Sarah's Testimony
I am grateful to the CE4 Research Group for allowing me to relate the Truth I have found concerning the true agenda of UFOs. Although words seldom lift veils, it is my hope through this discernment that somebody somewhere will understand my words and escape this deception that has come upon us as a snare. We're all responsible for what we believe , and you can't always believe what you see, because in this case; things are not as they appear, and they appear as they are not!
I always felt different. I wasn't satisfied with the church's explanation of truth. If God went to church I didn't see him there. Faith wasn't logical to me. I figured man invented God in his own image to give purpose to his otherwise meaningless life. I didn't want a meaningless life. I knew that somewhere out there the Truth was buried and I was going to find it. And I did...
I decided to study the occult. I felt like Alice in Wonderland. I began to read books on astrology and numerology and it wasn't long before I was using the knowledge I'd learned to win horse races. From there I studied palmistry and the tarot. witchcraft came later.
One evening as my friends and I were sitting on a hillside smoking a joint (well it was 1973, what did you expect?). Marsha pointed to what I thought was a star. But this star moved, at first slowly and then in the blink of an eye it was gone. She explained that her cousin had previously pointed out a ship to her and now she sees them all the time, and it wasn't long before I saw them too. I was hooked, something wonderful was happening and I was part of it.
Having friends in high places was cool. It wasn't long before Marsha and I were a couple of space troopers. Knowing well that ships would appear, we would take unsuspecting friends to desolate places in the middle of the night just to watch their faces when they saw a UFO. Some liked it, some didn't. One evening we sat at a power plant, and a huge silent glowing red ship hovered above us. Twinnie, one of Marsha's friends, got out of the car and ran off. we found her later, still running, and took her home. that was the last time she partied with us.
It wasn't long before I found out what comes around goes around. One of my grateful friends decided to return the favor and asked me if I'd like to party with a ghost. They took me to a sharp bend in the road and parked the car. I soon felt the presence in the car with us. My flesh felt like it was coming off my bones and the hair on my arms stood on end. Richie said, "He's here." I don't know why but a few nights later we went back. I felt the same sensations as before, but this time the spirit came into the car, passed through my body, and looked out of my eyes. I remember thinking be calm, don't let it know you're scared. After about a minute it left. God that was horrible. I was glad to get home that evening. I decided I wasn't going back there anymore.
It was late, so I decided to go to bed. I closed my eyes and began to think about what happened. I began hearing breathing, at first faintly, but then it got louder and louder. I reached for my picture of Christ that was on my dresser. Just as I grabbed it a bottle which was beside the picture was hurled at my face and struck me in the forehead. I saw stars. The breathing stopped and I went to sleep. The next day I had a perfect black and blue circle in the middle of my forehead.
While I was in the library I came across a book on witchcraft. Spells were explained along with strange formulas for potions. I learned that to cast a spell, all I had to do was call upon the name of a demon and tell him what I wanted. One evening I went to driving school with Marsha. She had a point problem along with others. I sat in the back of the room. I decided to test the witchcraft, so I said to the demon "If this thing is real make that guy in the front seat twitch." Well he about fell on the floor. At that point it was pretty clear to me that I was dealing with a lot more than I could, or should have been. I never tried to cast another spell, but I did start to think about God. Because if Satan existed, then He obviously did also.
Of all the times Marsha and I had encounters with UFOs, I never suspected that anything happened besides what we remembered . Sure there were a lot of night that we got home later than we had planned, but you know you don't have to be anywhere at any particular time you don't wonder where the time went. Besides, everyone knows that time flies when you are having fun. To this day I couldn't say for sure if we ever had contact with anyone, or if we had been abducted. Not together anyway. I was alone the night the ships landed...
One evening I was bored so I decided to hitch a ride to a friend's house. Mary and I were best friends. She'd never experienced the UFOs with me. I'd told her about it but she didn't believe me.
When I arrived, no one was home. I figured it better to wait for her than to try to hitch a ride back home. I sat down on a lawn chair with Mary's dog, Corky. I loved Mary's house. It sat on a hill and the peace was wonderful here.
