Even after it's explained in the simplest possible terms that Barros' words, though extreme, were also RHETORICAL rather than literally intended, Max a____e still doesn't get it.
Interestingly enough, none of the people who complain about BArros language (with perhaps the exception of yours truly) show much indignation over the LITERAL raping and murder of hundredas of thousands of people in Central America with the aid of our tax dollars.
And some of those stupid f____ who compalinm about government spending when it comes to Obama's WATERED DOWN health care package, show no similar outrage about the spending to prop up murderous juntas and death squad governments in Guatemala. They did start any Tea Party protests over the costly wars in the Middle East.
Militarism and mass murder are ok with these scumbags. They don't mind PAYING TAXES to support folk who really use machetes and other weapons on defenseless Latin American peasants.
But even whisper a word of progressive social reform for the common people (especially the poor) in America, and these simpletons scream about socialism, communism, and a "Muslim Communist" presdident.
I advocate nonviolent social struggle as far as it will take us. But I sometimes wonder if any great loss to America or humanity would be suffered if some of you mindless reactionary miscreants did have an unpleasant encounter with a machete.
Mitt is worst than Barack. But the biggest problem is that both PARTIES are subservient to corporate money and interests. We really do need alternatives to both Democrat and Republican parities. And we need an alternative to rapacious global capitalism and hw Wall Street pirates.Rombot is about protecting the wealthy and I pity you fools who think otherwise. Obama is no saint, but he's the lesser of the two evils, but so many of you are so caught in racism and hate that you can't see that or you refuse to see it. Oh well. Obama is going to win the next term so deal with it.
They both suck, both Mitt is worse.
RE 2012's 1st POTUS Debate The Real News' Paul Jay Said:
Nixakliel - 10/11/2012 - 23:27
'A Masterful
Liar Defeats a Man without Convictions.' - I would say- 'A Blatant Bold-face LIAR Whupped a Guy w NO
Convictions'. Raw-Money told a series of bold-face lies & Obama didn't
call him out on even one of them. Why? Because as he kept saying [like Dr Mike
Dyson did in his debate w Bro Glen Ford] 'I think
Gov RMoney & I basically agree on that.' Obama could NOT effectively
challenge Raw-Money's blatant lies because he's been to busy implementing many
RMoney like idea's [IE: Obama{RMoney}Care], & if he did he likely would have
ended up making promises on nation-wide [& world-wide] TV- To
The People [vs the power elites], that he might be forced to keep!
IMO He thus played it overly cautious & ended up looking like a 'Deer caught in RMoney's head-lites'.
Even now Obama hasn't challenged RawMoney's Lies [Slick-Willie has to some
extent]. Obama's resorted to the juvenille tactic of parodying RawMoney's
dumb-ass quote about balancing the budget by cutting PBS' 'Big Bird'
Prog _____________
Obama-Laiden Negroes Cheer Obama's War Policies
Nixakliel - 10/11/2012 - 22:52
I knew intutitively that Dr Mike Dyson wasn't the only Obama-Laiden
negro to view the slaughtering of Khadaffi- regardless of the hellish
turmoil unleashed in Libya [especially RE: Black Libyan's & Migrants from
other African countries] in the process- which continues till this day, as a
BIG PLUS for O-Bomb-er [NOTE DN!'s debate between Dyson &
BAR's Glen Ford RE backing Obama's candidacy].
Well this article linked to an Oct 2011 article @ the [supposed] Black orientated web-site 'The Root' [closely linked to the alleged 'liberal / progressive' MSNBC] entitled: 'Qadaffi Dead: One More Success for Obama' - Here are some low-lite excerpts: } The dictator's death reminds us that -- despite claims that Obama has failed -- he's had a lot of success.
Just like the widely hailed death of Osama bin Laden in May or the more recent -- and more controversial -- death of Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki at the hands of the U.S. military, the death of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi at the end of an 8 month fight between loyalists & NATO-backed rebels was accompanied by minimal fanfare from Obama's admin despite its key role, with the president stoically reporting Thursday that "one of the world's longest-serving dictators is no more." [Notice he fails to mention those 10,000 UK-US NATO bombing runs & 100s cruise-missle attacks -&- that O-Bomb-er et-al LIED that this was NOT about regime-change & assassination.]
