The corpoarate pirates who constitute the top 1% of the population, and have lock on most of the weath, are the ones who have driven the economy into the ground. It was driven into the ground BEFORE Obama was elected. And speakin of the "race card," it seems that it is Cain who serves up that piece of demagoguery with his nonsense about Blacks being brainwashed to vote Republcan.CAin is playing thw WHITE RACIST card, and he is there precisely to be able to play that card without charges of racism. But white racism is white racism even when a Negro buffoon is promoting on behalf of white corporate massa. What's interesting is that while American racism certainly crosses all political lines--right, left and center--the MOST vehemently and stubbornly racist elements nearly always come from the Right. And yet it is the right that is always complaining about Blacks using the race card---unless those blacks, like Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas--are playing the race card AGAINST Black folk on behalf of their right wing white masters. And if there is a Medusian stare of which many whites are afraid, perhaps it's their OWN IMAGE in the mirror. Better than to cover the ugly visage of bigotry with a smiling, clowning and accomodating Negro face. But whence comes this face? ENTER: Herman Cain.
Note by Me: I don't agree with the Jesuits for obvious reasons (you can find their real history in libraries, books, and the net that isn't shown in the media), but I agree with these acts to fight against poverty in America.
Well there's several things wrong with that thought:
1) every other developed nation is not on the gold standard either. It's become obsolete to rely on gold as a use of money. What are you going to do? Give someone a piece of gold to purchase something?
2) Tax cuts increase the deficit.
3) Eliminate income taxes and the federal government basically loses its main source of revenue. Besides, every other developed nation also has an income tax, I don't think you can escape it by moving.

"I read an article online today and I was shocked to read so many people believe Africans just sold their own into slavery just like that. I wanted to comment on the article, but the comment section had been disabled so I couldn't comment that is why I am making this post to let people know that Africans weren't that stupid to have sold their own brothers and sisters into slavery.
We were stupid to have allowed the white strangers into our land in the first place but we weren't that stupid to have sold our own brothers and sisters into slavery just like that. We allowed the white strangers into our land because they said they "come in peace".
According to my grandfather, In those days when there was no Christianity and no modern day government system in Africa, Kings, Queens, and other traditional rulers ruled their kingdoms as heads of states and judged cases according to the rules and regulations of the land. Those who disobeyed the laws of the land were punished and those who obeyed and sacrificed for the land were rewarded accordingly.
Although every land had some prison facilities, those prisons weren't meant for large groups of criminals so those who killed were killed. Those who stole paid dearly for it. Those who slept with people's wives were banished from the land. Children who disobeyed elders were punished accordingly. And so on.
My country Ghana in West Africa was a major Slave Trade Post (Headquarters) where slaves from different parts of Africa were brought and arranged before shipping abroad.
When the White strangers first came to Africa, we were not sure about their intentions so most communities drove them away from their lands but the White strangers managed to convince some of our traditional rulers that they had not come to cause any harm but just to preach the good news and to trade with the local people. Some of the local chiefs along the coast started accepting the White strangers by giving them a place to stay.
The White strangers started building missionary centers where they stayed and preached the gospel and also traded with the local people. But they later on expanded those missionary centers into forts and castles where they packed slaves before shipping them abroad.
The white strangers did not understand the local language and the local people did not understand a word the white strangers were saying so it made communication very difficult. Because of that the white strangers went to the local rulers and asked the local rulers to give them some of the local people to train so they can speak the foreign language which would make communication easier but none of those local rulers were ready to give their people out to go stay with those white strangers.
Later on some of the local rulers came up with an idea that, instead of killing those who killed, they could actually give those criminals to the white strangers so the white strangers could preach the gospel to them and also train them in the foreign language in order to aid communication which is better than killing those criminals. So those traditional rulers gave these criminals out to the white strangers and to show appreciation, those white strangers gave gifts like bottles of wine, mirrors, etc. to the traditional rulers. That was how the white strangers got their first "local servers".
So those local people lived and served the white strangers in the castles and forts and learned the foreign language which enabled them translate the local language for the white strangers and the foreign language to the local people. This helped a lot in communication.
Those local people living with the white strangers served and worshiped them so well to the point where the white strangers began asking for more. Because of the benefits they derived from these local servers, some of the white strangers took some local servers with them on their return home. Back home (abroad) they found those local servers very useful and decided to come back for more.
They realized that if they bring more of these local servers abroad, they could use them to work on their plantation farms back home to make more money. They also realized they could sell some of these 'local servers' to their friends and relatives and make more money and that was why most of those white strangers returned with the intention of picking more local servers (this time around, slaves).
So, they returned for slaves but no local ruler was ready to sell his people out except those criminals I mentioned earlier on and prisoners of war (tribal wars). In my country for example, the Ashantis and those living in the interior parts of the country did not want to have anything to do with the white strangers.
In fact the first white stranger who set foot on the Ashanti empire did not return. But the white strangers needed slaves and more slaves so what they did was that, they created confusion among the various tribes so that there would be more tribal wars and more war prisoners so they could get more slaves and that was exactly what they did. As time went on, the white strangers started supplying some of the local warriors with guns to enable them wound and catch more war prisoners for them and in return the white strangers started giving those local warriors gifts to encourage them catch more prisoners of war for them.
In other words, the more tribal conflicts the white strangers created, the more slaves they got so those white strangers created even more confusion amongst tribal groups and communities. In my country for example, because the Ashanti empire was so powerful to defeat, the white strangers created so much confusion and so much wars between the Ashantis and the neighboring tribes and in some cases supplied some of those neighboring tribes with guns to enable them defeat the Ashantis.
The white strangers continued this until they were able to defeat the Ashantis and took away the King of the Ashantis (Nana Prempeh I) and the queen mother (Nana Yaa Asantewaa) and several others just to break the Ashanti Kingdom apart even after slavery so they can colonize and control the Ashanti gold,etc.
So, to conclude, we Africans did not sell our own brothers and sisters into slavery just like that. We were deceived and we were manipulated and the most painful part is that, some of my people were too blind to see which is very bad."
Now, what; white b___?
The Time Has Come (1964-66)
After a decade-long cry for justice, a new sound is heard in the civil rights movement: the insistent call for power. Malcolm X takes an eloquent nationalism to urban streets as a younger generation of black leaders listens. In the South, Stokely Carmichael and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) move from "Freedom Now!" to "Black Power!" as the fabric of the traditional movement changes.