Of Course Arne Duncan Dissed Detroit's Schools Kids & Teachers
Nixakliel - 06/30/2011 - 03:16
What else can be expected from a ritzy ditzy white guy w little or no qualifications to even be a principal for ONE Chicago Public School [CPS - let alone head the whole CPS System], who then had the gall to say that: Huricane Katrina was the best thing to happen to New Orleans' Public Schools. And he was allowed to get away w saying that w no critique & little reporting. Make no mistake about it - white guys like Arne Duncan, Bill Gates, the Waltons, etc- show their disdain for Black & Brown students by showing such dis-respect / dis-regard for their Black & Brown teachers. This goes for Obama too since he's the one who has empowered these white guys. Make no mistake about it this is a leveraged take-over of Public schools - by Corp Biz folks who see a real money-making opportunity on the Public dime [privatization / Public-Private Partnerships = private profits while the public pays].
Coming soon to a "theater" near you...
Dosamuno - 06/30/2011 - 16:29
Kenneth J. Saltman on Arnie Duncan’s RENAISSANCE 2010:
“Renaissance 2010 participates in producing new disasters:
1. Far fewer schools for the displaced as they are shuffled from one closing school to the next;
2. Far less public housing available for residents as they are displaced, moved off public housing rolls, and subjected to the whims of the market.
3. Far less democratic governance over public schools and public housing as democratic governance shifts away from the public and toward business;
4. And the redirection of public resources to the rich in both schooling and housing."
(CAPITALIZING ON DISASTER–Taking and Breaking Public Schools, p120)
Tom Stephens and Nixakliel are, as Enlightened Cynic would say, dead on. Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, and coming to a neighborhood near you real soon.
Now this is another example of your having a simplistic view of the Struggle. Black Liberation is NOT simple. Otherwise, it would be fully accomplished by now. Very little in human life is simple.
Moreover, no one whom I know to be (have been) involved in the Black Liberation struggle thinks it's simple. They understand that it will be a protracted struggle. It took centuries to end slavery and then the legal racial caste system known as Jim Crow. And we're still fighting to overcome the effects of those forms of oppression while contending with what Michelle Alexander calls THE NEW JIM CROW.
Similarly Africans and West Indians wages struggles for decades and centuries to end European colonialism. And even now they wrestle with neocolonialism.
Even the meaning of liberation, as Amelya insightfully noticed, is open to some debate. Nothing is simple except maybe in Hollywood.
Any thoughts?
DebC - 06/29/2011 - 14:59
As usual, great piece Glen!
Glenn Greenwald gave this explanation of the de-funding vote the other day:
"I don't disagree with the general view of Congress as cowardly and misfeasant in its duties, but yesterday's vote is actually not an example of that -- if anything, it's an example of the opposite -- and there are two important points about that vote that should be highlighted:
(1) The so-called "de-funding" bill the House rejected yesterday was not really a de-funding bill. It would have barred the spending of money for some war purposes, but explicitly authorized it for others. That's why, as Foreign Policy's Josh Rogin reports, dozens of anti-Libya-war members in both parties voted NO on the de-funding bill: not because, as Cole and Yglesias suggest, they were cowards who did not have the courage of their anti-war convictions; and not because the bill would have approved some spending for a war they oppose (though that is true), but rather because they were worried (appropriately so) that had that "de-funding" bill passed, Obama lawyers would have exploited it to argue that Congress, by appropriating some money for the war, had implicitly authorized Obama to wage it:
The vote failed 180-238 - but, in fact, there were more than enough lawmakers to pass the measure. Of the 149 Democrats who stuck with the president, up to 70 of them are totally opposed to the Libya intervention and want to see it completely defunded as soon as possible. They voted "no" on the Rooney's bill because they thought it was too weak, did not cut off all funds, and implicitly authorized the intervention. . . .
These 70 Democrats make up the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), the largest caucus within the House Democratic Caucus, whose leadership includes Reps. Mike Honda (D-CA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Raul Grijalva (D-AZ).
"Members of Congress voted no because the bill provided funding and legal authority for everything we're currently doing. It was back door authorization. Members didn't support authorizing what we're doing now in Libya," Michael Shank, Honda's spokesman, told The Cable. "The majority of the CPC voted no on the Rooney vote because of this."
In other words, if the GOP had put forth a stronger anti-Libya resolution, the progressive Democrats would have joined them and it would have passed. Despite what Clinton or other administration officials may say, the bill's failure cannot be seen as an endorsement of the Libya war.
Some anti-war Democrats (such as Kucinich) nonetheless voted for the de-funding bill, and while I can see the case for doing so (namely, even this partial de-funding would have at least ended the drone attacks and barred future escalation), the anti-war members who voted NO on partial de-funding had very legitimate reasons for doing so. After all, the Clinton administration -- after the House failed in 1999 to authorize bombing for the Kosovo war -- continued the bombing anyway by claiming the House had "implicitly" authorized that war by appropriating some funds for it, and Obama White House lawyers would have almost certainly made the same exploitative claim here. As Ron Paul -- echoing the spokesperson for House progressives -- said in explaining his NO vote on "de-funding", the bill "masquerades as a limitation of funds for the president's war on Libya but is in fact an authorization for that very war. . . . instead of ending the war against Libya, this bill would legalize nearly everything the president is currently doing there."
