Co-opting activists has worked well since '60s but can't buy all
sanda_artistNYC - 10/15/2011 - 17:24
I've been an observer of activists being co-opted since the 1960s. It works well to peel off some of the leaders, but enough people didn't rationalize and get co-opted so the various movements kept on: civil rights in South, women's movement, teachers' union start in early 1960s in NYC, antiwar movement (also had Dem pols scared in the 1960s as the antipoverty program died in the War on vietnam), and disability rights movements and the movement to stop police brutality. The warning is perfect, Glen Ford.
Also, Paul Street has a good breakdown of the 1% and $ with footnotes, new article, on Znet:
Update: HuffPo sub-headline top of home page, Sat. 10/15, 5pm is How Obama will use Occupy Wall Street Against Republicans in 2012. The Occupy Wall Street folks will not be used.
And I'm happy to say that Disabled in Action (The url is)* is going as a group to join the Occupation event in Manhattan tomorrow. I'm too ill to go, but there in spirit.
*I did not get to the site with from here but was able to via google, typing in Disabled in Action.
2 days agoin reply to wendy
22 hours agoin reply to Amilkar
Also, Paul Street has a good breakdown of the 1% and $ with footnotes, new article, on Znet:
Update: HuffPo sub-headline top of home page, Sat. 10/15, 5pm is How Obama will use Occupy Wall Street Against Republicans in 2012. The Occupy Wall Street folks will not be used.
And I'm happy to say that Disabled in Action (The url is)* is going as a group to join the Occupation event in Manhattan tomorrow. I'm too ill to go, but there in spirit.
*I did not get to the site with from here but was able to via google, typing in Disabled in Action.


You are absolutely right. The greatest threat to whites is a Black husband, and wife, in a successful family , with three or more children.
2 days agoin reply to SimplyComplex_87

I would have ended the conversation when I found out he had a 'white baby mama'. This goes back to what we were discussing last week. Many Black men are lost. If a Black man doesn't possess the concept of love of race, don't even waste your time interacting with him.
2 days agoin reply to whowantz2kno

"They just realize they aren't strong enough to survive genetically and they NEED people of color to do so..."
Exactly!!! I agree with you completely. This is about their desperate desire to survive genetically. It sounds like you've been reading Dr. Frances Cress Welsing.
4 hours ago
Exactly!!! I agree with you completely. This is about their desperate desire to survive genetically. It sounds like you've been reading Dr. Frances Cress Welsing.

