Note by Me: Dr. King called himself a demosocialist, so it's not a big deal for me. A man has the right to accept whatever philosophy he wants. No economic philosophy is 100% perfect, yet it's 100% legitimate to call for labor rights, economic freedom, real liberties, social justice, and real justice for all peoples. It's a big deal for reactionaries that feel that anyone to the left of Glen Beck or to the left of Bill O'Reilly is a hardcore Communist.
By Timothy
I just got a letter from BO c/o DNC!
sanda_artistNYC - 11/25/2011 - 09:06
Here's the reply (roughly, from memory) that I sent back in the comment section of the fund raiser, in the prepaid envelope. (Note: I have never given any money to the DNC; no idea why I am on the list but I use the return SASE.)
"No drones, respect civil liberties, respect treaties, respect international law, create a federal jobs program. P.S. I gave my contribution to Occupy Wall Street." signed "one of the 99%" That's all I can remember.
MrBossluva39 2 comments collapsed CollapseExpand
BLACKstarPAYNE 2 comments collapsed CollapseExpand
your stock is rising with me my brother. I hear you loud and clear. I tend not to express myself in the same way that you do, but you speak much truth. However, this has always been the debate among us. Do we shut up and take it? Or do we fight back? I personally say that we fight with those that fight with us. But Im not sure if we as a people have figured out when we should fight, versus when we should remain silent. One thing that is for d___ sure is that we have kept silent for FAR TOO LONG. And im not talking about yelling, screaming, and marching my brother. But I also do not advocate running in the streets burning down our own neighborhoods.
I think the masses of us need to come together and figure some things out. THis needs to be done by black people, and only black people, no black political figures need to be present, because they have already been bought and paid for. We dont need them bringing us down with their compromising spirit with the agents of white supremecy. Keep speaking these truths my brother.
I think the masses of us need to come together and figure some things out. THis needs to be done by black people, and only black people, no black political figures need to be present, because they have already been bought and paid for. We dont need them bringing us down with their compromising spirit with the agents of white supremecy. Keep speaking these truths my brother.
Van Jones
rhone - 11/23/2011 - 17:04
We saw this in his stated reasons for accepting resignation from his advisor position on green jobs. When he came to Temple this March and I asked him why he accepted his resignation, he said Obama was trying to pass healthcare. I knew then that if he was willing to step down as WH advisor because of racist exaggerations by Republicans, then he certainly would not mind being used by the corporate Democrats to co-opt grassroots movements like OWS. Thank you Glen for reminding us we have to keep this OWS movement independent of the lethal two party mainstream who helped engineer this recession in the first place. -RF.
GWBush Sr & Jr Are Descendents of the British Royal Family...
Nixakliel - 11/24/2011 - 08:26
Its probably true that the Bushes are descendents of the Mayflower gang; but I know for a fact they are decendents of the British Royal family as is/was John Kerry, & Obama's Mama, FDR, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, etc... If you really study these facts you probably conclude that the US Presidency is in effect an extension of the British Royal Family.
IMO: The core issue is not the Puritans [which is not to deny anything you pointed out above], nor Dims vs Repugs, nor so-called 'Liberal' vs conservative, nor Capitalism vs Communism- these are just different facists of the core issue. For non-white people the core issue is White Supremacy & White Domination over non-whites- Thats NOT to condenm white folks per-se' -but- any-one white or non-white infected w the madness of White-Supremacy! And make no-mistake about it- House-Negros like O-bomb-em, Susan & Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Uncle Judge Thomas, etc- are products of white-supremacy- thus they've bought into this white-supremacist system hook-line-&-Stinker! Bro Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, articulated so well - “We’ve got to uproot this system {of white supremacy}, so that our people & all people of the World can live,” - He went on further to explain that the concept of the Euro {white}Race was invented in the 1600s in order to unify whites, even those who had no personal stake in slavery, vis-a-vis non-whites whose cultures were under attack by & whose lands, resources & even the people [Africans] themselves were being stolen by Europeans infected w the madness of white-supremacy!
IMO: The core issue is not the Puritans [which is not to deny anything you pointed out above], nor Dims vs Repugs, nor so-called 'Liberal' vs conservative, nor Capitalism vs Communism- these are just different facists of the core issue. For non-white people the core issue is White Supremacy & White Domination over non-whites- Thats NOT to condenm white folks per-se' -but- any-one white or non-white infected w the madness of White-Supremacy! And make no-mistake about it- House-Negros like O-bomb-em, Susan & Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Uncle Judge Thomas, etc- are products of white-supremacy- thus they've bought into this white-supremacist system hook-line-&-Stinker! Bro Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, articulated so well - “We’ve got to uproot this system {of white supremacy}, so that our people & all people of the World can live,” - He went on further to explain that the concept of the Euro {white}Race was invented in the 1600s in order to unify whites, even those who had no personal stake in slavery, vis-a-vis non-whites whose cultures were under attack by & whose lands, resources & even the people [Africans] themselves were being stolen by Europeans infected w the madness of white-supremacy!