You can read the rest here: http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/index.html
So any thoughts?
His explanation, however, may be moot, given this (to be voted on upon return from recess in July) - Senate Panel Authorizes Libya Operations, With Conditions -,
Glenn Greenwald gave this explanation of the de-funding vote the other day:
"I don't disagree with the general view of Congress as cowardly and misfeasant in its duties, but yesterday's vote is actually not an example of that -- if anything, it's an example of the opposite -- and there are two important points about that vote that should be highlighted:
(1) The so-called "de-funding" bill the House rejected yesterday was not really a de-funding bill. It would have barred the spending of money for some war purposes, but explicitly authorized it for others. That's why, as Foreign Policy's Josh Rogin reports, dozens of anti-Libya-war members in both parties voted NO on the de-funding bill: not because, as Cole and Yglesias suggest, they were cowards who did not have the courage of their anti-war convictions; and not because the bill would have approved some spending for a war they oppose (though that is true), but rather because they were worried (appropriately so) that had that "de-funding" bill passed, Obama lawyers would have exploited it to argue that Congress, by appropriating some money for the war, had implicitly authorized Obama to wage it:
The vote failed 180-238 - but, in fact, there were more than enough lawmakers to pass the measure. Of the 149 Democrats who stuck with the president, up to 70 of them are totally opposed to the Libya intervention and want to see it completely defunded as soon as possible. They voted "no" on the Rooney's bill because they thought it was too weak, did not cut off all funds, and implicitly authorized the intervention. . . .
These 70 Democrats make up the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), the largest caucus within the House Democratic Caucus, whose leadership includes Reps. Mike Honda (D-CA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Raul Grijalva (D-AZ).
"Members of Congress voted no because the bill provided funding and legal authority for everything we're currently doing. It was back door authorization. Members didn't support authorizing what we're doing now in Libya," Michael Shank, Honda's spokesman, told The Cable. "The majority of the CPC voted no on the Rooney vote because of this."
In other words, if the GOP had put forth a stronger anti-Libya resolution, the progressive Democrats would have joined them and it would have passed. Despite what Clinton or other administration officials may say, the bill's failure cannot be seen as an endorsement of the Libya war.
Some anti-war Democrats (such as Kucinich) nonetheless voted for the de-funding bill, and while I can see the case for doing so (namely, even this partial de-funding would have at least ended the drone attacks and barred future escalation), the anti-war members who voted NO on partial de-funding had very legitimate reasons for doing so. After all, the Clinton administration -- after the House failed in 1999 to authorize bombing for the Kosovo war -- continued the bombing anyway by claiming the House had "implicitly" authorized that war by appropriating some funds for it, and Obama White House lawyers would have almost certainly made the same exploitative claim here. As Ron Paul -- echoing the spokesperson for House progressives -- said in explaining his NO vote on "de-funding", the bill "masquerades as a limitation of funds for the president's war on Libya but is in fact an authorization for that very war. . . . instead of ending the war against Libya, this bill would legalize nearly everything the president is currently doing there."
You can read the rest here: http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/index.html
So any thoughts?
His explanation, however, may be moot, given this (to be voted on upon return from recess in July) - Senate Panel Authorizes Libya Operations, With Conditions -,
its called DIVIDE and Conquer!! they couldent stop the civil rights movement and the black spirit before before that time we were brothers and sisters. now they use the media to put young aganst old. alienate our men from woman. and slowly destory the race from the inside!! not in a day or a year but lil by lii they want 2 destroy us with a subtle imposter rather than a violent opposer !!!
It is obvious that this countries agenda is to attack the Black race by removing the Black Man, from the Black Woman, but I can assure you that it is impossible to get rid of the Black race. Remember all people on earth came from the first man, & woman, and they were Black people so how are you going to get rid of something that everyone on earth is made from in the first place? But I do see how they use cartoons to make little blk girls think that blk guys are not the way to go this must stop!
Black men & Black women belong together and together constitute a 'people'.As a people we are victims of global white supremacy.There IS no 'comparing' which gender or generation of black people is 'more' damaged or culpable.We all are- until we are all free.
These brothers and sisters fought long and hard, died and now have forced the beast to recognize that they will be FREE from being second class citizens to them, or they will fight and die doing it, until its accomplished......
Now its time for a REAL RBG nation to take shape, a BLACK NATION and a bridge to free all of afrika from modern day raping imperialists........
Another example opposite the passive slave crawling movements that our babies have endured in amerikkka......better watch and learn people!
-216 Elite
Well at least some black people get it
Cynical Negro - 07/06/2011 - 22:18
As Cornell West would say, "there's a certain rootlessness" to this negro that really makes me believe that he would co-sign "the master race" sanctioning a drone attack on African American. Wouldn't be surprised if he signed an executive order throwing us all in concentration camps.
"Why Ghana doesn't love Obama anymore"
Obama told Ghanaians in 2009: “Africa’s future is up to Africans.” So why is the US bombing Libya, they rightly ask. No lasting peace will take root in Libya without strong African support. Ditto for America’s ongoing struggle against terrorists there.
By Jonathan Zimmerman
July 6, 2011
Accra, Ghana
"Here’s a quick quiz culled from the opinion pages in Ghana, where I’m teaching this summer: Who is the imperialist race traitor waging war on Africa?
