Note by Me: Whether you agree with all of his views or not, Kwame Ture always loved black people throughout the Earth. He was a real freedom fighter. I don't agree with all of his views, but his core principles are 100 percent accurate.
By Timothy (Me).
Not all Americans are so narrowminded. But there is a streak of self-righteousness in American culture--probably part of the cultural legacy of Puritanism---which does incline many of my fellow Yanks to see themselves as a shining city on a hill..
Your interlocutor who denounces England for its shipping of a million of my African ancestors in chains to this land has perhaps forgotten that there had to be a market for them in this land.
England didn't force Americans to buy her slaves. And the atrocious treatment of slaves and their descendants after America's independence hand hardly be blamed on England.
As far as I see it, no nation has clean hands. Every nation's hands are dirty. That's especially the case with poweful nations. Hence no nation can judge another from the standpoint of its own righteousness.
All nations have Les Mains Sale. We can only redeem oursleves by committing to do justice from now on.
Just a warning, Brother:
Let no be doltish here. The Jews didn't have to increase any holocaust figures. Those anal retentive Nazi butchers themselves kept extraordinarly good reocrds, records which could be used againas them when they finally lost the war.
The only question is how many victims they might not have had time to record as their regime fell apart and they were overrun east and west by allied armies. By their own records, Nazi Germany murdered 6 million Jews; and only because they didn't win the war did they fail to wipe out the whole of European Jewry.
And you need to stop making up these stories about conspiracies of Jewish Bolsheviks and bankers. This is delusional stupidity which should have went out with the Third Reich.
That there were Jews among the Bolsheviks hardly proves that there was a Jewish Bolshevik conspiracy. There were far more gentiles than Jews, and Bolshevism was not "Jewish" party. It was not a Jewish movement like Zionism.
This talk of Jewish Communist conspiracies sound all too familiar even from phases of the history of my country.
How many times have we African-Americans had to hear that our freedom movement in the 1960s was a liberal, Commie Jewish plot?
I've come to the tentative conclusion that Halonen is yet another deranged white Topix racist. He has an interesting twist though: He appears to be a white-Polish-supremacist who is ready to commit blood and soul to the holy mission of keeping white-Polish society free of contamination by people of color - and presumably free of the "evil Jewish menace" as well.
You may or may not wish to expend much energy on this fellow... LOL
Zaius has a habit of making things up, and I won't go through all the nonsense he posts here. Ask Zaius to PROVE that there are MANY Black people in the Tea Party, aside from his Black congressman.(Conservatives like to display their token accomodating Negro to legitimize their racist and reactionary policies, and to supposedly prove they're not racists)
But two things: Zaius stays that there "manyu" Blaks in the Tea Party Movement. That's FALSE. With the exception of the KKK I can hardly think of anything LESS popular in the national black community than the Tea Party.
As for his claim that conservatism has nothing to do with racism, you read ou on the "Southern strategy" of Richard Nixon and the Republicvans in the post 1960s era. Also, check out a book called CONSERVATISM AND RACISM: WHY IN AMERICA THEY ARE THE SAME.
Of course, he actually LIES about Attai to his ownf face, claiming that Attai is not really interested in America and has never visited the USA.
Strange that I met Attai in Baltimore, Md in July of last year!
He has an AA teacher who lives in Baltimore, and it seems that he has actually been to America several times-probably more often than I've been to France. That seems a strange, to mention costly habit on the part of a Frenchman who has no "concern" for the USA.
Again, Z simply makes up things and then peddles his fabriationsas facts.

No one denies individual responsibility among black people. Not even Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X denied that. Black nationalists are just saying that reactionaries and some deluded blacks use personal responsibility as some crutch to blame blacks collectively for the system of oppression. Individual blacks are responsible for some of the crimes in community, but collectively white supremacy is responsible for the total system of oppression. That's the difference. The suffering black people didn't create slums, they didn't create the war on terror, they didn't cause mass genocides in multiple continents, they didn't formed forced population control, and they didn't create eugenics or the War on Drugs.
Who invented these things? The answer is obvious. Now, do our oppressors promote personal responsibility for themselves? The answer is No. That is why I both promote individual responsibility for my black people and I blame white supremacy for the current evil system causing havoc in the world today.
-By Timothy (Me)

