Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Misoygnoir must end (Great Words from Sister mmmdot)

mmmdot • 19 hours ago
60% of Black girls are sexually assaulted before their 18th birthday - mostly by black men. Black women are murdered at 2.5 times the rate of white women. Compared to a Black male, a Black female is far more likely to be killed by her spouse, an intimate acquaintance, or a family member than by a stranger. Where the relationship could be determined, 94 percent of Black females killed by males in single victim/single offender incidents knew the men who murdered them. Ninety-three percent of the homicides of Black females were intra-racial. Black women are only 8% of the population but represent 29% of ALL WOMEN who are victims of intimate partner homicide. Black women are facing DISPROPORTIONATE levels fatal, life threatening, and severe gender based violence and domestic abuse. This shxt needs to be addressed and eradicated. Period.


mmmdot • 18 hours ago
Anti-blackness + misogyny = misogynoir. ANYONE is capable of engaging in misogynoir against black women - INCLUDING black men. I'm disgusted, but not surprised by some of the DESPICABLE misogynistic comments from the typical black "male" trolls making light of these crimes and calling Black female rape victims derogatory names. THIS kind of shxt is WHY so many Black women are fed up with Black men - especially the low caliber of bitter, hateful troglodytes that habitually troll Black WOMEN'S websites harassing women. Many black men have truly demonstrated the Zora Neale Hurston quote "All my skinfolk, ain't my kinfolk."

I don't plan on ever siding with white supremacy, but I've given up on trying with Black men as a COLLECTIVE. Most just want a fan club, not any sort of partnership with Black women. No, thank you. The constant dialogue hasn't been working. Most only come out of the woodwork when they see Black women having discussions about black male privilege and misogyny in the Black community - never when there are HATEFUL misogynistic black "male" losers calling Black women and girls who've been murdered and raped out of their names. Where is the RAGE and the PROTEST for the BLACK WOMEN and GIRLS who were drugged and raped by this predatory, perverted creep? Exactly.


 mmmdot • 6 months ago
Some of these hateful, misogynistic black males disgust the hell out of me to the point that I truly don't care whether they live or die. Almost 80 years ago, Zora Neale Hurston said "Black women are the mules of the world," and it's STILL true today. Way too many black men are STILL trying to pin the "divide" in the community on black women creating the Black feminist movement, completely ignoring the terrible systematic misogyny WITHIN the black community that necessitated it. I was talking to another black woman about this and we both agreed that we never knew how much some black men literally HATED black women and ONLY black women, until we came online. On IG, Twitter, blogs, and websites, they are constantly trolling, harassing, insulting, and denigrating black women. And instead of defending us from the COUNTLESS misogynistic black males who PUBLICLY degrade us like Tommy Sotomayor and Tariq Nasheed, the so-called "good" brothers ONLY seem to come out of the woodwork to derail and diminish black women who confront this misogyny. PLEASE.

Anti-blackness + misogyny = misogynoir. ANYONE in society is capable of engaging in misogynoir against black women - this INCLUDES black men. Misogynoir is the reason why instead of HELPING us or DEFENDING us, these misogynistic black men just pile on with everybody else in society. Even when black men are in the wrong, black women defend their reputations and their humanity. Example? Black FEMINISTS on Twitter were the ones who talked about the fact that MIKE BROWN was being subjected to character assassination after his death and organized a huge series of marches in his honor.

Until these fucking selfish, insensitive, callous, misogynistic black males get the f__ off our backs and stop blaming US for s__that is CLEARLY the result of white supremacy being inflicted on them by WHITE MEN and WHITE WOMEN, I can't coalesce with black men as a collective. If black men collectively can't or won't get it, than I'm moving on and I refuse to: A) prop them up anymore B) worry about protecting "black masculinity/ manhood" anymore C) worry about protecting the public image of black men anymore and D) go hard in the paint to defend the reputations and lives of random black men the way I used to anymore. Why? Because black men DO NOT RECIPROCATE. That is it and that is all. It's my f_________ human right to devote my time, energy, money, and sympathy to whatever I want. Period.