"The answer, of course, is Barack Obama. The reason is the bombing of Libya, which is immensely unpopular over here. And so is President Obama, who now stands accused of betraying his own African heritage.
"That’s a big change from the last time I taught in Ghana, during Mr. Obama’s state visit in 2009. His smiling face was everywhere, from T-shirts and soccer balls to billboards and murals. Gripped by “Obama Fever,” as Ghanaians called it, massive crowds lined the streets to welcome the first African-American US president to Africa.
"You can still see Obama’s likeness around town these days, especially in the tourist areas. But for many Ghanaians, the honeymoon with Obama is over. And it started to go sour when the first warplanes strafed Benghazi and Tripoli, in a NATO effort to protect civilians from strongman Muammar Qaddafi.
"That was the Libya-intervention’s official purpose, anyway. But Ghanaians aren’t buying it. To many observers here, it looks like a grab for Libya’s oil riches; to others, it’s a nefarious Western plot to re-colonize Africa."
Ghana's soft-spot for Qaddafi
"Astonishingly, some Ghanaians also have a soft spot in their hearts for Mr. Qaddafi. “Does Obama know what Muammar-al Qaddafi means to Africa?” one Ghanaian columnist asked last month, citing Qaddafi’s generous aid to poorer African countries.
"Others have hailed the Libyan’s 2009 demand for a “United States of Africa:” a federation of countries with a single government, currency, and army.
"To many Ghanaians, this vision conjures the pan-African philosophy of their own independence leader, Kwame Nkrumah, a key figure in the 20th-century struggle to liberate black peoples around the world.
"Nkrumah traced many of his ideas to the decade he spent as a student in the United States, where he received two university degrees.He also encountered the harsh racism of mid-century America, which reminded him of colonial subjugation in his native Gold Coast."
_______________"Why Ghana doesn't love Obama anymore"
Obama told Ghanaians in 2009: “Africa’s future is up to Africans.” So why is the US bombing Libya, they rightly ask. No lasting peace will take root in Libya without strong African support. Ditto for America’s ongoing struggle against terrorists there.
By Jonathan Zimmerman
July 6, 2011
Accra, Ghana
"Here’s a quick quiz culled from the opinion pages in Ghana, where I’m teaching this summer: Who is the imperialist race traitor waging war on Africa?
"The answer, of course, is Barack Obama. The reason is the bombing of Libya, which is immensely unpopular over here. And so is President Obama, who now stands accused of betraying his own African heritage.
"That’s a big change from the last time I taught in Ghana, during Mr. Obama’s state visit in 2009. His smiling face was everywhere, from T-shirts and soccer balls to billboards and murals. Gripped by “Obama Fever,” as Ghanaians called it, massive crowds lined the streets to welcome the first African-American US president to Africa.
"You can still see Obama’s likeness around town these days, especially in the tourist areas. But for many Ghanaians, the honeymoon with Obama is over. And it started to go sour when the first warplanes strafed Benghazi and Tripoli, in a NATO effort to protect civilians from strongman Muammar Qaddafi.
"That was the Libya-intervention’s official purpose, anyway. But Ghanaians aren’t buying it. To many observers here, it looks like a grab for Libya’s oil riches; to others, it’s a nefarious Western plot to re-colonize Africa."
Ghana's soft-spot for Qaddafi
"Astonishingly, some Ghanaians also have a soft spot in their hearts for Mr. Qaddafi. “Does Obama know what Muammar-al Qaddafi means to Africa?” one Ghanaian columnist asked last month, citing Qaddafi’s generous aid to poorer African countries.
"Others have hailed the Libyan’s 2009 demand for a “United States of Africa:” a federation of countries with a single government, currency, and army.
"To many Ghanaians, this vision conjures the pan-African philosophy of their own independence leader, Kwame Nkrumah, a key figure in the 20th-century struggle to liberate black peoples around the world.
"Nkrumah traced many of his ideas to the decade he spent as a student in the United States, where he received two university degrees.He also encountered the harsh racism of mid-century America, which reminded him of colonial subjugation in his native Gold Coast."
pid wrote:
If we support and create our own businesses and circulate the money around the community then we will have the money to set up better school programs to help our kids be able to surpass through this dying America.
Anyways as am saying... We need to appreciate eachother. Blackmen are gorgeous. Blackwoman are beautiful. We are soulmates by race and we do our best as soulmates to please eachother in a godly way. We neeeed to keep the wealth in our race..we need to be in contact with God and the spiritual world to keep living spiritually. All this may be embeded in our Dna. Our actions. Our deeds
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Rk Byers: "So, are most white people racist?
Not at all.
Only the dumb ones."
Ok Rk sir YOU are an idiot....HOW do you discern between the dumb ones and the smart ones? It is very clear that you have NO CLUE as to what a racist is nor do you know what racism itself is...Racism is a SYSTEM, not a prejudice, not a bigot who doesn't like black people sitting next to him on the bus....
According to history and present times, it seems to ME that the SMART whites are the ones that constructed the well working and lucrative system of racism in the first place....Do you really THINK that dumb white men and women could have held their foot on the necks of millions of african men, women and children for 400+ years if they were dumb? How could a dumb white person keep blacks divided, assimilated and fighting harder for the right to live among them than we do for our own grassroots communities?
