Monday, October 29, 2012

Information that's Reasonable





Note by Me: Whether you agree with all of his views or not, Kwame Ture always loved black people throughout the Earth. He was a real freedom fighter. I don't agree with all of his views, but his core principles are 100 percent accurate.

By Timothy (Me).


Not all Americans are so narrowminded. But there is a streak of self-righteousness in American culture--probably part of the cultural legacy of Puritanism---which does incline many of my fellow Yanks to see themselves as a shining city on a hill..
Your interlocutor who denounces England for its shipping of a million of my African ancestors in chains to this land has perhaps forgotten that there had to be a market for them in this land.
England didn't force Americans to buy her slaves. And the atrocious treatment of slaves and their descendants after America's independence hand hardly be blamed on England.
As far as I see it, no nation has clean hands. Every nation's hands are dirty. That's especially the case with poweful nations. Hence no nation can judge another from the standpoint of its own righteousness.
All nations have Les Mains Sale. We can only redeem oursleves by committing to do justice from now on.



Savant wrote:

Let no be doltish here. The Jews didn't have to increase any holocaust figures. Those anal retentive Nazi butchers themselves kept extraordinarly good reocrds, records which could be used againas them when they finally lost the war.
The only question is how many victims they might not have had time to record as their regime fell apart and they were overrun east and west by allied armies. By their own records, Nazi Germany murdered 6 million Jews; and only because they didn't win the war did they fail to wipe out the whole of European Jewry.
And you need to stop making up these stories about conspiracies of Jewish Bolsheviks and bankers. This is delusional stupidity which should have went out with the Third Reich.
That there were Jews among the Bolsheviks hardly proves that there was a Jewish Bolshevik conspiracy. There were far more gentiles than Jews, and Bolshevism was not "Jewish" party. It was not a Jewish movement like Zionism.
This talk of Jewish Communist conspiracies sound all too familiar even from phases of the history of my country.
How many times have we African-Americans had to hear that our freedom movement in the 1960s was a liberal, Commie Jewish plot?
Just a warning, Brother:

I've come to the tentative conclusion that Halonen is yet another deranged white Topix racist. He has an interesting twist though: He appears to be a white-Polish-supremacist who is ready to commit blood and soul to the holy mission of keeping white-Polish society free of contamination by people of color - and presumably free of the "evil Jewish menace" as well.

You may or may not wish to expend much energy on this fellow... LOL



Zaius has a habit of making things up, and I won't go through all the nonsense he posts here. Ask Zaius to PROVE that there are MANY Black people in the Tea Party, aside from his Black congressman.(Conservatives like to display their token accomodating Negro to legitimize their racist and reactionary policies, and to supposedly prove they're not racists)
But two things: Zaius stays that there "manyu" Blaks in the Tea Party Movement. That's FALSE. With the exception of the KKK I can hardly think of anything LESS popular in the national black community than the Tea Party.
As for his claim that conservatism has nothing to do with racism, you read ou on the "Southern strategy" of Richard Nixon and the Republicvans in the post 1960s era. Also, check out a book called CONSERVATISM AND RACISM: WHY IN AMERICA THEY ARE THE SAME.
Of course, he actually LIES about Attai to his ownf face, claiming that Attai is not really interested in America and has never visited the USA.
Strange that I met Attai in Baltimore, Md in July of last year!
He has an AA teacher who lives in Baltimore, and it seems that he has actually been to America several times-probably more often than I've been to France. That seems a strange, to mention costly habit on the part of a Frenchman who has no "concern" for the USA.
Again, Z simply makes up things and then peddles his fabriationsas facts.



FreeBLACKman804Moderator12 minutes agoin reply to Nehemiah53
"the only other thing it could be is his wife overruled and pull rank on his handlers and demanded that he address this issue"
I agree, i think the President has LONGED for the chance to truly speak DIRECTLY to the situation in Chicago, but HIS STAFF and HANDLERS have probaly guided him against speaking his heart and mind. I hope that after President Obama is re elected, he will take a long look at those that give him advice and guidance. From what i have read, Mrs. Obama is not a fan of her husband's people, so perhaps she "BROKE BAD" with them and now President Obama was able to speak his mind freely.


