I received the following articles on Islam via emails...
> Victor Carvis did a little impromptu investigation into
the media-stated
> premise that Islam is a religion based upon peace.
We hear respected FOX
> spokesman Bill O'Reilly repeated that assertion.
Is that true?
> Here is what Victor found in their own book of divine
worship, the Koran
> Islam: Religion of Peace?
> After hearing so much from the media about Islam being a
> I took it upon myself to actually read some of the Koran
and see. The
> is the doctrinal guideline for the Muslim, therefore
it says explains
> their beliefs. What it says to me is that a peaceful
Muslim hasn't read
> It is one of, if not THE most violence-provoking religion
on this earth.
> is not my opinion... read for yourself from the
examples I give below.
> to these websites to see for yourself.
> <A HREF="">The Koran</A>
> Violence is commanded in Sura 9:5 - "So when the sacred
months have
> away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them,
and take them
> and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every
> What if you resist Islam? Sura 5:33 - "The punishment
of those who wage
> against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief
in the land is
> this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their
hands and their
> should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be
> [Definitely a tough Christian mission field if you are
> Command to Al Tawbah: Sura 9:73 - "O Prophet! strive
hard against the
> unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them;
and their abode
> hell, and evil is the destination."
> Terrorists? Sura 8:59-60 - "And let not those who
disbelieve think that
> shall come in first; surely they will not escape. And
prepare against
> what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to
frighten thereby
> enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them,
whom you do not
> (but) Allah knows them; and whatever thing you will
spend in Allah's way,
> will be paid back to you fully and you shall not be dealt
with unjustly."
> Make peace and be friends with the Christian and the Jew?
NOT! Sura
5:51 -
> "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the
Christians for friends;
> they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst
you takes them for a
> friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does
not guide the
> people." [How can a peace treaty ever come when this is
commanded to the
> Muslim?]
> This book made me sick to read. It was full of hypocrisy. Claimed to be
> divine in revelation and free of error [Sura 85:21,22],
AND in compliance
> agreement with the Bible, it is full of contradictions.
> Sura 7:51 and 10:3 claim 6 days of creation... but Sura 41
> claims 8 days of creation?
> Sura 32-48 disagrees with Genesis 7.
> There are numerous errors concerning Abraham: father's
name was NOT Azar
> called in 6:74; he did NOT live in Mecca (14:37); he did
NOT sacrifice
> (37:100-112); and he was NOT thrown into the fire by Nimrod (21:68,69).
> And how about Muhammad. He was not sinless (Sura 40:55)
; he had 16 wives
> and 6' others'. Sura 4:3 forbids more than 4 wives; he
never performed a
> single miracle (Sura 17:91-95). And what about his love
for his people?
> did not die for anyone. There is no personal relationship
with him... HE
> And to our black Muslim friends, have you been deceived?
Check this out
> Sura 3: 106, 107 - "On the day when (some) faces shall
turn white and
> faces shall turn black; then as to those whose faces
turn black: Did you
> disbelieve after your believing? Taste therefore the
chastisement because
> you disbelieved. And as to those whose faces turn white,
they shall be in
> Allah's mercy; in it they shall-abide." Hey, my friends,
the Arabs were
> enslaving black Africans long before any Westerners did.
Slavery is still
> flourishing in the middle east.
> The Koran is an amalgam of Hinduism, Buddhism, Myth and
Greek mystery
> religions, as well as elements from Judaism and
Christianity. Don't be
> fooled about what the media says of the basic Islamic
faith. It is
> considered for the Muslim good strategy to make treaties
with their
> then at the most opportune time to run rampant with a
'scorched earth'
> while the other party is unprepared. Those in power
within its leadership
> intend to yield 'The Sword of Allah.'
> Please pray for those Muslims who do not understand
what their religion
> its leaders intend for the world. It is complete
domination by the
> faith. There is NO COMPROMISE... you are either one of
them or an infidel
> worthy only of extermination and damnation to hell.
Those peaceful
> in the western world and elsewhere are being played for
the fool. If they
> decide when they find out the truth that this religion
is not for them ...
> their punishment is DEATH to be carried out by any other
believing Muslim,
> whether directly commanded or not. To try and leave this
faith is suicide
> the eyes of the mainline Muslim.
> Islam: the religion of peace. Yeah, right. Don't believe
what I tell you
> (and especially not what the media tells you). Do some
research and find
> FIRST HAND what you have read here. They not only want
you dumb, if you
> not one of them ... they want you dead!
> ---------------------------------
> A Christian Patriot
> Hosea 4:6