Dusk was just settling in. As I sat there I saw a ship silently land about 75 feet in front of me in the field. I thought, "This doesn't look right," This thing looked like it came from somewhere closer than outer space. I envision a ship which is capable of deep space travel to look something like what Wil Robinson and his family piloted in "Lost in Space," large, saucer shaped, and silver metallic. This object was shaped similar to a top but the bottom flared out. From what I can remember it was probably 15 or so feet wide and by not much more than that high. I remember it had 3 lights toward the peak at the top which formed a triangle. It was a rusty color, the color of weathered steel. I could see a railing around the center of the craft and it appeared to be sitting on a tripod which elevated it from the ground. Across the center of the ship was writing I was not able to read. It reminded me of Greek, and this really puzzled me. I thought it looked like the writing that would be across a sorority house, and I thought what the hell is Greek writing doing on this thing? I think I recall a backward small "e" and an "o" with a line though it. There were many more letters, ones I cannot type. I remember thinking again, this doesn't look right. What was a ship from another planet doing with an inscription that looks like Greek on it.
It was at that point that I could hear the weeds moving towards me. I knew I was being approached but couldn't see anything. I thought the dog would have sensed trouble but he didn't. At this point I think I walked up to a tall, rather handsome man in a tan jumpsuit type uniform. I see this man standing beside the ship trying to guide me in to it. I recall nothing about entering or leaving the ship. He was tall and handsome with shoulder length wavy brown hair, and a regular build. I remember reading a tag which was sewn to either his arm or over a pocket. Whatever was on the label I can't say for sure. Now that I think about it, he was just the kind of guy I'd have been attracted to, yet all I could think of when I looked at him was, what is someone from the government doing here? I remember again thinking this doesn't look right. I don't know if it was human appearance, or the tan uniform, or the tag on his pocket but he wasn't a big-eyed alien. Nothing made sense, the ship was wrong and the guy was wrong. What is someone from the government doing in a UFO? The next thing I remember is standing in the original position I first saw them from. I remember being puzzled by seeing him, yet this part is the fuzziest and I remember everything else very clearly.
I noticed to my right was another identical ship, which didn't land with the first one. I remember feeling sorry they were leaving. I was sad because I wanted to go with them. I was told that I was one of them, that I was to help people to understand who they were, and to help others accept them (even though I don't remember speaking to anyone). I watched the first ship lift off. As it ascended I could see what I thought must have been the power source. Three large red glowing circles, one of which seemed to be sputtering as if it had difficulty. I thought again, this whole thing just doesn't seem right. I decided that maybe these were probe ships. As I watched the ship rise, I said "Bye" and for the first and only time, I heard a noise that went **BLEEP** as if saying good-bye. Then as I watched, the two ships flew side by side to form two brightly lit triangles. They danced in circular motions around one another until the triangles became one. And again I thought, what are they doing? This just doesn't look right. As they circled one another the most beautiful display of rainbow colors were flowing from them and circling them. They then flew off together. Not more than a minute later my friend returned home. She was surprised to see me in her back yard. I tried to explain to her that I had been entertaining UFOs, but she thought I was high. I wasn't. Besides, there were times when I was, but I never saw anything like that.
All I could do was think of them. In the weeks that followed I began writing in journals. I was always a daydreamer, but it seemed that I had taken my daydreams to a new level. I would draw geometric forms and become lost with them (Mandalas). I didn't understand then, but as I was spacing out in my art work I was being versed in what was to become New Age philosophy. My mind was in communication with them as we were somehow telepathically linked. I drew pictures of aliens, and ships, and other worlds. My journals were filled with philosophical questions and answers about why we were here and what our purpose was. I became very aware of myself as I began to examine what I believed to be the Truth. I felt special. My friends were amazed when I'd show them the ships. Amazed that they followed me and appeared when I chose to be with them. At that time in 1974, very little was known about UFOs and as I said, If we were missing time than we figured it was because we lost track of it. None of us ever suspected that anything happened to us that we didn't remember, Why would we?
