Note by Me: It is important to know that when we expose the system, people like me aren't hating certain human beings. We just disagree with corrupt people in society. People like us believe in the equality of all human beings and all human beings should be treated with dignity and respect. In my life, I've meet sweet, engaging people that are black, white, Asian, Hispanic, and numerous backgrounds. So, I have no issue with a person promoting Black Power (including Black Love & Black Families) and I don't have an issue with a person promoting the interests of the human family. Also, one thing that I will always do is to support my black people's interests and my people's God-given human rights too. I believe in fighting for the dignity of black women (Black women are intelligent, have strength, and have great beauty in my eyes. I will always love black women as I am a black man) and black men. Therefore, I will keep on fighting against injustice, oppose racism, and oppose reactionary ideologies period. So, that's real. I reject violence and any form of oppression. I just believe in self defense being utilized in extreme circumstances. A person expressing militant words is much better than members of the oligarchy executing deplorable, evil, and unjust deeds in real life. I am not ashamed of embracing controversial views (of believing in hope and believing in justice for my people). I will never apologize for my core convictions. Black culture is beautiful, liberty is just, and the dream shall never die. So, the truth in the end will prevail.
By Timothy
This is a great speech.
By Timothy
- rbrownes Says:
January 16, 2012 at 4:08 pm - This whole thing just shows me that black people still don’t know white people or the situation we’re in today. Why do we agree to do these things with white people. White people aren’t forcing Janet Jackson or Terrell Owens to do these things. Why do we allow ourselves to be maneuvered into these situations. I saw Janet say that she was surprised/disappointed with Justin. Why was she? I really don’t get mad at white folks when they made a big stink over this white man uncovering Janet’s breast when if he had done this to a white woman, probably would have been some small fcc fine and nothing else would have been said. My question is why do we allow white folks to manipulate us like this? The picture with lebron james looking like some kind of beast with his mouth wide open and a blonde on his arms. Why did he allow this? These people are not being taught ANYTHING about white people/white racism. This is because most of us want to hide from the reality of racism by pretending it does not exist. So these kinds of things will happen over and over again. I don’t see anything that can be done about it. This is white folks stuff and they do what they want to. I watch that show 2 and a half men. There is so much subliminal x-rated stuff said on that show that it’s bordering on being criminal. So, I don’t get mad when they do these things to black people. Black people need to stop allowing themselves to be put in these positions.
P.S. Was it Jagger that pulled Tina Turner’s skirt off during a show? And remember when Adrian Brody (?) molested Halle Berry right on stage during an awards show, saying he just wanted to do it or always wanted to do it. Pleeeze. He would have gotten round-housed. Beat into the stage, on national tv. Heels off all upside his head. He would have been black alright. Black and blue.
Come to think of it, most politicians are handmaidens of the 1%. Both political parties are subservient to corporate money and interets; the Republicans are simply more obviously so. They have no progressive or disadvantaged constituency that they must try to placate while kissing up to the rich. Hence the Republicans openly attack rights of workers, and Obama gives only tepid lip service in defense of workers. Republicans reject even the idea of universal health care, and insist on keeping the dictatorship of the corporate elite over health care. Obama SAYS he's for universal health care, but offers a watered down package which offers a few things we didn't have before (for liberals must concede SOMETHING to workers and poor) but leave CORPORATE control intact...and he compromises away even the public option (though partly under pressure from rightwing blue dog dems). The 1% are mainly those operating things behind the scenes. Poliicians put on a show.
Ah. So, it's your RACISM that motivates you after all. For none of this was the policy of Obama. Your phobia regarding Obama--for a phobia it is--has nothing to do with his policies.
Your problem is acutally with BLACK PEOPLE. And you offer the same old tripe that has been argued by racists since segregation in housing was banned during the 1960s: "When those colored people move in the value of property goes down"
But you racist simpletons have a track record: You flee with racist panic not only with the so-called "section 8" folk arrive, but even when the new neighbors are black doctors, entrepreneurs, professors and engineers.
And frankly, I suspect that much of the Obaam-phobia on the right, regardles of rhe rationales offered, are really a matter of racist phobias.
The only reason you jokers find Cain acceptable is that he give support for your racism and your reactionary view of life.
Cain is yuur Steppin Fetchit.
If it weren't for the working classes (all colors) who create wealth expropriated from them by the elite, there would be no tyranical 1%. And without the mind numbing racism created by the 1% there would be no backward retarded bigots like you who hate everyone except their real oppressors--the 1%.
Your stupidity is obvious. Coretta Scott, like Martin King, came from a middle class black family, and was an educated woman. She probably wouldn't have known what a food stamp looks like.
