Many of the US' Hyped 'Villian's' Were Once in Cahoots w the US
Nixakliel - 03/16/2012 - 00:20
Note the following articles: @ ['African Ping Pong: US Plays both Sides in Uganda. The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) is a US-backed Guerilla Force' @]
And then there's: 'U.S. Confirms Liberian Leader [the notorious Charles Taylor] Worked for CIA': U.S. officials have confirmed long-held suspicions former Liberian president Charles Taylor worked for the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies. [Whom later the US decided to out him as a villian] @
And from this article: Reason #5: The United States, the other “good guy” in Kony 2012's imaginary world invented the modern African child soldier in the late1970s and early 80s, so their commitment to “ending child soldiers” is a bit suspect. With US funding the former Aparthied Regime in S.Africa helped create and arm “contra” guerilla forces, UNITA in Angolan and RENAMO in Mozambique to burn schools and clinics, to mine orchards and roads, commit mass rapes, mutilations and murders, terrorizing citizens in their own country. Lacking foreign troops or popular support , but with US aid and plenty of firepower, UNITA and RENAMO hit upon the innovation of kidnapping and enslaving child soldiers to carry out their despicable mission. Both were effusively praised and lavishly funded by Barack Obama's favorite president Ronald Reagan, and their leaders welcomed at his White House.
Saddam Hussein & Manuel Noriega were CIA assets- whom later the US decided to cast as villians. Saddam did the US' bidding by over-throwing an elected gov't & 'purging' non-pro US elements from Iraq's gov't when he came to power. AND- Mr CIA / Skull{duggery}& Bones Bush Sr was Noriega's CIA pay-master!
And then we have 2 of the US' favorite Black / African dictatorships- Poppy & Baby Doc [who the US & France let return to Haiti 'Scott Free' w a 'Get out of Jail Free Card' as they at the same time tried to block the return of Pres Aristide {who they helped pull a coup on twice] Dulvalier -&- Last but not Least- The notorious Mobutu who- along w the CIA, the Belgiums & even the UN- had Patrice Lumuba's [and millions of Congoleses] blood all over his [& their] hands!
And then there's: 'U.S. Confirms Liberian Leader [the notorious Charles Taylor] Worked for CIA': U.S. officials have confirmed long-held suspicions former Liberian president Charles Taylor worked for the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies. [Whom later the US decided to out him as a villian] @
And from this article: Reason #5: The United States, the other “good guy” in Kony 2012's imaginary world invented the modern African child soldier in the late1970s and early 80s, so their commitment to “ending child soldiers” is a bit suspect. With US funding the former Aparthied Regime in S.Africa helped create and arm “contra” guerilla forces, UNITA in Angolan and RENAMO in Mozambique to burn schools and clinics, to mine orchards and roads, commit mass rapes, mutilations and murders, terrorizing citizens in their own country. Lacking foreign troops or popular support , but with US aid and plenty of firepower, UNITA and RENAMO hit upon the innovation of kidnapping and enslaving child soldiers to carry out their despicable mission. Both were effusively praised and lavishly funded by Barack Obama's favorite president Ronald Reagan, and their leaders welcomed at his White House.
Saddam Hussein & Manuel Noriega were CIA assets- whom later the US decided to cast as villians. Saddam did the US' bidding by over-throwing an elected gov't & 'purging' non-pro US elements from Iraq's gov't when he came to power. AND- Mr CIA / Skull{duggery}& Bones Bush Sr was Noriega's CIA pay-master!
And then we have 2 of the US' favorite Black / African dictatorships- Poppy & Baby Doc [who the US & France let return to Haiti 'Scott Free' w a 'Get out of Jail Free Card' as they at the same time tried to block the return of Pres Aristide {who they helped pull a coup on twice] Dulvalier -&- Last but not Least- The notorious Mobutu who- along w the CIA, the Belgiums & even the UN- had Patrice Lumuba's [and millions of Congoleses] blood all over his [& their] hands!
The problem w most folks in the US, white & even Black, especially young folk- is their knowledge of the World & history especially RE: Africa is quite shallow & lacking. IMO: Most people in the US think Africa is a country - rather than the 2nd largest continent on the planet! Thats the reason why 'Kony's' producers picked well known celebs to hype this phony 'Kony' {un}documentary- they know that most young folk will relate to & 'trust' that these celebs must know what's - what [NOT!] - When, in general, its actually just the opposite! When you've got folks like Rhianna, Lady Gaga & Kim Kardasian - hyping a {un}documentary RE: Africa- they probably do NOT know what the hell they're talking about!!!
In England as well as America, what counts as standard English is the language as spoken and written by the educated classes. Cockney is not considered standard. But it is probably more common that Oxford English. The average Englishman doesn't speak like Bertrand Russell. The average American doesn't speak like Gore Vidal. The average Black American, to be ethnically specific, doesn't speak like W.E.B Du Bois.