Because this is a reality, people like Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, and Herman Cain who allow themselves to be surrogates through which racists can openly attack blacks without appearing to do so, are the worst type of sell outs.
1 day agoin reply to swampthing49
This buffoon is a disgrace. They parade these tokens out to the public, praising them as if Cain being CEO with a Pizza Corporation is a big thing! There's lot of Black and Hispanic CEOs, hell the owner and founder of Beatrice's Frozen Foods was black! Nonetheless, now of them where qualified to become president of the US. What's needed is legal knowledge (specifically governmental and constitutional) a knowledge of world affairs and commerce, etc. Also, its ridiculous to think as you stated in another post that you can cancel out one Black candidate with another or one woman with another. Palin and Cain are poor choices to go up against the knowledge, charisma and appeal of Hillary or Obama.
As you said, they simply don't get it! It's their policies and plateform that is the issume, not the puppets the put forth.
This should also put to rest the lie that Black people only voted for Obama because he was Black, lol. The self-serving and self-hating buffoon is working on a book, the same as his female counter-part, Palin. For his sake, hopefully there will enough Tea Party members and clueless Republicans to buy their garbage, lol.
This buffoon is a disgrace. They parade these tokens out to the public, praising them as if Cain being CEO with a Pizza Corporation is a big thing! There's lot of Black and Hispanic CEOs, hell the owner and founder of Beatrice's Frozen Foods was black! Nonetheless, now of them where qualified to become president of the US. What's needed is legal knowledge (specifically governmental and constitutional) a knowledge of world affairs and commerce, etc. Also, its ridiculous to think as you stated in another post that you can cancel out one Black candidate with another or one woman with another. Palin and Cain are poor choices to go up against the knowledge, charisma and appeal of Hillary or Obama.
As you said, they simply don't get it! It's their policies and plateform that is the issume, not the puppets the put forth.
This should also put to rest the lie that Black people only voted for Obama because he was Black, lol. The self-serving and self-hating buffoon is working on a book, the same as his female counter-part, Palin. For his sake, hopefully there will enough Tea Party members and clueless Republicans to buy their garbage, lol.
I think a lot of the youth in the Occupy Wall Street movement *probably* come from more liberal or tolerant households, which is something I should make clear. But liberal or tolerant households in the USA are still often filled with class-based assumptions about who deserves a job and what kind of job it should be based on your education.
I was listening to an NPR segment on the radio recently and one of the military spouses being interviewed was talking about hardship in this "new" job market and how people with Master's degrees were being forced to take $8/hr jobs at coffee shops. I could relate to her frustration; I know it's brutal out there.
Part of what people see unfolding before their eyes is the hollowing out of the American middle-class, which is a process that was well underway before the 2007 crash took place. Angry emotions...pain...desperation. ..rage...are what fills many peoples' hearts these days.
Scapegoating is a natural response for many. For example, it's comforting for some among us to try to bash illegals and pass laws designed to make it impossible for them to thrive, as we see happening in Alabama - even though that will not rescue the American middle class.
You are fantastic.
2 days agoin reply to ALThickMadame2010
2 days agoin reply to YourDaddy123
I've seen it, some people like getting arrested. Most people wanted to get arrested because OWS wasn't making such headlines. Fox was covering up even when there was just one Tea bugger but no one cared until 700s got arrested.
Yet, I feel he is very passionate about his cause, democracy, and rights of poor. I'm curious what happens, if you get arrested for civil disobedience, does it go into your permanent record ?

OMG! A friend of my family...married a white woman from Boston. Everytime she got mad at him...she called him a n___..he divorvced her! Again as I had mentioned in an earlier do you marry someone whose be raised to believe they are superior over you?
11 hours agoin reply to RACISTIwbfreeASmitty