If there's one precedent that's been set by Pres Obama over the last 3 yrs, it's that the violent end of even a hated foe isn't something he'll brag about or gloat over. But make no mistake about it -- although Qaddafi's death is realistically more of a nominal Mid-East reset than a gleaming "Mission Accomplished" moment, it represents the triumph of Obama's firm reinstatement of Teddy Roosevelt's "speak softly and carry a big stick" mantra in American foreign policy.
It also illustrates the way forward for our role as NATO's lead dog, where Obama's strategy -- pilloried by critics as "leading from behind" for insisting that the UK, France & othe NATO powers share the burden for the military operations that they authorize -- was validated again.
Libya is just another example of Obama finishing the unfinished business of his predecessors. U.S. warplanes bombed Tripoli in 1986, but it wasn't Ronald Reagan who ultimately deposed Qaddafi. It was Obama. Whether you think it was worth the effort to hunt down & kill bin Laden, it wasn't George W. Bush who did it in 7 yrs -- it was Obama who did it in two.
The standard has now been set: Qaddafi was dispatched without a single American casualty… If Obama isn't re-elected, he'll still leave behind a military where gays and lesbians serve openly… The irony is that Obama might wind up getting voted out for the same reason that his influence will be hard to erase: He's been too busy getting things done. {
I won't comment on the 'Bin Laden Kill' hype beyond IMO Bin Laden likely died @ Tora Bora in Dec 2001- & that O-Bomb-em, unlike other hated Islamic foes in the phony 'War on Terror' [= War on Islam], didn't even bother proving that whoever they killed in the raid that 'officially' killed off the 'Bin Laden Legend', before allegedly dumping his body in the bottom of the sea. And also that the 'bin Laden Kill' hype sucked all of the wind out of the news of UK-US NATO's slaughtering of Khadaffi's 2 small grand-kids the previous day, as they tried to assassinate Khadaffi by smart-bomb- which of course this 'ROOT' Obama-laid propagandist failed to make the comparison w that of the 1986 Reagan-Thatcher air-raid that tried to assassinate Khadaffi by bombing his home- killing his small daughter in the process.
And not even this Obama-Laiden hyper @ 'The Root' could defend the obviously illegal / extra-judicial drone murder of an American [al-Awlaki]. But the author makes a point that Obama did NOT gloat over Khadaffi's dead body. HELL He did NOT need to- He had his Sec of State Hitlery / Killery{I Came, I Saw, He Died- Ha, ha, ha}Clinton do it for him!!! IMO its telling that this 'Root' article compared O-Bomb-er's foreign policy to Teddy Roosevelt's- who was an un-apologetic Anglo-American imperialist [& racist]! Except now O-Bomb-er has set a new standard how to devasted a country via remote control [via drones & smart-bombs & cruise-missiles] with-out having to put US troops 'In Harm'sWay'. Obviously if the US draft is a 'Poverty Draft' & US wars have become more 'remote-control virtual warfare', then most so-called 'main-stream' Americans are likely to become even more dis-interested. IMO That's one of the main lessons that the DoD learned from Vietnam, during which every day main-stream News outlets CBS, NBC & ABC brought reports from the battle-fields of Vietnam on TV. These gave folks in the US a dose of the horrible reality of war [IE: real 'Reality TV' - this was unique- IMO it has NOT happened either before {home TV was uncommon in WWII & even during Korea} or since Vietnam]. Thus the people rose-up against both the Dims' LBJ & the Repugs' Tricky Dick, & demanded that the US get out of 'Nam'. So the DoD has been careful to control the public image of its wars [via highly orchestrated propaganda] ever since. And by replacing the mandatory draft w the 'poverty' draft & now so-called smart remote-controlled warfare, 'main-stream' America is 'safely' detatched from the horrific reality of US imprialist over-seas Wars.
PS: IMO its interesting that in their efforts to go 'main-stream' LGBTs clamored for the right to be main-streamed into the US Military-Industrial-Surveillance-Security-Complex by insisting DADT be struck-down.
This Oct 7 2012 article 'Why This Election is About More Than Drones' @ [white liberal] 'ThinkProgress.org' [Oh Really?] is just about as bad as the one that danced all over Khadaffi's Grave @ 'The Root'. I won't quote it at-length but it was a lame response to an article that condemned O-Bomb-er's drone policy as a deal-breaker & reason enough for progressive anti-war folks NOT to vote for either him or Raw-Money. This Think{non}Progress article responds by saying well OK but- we can't say definitvely that Obama's drone war policy is all that bad because the details are secret. Then it says that the election is more than about drones by Stating: ' Lack of health care kills up to 45,000 Americans yearly. Romney wants to repeal the most significant effort to limit these preventable deaths in American history and doesn’t appear have a real policy alternative...' - Well HELLO! Obama-Care IS RMoney-Care [aka Obama-RMoney Care - DUHH!!!] rolled out nation-wide- instead of just in the State of Mass where RMoney passed it as Gov.