Do you think housing, education, finances and economy disproportionately effecting black people in America is due to DUMB white people? That is the reason why so many black enterprises have failed, especially in older times, because the black person FAILED to give his enemy the credit for being who they are. A very smart, shifty, crafty, devious race of people....You black people tend to think the redneck, hillbilly is the 'threat' sittin on his porch with a confederate flag hanging up to cover his windows, while the REAL threat is the white man that shakes your hand everyday at work, or the one that has the last say so on whether or not we get that small business loan or home loan etc....
The DUMB whites aren't even our biggest problem these days actually....It's YOU dumb a___ black people that worry me the most.....
Not at all.
Only the dumb ones."
Ok Rk sir YOU are an idiot....HOW do you discern between the dumb ones and the smart ones? It is very clear that you have NO CLUE as to what a racist is nor do you know what racism itself is...Racism is a SYSTEM, not a prejudice, not a bigot who doesn't like black people sitting next to him on the bus....
According to history and present times, it seems to ME that the SMART whites are the ones that constructed the well working and lucrative system of racism in the first place....Do you really THINK that dumb white men and women could have held their foot on the necks of millions of african men, women and children for 400+ years if they were dumb? How could a dumb white person keep blacks divided, assimilated and fighting harder for the right to live among them than we do for our own grassroots communities?
Do you think housing, education, finances and economy disproportionately effecting black people in America is due to DUMB white people? That is the reason why so many black enterprises have failed, especially in older times, because the black person FAILED to give his enemy the credit for being who they are. A very smart, shifty, crafty, devious race of people....You black people tend to think the redneck, hillbilly is the 'threat' sittin on his porch with a confederate flag hanging up to cover his windows, while the REAL threat is the white man that shakes your hand everyday at work, or the one that has the last say so on whether or not we get that small business loan or home loan etc....
The DUMB whites aren't even our biggest problem these days actually....It's YOU dumb a___ black people that worry me the most.....

I'm saying that if a Black person in America. Marries a Black person or Not. Their offspring because of many reason will be seen as Black. Therefore, the money wouldn't leave the Black "community".
Now I do encourage Black on Black love. I Do encourage stable black households, and neighborhoods. I agree. You do have to love yourself.
That's an interesting point. Usually in this case, it's in the between the extremes where you find the truth. We black people all have the responsibility to help those less fortunate, even if they are at first resistant. That's our blood and we should try as hard as we can to make meaningful cultural growth inside of black America. I don't care if some people hate you. It is better to try than to do nothing and allow things in some cases to get worse. If people still want to go into the wrong direction (after real people try to assist them), then you have to allow them to reap what they have sown. I don’t believe in coercion against a human being. You reap what you sow. Many decent black men can't use compliancy or a hands off approach when dealing with the most vulnerable of our people. On the other hand, it’s a cruel, offensive stereotype and lie to assume that decent black men and black women collectively are weak or are afraid of certain black people. People are tired of that piece of trash lie promoted by pop culture all of the time. Sometimes, people in a bad lifestyle will fall flat on their faces until they get a wakeup call and desire change. People like that definitely deserve our assistance. I don't think decent black men are afraid of bad black men (since tons of decent black men know how to fight verbally and physically). It's just that in this generation, we have to use more radical efforts in solving problems in our communities. More activism is necessary if we want to get our complications corrected. Also, the term ghetto is real silly (when used to describe a mentality) to me because the word ghetto means a location simply not a mentality. There are people in richer areas with the mentality of thuggish acts, materialism, crime, and other ills.
-By Timothy
mahogany wrote:
Of course "decent" black men are afraid...Thats why they move out of areas they grew up in instead of driving the undesirables out. So how "decent" are these black men? I don`t see it. Real men simply don`t run and this stuff can`t be taught.
Cowards multiply in all directions.
Tons of decent black men aren't afraid of any human being made up of flesh and blood. A real man isn't afraid of some cartoon bravado that's made up. A real man holds their own. It is true that some well to do black men have an arrogant attitude with blacks on the socioeconomic background. That's true and that's wrong since all people are equal regardless of socieoeconomic status. Some professional black men wrongly assume that they need to possess a kind of hand off approach and a hestitant thinking process when dealing with black people suffering in the poor neighborhoods. That should cease. "Undesirables?" I'm not an eugenicist, so a human being is a human being. No human is undesirable and all humans have that chance of radical self improvement. Tons of decent black men (& decent sisters for that matter) are in programs, mentorships, and other actions in the hood all of the time helping brothers and sisters. So, stereotypes don't work when reality is shown crystal clear. Real men don't run, but real men have worked in the black community for a long time to help the black community. Also, real men don't disrespect women, assault people for no reason, or stereotype righteous black people doing the right thing.
-By Timothy

Excerpted from the book, Black Love Is A Revolutionary Act by Umoja
the website -- www_trojanhorse1_com has FREE EXCERPTS of this book
This excerpt (taken from the Chapter 'The Interracial Con Game' is for those blacks who think IR breeding/dating/marriage will "solve" racism:
Having more non-white children with a white parent ((NWWP) in America will NOT reduce OR eliminate racism, just like the election of the first identifiably“black” president in 2008 DID NOT reduce racism. In fact, Obama’s election has INCREASED overt racism and resentment from the white collective.