America has a sickening past, one which has not been reconciled, and instead of a sheepish and apologetic white populous, we have instead arrogance, aggressiveness and continued racism; the shamelessness should be likened to Neo-Nazis in Germany. This country is hundreds of years of Nazi Germany, South African Apartheid, and Iraq Occupation rolled into one. It's a terrorist state in and of itself.

No matter who we put in office, the white supremacy system is still the same. Putting different figureheads on the same ROTTEN system does nothing. The entire system needs to be reconstructed. One of my friends referred to the U.S. as a "failed state" that should fall apart so we could build something real. Lately, I've been agreeing with that notion.


"Anytime black people make up real arguments about the conditions in the world, we're slandered as "race-baiters" and "extremists."

That's b/c once it became clear that humans came from Africa, not Europe or North Eurasia, white scientists, academics, and laypeople didn't trade their white supremacy for Black supremacy. Instead it was: “Race does not matter!” Despite what whites PUBLICLY claim they're not ACTUALLY colorblind – they still use the SAME 200 year old, imbecilic white supremacist stereotypes they've ALWAYS used to explain everything under the sun. Not only do they regularly use race to explain people’s behavior, they use race to rationalize and protect their their unearned power and resources.

As Professor Derrick Bell said: “Black people will never gain full equality in this country. Even those herculean efforts we hail as successful will produce no more than temporary ‘peaks of progress,’ short-lived victories that slide into irrelevance as racial patterns adapt in ways that maintain white dominance. This is a hard-to-accept fact that all history verifies. We must acknowledge it, not as a sign of submission, but as an ultimate act of defiance."

Most whites will NEVER *voluntarily* give up white supremacy. It has to be TAKEN from them.


mmmdot • a month ago
And when "law abiding cops" start turning in the bad cops that they are indeed aware of then and ONLY then will I believe there is such a thing as a "good cop." Just because you know a police officer who isn't nasty and won’t beat people up doesn't mean they're necessarily “GOOD” by default. Why? Because real "good cops" ARREST bad cops. Period.


mmmdot • a month ago
When the cops are no different than a Neo-Nazi street gang, it says something about how white supremacy is built into the very fabric of this country. And most Black cops assimilate into the racist police culture and go along to get along, even though their white co-workers habitually threaten THEIR lives too. Crime rates have gone DOWN to RECORD LOWS. So not ONLY do there need to be less police officers in Black neighborhoods - there need to be less police around the whole damn country.

The reliance of LAZY WHITES on "policing" to GENERATE REVENUE for themselves is sociopathic. They SHOULD be increasing funding to schools, after school programs, jobs, and Black owned businesses, instead of more "policing." But they WON'T because this is JUST the latest instance of a LONG history of lazy, shiftless, entitled whites scheming to disrespect the humanity of people in order to make money. It's a regressive and dangerous policy, leaned on by greedy and racist white politicians too cowardly to raise revenue through NORMAL and JUST means: TAXATION of white elites. Policing for "safety" is the biggest lie we've ever been fed. White supremacy and privatization are the biggest problems facing this society, not "street crime."


mmmdot • 2 months ago
America has a sickening past, one which has not been reconciled, and instead of a sheepish and apologetic white populous, we have instead arrogance, aggressiveness and continued racism; the shamelessness should be likened to Neo-Nazis in Germany. White and Black "relations" are simple...they need to TRULY feel some regret and pay compensation for creating and legalizing a race-based caste society. They made dark brown skin and African heritage itself a stigmatized mark of chattel slave status. "Slave code" evolved into a "Black code" and now it's a foundation for institutional racism or "whiteness." Black people are STILL relegated to non-human status, but now instead of being deemed to ONLY be fit to be "slaves", we're deemed to ONLY be "criminals" fit for inexcusably inhumane prisons or death. Many Black people know that they are suffering from racial discrimination but they truly don't understand racial *OPPRESSION. It's not EVER just going to be isolated incidents of unfairness, it's perpetual and habitual racial oppression.

