Malcolm X on Senator Barry Goldwater's chances in the upcoming election
Malcolm X explaining Black Nationalism in interview
Malcolm X speaking in interview about the necessity of adopting guerilla warfare against white oppression
Malcolm X speaking in interview about Cassius Clay's involvement in Islam and his own personal falling out with Elijah Muhammad
Malcolm X speaking in interview about allegations that he is on the lunatic fringe of the American Negro Movement.
I always tell my brothers- reach within like Ali did- he told himself every day how great he was - look how far it help him ascend - daily positive affirmations and mantras are key to keeping a strong mind, family and village- ONE TRIBE ONE FAMILY- ZALUTE BLACK KINGS!
TheAfroQween 6 months ago
you stay in place befor the waters that we drink everyday
what else compare to your love and energy my queen?dm
MIGHTYMATHS 6 months ago
Make that change. The work of Chiek Anta Diop was even more revolutionary than G. M. James. He set them all straight at the 1974 UNESCO symposium on Km't (Ancient Egypt) and the overall biased scholarship on Africa and Africans (AAs included).
lionzion22 8 months
The American civil rights spokesman Malcolm X visits Marshall Street in Smethwick.
Malcolm X standing next to a sign for Marshall Street. He then walks along the street stopping to look at a 'for sale' sign in a house window. Members of the press are also visible. Malcolm X sitting in a room chatting to reporters.
Midland News No sound only video.
Malcolm X came to Smethwick during his visit to Britain because it had come to symbolise racism in Britain. In the 1964 General Election the Conservative MP Peter Griffiths had won the seat of Smethwick allegedly using racist campaigning. It was widely reported that stickers with the slogan "If you want a n***** for a neighbour vote Liberal or Labour" had been distributed by his supporters. The victory and the views of Griffiths prompted the Prime Minister Harold Wilson to describe him as a "parliamentary leper". In December 1964 Conservative members of the local council asked the council's housing department to buy any houses that became vacant on Marshall Street to prevent black families moving in. A plan which the council agreed to implement early in 1965. Malcolm X had been a spokesman for the Nation of Islam but had left in 1964. On February 21 1965 Malcolm X was shot dead in New York by members of the Nation of Islam with FBI having an underhand in it.
Nearing Smethwick has seen riots these days.
The American civil rights spokesman Malcolm X visits Marshall Street in Smethwick.
Malcolm X standing next to a sign for Marshall Street. He then walks along the street stopping to look at a 'for sale' sign in a house window. Members of the press are also visible. Malcolm X sitting in a room chatting to reporters.
Midland News No sound only video.
Malcolm X came to Smethwick during his visit to Britain because it had come to symbolise racism in Britain. In the 1964 General Election the Conservative MP Peter Griffiths had won the seat of Smethwick allegedly using racist campaigning. It was widely reported that stickers with the slogan "If you want a n***** for a neighbour vote Liberal or Labour" had been distributed by his supporters. The victory and the views of Griffiths prompted the Prime Minister Harold Wilson to describe him as a "parliamentary leper". In December 1964 Conservative members of the local council asked the council's housing department to buy any houses that became vacant on Marshall Street to prevent black families moving in. A plan which the council agreed to implement early in 1965. Malcolm X had been a spokesman for the Nation of Islam but had left in 1964. On February 21 1965 Malcolm X was shot dead in New York by members of the Nation of Islam with FBI having an underhand in it.
Nearing Smethwick has seen riots these days.
Thanks for the video goddess....The black man can't be great without our queens(earth).....and thats always....
AngeliBlaque.....I want to thank you DEARLY for the hard work & profound truth that this vid presents to us (Black Men). It was truly uplifting watching this vid & knowing that a sister supports her brother/black man with every fiber of her being.
May continued blessings of favor, love, wisdom & guidance greet you always. -E-
cirethgr8 10 months ago
Timothy wrote:
Why is this not hard to understand. If a man wants to be like their enemy psychologically and collectively plus disown their own women, then that man is scarred for life (if he won't recieve that wake up call). Some men haven't been taught the truth about masculinty. Some men feel that masculinity is about going along to get along or acting docile (especially treating non-blacks better than people of your own race). Yet, true black masculinity is opposing publicy and privately white supremacy, fighting for justice, and promoting the great value of women in our own race. Real people of every ethnicity place a high value of their women. So, it's common sense for the black man to do the same for black women. Black women are worldwide too in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc. I don't believe in embracing naiveity though. We can't sugarcoat our complications and Kashta eloquently pointed out these issues (I just disagree with him on other issues). No human being is perfect. Both genders have issues that we need to take care of. Although, a real solution is for both black men and black women to work together in fighting for improvements in the black community excluding the gender wars (that promotes division and an Eurocentric supremacist ethic of white supremacy & materialism). Umoja and Co's new book called "Black Love is a Revolutionary Act" talks about this gender war issue in more depth. I recommend that book.
Some say that we can't win. Once, people said that American slavery would continue forever. These people were wrong. Some people said that Jim Crow segregration would last forever. These people were wrong. Others said that a black man (regardless of what you think of him) can never be President or the First Lady of America could never be a beautiful, strong, and highly intelligent sister. Of course, these folks were wrong. If in a period of less than a century, we can witness the end Jim Crow and allow a black family to be inside of the White House, then we can certainly make the black community much stronger than ever before.
Dear sir,one most eloquent point begs to be acknowledged a tried and true form of assassination of any culture; "Divide and conquer." Well stated.
Black Separatist wrote:What is your opinion? me personally believe they never changed & its about time they show there true emotions and evilness.
Ever since Obama won the Presidency, they've come out of the wood works left and right. Hate crimes have increased and gun purchases have tripled over the last two years significantly.
The majority of it is out of pure hate and the rest is just fear of the unknown.
Whites live in fear of retaliation from black people because they know they have not FULLY paid the price for the things they've done to us and others.
They know if WE ALL really turned up the heat, they'd burn like straw doused in gasoline!
The really sad thing is that they are teaching their children to be racist hate mongers, only against blacks!
They have a really pathetic life.
this is very true what whites fear most then anything is losing supremacy over us and them feeling the wrath of our revenge they have always been trying to avoid it but they can no longer control fiat.Whites have seen culture after culture rebel and turn on them and fight even challenge their supremacy, something a white can never come to terms with.Whites have lived so long thinking they are on top, they didn't count on the oppressed to grow and become strong and dependent,then turn on the oppressor even way after these ppl that have done these acts of evil are gone our revenge is still in action until the deed is done.
but then i ask myself why not just leave the white supremacy ran nations,and build one of our own free of this epidemic and blunt attack on our race?Remove ourselves from their white ruled society and we wouldn't need to worry about such things.
black Independence is the key to true equality
misscamara12 4 weeks ago
memyselfandi770 6 months ago
8 hours agoin reply to BLACKstarPAYNE

