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I agree that our children are an important part of our future and if we do not give them a black centred teaching now, no matter what we achieve as blacks it will be all undone by them when they grow-up to be adults! They will end-up going through the same self hate that many of our people go through today or they may end-up dying while trying to be accepted by other communities which will never happen, thus the cycle of failure continues.
I agree, but I would implement this "plan of action" differently. Like I said earlier, we should create educational institutions for our youngest children that teach an African centered education. We should then take this "plan of action" and structure the curriculum around its realization. For example one of the seven principles of Kwanza is "Ujima" which means; "To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems,
It isn't that hard to do, all blacks should make an effort to have black children's books in the household and have black educational programs shown to them at home instead of having them watch useless cartoons all day. This is what I do with my daughters, they even have black dolls to play with, it took them a while to get used to them but they have warmed to them now! If our children are not going to black schools the parents have to make an extra effort to give their children some kind of culture or they will grow-up empty, these empty vessels will then be filled with what society teaches them about being black, and we all know how society views black people so that child will just hate blacks and eventually hate him/herself!
I hate to say this but I think that Farrakhan had overestimated the will and drive of our black people to get themselves moving and doing for self, he thought that once black people saw the magnificence of the show of force and unity of black people we would see that as a wake-up call, he may of thought that many black leaders would emerge. Can you imagine if it was any other race of people who had the million man march? America would never of been the same place after that.
We cannot afford this any longer with our people, because when you fail to bring the black community together once it may take years to bring them together again. I do not think we should make moves as big as this one until we know what we want from it and are positive as to how we will keep the movement going and building upon it so it will never die.
Blacks are the only people who can gather together in such a large number as 1 million but yet produce nothing! That is how unproductive we are as a people!... A well armed army of 1 million men could conquer the world, whereas we didn't even produce one black city!... I see that as a wake-up call rather than the march itself... I think the problem is that too many of us are waiting for others to act but if we keep waiting nothing will change.
I have noticed that other communities have bonds that keep them together, religion, family traditions, honour and so on. We seem to lack these bonds, in-fact we seem to use religion and race as a means of separating ourselves instead of unifying! like someone said earlier on this thread, we need to find a common interest that will give us a common reason to unite, the fact that we are all black doesn't help unite us!
I agree, I have no problem with peeking into the Jewsih and Asian community to see what makes them click, we can even take the exact same "plan of action" they have and add our own black african twist so it can serve our own interests. I've grown tired of trying to figure out the multiple reasons why blacks do not want to unify, I believe we should stop it from ever beginning, that is by educating the black child in the direction of the liberation of his people.
-The Revolutionist
Yes, the traitors must be carefully monitored, we wouldnt want the same situation that blacks in the 60s endured with black informants giving out vital information about the plans for black self liberation. That's wonderful, I hope more of these types of schools are built. Blacks achieve more when the curriculum is focused on their own needs or they already have the ability to take what they learn and convert it into ways to serve black interests.
It is very embarrassing to see these "Uncle Toms" desperately trying to be accepted by whites and others but are being constantly rejected by them, but yet they still try and try. They will even sell us out just to be called one of them. This is self-hatred to the max, but as usual like most sell-outs, when whites turn against them they always run back to the black community for protection and support, we should reject these people at this point, we have to learn to toughen up and give out the message that sell-outs will not be accepted by us or we will only end-up encouraging more of these blacks to try to the same, a traitor can never be trusted again and in many other cultures they are shot, beheaded or locked-up!
Yes that is one of my daughters in my avatar, she is 8 yrs old now, my daughters are being brought-up with an Afrocentric mind-set and goes to a christian black majority school where they do teach a certain amount of African history beyond slavery and colonisation.
Even I was surprised at what they were teaching them concerning Africa, basic African history is now being taught to many young children as the originators of science, medicine, astrology and so on, but in a very basic capacity, but it is better than I got at school.
-Near Future
I consider it an illusion. Economy is what matters, not politics; not in an overwhelmingly White majority racist nation it doesn't, and where Black people are some of the most infantile and stupid people in the world when it comes to how politics are supposed to work. Even with that useless president, Black people still have economic insufficiency, and like I said, we haven't budged in over a hundred years. I call that a non-growing ethnic group.The USA is only 230 years old ffs..YOU only got the right to vote 47 years there is a Black family in the Whitehouse...I consider that an extremely fast growing ethnic group LOL.
I plan on moving to Africa, and if I can, indefinitely. I'm not surrendering any profit proceeds to the US. If anything, I might set up some revenue streams here and funnel them back to the continent. The money I make will stay on the continent and among Black hands. If not there, then Haiti, or Bahia, or some other Black location.Ok your researching opportunities in Africa..what I would like to know is are you prepared to move to Africa or, will you just exploit an emerging market, and then repatriate your profits back to the US. If the latter, you are no better than the investors you disparage.