Whites RARELY feel any kind of real shame about chattel enslavement and the racism it created. *Whites don't take "pride" in Nazi work camps but they take "pride" in Southern plantations.* They feel shame about the Jewish Holocaust which was a decade, but they NEVER feel shame about a 500 year Holocaust. Please. This country is hundreds of years of Nazi Germany, South African Apartheid, and Iraq Occupation rolled up into one for Black people. America is a terrorist state in and of itself. THAT'S the truth. We don't need to "converse" about it anymore, we need to hold the people who perpetuate it accountable and they need to fix THEIR white supremacy problem.


mmmdot • 2 months ago
Horrifying. Ugh. Seeing many average, everyday Black "males" find a way to blame Janay for being knocked unconscious by her fiance reinforced the fact that men of ALL races subject Black women to misogynoir. People do not address the fact that in a patriarchy women need protection, because men already have it. This protection is shelled out based on the social "value" of the women who need it. A big part of the survival of women is dependent on the protection allotted to them in patriarchy.

Black women are stereotyped as being "strong", incapable of feeling human pain, and sexually deviant. These inane stereotypes increase our exposure to gender-based violence. Black women are more likely to be raped, murdered, and beaten by strangers OR loved ones than any other group of women in America. Eradicating the misogynoir that oppresses and harms Black women and girls calls for people to delicately balance Black women’s need to be protected from violence and misogyny with a desire to eradicate patriarchy and paternalism. You're not a Black woman. Please don't come on a website FOR Black women attempting to diminish the LEGITIMATE feelings of Black women who ARE in fact LEGITIMATELY bothered and offended by this for LEGITIMATE reasons. We constantly have to fight for people to see us as humans AND as WOMEN. You don't know what that's like, now do you? I WISH ppl understood the three pillars of white supremacy so they could understand anti-blacknesss, racial hierarchy, and that while racial stereotypes about non-white people are RELATED they are DISTINCT. Even WITHIN the Black race, the racial stereotypes about Black women are RELATED but DISTINCT from Black men, which is why WE end up having to deal with things that YOU are most likely not aware of or blithely diminish as "not being serious." It's really not any Black man's place to tell a Black woman what should be important to her and what she should and should not get upset about. It's pretty much no different from a white man telling a Black man what should be important to him and what he should not get upset about. Does a white man experience the world as a Black man? No, right? So then YOU don't experience the world as a Black woman, and you it's really NOT your place to come onto a Black women's space and attempt to diminish or dictate this or anything else. Ever.


I'll say this: There are OBVIOUS disparities in PHYSICAL SIZE and STRENGTH between men and women. Women are men's psychological,
emotional, and intellectual equals, but generally speaking, the average man is relatively physically bigger and stronger than the average woman. The biggest punks are the ones who go all macho and beat up on women or others less physically strong than themselves as opposed to someone who is more EQUAL in physical size and strength.

I respect men who know the *APPROPRIATE* times to use their physical size, strength, aggression, and dominance. Being ready and willing to use your physical size and strength to protect your family from dangerous, intrusive, and rapey men = cool, totally understandable, and very sexy. Using your physical size and strength to control, intimidate, frighten, silence, and abuse women and others who are smaller than you = you're a misogynistic bxtch azz “male” and I have absolutely no respect for you as a man. Like I said: Eradicating the misogynoir that oppresses and harms Black women and girls calls for people to delicately balance Black women’s need to be protected from violence and misogyny with a desire to eradicate patriarchy and paternalism. Black people aren't allowed to just be HUMAN like other groups of people.There ARE homophobic black people, but black people are not exponentially MORE homophobic then any other racial group. Even though it's been shown numerous times that religiosity is a better indication of homophobia then skin color, black people are repeatedly depicted as being more "naturally" regressive and homophobic without any nuance at all. ::EYEROLL:: I just can't.

mmmdot • 3 months ago
Though I understand why people get the false idea that race-mixing will FIX racism, the problem is that we still live in a white supremacist society that irrationally stigmatizes and dehumanizes people with dark skin. Even if we're all mixed together, genetics will STILL make people darker or lighter. No one will be "the same”.