And it also States: 'Climate change could take 100 million lives around the globe; Romney belongs to a party that denies the reality of climate change and mocks the issue himself while Obama has taken modest but important steps toward addressing it'... - First: 'Climate-change' [why did they stop saying Global-Warming] might-perhaps-could-possibly take 100 million lives some time in the future -BUT- O-Bomb-er's Drones have killed 3000 people right now; - The nexus of UK-US NATO / GCC / NTC's Rebel-rousing Racist Lynch Mobs [on O-Bomb-er's watch] killed 50,000 - 100,000 Libyans last yr & the killing has continued & has spilt over into other African countries; - The on-going US-NATO-GCC-IDF skull-duggery in Syria has cost maybe 25,000 lives & counting; - Af-Pak has cost / is costing another 100,000+ lives; - Iraq cost 500,000 to over 1,000,000+ -&- if Bibi & O-Bomb-em [or Bibi & Raw-Money] go for Iran only God knows how many might perish- hell that might even set the whole World on Fire!
Well this article linked to an Oct 2011 article @ the [supposed] Black orientated web-site 'The Root' [closely linked to the alleged 'liberal / progressive' MSNBC] entitled: 'Qadaffi Dead: One More Success for Obama' - Here are some low-lite excerpts: } The dictator's death reminds us that -- despite claims that Obama has failed -- he's had a lot of success.
Just like the widely hailed death of Osama bin Laden in May or the more recent -- and more controversial -- death of Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki at the hands of the U.S. military, the death of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi at the end of an 8 month fight between loyalists & NATO-backed rebels was accompanied by minimal fanfare from Obama's admin despite its key role, with the president stoically reporting Thursday that "one of the world's longest-serving dictators is no more." [Notice he fails to mention those 10,000 UK-US NATO bombing runs & 100s cruise-missle attacks -&- that O-Bomb-er et-al LIED that this was NOT about regime-change & assassination.]
If there's one precedent that's been set by Pres Obama over the last 3 yrs, it's that the violent end of even a hated foe isn't something he'll brag about or gloat over. But make no mistake about it -- although Qaddafi's death is realistically more of a nominal Mid-East reset than a gleaming "Mission Accomplished" moment, it represents the triumph of Obama's firm reinstatement of Teddy Roosevelt's "speak softly and carry a big stick" mantra in American foreign policy.
It also illustrates the way forward for our role as NATO's lead dog, where Obama's strategy -- pilloried by critics as "leading from behind" for insisting that the UK, France & othe NATO powers share the burden for the military operations that they authorize -- was validated again.
Libya is just another example of Obama finishing the unfinished business of his predecessors. U.S. warplanes bombed Tripoli in 1986, but it wasn't Ronald Reagan who ultimately deposed Qaddafi. It was Obama. Whether you think it was worth the effort to hunt down & kill bin Laden, it wasn't George W. Bush who did it in 7 yrs -- it was Obama who did it in two.
The standard has now been set: Qaddafi was dispatched without a single American casualty… If Obama isn't re-elected, he'll still leave behind a military where gays and lesbians serve openly… The irony is that Obama might wind up getting voted out for the same reason that his influence will be hard to erase: He's been too busy getting things done. {
I won't comment on the 'Bin Laden Kill' hype beyond IMO Bin Laden likely died @ Tora Bora in Dec 2001- & that O-Bomb-em, unlike other hated Islamic foes in the phony 'War on Terror' [= War on Islam], didn't even bother proving that whoever they killed in the raid that 'officially' killed off the 'Bin Laden Legend', before allegedly dumping his body in the bottom of the sea. And also that the 'bin Laden Kill' hype sucked all of the wind out of the news of UK-US NATO's slaughtering of Khadaffi's 2 small grand-kids the previous day, as they tried to assassinate Khadaffi by smart-bomb- which of course this 'ROOT' Obama-laid propagandist failed to make the comparison w that of the 1986 Reagan-Thatcher air-raid that tried to assassinate Khadaffi by bombing his home- killing his small daughter in the process.
