Monday, August 15, 2011

More Advice and News in 2011

EkDesiLadki wrote:
You mean G*d love ?
Human unconditional love ?
I'm thinking about this somewhat in the way Dr. King speaks of it.

Agapic love involved good will toward others eevn if they are people you don't like. King would say that one loves one's neighbor because he/she is your brother or sister, and because God loves them.
I'm oversimplifying, of course. But it is a love different from romantic or erotic love; different from the love of those who are friends, and whom we love largely because they love us.
Agape can be extended even toward one's enemies.
King talks about this in his book called STRIDE TOWARD FREEDOM, and in the chapter called "Pilgrimage to Nonviolence."



soultry-soul1 month agoin reply to Donovan Kennedy
Why must it be labeled as "over-compensation" to be PROUD that I'm a Sistah surrounded by BLACK KINGS AND QUEENS. WHY it is so difficult for you both to understand that I'm so Proud to be Black, and cherish all the things I was taught to be as a Black Woman.

If you and Kir10 are truly Black men with much respect for Black Women...please explain to me why it is so dayum difficult for you both to appreciate that a Sistah is out her on your side, has your back, understands your struggles and is willing to take them on with you.

I did not want to jump on the band wagon of others calling you yt boys. However with the questioning from you both and insulting my integrity - Ride on Silver...Away!
ZzzZZzz wrote:

Oddly it is the democrat party that is fleecing the public and attempting to set up a totalitarian regime.
Actually, this has been mostly the work of the Republican Party with its Patriot Acts, its effort to suppress workers rights, its efforts to reverse women's rights, and to undermine the rights won by Black people during the 1960s, their efforts to make it more difficult for people to vote, by their pandering to racism and whiter resentments (while fleecing those same politically naive white folk).
The Republicans come closer to being fascistic by the repressive laws and their racism

The primary crime of the Democrats is WEAKNESS, allowing the right wing reactionaries to shove their archaic agenda down the throats of the American people.

My greatest fear is that the "liberal" Democrat administration will turn out to be a weakling like the Weimar Republic...after which may come the deluge of rightist fascist barbarism.
Reason why some men marry these types of women is because they are easy game and they dont have to put in the time nor effort in finding a noble woman. A lot of guys just want an eye candy that they can satisfy their sexual fantasies and overlook the noble women that can give them so much more if they would just take the time to get to know them for who they are.

Barros Serrano wrote:

Neither of those are true.
Capsians are of Mideastern origin.
An African origin for Afroasiatic is far from proven.
First of all afroasiatic is set in stone most of the language is inside of Africa not out and capsian was simply one of many tool making traditions and therefore populations across Africa.
Barros Serrano wrote:

Neither of those are true.
Capsians are of Mideastern origin.
An African origin for Afroasiatic is far from proven.
First of all afroasiatic is set in stone most of the language is inside of Africa not out and capsian was simply one of many tool making traditions and therefore populations across Africa.

Barros Serrano wrote:
U6 didn't speak Berber, correct. They spoke a language unknown to us which had come in from the Mideast 30,000 years ago. The Afroasiatic Berber language we know entered, also from the Mideast, with Neolithic migrations.
North Africa is geologically Africa, but in terms of human biology and culture it is Eurasian and Mediterranean.

LOL why do you keep using stuff that has been debunked? Afro Asiatic language is African and berber is an afroasian lingo

Source: The Origins of Afroasiatic
Christopher Ehret, S. O. Y. Keita, Paul Newman;, and Peter Bellwood
Science 3 December 2004: Vol. 306. no. 5702, p. 1680

Early Nile Valley Farmers From El-Badari

"National Human Genome Center at Howard University, Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution

Male Badarian crania were analyzed using the generalized distance of Mahalanobis in a comparative analysis with other African and European series from the Howells?s database. The study was carried out to examine the affinities of the Badarians to evaluate, in preliminary fashion, a demic diffusion hypothesis that postulates that horticulture and the Afroasiatic language family were brought ultimately from southern Europe.(The assumption was made that the southern Europeans would be more similar to the central and northern Europeans than to any indigenous African populations.) The Badarians show a greater affinity to indigenous Africans while not being identical. This suggests that the Badarians were more affiliated with local and an indigenous African population than with Europeans.
(S.O.Y. Keita. "Early Nile Valley Farmers from El-Badari: Aboriginals or "European" Agro-Nostratic Immigrants? Craniometric Affinities Considered With Other Data". Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 36 No. 2, pp. 191-208 (2005)

Assorted demic diffusion theories holding a mass influx of Europeans or Middle Easterners to Africa bringing cattle and agriculture to the natives is not supported by credible evidence. Indigenous development is most likely.