For every society that has had extensive racial mixing in the past 500 years:

– the phenotypes would not disappear – they are only recombined into new combinations of phenotypes.

– A new colorist vocabulary is invented to replace what may have formerly been “racial” designations, eg, hair type, eye colour, skin tone

– money and wealth have some impact on one’s “racial” classification for social purposes.

– marrying “up” or “down” is related to both wealth and to phenotypical characteristics (eg, skin tone)

The white supremacy hierarchy will continue to operate as colorism rather than strict racial categories. The REAL solution is eradicating white supremacy.


mmmdot  Nonya Bizz • 3 months ago
"Black people will always be nothing in America because we can't even get along with each other."

Speak for yourself and only yourself, because you sure don’t speak for me and mine with this made up fuckery. You don’t get to generalize any manifestations of your self loathing and internalized white supremacy to all Black people as though they are “Black” traits. Speak for yourself. Mmmkay?

How many of those Black kids you're complaining about are going to block you from accessing adequate healthcare, food, shelter, and money over a lifetime? How many of those Black kids are going to block you from accessing employment, education, and voting over a lifetime? How many of them are going to dump toxic waste in your Black neighborhood? How many of those Black kids are hindering you from succeeding as an adult in ANY way? The only time I have ever had a black person personally hold me back is when they were trying to appease a white superior.

Racism is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue. Stop diminishing it because your childhood resentment is affecting your ability to THINK RATIONALLY and grasp that fact. People really need to let go of childhood hurts, because HOLDING ON to the crap kids said and did to you and making it about your HURT FEELINGS when we're sitting up here talking about HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS only makes YOU seem childish and petty. Grow up and read a book. Kay? Don't diminish the seriousness of racism because of YOUR personal pettiness.


mmmdot  Nonya Bizz • 3 months ago
Professor Margaret Hunter, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Mills College:

"It is tempting to characterize the problem of colorism as equally difficult for both light-skinned people and dark. Dark-skinned people lack the social and economic capital that light skin provides, and are therefore disadvantaged in education, employment, and housing. Additionally, dark skin is generally not regarded as beautiful, so dark-skinned women often lose out in the dating and marriage markets. On the other side, light-skinned men and women are typically not regarded as legitimate members of their ethnic communities. They may be excluded from, or made to feel unwelcome in, community events and organizations."

"At first glance, it may SEEM that there are equal advantages and disadvantages to both sides of the color line. Upon closer examination, this proves to be UNTRUE. [Emphasis mine] Although exclusion from some community organizations may be uncomfortable psychologically or emotionally for light-skinned people of color, it rarely has significant material effects. More specifically, emotional turmoil about ethnic identity does not have significant economic consequences. However, the systematic discrimination against dark-skinned people of color in the labor market, educational institutions, and marriage market create marked economic disadvantages. Without minimizing the psychological trauma of exclusion from ethnic communities, it is important to clarify that the disadvantages of dark skin still far outweigh the disadvantages of light."


mmmdot • 3 months ago
Colorism is a GLOBAL issue and is part and parcel of globalized white supremacy. Colorism is a facet of racism and racism can be INTERNALIZED.

"How does colorism operate? Systems of racial discrimination operate on at least two levels: race and color. The first system of discrimination is the level of racial category, (i.e. black, Asian, Latino, etc.). Regardless of physical appearance, African Americans of all skin tones are subject to certain kinds of discrimination, denigration, and second-class citizenship, simply because they are African American. Racism in this form is systemic and has both ideological and material consequences."

