). Kennedy needed the Southern Vote to win relection (raw politics). And indeed, Nixon catapulted this reality into a decades long trend: i.e.. The Southern Strategy. Second, MLK refused to "stay in his lane." When he became HOLISTIC (and g/God-breathed) and intertwined concerns of domestic oppression with international oppression....and how the US of A wasted federal fiscal resources to invest in the military complex versus alleviating the sufferings of the human condition at home, he signed is death warrant. And if you listen to him he KNEW it... Martin knew he was going to die for speaking truth to power.
But here's the LIBERATING part: In the words of one of my most admirable White Progressive Bloggers Joe Bageant, "No one gets outta here alive." (R.I.P. Joe).
Keith. If all of us fair-minded, people-caring folks in this world spent just 20% of our time, planning, resources (cash and in-kind) on just a few achievable and relatively modest symbolic and practical issues, if might make a slight difference versus spending a similar amount of time and resources on voting for those whom are destined to either screw or betray us. I am speaking in terms of a STATUS QUO that either serves up CAPITULATION to the powers-that-be or devolves into SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT.
__________________________I feel as impotent as anyone White, Black, Brown, Red or Purple given the present set of circumstances.
But I believe this in my heart (and I don't have a FB page) that in this EPOCH OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND VISUAL MESSAGING the visual imagery/sight of NONVOTERS-- "let's call ourselves the US REFUSNIKS if you will-- gathering in one place on the eve of a national election TO SHOW THE WORLD, we are mad as hell and we ain't taking it no more, MAY be revolutionary. And MAY put some skid's on the US's PHONY moral authority, which is rooted in the LIE of participatory democracy as well as the lie of HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION, the second based on the aforementioned PREDICATE LIE of the former.
John F. Kennedy shunned MLK for 2 reasons (and perhaps several others). Kennedy needed the Southern Vote to win relection (raw politics). And indeed, Nixon catapulted this reality into a decades long trend: i.e.. The Southern Strategy. Second, MLK refused to "stay in his lane." When he became HOLISTIC (and g/God-breathed) and intertwined concerns of domestic oppression with international oppression....and how the US of A wasted federal fiscal resources to invest in the military complex versus alleviating the sufferings of the human condition at home, he signed is death warrant. And if you listen to him he KNEW it... Martin knew he was going to die for speaking truth to power.
But here's the LIBERATING part: In the words of one of my most admirable White Progressive Bloggers Joe Bageant, "No one gets outta here alive." (R.I.P. Joe).
Keith. If all of us fair-minded, people-caring folks in this world spent just 20% of our time, planning, resources (cash and in-kind) on just a few achievable and relatively modest symbolic and practical issues, if might make a slight difference versus spending a similar amount of time and resources on voting for those whom are destined to either screw or betray us. I am speaking in terms of a STATUS QUO that either serves up CAPITULATION to the powers-that-be or devolves into SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT.
GWBush Sr & Jr Are Descendents of the British Royal Family...
Nixakliel - 11/24/2011 - 08:26
Its probably true that the Bushes are descendents of the Mayflower gang; but I know for a fact they are decendents of the British Royal family as is/was John Kerry, & Obama's Mama, FDR, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, etc... If you really study these facts you probably conclude that the US Presidency is in effect an extension of the British Royal Family.
IMO: The core issue is not the Puritans [which is not to deny anything you pointed out above], nor Dims vs Repugs, nor so-called 'Liberal' vs conservative, nor Capitalism vs Communism- these are just different fascists of the core issue. For non-white people the core issue is White Supremacy & White Domination over non-whites- Thats NOT to condenm white folks per-se' -but- any-one white or non-white infected w the madness of White-Supremacy! And make no-mistake about it- House-Negros like O-bomb-em, Susan & Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Uncle Judge Thomas, etc- are products of white-supremacy- thus they've bought into this white-supremacist system hook-line-&-Stinker! Bro Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, articulated so well - “We’ve got to uproot this system {of white supremacy}, so that our people & all people of the World can live,” - He went on further to explain that the concept of the Euro {white}Race was invented in the 1600s in order to unify whites, even those who had no personal stake in slavery, vis-a-vis non-whites whose cultures were under attack by & whose lands, resources & even the people [Africans] themselves were being stolen by Europeans infected w the madness of white-supremacy!