You got to UNDERSTAND the THINGS that happened to Blacks over the course of history....some we did , other was caused by THEM (and other races), and nobody can tell me that when a Black is wrongfully denied justice, a job or just to live like a HUMAN BEING, they don't have to RIGHT to be sore at the ONE who suppresses them, IJS......
There GOOD black people, white people, asian etc....and there are the BAD ones as well, IJS.......
I rather be around those who want to FRIENDS, be LOVING, and not DECEIVE me in ANY way.....who want to be around evil, crabs, and those who HATE(fear) you and want to do YOU in because of the the COLOR of your skin and not the content of your CHARACTER????? Not meeee....
There GOOD black people, white people, asian etc....and there are the BAD ones as well, IJS.......
I rather be around those who want to FRIENDS, be LOVING, and not DECEIVE me in ANY way.....who want to be around evil, crabs, and those who HATE(fear) you and want to do YOU in because of the the COLOR of your skin and not the content of your CHARACTER????? Not meeee....
What's amazing about Lenorand's article is that although "negros" like Cain and Clarence Thomas claim that racisim does not hold Blacks back and is no longer an issue, both claimed they were victims of racisim! lol. Cain, black racisim and Thomas, victim of a "high tech lynching?" LOL!
Just say you want to get ahead and you don't care how you do it or who you have to sell out doing it. No one will be too upset with you but when you cross that line, leave black people out of your dialog and do you, whoever or whatever you are.
Just say you want to get ahead and you don't care how you do it or who you have to sell out doing it. No one will be too upset with you but when you cross that line, leave black people out of your dialog and do you, whoever or whatever you are.
It gets more ridiculous that Doby. Cain did forumulate his so called 999 plan. He got the plan not from an accountant, but an employee of Wells Fargo Bank. It gets even worst when the Bank employee stated he got the plan from SIMS! The virtual reality game children play, lol.!TheOriginalDoby wrote:WASHINGTON — Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain acknowledged Sunday his "9-9-9" tax reform plan would raise taxes on some Americans but denied criticism it would help the rich while hurting the poor.
"Some people will pay more. But most people will pay less," Cain, a former chief executive of Godfather's Pizza who has never held elected office, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" program.
Even Grover Norquist hates this guys plan cause he says it raises taxes! Hahaha! Dude, if Grover Norquist is against it, YOU KNOW it raises taxes.
Cain is and always was…….toast!
This buffoon is a disgrace. They parade these tokens out to the public, praising them as if Cain being CEO with a Pizza Corporation is a big thing! There's lot of Black and Hispanic CEOs, hell the owner and founder of Beatrice's Frozen Foods was black! Nonetheless, now of them where qualified to become president of the US. What's needed is legal knowledge (specifically governmental and constitutional) a knowledge of world affairs and commerce, etc. Also, its ridiculous to think as you stated in another post that you can cancel out one Black candidate with another or one woman with another. Palin and Cain are poor choices to go up against the knowledge, charisma and appeal of Hillary or Obama.
As you said, they simply don't get it! It's their policies and plateform that is the issume, not the puppets the put forth.
This should also put to rest the lie that Black people only voted for Obama because he was Black, lol. The self-serving and self-hating buffoon is working on a book, the same as his female counter-part, Palin. For his sake, hopefully there will enough Tea Party members and clueless Republicans to buy their garbage, lol.
It gets more ridiculous that Doby. Cain did forumulate his so called 999 plan. He got the plan not from an accountant, but an employee of Wells Fargo Bank. It gets even worst when the Bank employee stated he got the plan from SIMS! The virtual reality game children play, lol.!TheOriginalDoby wrote:WASHINGTON — Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain acknowledged Sunday his "9-9-9" tax reform plan would raise taxes on some Americans but denied criticism it would help the rich while hurting the poor.
"Some people will pay more. But most people will pay less," Cain, a former chief executive of Godfather's Pizza who has never held elected office, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" program.
Even Grover Norquist hates this guys plan cause he says it raises taxes! Hahaha! Dude, if Grover Norquist is against it, YOU KNOW it raises taxes.
Cain is and always was…….toast!
This buffoon is a disgrace. They parade these tokens out to the public, praising them as if Cain being CEO with a Pizza Corporation is a big thing! There's lot of Black and Hispanic CEOs, hell the owner and founder of Beatrice's Frozen Foods was black! Nonetheless, now of them where qualified to become president of the US. What's needed is legal knowledge (specifically governmental and constitutional) a knowledge of world affairs and commerce, etc. Also, its ridiculous to think as you stated in another post that you can cancel out one Black candidate with another or one woman with another. Palin and Cain are poor choices to go up against the knowledge, charisma and appeal of Hillary or Obama.
As you said, they simply don't get it! It's their policies and plateform that is the issume, not the puppets the put forth.
This should also put to rest the lie that Black people only voted for Obama because he was Black, lol. The self-serving and self-hating buffoon is working on a book, the same as his female counter-part, Palin. For his sake, hopefully there will enough Tea Party members and clueless Republicans to buy their garbage, lol.
It’s so apparent that whites here have no idea what the “Southern Strategy” was all about. Now they’re trying to change the strategy by using tokens. Like you and I both said, they started with Palin and continued all the way up to this latest jackazz Herman Cain.
When will they understand? My guess is never.
As even the idiot on this thread can’t comprehend, the problem with Cain has nothing to do with his success. It has to do with his PARTY! What don’t these m____ understand about a very simple sentence…… WE DON’T LIKE REPUBLICANS!
Is that complicated? Does that seem so hard to fathom?
Yet still they persist with the childish uninformed arguments.
It’s so apparent that whites here have no idea what the “Southern Strategy” was all about. Now they’re trying to change the strategy by using tokens. Like you and I both said, they started with Palin and continued all the way up to this latest jackazz Herman Cain.
When will they understand? My guess is never.
As even the idiot on this thread can’t comprehend, the problem with Cain has nothing to do with his success. It has to do with his PARTY! What don’t these m____ understand about a very simple sentence…… WE DON’T LIKE REPUBLICANS!
Is that complicated? Does that seem so hard to fathom?
Yet still they persist with the childish uninformed arguments.
Very much so, sister, very much so.EkDesiLadki wrote:....Seems like American youth is filled with lot of lies, taught to hate, filled with Islamophophia, anti-immigrant feelings, etc....
I think a lot of the youth in the Occupy Wall Street movement *probably* come from more liberal or tolerant households, which is something I should make clear. But liberal or tolerant households in the USA are still often filled with class-based assumptions about who deserves a job and what kind of job it should be based on your education.
I was listening to an NPR segment on the radio recently and one of the military spouses being interviewed was talking about hardship in this "new" job market and how people with Master's degrees were being forced to take $8/hr jobs at coffee shops. I could relate to her frustration; I know it's brutal out there.
Part of what people see unfolding before their eyes is the hollowing out of the American middle-class, which is a process that was well underway before the 2007 crash took place. Angry emotions...pain...desperation. ..rage...are what fills many peoples' hearts these days.
Scapegoating is a natural response for many. For example, it's comforting for some among us to try to bash illegals and pass laws designed to make it impossible for them to thrive, as we see happening in Alabama - even though that will not rescue the American middle class.
Timothy wrote:
If you want to believe in offensive stereotypes about BW, why do you care. You obviously have an obsession with hating women of your ethnicity. Also, immoral people exist in non-black people. There are non-black people that lust after wealth and are golddigers as well. You don't mention this and you don't mention the problems in other communities. No one said that all black people are perfect. No one is perfect. People are just saying that you are in error to believe that no black women are in Hollywood, TV, commericals, no black women have the capacity to have an intellectual stimulating conversation, or black women lack doing anything of value.
This good vs. bad thing is a distraction. The real issue is about making solutions, building a better community, and having true black unity based on interaction not assimilation (including love without malice). If a man doesn't have love for women that gave him birth, then that man is a disgrace. I do what I want to do without being down with an anti-woman men's movement. You can believe and follow that anti-BW all male "brotherhood."
I decline the invitation to join that women hating "brotherhood." I rather be a sucker for love for justice than a sucker for death of my people.
I wear the label proudly.
You are fantastic.