"The second system of discrimination, what I am calling colorism, is at the level of skin tone: darker skin or lighter skin. Although all blacks experience discrimination as blacks, the intensity of that discrimination, the frequency, and the outcomes of that discrimination will differ dramatically by skin tone. Darker-skinned African Americans may earn less money that lighter-skinned African Americans, although both earn less than whites. These two systems of discrimination (race and color) work in concert. The two systems are distinct, but inextricably connected. Although many people believe that colorism is strictly a ‘black or Latino problem’, colorism is actually practiced by whites and people of color alike." - Professor Margaret Hunter, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Mills College

(http://www.mills .edu/academics/faculty/soc/mhunter/The%20Persistent


mmmdot • a month ago As Anna Julia Cooper said: "Only the Black woman can say “when and where I enter, in the quiet, undisputed dignity of my womanhood, without violence and without suing or special patronage, then and there the whole Negro race enters with me.” and The Combahee River Collective Statement: "If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression." __________________________

mmmdot Felicia • 9 months ago Have you ever heard of "white Hispanics"? Well, there are white people who are Hispanic / Latino. Hispanic / Latino is an ethnicity, not a race. Second, they had race-based enslavement in Latin America, the same way they had race-based enslavement in North America, so the entire Western Hemisphere created "racial" hierarchies that placed all black people on the bottom so that they could keep these systems of race-based enslavement going. The racial hierarchy is most rigid and severe in the United States, but there IS globalized racism where all people of recognizable phenotypical African descent are placed at the bottom. And yes, some white Hispanics have "black blood" in them the way some white Americans have "black blood" in them, but Not ALL of them have "black blood" in them. Some white Hispanics have European ancestors who immigrated to South America within the last century. Many because of WWII. A lot of N@zis like Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele, and other fascists fled to South America in the 1940's and a lot of European Jews fled to South America and the Carribean to get away from the fascists. There are quite a few white people in South America and the Caribbean. Some Latinos/ Hispanics aren't people of color.

http://www.pbs (dot) org/race/000_About/002_04-background-02-05.htm

http://www.britannica (dot) com/EBchecked/topic/488187/racism 


mmmdot Felicia • 9 months ago You should also check out this book by a professor of anthropology named Audrey Smedley. It's called "Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a Worldview". She REALLY breaks down the history of race and racism, the differences between the different racial systems that exist in the world, and why racism in North America and apartheid South Africa were and are PARTICULARLY distinct from the other forms of racism and anti-blackness that we see across the globe.


 ALL non-Black people are promised that if they don't challenge anti-blackness and comply with the racial hierarchy, then THEY won't be the ones relegated to bottom of it. It's why we not only end up having wage a psychological battle with racist whites for the right for Black people to define and organize themselves as they see fit, we often end up having to deal with non-Black people of color who are try to push us down further into the muck JUST to help themselves up. Whites and many other non-Blacks basically feel entitled to anything Black people have or create. White supremacy has taught ALL non-Black people that anything and everything Black people have is up for grabs to them and is theirs for the taking. This is just a continuation of the slavery modality where African people were treated as property who didn't have any kind of human rights to their own children and names, let alone their own possessions. All could be taken from them to be used for SOMEONE ELSE'S benefit at the drop of hat. This mentality is ingrained in this white supremacist society to the point that many non-Black people don’t even think it's wrong to steal or appropriate from Black people. Hence, white people's asinine and sociopathic complaints about something that clearly isn't them and can't be easily appropriated by them. Dealing with the egos and insecurities of whites is an entire 2nd job. mmmdot • 8 months ago There seems to be the tendency among *certain* people to disassociate whites from the broader issues of violence, bigotry, and homophobia by treating each instance of THEIR hateful behavior against the LGBT community as an isolated incident. But let a black person act ignorant about LBGTs, they run their mouths like ALL black people are homophobic. I'm tired of this bul___. _ mmmdot Chris is a REMORSELESS misogynist and abuser. He is childish and I fear for the safety of women and children in his vicinity – INCLUDING his daughter.

Every time you think this dude has grown up, he reveals the REAL malevolent abuser that lives just underneath. He hasn’t really changed at all – he’s taken all the things he learned in therapy and used them to improve his phony public facade. Instead of changing his abusive nature, he’s learned to hide it better. This is typical for batterers. He doesn’t need REGULAR therapy, he needs to go to program specifically formulated for batterers. They help batterers learn to check their entitlement and misogyny. _ mmmdot • 2 months ago She's a SOCIOLOGY professor and she was speaking the truth about chattel slavery and racism. Her comments are pretty mild compared to what we ALL SHOULD be saying about whites and their psychopathic racism. The ONLY mistake she made was making those comments on an account that could easily be traced back to her.It's not possible to be be "racist" to a racially privileged people. Racism is military, economic, and social power. Not DISCUSSING racism or MAKING OBSERVATIONS about racism. Whites have NEVER been oppressed on the basis of their white skin. She didn't say a DAMN thing that was wrong. What REALLY bothers me is this is YET ANOTHER instance of whites using their money to silence a Black woman [white alumni threatening to pull funding] and that the university president said this in his bogus statement "Boston University does not condone racism or bigotry in any form". Um, there's only ONE form of racism and it's inflicted by whites upon POC.

Is this COLLEGE PRESIDENT seriously giving credence to that white supremacist lie "reverse racism"? You would think someone who works at an institution of higher learning would know the difference between racism and prejudice? I wish EVERYBODY - especially these dumb white morons who complained about this - had real, comprehensive K through 12 education on the history of race and racism. We ALL need to read REAL anthropologically and sociologically sound history books on the subject of race and racism. Whites will never learn to stop being racist as long they can't grasp that racism and white supremacy are the same damn thing and that racism is a system of oppression that WHITES created and perpetuate to this day. Instead of fixating on what black people RESPOND to racism, WHITES need to go straight to the source and stop themselves and the system from BEING RACIST. Because white people's willfully ignorant "colorblindness" mindset is KILLING US black people. Literally. It isn’t necessarily a rational hope so much as an immature refusal to fully acknowledge and deal with the true gravity of the situation.


mmmdot • 2 months ago
Horrifying. Ugh. Seeing many average, everyday Black "males" find a way to blame Janay for being knocked unconscious by her fiance reinforced the fact that men of ALL races subject Black women to misogynoir. People do not address the fact that in a patriarchy women need protection, because men already have it. This protection is shelled out based on the social "value" of the women who need it. A big part of the survival of women is dependent on the protection allotted to them in patriarchy.

Black women are stereotyped as being "strong", incapable of feeling human pain, and sexually deviant. These inane stereotypes increase our exposure to gender-based violence. Black women are more likely to be raped, murdered, and beaten by strangers OR loved ones than any other group of women in America. Eradicating the misogynoir that oppresses and harms Black women and girls calls for people to delicately balance Black women’s need to be protected from violence and misogyny with a desire to eradicate patriarchy and paternalism.

Disgusting but typical. It's why I can't STAND white corporate middle-class feminism and embrace womanism, a kind of feminism that is ALWAYS for and about black women, 100% of the time. Period. I'm no one's damn afterthought. Even in the margins, white people STILL have white privilege. Think about who is "THE FACE" of each marginalized group outside of those who are oppressed on the basis of race? White women, white LGBTs, white disabled people, poor whites, white atheists, white Jews, etc. STILL have white privilege. Hell, the entire WORLD is set up to allow whites to dominate and be privileged whatever the axis may be. THIS is why I can't really get down with a lot of white LGBTs and I'm more willing to ally with the Black LGBT community than the white "mainstream" LGBT community. There is a REASON Black Pride, Black gay parties, and Black gay activist groups exist: these racist whites that JUST so happen to be gay HABITUALLY pull racist shit. It's not a question of IF they'll do it, it's a question of WHEN they'll do it. Systemic racism means inadequate healthcare, shelter, and money over a lifetime. This shit isn't a game: it's a BASIC human rights issue. Even in the margins, whites STILL have white privilege. *Liberal or Conservadumb, racism isn't a partisan issue, it's WHITE people issue.*


I'll say this: There are OBVIOUS disparities in PHYSICAL SIZE and STRENGTH between men and women. Women are men's psychological,
emotional, and intellectual equals, but generally speaking, the average man is relatively physically bigger and stronger than the average woman. The biggest punks are the ones who go all macho and beat up on women or others less physically strong than themselves as opposed to someone who is more EQUAL in physical size and strength.