And not even this Obama-Laiden hyper @ 'The Root' could defend the obviously illegal / extra-judicial drone murder of an American [al-Awlaki]. But the author makes a point that Obama did NOT gloat over Khadaffi's dead body. HELL He did NOT need to- He had his Sec of State Hitlery / Killery{I Came, I Saw, He Died- Ha, ha, ha}Clinton do it for him!!! IMO its telling that this 'Root' article compared O-Bomb-er's foreign policy to Teddy Roosevelt's- who was an un-apologetic Anglo-American imperialist [& racist]! Except now O-Bomb-er has set a new standard how to devasted a country via remote control [via drones & smart-bombs & cruise-missiles] with-out having to put US troops 'In Harm'sWay'. Obviously if the US draft is a 'Poverty Draft' & US wars have become more 'remote-control virtual warfare', then most so-called 'main-stream' Americans are likely to become even more dis-interested. IMO That's one of the main lessons that the DoD learned from Vietnam, during which every day main-stream News outlets CBS, NBC & ABC brought reports from the battle-fields of Vietnam on TV. These gave folks in the US a dose of the horrible reality of war [IE: real 'Reality TV' - this was unique- IMO it has NOT happened either before {home TV was uncommon in WWII & even during Korea} or since Vietnam]. Thus the people rose-up against both the Dims' LBJ & the Repugs' Tricky Dick, & demanded that the US get out of 'Nam'. So the DoD has been careful to control the public image of its wars [via highly orchestrated propaganda] ever since. And by replacing the mandatory draft w the 'poverty' draft & now so-called smart remote-controlled warfare, 'main-stream' America is 'safely' detatched from the horrific reality of US imprialist over-seas Wars.
PS: IMO its interesting that in their efforts to go 'main-stream' LGBTs clamored for the right to be main-streamed into the US Military-Industrial-Surveillance-Security-Complex by insisting DADT be struck-down.
This Oct 7 2012 article 'Why This Election is About More Than Drones' @ [white liberal] 'ThinkProgress.org' [Oh Really?] is just about as bad as the one that danced all over Khadaffi's Grave @ 'The Root'. I won't quote it at-length but it was a lame response to an article that condemned O-Bomb-er's drone policy as a deal-breaker & reason enough for progressive anti-war folks NOT to vote for either him or Raw-Money. This Think{non}Progress article responds by saying well OK but- we can't say definitvely that Obama's drone war policy is all that bad because the details are secret. Then it says that the election is more than about drones by Stating: ' Lack of health care kills up to 45,000 Americans yearly. Romney wants to repeal the most significant effort to limit these preventable deaths in American history and doesn’t appear have a real policy alternative...' - Well HELLO! Obama-Care IS RMoney-Care [aka Obama-RMoney Care - DUHH!!!] rolled out nation-wide- instead of just in the State of Mass where RMoney passed it as Gov.
And it also States: 'Climate change could take 100 million lives around the globe; Romney belongs to a party that denies the reality of climate change and mocks the issue himself while Obama has taken modest but important steps toward addressing it'... - First: 'Climate-change' [why did they stop saying Global-Warming] might-perhaps-could-possibly take 100 million lives some time in the future -BUT- O-Bomb-er's Drones have killed 3000 people right now; - The nexus of UK-US NATO / GCC / NTC's Rebel-rousing Racist Lynch Mobs [on O-Bomb-er's watch] killed 50,000 - 100,000 Libyans last yr & the killing has continued & has spilt over into other African countries; - The on-going US-NATO-GCC-IDF skull-duggery in Syria has cost maybe 25,000 lives & counting; - Af-Pak has cost / is costing another 100,000+ lives; - Iraq cost 500,000 to over 1,000,000+ -&- if Bibi & O-Bomb-em [or Bibi & Raw-Money] go for Iran only God knows how many might perish- hell that might even set the whole World on Fire!
Anyway- Whatever your views RE
'climate-change', what makes this author @ 'Think
{non}Progress' believe that Obama deserves even modest credit for a
Green Scheme Program when he ain't said much about a vision for a Green
Econ since he forced his Green Jobs point man, Van Jones, out based on some
hyped-up BS from Glen{what the Heck}Beck?!? What happened to the wind-turbine
& hi-speed rail initiative by using Detroit's under-used auto-factories to
spear-head it? After all Obama did bail out GM & Chrystler, so he definitely
had leverage, just as he did to push Detroit's big 3's to set CAFE standards at
40mpg by 2016, 50mpg by 2020 & 60mpg by 2025 [instead of a weak-a___ 35-40mpg
by 2025]. And just how does Obama hyping deep-sea oil drilling [aka 'Drill
Baby Drill'] which led to BP's disasterous Gulf Oil 'Spill Baby
Spill' fit into a 'Green Scheme'? Or him
signing off on gas-fracking, extra-dirty tar-sands oil, & more nuke
power [think Fukushima]???