Emotional and socio-economic insecurity. Marx was on to something when he said that "religion is the opium of the people." And Nkrumah noted in CONSCIENCISM that the most intensely religious people are usually the POORER people. African-Americans- -collectively--are perhaps the second poorest group in the USA, with only Native Americans being substantially poorer. The Christian religion gives folk something to hang onto in times of trouble. Even AA folk who are not poor generally have less socio-economic security than their white peers. For example, I am just one generation out of the ghetto myself; first person in the family (which we can trace back before the 1776 Revolution) to go to college. I don't have even the accumulated capital that many of my white colleagues have. Many more newly minted middle class Blacks are in that situation. Some of them also cling to religiion for that emotional security. African-Americans feel maybe a threatening void, feel there's no place for life anchoring moral values without religion. Black sociologist E. Franklin Frazier---famous for book THE BLACK BOURGEOISIE--argue s that the Black church is probably older than the Black family. (Church survived even during slavery more so than the family). The Church has been a kind of social cement holding the community together when seemingly noting else could. So, there's also just TRADITION. And let us keep in mind that the general level of education among our people is still well behind that of whites, exceeding perhaps Native Americans (who are poorer than us) and Latinos(many of whom are still struggling to learn English). Education will not necessarily turn you into an atheist, but a GOOD education forces you to examine things critically--includ ing your own beliefs
But it is fallacious, an instance of the fallacy of False Cause (post hoc ergo propter hoc)to infer that simply because crime incresed AFTER the ANC ascended to governance that it happened BECAUSE of the ANC. Crime was on the rise anyway. The problem of the ANC is not carrhing through on the social democratic economic reforms that they stood for when they were a persecuted oppositional movement. Now it's possible that for a time the corruptions of a previous regime will continue---even increase in a new, freer regime. Ironically, freedom may even aid for awhile the increase of evils already there and already incresing from the old regime. It is dubious to argue for that this means that the democracy is more corrupt than the previous tyranny. But if the ANC does not find a way of bring about democratic, egalitarian economic reforms, if it doesn't find a way of alleviating poverty, we will see--signs already there--of increasing class divisions within the African population. And that also makes for corruptions which can undermine democracy. Indeed, it is possible that if South Africa does not get on a progressive social democratic path---which is really the ANC'S own original program--we may see corrupt Black elites forming political marriages of convenience with the former white ruling caste. In that case we could eventually see South Africa back on the path toward a new (but no longer exclusively white) fascism, or a violent CLASS STRUGGLE. In his writings, and his speeches while on trial, Mandela argued for something like a social democratic alternative. I can only hope they get back on course in that direction. And maybe these popular protests is the wake up call the current government needed.
Kony 2012
eric - 03/15/2012 - 22:38
Please remmember that in Oct.2010 the Obama admin. rejected a ban on giving aid to countries that us child soldiers. Uganda could have caught Kony already if it had not used its army in invading the Congo.
The fact of warlordism is not addressed. Before kony there was Charles Taylor in Liberia, Polpot in Canbodia, The Shining path in Peru. The list goes on. What allows these events to continue.
If invisible Children were serious their first stop would be the Obama White House rejcting the ban on child soldiering.Eric
Note by Me: I don't agree with Cosby on poverty, but Cosby is doing something to help his people (like speeches, programs, scholarships, etc. Cosby isn't sitting on his tail. Farrakhan is doing some things and I don't agree with him on every issue too).
By Timothy
Cosby ought to start listening to the Occupy Movement, and show the animosity to the rich and the white that he showed to the black and the poor. But I guess Cosby knows who's paying him, and prefers to pimp himself out to the white ruling class. Oh there's a blame game going on. What do you think YOU have been doing all this time? The poor are being blame by the rich who impoverished them. Workers are being blamed by he employers who outsourced their jobs. The ignorant buffoon Herman Cain blames Blacks (who won't buy his bull)of being "brainwshed " into voting Democrat whie HE prostitues himself to the Republican Party and to his white massas, the Koch brothers. At any rate, what Cosby, Farrahkan and YOU have in common is that you have NOTHING to offer--not even vision of a better society without racial, class and gender inequalities. You have nothing relevant to contribute to this thread on NONVIOLENT REVOLUTION because you are yourself a reactionary. The only thing you're capable of doing is repeating the same old claptrap about how bad most black men are (men who you don't actually know) while community and the society is falling apart. Have you ever even read a book? Since you bring up Cosby, are you at least familiar with Dyson's critique of Cosby? Since the CLASS divide has been increasing globally as well as nationally and within the African-American community, do you have an analysis of why this is happening and what might be ways of correcting this/ Why does your covnersation never rise above the level of the Jerry Springer show? At any rate, I'm done. You're like SBT--simply repeating the same old line like a broken record, and regardless of what the issue is.