18 hours ago

I've been around there since Monday, Sept. 19th and the first two weeks it was an entirely different story. That was the day I sat there and told them the stories of the slaves who built that wall on Wall street, who were the first stock on the exchange, who were forced to clear the old Indian Trail now called Broadway and who were lynched on Maiden Lane, Bowling Green and the very Wall street they scream about. They listened at first but when the money and the media and the infiltration came things changed by week 3. I knew they would. The only way many will ever learn the hell we and the Native Americans go through is to suffer the same indignities and live with it or not.
After the raid there was one girl screaming about how the police came and beat them up and did what they did to them and I had to remind her that before there was a Harlem and we were in it we were in every part of this city and we lived a nightmare. Riot after riot where crazed Irishmen during the draft riots in 1861 tried to raid every police station holding Blacks to kill them, how they burst into Alexander Abraham's home that he shared with his Mother up on 27th st. and 7th avenue where FIT stands now and dragged him out and lynched him in front of his mother. After the cops came and cut him down, the mob came back and strung up his dead body, tore pieces out of his body and set him ablaze. We ran to the outskirts of the city such as Weeksville in Brooklyn and Bergen, NJ.
I told her stories about how in 1900 one Black man had to defend his wife from being raped by a plainclothes cop on 41st St. /8th Ave. When the White man went to hit him for interrupting the attack he stabbed him and killed him. Two days later no Black person once again would be able to walk this city in peace for crazed Whites once again went after every single Black person would be under attack. This time when they appealed for help from the mob, the cops threw people back to the crowds to have their way.
Thomas Jennings who invented the dry scouring process did it right there on Church street, a stone's throw from Zucotti Park. He was the first Black man in American to own a patent and would form a vigilante group to defend Blacks from incessant attacks from maniacal Whites in this city. His clothing store was the largest and quite successful on Church street. Incidentally on that same street on Church and Leonard St. was a church started by Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. Thomas Jennings daughter, Elizabeth Jennings Graham successfully sued the trolley system after being thrown off a horse driven car in the 1890's to make way for a White man after she paid her fare on the only car that allowed Blacks that Sunday on her way to church. This occurred on Chatham and Pearl streets. When she died she was living at 271 W. 41st street.
She was represented by a future President Harding who would admit that relatives on both sides of his family jumped the fence.
I notice that so many of our folks don't know this history and that's just a smidgen of what used to go on there. We long for the old days of Harlem but it's downtown and every other part of this city we were once in fromwhat's now Chinatown andLittle Italy to Broome/Spring/Mercer St. to once burying our dead outside of Chambers street where we had to build yet another wall to keep "enemies" from entering the city limits at that time. We're buried on Greene street at the African burial ground but the graves of our ancestors number over 20,000 over the entire area.
In all of this I had to tell her about the hell of the Native Indians, on Lenapehoking (Land of the People) had to endure when being massacred or removed from a place they had lived for thousands of years. At that time they respected the land and the land returned the favor. I had to impress upon her in such a way that she understood that the cops, a group formed first formed by rich slave owners to patrol the slaves in NY and across the country were there once again to protect the interests of the elites. Just like back in the indentured slave/servant days, we're living this mess again and now you get to repeat the history that was suppressed. Welcome to America. She said "I'm from New Orleans!" I said "read Sally Mueller, the Lost German Slave Girl and get back to me about New Orleans. "
Sally Mueller is the true story of a German indentured servant who traveled as a child with her family. Both parents die, she is separated from her siblings and then the owner of her child labor decides to say she is Octoroon or Quadroon and keep her as a slave and everything that went with it. She and the reporter couldn't handle it. I then went on a walk up church street and stopped at the corner of church and Leonard to say a silent prayer of thanks to Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman and to Nanny - Harriet Tubman's Jamaican counterpart. You know, they didn't lynch all the valuable slaves back in those days, they sent the most rebellious off to the Caribbean. For a moment I can imagine Thomas Jennings getting a kick out of George Jefferson playing a dry cleaner in NYC. Those shows are so poignant even to this day although he needed to stop with all that honky nonsense and give Tom a break.
Ok, I've said enough but I'll leave everyone with this: Survival is the legacy of our ancestors including the White ones that risked life and limb for us. Take a look at our situation in comparison to our ancestors and recapture what they did to keep themselves together. We walk passed Church Street and you would never think we were ever there. We encounter scared, prejudiced Whites who want you out of the way or under control just like our ancestors encountered on all the streets of NY and always that threatening cop ready to stop and frisk
After the raid there was one girl screaming about how the police came and beat them up and did what they did to them and I had to remind her that before there was a Harlem and we were in it we were in every part of this city and we lived a nightmare. Riot after riot where crazed Irishmen during the draft riots in 1861 tried to raid every police station holding Blacks to kill them, how they burst into Alexander Abraham's home that he shared with his Mother up on 27th st. and 7th avenue where FIT stands now and dragged him out and lynched him in front of his mother. After the cops came and cut him down, the mob came back and strung up his dead body, tore pieces out of his body and set him ablaze. We ran to the outskirts of the city such as Weeksville in Brooklyn and Bergen, NJ.