"Furthermore, the archaeology of northern Africa DOES NOT SUPPORT demic diffusion of farming from the Near East. The evidence presented by Wetterstrom indicates that early African farmers in the Fayum initially INCORPORATED Near Eastern domesticates INTO an INDIGENOUS foraging strategy, and only OVER TIME developed a dependence on horticulture. This is inconsistent with in-migrating farming settlers, who would have brought a more ABRUPT change in subsistence strategy. "The same archaeological pattern occurs west of Egypt, where domestic animals and, later, grains were GRADUALLY adopted after 8000 yr B.P. into the established pre-agricultural Capsian culture, present across the northern Sahara since 10,000 yr B.P. From this continuity, it has been argued that the pre-food-production Capsian peoples spoke languages ancestral to the Berber and/or Chadic branches of Afroasiatic, placing the proto-Afroasiatic period distinctly before 10,000 yr B.P."


Curious Me wrote:

I'm just stating the OBVIOUS, and what's obvious, is that the REAL Berbers, not some hybridizes bunch from some country, that I can't even spell out(N____r), without getting censored, are NOT 'Black', and there's NOTHING that YOU can do, about that.
The Berbers with the highest percentage, of the male Berber genetic marker, are decidedly NOT 'Black
Sorry bub haplotypes have nothing to do with Pheytentypes berbers are mixed and there is nothing that you can do about it douche bag.

There Y haplotype is African not Eurasian
Curious Me wrote:

', I really don't give a flying fúçk, if they're called Eurasian or just North African.
"AFRICAN" is NOT any sort, of genetic designation, and it is WELL documented, by NUMEROUS genetic studies, that, QUITE OVERWHELMINGLY, the average Human mitochondrial DNA, of North Africa, North of the Sudan, is EURASIAN, not sub-Saharan African.
This, of course, is even MORE SO, in comparison to the Western sub-Saharan 'L1','L2','L2a', or 'L3a'.
Wrong! Most of the mtdna is North Africa L3.

Our objective is to highlight the age of sub-Saharan gene flows in North Africa and particularly in Tunisia. Therefore we analyzed in a broad phylogeographic context sub-Saharan mtDNA haplogroups of Tunisian Berber populations considered representative of ancient settlement. More than 2,000 sequences were collected from the literature, and networks were constructed. The results show that the most ancient haplogroup is (L3)*, which would have been introduced to North Africa from eastern sub-Saharan populations around 20,000 years ago. Our results also point to a less ancient western sub-Saharan gene flow to Tunisia, including haplogroups ----->L2a and L3b <-----This conclusion points to an ancient African gene flow to Tunisia before 20,000 years BP.