The non-white person with a white parent (NWWP) historically has been used by the white minority as a “buffer” between privileged whites and oppressed non-whites because he or she is MORE likely to promote white supremacy than OPPOSE it since their “white side” offers more privileges.
The black person with a white parent, is more likely to have a white mother; to be raised by a white mother; and to grow up without their black birth father. They are more likely to be white-identifi ed (since most children are more sympathetic to their mother’s side); are more likely to distance themselves from their “black side;” and are more likely to marry and breed with whites.
The same is true for the black person with a white father and a white-identified black mother. Since MOST white-identified blacks with a white parent usually prefer white lovers and spouses, the so-called “browning” soon becomes more beige, then whiter by the 2nd or 3rd generation.
Contrary to the “melting pot myth,” MORE interracial breeding between blacks and whites actually LENGTHENS and STRENGTHENS the reign of white supremacy, destroys black genetics, and reduces the overall black population – which are the main reasons the (white) entertainment industry promotes INTERRACIAL SEX for blacks.
“The melting pot of the races began around the northern perimeter. The end result was always the same: The Blacks were pushed to the bottom of the social, economic and political ladder whenever the Asians (meaning whites) and their mulatto offspring gained control.
This scheme of weakening the Blacks by turning their half-white brothers against them cannot be overemphasized because it began in the early times and it became the universal practice of whites, and is still one of the cornerstones in the edifice of white power...”
-- Chancellor Williams, “Destruction of Black Civilization -- Chapter II: Ethiopia’s
Oldest Daughter: Egypt. pg. 61.”
Black folk need to ask ourselves two questions:
1. Why is IR being promoted so HARD for black folk but is NOT being promoted in white magazines, white sitcoms and TV shows, white relationships reality shows (the white folk ALWAYS PICK ANOTHER WHITE FOLK), music videos (the white singer ALWAYS SINGS TO ANOTHER WHITE FOLK), or on white websites?
2. what has happened to every non-white civilization/group/nation that engaged in sexual intercourse with white folk?
read Chancellor Williams' quote above and you will HAVE YOUR ANSWERS.
the website -- www_trojanhorse1_com has FREE EXCERPTS of this book
This excerpt (taken from the Chapter 'The Interracial Con Game' is for those blacks who think IR breeding/dating/marriage will "solve" racism:
Having more non-white children with a white parent ((NWWP) in America will NOT reduce OR eliminate racism, just like the election of the first identifiably“black” president in 2008 DID NOT reduce racism. In fact, Obama’s election has INCREASED overt racism and resentment from the white collective.
The non-white person with a white parent (NWWP) historically has been used by the white minority as a “buffer” between privileged whites and oppressed non-whites because he or she is MORE likely to promote white supremacy than OPPOSE it since their “white side” offers more privileges.
The black person with a white parent, is more likely to have a white mother; to be raised by a white mother; and to grow up without their black birth father. They are more likely to be white-identifi ed (since most children are more sympathetic to their mother’s side); are more likely to distance themselves from their “black side;” and are more likely to marry and breed with whites.
The same is true for the black person with a white father and a white-identified black mother. Since MOST white-identified blacks with a white parent usually prefer white lovers and spouses, the so-called “browning” soon becomes more beige, then whiter by the 2nd or 3rd generation.
Contrary to the “melting pot myth,” MORE interracial breeding between blacks and whites actually LENGTHENS and STRENGTHENS the reign of white supremacy, destroys black genetics, and reduces the overall black population – which are the main reasons the (white) entertainment industry promotes INTERRACIAL SEX for blacks.
“The melting pot of the races began around the northern perimeter. The end result was always the same: The Blacks were pushed to the bottom of the social, economic and political ladder whenever the Asians (meaning whites) and their mulatto offspring gained control.
This scheme of weakening the Blacks by turning their half-white brothers against them cannot be overemphasized because it began in the early times and it became the universal practice of whites, and is still one of the cornerstones in the edifice of white power...”
-- Chancellor Williams, “Destruction of Black Civilization -- Chapter II: Ethiopia’s
Oldest Daughter: Egypt. pg. 61.”
Black folk need to ask ourselves two questions:
1. Why is IR being promoted so HARD for black folk but is NOT being promoted in white magazines, white sitcoms and TV shows, white relationships reality shows (the white folk ALWAYS PICK ANOTHER WHITE FOLK), music videos (the white singer ALWAYS SINGS TO ANOTHER WHITE FOLK), or on white websites?
2. what has happened to every non-white civilization/group/nation that engaged in sexual intercourse with white folk?
read Chancellor Williams' quote above and you will HAVE YOUR ANSWERS.
It's Official: International Criminal Court has ZERO Mandate
Cynical Negro - 07/03/2011 - 17:01
Rejection by African Union of ICC's Qaddafi arrest warrant reveals ICC as hoax
by Tony Cartalucci
http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/07/its-official-international-cri...and the continents never seperated, and languages never dispersed differently to different varied people's that have come about after the original black man and black wombman!
I haven't been on Topix for awhile, but if you are able you can look up some of my posts concerning waiting till marriage.(I did) and I don't regret my decision.
It's harder out here for women as each year goes by, so many women are not trying to maintain virginity or propriety period and men are like kids in a candy store. Just know that you are not alone in your decision, might seem like it, but I know plenty of other women who waited till marriage.