I'm not sure what this girl has to do with me. She and I are nothing alike. I don't worship Europeans or European culture. There was another retard on here telling me about how she thinks AA's should repatriate to Paris. Why AA's would want to move from one White dominated country just to relocate to another White dominated country to escape their problems is beyond me. Just further inspires me to not care about what AA's ultimately want to do with themselves. I can't fix stupidity or self AA girl..she’d been through uni (SEVEN YEARS)and studied everything to do with France. She then migrated to France when she graduated.
I'm not interested in Africa because I want to escape the "horrors" of the US. I want to go to Africa because that is where I envision my plan best working. I'm looking for the best place to implement my ideas under the safe guard of a Black owned country. It's called pragmatism. All the past and present leaders have tried building in the US, and have ultimately failed, or left an incipient or short-lived effect. I am simply doing what I feel will most likely work and keep working where I feel it will most likely work at.You know it takes another looking at you from outside the just don’t realise how good you got keep thinking the grass is greener.
These people are lamenting issues that I wouldn't even see as being issues if the location was different and the type of people were more cohesive. They talk about police brutality. Well if you were living under a Black owned nation, chances are, you wouldn't experience that. They complain about Black people not buying from each other or wanting to start businesses. Well in places like Lagos, that's all they ever do over there. Even in Haiti and in Bahia there is a much apparent sense of entrepreneurship and community business sense than here.You can’t see the sense in that? The mind boggles. We should suddenly STOP what we are doing and focus on another continent just because they are Black. Bakari, we are all unique, for instance, I wouldn’t want to be like you LOL. Speaking for myself I will stay where I belong even though 90% of my family lives in the US .
They complain about racism and and racial injustice. Their complaints wouldn't be issues in Black owned nations, where they would have greater control and say so, but they don't care about that. They just want to keep complaining. And no, I don't see the sense in that.
-Bakari Neferu
I have to give these people credit for thinking far ahead. We need to plan now for a future where blacks are reclaiming control of their areas and countries.
It is true that most countries get help to become modernised, even parts of Africa were modernised when it was colonised by Europe, but after the Europeans left, those built-up cities were destroyed by civil wars... Africa is also now receiving much help from the East to once again rebuild, what worries me is the sheer amount of land that Africans are selling to Chinese and also the Europeans!
My father (who travels to Africa regularly and owns land in Ghana) has told me that there are large sections of land fenced off that had been sold to Italians, Russians, Chinese and so on, some of the sold land was as large as 10 acres!!! Most of it is not being used yet.
My father asked an Italian man what he wanted to use so much land for and the man told him that he is going to build an "adventure park" on it.... These vultures are already getting ready to get rich of off the new Africa even before the infrastructure has been completed!...
We must start investing in Africa now if possible because Africa will end up having all it's assets owned by others like with the caribbean Islands!
I've seen that same documentary, I was amazed at the sheer ingenuity of these insects that have a brain smaller than a grain of sand. We can do anything with the power of numbers.<
I watched a documentary where ants built an empire on a farm, liquid concrete was poured down the hole to get rid of them, but surprisingly, it took 4 days to fill the hole, it was decided to excavate and dig around the concrete after it dried, what they found was an amazing city of hundreds of tunnels with ball-shaped rooms at the end of each tunnel, it had various ventilation tubes that were responsible for air conditioning the ant-city, some expelled carbon dioxide while others in-took fresh air at various entrances...
If even the ants can build cities and empires,(all this from an insect that is blind and uses scent to navigate around) then surely we can do better. All we need to do is work together, drop our individualistic "I am special" attitude and organise ourselves into a formidable unit!... Until then, even the ants are out-doing us in terms of empire and city building!
-Near Future
This is horrible, the fact that these politicians can be so greedy and shortsighted to the fact that their jeopardizing their own peoples lives is truly disgusting. How do you even begin to fix this once the foreign countries are using the land?Now another dangerous element of the land grab trend is the shift from domestic to foreign control over food resources and food-producing lands. Large corporate land deals reduce poor nations' likelihood of reaching food self-sufficiency, and some view land concessions as governments outsourcing food at the expense of their most food-insecure citizens. Importantly, most of the target or "host" countries themselves are net food importers or even emergency food aid recipients. For nations experiencing social unrest and high rates of hunger and poverty, it is hard to conceive that fertile land is being conceded to foreign countries instead of being used to boost domestic production. Land is a vital resource necessary to meet the domestic needs of developing countries and generate powerful employment and well being of their citizens.