You CANT watch boxing talking like that!
"Why not just fight him and get it over with?"
Because SEVERAL boxers have speculated that there's NO way Pacquiao can move up 20 lbs, and get faster AND stronger without performance enhancing drugs. Roy Jones couldn't do it. Bernard Hopkins couldn't do it. Winky Wright couldn't do it. Kelly Pavlik couldn't do it. Even Floyd Mayweather couldn't do it. EVERY boxers who's ever moved up lost either one or the other OR both. But Pacquiao somehow has INCREASED both while gaining weight.
All Floyd wants him to do is prove he's NOT juicing with random blood testing, but Manny refuses. Even for $50 million. Doesn't do much to dispel the claim of his alleged steroid usage.
So my question to you is, would you compete against someone who you thought was using performance enhancing drugs? Probably not. Its called "cheating." Floyd wants to fight clean. Why is that TOO much to ask?
"Why not just fight him and get it over with?"
Because SEVERAL boxers have speculated that there's NO way Pacquiao can move up 20 lbs, and get faster AND stronger without performance enhancing drugs. Roy Jones couldn't do it. Bernard Hopkins couldn't do it. Winky Wright couldn't do it. Kelly Pavlik couldn't do it. Even Floyd Mayweather couldn't do it. EVERY boxers who's ever moved up lost either one or the other OR both. But Pacquiao somehow has INCREASED both while gaining weight.
All Floyd wants him to do is prove he's NOT juicing with random blood testing, but Manny refuses. Even for $50 million. Doesn't do much to dispel the claim of his alleged steroid usage.
So my question to you is, would you compete against someone who you thought was using performance enhancing drugs? Probably not. Its called "cheating." Floyd wants to fight clean. Why is that TOO much to ask?

