Even in the USA, where we're 13% of the population and have been herre for four centuries, you can find parts of the country where there are few Blacks.. The Black European presence on a SIZEABLE scale is a pretty recent phenomenon. I believe Attai wrote that there were only about 2000 Blacks living in France before WWII. But the world is changing. SOME parts of Europe may indeed develop a sizeable Black presence even though other parts of Europe will not.
I believe it was the controversial comedian Bill Maher who said that the Democrats have moved to the right, and the Repuhlicans into an insane asylum. Bill Clinton represented the so-called "new Democrat" who spurned the more liberal politics of the 1960s and the New Deal.. The Republicans, however, are so far to the right as to be virtually a Fascist party. But you can trust either party but so much. Both part used to have a right, left and center. And there was a time when the Republicans were further to the left than the Democrats. (Karl Marx was a supporter of Abe Lincoln & Reconstruction). Today, there are no progressives in the Republican Party, and you can count them on one hand among the Democrats. Renewal of American political life must be provoked by democratic popular insurgencies within the citizenry. Progressive change must be instigated by progressive movements, as happened previously in our history with Abolitionist, Labor & Black liberation movements. By the way, you should notice an interesting pattern on the part of your interlocutor Assdurratin. He obviously prefers the most RIGHT WING of limited political choices the corporate system offers us--which means the Republicans in today's politics. Notice something else. In this thread he is mainly on the side of notorious racists and reactionaries like Max, Lunarblitz and Aisling. In a thread called "Islam and the Black Race" he was singing the praises of STALIN. If he weren't Black he'd be singing Hitler's praises. I've suspected for some time that Christian and Muslim fundamentalists have a lot in common with each other, and with racism and fascism.
I don't know how MOST Black Brazilians look upon their African ancestry, but there have been cultural studies, historical and anthropological studies, which indicate that African cultural forms (even in the lnaguage) is more weighty than among American Blacks.(And even among us scholar like the author of THE MYTH OF THE NEGRO PAST SHOW THAT A GREATER DEGREE OF aFRICAN CULTURE HAS PERSISTED THAN MOST PEOPLE KNOW).
As for how people FEEL about their African cultural roots, that has more to do with the shape of their political and cultural cosciousness.
From things that I've read and Black Brazilians whom I've met, I suspect there is a greater identification with African among Brazilians than you suspect. But I cannot know for sure whether among 100+ millions Black Brazilians.
I happen to be one of the American Blacks who do identify with Africa, not only because of any cultural connection. But also from an awareness of a common struggle for the liberation of Black people everywhere, and the defeat of imperialism and racism.
In that respect, I belong to the tradition of Malcolm X, CLR James,Amilcar Cabral, Fanon and others.
In part I learned this from my mother, who grew up in the Jim Crow era, and kept up on African liberationn movements, the fate of Lumumba, Movement in America, etc.
That's why I find so silly the the squabbling between underdeveloped Africans, African-Americans and others.
As this is a grave human rights issue, Obama's hand ought to be forced on this issue for as long as he is president. As far as I know, he's not actively supporting the Central American fascists as Reagan did. But theree is such a thing as the complicity of silence.
Yes, however, in today's environment we cannot expect a Vietnam War sort of movement nor civil rights.
I'm thinking one good way to deal with this is get it to the attention of Obama, and I mean in a public way, have him confronted about it. Force people to talk about it... Mr. President, what about Guatemala??? How about doing something? It being election time, we might be able to leverage Obama into some action.
Some suggestions which may or may not be useful depending on the circimstances in the region of NM where you live:
Find out if there are solidarity movements or organizations dealing with Central American human rights issues. Support them in any way you can and urge them to present the issue at Obama's doorstep.
A large Mexican or other Latin population commonly means the presence and influence of the Catholic Church. Are there progressive Catholic priests, nuns, laypersons or even a progressive CAtholic parish that would be willing to help you organize something by way of a petition to local, state and federal government to address this issue? Id Clergy and Laity Concerned present out there? They're an interdenominational religious group which sponsored King's famous address against the Vietnam War. I had occasion to work with them around issues of apartheid while I was a student at Vandy in Tennessee.