Kenya has received much attention, as the Qatari government is set to fund a 3.4 billion port off the country's coast in exchange for a lease of 40,000 hectares of land on which Qatar will grow crops. According to Kenyan land law, this area belongs to the local community; however, pastoralists and framers in the Tana Delta are largely illiterate and unaware of their legal rights. This deal seems unthinkable given that Kenya is currently in a state of "food emergency" according to the FAO, which reports Kenya as experiencing "exceptional shortfall in aggregate food production and supplies". Recent drought has left 10 million people hungry and post-election violence in 2008 displaced thousands of farmers throughout the country's most fertile regions, with 30 percent of Kenyans reportedly facing food shortage currently.
It is difficult to visualize a win-win scenario when governments do not prioritize domestic food supply or local production over foreign investment and production. Evidence shows that these land deals often lack transparency and are frequently mismanaged by governments.
Moreover, local communities are rarely adequately informed about the land concessions that are made to private companies. Insecure local land rights, inaccessible registration procedures, vaguely defined productive use rights, legislative gaps, and other factors all too often undermine the position of local people vis-à-vis international actors. Without careful assessment of local contexts--including recognizing existing local land uses and claims, securing land rights for rural communities, and involving local people in negotiations--land acquisitions will inevitably adversely affect local food production and rural livelihoods.
-Near Future
I have just finished watching this speech of his about the development of the black child:
These Uncle Toms are the product of the dominant European system and are simply defeated. They see no way out of their subordinate position, so instead of working with the other people of their same race that share the same position to make progress, they would rather give up and try and fit into the society that never wanted them in the first place. Like trying to force a square peg into a round hole they put a whole bunch of pressure on themselves to gain acceptance of white society and at the end of the day never do. However they do not want to accept that they are not wanted so they are now caught inbetween two worlds, one they long to be apart of and one they have decided to neglect. This is why they will sell out other blacks in a minute, they believe that if they show how much they are not in favor of their race that white society will pat them on the back and allow them entrance. It's pathetic, but these are the same black people who at a young age were never taught the beauty and accomplishments of their race, and so they have nothing to defend and no community to uphold leaving them to look up to the only community they can see "white society" and feeling no ties to their own.
It is true that most countries get help to become modernised, even parts of Africa were modernised when it was colonised by Europe, but after the Europeans left, those built-up cities were destroyed by civil wars... Africa is also now receiving much help from the East to once again rebuild, what worries me is the sheer amount of land that Africans are selling to Chinese and also the Europeans!
We have to remember that countries like Korea, Japan, and China were helped out by Western powers. If America did not develop these areas during the Cold War they probably wouldn't be in the exact position they are today. Africa on the other hand was destroyed and we have to pick up the peices by ourselves, and the oppressive puppet dictators and proxy wars are working against it.
My father (who travels to Africa regularly and owns land in Ghana) has told me that there are large sections of land fenced off that had been sold to Italians, Russians, Chinese and so on, some of the sold land was as large as 10 acres!!! Most of it is not being used yet.
My father asked an Italian man what he wanted to use so much land for and the man told him that he is going to build an "adventure park" on it.... These vultures are already getting ready to get rich of off the new Africa even before the infrastructure has been completed!...
We must start investing in Africa now if possible because Africa will end up having all it's assets owned by others like with the caribbean Islands!
I watched a documentary where ants built an empire on a farm, liquid concrete was poured down the hole to get rid of them, but surprisingly, it took 4 days to fill the hole, it was decided to excavate and dig around the concrete after it dried, what they found was an amazing city of hundreds of tunnels with ball-shaped rooms at the end of each tunnel, it had various ventilation tubes that were responsible for air conditioning the ant-city, some expelled carbon dioxide while others in-took fresh air at various entrances...
In reference to your comment about unity in nature. A single ant can easily die in his hostile environment, but when he is a part of a colony they can create bridges over water:
If even the ants can build cities and empires,(all this from an insect that is blind and uses scent to navigate around) then surely we can do better. All we need to do is work together, drop our individualistic "I am special" attitude and organise ourselves into a formidable unit!... Until then, even the ants are out-doing us in terms of empire and city building!
-The Revolutionist
I believe the answer to opening up the hearts and minds of black people is in history. It would require extensive research on peoples movements and how they got started. We would need to educate the people, ignorance is a major issue. Family values will need to pushed on the people. BET will need to be overhauled to spread our doctrine. You are right that our lack of cohesiveness is our greatest weakness.
Well that's fine. Not all of us are going to agree on the same things all the time, even though we all ultimately want what we feel is best for Black people.
I don't have a problem with "someone else" working here in America for the interest of Black people. I would however prefer that if they did, that they would converge on a singular area of the United States and simply take that area over by a infusing a torrent of viable Black minds and bodies. I mean, you could make Detroit the Black Salt Lake City, and any other Black dominant city in the states.
If you could get Black people to migrate to a place like Alabama or Mississippi, you could create a Black dominant state. My main concern though, is how you're going to get AA's to become a cohesive unit, as us not being cohesive is the one MAJOR impediment to our growth and wealth. Just getting AA's to do that one thing alone would improve us vastly.