Nothing like a GOOD father in your life!
7 hours ago

Now, these are the types of articles I love to read. We have to keep dialog alive on the FAMILY UNIT. A strong family is the core weapon against all the societal ills that plague US. We must choose mates with strong minds and strong wills. Yes, gone should be days that men choose women solely based on the size of their buts. Yes, gone should be the days that women choose men solely based on the size of their bankrolls. Yes, it's time we GROWN THE H____ UP.
exactly they want black men to be passive ESPECIALLY blk women.
toyu17 5 months ago
People who laugh at, gossip about others, or would like to see you do bad etc., have low self esteem themselves. They project their own sense of self worth on other people. Talking bad about people, makes them feel superior.
Venustarr 2 days ago
You completely misunderstood my video. The point that I was trying to make was that that there is no point on black men hating on the thugs, because society doesn't really differentiate between the two anyway. In my opinion, brothers shouldn't even WORRY about how some other black man may look to other people, and just worry about THEMSELVES.
Most people can already tell, most of the time, the good black men from the bad ones, it's just that they don't CARE either way.
DarkOneSun09 5 days ago 8 

That's why black people should discard it and treat each other better as Black people and stop beating each other up because we are not white.The terms 'good hair''pretty boy' etc based on how close to white or 'mixed' a Black person looks should b discarded and normal Black people should b loved & embraced.Places where Black people live & congregate should b places of peace & refuge 4 Black people.Until that happens,'white supremacy' reins supreme n the minds of Black people.
yorubablk3 6 months ago
Thank God a fearless Young Educated man is founded in Garvey's Teachings. Most College educated Black people just keep quiet and use their knowledge to buy a car, house and live their consumer orientated individual lives.
5 hours agoin reply to tishreni
13 hours agoin reply to Dandelion
Thank God a fearless Young Educated man is founded in Garvey's Teachings. Most College educated Black people just keep quiet and use their knowledge to buy a car, house and live their consumer orientated individual lives.
SuperKingsincere 2 months ago