I say if you can surround yourself with likeminded women-I have fast tail friends too and when I was single, I felt like I was missing out while they were getting their freak on, most are still single, though one of them is getting married next month.
Looking back I didn't miss out. If it is meant to be, the man who is for you will come into your life and he will respect your wishes. Men trying to pressure you and clown you, is showing you what he is all about upfront.
Don't let naysayers make you feel back about your choice. Like one of my aunts told her coworker who was making fun of her for waiting till marriage. I can have what you have anytime, but you can never have what I have again. That shut her co worker right up. My aunt did marry btw and is still married 16 yrs later.

Note by Me: Many educated, young black women do love & respect smart, educated brothers. Also, no one is forced to date anyone. No one puts gun to a brothers' head to date IR at all. There are plenty of great black sisters worldwide that can complete a black man in terms of romance. Yet, the rest of the words from the Revolutionist are accurate.
By Timothy
You make good points, but things are actually not that simple!
So how about bout this and i'm only suggesting because they're your kids not mine. Teach them to be proud of who they are, learn and accept who they area
And love all those who are willing to accept them, however they are and love them as well. Wouldn't that make for a great union. Regadless of race.
I will indeed be teaching them to be proud of who they are and accept those who accept them, however, I will also be teaching them that marrying a white man WILL NOT get you a free pass through white society, won't make you any better than you are, will not change who you are and how you are perceived by white society and will not guarantee you a better life!...
This seems to be the general perception of IRR Black folks!
To cut a long story short, you teaching your children to love and accept the world is not enough for black children, the reason I say this is because, Society has a much heavier influence on the minds of our children than their parents do, this is because society is constantly programming our subconscious with messages of inferiority,(look at the Media) society teaches us things like white women are the epitome of Beauty, and that white men are a better option for husbands and so on...Many of you (who were probably taught to be proud of who you are) have STILL bought into this Mental conditioning without realising!
The only way to combat this is to give Children an extreme dose of "BLACK PRIDE" meaning, teaching them to LOVE THEIR OWN FIRST,(not equally, but FIRST) this will set them up with a strong enough mentality to combat the harsh realities of this world... Other Races and Religions all around the world teach their children this... Example, Arabs, Indians, Chinese and Whites are generally not taught good things about Black people, for instance I know of Indian and Chinese parents who teach their children to stay away from Black kids!
My daughters are both very light skinned in complexion, one day my seven year old came home from school and said that she doesn't ever want to be "Dark brown, because it is a Boys colour"!!!... This, she obviously picked up psychologically from school some how.
Teach Black Children to respect and love others but, "BLACK MUST COME FIRST"!... That is true Black Pride.
I am not annoyed at all, if I sound annoyed it is just my personality shinning through, LOL, in reality I am a man of great influence, presence and people always listen when I speak.
My issue is not with Black people dating whites, they are much deeper than that, it is the increasing numbers coupled with the MENTALITY of those Blacks that are giving me cause for concern...
Example... Why is it that Black people in IRR always feel the need to come back to the Black community and voice their Negative views of Black people?...If you are happily dating whites, why not just move on with your life?... The excuse of "we can't find a decent black partner" is utter garbage because we all know decent black folks (men and women)!!!
These IRR people are unconsciously trying to encourage impressionable minds that dating out is the solution to our problems, and obviously, some blacks will be influenced by these folks, making the problem much worse!
I hear some Black women talking about not being able to find decent Black men, yet still there are countless amounts of single educated brothers saying Black women do not want them because they are viewed as "SOFT"!
I have recently completed a Masters Degree and noticed a strange trend amongst young Black women... Instead of dating the young educated Black youths there they chose to date young bucks from off of the street who usually have no education, but usually have a Flash Car and Dresses in expensive street gear!... The educated black dudes were being forced to date White, Chinese, Indian and some other young Girls who I could not even tell what races they were from...
I hear some Black men talking about Black women are too loud, aggressive and manly, yet still I see many of them dating some Fat, filthy, foul-mouthed white women who could easily out-mouth many of even the loudest sisters on the Block!
Black folks seem to be looking for reasons not to date other Blacks rather than the other way around!...This is Self hatred brought on by the Media's representation of our people and it is increasing...
The fact that 90% of IRR people actually seek out whites specifically, shows they are trying to run away from themselves, this shows deep psychological problems with their race which is increasing.
-The Revolutionist
Note by Me: Desmond is accurate here, except many black people are attracted to slim women. Culturally, we black people like women with skin on the bones though. There is nothing wrong with that at all with liking thicker women. The thicker sisters (along with the slim and medium sized sisters too) are what us brothers respect and like as equal human beings.
By Timothy
Marilyn wrote:
i have some questions regarding afro-american culture. this might not be the right place to ask. here are my questions.
1-it seems to me afro-americans say how proud they are of each other but if thats true why are they always fighting each other and killing each other off, especially in the inner cities and suburbs?
Marilyn, I'ma try to answer your questions...as far as black on black violence, the problem is socio-economic ...high unemployment, racism, crime and drugs in the community...and a lack of effective police presence to prevent undesirable elements...so you have a few criminal elements who feel free to operate with impunity. However, the vast majority of blacks do not commit violent crimes against each other. 1-it seems to me afro-americans say how proud they are of each other but if thats true why are they always fighting each other and killing each other off, especially in the inner cities and suburbs?