IMO this 'Think{non}Progress' article is a perfaect example
of so-called liberals / psuedo-progressives using verbose psuedo-intellectual
lame-ass excuses to try to keep progressives drinking Obama-laid while
[as Bev puts it] 'Chopping Cotton on the Dims Plantation'!!! It's about
as lame as the recent article by supposed Black 'progressive'
Bill Fletcher called 'Obama Record is Besides the
Point- That's Why We Should Vote for Him'.__________________
Isn't it interesting how Assdurratin is always in ALLIANCE with the most NOTORIOUS white racists? We're not talking about naive, unconscious or even subtle racism. He's down with OVERT racists like Loonyblitz, Max and OhReally. Can you imagine Kwame Nkrumah or Kwame Ture allying themselves with right wing racists the while claiming to be into "Pan-Africani sm"? A good number of my classmates during the 1980s, and some friends and associates in the 1990s, were members of the All African Peoples REvolutionary Party. I didn't see them kissing the azz of Ronald Reagan. I've met Kwame Ture (aka Stokely Carmichael) numerous times. I've heard him speak at Morgan State University, Fisk University, and numerous other places, NEVER did I hear him kissing up to white racists. Contrary to what Assdurratin may believe, I've considerable famliarity with revolutionary African and Pan-Africanist thought. I know a phony when I see one. Assdurratin is a PHONY, and a buck dancing bootlicker. To h___ with him.
Yes, I do have a life outside of Topix. I have a lovely lady in my life, I teach Philosophy, I write, enjoy cinema, and support progressive causes in opposition to plutocracy and racism, etc. And I'm busy making preparations for speaking engagements. OhReally doesn't have a life and is resentful of those who do. Now I'm sorry if OhReally doesn't have a job and has to spend his time spewing racist venom at others via the internet. I'm sorry if his cognitive abilities are so underdeveloped than he cannot hold down even a menial job (while being delusional enough to think Blacks are the cause of his troubles). I'm sorry if my critical intelligence intimidates him, or makes him resentful that there are BLACK men out here who are smarter than he is. And I guess it's sad that he was busy doing Meth and eating corn pone while I pursued my education and intellectual growth. It's sad that he hasn't made something of his life. But I cannot lower myself to his level to assuage his insecurities. If he wishes to be healed he must deal with his own demons---and seek professional help. At any rate, OhFrilly's inferiority complex--or rather his INFERIORITY--is not my fault and not my problem.
I think Hollywood has shown their hand that it is a beastly and corrupt system (irrespective of which type of couples they show their on shows). Hollywood is joined at the hip with the military industrial complex for decades. Enough said. Some folks in Hollywood promote their sick, racial fantasies all of the time (as a means to express racism while not overtly being caught in expressing it to the untrained eye). One person is correct in writing that they (or the elite in the entertainment industry) promotes negative stereotypes against black people of both genders (as a way to suppress the great cultural aspects of black people. Subconsciously, they or the racists have a jealous atttitude against melanated peoples because some of them try to mimic the phenotype of black African peoples). That is why it's very rare to see genuine Black Love on these major shows on television with a few specific exceptions. Yet, I will ignore the people who obsess with IR. That shouldn't be our major concern. Our concerns are about building up our health, stopping crime, growing up businesses or infrastructure, ending poverty, having intellectual growth, improving relationships among brothers & sisters, and to develop all forms of our quality of life. Many people obsess with dating circumstances among our people as an excuse to cause tensions in our community. In our time, I will just ignore the trolls and focus on exposing white supremacy, building up black people, and expressing Black Love forever more.
-By Timothy
Interestingly enough, the results of the 2008 elections revealed that TWO THIRDS of the most educated Americans DID vote for Obama. We will obviously have to wait another month to see if that happens again. As for the average Republican voter---well he or she is not exactly known as the sharpest knife in the drawer. When GW Bush was returned for a second term as President, even one of Great Britain larger papers carried the headlines: "Can 55 million people REALLY be that DUMB?" I'll just say maybe they were deluded and ignorant and frightened like children
Réseau terroriste en France? Il arrive souvent que les nouveaux convertis soient plus "royalistes que le roi" lol et dangereusement influençables.
oui Sir pourquoi ?