No one denies individual responsibility among black people. Not even Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X denied that. Black nationalists are just saying that reactionaries and some deluded blacks use personal responsibility as some crutch to blame blacks collectively for the system of oppression. Individual blacks are responsible for some of the crimes in community, but collectively white supremacy is responsible for the total system of oppression. That's the difference. The suffering black people didn't create slums, they didn't create the war on terror, they didn't cause mass genocides in multiple continents, they didn't formed forced population control, and they didn't create eugenics or the War on Drugs.
Who invented these things? The answer is obvious. Now, do our oppressors promote personal responsibility for themselves? The answer is No. That is why I both promote individual responsibility for my black people and I blame white supremacy for the current evil system causing havoc in the world today.

-By Timothy (Me)


TimsomorModerator2 days agoin reply to Guest
Dude you must have gotten your history facts, that is Black History, from the history channel which to my knowledge has never shown any black history.
You should watch more Public Television, or look-up Professor H. L. Gates or Ken Burns between the two of them they have made more real history docs of the African coast and it's people then you could ever find on the history channel.
And Yes, I do mean the place that has "Big Bird" on it. Plus the "Count!"
Oh, my bad watch a movie callled "Hidden Colors" first.

X Obama Supporter wrote:

And I see you can be one very easily, it's like second nature to you isn't it? Whites don't "expect" Obama to be anyway...but we are over being tired of being called racist for not agreeing with every single thing he does and says. So over it in fact it just doesn't have little effect, but by now it has NONE AT ALL!!! It is not the world of slavery, but you still have blacks holding on to it like an excuse for all the ails them. No matter what, if you fail and your black, it's not your fault....your great great grandma was probably a slave. The little tidbit of history not passed down to you is that it was not blacks that rose up and fought for their own freedom...nope, it was whites. Those hateful, racist, rich white guys done went and started a civil war in their country and killed other white guys to free you. Even when blacks outnumbered their slave owners they didn't rise up....nope...but white guys did. Do they tell you that in those handbooks you get "keeping racism alive and how to use it for your benefit" from the liberals and all those freedom loving fighters like the good o'l Rev Al Sharpton, or Rev Wright, or Jesse Jackson? Have you ever thought for a second that if racism were to completely disappear....who would be without a job and essentially without a "cause"????? Those same people telling you and selling you on how bad it is....DUH!!! Not those racist white guys you like to blame for it!
First of all, I wasn't speaking of the attitudes of ALL whites toward Obama or toward Black people as a whole. I was talking about BENIGHTED, reactionary and bigoted white people like YOU. Moreover, I don't care if you tired of being called racist. As long as you ARE racist, I will call you on it. Especially when you think you can come into AA Forum and disrspect my people.
Futhermore, you assumption--repeated like a broken record by more benighted whites than one can count---that Blacks blame all their troubles on slavery is not only wrong, but STUPID. And only a white person who knows NOTHING but PRESUMES to know what Black people think could make such a simplistic statement.
Also, I don't need tidbits of history I studied History and Philosophy in undergraduate school at the university. And if you think that Blacks didn't rise up against slavery. I suggest you start your education by reading BEFORE THE MAYFLOWER by Lerone Bennett, BLACK JACOBINS by CLR James, and FROM REBELLION TO REVOLUTION by Eugene Genovese, and AMERICAN NEGRO SLAVE REVOLTS by Herbert Aptheker. And that's just for starters.
Also, do not stupidly assume that my opinions are established by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton--persons whom you know little about anyway. I happen to be better educated than they, as indeed I am better educated than you. I agree with them on some things and not others. Or maybe you'd like me to assume that your opinions comes from Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum and David Duke. from now on, I suggest you ASK Blacks who contact what we think instead of assuming. The era of unchallenged white privilege which allows you to tell us what we think is belong to the dark past. We have our own voices now. Our own minds too. And we see straight through you.



Claudia JacksonModerator1 hour agoin reply to Timsomor
Some black people live in a false reality. Especially Mia Love and Herman Cain. Cain thinks that Republicans made him rich. How dumb is he? Has he ever talked with Jay-Z, Diddy, Ti, Russell Simmons or Tyler Perry? They both need to join us on planet earth!!!


An interesting argument by one person:

Scapegoat4URLifeModerator2 hours agoin reply to truthseeker2436577
Of course registration for a party doesn't guarantee a vote for that party....but using plain 'ol common sense....don't you think a registered Republican identifies more with Republican ideals and therefore, by majority, votes Republican? I mean, isn't that just an obvious fact at this point.
I also think it's pretty widespread, common knowledge that each party has their segments of corruption, apathy, incompetence, .etc The electoral college, along with the two-party system, are very clearly flawed. My criticism seems to lie with Newone's denial of what appears to be historical fact, with no leg to stand on except "Dr. King wouldn't have voted for Mitt Romney." It's just silly logic.