For a lot of young bm, the only images of success they see are rappers and athletes...most of the successful black doctors, lawyers and cpas aren't shown on TV so poor, young bm do not have the role models. ALso, schools in the black communities are underfunded and in bad shape so the young bm do not feel that these schools prepare them for academic success so their options are limited....even though it's a long shot, if they can make it in music or athletics it's better than working at mcdonalds or as a security guard.2-why do young men in your community aspire to be rappers or pro athletes or to make it as entertainers? isnt there alot of competition for those jobs already and what becomes of them if they dont make it in the entertainment business?
Teen pregnancies in teh black community are at an all-time low.3-I am seeing more and more very young afro-american women with a baby and sometimes with more than one baby but seldom is a man with them. are these pregnancies planned? if so, where are the fathers and how can these young women afford their children? are they on welfare or government assistance?
yes, but also blacks place less emphasis on being skinny and trim...slim women are not sexy for blacks.4-at work and at the park where i walk, i have seen more and more overweight afro-americans and very few are slim and trim. i believe all the afro-americans are overweight where i work. is there something in their diet which is responsible for this.
In america, if you are mixed with white and black you are considered black...this is american history and custom. It's called the "one-drop" rule.5-why do afro-americans say that obama is black when his mother was white? is that because he is married to a black american woman?
African americans and africans generally get along very well...we just don't have a lot in common with each other culturally.6-is it true that afro-americans dont like africans? this was told to me by a colleague who is african. he believes this is because of slavery and because africans know their origin but afro-americans dont know exactly where they originate from in africa. is this true?
It represents the confederate south that fought to preserve slavery which was an abominably racist institution.7-why is the confederate flag considered racist by afro-americans?
I personally have NEVER heard a black person blame whites for michaels death.8-if michael jackson was poisoned by a member of your community, why do some afro-americans blame whites for his death?
refuse?...not true. Resist? Yeah, sometimes.9-is it true that men in your community refuse to wear condoms and if so why?
See my response to #2.10-why do many afro-americans pursue service type jobs such as customer service, security, and postal work?
You are welcome...Hope this clears things up for youThank you for reading my questions and I look forward to reading your responses,
-Desmond Sandiford

That's why the media (including white-owned "black websites") are pushing INTERRACIAL DATING/BREEDING for black folks, promoting the NONSENSE that white racists/racism is all in our black imaginations, and why they promote FLAME WARS between the black male and black female to destroy ANY potential that we will be able to love and UNIFY with each other against what is coming...
because they know that a DIVIDED HOUSE cannot stand against a UNIFIED ATTACK. White folks are ARMING UP big-time (with US in mind) while at the same time this site publishes an article by Chicago's new top cop, McCarthy, who slyly appears to be against (blacks) in Chicago owning guns for own own good (sic):
Chicago’s Top Cop Calls Gun Laws “Government Sponsored Racism”
If WE knew our history, we'd remember what happened during the Chicago race riots (i believe it was around 1919) and how blacks were slaughtered by rampaging RACIST whites -- ARMED WITH GUNS.
If WE knew our history, we'd remember 'Black Wall Street' in the early 1900s and how black men, women, AND CHILDREN, were slaughtered by rampaging RACIST whites, the KKK, and the racist white military -- ARMED WITH GUNS AND KEROSENE BOMBS DROPPED FROM PLANES on the all-black town of Tulsa, Oklahoma (those who have never heard of 'Black Wall Street' should seriously google this!)
How anyone with our 500-year bloody and tragic history dealing with whites -- past AND present -- could be convinced that MOST whites are not racist, is beyond me.
The problem is most black folk do NOT understand what racism is, and think because a random white folk smiles at them, listens to black music, has lunch with them, or fuggs them, that this white person cannot be a racist.
What we do NOT understand is RACISM is just another word for a white supremacy SYSTEM, by which ALL WHITE PEOPLE PARTICIPATE IN AND SUPPORT VIA THEIR ACTIONS AND/OR THEIR SILENCE.
Racism requires POWER and INSTITUTIONS to maintain it -- neither of which black folks have. Damn, we barely own and operate a corner store in our own neighborhoods, let alone a SYSTEM of power.
Again, I recommend checking out the book, Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation, and the website -- www_trojanhorse1_com where you can read FREE EXCERPTS explaining what racism is
My next post is for those white-addicted blacks who think IR breeding/dating/marriage will "solve" racism
because they know that a DIVIDED HOUSE cannot stand against a UNIFIED ATTACK. White folks are ARMING UP big-time (with US in mind) while at the same time this site publishes an article by Chicago's new top cop, McCarthy, who slyly appears to be against (blacks) in Chicago owning guns for own own good (sic):
Chicago’s Top Cop Calls Gun Laws “Government Sponsored Racism”
If WE knew our history, we'd remember what happened during the Chicago race riots (i believe it was around 1919) and how blacks were slaughtered by rampaging RACIST whites -- ARMED WITH GUNS.
If WE knew our history, we'd remember 'Black Wall Street' in the early 1900s and how black men, women, AND CHILDREN, were slaughtered by rampaging RACIST whites, the KKK, and the racist white military -- ARMED WITH GUNS AND KEROSENE BOMBS DROPPED FROM PLANES on the all-black town of Tulsa, Oklahoma (those who have never heard of 'Black Wall Street' should seriously google this!)