I respect men who know the *APPROPRIATE* times to use their physical size, strength, aggression, and dominance. Being ready and willing to use your physical size and strength to protect your family from dangerous, intrusive, and rapey men = cool, totally understandable, and very sexy. Using your physical size and strength to control, intimidate, frighten, silence, and abuse women and others who are smaller than you = you're a misogynistic bxtch a___  “male” and I have absolutely no respect for you as a man. Like I said: Eradicating the misogynoir that oppresses and harms Black women and girls calls for people to delicately balance Black women’s need to be protected from violence and misogyny with a desire to eradicate patriarchy and paternalism.


"that comparison doesn't have the same real-life outcome which is pry why ppl are arguing with you" Exactly. People make these FALSE EQUIVALENCIES all the fucking time b/c THEY don't read, yet they try to call someone ELSE out on THEIR "lack" of education. Fuck outta here. It all comes back to the fact that ALL non-Black people are promised that if they comply with the inhumane racial hierarchy and don't challenge anti-blackness, then THEY won't be the ones relegated to bottom of the racial hierarchy. I have no problem at all coalescing with other people of color, but most of them need to address their anti-blackness. They need to take IMMEDIATE concrete and transparent steps to address it within themselves AND the communities they come from. Period. They ALSO need to understand the racial hierarchy - which is really a hierarchy of human worth and basic human dignity - that places white people on top, black people on the bottom as the "opposite race", and themselves somewhere in the middle. Understandably, once a non-black person of color exhibits anti-blackness, I really don't want them anywhere near me until they are fully accountable for it and take real steps to begin to address it. Anti-blackness is toxic, and I really refuse to blithely be subjected to it from ANYONE, including other people of color. It's the worst when it comes from whites because they have the social, political, and economic privilege and power to implement their racist anti-blackness as a racist governing structure. But anti-blackness can also cause major psychological and emotional distress when it comes from non-black people of color, because the people you feel SHOULD be your natural allies aren't. Many non-black people of color seem to recognize the racism that THEIR groups face but don't understand the specific anti-black racism Black people face. Nor do many non-black people of color understand how they can be complicit with white supremacy by engaging in anti-blackness and colorism.


These are really harmful FALSE EQUIVALENCIES, especially when you consider Asian men like Satoshi Kanazawa and Daniel Holtzclaw who have LITERALLY HARMED Black women because of the SPECIFIC anti-black misogynist stereotypes about us. It all comes back to the fact that ALL non-Black people are promised that if they comply with the inhumane racial hierarchy and don't challenge anti-blackness, then THEY won't be the ones relegated to bottom of the racial hierarchy. I have no problem at all coalescing with other people of color, but most of them need to take IMMEDIATE concrete and transparent steps to address anti-blackness within themselves AND the communities they come from. Period. They also need to understand the racial hierarchy that places white people on top, Black people on the bottom as the "opposite race", and themselves somewhere in the middle. Understandably, once a non-black Poc exhibits anti-blackness, I really don't want them anywhere near me until they are fully accountable for it and take real steps to begin to address it. Which is why I COMPLETELY understand BDG refusing to talk to that anti-black misogynist Asian trashbag in private. Anti-blackness is toxic, and I really refuse to blithely be subjected to it from ANYONE, including other people of color. It's the worst when it comes from whites because they have the social, political, and economic privilege and power to implement their racist anti-blackness as a racist governing structure. But anti-blackness can also cause major psychological and emotional distress when it comes from non-black people of color, because the people you feel SHOULD be your natural allies aren't. Many non-black people of color seem to recognize the racism that THEIR groups face but don't understand the specific anti-black racism Black people face. Nor do many non-black people of color understand how they can be complicit with white supremacy by engaging in anti-blackness and colorism.