Perhaps the progreessive caucus within the Democratic party--a left leadning element in the Party with sizeable Latin, Black, white, Jewish mix--can be prevailed upon to put the Guatemala issue front and center. Or at least keep the issue alive at national level. Is the Occupy Movement present where you are? Perhaps in their demos against the evils of the American plutocracy they can be prevailed upon to address Guatemala as s deeply related issue.(Interests of American plutocracy in promoting fascism abroad ought to be part of the Movement's discourse anyway).
I don't know what options are available to you where you are. But use whatever is available. And in appealing to people kindly avoid showering them with all that anger. Anger shoud be directed against fascists and plutocrats, not against ordinary "Yanks" whom you hope to win to your side. Don't defeat the purpose--the noble goal of advancing human rights--by the manner in which you approach people
Are you connected with Amnesty International? American parochialism is a serious problem, and people often do not see the commonness of common struggles. I'm trying to encourage friends in the Occupy Movement to think globally while acting locally. I will be involved in a number os speaking engagements this year in connection with the appearance of my new book on Dr. King.
Right. Exactly. That is what has to be done.
Bill Clinton
sat on his hands as the Rwanda outrage progressed. Later he apologized... how about let's not have to apologize next time?
The gutless EUROPEANS did nothing for several years while Bosnia went down, finally it was Clinton who pushed in to stop it. Then Clinton goes and bombs Serbia... stupid move, but here we go again, more dead for nothing.
Cambodia---I can scarcely find the words for the disgust I feel for the global apathy who watched this go on, until FINALLY the Vietnamese went in and removed Pol Pot, but even they NEXTDOOR had done nothing for several years.
I was the transcriber for a newsletter produced by Ugandan students in the USA at the time Amin was deposed. I was in the room crowded with them, typing what they were excitedly telling me, as they jumped up and down yelling,“God bless Tanzania! God bless Julius Nyerere!”, because the Tanzanian army had finally gone into Uganda and put an end to Amin's hell. You cannot imagine how it felt to be among that much energy, to see the faces of people whose own people back home had just been liberted from the kind of terror I describe for Guatemala. I feel like I was a little minuscule piece of Ugandan history that day, as I was doing the technical work to get out the word for these Ugandans, and the whole thing I will never forget.
How good to see it end! Why won't it end in Guatemala?
I want to stress not only the democratic social radicalism of King, but his international perspective. The fight against plutocracy and racism are intertwined, but also global.
Jesse Jackson and Ben Chavis, to their credit, denounced the US backed carnage in Central America. Prior to then global imperialism and murder in Vietnam, Africa and Latin America were denounced by Malcolm X, Dr. King and others. This legacy must be revived. The question is how to effectively organize and educate the public. Too bad Topix generally and AA Forum in particular has no real forum.
Define "of significant worth." I have a major problem when I hear Black people claim that other races (especially whites) get the "best" among us. I will dispute that to the end of time. I, for one, have never dissed any decent Black men. Of course defining "decent" is needed: No thugs. No drugs. No misogynists. No abusers. No users. No arrogance. No pretenders. No status-quo defenders. No "other"-lovers. No social apathy. No religious manipulators. If a man fits that bill, he is decent. If you recognize there are good and bad Black men, then you'd have to recognize the same reality among Black women. My take?: If you are a Black person who sees yourself as a"good catch" and has ever expressed concern about the survival of the race family/community, then you should have been focusing on attracting the good, instead of being distracted by the weak-minded ones. If you didn't find that, either you lied about who you were or you were never looking. Good riddance to you.
DICE | August 1st, 2012 at 07:03
“The Butler”?
Cuba was born to play this role.
They ought to find a way to say “Show Me Da Money” while tap dancing.
DICE Reply:
August 1st, 2012 at 07:18
Dont forget “The Help” and “Monsters Ball”
Lets be honest…NEITHER of these films are worthy of any Awards for any reason….The only reason why these films got awards is for the content matter, which is re-colonizing the minds of black people and making being a slave and a whore cool….It makes white folks feel all warm and fuzzy inside and it kills the spirit of young and impressionable black children.
Its a win-win for Mr Charley

@ sepultura13
I used to spend hours dialoguing (battling) with whites over racism and I was amazed at how they refused to see what I know they had to see
That’s when it dawned on me that they (white people) don’t see the benefits of “seeing” or “telling” the truth about racism — and that the vast majority are dedicated to maintaining this system of white privilege/white supremacy.