At any rate, there are more whites who subsist on welfare and food stamps than blacks. Not that I blame them. I blame the 1% for the poverty of both blacks and whites. I blame you for the stupidity of your racism. It's the 21st Century. Isn't it time you left the 19th Century behind?
No, it isn't. If a poor person needs food, clothing or shelter, the Lord understands. The key word in your post is "honest." There's nothing honest about selling out your people by taking advantage of someone's misfortune, especially those someones who happen to be of your own race, by moving in lower class people to deliberately bring the value of their homes down in order to make a profit for yourself. On judgement day it would be better to be welfare trash, than greedy, white trash, that preys on his and other races to enrich themselves.
Of course, you'll find that out for yourself, on that day so enjoy your ill, gotten gains, INMORALE THIEF, WHILE YOU CAN.
But of course! If God doesn't exsist, you can continue doing what you do. Not caring about anyone but yourself. It's not surprising devil inspired people think like you. He exsists, look in the mirror.Then the lord can give them clothing, not the goverment that says the lord doesnt exist.
Thats the way the ball bounces
So true. I am conflicted as you know. However, I'd be loathed to share "what we really know" with these people who are as committed for whoever wins the Republican nomination because of most of their reasons which are plain old racisim. We'll absolutely be on the same side, no doubt! You're absolutely correct about the coming fireworks that are going to leave most of the nation in shock and awe, lol.
Sometimes it is FUN to be partisan AND I know that you are pulling for Obama, so coming on strong for him in full battle mode is certainly appropriate.
However, I know you see things at a much greater depth and realize there is a great EVIL behind the scenes which tugs and pulls and maybe dominates any man in the Oval Office. If it ever comes down to confronting that EVIL directly, I know we will be on the same side.:)
Plenty of FIREWORKS ahead for both of us.
That's true. Look at how they're jumping all over Michelle about her healthy eating plan and encouraging people to excercise. They don't want anyone telling them what to do or how to eat, wth???? PTA Republican Women upset because they can't do anymore bake sales of cakes and cookies.If Obama said he wanted the USA to have the smartest kids in the world, the GOP would give him an argument about that.
HELLO AMERICA! Children as young as 8 or 9 are getting diabetes, hypertension, strokes, and heart attacks! What part about the American diet is unhealthy don't they get? Oh, the corporations who create junk food, full of chemicals and perservatives and God knows what are upset that she's messing up their business, wth about our health and the health of our children? Yet, she's a bossy b____, etc. They don't want health care, nobody is telling them that they should, well drop the pluck dead, dumb azzes, I mean they're beyond freaking ridiculous.
They will agree with nothing said by him or Michele. Yet Nancy could create a stupid a___ "Just say No" to drugs as if that helped while "borrowing" thousand dollar dresses (that would go into a musem after use) or sending out recipes when people where struggling for shrimp casseroles, lol! Oh, did Republicans forget that Americans were struggling then too, under their savior president with his massive budget cuts that released the mentally ill into the streets (most Viet Nam Vets) and account for all the homeless people since his presidency we now see in the streets? Whole families now, they should be so proud!
Please, don't get me started and they want to rant about Jimmy Carter! although he was a little lousy, to tell the truth but his heart was in the right place and he is still enriching people's lives by his peace efforts, and building homes for habitat, instead of personally enriching himself like they do!
That's how they will be remembered by History. They were willing to let this country go down the tubes rather than cooperate with the first black american president. Obstinate, obstructionist, and not giving a d____ about the country, people, or anything else other than not cooperating with Obama. The worst congress in the history of this country and at its core was RACISIM! They were determined to see him fail and if that meant them taking the rest of the nation with them, so be it. That means they were and are TRAITORS TO THIS NATION.American people have 9 percent disaproval rating of do nothing, Tea Party controlled Congress. Worst Congress in US history some say..
What about white Tea Party members with weapons in their meetings who are they seeking to intimidate, THEMSELVES?? LOL! What about the hundreds of thousands of bonifide Black voters in Fla and other Republican voting polls who's votes were thrown out, who were mislead of where they should vote (as in precinct) and all the other dirty tricks you losers used to win the election between Gore and Bush? Do you deny that the fake president didn't use his brother's clout and influence to steal the FL vote by disenfranchsing black voters? Is that why when he did his victory march the crowd screamed hail to the thief?
That is certainly reassuring coming from a fellow that calls himself Savant.
Such as?
Black people and folks that do not usually vote republican do not have government identification? Did they know they can get them for free?
Why aren't democrats concerned about voter fraud?