IMO: The core issue is not the Puritans [which is not to deny anything you pointed out above], nor Dims vs Repugs, nor so-called 'Liberal' vs conservative, nor Capitalism vs Communism- these are just different fascists of the core issue. For non-white people the core issue is White Supremacy & White Domination over non-whites- Thats NOT to condenm white folks per-se' -but- any-one white or non-white infected w the madness of White-Supremacy! And make no-mistake about it- House-Negros like O-bomb-em, Susan & Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Uncle Judge Thomas, etc- are products of white-supremacy- thus they've bought into this white-supremacist system hook-line-&-Stinker! Bro Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, articulated so well - “We’ve got to uproot this system {of white supremacy}, so that our people & all people of the World can live,” - He went on further to explain that the concept of the Euro {white}Race was invented in the 1600s in order to unify whites, even those who had no personal stake in slavery, vis-a-vis non-whites whose cultures were under attack by & whose lands, resources & even the people [Africans] themselves were being stolen by Europeans infected w the madness of white-supremacy!
Films to Remind Us Why Not to Be Thankful for Thanks-Giving Day:
Nixakliel - 11/26/2011 - 01:27
Here's a brief list of movies to Remind us why we should NOT be so Thankful for for so-called 'Thanks-Giving Day' [Note: Feel free to add if you like]: Hombre', - Little Big-Man, - Dances w Wolves, - Geronimo_An American Legend, - Roots, - Armistad, - Sankofa...
So Right
Afric-I - 11/24/2011 - 21:43
You hit the nail on the head, Nixakliel, Euro/white supremacy is a form of mental disorder. How could any sane person even imagine that they were superior to a fellow human being? Yet, many societies past and present are infected with this madness.
The disease vectors are parents, community, religious and educational institutions and media. It is a sad fact that humans are prone to propaganda that makes them feel good at someone else's expense.
It is telling that the English, under Cromwell and other monarchs honed their tools of genocide against their neighbors in Ireland, Scotland and Wales long before they were aware of this hemisphere. Those neighbors in turn became hyperagressive and hyperviolent partners with the English in Euro/white supremacy crimes against Native Americans, Africans, Asians and Native Australians.
Violence begets violence....
The disease vectors are parents, community, religious and educational institutions and media. It is a sad fact that humans are prone to propaganda that makes them feel good at someone else's expense.
It is telling that the English, under Cromwell and other monarchs honed their tools of genocide against their neighbors in Ireland, Scotland and Wales long before they were aware of this hemisphere. Those neighbors in turn became hyperagressive and hyperviolent partners with the English in Euro/white supremacy crimes against Native Americans, Africans, Asians and Native Australians.
Violence begets violence....
Scribes for the Empire
Enlightened Cynic - 05/01/2013 - 13:55
These Right Wing bastards will give no quarter, we shouldn't be surprised or taken aback.
Let's take for example, Steven Brill's Time Magazine article on our health-care system OVERCHARING consumers to high heaven, like $10 bucks for a d_--- Tylenol capsule. Brills opus seems to have never grasped the media's attention. Interesting how they glossed over his meticulous research. Wonder how many Post or NY Times Op eds or editorials emanated from that piece?
Did we hear anybody pushing for Congressional Hearings?
It's tantamount to the situation in Iraq, where, on the day of the so-called Boston Marathon bombing, OVER 100 Iraqi's died in bombings . The violence in Iraq is numbing and the media's OUTRIGHT CENSORSHIP of it GALLING.
But let's face it, this is the evil, wicked Orwellian world we live in.
And please, for the sake of everybody's sanity, please stop thinking the situation is going to improve, because it won't. Wait til the Koch Bros. purchase the L.A. Times or similar mouthpiece, they will make Wm. Randolph's Hearst's Yellow Journalism seem tame by comparison.
The Right Wingers got this shiggity down to a science. I heard sorry a______ Al Sharpton on Tom Joyner this morning, talking about Obama's appointment of 2 or 3 Elite Negroes to a few lousy cabinet openings. (looks like the "new" Civil Rights paradigm) Al claims that it resulted from his (and other's) push when they sat down with the White House. And he took a swipe at us folks who support BAR by alleging some folks don't understand that you don't have to call something a Black Agenda in order for it to be a Black Agenda.
Whoopee Al, a couple of Elite, do-nothing Negroes get appointments from Obama IN HIS SECOND/LAME DUCK TERM, and that's Black progress? (With Tom Joyner co-signing like a good c______n). I'm telling yall right now we not only f***ked, we double f**ked, thanks to Cathy Hughes and Black America's embrace of the Black Minstrel radio shows that for some are their primary news source.
Steven Brill's taboo-busting X-ray of the US medical system, "Bitter Pill," has a chance to reframe the way we think and talk--and report--about healthcare costs.