My Response:

That's an interesting argument. Yet, as time when on in Dr. King's life, he became more progressive. His views now are not in line with the 2012 Republican platform today. That's just reality. If he was alive today, the Republican establishment would critcize his views on labor, war, unions, reparations, economic policies, etc. Many registered Republicans would theoritically identify with Republican ideals mostly, but the leaders of the Republicans have become so extreme presenty that some moderate Republicans are jumping ship. We both agree that both parties have a history of corruption and transparent imperfections. That's a given. Yet, on some issues, it seems that the GOP is going too far in hatred of almost any federal government program and some of their leaders' statements (not statements made by "Bob" or "Billy Joe" in a bar) constitute bigotry, stereotyping of the poor, and scapegoating of nearly half of all Americans. Newsone is fine with me. They are accurate to say that Dr. King's views are antitetical to the ideologies of the current Republican establishment. Newsone is mostly liberal. It is what it is. I am independent politcally. Newsone have the right to their political views (we have right to agree to disagree on some issues). I believe that the Raging Elephants' logic is faulty, because they believe that since Dr. King was once registered as a Republican that he would agree with their conservative stances unequivocally (which he didn't). The truth is that the GOP is different than it was decades ago. Yet,
are you really telling me that Dr. King would vote for Mitt Romney. Keep it real with me. LOL.

-By Timothy (Me)


Scapegoat4URLifeModerator1 hour agoin reply to truthseeker2436577
Can't argue with most of that...maybe several things. First off, let me keep it real in saying I'm a conservative so...that's gonna weigh in here.
Dr. King's era was an era permeated by a social and fiscal conservatism that is now considered reserved for Republicans. The time for unions and civil rights legislation was right and justified then. Now we have the fall out of too much apathy of education, a sense of entitlement, an inability to live within our means, a rampant enforcement of double standards, and instead of a promotion of true equality our society thought it better to simply hold others down to raise certain groups. The modern Republicans have "knee-jerked" in reaction to what we've become. They recognize it, and instead of taking a moderate approach to righting it...they overreact just as bad as their counterparts.
So this issue is more complex if you really want to dissect it. While it may be true that Dr. King wouldn't have voted for Mitt Romney for the hard right position some modern day Republicans take, I can say for certain that the 60's era King WOULD NOT like the extreme leftist mentality that his movement grew into. Now had King not been killed, and instead became part of this left side extremism...well then maybe he'd support Obama.
King was a 50's style dude and Rev.....that would almost make him a con just by default. You're looking at him through the liberal eyes of a 2012 era.
But I really digressed problem was with Newone's assertion that because of the GUESS that Dr. King wouldn't vote for Romney, there's no way all the documentation and historical fact of him being a Republican are true....which doesn't make sense at all.

My Response:

I see your point, but I just disagree with you on the ideal that Dr. King would be a strong Republican today (or that Newsone intentionally wanted to promote some illogical presupposition as a means to decieve viewers). The main point of Newsone was that Dr. King may have been registered as a Republican, but he would not agree with the Republican platform today. The details may be quibbed, but the over arching theme remains.
Social and fiscal conservativism was strong in the era of the 1950's and the 1960's. That is accurate, but we still need union protections and civil rights protections in our time. The reason is that we have inequality problems, controversial voter ID laws, anti-civil liberty laws like the Patriot Act, and numerous attempts by some to have voter suppression (against minorities, the young, the elderly, the poor, etc.). This social reality merits the same preservation of our civil rights and labor protections that individuals fought for decades ago. This is why activists are legitimately fighting for our voting rights, labor rights, and human rights now. Although, even JFK didn't accept Reaganomics. JFK wanted tax cuts and expenditure spending in 1964. JFK wanted detente with the Soviets and possible normalization with Cuba. Even Eisenhower helped to form the international highway with goverment spending. Eisenhower would of been condemned by the Tea Party.
The problems you cite are cultrual complications which aren't a product of a failure of the truth of some progressive ideals. It's a product of extreme globalization, austerity policies, a glamorization of evil in Western society, discrimination, economic exploitation, and other socioeconomic problems. The enactment of certain progressive policies weren't meant to advance an abandonment of true equality. They were instituted as a basic means to prevent groups from experiencing discrimination. Certain programs aren't meant to downgrade the power of some, but it was meant to prevent the power of minorities to be further diminished in an imperfect society. Groups in various forms exist even if you disagree based on your conservative philosophical point of view. Therefore, laws protecting groups like in various ethnic groups, genders, etc. are legitimate if they are meant to grant real opportunities and to protect basic human freedoms. I do agree with you that sometimes, some Republicans go overboard in trying to rectify cultural/social issues going on in America. On the other hand, the Dr. King of the 1950's is completely different from Dr. King in 1968. By 1968, he was more radical, he was more progressive (that was his trajectory ideologically), and believed in a guaranteed annual income to help fight poverty. He wanted reparations, Dr. King praised the positive aspects of Black Power, and an end to all forms of war. He believed in supporting the revolutionary movements of the Third World. We don't know exactly what he would say about some of the unique issues that some in the left believe in. The so-called "extreme left" on some issues are better than the neo-cons. One thing is certain that Dr. King would still believe in nonviolence, peace, and he would fight against poverty internationally.