The most prominent North African mtDNA was found to be Haplogroup H at a nearly 20% frequency.
Plaza et al.
The most prominent Moroccan Berber mtDNA was found to be Haplogroup H at a frequency of 42.2%.
The most prominent Southern Berber mtDNA was found to be Haplogroup H at a frequency of 32% and V at 10%.
Given these scientific results the following study by Achilli et al. 2004 is of interest. Haplogroups V and H seem to have spread together from the Franco-Cantabrian refugia after the LGM. Table 1 is of particular interest. Haplogroup H has a frequency of 36.8% in Moroccan Berbers and 1.4% in Egyptian Berbers. It has a frequency of 51.9% in Basques and 46.9% in Northern Italians. Haplogroup H has a frequency of 19.9% in Iraq and 10.6% in Arabian Peninsula populations. This indicates that the predominate Berber mtDNA Haplogroups (H and V) did NOT spread from the Near East to NW Africa but from the Iberian peninsula and Europe straight to Africa. This information correspondes with the historical data of female derived slavery into NW Africa. ...
Saami and Berber” study by Achilli et al. they state that mtDNA marker U5b1b spread **WITH**“H”, and “V” to NW Africa. According to this study the sequence divergence date of U5b1b is 8.6 KY (6,600 B.C.) in northern Europe. Hence these European specific genes could not have spread to NW Africa prior to its divergence in 6,600 B.C.
The Capsian culture pre-dates this divergence date. Human occupation in NW Africa pre-dates this divergence date.
In addition, Iberians were settled agriculturalists by 5,000 B.C., NW Africans did not begin this practice until the Cartheginian period. The archaeology of NW Africa does not support NW African colonization from Western Europe between 6600 B.C. and the Carthaginian period. Hence the most parsimonious explanation is that these genes flowed to NW Africa during the historic epoch



The Nightmare wrote:
The only reason he compromised is because he didn't want to be the first president to be in office when the nation defaulted on it's loans. He called the Republican's bluff when he threatened to make deep cuts in Medicare and Social Security but the Republicans didn't blink. House Speaker John Bahner punked the hell out of Obama. LMAO !!! Also, from a tactical standpoint, threatening to implement cuts in Medicare and SS could definitely come back to haunt Obama as election time draws near. He will find out the hard way that Americans with entitlements vote also. His ideologies definitely resemble someone with a socialist agenda, the way he wants to "spread the wealth". His ultimate goal appears to be to create the biggest tax and spend society in the history of civilization. People are finally beginning to wake up. Rick Perry wins easy in 2012.
This is your view. President Barack Obama compromised since frankly the Republicans offered no real solutions, but tax cuts. Tax cuts and spending cuts alone have never solved our economic crisis period. He also did it as you say to prevent a default. Boehner was being intimidated by the Tea Party crew since any spending to these reactionaries is seen as socialism. There are those who want to cut Social Security and Medicare. His agenda don’t resemble a socialist agenda at all. The reasons are that he doesn’t advocate the government to control all means of production in America, he hasn’t proposed a spread the wealth plan at all, and he doesn’t want all private enterprise to end. Socialism is eliminating most if not all private enterprise in America. I didn’t see the President (and I don’t agree with him on every issue) say I want to kill all private businesses at all. Spread the wealth is very ambiguous and sometimes this policy has nothing to do with socialism at all, but true economic justice. Also, Barack Obama doesn’t support spending massive cash or big taxes since his compromise with the Republicans call for more spending cuts anyway. People are waking up, but to something different than you realize. People are waking up that austerity alone doesn’t work and real populist solutions are a must in our day and agenda. Rick Perry is a Bilderberger, once worked for Al Gore, promoted forced vaccination of Gardasil (which has killed girls before), claimed to not raised taxes yet he did, and promoted once the Trans Texas Corridor. He’s a globalist just like other politicians.

-By Timothy


Ezra_Yisrael1970 wrote:
You know what? There are plenty of BP that live under the radar of the media.
The term 'media' means witchcraft or infused 'medium' of sorts or in layman's terms, it means to hypnotize or brainwash.
We agree, BM & W have a great deal of love for one another and a lot in common so I'm glad to see threads like this full of positivity, respect, & admiration from one another.
You just won my vote Brother.
Thanks, hey am far far from perfect, but i am trying to be the best Blk man i can be everyday. But yeah my cousins, aunties, uncles, bros sis,are all good people and not like this media makes us out to be. sometimes we Blk people need to just turn off the Tv , and talk to each other for real.



Cool reference. I think we are wonderful culture as a whole so this thread is refreshing. Peace & one love.

Black is beautiful but Black will also be needed when the sun scorches the Earth!!!

Thumbs way the heck up for much needed Melanin to combat excessive vitamin D when the Sun goes bananas!