Well if a m______r want to make 50M he'll d_____ sure love to take one.I wouldn't care if the test was on the same d___ day as the fight.If you don't have nothing to hide then what difference would taking the test on any day make.No you open your eyes you're just talking make believe garbage but any fool can look at the way Manny face look.And they can tell he's taking steroids,his face look just like those body builder faces look,like a d___ rock.And as far as testing after the fight that's when Floyd asked him to take the test after the fight.But old steroid boy refused,a innocent man comes clean every time.Floyd ain't no d++++++ fool he can see it to,after all he never asked no other fighter to take a drug test
2 days ago

Truth is truth. Manny will not take the test. Its amazing the way a black man with skill is questioned by a nobody loudmouth and people want to talk about Mayweather being owned. Mayweather is not a good offensive fighter? He has never lost a fight and has 42-0 record . Manny has lost 3 fights and had 2 draws. So what makes this the fight everyone wants to see . What has Manny done that should make Floyd tremble?
Mark says:
Even Henry Fonda admitted Stewart was just as racist as his father Alex before him.
Just read what Woody Strode, John Ford, Lucille Gipson, Leonard Gershe and many others had to say about the racist.
henry boyd says:
as far as john wayne is concerned, if he isn’t racist than there is no way that Malcom X or Elijah Muhammed are. Am i right?
and you call us whiners. Really. Prove it.
2751 people died in the 9/11 attacks and we say we’ll never forget. We lost anything upwards of 600 million to segregation, setller as well as coporate colonialism in africa, and slavery in cuba, america, haiti, australia, ireland, england, brazil, puerto rico and you all say get over it.
Get over yourselves
Jacqueline says:
Hmm, while i enjoy John Wayne’s films, he as a person was a very flawed individual, It can be difficult to accept that our ‘heroes’ had disappointing views, so I understand why you’ve defended him so much. It was easy to be a product of the times back then, but there were many people such as Orson Welles, who staged a version of Macbeth with a cast made up entirely of African Americans, in 1936, or Myrna Loy, who, challenging MGM bosses in the 1930s, said “Why does every black person in the movies have to play a servant? How about a black person walking up the steps of a court house carrying a briefcase?”, that I admire far more, who flew in the face of racism, despite the fact that it was much more socially acceptable.
Or even someone with a more notorious reputation, like Frank Sinatra, who battled racism his entire life.
Review of “The Very Good Years”: Like the time when he took on a school hall full of 5,000 angry students and parents protesting against racial integration in Gary, Indiana. ‘No other major recording star of the period laid his reputation on the line in such a fashion.’
It’s those who were able to step out of their environment and have the courage and foresight to do what was right, that I truly respect, when all is said and done.
Mark says:
August 16, 2008 at 6:21 pm
FACT: James Stewart was a racist, anti-semite, Vietnam hawk, McCarthyite and far right-wing Republican.Even Henry Fonda admitted Stewart was just as racist as his father Alex before him.
Just read what Woody Strode, John Ford, Lucille Gipson, Leonard Gershe and many others had to say about the racist.
henry boyd says:
as far as john wayne is concerned, if he isn’t racist than there is no way that Malcom X or Elijah Muhammed are. Am i right?
and you call us whiners. Really. Prove it.
2751 people died in the 9/11 attacks and we say we’ll never forget. We lost anything upwards of 600 million to segregation, setller as well as coporate colonialism in africa, and slavery in cuba, america, haiti, australia, ireland, england, brazil, puerto rico and you all say get over it.
Get over yourselves
Jacqueline says:
Hmm, while i enjoy John Wayne’s films, he as a person was a very flawed individual, It can be difficult to accept that our ‘heroes’ had disappointing views, so I understand why you’ve defended him so much. It was easy to be a product of the times back then, but there were many people such as Orson Welles, who staged a version of Macbeth with a cast made up entirely of African Americans, in 1936, or Myrna Loy, who, challenging MGM bosses in the 1930s, said “Why does every black person in the movies have to play a servant? How about a black person walking up the steps of a court house carrying a briefcase?”, that I admire far more, who flew in the face of racism, despite the fact that it was much more socially acceptable.
Or even someone with a more notorious reputation, like Frank Sinatra, who battled racism his entire life.
Review of “The Very Good Years”: Like the time when he took on a school hall full of 5,000 angry students and parents protesting against racial integration in Gary, Indiana. ‘No other major recording star of the period laid his reputation on the line in such a fashion.’
It’s those who were able to step out of their environment and have the courage and foresight to do what was right, that I truly respect, when all is said and done.
2 days agoin reply to KhalidX