In a penetrating, systemic, and long (36 pages) look at medical care , US style, for Timemagazine, with tale after tale of the financial miseries befalling the system's victims, with number after number bolstering his analysis, Brill zooms in on the nation's unrealistic and destructive healthcare costs--why they exist and persist.
Brill, a journalist and an entrepreneur, offers the media a rare chance to move beyond the fence that usually corrals this discussion. High healthcare costs are spawned by a powerful ethic in American medicine that is too often nurtured by the press, an ethic that dictates that the medicine men--doctors, hospitals, and drug companies--sit at the right hand of God and deserve all they can get. Brill's article crashes right through that fence, in fact, and provides the stuff for further productive reporting.
"When we debate health care policy," he writes, "we seem to jump right to the issue of who should pay the bills, blowing past what should be the first question: Why exactly are the bills so high?" Precisely. Brill gives us some answers, too, not based on quotes from the self-serving players we hear from so often in this dreary debate, but based on serious investigation .
Let's take for example, Steven Brill's Time Magazine article on our health-care system OVERCHARING consumers to high heaven, like $10 bucks for a d_--- Tylenol capsule. Brills opus seems to have never grasped the media's attention. Interesting how they glossed over his meticulous research. Wonder how many Post or NY Times Op eds or editorials emanated from that piece?
Did we hear anybody pushing for Congressional Hearings?
It's tantamount to the situation in Iraq, where, on the day of the so-called Boston Marathon bombing, OVER 100 Iraqi's died in bombings . The violence in Iraq is numbing and the media's OUTRIGHT CENSORSHIP of it GALLING.
But let's face it, this is the evil, wicked Orwellian world we live in.
And please, for the sake of everybody's sanity, please stop thinking the situation is going to improve, because it won't. Wait til the Koch Bros. purchase the L.A. Times or similar mouthpiece, they will make Wm. Randolph's Hearst's Yellow Journalism seem tame by comparison.
The Right Wingers got this shiggity down to a science. I heard sorry a______ Al Sharpton on Tom Joyner this morning, talking about Obama's appointment of 2 or 3 Elite Negroes to a few lousy cabinet openings. (looks like the "new" Civil Rights paradigm) Al claims that it resulted from his (and other's) push when they sat down with the White House. And he took a swipe at us folks who support BAR by alleging some folks don't understand that you don't have to call something a Black Agenda in order for it to be a Black Agenda.
Whoopee Al, a couple of Elite, do-nothing Negroes get appointments from Obama IN HIS SECOND/LAME DUCK TERM, and that's Black progress? (With Tom Joyner co-signing like a good c______n). I'm telling yall right now we not only f***ked, we double f**ked, thanks to Cathy Hughes and Black America's embrace of the Black Minstrel radio shows that for some are their primary news source.
Steven Brill's taboo-busting X-ray of the US medical system, "Bitter Pill," has a chance to reframe the way we think and talk--and report--about healthcare costs.
In a penetrating, systemic, and long (36 pages) look at medical care , US style, for Timemagazine, with tale after tale of the financial miseries befalling the system's victims, with number after number bolstering his analysis, Brill zooms in on the nation's unrealistic and destructive healthcare costs--why they exist and persist.
Brill, a journalist and an entrepreneur, offers the media a rare chance to move beyond the fence that usually corrals this discussion. High healthcare costs are spawned by a powerful ethic in American medicine that is too often nurtured by the press, an ethic that dictates that the medicine men--doctors, hospitals, and drug companies--sit at the right hand of God and deserve all they can get. Brill's article crashes right through that fence, in fact, and provides the stuff for further productive reporting.
"When we debate health care policy," he writes, "we seem to jump right to the issue of who should pay the bills, blowing past what should be the first question: Why exactly are the bills so high?" Precisely. Brill gives us some answers, too, not based on quotes from the self-serving players we hear from so often in this dreary debate, but based on serious investigation .
I’ve been slowly reading all of your comments and letting them sink in. The thing to overstand is Yurugu’s goal is to turn us into THEM. So pornography is a great way to introduce demonism to our culture. It also makes us more disconnected from each other and ourselves as we debase ourselves to their animal level.
Anal sex has the power to conjure demons. Which is why to join their forces of darkness, one must submit in that fashion. It’s all a game of mind control and many of us have fallen prey.
As for beastiality and scatophilia…that is apart of their history. Where do you think syphilis came from? I have not heard of blacks engaging in that…yet…but there are some of us that are so mentally sick in our desire to “be like them” that we’ll submit to that as well.