This is what people like you who have been brainwashed don't understand:...Money DID NOT exist in BIBLICAL DAYS.Tithes at that time was about Give and Give.It was about trading one thing for another whether it be livestock or perhaps fruits/clothing/shelter/ food and "good counsel" and so on and so on.These preachers have people like you believing that the ONLY thing you can give is MONEY because that is the only thing THEY value but that is NOT what GOD values...
The greedy preachers of today have brainwashed people like you to believe it's about YOU giving money to them because TRUST and BELIEVE the money is going to the preacher and those in his or her circle.Churches operate tax free so other than the common bills ,What else do they need money for? Are you really so SILLY that you actually feel the money is going to GOD? God does NOT NEED or WANT MONEY......
Today's churches are not preaching about "The Prophet,they are preaching about PROFIT".
As my grandfather often tells me "There are many preachers but very few that actually minister".....Too many Blacks have been led astray by following people that mislead you onto your own demise.You need to wake up to the reality that most churches are corrupted.
The greedy preachers of today have brainwashed people like you to believe it's about YOU giving money to them because TRUST and BELIEVE the money is going to the preacher and those in his or her circle.Churches operate tax free so other than the common bills ,What else do they need money for? Are you really so SILLY that you actually feel the money is going to GOD? God does NOT NEED or WANT MONEY......
Today's churches are not preaching about "The Prophet,they are preaching about PROFIT".
As my grandfather often tells me "There are many preachers but very few that actually minister".....Too many Blacks have been led astray by following people that mislead you onto your own demise.You need to wake up to the reality that most churches are corrupted.
Joe Smith
Where did I say Ron Paul was different???? He probably is just lying to us and selling us a good story like Obama did. I believed Obama and I voted for him but dude was just all talk!!!
We bombed Qaddafi and Libya (supposedly) because he didn't let people protest in peace, which if he did then he needed to answer for that, but "The Obama Regime" killed an Iraqi war vest in the occupy Oakland protest so the same could be said about Obama.
If Obama is so righteous why doesn't he step down or stop the police from arresting protesters???? Every nation is having uprisings but 2 faced Obama calls out who he wants. Dr. King would have been arrested by Obama!!!!
We bombed Qaddafi and Libya (supposedly) because he didn't let people protest in peace, which if he did then he needed to answer for that, but "The Obama Regime" killed an Iraqi war vest in the occupy Oakland protest so the same could be said about Obama.
If Obama is so righteous why doesn't he step down or stop the police from arresting protesters???? Every nation is having uprisings but 2 faced Obama calls out who he wants. Dr. King would have been arrested by Obama!!!!
7 hours agoin reply to CobaltBlu

Simply not true. Ron Paul voted against it, and I've been against it from the start as well.
It is true that many republicans did such. I got called liberal on a daily basis, and that was one of the nicer things I got called. But to say that Ron Paul and everyone who supports him believes this is just flat out false.
Also, many people have thankfully waken up to the fact we were lied to and so on. But I guess rather than being happy about this, you would rather persecute them for a political agenda.
It is true that many republicans did such. I got called liberal on a daily basis, and that was one of the nicer things I got called. But to say that Ron Paul and everyone who supports him believes this is just flat out false.
Also, many people have thankfully waken up to the fact we were lied to and so on. But I guess rather than being happy about this, you would rather persecute them for a political agenda.
5 hours ago

Agenda 21, UN Small Arms Treaty, the global SDR currency, OKC Building blown outwards.
These aren't theories, shill.
These aren't theories, shill.
I more than appreciate the way you brothers laid this out for the people.
I am so happy to see that there are still African American people still interested in the fight of Martin and Malcolm.
I cannot say everyting I want in this post, but I will make sure to say Thank you.
moistone39 2 years ago
15 hours ago
17 hours ago

If any of you have YOUTUBE I suggest that you hit up "TIM WISE on white privilege". He explains NON-NAIVE veiwpoints on the history, of the European American mindset with how it developed its supremacist take on everything. White folks as a whole aint gonna change for the most part. Too much to lose that they like and thats LEISURE LIFESTYLE ASPIRATIONS . They have a slave master sitting on the front porch entrenched phsyche, that they so hardly protect, from dissipating spiritually,mentally and socially. Check it out its deep
12 hours agoin reply to Eric

I have viewed some of Mr. Wise's lectures, and he is definitely on point!
12 hours agoin reply to Joe Smith

The virulent segregationist, Strom Thurmond impregnated a black woman. So does that mean he was a great friend to blacks also?

Sorry NewsOne, you run a great smear campaign against anyone who isn't obama....BUT the new world order thing is NOT a conspiracy....George Dubya I, laid out the new world order thing during his presidency....I don't care if R Paul said it or any other person, the ish is REAL! Thankfully, I don't believe in any politician or political party, so my eyes are wide open to all sides...
I understand this site is not a real news site, but simply a marketing tool for the sponsors that support you.....It wouldn't hurt though if you didn't demonize the TRUTH while promoting lies...SOME of us can see right through that tactic....
Carry on....
I understand this site is not a real news site, but simply a marketing tool for the sponsors that support you.....It wouldn't hurt though if you didn't demonize the TRUTH while promoting lies...SOME of us can see right through that tactic....
Carry on....
The associated press wrote this article, to suggest it is riskier to be a cop today.
Where's the articles that give statistics about increases in police murders of unarmed black males, excessive force cases, and profiling compliants?
It seemed that police abuses increased after President Obama was elected - as if some cops were angry a black man became President, so they started to take their anger out on black people.
We should never forget: Because a police officer is given a legal right, the benefit of the doubt, conservative community support for, & weapons for commiting violence - being a cop is a GREAT job, for a guy that is sadistic anyway. Right?
Being a cop has always been the alternate job of choice for gangstas, killers, white supremacists, neo nazis, racists, and all others ranging from liking VIOLENCE to those that get subconcious sexual pleasure from violent encounters.
We know that many white cops sympathize with the organizations & people listed as Ron paul's friends..... read their literature, send them money, and believe in their ideas - THEN COME OUT ON THE STREET TO DO POLICE WORK.
This is why laws governing the police needs an overhaul and brought to 21st century standards.