I told her stories about how in 1900 one Black man had to defend his wife from being raped by a plainclothes cop on 41st St. /8th Ave. When the White man went to hit him for interrupting the attack he stabbed him and killed him. Two days later no Black person once again would be able to walk this city in peace for crazed Whites once again went after every single Black person would be under attack. This time when they appealed for help from the mob, the cops threw people back to the crowds to have their way.
Thomas Jennings who invented the dry scouring process did it right there on Church street, a stone's throw from Zucotti Park. He was the first Black man in American to own a patent and would form a vigilante group to defend Blacks from incessant attacks from maniacal Whites in this city. His clothing store was the largest and quite successful on Church street. Incidentally on that same street on Church and Leonard St. was a church started by Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. Thomas Jennings daughter, Elizabeth Jennings Graham successfully sued the trolley system after being thrown off a horse driven car in the 1890's to make way for a White man after she paid her fare on the only car that allowed Blacks that Sunday on her way to church. This occurred on Chatham and Pearl streets. When she died she was living at 271 W. 41st street.
She was represented by a future President Harding who would admit that relatives on both sides of his family jumped the fence.
I notice that so many of our folks don't know this history and that's just a smidgen of what used to go on there. We long for the old days of Harlem but it's downtown and every other part of this city we were once in fromwhat's now Chinatown andLittle Italy to Broome/Spring/Mercer St. to once burying our dead outside of Chambers street where we had to build yet another wall to keep "enemies" from entering the city limits at that time. We're buried on Greene street at the African burial ground but the graves of our ancestors number over 20,000 over the entire area.
In all of this I had to tell her about the hell of the Native Indians, on Lenapehoking (Land of the People) had to endure when being massacred or removed from a place they had lived for thousands of years. At that time they respected the land and the land returned the favor. I had to impress upon her in such a way that she understood that the cops, a group formed first formed by rich slave owners to patrol the slaves in NY and across the country were there once again to protect the interests of the elites. Just like back in the indentured slave/servant days, we're living this mess again and now you get to repeat the history that was suppressed. Welcome to America. She said "I'm from New Orleans!" I said "read Sally Mueller, the Lost German Slave Girl and get back to me about New Orleans. "
Sally Mueller is the true story of a German indentured servant who traveled as a child with her family. Both parents die, she is separated from her siblings and then the owner of her child labor decides to say she is Octoroon or Quadroon and keep her as a slave and everything that went with it. She and the reporter couldn't handle it. I then went on a walk up church street and stopped at the corner of church and Leonard to say a silent prayer of thanks to Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman and to Nanny - Harriet Tubman's Jamaican counterpart. You know, they didn't lynch all the valuable slaves back in those days, they sent the most rebellious off to the Caribbean. For a moment I can imagine Thomas Jennings getting a kick out of George Jefferson playing a dry cleaner in NYC. Those shows are so poignant even to this day although he needed to stop with all that honky nonsense and give Tom a break.
Ok, I've said enough but I'll leave everyone with this: Survival is the legacy of our ancestors including the White ones that risked life and limb for us. Take a look at our situation in comparison to our ancestors and recapture what they did to keep themselves together. We walk passed Church Street and you would never think we were ever there. We encounter scared, prejudiced Whites who want you out of the way or under control just like our ancestors encountered on all the streets of NY and always that threatening cop ready to stop and frisk
this is a classic example of speaking when you have no knowledge of what your talking about. he's just saying something to get ppl in his party (middle class and upper class white ppl) something to agree with him for votes cause they don't know nothing about living in a poor neighborhood and being part of the percentile that never gets mentioned... the ones that do come in early on monday and stay late on fridays, and are consistent with attendence at work and have been doin that for years. if that's the case, many of these businesses wouldn't be where they are today cause a big percentage of employees come from those very same poor neighborhoods. and those same ppl he's talking about pay taxes just like everybody else.
-A Person
I have little to no respect for such "pastors".
Do you think Jesus went into the temple going in on the money changers with a PC approach?
Hell no, he turned the place upside down and ran those fools out of there
Do you think Jesus held his tongue when he was preaching to folks on how to live and showing them the error of their ways? Do you think he sold out and watered down his message just so he could get some more tithes and offerings?
Hizell no.
So why are preachers selling out and pandering? If anything they should be the first in line to tell it like it is.
But IMO these days the church and it's leaders have no backbone. They are corrupt and too easily influenced by the prospect of money and power/influence, so I wouldn't expect them to be a driving force towards positive change in the community.
Do you think Jesus went into the temple going in on the money changers with a PC approach?
Hell no, he turned the place upside down and ran those fools out of there
Do you think Jesus held his tongue when he was preaching to folks on how to live and showing them the error of their ways? Do you think he sold out and watered down his message just so he could get some more tithes and offerings?
Hizell no.
So why are preachers selling out and pandering? If anything they should be the first in line to tell it like it is.
But IMO these days the church and it's leaders have no backbone. They are corrupt and too easily influenced by the prospect of money and power/influence, so I wouldn't expect them to be a driving force towards positive change in the community.
-A Person