-By Timothy (Me)


Barros Serrano wrote:

Part of the conservative rant since 1981 has been that the media, scientists, EVERYONE in fact, are all “liberal liars” making things up in order to get more food stamps or something like that.
So, much of the public, if told by Rush or O'Reilly that “the sky is blue” is a liberal lie, will BELIEVE it.
Those blue-sky libtard Muslim socialist terrorists are trying to impose their blue-sky statism on us good hard-working non-blue-sky conservatives, the REAL Americans, the PATRIOTS, and it's time all the Mama Grizzlies stand up against this tyranny by Al Gore, Al Sharpton and Weird Al and their blue-sky limousine-liberal elitist effete corps of impudent snobs!!!(remember that one? By Spiro Agnew, LOL!!!)
I'm embarrassed to admit that my home state--Maryland--electe Spiros Agnew governor, which gave him a stepping stone to becoming Vice President during the Nixon administration.
Now I don't know why or how it happened since I was a child. but somehow a Maryland Democrat who was an arch segregationist ended up beooming the primary candidate opposing Agnew for the governorship. I think the bum's name was Mahoney.He was so bad that he made Agnew look progressive.
But keep in mind that the Republican Party wasn't as overwhelmingly right wing has it became later (especially during the 1980s) Maryland is a blue state, with a black population about 25%--30% of the total. In those days many Marylanders even prided themselves on their liberalism. And Agnew disguised himself as a liberal. So during the run for the governorship (probably around about 1964 or 65) Democrat Mahoney made Agnew look like a liberal.
Needless to say, Agnew got most of the Black votes, and Jewish votes.("Hey, Mahoney! This is MARYLAND, not MISSISSIPPI!" I've heard was on some bumper stickers).
Maryland lived to regret Agnew. But how in heavens name did this traditional center/left Dem state allow a freaking segregationist to become their candidate? I need to do some research to see how that happened. Weird!



Did they mention on that billboard that many southern whites were previously Democrats. When President Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill, he said that he had delivered the southern white vote to the Republican party. A Civil Rights platform at the 1948 Democratic Convention almost cost President Truman the election. The southern white voters who were mainly Democrats, switched allegiance back and forth. Civil Rights was one of the main motivator for this mixed allegiance. Their was a saying that "Not all Democrats were racist but all racists were Democrats". They are mainly Republicans now.
In America, race and political affiliations are becoming synonymous. We live in an increasingly polarized society, fueled by rhetoric, and sound bites. People repeat phrases meant to elicit emotional responses, but in many instances do not know what they actually mean. Forget about knowing or understanding history!


TruthisAlluring |
Mona, Shaunie and DL are all the same horse of a different color. What erks me is Evelyn did not become the poster child for Angry Latino Women. Matter of fact that is not a stereotype linked to them. They are referred to as spicy, and outspoken. White women with attitudes are said to be assertive. But an outspoken black woman is “angry”. Are some black women loud and obnoxious? Yes but so are most trailer park white women. I just get so tired of blacks always being represented as a monolithic group. How is it that one or two can be representative of an entire race. If what he said is true, why isn’t Michelle Obama on TV cussing out Fox News every night. Don’t have a seat Mr. Hughley just go to bed and stay there.


mscpht Reply:

I don’t blame Mona totally, though I feel that she is just like a pimp cashing in on women with low self esteem. Alot of the women on these “Reality Shows” are damaged in one way or another. They dont know their worth as a human being, let alone a woman. Some of them feel that all they have to offer as a woman are their bodies. And as far as boycotting the shows, sadly most wont do it. They enjoy Maury, Jerry, Steve and any other show that encourages the destuction of the self worth of black women.