That meant (to me) that I had to stop wasting my time trying to convince white people of anything and spend more time understanding this system and trying to reach other black people about that understanding.
It is time (in my opinion) that black people stop hoping and praying and working so hard to change the hearts of white people and face the fact that they have a huge hole in their hearts and spirits when it comes to anyone who is not white.
there is too much evidence out here for any of us to believe otherwise

Originally Posted by chacha2012

I just wanted to add my two cents, now I am by no means a physiology major but I will say that I feel very connected to the sun, I feel rejuvenated when I am in direct sun light and warmth...I fell like thats what I was made for. That God created us to bask in the sun and in nature. That we are a special people.... I hope that doesnt sound nuts but thats how I feel. I feel my best in warm and sunny weather. I dont think Blacks were ment to be in cold weather, it works against us and that when we got tainted with the yt blood we inherited their sickness and weakness.
-A Person
-A Person
Thanks for this thread and all the posts, I still have much to learn on the topic.
-A Person

@ AJ — who said: “Ok wow, to the guy who said racism is an inherent genetic and psychological illness in whites, you disgust me. I’m not white, nor have any special love for them, but saying that someone is destined to be a certain way because of their genes is RACIST. You didn’t imply it, you plainly stated it.”
#1 — something about the way you said “I’m not white…” makes me suspect you might be a white person (but that’s just my intuition talking, i could be wrong)
#2 — I stated what I believe is true. Let me clarify my statement
when it comes to racism and non-white people — whites appear to have an INHERENT, GENETIC tendency to lie, mistreat, rape and murder ANY and EVERYONE who is not white. The history of white people over the last 500+ years bears that out.
I agree with Dr. Frances Cress Welsing who said:
“…because of their “numerical inadequacy” and “color inferiority,” white people may have defensively developed “an uncontrollable sense of hostility and aggression” towards people of color, which has led to “confrontations” between the races throughout history. Repressing their own feelings of inadequacy, whites “set about evolving a social, political, and economic structure to give blacks and other ‘non-whites’ the appearance of being inferior.”
#3 — from what I have seen, when it comes to non-white people, it is one lie after another, it’s lying about “discovering America,” lying about Native Americans being savages while whites were murdering, raping, stealing and committing genocide against Native Americans. The same is true about non-white people from Africans (the Transatlantic slave trade, American slavery, white imperialism, white colonialism, Elvis Presley imitating black people, to Creole (black slave) cooking transformed into (white) Cajun cooking, to American music pretending it didn’t come from black R&B, jazz and the blues, to calling collagen enhanced white female lips the “Paris lip” instead of admitting they want lips, breasts, and buttocks like our black women have,
to today, where Europeans are attacking, murdering and stealing from Africa, to killing the leader of Libya and pretending his own people did it,
to Australia’s aboriginals who were raped, murdered, and robbed of their country and their children (google the “Stolen Generation)
from the atom bomb that was dropped on Japan, the napalming of Vietnam, Katrina in the US where black people stranded on roofs for 4 days then robbed of their right to reclaim their land to the police murders of countless unarmed black men, women AND CHILDREN,
to people like Lara and the countless white trolls who refuse to admit what they know is true: that white people individually AND collectively, mistreat and benefit from mistreating people who are not white. White people KNOW this is true and white people KNOW what other white people say and do when there are no black people in the room. They KNOW their relatives, friends, coworkers and bed partners talk negatively about black people.
They KNOW that the black people on their jobs are treated unfairly and don’t get the kind of credit or promotions that white people get. They know this because it’s the average, ordinary white person who decides whether a black person gets that job, that loan, that promotion, that traffic ticket (or a pass), or a guilty verdict in the courtroom as a defendant or whether a white cop gets an innocent verdict after shooting an unarmed black man 41 times.
It’s the average, ordinary white person that keeps the hell going for millions of non-white people on the planet because without that support the system of white supremacy would self-destruct.
#3 — Again, and again and again (to the point of exhaustion), black people cannot be racist, and cannot practice racism because racism is NOT expressing an opinion as a powerless (black) person, racism is action, words , thoughts and deeds based on having institutions and SYSTEMS in place that will back up those thoughts, words, and deeds.
you can all me a lot of things, but as a black person, the one thing i will never answer to is “racist”
I make no apologies for telling the truth about the documented actions of white people on this planet — and I could care less who is offended by that — no disrespect intended.
