Wednesday, November 2, 2011

More News and the Voice of Marcus Garvey


Wrong Cain is a reactionary who is committed to the class elitism and anti-Black racism that are part of the founding values of this country. Obama is a centrist liberal--not Marxist, you cultural illiterate!--who seems for most of administration to lack the fire needed to fight for liberal values....values that are more at the core of the DEMOCRATIC foundations of America. Obama's policies have not done what they need to, but it is the 1% corporate elite, largely through their reactionary Republican representatives who are destroying America and the planet. You reactionaries do know what pimps are like; and you know what gangsters are like. For you are reactionary political and corporate gangsters. What else is the corporate tycoon but a gangster running a criminal criminal organizations? What is a poltical representative or the corporate pirates, but sycophants and butt lickers of those corporate gangsters? And unenlightened Americans within the oppressed 99% who are swayed by rightist values and politics? Poor blind sheep being led or misled by corporate wolvees! We members of the 99% whose movement is growing in popularity must hold firm until the American (and world) people as a whole awaken and dump the corporate tyrants---and the tyrants' flunkies like Cain--off their backs and into the museums of history.



YOu must be politically and culturally illiterate, since no one was talking about Marxist socialism. But we might wonder if capitalism isn't self-destructive. The corporate elite are too greedy and stupid to know that capitalism dies when the 1% impoverishes the 99% to the point that we can't even afford to buy their stupid commodities any longer.



They don't play politics as usual; and this infuriates rightist Republicans and at least worries liberal and centrist Democrats. People who don't play by the rules of the elite, the rules by which the elite always win, are always feared by the powers that be. But the Montgomery Boycott didn't have a platform either. Yet it helped ignite the civil rights movement. The sit down strikes of the 1930s didn't have a clear platform, but helped ignite the labor movement. Hell, the people who started the American Revolution of 1776 began without a platform. Maybe that's partly why they prevailed. Blueprints and platforms, at least in the earlier stages of a movement, can cripple the movement. But you can get a sense of what the 99% activists are thinking by paying attention to THEM, and not FoxNews or either Republican or Democratic politicians.



In fact, Obama is a HIGHLY INTELLIGENT man. And part of my criticism of Obama is that he has not lived up to his progressive promise. My attitude toward Obama is actually quite ambivalent.



Iraq was not a threat to the USA. The alleged threat was a fiction made up by neoconservative politicos and propagandists to dupe and frighten the public. Interestingly enough, GW Bush not only lied about the weapons of mass destruction, but insinuated that there was a Saddam/Bin Laden connection behind 9/11. That, too, was a lie. And by the way, it was noted at that time that people who listened primarily to FoxNews were most likely to believe the fictional Saddam/Bin Laden conspiracy, or the WMD's fiction



LOL! for how many DECADES has China hAd nuclear capability? And Cain is just finding out about it? My mother, and elderly Black woman with less than a high school education, and who grew up in the Jim Crow south, knows that China has nuclear capabillty. Yet the man who would be president doesn't have a clue? Let's face it. Cain is a token Negro for the Right wing. And that is a base form of racism. But I guess it doesn't bother ole Herman. A Black man has to have some SELF-RESPECT--not SELF-LOATHING--to be offened by being so used and disrespected. Maybe he is THEIR black.



MNMOMMA wrote:

Yes, this is disgusting and very disrespectful of our President. But is your comments against whites any different? Nope! I ignore nothing. But you do. You refuse to even consider that there are white people in America who do not feel this way, do not call black people vulgar racist names and DO want equality for all people.
But WP who don't feel this way say nothing & that is a problem. If we are all ONE as you claim, then BP shouldn't be the one's who speak out against all the disrespect toward our President or Bigtory/racism in America.




jimmy_is_back wrote:

Amen to that.
What pisses me off is the fact that many blacks dislike any black person who is sucessful in life, it's like you are a sinner if you are rich and sucessful in life.
That to me is a slave mentality.
: shakes head
If by success--that "b___ goddess" as D.H. Lawrence calls it--you simply mean money and position, I see no evidence that most Black people dislike other black for that. But if those "successful" Blacks become apologists for racism, or for class privilege, then majority of Blacks who DO suffer racial injustice(no matter how much negro reactionaries and their white sponsors deny it)and class UNDERPRIVILEGE, are going to call out those "successful" Negroes for their opportunism.

Barack Obama's "success" hasn't made him unpopular, though his failure to stand up to the Right wing Republicans has cost him some support.
Muhammad Ali's popularity actually SOARED when he spoke out against racism. His money didn't make him unpopular.

Paul Robeson, who gained an income of $200,00 a year during the 1940s, did not lost popularity. Indeed, his popularity INCRESED with his income when he spoke out against the oppression of his people, and the criminal exploitation of Africa by European imperialism. Of course, he lost his career thanks to the McCarthyist reactionaries---something the clown Cain need not worry about. But that's another matter.

Black celebrities, businessman, professionals and intellectuals don't find their popularity declining simply because they are celebrities, businessmen, professionals and intellectuals.
But if you exhibit contempt for your own people, if you kowtow to white racism (even if only pretending that its nonexistent of of minor importance), if you always have somehting bad to say about Black people, but not against white racists and reactionaries, then don't expect to be popular among the majority of Black people.
And why should that surprise anyone? Do you think that a "successful" Jewish persnn who kowtows to antisemites will be popular within the Jewish community? Do you think a "successful" colonized people in Asia or Africa would be popular among most Asians or Africans if they kowtowed to Eureopean colonizers? Or that a "successfurl" Frenchmen kowtowing to Germans during the Occupation would have a lot of popularity among the French? Don't expect African-Americans do be less intelligent than others. We're not.