Three years is a long time to have a relationship with UFOs. As far as I know I was never treated badly. I don't recall ever being forced to do anything against my will. I do know that just because I don't remember, doesn't mean it didn't happen. I believe the purpose of our relationship was to teach me about them, and bring others to them and I did. I brought many others.
It was 1974. I graduated from high school and moved away. I never did see Marsha again. I made new friends, some of which I showed the ships to.
I soon met Connie. She was married and had a 10 year old daughter. We would drive around at night and eventually stop at a seclude area and wait. We did this a lot. I remember one evening we sat and watched a UFO from her car. We returned to her house. We left her daughter there with Connie's husband and my boyfriend. When we walked through the door we were met by two angry guys. They wanted to know why we were gone so long and what exactly we were doing. We laughed it off. I don't even think we looked to see what time it was. We thought they were mad because we left them. I never gave it another thought. Maybe I should have.
Connie began seeing the UFOs when we weren't together. She claimed that one evening she saw a woman looking out of a porthole as a UFO hovered over her car. She claims she left her car and ran off. Her husband wasn't too happy as he had to walk to get the car she'd left still running in the middle of the road. He didn't believe in UFOs and he was beginning to believe we had severe mental problems.
One evening as Connie, her daughter Jenease, and I sat watching TV, I said, "Let's go out in the yard, I think they're here." Connie said No but her daughter said, "I'll go." Connie lived in the country in a fairly secluded area. We walked to the end of the yard and was right. The ship was above us. We watched as it brightly glowed and hovered silently. All of the sudden we heard the roar of a helicopter approaching quickly. As it came upon us, the UFO glided away. I pulled Jenease down so we were hidden in the weeds. The helicopter hovered above us and shined a search light close to where we were hiding, and then shot off after the ship. I remember wondering, "Who could have been flying that helicopter?" I was glad they didn't see us.
I believe everything happens for a reason, and for that reason it was very good that I met Diana. Diana was a Christian. She asked me to go to church with her one evening and I accepted. It was a peculiar place, not like the church I grew up in. These people were different somehow. It felt good there, peaceful. After the service I spoke with a woman who was walking beside me as we left the church. Diana and I told her about the UFOs. She stopped walking and she said, "That's Satan. It's a deception." At first I didn't was to believe her, but I found myself realizing over the next few days that I'd been used. How stupid I was. I never saw it coming. I just didn't see that my friends in high places had an agenda to destroy me. For the first time I was seeing clearly, or trying to. I began reading the Bible. I didn't know what I was looking for but I know that I was looking in the right place.
One evening as I was watching TV I saw a ship in the distance coming toward my house. I walked over to the window and as I stared at it, I said, "I know who you are Satan." The ship flashed a blinding light in my eyes and left. That was the last I ever saw of them. They've never returned.
Fifteen years went by. One day as I walked past my book shelf, Erich Von Daniken's book The Gold of The Gods caught my eye. I stopped dead and said, "Oh my God, I know what you're doing." The revelation floored me. Satan was going to land UFOs on Earth disguised as aliens from outer space and they were going to claim to be God. I was shocked! It all hit me out of the blue! At the time I didn't really understand his full agenda, but I knew the plan. I probably knew it all along.
For the next ten years I spent a lot of time reading the Bible and anything that I could find about alien abduction and the New Age Movement. I knew exactly where the movement was coming from. After all I used to be one of them. All the pieces fell into place. It was all such a perfect plan. I had to wonder where I'd have been today if I hadn't seen the Truth. A New Age Leader, hanging out with Sheldan Nidle and the rest of Satan's puppets. They had big plans for me, but I guess God had bigger ones.
I found all too soon that just because I knew the Truth didn't mean anybody would believe me. After all, people have a hard time accepting Satan exists. Tell them he pilots UFOs, and you're left talking to yourself. I've watched for years and we've become conditioned to accept them. Even today I see more and more religions becoming infiltrated by New Age beliefs. Why not? If you don't know what you believe, then anything looks good. Christians don't give their faith the consideration they do to buying a car. Religion is going down because they never knew Christ. They worshipped a synthetic one instead of the real one. And now they'll reap the rotten fruit they've sewn.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
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