These are the voices of people who don't watch boxing on a regular. They only watch the big-name fights and think they rate an opinion about the quality of a boxer. Anyone's who's followed Floyd's career knows he's been in the ring with the best boxing had to offer at the time for the past 10 years. People don't even know who Diego Corrales, Luis Castillo, Demarcus Corley, or Sharmba Mitchell is, Phillip N'dou, etc, yet they were all cats who were running shit at the time and got embarrassed when they got in the ring with Money May!
Jude lost all credibility when he said "you're not even that great of an offensive fighter." Floyd is statistically the most accurate puncher in the sport. Lands at will and hardly ever gets hit. His ring generalship is unmatched by anyone else in boxing.
I want someone to tell Floyd about himself with FACT!!! Not emotion or typical nonsense
Jude lost all credibility when he said "you're not even that great of an offensive fighter." Floyd is statistically the most accurate puncher in the sport. Lands at will and hardly ever gets hit. His ring generalship is unmatched by anyone else in boxing.
I want someone to tell Floyd about himself with FACT!!! Not emotion or typical nonsense
2 days agoin reply to smittyboy7

Thank you! No sane person would step in the ring with some dude hopped up on steroids. 50 million and he won't do the test? Be for real. That lil junkie knows that if he is tested, everyone will know the truth.
I've seen it, some people like getting arrested. Most people wanted to get arrested because OWS wasn't making such headlines. Fox was covering up even when there was just one Tea bugger but no one cared until 700s got arrested.
Yet, I feel he is very passionate about his cause, democracy, and rights of poor. I'm curious what happens, if you get arrested for civil disobedience, does it go into your permanent record ?
Savant wrote:
Ah, my old buddy Cornel West. Yes,he gets himself arrested fairly often. Dring the 1980s in anti-Apartheid protests. And five years ago in an anti-war protest during the GW Bush regime. I intended to be at that latter protest myself, and would probably have been arrested. But I twisted my knee, thus making a march ill advised.
West has been denouncing government officials for their pro-corporate, anti-democratic policies for some time.
He has caught somee flak for criticizing Obama as well, but no one has thus far shown that the core of his criticisms are wrong.
You go, brother man. Uphold the progressive traditions of King, Du Bois and others
I'm sure that the FBI has a long file on Cornel West. His dad was invovled with Civil rights, and had King to speak in their church (cornel's dad was a preacher) when Cornel was a kid. Cornel West also had some association with the Black Panther Party. There's no way they con't have him on file.
But I'm not sure how about a permanent file on any and everybody who was ever arrested. That's a lot of people.
I'm sure that the FBI has a long file on Cornel West. His dad was invovled with Civil rights, and had King to speak in their church (cornel's dad was a preacher) when Cornel was a kid. Cornel West also had some association with the Black Panther Party. There's no way they con't have him on file.
But I'm not sure how about a permanent file on any and everybody who was ever arrested. That's a lot of people.