Pas mal de boulot en revanche et des restrictions budgétaires chez mon employeur.
Le réseau islamiste terroriste démantelé est inquiétant : tous Français de souche, tous convertis récemment, 2 sortis de prison mais tous petits délinquants trafiquants de shit et choses de ce style.
Ils avaient tout un arsenal artisanal.
On sent aussi aux USA que Mormon Mitt est en pleine remontée après le lamentable débat et un Obamaparalysé et empêtré ; mon Mentor était furieux le lendemain qu'un Black se laisse traîner dans la boue sans réagir "Gov. Romney and I agree" ... tu parles, c'est bien ça la grande faiblesse du président ; Hollande c'est pareil.
Pendant ce temps, Paul Jorion explique dans Le Monde comment les requins de la financeréussissent à démanteler les maigres régulations installées depuis 2009.
The news are not a morale booster these times !
a whiteboi
Peut-être qu'il y a des filières de recrutement de futurs djihadistes dans les prisons françaises. si oui, c'est sûr que les autorités françaises sont déjà en train d'effectuer des opérations d'infiltration. Je crois qu'on va assister à d'autres opérations de démantèlement de groupes soupçonnés d'activités séditieuses et subversives.
Tout un arsenal,ça ne m'étonne guère, déjà vous avez du mal à enrayer/endiguer le flux d'armes illégales en France. La banlieue française s'apparente à un véritable champs de bataille où nos jeunes frères s'entretuent dans l'indifférence générale. Alors pas étonnant qu'un groupe terroriste ait

LOL Attai "Gov Romney

Well you usually keep us informed and post links to videos and interesting articles mais le silence régnait depuis samedi lol
Content que tu sois vivant
Ton mentor etait furieux, n'est ce pas. Moi aussi! Mais je soutien Obama en Noviembre parce que les Republicain fasciste son't plus mal.
oui Sir pourquoi ?
Pas mal de boulot en revanche et des restrictions budgétaires chez mon employeur.
Le réseau islamiste terroriste démantelé est inquiétant : tous Français de souche, tous convertis récemment, 2 sortis de prison mais tous petits délinquants trafiquants de shit et choses de ce style.
Ils avaient tout un arsenal artisanal.
On sent aussi aux USA que Mormon Mitt est en pleine remontée après le lamentable débat et un Obama paralysé et empêtré ; mon Mentor était furieux le lendemain qu'un Black se laisse traîner dans la boue sans réagir "Gov. Romney and I agree" ... tu parles, c'est bien ça la grande faiblesse du président ; Hollande c'est pareil.
Pendant ce temps, Paul Jorion explique dans Le Monde comment les requins de la finance réussissent à démanteler les maigres régulations installées depuis 2009.
The news are not a morale booster these times !
a whiteboi
But I was angry with Obama myself. A highly literate Harvard educated

Ras le bol!
I think that, though we're not naturally racist, we're naturally "groupist." Evolution seems to have inclined us to readily define whole groups of people as the enemy, after which we can find their suffering, even death, very easy to countenance and even facilitate. |
-The BlackDahlia
A quite typical reply. My post# 366 gives some REASONS. Bill replies with an Argumentum ad Hominem--including projecting his racims onto me. That seems to be a favorite tactic of white reactionaries these days. The fact remains, that NO evidence has been shown for the claim that Obama is a racist. But evidence of racism against Obams from the right is hard to miss without closing your eyes. And there a ton of evidence that while racism can be found across the political spectrum in America, the most stubborn, deeply rooted, militant racism has always come from the Right. I don't hear liberals or those left of liberal saying that "slavery was a BLESSING," or promoting Confederate History Month. White militia, Aryan brotherhood, KKK and other smelly cliques of fascists do not make themselves at home in progressive groups. Moreover, ractionaries like Bill need to stop complaining about supposed anti-white hatred when Black progressives call them out. I've never directed hostily toward whites generally, and every HONEST poster who've seen my posts over the last four years will admit that. But I suspect whjite reactionaries like to see themselves as representative of white America as a whole; hence they foolishly infer than opposition to THEM amounts to hatred of white people. You should stop being so presumptious. I happen to know that MANY white people are ASHAMED of you. Don't assume you represent white America. That's a bogus assumption.