mmmdot • 12 hours ago
Thank god for that. I wish EVERYONE would work on decolonizing their minds of white supremacy and patriarchy. As Neely Fuller said: “If you do not understand white supremacy (racism) - what it is and how it works - EVERYTHING ELSE YOU KNOW will only CONFUSE you”

In a white supremacy system, it is "LOGICAL" for the darkest people to be at the bottom and to pile on brown, yellow, near white, and white on top of them so they can’t get up. Race has always been a primary factor in every patriarchal economic system of exploitation - capitalism is the ULTIMATE example of this. I wish everyone would read 'Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy: Rethinking Women of Color Organizing' by Andrea Smith and 'Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples' by Linda Tuhiwai Smith. They're a good start to help people destroy the internalized white supremacist gender system within them.


Her Words on the Chicago Exhibit showing the image of the body of Michael Brown.

mmmdot • 7 hours ago
Whites HABITUALLY pull this racist shit. It's not a question of IF they'll do it, it's a question of WHEN they'll do it. They may SEEM nice on the surface, but you ALWAYS wonder WHEN it's coming with them- like when they're going to open their mouths and something racist is going to fall out. Or when they're going to do something racist to you. This is why I can't get close to whites unless they're on some John Brown shit.

Why do I mention John Brown? B/c he CHOOSE not to follow the sociopathic white supremacist "instincts" that white 'culture' indoctrinates white people with. He realized the truly horrific nature of racial slavery and white supremacy and he completely rejected it to the point that he was willing to KILL other whites to get it to end. We don’t teach as much about John Brown as we do Frederick Douglass. He is constantly written off as a crazy religious nut and a fanatic. Yet writers we're taught to admire in English class, like Emerson and Thoreau, admired HIM. Not that any teachers in school are going to tell you that.


 mmmdot • 8 hours ago
Just look at the pictures of bloodthirsty audiences of white savages - white men, women and children - that GLEEFULLY gathered JUST to view (and participate in) barbaric acts of white terrorism like lynchings. There has ALWAYS been a robust market for WHITE CONSUMPTION of BLACK PAIN. Whites LOVED burning black people alive at the stake in lynchings and cutting off their bodies parts for SOUVENIRS while they were STILL CONSCIOUS. This included women who they gleefully GANG RAPED first. Pregnant women? Still tortured, raped, and murdered by HAPPY white savages.

Hanging someone from a tree really doesn't describe the soullessness of the white DEGENERATES who participated in and condoned lynchings - and that was the MAJORITY of white Americans in EVERY part of the country. What kind of PERSON keeps a mudered human being's KNUCKLES as a 'keepsake' and THEN passes it down from GENERATION to GENERATION within their trashy white 'family'? We are dealing with sociopathic, thuggish white GHOULS - that INCLUDES the women.


Just look at the pictures and POSTCARDS whites actually had the nerve to send through the mail of OTHER bloodthirsty white savages - white men, women and children - GLEEFULLY gathered to view barbaric lynchings where whites burned Black people at the stake, gang raped Black women and girls, and cut off their victim's body parts for 'souvenirs'.

Only SERIAL KILLERS keep their victim's body parts for 'souvenirs'. There has ALWAYS been a robust market for WHITE CONSUMPTION of BLACK PAIN. We are dealing with sociopathic white GHOULS - that INCLUDES the women.

Let a Black person make a Halloween 'costume', a shooting target, or an 'art exhibit' out of Nicole Brown Simpson's (stabbed up/ shot up/ whatever it is) dead as fuck bloody white female body prone on the floor. I KNOW they would've thought twice about it then.