In God we Trust |
We live in a “Nation of Rights”. Hughley is entitled to his own opinion…..with that being said…..(small caps for a reason) dl hughley is a “SELL OUT”!!!!!!
Black Women are angry because they are tired of carrying the black race on their back while many Black men have abandoned their responsibilities to the Black family unit & the Black community for a “Good Look”. Self hating & instigating negroes like dl hughley are helping to complete the agenda of conquer & divide in the Black Community.
3, 2, 1…….. Systematic genocide complete thanks to this ignorant a____ fool & those just like him.




I think Newsone did a good job on this on. Just because a person may have registered in a party, doesn't mean that this person will vote for that party unconditionally. In 1958, Dr. King said the following: "I don't think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses ... And I'm not inextricably bound to either party..." These are his words.

-By Timothy (Me)


jazzwatchModerator2 days ago
AMAZING since THEY didn't LIKE him when HE was alive, SMDH......


Dr. King questioned capitalism as early as 1949. He said the following words in 1966: "...We are dealing with class issues. Something is wrong with capitalism…Maybe
America must move towards democratic socialism.”
Enough said.

-By Timothy (Me)


SPINMASTERModerator1 day ago
Sad people..Straight up SAD!!!!!!!Republicans are very desperate right now. Although many do believe a FIX is in. It will be hard for the GOP to completely pull it off. All around the nation, reports are coming in of illegal tacitcs, dishonest publications and outright racism being used by the Republicans to try and sway this election. In Arizona, a printed statement was released in the mexican community/newspaper by repubs that the election was officially being held a day after the national election. Later when it was discovered, the GOP says it was a..MISPRINT. The big problem with todays GOP is they have decided to include all of the far right and fringe racist like the tea party and others. their right mind would vote for a party who wants to take away from society and give to the rich? Turn social security into a 401 K and take even more away from medicare?. Why can't they fix these programs. Hell, we fix every other thing we want to. Right?You got..ta be outta your mind to vote REPUBLIKLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Although that giant billboard is total B.S. at least these people are man enough to put their name on their billboards and are willing to hold themselves accountable. Unlike those cowards in Ohio who are putting up those voter fraud is a crime billboards trying to threatening someone in the what these pussies called the black community. They don't have the guts to put their names on their billboards and they know damn well that there has been no proof of voter fraud what so ever. Has this been the GOP agenda the last 4 years? Intimidation, fear and hared? We all know d___ well that it didn't work back then and it's not working now. You're voting because it's your right, your choice and don't let any of these a______  tell you otherwise.


Sheri100Moderator12 hours ago
The Republican party's not even the same party that existed when Martin Luther King was alive. They don't share the same principals he shared. Things change! Abraham Lincoln was a Republican too. So What! The Dixiecrats who used to be Democrats joined the Republican party years ago. Things change! Martin Luther King would not feel comfortable with the Republican party today and they would not feel comfortable with him. In fact, he'd probably be out marching against those voter suppression tactics the Republicans put in place.


The Sister Claudia isn't ignorant. She is telling the truth. When many of the Republicans say that blacks who are Democrats are slaves to the goverment, when they say that 47 percent of Americans lack responsibility, and when they lie and say that Dr. King would ally with Tea Party principles, then yes they are desperate. Not all Republicans are monolithic, but the GOP seems to use race baiting rhetoric all of the time (even in this forum, some pro-GOP folks mix up words via a mocking way in slang as a means to try to intimidate black people). Also, white racists regularly judge our people by their skin color not by the content of their character. Dr. King believed in affirmative actions policies via Operation Breadbasket.

-By Timothy


TimsomorModerator18 hours agoin reply to vonveezil
Still, you must agreed that there was a ideological party change during the times you mention or will you just tow the party line of I only see Democrat and Republican without history or facts? In this change the one noticeable thing that today's GOP has kept with when they were the Southern Dems is the racial attitude.
In fact, that attitude is the only reason Romney is neck and neck in the polls today. If you believe the polls. Facts and Reality my friend, it gets y'all every time.