First of all, I wasn't speaking of the attitudes of ALL whites toward Obama or toward Black people as a whole. I was talking about BENIGHTED, reactionary and bigoted white people like YOU. Moreover, I don't care if you tired of being called racist. As long as you ARE racist, I will call you on it. Especially when you think you can come into AA Forum and disrspect my people.
And I see you can be one very easily, it's like second nature to you isn't it? Whites don't "expect" Obama to be anyway...but we are over being tired of being called racist for not agreeing with every single thing he does and says. So over it in fact it just doesn't have little effect, but by now it has NONE AT ALL!!! It is not the world of slavery, but you still have blacks holding on to it like an excuse for all the ails them. No matter what, if you fail and your black, it's not your fault....your great great grandma was probably a slave. The little tidbit of history not passed down to you is that it was not blacks that rose up and fought for their own freedom...nope, it was whites. Those hateful, racist, rich white guys done went and started a civil war in their country and killed other white guys to free you. Even when blacks outnumbered their slave owners they didn't rise up....nope...but white guys did. Do they tell you that in those handbooks you get "keeping racism alive and how to use it for your benefit" from the liberals and all those freedom loving fighters like the good o'l Rev Al Sharpton, or Rev Wright, or Jesse Jackson? Have you ever thought for a second that if racism were to completely disappear....who would be without a job and essentially without a "cause"????? Those same people telling you and selling you on how bad it is....DUH!!! Not those racist white guys you like to blame for it!
Futhermore, you assumption--repeated like a broken record by more benighted whites than one can count---that Blacks blame all their troubles on slavery is not only wrong, but STUPID. And only a white person who knows NOTHING but PRESUMES to know what Black people think could make such a simplistic statement.
Also, I don't need tidbits of history I studied History and Philosophy in undergraduate school at the university. And if you think that Blacks didn't rise up against slavery. I suggest you start your education by reading BEFORE THE MAYFLOWER by Lerone Bennett, BLACK JACOBINS by CLR James, and FROM REBELLION TO REVOLUTION by Eugene Genovese, and AMERICAN NEGRO SLAVE REVOLTS by Herbert Aptheker. And that's just for starters.
Also, do not stupidly assume that my opinions are established by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton--persons whom you know little about anyway. I happen to be better educated than they, as indeed I am better educated than you. I agree with them on some things and not others. Or maybe you'd like me to assume that your opinions comes from Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum and David Duke. from now on, I suggest you ASK Blacks who contact what we think instead of assuming. The era of unchallenged white privilege which allows you to tell us what we think is belong to the dark past. We have our own voices now. Our own minds too. And we see straight through you.
Claudia Jackson

An interesting argument by one person:

My Response:
That's an interesting argument. Yet, as time when on in Dr. King's life, he became more progressive. His views now are not in line with the 2012 Republican platform today. That's just reality. If he was alive today, the Republican establishment would critcize his views on labor, war, unions, reparations, economic policies, etc. Many registered Republicans would theoritically identify with Republican ideals mostly, but the leaders of the Republicans have become so extreme presenty that some moderate Republicans are jumping ship. We both agree that both parties have a history of corruption and transparent imperfections. That's a given. Yet, on some issues, it seems that the GOP is going too far in hatred of almost any federal government program and some of their leaders' statements (not statements made by "Bob" or "Billy Joe" in a bar) constitute bigotry, stereotyping of the poor, and scapegoating of nearly half of all Americans. Newsone is fine with me. They are accurate to say that Dr. King's views are antitetical to the ideologies of the current Republican establishment. Newsone is mostly liberal. It is what it is. I am independent politcally. Newsone have the right to their political views (we have right to agree to disagree on some issues). I believe that the Raging Elephants' logic is faulty, because they believe that since Dr. King was once registered as a Republican that he would agree with their conservative stances unequivocally (which he didn't). The truth is that the GOP is different than it was decades ago. Yet,
are you really telling me that Dr. King would vote for Mitt Romney. Keep it real with me. LOL.
-By Timothy (Me)

I'm embarrassed to admit that my home state--Maryland--electe Spiros Agnew governor, which gave him a stepping stone to becoming Vice President during the Nixon administration.
Part of the conservative rant since 1981 has been that the media, scientists, EVERYONE in fact, are all “liberal liars” making things up in order to get more food stamps or something like that.
So, much of the public, if told by Rush or O'Reilly that “the sky is blue” is a liberal lie, will BELIEVE it.
Those blue-sky libtard Muslim socialist terrorists are trying to impose their blue-sky statism on us good hard-working non-blue-sky conservatives, the REAL Americans, the PATRIOTS, and it's time all the Mama Grizzlies stand up against this tyranny by Al Gore, Al Sharpton and Weird Al and their blue-sky limousine-liberal elitist effete corps of impudent snobs!!!(remember that one? By Spiro Agnew, LOL!!!)
Now I don't know why or how it happened since I was a child. but somehow a Maryland Democrat who was an arch segregationist ended up beooming the primary candidate opposing Agnew for the governorship. I think the bum's name was Mahoney.He was so bad that he made Agnew look progressive.
But keep in mind that the Republican Party wasn't as overwhelmingly right wing has it became later (especially during the 1980s) Maryland is a blue state, with a black population about 25%--30% of the total. In those days many Marylanders even prided themselves on their liberalism. And Agnew disguised himself as a liberal. So during the run for the governorship (probably around about 1964 or 65) Democrat Mahoney made Agnew look like a liberal.
Needless to say, Agnew got most of the Black votes, and Jewish votes.("Hey, Mahoney! This is MARYLAND, not MISSISSIPPI!" I've heard was on some bumper stickers).
Maryland lived to regret Agnew. But how in heavens name did this traditional center/left Dem state allow a freaking segregationist to become their candidate? I need to do some research to see how that happened. Weird!
I think Newsone did a good job on this on. Just because a person may have registered in a party, doesn't mean that this person will vote for that party unconditionally. In 1958, Dr. King said the following: "I don't think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses ... And I'm not inextricably bound to either party..." These are his words.
-By Timothy (Me)

Dr. King questioned capitalism as early as 1949. He said the following words in 1966: "...We are dealing with class issues. Something is wrong with capitalism…Maybe
America must move towards democratic socialism.”
Enough said.
-By Timothy (Me)