You should have an issue with clothing. If you (or I) saw a white man (or women) with a swastika or a kkk outfit wouldn't your heart beat faster. It's the same with black men (and women) who dress like their from the hood not all of them are criminals but a lot of them are. I remember this one time I almost got robbed by two black guys and they were dressed up like thugs. The chances of a person with a suit and tie robing you are 1 to 10. Plus I just read a story about a black college student who was killed for fifty cents that's worse than most openly racist kkk type white person who I've dealt with in the past. I'd rather deal with their BS than be robbed (or killed) over 10 dollars like a lot of black people in the inner-city do to each other on an almost daily basis. I'm so paranoid I don't even bring my iPod with me out in public, nor have my cell phone out with me. I remember a couple of weeks ago a thuggish looking black man kept looking behind me when I was walking but when he was behind white people he didn't look behind him.

The biggest uncle toms are the rappers who come from the hood not "white washed" blacks who grew up in the 'burbs. For example Sean Combs kid might get a scholarship from a college because he's good at football.

Is that fair to a middle class or poor kid that not financially blessed ?

Plus the reason why the inner-city is the way it is is because of these rappers.

This is a great discussion and here’s my response to you.

I don’t have an issue with clothing typically, but I’m not a nihilistic person. Of course, if someone wears racially insensitive objects on themselves like swastika or a KKK, my antennae is raised to protect myself. Protecting others and yourself doesn’t equal into fear, but common sense. I said I wasn’t afraid of anybody that’s made up of flesh and blood. I didn’t say I was stupid in putting my life in general in risky situations. I take a person as an individual if they wear urban clothing without preconceived notions about them. Urban clothing doesn’t deal with imagery that is equated to the KKK at all. So, urban clothing is just regular clothing. I’ve seen brothers with urban clothing all of the time and they aren’t criminals or real thugs. My heart wouldn’t beat faster. As long as a man doesn’t put their hands on me, I’m living my life. Criminals exist in many appearances from the urban look, the suit and tie look, the camouflage look, and other forms of clothing. Crimes (like WWII, the Soviet gulags, GMO actions, etc.)  done by a suit and tie wearing person has historically been more wicked than a common street thug. The suit and type types wage wars, use GM foods, and use acts that killed millions of folks worldwide. I don’t believe in you being robbed or anything like that, but most people wearing urban clothing aren’t looking to harm you. You are right that a person should use common sense (if you’re in a crime prone area) to protect your life.

No one should feel caged in. Also, people in communities can call for crime prevention programs in college areas and other vicinities as well. You are partly right on the Uncle Tom part. If an artist promotes nihilistic behavior, hatred of women, glamorization of violence, and other disruptive acts, they are no different than a black Uncle Tom hating their own people. On the other hand, a whitewash black from the suburbs hating his own people isn’t right either. True, authentic black people exist in the suburbs, the rural areas, and the urban areas. Yet, music alone isn’t the cause of our problems. We can ban all music period and it won’t solve anything. I see no issue with a scholarships for athletic people as long as it’s gotten legitimately (poor people and middle class folks should have more resources though). The rappers aren’t the reason why inner cities have problems though. These problems existed before Kool Herc. The reasons for these problems are socioeconomic factors. The rappers didn’t create slums, unemployment, family dysfunction, and even the War on Drugs having havoc in our communities.

Yet, these rappers aren't gods to be worshipped. They should be held to the equal standard that all of us black people should be held to in our actions.

-by Timothy (Me)


Yes, I am a white man. Now, I want you to know that some of the nicest women I know are black.

But, there is no doubt in my mind, based on experience, that the AVERAGE BW is just not friendly. In fact the average BW is downright hostile towards everybody.

But see, here's the interesting fact about it. I always thought BW were rude and obnoxious because I am a white man. The fact is, they are like that with blacks to.

And don't give me any baloney about WW being just as bad. WW can't hold a candle to BW when it comes to rude and obnoxiouos behaviour.

I am a black man,

Here is my response to you. We agree that some of the nicest women in the world are black. We agree. From my experience, I've been treated with more respect from BW than WW. Also, I haven't seen the average BW act hostile toward everybody. You don't know the average BW anyway since you haven't encountered every BW in America or the world. There are millions of sisters worldwide.