Halonen's comments remind me of something Frantz Fanon's Philosophy professor warned him about: "Ot was my philosophy professor, a native of Antilles, who recalled the fact to me one day: "When you hear someone abuse the Jews, pay attention, because he is talking about YOU....Later I understood that he meant, quite simply, an anti-semite is inevitably anti-Negro." (p. 122, BLACK SKINS, WHITE MASKS).
Frankly, I am suspicious of anyone who vilifies WHOLE PEOPLES.
I belong to a vilified people. I know what is at stake.



vonveezilModerator54 minutes agoin reply to truthseeker2436577
This is fun. I do believe like normal though, you misinterpret my way of thinking and lump it in with whatever dogma you choose to make it. When Sharpton is on everyday on MSDNC, it's all about race with him. One can play the race card too often that when there's real racism it's like the boy who cried wolf. No one believes him anymore. You said" Al Sharpton supports voting rights; he opposes police brutality, and wants
freedoms. You can disagree with him on many things, but on those issues, he isn’t
presenting racism on those topics." Really? If he supports freedom then why does he support such a man as Barack Obama, who is trying very hard to strip freedoms from every American , including blacks. Do you really think that asking someone to prove who they are when voting is suppression? Now please tell me that you and everyone doesn't use some form of ID to bank, buy liquor, cash a check or just about anything one need a picture ID. But for one of the most sacred rights we Americans have , you don't need an ID. To get into an Obama campaign stop , you MUST show 2 forms of ID and have a picture ID. This assumption that voter ID is suppressive is a joke. The only reason the Democrats and Al fight it so hard is because then the illegals won't be able to vote.Which they shouldn't be able to do because they are not citizens. I oppose police brutality also, since I was beaten badly while handcuffed behind my back by 2 officers in an elevator. Rodney King didn't deserve his throttling but Denny didn't deserve his throttling either. You say he wants freedoms. What freedoms are you being deprived of? Is there one thing in this country that a black man or woman can't achieve? No, there isn't. I live in the 21st century and you telling me that I long for the days of slavery is totally wrong. No one here at all has ever been subjected to slavery. Not one of you. I have never owned a slave and never want to own a slave. I'm a proud American, and you all are Americans also. I own my own business and do work on many black peoples homes. Black peoples money is just as green as whites, Asians, or Latinos money. You fight for education but here in Chicago 48% of blacks drop out of school. 440+murders , mostly black on black. Remember this is not a Republican area , it's a total Democrat area. You say you're striving for freedoms that you already have. It's just your attitude and mindset that keeps all of you from becoming whatever you want to become. According to most polls 91% of all blacks are going to vote for Obama and the Democrats. So you telling me, that in '08 when 98% of blacks voted for Obama, that was just a mirage? Not to many blacks jumped ship it would appear. You say you don't worship the Democrats but actions speak louder than words and the overall actions of the black community derail you affirmation. Look up this movie called Runaway Slave. It's being offered on many cable networks as a ppv. $4.99. Order it and sit down with your family and friends and watch it. Or are you to far gone? Nothing keeps you from being all you can be in this country. Nothing, except your own perceptions of yourselves.

My Response to the Tea Party deciever:

This is fun. You know that the game isn't over yet. Well, it's about to be. I don’t misinterpret your words. Your words are rather transparent. You blame black people for rejecting the GOP mostly and then you try to use historical revisionism and slick tactics in trying to force guilt unto black people in trying to make them Tea Party adherents. It won't work because doubling down on trickled down will not massively stop poverty at all. Just because Al Sharpton talks about race on MSNBC, doesn’t mean it’s an example of him expressing racism. Dr. King talked about race in exposing racism. Also, Sharpton’s words’ about voter suppression, evils in the political system, and exposing corporate corruption are accurate. You cite no examples of Sharpton playing the race card in 2012 explicitly. Racism and discrimination are ever real in society and you just deny it. You cite no evidence on how Sharpton doesn’t support voting rights, real freedoms, and ending police brutality. I didn’t say that the man is perfect. Supporting Barack Obama is his right. I believe the President is right on some issues and dead wrong on others. I don’t just don’t have a hatred of the man. Folks who hate the man have immorally denied his citizenship, called him lazy, questioned his intellect, and slandered his name (and his family like the coward Glen Beck. Beck had to apologize for disrespecting the President's daughter). Some GOP people even disrespected the beautiful, intelligent Sister First Lady Michelle Obama. This isn't representative of all GOP members or all Tea Party individuals though. The anti-voter ID laws are bigger than possessing an ID, which you already know. These anti-human rights laws decrease the days in how people can achieve early voting, many people have been falsely eliminated from voting rolls, and some of these laws have been struck down by courts all across America. The Voter ID laws force people to have a government issued photo ID when other documents are sufficient in order for folks to vote. Studies prove that some of these laws will negatively effect the young and the poor. Millions of U.S. citizens don't have a government issued photo ID in the realm of 11% of all U.S. citizens.