Phony, as in kissing up to white racists like Lunarblitz, Max, OhReally and others while pretending to be a militant Pan-Africanist like Nkrumah or Kwame Ture. (I have my own points of disagreements with these brothers. But at least they weren't bootlicking Uncle Toms). Phony, as in saddling up with the Right Wing while pretending b be in the tradition of Kwame Ture, Kwame Nkrumah--and others who were LEFT WING. In one thread, Assdurratin openly supported the right wing pro-capitalist ideas of Aisling and others. But he claims to belong to a tradition of Black revolutionaries who were clearly ANTI-CAPITALIST, and in the case of Kwame Ture were socialist. Frankly, I have more tespect for a right wing bonehead like Aisling who doesn't pretnd to be anything but conservative than I do for a right with buck dancer who pretends to be a revolutionary. Moreover, I tend now to doubt your claim that you were a memeber of Stokely's All African Peoples Revolutionary Party. I known several of them, and NONE were so backward as you. And no, Stokely Carmichael & Nkruman were not LIBERALS but revolutionaries. But they critiqued liberalism from the LEFT, mainly a socialist perspective. You stand to the RIGHT of liberalism. And if as Dr. Robert C. Smith argues, American conservatism is inseparable from racism, it should surpise no one that a right wing, reactionary Negro like Assdurratin is most at home as a butt licker of white racists like OhReally, Max, Loonyblitz and others. You're disgusting, Assdurratin.
Obama should not have tolerated this even if the moderator allowed it. You NEVER allowed anyone to disrespect you. He should not have allowed Romney to coninuously interrupt him, and he ought to have jumped all over Romney for spewing lie after lie.
and Robme wasn't? Comparing the President of the United States to one of his children? Constantly cutting him off, interrupting with attitude?
This is the 21st Century, not the 19th. You do not speak with downcast eyes in the presence of any white man--or AHYONE. You stare them straight in the eye and tell them what time it is.
Obama needs to understand that politics is not a tea party. And he's not dealing with the Republican Party of your father or grandfather's generation. You're not dealing with mere conservatives any longer. We'r dealing with a loony party of crypto-fascists. The party of Lincoln is dead.
Too bad the weak kneed Democrats are no longer the Party of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Nonetheless, they're better than the reactionary alternative.
Obama should save la politesse for genteel social gatherings, not the political arena.
So did Romney, in fact at one point he actually talked over the moderator and TOLD him that he was going to continue speaking on a particular topic that the moderator had insisted they move on from.Biden interrupted Ryan AND the moderator, shaking his finger like he was the mommy or something.
That doesn't sound like a lie to me, especially in light of the fact that Chaffetz (R) voted to cut funding for security to embassies, saying that it was not a high priority. Soledad O'Brien called him on that a few nights ago, when he was trying to step up on his high horse and complain about the lack of security in Benghazi.Lies?
"We weren't told they wanted more security. We did not know they wanted more security."
sound familiar?
Perhaps. He certainly did far better than Obama, and had the good sense to take the fight directly to Ryan. He got in Ryan's face and kicked his unrighteous, lying a___!Biden showed him how to debate.
But it all amounts to little unless Obama shows more leadership and forcefulness. As you know, we progressives have been telling him this for several years now. This is not your grandfather's Republican party. And Obama is no longer faculty in an academic lecture hall.
If "no drama Obama" is too afraid of looking like the proverbial "angry black man" to take the fight to that plutocratic pinhead Romney, then he may as well give it up.
Either FIGHT or walk away. Funk "politeness"! Off with heads of the reactionaries!
Living Sir but i was busy at work
Réseau terroriste en France? Il arrive souvent que les nouveaux convertis soient plus "royalistes que le roi" lol et dangereusement influençables.
Peut-être qu'il y a des filières de recrutement de futurs djihadistes dans les prisons françaises. si oui, c'est sûr que les autorités françaises sont déjà en train d'effectuer des opérations d'infiltration. Je crois qu'on va assister à d'autres opérations de démantèlement de groupes soupçonnés d'activités séditieuses et subversives.
Tout un arsenal,ça ne m'étonne guère, déjà vous avez du mal à enrayer/endiguer le flux d'armes illégales en France. La banlieue française s'apparente à un véritable champs de bataille où nos jeunes frères s'entretuent dans l'indifférence générale. Alors pas étonnant qu'un groupe terroriste ait pu se procurer des armes sophistiquées
LOL Attai "Gov Romney and I agree" lol c'était justement ça lol
Well you usually keep us informed and post links to videos and interesting articles mais le silence régnait depuis samedi lol
Content que tu sois vivant

Bizarrement non ce n'est pas un réseau basé sur la prison (2 seulement) et plutôt des petits délinquants de 3è zone. Pas d'armes sophistiquées mais de quoi fabriquer des bombinettes tueuses ; apparemment un reseau local sans contact à l'étranger comme Merah.