Estimated by who? Why do we have five million Americans without any form of identification running around? Where did they come from and how do they survive without a job, vehicle or public assistance?
Where is your evidence of this? Republicans have won many elections and will win many more in the future. This is a center right nation after all.
What about Black panthers with weapons in front of polling places seeking to intimidate white voters? We should allow that I reckon, eh?
Aren't you a professor at a prestigious university? Is this what you are teaching children?
We now know why he had to steal that election, don't we? Look at the country now, all on the Republican's dime!
I will think of some books on the subject of American black religiosity if AA religion interests you. But with regard to Dr. King to whom I've devoted a thread, you might check out GOD AND HUMAN DIGNITY: THE PERSONALISM, THEOLOGY AND ETHICS OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR by Dr. Rufus Burrows, Jr. Cornel West's PROPHESY DELIVERANCE may prove interesting. Interestingly enough, your philosopher compatriot Simone de Beauvoir makes some interesting observations on her encounter with African-American religion in Harlem. She was introduced to some Black churches, including that of Adam Clayton Powell, by her friend AA writer Richard Wright. Though herself an atheist, De Beauvoir was sympathetic to the religious expression she found in AA churches in Harlem, which she perceived as expressive of a peoples yearning for freedom. Check out AMERICA DAY BY DAY. Or rather, en version originale: L'Amerique au jour le Jour. Your AA teacher ought to introduce you to some of the churches in Bmore or parts further South. Or maybe I will if you happen to be here again and have time on your hands. Now here's an interesting tidbit of info: Dr. Richard McKinney, and elder philosophy professor with whom I once studied, knew Dr. King when King was still a young student of philososphy and theology. That was back in the 1940s when my PARENTS were young. Old McKinney died at age 99 in 2005. When I met Dr. Mckinney while I was still a teenager, I had not idea that this old black sage--the first true SAVANT and philosopher I was ever to meet in person--had known Dr. King when King was a teenager
Sinajuavi wrote:
Compared to today's GOP, even Goldwater starts to look good...
Newtie can't win. It's Mitt the Corporate Hairpiece we have to worry about.
Someone on MSNBC mentions an interesting finding, which may PARTLY (not totally) explain why the Obama experience has been often disappointing.
Some survey apparently shows that ther MOST CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRATS are more liberal than the most liberal Republicans.
The Republicans have really moved that far to the Right. It was also observed that even in the Clinton Administration--and before Obama NO ONE hated more than Bill Clinton by rhe Right--even then there were some moderate Republicans whom Clinton (who wasn't exactly FDR himself) could work with. Same with Johnson, Kennedy, FDR, etc. Under Abe Lincoln (Obama's favorite pres) when the Republicans were the most progressive of the two parties, a part of the Democratic party in the North allied with Lincoln.
It is so bad now that there virtually NO ONE among Republicans whom Obama can work with. So, his centrist "bipartisanship" was in vain. He's only now beginning to realize this. Had he figured it out one or two years earlier, the naitonal experience may have been greatly different.
Obama may as well simply take off the gloves and make war against the reactionaries under a progressive banner? But will he? He may get one more chance in November. If so, will he use it wisel???
Keep the Occupy Movement going. That's how we put fire under the heels of politicians.
Savant wrote:
As for the dead and illegal aliens voting at elections, that's mainly urben legend. As for the DISFRANCHISEMENT of Black folk by measures now proposed by REpublicans (which resembles measures once imposed by Dixiecrats)-of this we have a TON of historiacl evidence.
Like the poll taxes of the past, the Republicans' new restrictions are designed to affect predmominantly Black communities and other coummunities that usually do not vote Republican. And ONLY under Republican administrations are such measures being proposed or imposed. It is estimated that at least FIVE MILLION American could be excluded from the 2012 elections, mainly Democratic constituencies, and disproportionately African-Americans.
Republicans want to STEAL an election than they cannot WIN honestly. They are thieves and fascists determined to suppress democracy by suppressing the votes of non-Republicans.
The measures should be stopped where thy've not yet taken effect, and immediately overtunred where they have.
Moreover, those who imposed such restrictions should be BARRED from political life, if not jailed.
Ron Paul does differ from Barry Goldwater in his distance from goldwater's robust militarism. He seems to oppose militarism due to his isolationist position. but on most other social issues the difference between them is not great.(I don't know what position Goldwater would have on the war on drugs).
But even Goldwater looks moderate compared to the Republicans we have now.