Many pro-Republican groups put up inaccurate billboards about voting laws as well. Black people have victories in Ohio and other places too on this issue. Studies prove that voter fraud presently is very minuscule which doesn’t make it necessary for these oppressive laws to exist in the first place. Also, not one reasonable person wants non-U.S. citizen human beings to vote in American elections. Where did you get that perception from? These people who are non-U.S. citizens are still human beings and they should be afforded equal respect. Why do you cite Rodney King and Denny? No one is talking about both men here. Most black people don’t agree with what happened to both of them. Your implication that some blacks massively lack empathy of the suffering of non-blacks is telling. People are talking about Dr. King. 2 wrong don’t make a right, but the white supremacist system exists (as exposed by crammasters and other qualified black scholars). You reactionaries ignore white supremacy and racism since you want to live in your world of trying to make black people docile & submissive under your way of thinking when dealing with white people. The Patriot Act and other unjust laws deprive our freedoms. The TSA abusive acts deprive our freedoms. The evil Drug War policies and the stop and frisk situation deprive our freedoms as well. Documented voter suppression in recent times deprive our human freedoms. We have the right to promote our civil liberties period. Also, slavery is still here in the world despite it being banned overtly & legally in America. Native Americans living today didn’t experience the colonists oppressing them, but they received compensation in recent years. The legacy of racism still exists in our time and black people have the right to oppose oppression (whether it's from police brutality to discrimination). Just because you don’t own a slave doesn’t make it a justification for you to refuse to expose racism or ignore white supremacy.

Injustices still reign in society like a 6 year old sister being killed by a crooked police officer in Detroit. Also, you cite the imperfections in other cities as a means to blame blacks collectively, which is ignorance. These problems are caused by socioeconomic problems, laissez faire economic problems (these economic policies increased the debt during the Bush years. What people in Chicago need isn't your way of privatization of all resources, but a holistic approach of both public and private services in making reforms in the city. You have to spend money in investments in fighting for change, not just individual initiatives), the Drug War, etc. not by the essence of black humanity. There are those in Chicago fighting for reforms and you discount or minimize their efforts. Also, many mostly Republican areas in the Deep South have poverty, record divorces, educational problems, meth addiction, and other problems. My people don’t make up most of the pedophiles, serial killers, corporate criminals, and imperialists in America. Guess which people? Also, many black people have made great accomplishments in life. Yet, they made it by working collectively too. You never made it on your own solitary. You needed assistance sometimes collectively. The power of the individual and the power of the collective are parts of the black African cultural tradition. My attitude has nothing to do with all evils in the world. Also, most black people voted for President Barack Obama because John McCain was seen as more reactionary. McCain talked about possibly bombing Iran. Most young people voted for the President in 2008 and most people voting for Republicans are mostly white people (that doesn't mean that all white people are racist or all black people are racist for mostly voting for the President). Many black people in Maryland voted for more non-black Democratic candidates before (and in places across America). I don’t worship Democrats and to assume otherwise is deception on your part. I cite the errors of the Democratic Dixiecrats in this very forum. I am an Independent politically.

My actions of believing in truth, opposing globalization, and rejecting austerity are clear. I refuted the Runaway Slave documentary many months ago in print. Your Tea Party rhetoric (and the Tea Party is funded by the Koch Brothers and other corporate interests) is fantasy since war mongering, massive austerity cuts, scapegoating, promoting the interests of the 1 percent, and xenophobia aren’t the essence of the Dream. The Dream is about us showing respect for humanity of every background and not to scapegoat black people collectively for every social ill in America. Runaway Slave won't expose how the New Deal decreased poverty, how the poverty rate was cut massively from 1945-1975 via progressive action, or how Social Security is a very successful program. It won't expose NSM 200 and it won't expose how Dr. King wanted a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. Your denial of white supremacy and the oppression against human beings in society is telling. I have a great perception of myself and my black people. I do believe that my people can achieve great things, but I also believe in exposing white supremacy at the same time. I believe in the Dream and I believe in justice. You can't have peace without justice.