L'info est très filtrée, presque rien n'est divulgué.
Mon Mentor était furax, he felt Obama was humiliated in public and not reacting. Il m'a dit un Black des quartiers ne se serait pas laissé faire comme ça by a white boi.
Je ne sais pas ce qu'on pense des élections chez vous : ici l'idée que Mormon Mitt pourrait gagner progresse de façon inqiétante.
Hollande était à Dakar pour réparer les dégâts faits par Sarko en 2008.
En France, la fausse gauche continue : le PS temporise sur le vote des étrangers hors UE, on serre la vis sur les crédits partout.
a whiteboi
Ton mentor etait furieux, n'est ce pas. Moi aussi! Mais je soutien Obama en Noviembre parce que les Republicain fasciste son't plus mal.
But I was angry with Obama myself. A highly literate Harvard educated Black man, President of the of the United States of America, allowing himself to be bullied by un reactionaire blanc--at times with downcast eyes as if we still lived in the era of slavery! How disgraceful!
Ras le bol!
that's exactly what he said, nearly the same words, same feeling.
C'est de la télépathie !
Naturellement il fera comme vous mais en serrant les dents, oui il s'est trouvé humilié en direct en quelque sorte.
a whiteboi
that's not accurate - for all the above mentioned reasons, blacks are the FARTHEST genetically from primates (apes) which has been confirmed by your own scientists. Do a youtube search for the Neanderthal series on National Geographics, which stated that Europeans were a HYBRID between Neanderthals and MAN.
and who was that "man?"
Africans on average have very little body hair, kinky head hair, dark skin, full lips, and long, straight legs UNLIKE MONKEYS
No nation has an infinite amount of time to redeem itself. Our effort to transform America (or any land) is not guaranteed of success. But if the effort is not made we are certain of failure.
I truly wonder if its too late for america and its people!
I am a visionary as well and what I see is that any nation that was founded on ill-gotten gains and spreads its poison "around the world" can't possibly be blessed.
I am very happy for the Egyptian people and what has happened is a chain of events that will boomerang back to its owner.
To know the _nature of what you are dealing with will determine;
with or without violence.
We CAN win, but I won't say that victory is certain. I can't say, with the faith-inspired assurance of Dr. King, that I know that "we as a people will get to the Promised Land." I do know that we are headed for disaster if we don't change the direction in which we are going.
Even if revolutionary voices of dissent must remain for some time "voices crying in the wilderness," it is only by keeping such voices alive and as strong as possible, that the wilderness can become a verdant and fertile land.
We are confronted, as Dr. King once wrote, with the awesome historical choice: chaos or community.
And we can more easily create community with a NONVIOLENT REVOLUTION than with force of arms.
Oh, the moral inspiration of the revolt is truly impressive, brother.
Victory! At least thus far. For the struggle continues. A Luta Continua!
Very important: YOUTH led the way! And the ideas that some of them have. Notions of autonomous community (which Kathleen Cleaver now talks about) have entered the lexicon of revolt.
And I can't forget the words of a poorly paid, 25 year old Egyptian English tutor: "We don't want you MONEY. RESPECT us as HUMAN BEINGS!"
Or as striking Black sanitation workers led by King had on their placards: "I am a man!"
RESPECT US AS HUMAN BEINGS! At the end of the day, that's what freedom is about. That's what Revolution is about. The right to be human in a human community.
Some very brave, highly idealistic, and very passionate young people came out in full force.
But the end-result, so far, is still a military-controlled government. I can't help but think "Meet the new boss.... same as the old boss." These autocratic elites can be incredibly crafty, sneaky and adaptable.
Let us see what unfolds.
Being coward is different from being non-violent. Cowards don't protest, but non-violent people protest. They hold their ground. It's easier to fight in violent means like a blowing up some bus or train, and the person responsible will be condemned as terrorist and the revolution will just die off. Non-violent movement can last for longer, because the people responsible fight for long, just in non-violent way.
Non-violent should also be accompanied with non cooperation. We need leaders that can move masses. If handful of people are fighting it doesn't make any difference.
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