My Words on the Net (in response to a doubter):
The deal with people like you is that you want blacks to act like you, think like you, and believe in your historical revisionist interpretation of black people. Yet, black people have the right to strongly promote black power, black families, and black strength. This has nothing to do with being like Jackson or Shartpon. It's about asserting our manhood and rejecting intolerant austerity.
The rest of your words are racist stereotypes. Most blacks aren't in jail. Most blacks are not involved in serious crime. Most black people work and most black people don't take welfare. Also, tons of blacks are breaking the cycle of oppression and are entering the spring of black liberation.
Where is your evidence that most blacks play victims. Opposing history and exposing problems have nothing to do with playing the victim. It has to do with believing in reality. Nothing will ever get solve unless more black people call evil people out instead of sugarcoating the identities of the oppressors. Also, many pro-black leaders advocate hope, inspiration, improvement, and motivation (not a permanent thinking of defeatism). Your stereotyping is old.
I read about Liberia for years before the year 2000, so what are you talking about. See, just because we brothers are not the Tiger woods/Gumble/Alfonso Rivera type, doesn't mean we are unintelligent and lacking in knowledge of our black history. We don't bow to you. See, we are awakening our consciousness and fighting for true liberation without submitting to your thinking.
You have the right to say what you want. Just as I have the right to disagree with much of your views. Good enough? Your responsibility is to live your life. We blacks don't need stereotyping by you or historical revisionism from you. We just need justice simply put. Exposing the truth isn't playing a victim. It's play the victor. See, we are victors when we wake up and fight against white supremacy.I don't think that Sean Bell, etc. was crying wolf.
We agree on one precise point in that we didn't create all of our problems in the world. Now, individually blacks are responsible for their own actions, but collectively we under a system of white supremacy. That's reality whether you like it or not. Therefore, we have the right to fight it. I didn't say I blame white people for all of my problems. I did say that white society has a guilt complex and on many occasions refuse to see the complexities of social inequality and racism.
The corporations promote the degradation of sisters not just some rappers. Not all rap is monolithic. Also, other genres of music slander female for centuries. The rest of your statements are old reactionary stereotypes. Tons of young blacks wish to be in a myriad of occupations not just sports or entertainment. More whites are in welfare and they have their issues. White people are in mostly other sports as well because of cultural reasons not because whites emphasizing something.
My ancestors didn't totally sold my people as slaves. That's a half truth. White Europeans organized the ships, trade routes, the money, the supplies, and the attacks on innocent black people. These criminals are to blamed for most of the Maafa. In this generation, white historical revisionists are attempting to delegitimate white responsibility for the Maafa, which is just as sick as Holocaust deniers.
Why did you mention Liberia. White people used Liberia (in a re-colonization scheme) as a means to ship blacks out of America not because they back then had a legitimate concern to promote equality for the black man. Also, many black Americans have every right to stay in America in order to fight for liberty and justice if they desire to. Black Americans have every right to go into Africa if they want to as well. Some benevolent acts of some white people doesn't excuse imperialism period.
Decent black men and black women exist. We agree on this point. Now, there is a distinction between exposing white supremacy and promoting blame against all white people (which I don't do). Now, many black people who are successful are Uncle toms if they desire to not help out of their own people. These black people aren't Uncle Toms if they have sincere love for their people. I don't believe in blaming your race for all crimes, but racism and poverty still exist.
See, it's really hypocritically to blame the victim instead of the criminal or perpretrator of the darkness. The perpetrators of the darkness (who created the war on terror, ecological disasters, & massive exploitation) aren't black people, but we realize their apparent, transparent identity. Many blacks are stigmatized and unfairly called criminals in the classroom without cultural tolerance. That is why some black people have these issues. Glen Ford has proven this point about education.
All of black people's troubles aren't of black people's making. That's an old lie. Black people didn't create slums, unemployment in America, the Maafa or the slave trade, Jim Crow, the prison industrial complex, or the other societal complications. We know who created these problems.
Regardless of everything you said, there is a White power structure and a plan to keep Blacks at a certain place for the basis of White demonination and survival. Malcolm X was trying to teach the People how to love themselves, but was killed by a Negro...why? The Black Panther party were doing the same - as well as trying to improve their neigbourhood and the society for Black children but yet the FBI conjured up a plan to destroy them and infiltrate their area...
Note by Me: I disagree with DarkOneSun's stereotyping of black women and he admits in his blog that he can't stand some black women (and he's married to one). Black women are always Queens no matter period. I get along with black women from across socioeconomic backgrounds all of the time. He is right on many issues though.
By Timothy
DarkOneSun on said:
