Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ed Parker's Research Part 2




This article deals with a very serious allegation made by a Christian Brother in Australia. He has uncovered evidence that Kenneth Copeland, Rodney Howard Browne and many other famous preachers are actually Satanists posing as pastors. This evidence comes straight from the lips of these men themselves as by closely analysing their tongues they can be heard calling upon and praising Satan. I have heard and seen most of Video tape A and can verify that the report below is true. The way they praise Satan in front of crowds is by mixing the praise into their tongues.

As unbelievable as this will sound to many, it is by only viewing these Video's that you can make an accurate judgement. In time I will convert many of the quotes mentioned below into Wav files so you can hear them for yourself. (please be patient)

Click here for information to order these video tapes


Example 1
Kenneth Copeland while pretending to be speaking in tongues says the words, "Come take the mark of the beast" as he invites Dennis Bourke to come forward for ministry.

Example 2
Kenneth Copeland says the words, "Tell my brother now take the beast, take together Satan here, yeah have the mark off from the beast" as he communicates with Rodney Howard Browne in supposed tongues about a man who is about to be prayed for by Rodney Howard Browne.

Example 3
Kenneth Copeland asks Satan to tie up the money that is coming in through the movement. He can be heard saying the words. "Tie my money Satan."

Example 4
Kenneth Copeland says the words, "I bun you Satan our lord tie the money" as a man is doing a sort of running dance after Rodney Howard Browne lays his hand on him and tells him to run with the move of God.

Example 5
Rodney Howard Browne says the words, "Hooray for Satan in um `elp us you're here" while the man is still doing the running dance.

Example 6
Rodney Howard Browne communicating with Satan says the words, "Socoro devil socori ba ba ba ba in un `elp us."

Example 7
Kenneth Copeland says the words, "Yes, yes, yes forwards l'ma ina im, im in sins" and then he has a good laugh.

Example 8
Kenneth Copeland says the words, "Bonshkoshte ba ba bug our devil" while doing the sign of allegiance to Satan.

Example 9
Kenneth Copeland begins speaking in what is supposed to be tongues by saying the words, "Yeah I like my devil".

Example 10
Kenneth Copeland waving his left hand and disguisingly doing the sign of allegiance to Satan while at the same time saying the words, "Yep I'm a demon".

Example 11
Kenneth Copeland speaking in his supposed tongues language says the words, "A b . . hole monendo I got a demon".

Example 12
As Rodney Howard Browne works upon the audience getting them into a passive state of mind, Kenneth Copeland can be heard calling personally upon the devil to give a demon to the people in the audience. He says the words, "My devil now give a demon in em" and Rodney Howard Browne says yeah, yeah, in agreement as Kenneth Copeland is saying those words.

Example 13
A demon speaks out of a lady that Rodney Howard Browne ministers to, says the words, "Move Satan master" as the lady is manifesting the laughter and demonic tongues.

Example 14
Rodney Howard Browne says the words, "Our Satan was moving her" referring to the lady who manifests the laughter and demonic tongues.

Example 15
Kenneth Copeland says the words, "There goes our ba ba, there Saton under" as Rodney Howard Browne begins to minister to the lady who experiences the laughter and demonic tongues.

Example 16
Kenneth Copeland disguisingly says the words, "She'll be gone easy" by saying, "She'll by gone easy" referring to the lady who goes under Satan's power and manifests the laughter and demonic tongues.

Example 17
Kenneth Copeland while trying to pronounce the word 'faithful" sass the 'f' word, he says, "F, fa, f . . k" and then quickly begins to speak in tongues to cover up what he said by making out that it was all tongues.

Example 18

A demon speaks out of someone in the audience who is experiencing the movement and says the words, "Our Satan's with us" before Kenneth Copeland pretends to make Rodney Howard Browne slump onto the floor by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Example 19
Kenneth Copeland says the words, "Bind him, I hear thee, my boy, my Satan's in me" in disguised English just as Rodney Howard Browne is about to fake the fall pretending that he is being overpowered by the presence of God.

Example 20
Kenneth Copeland disguisingly says the words, "F . . k your mother, the devil's in me, yes" while pretending to be speaking in tongues, and then begins to prophecy over Rodney Howard Browne.

Example 21
Kenneth Copeland communicating with Satan says the words "Busundra my Satan" after he ends prophesying over Rodney Howard Browne.

Example 22
As Rodney Howard Browne is ministering the laughter Kenneth Copeland makes a statement that shows that these men worship Bacchus, the god of wine. He says the words, "Don't f.. k me don't take our Bacchus."

Example 23
As Rodney Howard Browne is repeating the words, "have a drink of the new wine, have a drink of the new wine", Kenneth Copeland can be heard disguisingly calling upon Satan. He says the words, "Come our Satan".

Example 24
Stacey Carnpbell , one of the leading ladies of the movement gets taken over by evil spirits and begins channelling.

Example 25
Kenneth Copeland asks Satan to move by jumbling the words that he says, instead of saying, "move over my beast" he says the words, "Beast move over my".

Example 26
Mike Evans says the words, "Take over my Satan" when he is being ministered to by Kenneth Copeland and Rodney Howard Browne. When he says this Rodney Howard Browne breaks out in laughter at Mike Evans poor effort in trying to disguise the word "Satan".

Example 27
Mike Evans continues to communicate and call upon Satan while receiving ministry for Kenneth Copeland and Rodney Howard Browne. He savs the words, "Naughty pa rule my Satan, naughty master" as he is making out to be speaking in tongues.

Example 28
Kenneth Copeland says some words in tongues that cause Mike Evans to fall back onto the floor. Then in his next bit of tongues he disguisingly tells Rodney Howard Browne that it was Satan their master who did it. He says the words, "Warst our Satan master."



Example 29
Dennis Bourke comes forward for ministry when called by Kenneth Copeland to come and take the mark of the beast. As he is receiving ministry from Kenneth Copeland he lifts his head up in the air and says the words, "Our devil beast."

Example 30
Female demonic voice and Dennis Bourke combine to say, "Our Satan's here" (female voice), "Yes he is" (Dennis Bourke) while Dennis Bourke is manifesting.

Example 31
Kenneth Copeland quickly says the words, "B.stard master Satan help me I'm a demon" when pretending to be speaking in tongues.

Example 32
Kenneth Copeland says the words, "Olival I'm evil, ardos daughter Satan I love her" referring to a lady that receives ministry

Example 33
Mike Evans begins his prophecy by saying the words, "Take over my Satan" just before he puts the microphone next to his mouth to begin to prophecy.

Example 34
Kenneth Copeland says the words, "Yes I'm a devil our Satan you're moving in him" as Mike Evans is prophesying.

Example 35
Kenneth Copeland says the words, "Do whatever you want Satan's in us" as Mike Evans continues to prophesy.

Example 36
When Mike Evans ends his prophesying he asks Satan to move. He hands the microphone back to Rodney Howard Browne, then takes a few steps back and says the words, "Yes move our Saton" while trying to make them sound like tongues.

Example 37
Mike Evans can be heard saying the words, "The devil is here master ? something" (could be Satan or Bacchus) as Kenneth Copeland and Rodney Howard Browne are calling ministers of the gospel to come forward for ministry.

Example 38
A demon speaks out of someone in the audience who is experiencing the movement and says the words, "Move our devil" or "Move our Satan" just before Rick Shelton is about to get struck by a spirit that causes him to lose his memory and behave weirdly.

Example 39
While under the influence of the spirit that is causing him to experience loss of memory behave weirdly, Rick Shelton can be heard saying the words, "I worship Satan."

Example 40
Further on into Rick Shelton's manifestation as he is caused to sway back and forward he says the words, "Oh the devil's here."

Example 41
A demon speaks out of a woman in the audience who is experiencing the laughter or other manifestation and says the words, "Move devil he's here" as the invisible spiritual presence in the meeting is moving

Example 42
Joe Jordan says the words, "My Satan's girl, loose his power with us" as a lady is manifesting.

Example 43
Rodney Howard Browne doing a mantra, which a high pitched screaming sound that witch doctors make when summoning up demons.

Example 44
Kenneth Copeland Says the words, "Helpe the money p..fta" as Rodney Howard Browne is ministering to a lady.

Example 45
Kenneth Copeland says the words, "Tell the damn mike yes I'm a devil in us" as Rodney Howard Browne puts the microphone on the mouth of a lady who is experiencing the laughter.

Example 46
Mike Evans can be heard saying the words, "Yes our Satan master" faintly in the background as he raises his right hand in the air in worship of the presence that is moving in the meeting.

Example 47
Jesse Duplantis says the words, "Take over my Satan you're moving here Satan" when pretending to be speaking in tongues.

Example 48
Jesse Duplantis again communicates with Satan when pretending to be speaking in tongues, this time he can be heard saying, "Move our Satan, our Satan thank you lord".

Example 49
Jesse Duplantis quickly says the words, "Glory be to Satan who's on me, thank you lord" when Kenneth Copeland tells him to turn his throat loose in Jesus' name.

Example 50
Jesse Duplantis or one of the bikers from the group that calls itself "The Tribe of Judah" can be heard saying the words, "I worship Satan."

Example 51
A satanist who is posing as a Christian pastor while he is following Rodney Howard Browne puts his hand on a lady to minister to her and says the words, "She ta soro Satan I'm gonna talk for you."

Example 52
Demons who are speaking out of people who are being slain in the spirit say the words "Move our Satan (male voice) stay inside (female voice)."

Example 53
The other Satanist who is posing as a Christian pastor repeatedly says the words, "Might be move Satan, might be move Satan, might be move Satan's here " as he instructs people to lift their hands up in the air before Rodney Howard Browne ministers to them.

Example 54
A demon speaks out of a lady and says the words, "Our Satan you are talking master" as Rodney Howard Browne is saying, "Fill, fill" and slaying people in the spirit.

Example 55
A demon speaks out of a person and says the words, "Satan master dine" as other demons that are entering into the people cause them to manifest.

Example 56
As a lady is babbling away in demonic tongues, Rodney Howard Browne places his hand on her, as he lifts his hand off her head she says the words, "All hail Satan yes."

Example 57
The other Satanist who is posing as a Christian pastor says the words, "My girl Satan" after the lady on the previous example says, "All hail Satan yes."

Example 58
As Rodney Howard Browne moves closer to a Satanist who is posing as a Christian pastor, the microphone that is attached to Rodney Howard Browne's shirt picks up what this Satanist says, he can be heard saying the words, "You will move Satan."

Example 59
Rodney Howard. Browne communicates with Satan in his tongues, he says the words, "Horapasia Satan" as he begins to minister to a man.

Example 60
The same man from the previous example after receiving ministry from Rodney Howard Browne begins to manifest what is supposed to be the gift of tongues by saying very fast the words, "I said I love the devil, la, la, la, la ...." He receives a spirit of demonic tongues which Rodney Howard Browne put into him.

Example 61
Rodney Howard Browne using Christian terms and phrases like, "In the mighty name of Jesus, I loose the fire ... etc" as he is ministering to a man. When he finishes ministering to this man he can be heard saying the words,
"Come work our Satan nasty."

This page is still unfinished. I can understand your difficulty in believing that these above mentioned 'Men of God' would stoop to such blatant acts of evil. When I have finished my files on these men you will soon see their Masonic/Occult/New Age memberships and connections. Kenneth Copeland for example has stated ........

  • That we do not have a god in us but that we are a God.
    “You don’t have a God in you. You are one!” (Kenneth Copeland: “The Force of Love”, tape.)

  • That Adam was God manifest in the flesh.
    Kenneth Copeland: "God's reason for creating Adam was His desire to reproduce Himself. I mean a reproduction of Himself, and in the Garden of Eden He did just that. He was not a little like God. He was not almost like God. He was not subordinate to God even. . . . Adam is as much like God as you could get, just the same as Jesus. . . . Adam, in the Garden of Eden, was God manifested in the flesh." ("Following the Faith of Abraham I," side 1.)

  • God is the greatest failure in the Universe
    Kenneth Copeland: "I was shocked when I found out who the biggest failure in the Bible actually is....The biggest one is God....I mean, He lost His top-ranking, most anointed angel; the first man He ever created; the first woman He ever created; the whole earth and all the Fullness therein; a third of the angels, at least--that's a big loss, man. . . ("Praise-a-Thon" program on TBN [April 1988].)

  • God lives on a mother planet
    Kenneth Copeland: "Heaven has a north and a south and an east and a west. Consequently, it must be a planet." ("Spirit, Soul and Body I" [Fort Worth, TX: Kenneth Copeland Ministries. 1985] audiotape #01-0601, side 1.)
    Kenneth Copeland: "You don't think earth was first, do you? Huh? Well, you don't think that God made man in His image, and then made earth in some other image? There is not anything under this whole sun that's new. Are you hearing what I'm saying? This is all a copy. It's a copy of home. It's a copy of the Mother Planet. Where God lives, He made a little one just like His and put us on it." ("Following the Faith of Abraham I" [Fort Worth, TX: Kenneth Copeland Ministries, 1989], audiotape #01-3001, side 1.)

  • The death of Jesus on the Cross did not pay the price for sins
    "It wasn't the physical death on the cross that paid the price for sin..anybody could do that" 'What Satan saw on the day of Pentecost"

    “Every prophet that walked the face of the earth under the Abrahamic covenant could have paid the price if it were a physical death only” “When he said ‘It is finished’ on that cross, he was not speaking of the plan of redemption. The plan of redemption had just begun, there were still three days and three nights to be gone through.” “[Jesus] accepted the sin nature of Satan in His own Spirit, and at the moment that He did so, He cried ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’.” “He [Jesus] was down in that pit and there he suffered the punishment for three horrible days and nights for Adam’s treason... There is a new birth takes place in the very depths of the earth, when the command of God says ‘That’s enough, loose him and let him go’.” [ From the Cross to the Throne]

  • .Jesus was raped by homosexual Roman soldiers everyway possible
    "Let me tell you something folks. Anybody in here that's ever been sexually abused, listen to me right now. Listen to me very carefully. The bible's very careful about the way it says these things. But down there in that dungeon, Romans, ungodly men, ungodly men, put him (Jesus) to every kind of abuse that you can think of. There is no sin that Jesus didn't bare. There is no thing, there is no such thing as a sexual abuse on somebody that Jesus doesn't know firsthand what it's all about. He's been where you are, I don't care what you've been through, Jesus has been through it. And everything's done to him that we we couldn't even speak of."

    The Resurrection Truth, audiotape

Anyone who doubts the above please go to my Wav sound page to listen to some heresies for yourself or just check out my pages on Kenneth Copeland and others which are listed on my main page.

URGENT: Needed Christian people all around the World who are willing to copy and distribute these video's. No payment is necessary to the owner. You can copy and sell them where ever you can. Email me if you are willing to help.









Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science and Freemasonry

At last, more compelling evidence has come in that strengthens the intimate ties between the two cults of Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Science to the cult of Freemasonry. My original article only used symbolism (see below) to connect these cults, now there is some good documentation. Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, was an associate of 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Steele Olcott who founded the Satan worshipping cult called the "Theosophical Society" with evil female Freemason, mother of the New Age Movement and Hitler's spiritual guide, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Several Eddy brothers held seances and it was at one of these seances that Blavatsky met Col. Henry Steele Olcott. Mary Baker Eddy even married a Freemason and this became the ONLY secret society which she allowed other Christian Science members to join. Also she had her own material published in the Freemasons' Monthly Magazine. Several people connected with Christian Science such as directors and board members and a number of the editors of The Christian Science Monitor were Freemasons. Even the presidents of the Mother Church in 1922-23 and 1923-1924 were Masons. This article would not have been possible if not for the new book called "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated" by Dr. Cathy Burns. I highly recommend this book.


Christian Scientist Freemasons

The names below are listed in the Masonic reference book called "10,000 Famous Freemasons" written
by William R. Denslow, published by the Missouri Lodge of Research and has it's forword written by
ex-Usa President Harry S. Truman. Instead of just listing the names and pages they are listed on, I have typed the whole of each article to silence critics who may claim I have made this all up. Remember these guys were not 'backseat' christian
scientists but played a vital role, some as high as president of The Mother Church. All this information explains why this cult uses a masonic symbol. There is also a good chance that Mary Baker Eddy was a female freemason.

Erwin D. Canham

Editor of Christian Science Monitor.

b. Feb 13, 1904
at Auburn, Maine. Received B.A. and Litt.D. from Bates College; L.H.D. Boston University and was Rhodes Scholar at Oxford Univ. England, receiving B.A. and M.A. in 1936. Began with the Christian Science Monitor, in 1925 and has covered many important national and international stories for his paper including the League of Nations assemblies of 1926-28, Ramsay MacDonald's tour of the U.S.; London Naval conference; trips of American Presidents; nationwide political surveys; inauguration of Philippine Commonwealth. He was head of the Washington Bureau from 1932-1939; general news editor 1939-41, managing editor, 1941-44 and editor since 1945. Mason.


George Channing (1888-?)

Editor of Christian Science Journal, Sentinal and Herald since 1949.

First reader, mother church, Boston, Mass., 1941-42. b. Nov. 21, 1888 at Providence, R.I. Studied at Brown, Yale and Boston Univ. Began journalistic work on Providence (R.I.) Journal 1913. Was city editor of Seattle Star, 1921-23. Mason, 32nd Degree AASR. Deceased.


Paul S. Deland

Managing editor and member of editoral council of The Christian Science Monitor since 1945.

b. at North Brookfield, Mass., he was first a real estale dealer before turning to journalism in 1905. He served as a reporter and a feature writer on papers in Worcester, Mass., New Haven, Conn. and Boston. Has been with the Christian Science Monitor since 1908. Mason and 32nd Degree AASR (NJ)


Alexander Dodds (1874-1920)

Editor. b. April 5, 1874 at Allegheny, Pa. and was a newspaper writer and editor from 1890.

He was associate publisher of The Builder, Pittsburgh from 1894-96 and was later with the Pittsburgh Dispatch and managing editor of the Christian Science Monitor from 1908-14. From 1914-16 he was managing editor of the Los Angeles Herald and vice president of the United Press Assn. 1909-12. Mason. d. Nov. 30, 1920.


Arnold H. Exo

Christian Science Church Official.

b. in Muscatine, Iowa. He was a district advertising manager for Household Finance Corp. from 1931-41, and in 1942 became a Christian Science practitioner and later a reader. He has been 1st reader of the First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston since 1956. Mason.


Albert F. Gilmore (?-1943)

Editor of Christian Science Weekly and monthly magazines, 1922-29, and
president of The Mother Church, 1922-23.

b. in Turner, Maine. He was a graduate of Bates Coll. He was first a high school principal, and then with
a book company. From 1914-17 he was first reader of the First Church of Christ Scientist at Brooklyn,
N.Y. Mason. d. June 8, 1943.

Roland R. Harrison (1878-1940)

Managing editor of the Christian Science Monitor.

b. June 10, 1878 at Smithville, NY. Graduate of Cornell U. in 1903. From 1903-22 he was with the
following newspapers: Brooklyn Standard Union; New York Times; New York Herald. He joined the
monitor staff at Boston in 1922, and was executive editor from 1924-29, and administrative editor from
1939. He was publisher of the Christian Science Publishing Society from 1929-39. Mason. d. Jan 16,

Charles E. Heitman (1874-1948)

Manager of Christian Science Publishing Society, and director of The Mother
Church, 1st Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston.

b.Nov. 12, 1874 in McLean Co.,Ky.He was first reader of 2nd Church of Christ, Scientist, at New York
City from 1918-21, and president of The Mother Church in 1923-24. From 1926-27 he was associate
editor of the Christian Science Monior. Served as corporal in Roosevelt's Rough Riders in
Spanish-American War. Member of Marble Lodge No. 702 at Tuckahoe, N.Y., and 32nd Degree AASR
in Boston, Mass. d. Oct. 1, 1948.


The text below comes from the book called "To Be God Of One World" by Robert Sessler who got most of this information from the book "The Watchtower And The Masons" by Fritz Springmeier.

    What about the Church of Jehovah's Witnesses? This church was founded by Charles T. Russell. Russell was certainly well acquainted with the Occult and Masonry because he used the 33rd Degree Masonic Symbol 9winged sun-disk with opposing snakes) in some of his books!     He also used the Knights Templar symbol (a cross inside a crown sometimes encircled by a wreathe or glory) in a number of his papers and books.     Russell is also buried in a pyramid with masonic symbols on its capstone.

    Charles Russell even gave a sermon in which he stated that Jesus Christ was the "Grand Master" of this Order to which Russell and the rest of the Jehovah's Witnesses belonged! He stated:

    "...the Lord Jesus, the grand and everlasting Head and Master of this Order...the Grand Master....We are not hindered from telling the ultimate purposes of this grand Secret Order which our Lord organized..."

    But this tatic of trying to make Jesus Christ of Nazereth the head of a Secret Order devoted to the occult is nothing new. Adam Weishaupt states exactly the same thing about his Secret Order of the Illuminati, which is devoted to the occult:

    "Jesus of Nazereth, the Grand Master of our Order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost disorder...he took in the aid of Religion...and, in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion...and they have been handed down to the Free Masons."

    So there is very little difference seen between the "Order" or the Jehovah's Witnesses church that Russell founded, and the Order which Weishaupt founded for the purpose of bringing in and ruling a New Age. In fact Russell frequently talked about this New Age--calling it a "Golden Age" to come. He preached a sermon on it entitled "Must We Abandon Hope of a Golden Age." He even established a paper called The Golden Age which is now called Awake.    

    But is this teaching of the "Golden Age to come" exclusively Charles Russell's and the Jehovah's Witnesses? No!

    "...the 17,500 [Masonic] lodges of the U.S. and Canada...are to act as harbringers of that'New Order of the Ages,' that Great Golden Age that is to come...May the Masonic Order become reorientated to make its peculiar contribution to that Glorious Objective."

    But this hope of a "Golden Age to come" does not originate with the Masons either. It is an ancient Egyptian and Babylonian term specifying the time which "men and gods could live together happily." Hence we see that this great push towards a New World Order for the Ages, is nothing more than the ancient Plan for a One World System.

    But these occultish and spiritualistic teachings of Russell's did not pass away when he died, but continue within the church of Jehovah's Witnesses. The church teaches the New Age belief that "Now we are in the end of this gospel age, and the kingdom [of Christ] is being established or set up."     That this kingdom "will obtain full, universal the earth, [and that] He whose right it is thus to take dominion will then be present as earth's new Ruler"     who will reign over "the new order of things on earth"     in "His millennial kingdom."

    They even teach that:

    "...our minds [must be made] over so as to transform our lives in expectation of the approaching new world....
    "Let us keep our minds new...[and then if] we live through this old world's complete end, we shall enter the new world with a mind made tune with the glorious new world."    

    In fact they claim that the Society of Jehovah's Witnesses is "the New World society"!     This society, ever since the days of Russell, is also involved in Pyramidology or the study of its geometric shape and measurements in order to predict future events. They even claim that it was the God of heaven that designed the pyramid!

    "In the passages of the Great Pyramid [Cheops] of Gizeh...[when the measurements are combined with chronology] proves that the same God designed both pyramid and plan..."

    But did God have anything to do with the plan or design of the Great Pyramids? No. Masonic leader Manly P. Hall writes:

    "[To] the Egyptians the Great Pyramid was associated with Hermes, the god of wisdom and letters and the Divine Illuminator...the pyramid...was in reality the supreme temple of the Invisible and Supreme Deity....the first temple of the Mysteries, the first structure errected as a repository for those secret truths...
    "Through the mystic passageways and chambers of the Great Pyramid passed the illumined of antiquity. They entered its portals as men; they came forth as gods. It was the place of the 'second birth,' the 'womb of the Mysteries,' and ...Somewhere in the depths of its recesses there resided an unknown being who was called 'The Initiator,' or 'The Illustrious One..."

    This "Initiator" into the Mysteries we know to be Lucifer, or Satan. So you can see that Jehovah's Witnesses are clearly involved with the teachings of Masonry, and hence the spiritualistic Luciferic doctrines of ancient Babylon.


Masonic Symbolism within the Cults of Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Science

This is the Knights Templar Symbol for the York Rite of Freemasonry. This degree is equivalent to the 32nd Degree of Freemasonry and is the highest degree of the York Rite. Shown below is examples of how the Christian Science and Jehovah's Witnesses cult have used this symbol.

This is where Charles Taze Russell, 33rd Degree Freemason and founder
of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult is buried.

Here is a close-up of the JW pyramid clearly showing the Masonic Knight 
Templar symbol and the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati at the peak.
(see the U.S. $1 Bill)

The main logo for the Christian Science cult is also the Knights Templar symbol.
(Christian Science Journal, Special Issue, December 1992)

Coming Soon

Ok so I've been a bit slow. But I'll always come through with the goods and as things stand I still have a lot more to add to this page including:-

More Masonic symbols on covers of original Jehovah Witnesses books
The occult Illuminati ties that link the Jw's, Mormonism and Freemasonry.
The Jw's ripping off Mormon Masonic Pyramid prophecies!

More proof that Charles Taze Russell was a 33rd Degree Freemason.
Heaps of proof that the Mormon church was started by Freemasons and still controlled by them!
If you are in urgent need of proof that Charles was a Freemason please find the book called "The Watchtower and the Masons" by Fritz Springmeier. If anyone out there has that book please email me at








Jehovah's Witnesses Pyramid Prophecies

I decided to scan this booklet after receiving an email telling me I was a liar because the Jw's told him Pyramids were unholy places. This booklet documents that the Jehovah's Witnesses declared the Egyptian Pyramids to be a holy work of God and even ripped off their Masonic brothers from Mormonism's teachings on the pyramids. 

This book is available in Pdf format which
has to be viewed with Acrobat 4. If you do not have this program then got to
Adobe .

Click Here To Download The Zipped File 404kb







by Parker January 16 2003

At last more convicting evidence has come through implicating top so called Christian Ministers Billy Graham and Robert Schuller whom I have listed at this page for the last 6 years as being closet 33rd Degree Freemasons. My primary source of information that these apostates were Freemasons came from "Newsletter from a Christian Ministry" by Fritz Springmeier, July 1 1993. Nearly 10 years on and much of what he said in the newsletter has been confirmed. Also on my Robert Schuller 33rd Degree Freemason page is a report send to me from Fritz that states "certain photographs showed him doing Masonic handshakes with other Masons. I used to have one. I suggest that a person examine past photos of him with the "right" people, and you may well also find a Masonic handshake." This I have done and I have seen 3 photos of Schuller shaking hands - One with Billy Graham, another with Paul Crouch and another with the pope. All three were not normal handshakes but looked rather Masonic. I will publish the first 2 on this page. I have not obtained the pope handshake photo which comes from a Robert Schuller book. If you have this book please contact me at Now comes the 'smoking gun'.


I emailed Duane Washum, a former Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge who runs the Ex Masons For Jesus website. I asked him to identify whether any of the 4 images I emailed him were in fact Masonic handshakes. In order to conduct a unbiased investigation I cropped the 4 images so he would not be able to identify the persons involved. Duane had no idea of the research I was conducting. Here is a copy of my email to him:-

Email start

Dear Sir,
I am contacting you as you were a former Worshipful Master of Freemasonry and can help me with my research.

I have attached 4 images of what I have been told are 'Masonic handshakes' and would like you to view each one and tell me if they are or aren't.
If they are then please state what degree handshake it is and any other relevant information.
I have labeled each image masonic 1-4 so please refer to the filename for clarity.
If you need any images scanned at higher quality or need me to enlarge them then please let me know.
Thanking you and God Bless

Email end

Here are the 4 images in their cropped form in order from 1-4

Notice that these are NOT normal handshakes.

Here is his response:-

Email start

Hi, Parker.

Couldn't really make out one of them for sure, but they do all appear to be
Masonic handshakes. #'s 1, 2, & 3 look to be the pass grip of a Master
Mason. Not sure, but as best as I could tell, I believe #4 is for Entered

If you will go to the website of Ephesians 5:11 < >, on the home page there is a column of buttons on
the left side. Scroll down to the one titled, "Handshakes", and click on
it. That will take you to some graphics and explanations for all three
degrees of blue lodge Masonry.

Email end

Now time to reveal the 'mystery masons'


Here we see female freemason Jan Crouch of the satanic TBN empire


33rd Degree Closet Masonic Brothers, Billy Graham and Robert Schuller



Is she also a freemason???



Wicked heretics Robert Schuller and Paul Crouch of TBN


Article coming soon...
New Billy Graham tribute book published by Masonic company with glowing praise from high ranking Freemasons







Freemasonry in

Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Science.

This is the Knights Templar Symbol for the York Rite of Freemasonry. This degree is equivalent to the 32nd Degree of Freemasonry and is the highest degree of the York Rite. Shown below is examples of how the Christian Science and Jehovah's Witnesses cult have used this symbol. This is where Charles Taze Russell, 33rd Degree Freemason and founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult is buried.



# 12 is Crusader's Symbol found in Masonic literature


Here is a close-up of the JW pyramid clearly showing the Masonic Knight Templar symbol and the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati at the peak. (see the U.S. $1 Bill)
The main logo for the Christian Science cult is also the Knights Templar symbol. (Christian Science Journal, Special Issue, December 1992). Coming Soon More proof that Charles Taze Russell was a 33rd Degree Freemason. Heaps of proof that the Mormon church was started by Freemasons and still controlled by them!

There is heaps of proof that the Mormon church was started by Freemasons and still is controlled by them! If you are in urgent need of proof that Charles was a Freemason please find the book called The Watchtower and the Masons by Fritz Springmeier. If anyone out there has that book please email me at (

The books on the right are showing the Christian Science symbolism. The picture on the left is a Seventeenth-century grave at a Temple with skull-and-crossbones flanked by masonic tools. (taken from the Temple and the Lodge, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, Arcade Publishing, New York.)

From the same book the cross is a gravestone of a Templar Mason from the Knights Templar castle of Athlit, Israel. The grave must pre-date the abandoning of the castle by the Order in 1291.

The picture on the right is the Seventh-century grave at the Temple showing masonic dividers and set square.

1 _____________ (I don't agree with all in this link)