How anyone with our 500-year bloody and tragic history dealing with whites -- past AND present -- could be convinced that MOST whites are not racist, is beyond me.
The problem is most black folk do NOT understand what racism is, and think because a random white folk smiles at them, listens to black music, has lunch with them, or fuggs them, that this white person cannot be a racist.
What we do NOT understand is RACISM is just another word for a white supremacy SYSTEM, by which ALL WHITE PEOPLE PARTICIPATE IN AND SUPPORT VIA THEIR ACTIONS AND/OR THEIR SILENCE.
Racism requires POWER and INSTITUTIONS to maintain it -- neither of which black folks have. Damn, we barely own and operate a corner store in our own neighborhoods, let alone a SYSTEM of power.
Again, I recommend checking out the book, Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation, and the website -- www_trojanhorse1_com where you can read FREE EXCERPTS explaining what racism is
My next post is for those white-addicted blacks who think IR breeding/dating/marriage will "solve" racism
I have two young daughters and will not be teaching them to seek out men of other colours for a "better life" because that will lower their own self-esteem which they will pass onto their Children and so on.... and before you know it, I will have a load of Great Grand-Children who will be getting whiter and whiter as the generations move on...
The best way to control a foreign population within any given society is to "INTEGRATE/ASSIMILATE " them into the dominant population using various means (including using psychological methods)... This was done in Brazil to try to breed Blacks slave descendants out of the country by mixing them with Indians and 2nd class whites, this is why there are so many mixed folks in Brazil...
The program was discontinued in the 1950's, if you want some more info on the matter read about "Blanqueamiento" and Brazil/ Racial whitening or Assimilation...
Who's to say this sh** isn't happening right now!
99% of whites DO NOT have any "Power or Prestige" whatsoever!
With so many white women divorcing white men, the "Power and Prestige" of being with a white man CLEARLY isn't good enough for white women, so they shouldn't be good enough for Black women either unless they have lower standards.
We need to teach our young Black Daughters NOT to take-up with men that the white women is "throwing under the bus"!...
Have you noticed a rise in WM/WW divorce rates coinciding with a rise in WM/BW IRR?... this means Black women are now dating white men that have been deemed "unfit for white women"!!!...
Blacks need to stop taking up with white rejects just because they have white skin and a Job, this is a clear sign of low self-esteem, we will still face the same racial issues whether our partner is white or black, their white skin CANNOT change societies views about you and your origins!
-The Revolutionist
Mr Observant wrote:
Re: Revionist
From your site
Do any of these figures, particularily the 4 male ones on the right look anything but White to you?
No offense.
Mr Not-so observant,From your site
Do any of these figures, particularily the 4 male ones on the right look anything but White to you?
No offense.
Take a look at this statue of Statue of King Aspelta, in-fact he looks exactly the same as the warriors in the photo you pointed out;
He could easily be mistaken as white, due to him having sharp features or a spiky nose.
However, every history book tells us King Aspelta was a BLACK king of Nubia!...Google him and see for yourself.
Now look at these two statues;
Cover the Afro, and it could then pass as an statue early Greek philosopher, However, they are statues of Haile Sellesie, former Emperor of Ethiopia!
Most East Africans have similar pointy noses and thin lips to whites, this is where white features originated, even pale white skin, was seen in African albinos long before the white man existed...You don't own pointy features, Africans had them first... Whites judged the whole of Africa by what they saw in a handful of West African countries, because that is where they landed....LOL but African history is slowly making a fool out of whites and their historians, at the end of it all they will have absolutely no credibility left whatsoever!... when we say "Africa" to a white man, he thinks only of three countries in West Africa, and some Jungles...LMBAO....talk about being uneducated and uninformed, Africa is a huge varied CONTINENT!
The point is, Abyssinians, Nubians, East Africans and so on, when sculptures were made of them, you could barely tell whether they were white or Black!...Remember they are the fathers of the white race, what do you expect?....And there's more.
-The Revolutionist

those who think racism is "going away" or believe all we have to do is strive for "tolerance" and "understanding" do NOT KNOW THE HISTORY of white supremacy and white domination/colonization/imperialism here and abroad
Not do they understand the system that dominates the LIVES of every non-white person on the planet.
White supremacy is a GLOBAL SYSTEM that is thousands of years old --
Until its non-white victims GET OUT OF DENIAL and stop cooperating with it (by treating whites as if they superior) it will continue for another THOUSAND YEARS
check out racismdaily_com
Neely Fuller, Jr (on youtube)
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing (on youtube)
and you'll learn that racism IS white supremacy -- and that it is a GLOBAL system NOT the acts of a few "dumb white people"
Not do they understand the system that dominates the LIVES of every non-white person on the planet.
White supremacy is a GLOBAL SYSTEM that is thousands of years old --
Until its non-white victims GET OUT OF DENIAL and stop cooperating with it (by treating whites as if they superior) it will continue for another THOUSAND YEARS
check out racismdaily_com
Neely Fuller, Jr (on youtube)
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing (on youtube)
and you'll learn that racism IS white supremacy -- and that it is a GLOBAL system NOT the acts of a few "dumb white people"
1 comment:
Hey, I don't believe in those pills. I respect your free speech rights, but I believe in moving forward on issues (like talking about improving our communities and the like).
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