The average BW is just trying to handle their business. They didn't invent the slave trade, they didn't shoot an innocent girl in Detroit, they didn't create the war on terror, they didn't went up to promote slander against black people in the media, and they didn't create Drug War.

So, the average Black Woman are no where near obnoxious as compared to the regular white supremacist system. Black women are Queens. Also, some WW have been partners in crimes in numerous degenerate acts in history far beyond anything that a sister can ever do. Also, I know a secret about some white women. Some WW may smile in your face publicly, but they are just as human as you and me. I've seen white women smile in people's faces and say disrespectful comments behind people's back. In the final analysis, a WW mostly promotes interests of her people. Therefore, we who are BM should promote the interests of our people without hating on sisters. There are folks with bad character in every race. In the end, no group of people are superior to another. All human beings are created equal.
So, for anyone to say or assume that WW are less obnoxious than BW is a pure lie since there are more WW than black women in America. Also, WW have been involved in domestic violence, assaults, gangs, yellings, and other acts. Golddigging is very obnoxious and we know who the biggest golddiggers in America are. They aren't sisters at all. Certain white folks try to use mind games in order to manipulate people. We should be above mind games and live our lives. This women hating garbage is tripe and black sisters are great indeed. We should be up on our toes and never yet anyone intimidate us. So, black unity is the way to go.

Another secret is that some men falsely equate a black woman's strength with obnoxiouosness or irrational, emotional behavior. Usually, the sister isn't being obnoxiouos. She is being real. See, a sister being strong and real is never some hindrance to manhood. It's an added benefit since a sister's strength can motivate real men to be strong too (and not adhere to stereotypical deceptions, but real power). A real man will always respect a strong woman since a woman sure of herself and really apt to oppose injustice is purely fine. Some folks want a sister to be docile, but I am a black man who wishes that my lover will not be docile. Therefore, sisters, don't be docile for anybody (not for me or anyone else). Sisters and brothers have the right to be real, be strong, to speak out, and to express real soul.

-By Timothy


Timothy wrote:
So, the average Black Woman are no where near obnoxious as compared to the regular white supremacist system. Black women are Queens. Also, some WW have been partners in crimes in numerous degenerate acts in history far beyond anything that a sister can ever do. Also, I know a secret about some white women. Some WW may smile in your face publicly, but they are just as human as you and me. I've seen white women smile in people's faces and say disrespectful comments behind people's back. In the final analysis, a WW mostly promotes interests of her people. Therefore, we who are BM should promote the interests of our people without hating on sisters. There are folks with bad characters in every race.
I agree the difference between WW and BW is not that WW are "nicer" than BW its just that WW hold it in with a fake smile while holding a knife behind their back. Havent you seen "Snapped"? or lifetime movies? or watch the news? WM do this too. With BP what you see is what you get if a BW is upset you will know it because we dont hold it in and we are honest with our feeligs.

-Caribbean girl


Caribbean girl wrote:

I agree the difference between WW and BW is not that WW are "nicer" than BW its just that WW hold it in with a fake smile while holding a knife behind their back. Havent you seen "Snapped"? or lifetime movies? or watch the news? WM do this too. With BP what you see is what you get if a BW is upset you will know it because we dont hold it in and we are honest with our feeligs.
I totally agree w/you 100%. BW are realist and we hate garbage. You speak truth.


LBM Says:

That’s it CREE. And we used to have a tradition of skilled men whether they were “licensed” or not. I have to give a shoutout to my own valiantly attempting husband – he has a couple of skilled trades, has learned a few along the way and continues to learn ways in which we can not give plantation dollars right back. Between him and a few other Black men we haven’t had to pay any non-black to maintain or repair anything. So inasmuch as this fight is about what we need to do rather than white folks changing – yes, we need to be about the business of at least being able to do as much as we can for each other. A black male being in a home with a black female and having to call on racist man to fix the roof is against my personal code. After surviving the stress of dealing with racist woman on the plantation, the last thing I want to do is pay her man to come into my abode to do anything…


Thank you for sharing that it CAN work. And, ALWAYS good to hear about a functional black male-black female counter-racist unit. I am smiling ear to ear.