His Council on Jobs and Competitives -- the jobs offshoring crew
sgt_doom - 01/26/2012 - 19:19
Unfortunately, with all his talk of jobs, he's managed to gather, but with several exceptions, those individuals most responsible for offshoring the most jobs in America and making so many unemployed for the foreseeable future:
Jeffrey Immelt, General Electric chief executive
(see “Secret History of GE”)
James W. Owens, head of Caterpillar
(On boards of the Peterson Institute – whose long-time agenda has been the offshoring of all American jobs, the privatization of Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and is the baby of Peter G. Peterson, LBO pirate, and on board of Business Roundtable)
Robert Wolf, chairman and CEO of UBS Group Americas
(Oh great, a guy from the major Swiss bank!)
Mark Gallogly, founder and managing partner at Centerbridge Partners L.P.
(formerly with Blackstone Group, world’s largest private equity LBO firm, Centerbridge is also a private equity, leveraged buyout firm)
Penny Pritzker, chair and founder of Pritzker Realty Group and Classic Residence by Hyatt
(Member of the ultra-rich Pritzker family, questionable bank ownership w/involvement in subprime industry, and you do know about all the anti-labor and criminal behavior at Hyatt, right?)
John Doerr, partner at Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers
(Doerr has a mixed background, but while he was with Intel, he appeared to strongly support the jobs offshoring program --- Intel lost over $1 billion in the chip project in India, which they belatedly relocated back to America. Doerr also appears to support the privatizing of American education.)
Monica C. Lozano, Director of Bank of America
(BofA director, what more need be said? That she was also on the BoD of Walt Disney Corporation, and the Tenet Healthcare Corporation [from a wiki entry: In the early 1990s as National Medical Enterprises, the company was accused of committing fraud by admitting thousands of psychiatric patients who did not need hospitalization and then charging these patients inflated prices. In 1991, the federal government investigated the company for fraud and conspiracy. In 1993, offices of the company were raided by law enforcement in an attempt to show that the company was defrauding patients and insurance companies. In 1994, the company paid $2.5 million to settle lawsuits from 23 patients at its psychiatric hospitals. Again in 1994, National Medical Enterprises settled fraud charges with the United States and 28 states involving payments of a record $380 million USD at the time and federal guilty pleas on eight criminal counts by two of its units. The company also agreed to a 5-year corporate integrity agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.] Also on BoD of a Mitsubishi financial subsidiary.)
Charles E. Phillips, Jr., president of Infor.
(former managing director with Morgan Stanley)
Richard L. Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO
Austan Goolsbee, chairman of Council of Economic Advisers
(Told the Canadian press, during Obama’s first presidential campaign, that all the talk against NAFTA was purely political, and not to be concerned. Goolsbee’s wife is a former management consultant at McKinsey & Company, historically the major PR/mouthpiece for the global banking cartel. Also Yale Skull & Bones)
Christina Romer, former chairperson of Council of Economic Advisers
(Submediocre economist, questionable papers on causes for the Great Depression, not that far removed from Bernanke’s submediocre papers on the Great Depression.)
William H. Donaldson, former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman
(Nixon and Geo. W. Bush administrations, Skull & Bones – also, I believe Donaldson is a member of THE Donaldson family, which married into and became part of the ultra-rich DuPont family.)
Laura D'Andrea Tyson, former Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers during the Clinton Administration
(Long-time position on Board of Directors of Morgan Stanley)
Martin Feldstein, former chief economic advisor to President Ronald Reagan,
(Feldstein was a director at HCA when they paid the largest out-of-court settlement for Medicare/Medicaid fraud, Feldstein was a director at Eli Lilly when they had to pay the largest criminal penalty in history for falsely marketing a drug which killed a number of people (over $1 billion penalty), and Feldstein was a director at AIG’s Financial Products group when they were involved in the largest insurance swindle in US history (selling $460 billion worth of credit default swaps without keeping the necessary capital on hand --- received over $333 billion in government bailouts, and still counting, had billions also written off from their losses by the US gov’t – you may have heard of them???)
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer of the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association - College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF)
(Former partner with McKinsey & Company, member of the Group of Thirty, the international group of financiers, created by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1978, which pushed for the removal of “legal risk” in the widespread adoption of credit derivatives, i.e., the primary cause and platform for debt leveraging resulting in asset-price inflation, in other words, massive wealth transfer to the plutocracy. Majority of Group of Thirty members also belong to Peter G. Peterson’s Peterson Institute, also referred to as the International Institute for Economics.)
David F. Swensen, CIO at Yale University
(Former SVP at Lehman Brothers, specializing in swaps.)
The majority of these people also are familiar and socialize frequently with one another as they hold trustee positions at the same, and interlocking, organizations, as well as various BoD positions also at the same institutions.