By Timothy




People who still believe--in the 21st Century!--in the idea of "natural" races, genetically distinct racial types with genetically racialized differences in intelligence, are like people who still believe in spontaneous generation, like people who believe the earth is flat, or that witchcraft causes illness.
In short, they're no longer just ignorant. They're STUPID.
But the stupidity of Masud (and his house Negro Uncle Assdurratin) is very old news.

I seem to be markedly unpopular with both white and black buffoons. While I and Harrisson are mainly targeted by WHITE recists with these hate thread(like OhFrilly who started this thread), it's remarkable how many BLACK buffoons and bigots join hand with the white racists against us.
Whether it was RealBrother a couple of years ago, or Abdurratin and the mentally unstable Carol today.
Well, as I've said to Harrisson...We must be doing something right.



edud01Moderator2 hours agoin reply to billy
Not!!! The EVIDENCE don't support that. In vitro fertilizations, surrgates, test tube babies, refusal to have abortions for ANY reason, even rape and insest, and billboards begging whites to have children is evidence of your desire for white population growth, not birth restrictions. Because of your never ending fear of genetically dying out you are willing to do anything to survive and keep other group populations, especailly Black, under control.


filipinatriniModerator4 hours ago
In almost all of the history books I have read the white leaders have always been the most violent, from all the minor royalty in Europe, to the Nazi's, all the way to the slave owners. The are all right there with the Incas in torture and cruelty. Yes black men, and some women, are prone to violence. But white people have always seemed to enjoy the cruelty of torture of all people, including other whites. Most of the time when you hear of black violence its either someone getting beat up, shot, or stabbed. When you hear of white violence they always seem to have enjoyed taking the extra step of making their victims suffer before the let them finally die. I have read alot of history books, and I'm not talking about e-books, and you are so right when you say that blacks could never compare to whites when it comes to violence. But as I said, white violence knows no color boundaries, they will turn on each other just as fast as they will turn on someone of color. Look at how they treat one of their own once they decide to date outside of their race, any race.


Barros Serrano wrote:

MANY many many many many times I find myself in here arguing against an ALLIANCE of white ultra-racists with black ultra-racists, and they, the dumb asses, never notice that they're standing shoulder to shoulder with people who have genocidal wet dreams about them.
More proof that racism rots the mind.
Assdurratin even allies himself with Lunarblitz, OhReally & Maz Fascist. He claims to be in the tradition of Kwame Nkruman, Kwame Toure, Amilcar Cabral and other revolutionaries. Only I've actually READ these folk while still a student. He knows NOTHING about them. Whateveer my differences with Nkruman and some others, they didn't kiss racist a___ and they didn't defend capitalism---which Abdurratin clearly does.
To imagine Nkrumah or Cabral being like Abdurratin, you'd have to imagine them kissing up to British or Portuguese colonial authorities.
Cabral, Nkruman, Kwame Toure (aka Stokely Carmichael) would have some SHARP criticisms of Barack Obama. But they wouldn't be cheerleading b____ for Romney and Ron Paul the way Abdurratin is.
Notice that this devout Muslim has only contempt for other Muslims (e.g. Kush Kid, DrugsareDumb) who have a more progressive perspective.
If he were Malian he'd be a jihadist. I also recall him singing Stalin's praises. A clear totalitarian mentality. If he were white he'd be singing Hitler's praises).



And not to get too further off topic here, Tyrone, blacks have tried to re-establish themselves by themselves, but as history has shown, that has always been met with resistance and terrorism resulting in them being further oppressed and suppressed because in the end White America doesn’t want black people to advance on their own which is funny considering how they always tell us to work harder.
But back on the subject, Abigail is a true example of white resentment when things don’t go their way. They say they believe in equality, but when it comes, then they get scared silly. They fear of losing their privileges err…freedoms to those they deem are unworthy.
However, this is not a case of equality. It’s a case of racial paranoia. Abagail didn’t get accepted. So, what does she do? Blame affirmative action which she has no idea what it truly is who who it truly benefits. And she is not the only one fearing of being the marginalized. (Of course white people are scared to death of being oppressed) There are cases like this all over the nation.
I find it funny that a group of people who prides itself of racial supremacy is afraid of the “inferior” types oppressing them as if they’re no understandable reason why they should be punished (We all know the reason why they don’t). Not saying they ought to be, but it just shows how broken they really are about history, reality and life itself.


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