5 hours ago
Jeffrey Immelt, General Electric chief executive
(see “Secret History of GE”)
James W. Owens, head of Caterpillar
(On boards of the Peterson Institute – whose long-time agenda has been the offshoring of all American jobs, the privatization of Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and is the baby of Peter G. Peterson, LBO pirate, and on board of Business Roundtable)
Robert Wolf, chairman and CEO of UBS Group Americas
(Oh great, a guy from the major Swiss bank!)
Mark Gallogly, founder and managing partner at Centerbridge Partners L.P.
(formerly with Blackstone Group, world’s largest private equity LBO firm, Centerbridge is also a private equity, leveraged buyout firm)
Penny Pritzker, chair and founder of Pritzker Realty Group and Classic Residence by Hyatt
(Member of the ultra-rich Pritzker family, questionable bank ownership w/involvement in subprime industry, and you do know about all the anti-labor and criminal behavior at Hyatt, right?)
John Doerr, partner at Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers
(Doerr has a mixed background, but while he was with Intel, he appeared to strongly support the jobs offshoring program --- Intel lost over $1 billion in the chip project in India, which they belatedly relocated back to America. Doerr also appears to support the privatizing of American education.)
Monica C. Lozano, Director of Bank of America
(BofA director, what more need be said? That she was also on the BoD of Walt Disney Corporation, and the Tenet Healthcare Corporation [from a wiki entry: In the early 1990s as National Medical Enterprises, the company was accused of committing fraud by admitting thousands of psychiatric patients who did not need hospitalization and then charging these patients inflated prices. In 1991, the federal government investigated the company for fraud and conspiracy. In 1993, offices of the company were raided by law enforcement in an attempt to show that the company was defrauding patients and insurance companies. In 1994, the company paid $2.5 million to settle lawsuits from 23 patients at its psychiatric hospitals. Again in 1994, National Medical Enterprises settled fraud charges with the United States and 28 states involving payments of a record $380 million USD at the time and federal guilty pleas on eight criminal counts by two of its units. The company also agreed to a 5-year corporate integrity agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.] Also on BoD of a Mitsubishi financial subsidiary.)
Charles E. Phillips, Jr., president of Infor.
(former managing director with Morgan Stanley)
Richard L. Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO
Austan Goolsbee, chairman of Council of Economic Advisers
(Told the Canadian press, during Obama’s first presidential campaign, that all the talk against NAFTA was purely political, and not to be concerned. Goolsbee’s wife is a former management consultant at McKinsey & Company, historically the major PR/mouthpiece for the global banking cartel. Also Yale Skull & Bones)
Christina Romer, former chairperson of Council of Economic Advisers
(Submediocre economist, questionable papers on causes for the Great Depression, not that far removed from Bernanke’s submediocre papers on the Great Depression.)
William H. Donaldson, former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman
(Nixon and Geo. W. Bush administrations, Skull & Bones – also, I believe Donaldson is a member of THE Donaldson family, which married into and became part of the ultra-rich DuPont family.)
Laura D'Andrea Tyson, former Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers during the Clinton Administration
(Long-time position on Board of Directors of Morgan Stanley)
Martin Feldstein, former chief economic advisor to President Ronald Reagan,
(Feldstein was a director at HCA when they paid the largest out-of-court settlement for Medicare/Medicaid fraud, Feldstein was a director at Eli Lilly when they had to pay the largest criminal penalty in history for falsely marketing a drug which killed a number of people (over $1 billion penalty), and Feldstein was a director at AIG’s Financial Products group when they were involved in the largest insurance swindle in US history (selling $460 billion worth of credit default swaps without keeping the necessary capital on hand --- received over $333 billion in government bailouts, and still counting, had billions also written off from their losses by the US gov’t – you may have heard of them???)
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer of the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association - College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF)
(Former partner with McKinsey & Company, member of the Group of Thirty, the international group of financiers, created by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1978, which pushed for the removal of “legal risk” in the widespread adoption of credit derivatives, i.e., the primary cause and platform for debt leveraging resulting in asset-price inflation, in other words, massive wealth transfer to the plutocracy. Majority of Group of Thirty members also belong to Peter G. Peterson’s Peterson Institute, also referred to as the International Institute for Economics.)
David F. Swensen, CIO at Yale University
(Former SVP at Lehman Brothers, specializing in swaps.)
The majority of these people also are familiar and socialize frequently with one another as they hold trustee positions at the same, and interlocking, organizations, as well as various BoD positions also at the same institutions.

I eventually came to that realization when it came to my son, especially since he has a mental health disability. I make sure he is as happy and comfortable as possible, and I never treat anyone better than I treat him (maybe just as nice), but NEVER better!
January 18, 2012 at 11:38 am